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[Drama 2012] Wild Romance 난폭한 로맨스


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Seriously I hope EJ kicks MY's richard simmons to the curb for asking him to guard JH. He knows very well that her boss could do it. I think he should at least be a little bit sensitive to her whether he took her confession to be real or not. He should be thinking, hey, just in case she wasn't joking, I better not go there. The writers better pull out something really good from their magic hats to put the light bulb in MY's mind that hey, EJ really does like you, so you better take her seriously. They HAVE to do it in the next episode because there is no way they can drag out MY's oblivious act and get better ratings. Please, writers, don't make MY that stupid. Thank you. :-)

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btw EJ looked so sweet with her beannie when she visited her mom....she looked more femine today in the ealier minutes of the drama and then the hair keep changing from short to shorter then back to the former hahahha I just cant help but :lol: at it...at least there is something to laugh at for today horrible episodes....

Seriously I hope EJ kicks MY's richard simmons to the curb for asking him to guard JH. He knows very well that her boss could do it. I think he should at least be a little bit sensitive to her whether he took her confession to be real or not. He should be thinking, hey, just in case she wasn't joking, I better not go there. The writers better pull out something really good from their magic hats to put the light bulb in MY's mind that hey, EJ really does like you, so you better take her seriously. They HAVE to do it in the next episode because there is no way they can drag out MY's oblivious act and get better ratings. Please, writers, don't make MY that stupid. Thank you. :-)

honestly and seriously I see no hope of romance for MY & EJ...the writer just made MY a dumber character with no inkling sense of sensitiveness abt matters of hearts and feelings towards the leading character....I think our Mr Robot is a much better person with real feelings and DA is one lucky girl which also made EJ a more miserable lady...poor EJ....with only 6 episodes to go I wonder how the writer can make MY suddenly go gaga over EJ...i say no way if really there is a chance then I cant help thinking it will be force one...this is one drama that I watched with a genre of rom-com but no romance or love feelings from the guy to the leading lady even uptill 3/4 of the episodes gone by ... really weird :wacko:

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just a random thought abt MY asking EJ to gaurd JH....

what if he is doing it with dual purpose...

We know MY is missing EJ badly....and wants her to be around him but as he knows EJ likes him so he cant ask her for being his bodygaurd and in thae case he has to bear her absence so he came up with the solution to get EJ being JH's bodyguard and in this way she will be around him....

its not at all a serious thought....a wilder imagination of mine as I dont think any male character cant be such a dumbo as My is being showed here (if he has some other motive to get EJ guard JH)......

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Guest PBaddict


Wow, PB,  you're so fast.  :D

I think the last part of tonight's episode have something to do with JH. I heard MY say her name to EJ.

It seemed like what we feared MY would request forr EJ to do just happened. Like, JH needs a bodyguard and he's asking EJ to do it. I HOPE i guessed this wrong.

at the barbeque place, MY is asking EJ what's going on. Why's she acting like that. Was it because she likes him? EJ didn't answer. Then MY said, OKAY. I LIKE YOU TOO. (me and EJ's reaction=  :o ) In which he added, I've always wanted a younger brother/sister. You can call me Hyung(bro-older bro)...Ah, right, Oppa (sis-older bro) (me= -_- ).

guess what? EJ was so upset she said so many things which i think all in all meant, who would want an older brother like him. who is so and so (some insults and uhm, what's the opposite of compliments? my poor english vocabulary :lol:  )

i got tired of typing. lets just wait for the subs. :lol:

oh, one more thing.it seemsdirector kim finally asked DA to go dating. :wub:

I overslept last night so I didn't get to watch epi 9. I should go watch it. :D


There's something else, when DS ask how's MY's relationship with JH going, he answered. It was okay. It's okay but we only always talk about the past, about what we did before, what we had before, what we said before...

Hmmn... Yeah, MY, the feelings too. They are all in the past. I liked this line coz it hints how it's gonna turn about towards our OTP love line. I just love how MY ruffles EJ's hair. You could tell he really missed her :wub:

I'm not that bothered about EJ guarding JH.  :)

Thanks for making some important things clear. :)  I would have been pissed too if the one I love compares me to a sister...

And about how MY with the ex they only talk about the past... Wake up dummy, coz what you had is already the part of the past... I can't believe the writer gave exactly my thoughts to him... the thoughts that are making me doubt their relationships sincerity and he said it out loud yet doesn't get it. aishh.... really?

