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[Drama 2012] The Moon that Embraces the Sun 해를 품은 달

Guest yeohweping

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Guest flowerboyramyunshop_FB


i was wondering now if the writers/production deliberately focused on KSH Hands, i realized how many scenes were like that. knowing that their audience consist of the book fans as well? :phew:


 thank you for the bts photos. so even if the two meet, seems like Woon won't be recognizing seol , also she dressed like a man so he may be deceived .

the letter, thanks for sharing . i wonder if Yeom's letter would reached Hwon at the soonest.

Taken from Nate:

@pan_drama disclosed its contract price to MBC . It’s a whopping 5.83 Billion KRW or equivalent to 5 Million almost 6 M USD. This is equivalent to MBC ‘s 32.33% sales estimated in 2010.

BTS cute Bo Kyung


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You know, I haven't seen episode 7, 8, 9 because I'm trying my best top patiently wait, so I can marathon it....but these pictures!!! OMGYUNESS!!! I think my patience might just be shrunk to zero.

I also wanted to point out that I saw

Yeom crying in the preview. I honestly hopes he proves everyone wrong about his casting, and deliver some great scenes. I think, regardless, I'm going to cry when I see this scene.

If Viki is done subbing episode 9, I will marathon it tonight. :)

Also, I wish they would give Yangmyul a stronger part. I want him to be real competition for Hwon. I know Wol is probably going to end up with Hwon, but it would not hurt to add some angst in there. I want Yangmyul to turn evil, and in some way, steal Wol and keep her to himself. Because I think Jung Ilwoo will deliver those scenes perfectly.

About the casting of adult Yeom, I actually like him!! He has the same aura as the young Yeom. But for the fact that he's not as pretty as Siwan, I think adult Yeom is pretty awesome :D

I kinda agree with you. Not that i'm enjoying a masochistic streak seeing our heroine being tortured. I read the translated chapter of this scene from the novel, and the drama deviate from the novel a bit so I was pleasantly surprised. Beside, Hwon's attitude toward Wol add some suspense to the story. And i like the fact that he struggle to accept this new girl (wol) because he afraid she'll challenged YW's place in his heart. I thought that is very endearing and show how innocence Hwon still really is at heart.

As much as Wol suffered in this episode, Hwon probably did too. I don't buy the BS about her saying she might be a spy and whatnot. Deep down he knows she's not. When he ask if she came to kill him or seduce him, my heart kind of jump. Because if he think she's a spy, why did he ask if she came to seduce him? It's because his heart has been sway that is why he thought of that possibility.

Hwon is just a puppy putting on a brave front. I can't wait until Wol knocks down those walls of his one by one.

I think the reason why Hwon wants Wol out of the palace is twofold.

Basically, his rational self is telling him to be careful. His take on Wol being a spy shouldn't be easily discounted given the fact that his grandmother and father-in-law do have sufficient political clout to pull this off.

Yet, more importantly, I think it's the confusion that Wol brings him that causes Hwon to push her away. Seeing Wol reminds him of the fact time and again that YW is dead, that he could not save her and he will never see her again. Thus, seeing Wol is making him faces the ghosts that have been haunting him for the past 8 years. Yet at the same time seeing her comforts him. Because he feels this attraction to Wol, he feel the anguish of betraying YW. So since he can't deal with all these going on at the same time, he chooses to run and hide from the problem. Which is why he later says that he's the one that is dangerous. Because innately he trusts Wol and he knows she's just a tool on all the scheming going on and he doesn't know what to do. He wants to keep Wol by his side but to protect her, chasing her out may be better. I can't wait for Wol to start breaks those walls down too :wub:

18nbk , presumably they all live in Sungsucheong where NY, the head shaman calls the shots so I guess it won't be too much of a problem to have Seol there. Alternatively, they can just reveal she's a girl, don't think there will be any problems with that. :)

Lyn is too cute posing with little Hwon's cut out :D :D :D I will have her know that I keep replaying her song from the OST when I need my Moon/Sun fix!

Oh dear oh dear. All these posts about manly desires and big hands!!! Baduy Gyosoo-nim is going to have us all in dentention!! :lol:

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Kim Soo Hyun & Han Ga In meet again on ‘The Moon…’ reaching 1-minute rating 39.2%

BY CERIDWEN – FEBRUARY 1, 2012 @ kpopfever



‘The Moon that Embraces the Sun’ recorded top 1-minute ratings of 39.2%.

According to AGB Nielsen, episode 9 of MBC mini-series ‘The Moon that Embraces the Sun’ which aired on February 1st, recorded 34.5% ratings nationwide. The top 1-minute rating % during the episode was 39.2%, just below 40%.

Episode 9 of ‘The Moon that Embraces the Sun’ started to air around 10 pm, slightly later than episode 8. From the very beginning, the ratings were at 25% and within 5 minutes broke through 30%, keeping up at above 30% throughout the episode.

In the episode, Wol (played by Han Ga In) explains that she is “just a shaman who dispels evil” but Hwon (played by Kim Soo Hyun) rages as he says, “You’re not even a person and dared lay a hand on the body of the king?!” ordering for Wol to be expelled out of the palace.

