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[Drama 2012] The Moon that Embraces the Sun 해를 품은 달

Guest yeohweping

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I felt Hwon wanted Yeon Woo to know that he is completely  giving himself to her. Not just part of him but ALL of himself.

omg that line made me teary eyed. 

Reading all essay posts here on the thread made me love YeonWoo and Hwon more. Aside from the fact that they have crazy chemistry once on screen.  Though I understand where the criticism come from in terms of Gain's acting, her expression is somehow limited as opposed to leading man however I love watching her on screen that i can get pass that. MGY is a good actress, but i dont find her ethereal enough to be how the writer described YW.

I have to agree w/ Dramaok that YM's life has been nothing but difficult. 


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I totally agree with you with a little romantic twist ;)

I was so moved when Hwon gave the hairpin to Yeon Woo. I remember being totally blown away by his gift. It really showed me the true character of HWON even as a young Crown Prince. IT reminded me of how humble his love for her was. Typically if my memory serves me correct the Moon is visible from the reflection of the Sun. Without the Sun, we wouldn't even see the Moon in the night sky.

I think the Queen is represented by the moon in my mind because she is to be a reflection of the KING.

But in Hwon's gift to Yeon Woo the QUEEN/MOON is represented by the white pearl on the head of the phoenix and The KING/SUN is represented by the red stone. The pearled phoenix Embraces the Sun with it's wings completely and actually is kissing the sun.

I felt Hwon wanted Yeon Woo to know that he is completely giving himself to her. Not just part of him but ALL of himself.

EMBRACED by her LOVE, her WISDOM, her GRACE. Hence the whole reason now why Hwon is completely powerless to resist Wol. To HWON whether he can sense it or not:


Of course being a Hwon+Yeon Woo shipper, I could be reading way too much into the hairpin but it just makes it so much more romantic to brainwash myself this way. Please don't shoot me. Just a fangirl for Jin GU and KSH!! :sweatingbullets:

Haha yes!! I agree with you! I had edited my post earlier on so I've added a few more things if you would like to have a look haha. I like your point on how Hwon was willing to learn from her and how humble his love for her was. It's really touching and it shows a tiue love, total dedication.

leslie_lei, you are right about how YW doesn't have as many expressions as the men in the show. I remember Kim yoo Jung (i.e. young Yeon Woo) saying that as compared to Hwon, who can scream and shout when sad, YW can only express her sadness through her eyes. Hence, it is in line with the interpretation of YW's character as a refined young lady to not be showing exaggerated expressions. In fact, I think HGI is already showing more expressions than what I expected of young YW (all prim and proper). This too is acceptable, because for 8 years now she has lived as a commoner and would have somehow learnt to be slightly more expressive of herself. ^_^ I think HGI is doing a good job. Unnie hwaiting!

I hope Hwon finds out Wol's identity soon. It doesn't appear too difficult if he does the following:

1. Compare looks (obviously the SAME, except older)

2. Compare voice

3. Compare handwriting

4. Compare the time of YW's "death" and Wol's sickness

5. Compare mannerisms (may have changed a bit but won't be drastic)

All too fishy and the circumstantial evidence would prove very much that Wol IS YW. to seal the deal, Wol just needs to show the hairpin and recover her memories hahaha. ^_^

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KSH, yelling/ hollering was totally hot. How can he be so smoking hot while yelling? Call me crazy, but I would love to see and hear more yelling scene..

I thot I'm the only one !! hahaha... then I'm crazy too same just like you... I feel goosebumps just to hear his voice, whether he speaks casually or yelling..low deep voice.

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*quoted image*

alexus and Pach, I think, this is what we are waiting for, "The Manly Desire".

You know, I haven't seen episode 7, 8, 9 because I'm trying my best top patiently wait, so I can marathon it....but these pictures!!! OMGYUNESS!!! I think my patience might just be shrunk to zero.

I also wanted to point out that I saw

Yeom crying in the preview. I honestly hopes he proves everyone wrong about his casting, and deliver some great scenes. I think, regardless, I'm going to cry when I see this scene.