If EJ accepts to be the ex's bodyguard it's definitely because MY guilt-trips her into it... does it have to be EJ? wait a a minute.. why is that? Oh, cause you only trust her, my friend... and what does that mean??? You miss her when she's not around, you know how she feels and still has the nerve to ask her to do such a thing. MY is being a fool and a tool... I get that he feels guilty, coz the whole thing happened because of his stalker, but still. I don't like MY right now, he needs to do many great things for my EJ in the future to deserve her

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Guest keysyoo0987

i'm with you guys i guess that this episode is not what we wanted to see regarding our otp. the progress with their love storyline is a bit going downhill. and with the request of MY to EJ to watch over JH because of seeing there is a possible danger in her life will surely be the focus of MY and the coming episode. the stalker is getting a little possessive here which in turn making his presence known. when i first saw the reaction of IMO seeing JH wearing the ring, well i thought she might be the stalker, the knowing glances and reactions to JH makes her the suspect.

I'm sure EJ will accept MY's request to protect JH seeing what had happen to her during her attacks EJ will definitely do it. i guess until we see the next preview we'll have an idea of what's gonna happen next. but i will sure keep on watching 'cause i still hope MY and EJ will have their moments that we have been waiting..... PD NIM and the WRITER!!!! HERE US!!!

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thanks to anyone who post a recap for the past two day episodes.....it's so great.....and hateful also....i really love this drama and i know they try to make upsidedown storyline to make it more interesting to rise the ratings....always love MooJae Couple!

below is my opinion about the stalker....just an opinion based on what i feel.... :ph34r:

JH.....she's a manic in this drama right....due to it's her split personality disorder

:wacko: .....i have a feeling....she's the great stalker of MY excl.gif .....somehow....i feel she will hurt MY and EJ someday at the very end of this drama and at that time maybe EJ will get hurt so badly that MY will know that he cannot afford to lose his hate-love bodyguard! :wub: .....about the cat which has killed by the stalker....i doubt JH seriously is the one who make it....and pretended to be the one who also being attacked by the stalker fury.gif .....just my random thought about how this drama will end....

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Ok, this is my honest opinion.

I think the lead actress should just quit the job and stop torturing herself.

That guy is crazy in love with Jessica and they even slept together.

EJ will just hurt herself more if she continues working with him.

I suspect something will happen to Jessica. Maybe the stalker will kill her.

The stalker seems pretty dangerous.

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Guest PBaddict

Another random thought:  if EJ later on accepts to protect the ex something big has to happen to both of them, as we all see how crazy the stalker has become I think EJ will hurt herself in the process of protecting the ex. The only acceptable reason for the writers decision to torture EJ more by the ex's side is that they want a similar scenario to happen in the future...  Or maybe both of them will be hurt and then we'll have our answer about what MY feels, who will he run to, how will he react?

My reasoning might sounds forced but it could be correct.As you can see I'm desperate to make sense of the mess we suffered through in the last 2 episodes... Even though I'm deeply scarred I still hope for a stonger EJ, a not-so-oblivious MY and their happy ending. Eun Jae-ah, fighting!!! Do what you do best, stand up and fight! (but not for MY or the ex, but for yourself, you know better and you deserve better)

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Guest Cruelsummer

First post ever. Never thought I would be a part of a Soompi forum, but I really enjoy this drama and want to give it some kind of support (although lately it's been a bit grating).  It makes me sad that the ratings are so low.

That aside...I do not want any part of this EJ guarding JH.  I know this is dramaland and everything, but what woman in her right mind would ever put herself in that situation? Bodyguard or not. A woman's heart is a fierce thing to behold. We can be downright petty when our hearts are broken. Most women would have cursed him before he even had the nerve to speak such a foolish request.  EJ should not be this weak.

The only way I could possibly stomach this is if, EJ starts dating someone else so that she's not moping around looking all pathetic in front of MY and JH. Get yourself together, Girl!  I'm sure Dong-Ah has a book that can tell you how to make a man pant and grovel. Make it happen!

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Ok, this is my honest opinion.

I think the lead actress should just quit the job and stop torturing herself.

That guy is crazy in love with Jessica and they even slept together.

EJ will just hurt herself more if she continues working with him.

I suspect something will happen to Jessica. Maybe the stalker will kill her.

The stalker seems pretty dangerous.