The 1-minute that recorded the top % in ratings during episode 9 of ‘The Moon that Embraces the Sun’ was when Wol came into Lee Hwon’s bedroom as the shaman and a human talisman at his order.

In the scene during the 1-minute window, Wol comes into the bedroom of the king, Lee Hwon, anxious after the events that preceded and was shocked to find the king waiting for her awake.

‘The Moon that Embraces the Sun’ had broken through 20% ratings in just 3 episodes and 30% in just 8 episodes. ‘The Moon that Embraces the Sun’ continues to break its own top ratings with each episode and now is close to 40%.

Image: MBC ‘The Moon that Embraces the Sun’

Source: NewsEN via Nate

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what is it with us drama addicts and hands? LOL

i remember how crazy everyone got in Brilliant Legacy's thread over LSG's hands... now in here over KSY's hands....lol....this is just too funny... i guess it's one of those weird things some of us find attractive in guys....

as for the drama...OMG... how much better can it get? ratings are insane right now and it's not even half way yet!!!! can it go over the 50% mark??? it's very possible if it keeps up the tension and awesome plot!

with Bo Kyung seeing Hwon and Wol together in his room...despite what they were doing...i'm sure she's going to make life hell for Wol in any way possible!

as for the spoiler BTS pictures of Woon and Seol... a tiny bit of me is hoping that there will be some sort of love line between them...since Yeom is married to Princess Min Hwa...chances of Seol being with him is slim.... and i like Princess Min Hwa too much for anything bad to happen to her.... SOOOOO MANY POSSIBILITIES FLOATING AROUND!!!!

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i was wondering now if the writers/production deliberately focused on KSH Hands, i realized how many scenes were like that. knowing that their audience consist of the book fans as well? :phew:

and now we're discussing about KSH's big hands too?? seems like he has everything in "big" word...Big n deep voice, big hands, thick eye brows and big lips?? ....*drooling*

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1crazynyt..you're rocked girl!! YES..YES we need more Manly Desires..Hwon's eyes are so impressive..Faint!! :sweatingbullets:

alexus.. don't you keep touching your face like that..it's Wol's face not yours!!! just kidding my friend :wub:

whatever they focus..feet, hands or chest..are all killing me..KSH you're hot Man and HGI...well done!! :rolleyes:

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Some silliness because it's late at night: 

I can just see Head Master Baduy meting out his punishment on us, naughty St. Soompi girls.  We're all kneeling on the snow-covered flagstone driveway, with our hands over our heads.  But, we don't care and we feel no pain  . . . because we're all jabbering away about  'hands':w00t: 

And, all the snow around us is melting . . .blush.gif

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OH I can't wait for tonite!!! is the pic showing in tonite episode!!!

although yesterday candle scene is not exactly the same as the novel but hopefully together

mid nite walk would be the same!!!! hope this happen after he read the letter wrote by wol!

in the novel seem like woon seem like he had a crush for wol but it's not yet showing in the drama

i'm hoping that seol could end up with woon though~~~

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Guest shinhaku

I cant help but think their white "outfits" are couple outfits XD

I usually never notice the goofs that everyone pointed out but I couldnt ignore the one from ep 9 when Wol was struggling as she was about to be branded her tears fell on her cheek and made the the red paint of her "injury" runs down her cheek as well then it was gone the next second. I still love METS but things like that kinda made me sigh. And no need to mention the earring hole visible on almost everyone's in the drama whenever they got closeup shot.

I never have any major problem with Ga in's acting but I feel her voice sounds rather "old" for her character.

The ep tonight looks promising. It may be our long awaited scene of Hwon's little hide and seek. Cant wait to watch it.

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HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH Their scenes really spark interest from viewers ahahhaa

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I will understand if HGI feels a little a ackward filming this scene.. I am PRACTICALLY MELTING just looking at KIM SOO HYUN! What more HGI! I really hope that she will forget about the vampire prosecutor even for a minute and play her character well in this scene. :wub::wub:

I think Ari's vision for today's episode will come true!!! I remember posting it few pages ago.. hehehhe! :wub::wub: Ari has another vision today! The rating will hit 40% w00t.gifw00t.gif


OFF TOPIC: We have a new IT manager and they have just finished installing the new server room. I believe websites we are browsing is being monitored BUT what can I do??? This program is so addicting!!!! hhahahha! I just can't imagine their reaction if they visit the St. Soompi's Academy! bwhahahhaha!!!! w00t.gifw00t.gif

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just take another look at a set of the OTP pictures..not surprise BK will do her best to get rid of Wol..

even Wol walks behind him..even he try to ignor Wol..I still feels the senses of LOVE & FAITH between them.. :wub:

how should I feel for YM? it is sad but I have to accept that there is no space for Prince YM..even sadder bec YM ialways come second.. :(

Moon Sun Girls..prepare for Manly Desires tonight.. :lol:

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Guest flowerboyramyunshop_FB

need to fetch these photos from Yang Ming's Greenhouse

(to break the KSH Hands On Hands Off theories :w00t: )

from fantagio group / Photographer Ram


























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Kim Yoo Jung on ‘The Moon…’ has mother and viewers alike in tears

BY CERIDWEN – FEBRUARY 2, 2012 @ kpopfever


Kim Yoo Jung had the viewers in tears as she appeared in the dream of Yang Mi Kyung.