If Viki is done subbing episode 9, I will marathon it tonight. :)

Also, I wish they would give Yangmyul a stronger part. I want him to be real competition for Hwon. I know Wol is probably going to end up with Hwon, but it would not hurt to add some angst in there. I want Yangmyul to turn evil, and in some way, steal Wol and keep her to himself. Because I think Jung Ilwoo will deliver those scenes perfectly.

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Seriously, I can't stop watching the first few moments of Ep. 9 and the ending part. When Hwon stared at Wol. Omg, my heart just started melting. It's like he couldn't get enough just staring at her. Like a man who's thirsting. The intense stare. Sooooo HOT.

And in the ending part, you can see the longing in his face. *faint* dang!!!

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*quoted image*

alexus and Pach, I think, this is what we are waiting for, "The Manly Desire".

OK!! I'm dead nowww....in happiness... wake me up once they start to kiss..Ooh Em Geeh..that intense eyes...

OMG! Thanks a lot sweetie!!

Emailing this to hubby now!!!

Can't wait!!! Kyaa!!!

seems you'll gonna get what you wish for tonite... :D

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Guest mashimaro_is_luff

Im not disappointed nor upset about Hwon's attitude towards Wol, when he ordered to take her out the palace. Who wouldn't be suspicious when you wake up in the middle of the night with a stranger in your room touching your forehead, of course he would think someone is plotting against him and using her as tool. Hwon could have ordered to give her a heavy or severe punishment, but instead he just ordered them to chase her out the palace, because he was conflicting with his emotion on weather to believe her or not. I would be disappointed if he would not raise any suspicion at all.

KSH, yelling/ hollering was totally hot. How can he be so smoking hot while yelling? Call me crazy, but I would love to see and hear more yelling scene..

I kinda agree with you. Not that i'm enjoying a masochistic streak seeing our heroine being tortured. I read the translated chapter of this scene from the novel, and the drama deviate from the novel a bit so I was pleasantly surprised. Beside, Hwon's attitude toward Wol add some suspense to the story. And i like the fact that he struggle to accept this new girl (wol) because he afraid she'll challenged YW's place in his heart. I thought that is very endearing and show how innocence Hwon still really is at heart.

As much as Wol suffered in this episode, Hwon probably did too. I don't buy the BS about her saying she might be a spy and whatnot. Deep down he knows she's not. When he ask if she came to kill him or seduce him, my heart kind of jump. Because if he think she's a spy, why did he ask if she came to seduce him? It's because his heart has been sway that is why he thought of that possibility.

Hwon is just a puppy putting on a brave front. I can't wait until Wol knocks down those walls of his one by one.

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Guest sweetieblue

OMG its like 12:30am where I am... and I'm still creeping this forum XD!

These spoiler pictures are :wub: I can't look away from them.

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1CRAZYNYT Your are sooooooo awesome!!! YES totally, I need him to express his MANLY DESIRES NOW!!!!!!

EDIT: >>>OH, you noticed the big hands too?? Did you hear about the ratio of the length of thumb X 2 equals to an important part of the human body which is a functional requirement to produce an HEIR that was promised in this drama from No Kyung's prophecy?? <<< I am so silly trying to make it sound all proper when it is just all gutter talk. LOL

I am so irritated by BK tongue2.gif "how dare she snoop on our romantic sensual moment between the Hwon and WOL"!! But maybe it is a good thing. Why?? I must have a mean streak in me because I feel like telling her " Watch it and WEEP girl!! You will only be a spectator in this game of passion and love." BK will never get that sexy wanna eat you up gaze from HWON. On a side note, I have no ill feeings towards the actress, it is just the character BK. :wub:

They always wanna keep us sort of panting for the next episode all the time. I hope they don't leave us hanging at the end of episode 10 because that is way too cruel. They left us pinned under Hwon all week making our imagination go wild, then they left us hanging with Hwon's smexy bedroom talk, I don't think I can take anymore so better get to it and satisfy the viewers once and for all. Bring it KSH! Show us what you've got!