OMG! You mean in Ep. 10, MY and JH slept together?! Oh, poor Ej :(

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OMG! You mean in Ep. 10, MY and JH slept together?! Oh, poor Ej :(

With clothes on. :-) He was trying to calm JH down since her cat got killed, and I think she was having one of her bipolar moments. He basically slept with his coat, outside clothes, and shoes on while holding her. It wasn't a happy scene but it is what it is.

I hope the writers know what they're doing from herein.

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What I love about this thread is that almost everyone here know when a girl should stand up for herself and yes, time EJ became her own person. I am not too enthusiastic after reading the recaps from all of you. Where is our EJ from the earlier episodes, the girl who wouldn't take anything lying down? Yesterday, I could somehow understand. But it is high time she became her own person. MY is also disappointing me.I mean, did he forget all that happened in episode 8? I can't believe MY who noticed she had got wounded even when he was in the depths of his own misery, is now so clueless about EJ's feelings even after her confession. This is my rant of the moment. But I feel the KJH-MY track has disrupted the momentum WR was slowly building. What is the WR team doing?Please don't give us the same old rom-com cliches. I used to love MY. He was really developing into an awesome man. Maybe they will get on track sooner than later. Like Nomanymore, I too feel because of these couple of episodes, I will not be watching this drama again once it ends.

Please let EJ stay a strong girl.I love how LSY is doing this role. There is restraint in her teary scenes. The tears come out, but then she holds them back. You can really feel her pain. But seeing MY like this, can't understand why she hangs on to him.

I am not feeling like watching this episode, but may watch for the DA-Manager Kim scenes. The writer should know that people are watching this drama for the OTP n this second lead track should not take so much screenspace. If there is no worthwhile progress in their relationship so many episodes later, who will feel like tuning in? EJ should just leave him or give him a piece of her mind. Come on, how long can EJ go on like this? I seriously feel after the ex came, nothing much has happened. The stalker is doing more crazy stuff, but other than that, the plot hasn't moved forward. Hope something big happens in the next episode.

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Another random thought:  if EJ later on accepts to protect the ex something big has to happen to both of them, as we all see how crazy the stalker has become I think EJ will hurt herself in the process of protecting the ex. The only acceptable reason for the writers decision to torture EJ more by the ex's side is that they want a similar scenario to happen in the future...  Or maybe both of them will be hurt and then we'll have our answer about what MY feels, who will he run to, how will he react?

My reasoning might sounds forced but it could be correct.As you can see I'm desperate to make sense of the mess we suffered through in the last 2 episodes... Even though I'm deeply scarred I still hope for a stonger EJ, a not-so-oblivious MY and their happy ending. Eun Jae-ah, fighting!!! Do what you do best, stand up and fight! (but not for MY or the ex, but for yourself, you know better and you deserve better)

I also think the writers will make something happen to EJ and the ex. And MY will run to save EJ first.....kekekeke.....so that is why I am OK with MY asking EJ to protect his ex.....also probably his excuse to keep EJ around him.

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I hope fans and non-fans alike remember that the Jessica is playing a character and not herself.

Honestly, I feel like the producers seems to just be winging it at times. The actor and actresses are all good in my opinion, however, I believe that the producers failed to make an interesting enough plot to keep the viewers hanging in.

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Hi everyone and thanks for the recap tonight, just like yesterday's episode I don't feel watching episode 10 as well:tears:

I just feel really bad for EJ, but I can surely understand her feeling, I think she really fall deep in love with MY to the point that she needs to protect whom MY love and decided just to keep watching MY from a distance, like there is saying that Love is blind, and we will not understand why foolish people do something crazy when they fall in love. Come on people EJ is not dumb, she is just innocent, kindhearted and naive girl who choose to suffer just for the sake the sake of her love one. I can feel pain in crying herself to sleep knowing that she has no other choice but to help JH at the same time maybe telling herself that what a foolish person she was.:tears:

But I beg the writer not to take too long of developing the romance between the main leads, maybe that's why LDW is not happy as well to the script revision, because from what I can see they are making his character a pathetic person who can't move on with his first love, who at the same time very cruel to the girl that confess to him and pretend that like everything is going to be alright.:(

I think I will hold the last piece thread believing on the WR team until next week's episode, and if not I don't know if I can still continue watching this with feeling. No wonder rating are going down each week because the story got out of hand. But I will still watch it for the sake of LSY and DA and Mgr. Kim

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