On episode 9 of MBC’s ‘The Moon that Embraces the Sun’ which aired on February 1st, Yeon Woo’s mother (played by Yang Mi Kyung) met young Yeon Woo (played by Kim Yoo Jung) in a dream.

On the episode, Yeon Woo appears in front of her mother with her tear-filled eyes. Yeon Woo just stares at her mother sadly as her mother keeps asking how she is doing. Yeon Woo then says, “Mother, please be well” and disappears from her dream.

Yeon Woo’s mother breaks down and cries going over to Yeon Woo’s room. Huh Yeom (played by Song Jae Hee) witnesses his mother’s pain as she said to him, “Yeon Woo looked like she had something to say to me but she was worried that I would hurt so couldn’t even drop her tears and left. My poor baby.”

Kim Yoo Jung also appeared in the dreams of Lee Hwon (played by Kim Soo Hyun), Huh Yum, Yang Myung (played by Jung Il Woo), and Bo Kyung (played by Kim Min Seo), adding to the tension on the drama.

Source: MBC ‘The Moon That Embraces The Sun’

Source: MK via Nate

HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH Their scenes really spark interest from viewers ahahhaa

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Annyeonghaseoyo... *bows*

OMG I am loving this pics for today's episode...

anyway hello to everyone, I think this is my 3rd or 4th post.

I cant stay as a silent threader anymore, this is the only drama that made me come out of my hole from being a silent reader.. gosh loving losing and obsessing about this drama from top to bottom, right to left, from the hero and heroine to the villains to the supporting cast!!!

the MoonsSun, DAEBAK!!!

KIm Soo Hyun's hands are so manly, *squel*

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Guest Megamissy

Definition of TMTETS

Story of the Sun and the Moon (TMETS)

The Sun needs the Moon to keep thenight lit bright.

The Moon needs the Sun to produce hisshinning light.

The Sun needs the Moon and the Moonneeds the Sun.

If they work together they can beone.

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I hope Hwon finds out Wol's identity soon. It doesn't appear too difficult if he does the following:

1. Compare looks (obviously the SAME, except older)

2. Compare voice

3. Compare handwriting

4. Compare the time of YW's "death" and Wol's sickness

5. Compare mannerisms (may have changed a bit but won't be drastic)

All too fishy and the circumstantial evidence would prove very much that Wol IS YW. to seal the deal, Wol just needs to show the hairpin and recover her memories hahaha.  ^_^

May I add this one ►►► Dig up Yeon Woo’s grave to uncover the non-existence of her remains? :rolleyes:

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Guest Megamissy

May I add this one ►►► Dig up Yeon Woo’s grave to uncover the non-existence of her remains? :rolleyes:

The grave is unmark so I think so Hwon can find it,I think Hwon discover Wol and YeonWoo hand writing almost the same than further investigate to found the hair pin in Wol possesion.( my thoughts only)

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On our way to office this morning, in the car.


Hubby :: I didn’t hear you coming up to bed last night. What time you finished your MoonSun studying ?

Me :: Around 1 am.

Hubby :: How many times did you re-run last nite ep?

Me :: Twice.

Hubby :: Yeah right. Bite me.

Me :: Fine. 3 and half.

Hubby :: So did they kiss already?

Me :: No.

Hubby :: What happened with the epic-pining-her-to-the-mattress thingy?

Me :: He’s a paranoid king who can’t get over his first love and only trust 2 person in this world. So he thot Wol is a spy. [And I continue …..] Just when they finally had their moment alone, that queen came.

Hubby :: Now I know where the “stupid woman” chanting came from. So you’re watching for nothing? Not even a hug ?

Me :: He did hugged her. Technically. Give him time. He’s a confused man with a lot of pain.

Hubby :: Pushing her down doesn’t count as hugging. Still can’t believe he still didn’t have his lips on her.

Me :: Ya! That’s gross. Hish! Chinca!

Hubby :: What ? Love should involve skinship, right ? I know he’s confused and all, but you said yourself the girl is like 100% photocopy of the dead girlfriend. Shouldn’t there be some moves? He must be a very pious man to able to control himself. I know I’m not.

Me :: It’s complicated. You should watch, then only you know how hard it is for him.

Hubby :: Tonite you have another ep right ? I’ll watch with you. Then, I’ll decide whether it is complicated or not.

(Meanwhile, MoonSun OST is running for 5th time)

Hubby :: Can we change songs ? I love you and all, but this is torture.

Me :: I love you and all, but NO.


Seriously! They need to kiss tonight! Please !

Cute conversation:)

azuwaza163 please write us how was your husband reaction after tonight episode :)

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