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Guest dramaok

from upcoming scene between Woon (song jae-rim) and Seol (yoon seung-ah):


img: chosun.com


i was flipping through the novel earlier and found the letter that Yeonwoo had written to Hwon right before her death...

and since the drama took a huge diversion from the novel when it comes to their meeting or not meeting of, i think the letter that YW wrote to H in the drama will be different, but just for comparison sake or for boredom, this is the novel version translated by me. sorry if this was already posted by another forumner, i'm sure their translation is better. i didn't see it here but i could've easily missed it.

the novel version last letter:

[from pg. 269, book 1]

Your highness the Crown Prince, please read.

I gather my last strength and leave this letter.

Though this may cause trouble or it may remain unreached to your highness the crown prince, I am writing this.

Soon, my father will bring the medicine to me. Then, I will forever not meet your highness the crown prince.

If I had one wish, it was to meet your highness the crown prince only, however since it cannot be fulfilled, this sorrow cannot be put in words.

May you live a long life without any illness, living the share of this humble girl as well.

Heo Yeon Woo.

edit: LMAO on the finger x 2 formula. ahahah. OMG this forum needs a 15+ sign. or 17?

i don't know about the formula (but i will remember this from now on lol).

but just looking at KSH's large hands is already exciting enough. ahaha.

I know we all have our opinions, views etc, but I think we should give them credit for the show. If you have so many complaints why do you continue to watch. Obviously, they are doing their job to make you continue watching. I miss the kid actors but at the same time I now believe in the adult actors and by far they are doing a fantastic job. You can keep making complaints on who should play the part, of course that would be a waste of time because the adult cast has been chosen.

yes you are right. i will stop botching about the cast. aja aja to the hardworking cast working in the crazy cold weather.

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Guest flowerboyramyunshop_FB

1CRAZYNYT Your are sooooooo awesome!!! YES totally, I need him to express his MANLY DESIRES NOW!!!!!!

EDIT: >>>OH, you noticed the big hands too?? Did you hear about the ratio of the length of thumb X 2 equals to an important part of the human body which is a functional requirement to produce an HEIR that was promised in this drama from No Kyung's prophecy?? <<< I am so silly trying to make it sound all proper when it is just all gutter talk. LOL

I am so irritated by BK  tongue2.gif "how dare she snoop on our romantic sensual moment between the Hwon and WOL"!! But maybe it is a good thing. Why?? I must have a mean streak in me because I feel like telling her " Watch it and WEEP girl!! You will only be a spectator in this game of passion and love." BK will never get that sexy wanna eat you up gaze from HWON. On a side note, I have no ill feeings towards the actress, it is just the character BK. :wub:

They always wanna keep us sort of panting for the next episode all the time. I hope they don't leave us hanging at the end of episode 10 because that is way too cruel. They left us pinned under Hwon all week making our imagination go wild, then they left us hanging with Hwon's smexy bedroom talk, I don't think I can take anymore so better get to it and satisfy the viewers once and for all.  Bring it KSH! Show us what you've got!

the white-covered words up there only made me.. :D .  blame the book and drama , but gutter talks are surely  valid or may i say requirement in this academy ? may the principal baduy concur? a confetti from Eunuch HS to @1crazynyt for dishing out that photo. oh 9:50 please jump NOW!

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1CRAZYNYT Your are sooooooo awesome!!! YES totally, I need him to express his MANLY DESIRES NOW!!!!!!

EDIT: >>>OH, you noticed the big hands too?? Did you hear about the ratio of the length of thumb X 2 equals to an important part of the human body which is a functional requirement to produce an HEIR that was promised in this drama from No Kyung's prophecy?? <<< I am so silly trying to make it sound all proper when it is just all gutter talk. LOL

They always wanna keep us sort of panting for the next episode all the time. I hope they don't leave us hanging at the end of episode 10 because that is way too cruel. They left us pinned under Hwon all week making our imagination go wild, then they left us hanging with Hwon's smexy bedroom talk, I don't think I can take anymore so better get to it and satisfy the viewers once and for all. Bring it KSH! Show us what you've got!

Really huh?? I didn't know about the X2 thumb thingy, but I know the other way, how you can know the estimate size, according to my anatomy professor I don't think its appropriate to discuss the human anatomy here hahahahahaahah. We promised to behave, but with KSH around, I don't think I could behave, right now I'm sorta thinking a lot of not so good things.. I know they like to leave us high and dry. I really hope that's not going to be the ending of Ep 10... So KSH bring it on....

Sexy KSH"s hands




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I have to ask this... About Seol, she walks around wearing the same outfit. But when she was in the market with Wol, the soldier mistook her for a man, right? But then she wears the same outfit in the palace and stay with the girls and nobody saying anything. It just doesn't make sense.

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I'm another one who actually likes the casting of HGI rather than another younger actress.

I feel like the truth here is that yes, there's a large age gap between HGI and KSH, but what makes it worse isnt that HGI looks old, but that KSH has a young look for his age, his face although very very handsome, still has quite a bit of boyish-ness in it. (And That's not a criticism, it's just an observation! I'm actually quite a KSH fan girl as of late). I do feel though that his acting, and his charisma is quite developed beyond his looks, but his LOOK alone by itself, is rather young.

I feel like if a younger actress was casted, it might not be as convincing just visually for the whole infatuation of Hwon with Wol thing. Because Yeon-Woo/Wol has always been mature beyond her age, but if the actress who plays her looks too young, I think it detracts from that mature Grace that should be inherent to her character. (Like I'm absolutely glad that MGY wasn't casted, because although she's a great actress, she's got an incredibly young face too and to pair that with KSH's young face, it'll be like we're watching a teen drama but they're at this neverending sageuk costume party) I feel like with a younger looking actress, the whole thing might just feel too much like a teen-ish puppy love story, rather than this destined-to-be-together connection that they're really showing us right now.

Ppl mentioned HHJ as a choice and yeah I definitely loved her in DongYi, but I feel like her beauty isn't as well translated in a period piece as when she's in modern dramas. Moon ChaeWon is a younger actress who looks very good in historical dressing, but seeing as how she's just coming off of Princess' Man, I don't think they were considering her for another Sageuk.

I think the one "younger" actress who I think I wouldn't have mind as Wol is Park MinYoung. She's the same stereotype of beauty as Han Gain (Big Round eyes, Full Forehead). But Overall, I think that I'm pretty satisfied with the casting. HGI brings an ethereal, beyond what you can see on earth, feeling to Wol. Perhaps it's also part of her veteran aura of being touted as one of most beautiful actresses.

I can't wait for more Hwon/Wol scenes!!!!!! <3

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Really huh?? I didn't know about the X2 thumb thingy, but I know the other way, how you can know the estimate size, according to my anatomy professor I don't think its appropriate to discuss the human anatomy here hahahahahaahah. We promised to behave, but with KSH around, I don't think I could behave, right now I'm sorta thinking a lot of not so good things.. I know they like to leave us high and dry. I really hope that's not going to be the ending of Ep 10... So KSH bring it on....

There are so many ways, but they were a little silly showing his FEET then now with this spoiler photo of his HANDS?? Seriously I think they are intentionally teasing the viewers with subtle moments of gutter infusion. Of course being a graduate of the GUTTER ACADEMY for Greatest Love and Lie TO ME, picking up on these things are a cake walk. LOL. Just like flowerboyramunshop_FB said, it seems like this is a mandatory trait to be part of this Academy even with Principal BADUY approving this behavior so let's just try to get an A+ OMG did you just post more pics of KSH??? YOU are killing me here!!! Don't you think he has really kissable lips too??? He is YUMMY!!! :wub:

Like your new signature pic! Especially the middle one of KSH. Hot hot hot! See his lips are hot!

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*quoted image*

alexus and Pach, I think, this is what we are waiting for, "The Manly Desire".


out of topic, KSH has big hands, he could definitely cupped HGI's small face in his big hands.

I died w/ the pic! OMG.... i really love the tension these two have everytime they have a scene. I love how Hwon longs for Wol yet a part of him tries to hold back but seemingly he cant. *sigh*

LOL at the BIG hands theory though i have to say I have heard that before and some say that its proven.LMAO

Lyn will be performing the ost on MNET



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