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[Drama 2012] The Moon that Embraces the Sun 해를 품은 달

Guest yeohweping

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hi all

where can i watch this drama online plz?

i 've tvants but i dont know how to use.

tnx guys.


http://ionair.tv/main.php<br style="color: rgb(85, 85, 85); font-family: Georgia, serif; font-size: 14px; line-height: 20px; background-color: rgb(247, 243, 238); ">registration needed (takes seconds), then click MBC ... they provide close captioning in English, Japanese and chinese



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I doubt that very seriously.  If he does and brings forth a child... HE is better than dead!!!!

I don't think so.  In Softy's recap of Episode 8 on the Cadance blog, she indicated that Shaman Nok Yeong told the dowager queen that she would "see her great-grandchild" and says to herself  that "the queen (meaning Bo Kyeong) won't be able to have a child now" ... now that Wol/Yeon Woo is back in the picture.  I think that she is implying that Wol/Yeon Woo is going to have a child with Hwon.

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i wish i could understand Korean language.. >,<

i watched the whole episode without knowing what were they talking about.. but guessing huhuhu...  ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

@semi-fly.. thank you for the torrent link!  :wub:  

btw i always feel happy and sad every time YangMyung meets Wol,

Happy he could meet her again.. but sad coz I KNEW he wd lost her again.. *deeeeeppp siigghhsss*

Ep.9 was really great imo.. i feel tensed as well as excited from the beginning until the last minute.

Rating will be higher than before.. thou...  :rolleyes:

iOnAirtv provides close captioning in English, Chinese and Japanese (registration required by takes few seconds)... needs high speed internet access

hi all

where can i watch this drama online plz?

i 've tvants but i dont know how to use.

tnx guys.

iOnAir  (if you want to stream while show is airing in Korea- need to register but takes seconds, need high speed internet, and close captioning in English available for this show)


viki (who will probably have show subtitled within 24 hours after it airs ... for example, they have already subbed 48% for the show that aired this morning)


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Full Ratings

AGB Nielsen Korea

9th episode:

Nationwide: 34,5%(+2,8%)

Seoul: 38,9% (+3,6%)

TNS Media Korea

9th episode:

Nationwide: 28,4%(+1,8%)

Seoul: 32,3% (+2,9%)

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Love to see more of prince YM in this ep. Let hope we can see more of him in the next episodes as well.

I am so sad that there is no one loves our handsome prince YM in the drama. HW has both YW and BY. Y also has two girls princess MW and S. Why can YM have at least one girl like him, maybe JS, even just one-sided love first, then eventually YM will feel it, love her back and give up YW. I can't stand to see him broken heart again when HW and W get back together, and we all know they will at the end.

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I want to come back to something Hwon said in episode 9. According to a translation, while talking with Woon about Wol, Hwon said something like: "It's not her who is dangerous, it's me."

What to you think he meant by that ?

1- That he's dangerous to her because *ahem* he desires her?

2- That by having his attention and being near him, she'll be in danger from court ministers and the dowager queen ?

What do you guys think ?

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I was upset when Hwon demanded Wol to be taken out of the palace, but I can understand that he doesn’t dare trust anyone, even himself.

Hwon desperately needs an ally, and there is no one with enough clout to help him fend off the brewing political machinations. His closest family--mother and sister--have no apparent ambition, neither to harm him nor aid him.

I can see why the loss of Yeon-Woo has remained with him for so long. Everything seemed to fall apart when he lost her. Coupled with her “death” was the disappearance all the allies around him: Yeom, Yang-Myung, and allies of the erstwhile king, namely Heo Young Jae. And Woon is sadly a surrogate friend - bound by duty and the friendship he shared with Yeom and Yang-Myung, though Hwon does trust him. Wol was saved from the branding because Hwon had faith in Woon’s belief of her innocence. [Woon’s attraction to Wol might complicate matters, later, however.] But it is obvious that though Hwon believes in his own abilities, he doesn’t have confidence in his heart.

I’m not sure if the drama is portraying this issue clearly, but Hwon still carries the burden of guilt regarding Yeon-Woo’s death, so he trusts himself least of all when his heart is swayed. I think it notable that Hwon decides to give Wol a second chance because it’s like he’s giving his heart a second chance. I hope he is rewarded with the conviction that Wol is Yeon Woo.

I can’t wait until the two letters --the one Yeon Woo wrote before her death and the Wol’s letter of apology--are brought to light and juxtaposed. Though Hwon might have suspected Wol of being part of a plot to “bewitch” or assassinate him, her good intentions will inevitably come to light though the letters.

I look forward to further development of the role of Yang-Myung, who has not had significant impact on the storyline until this episode I think. It would be great is he could again become a support for Hwon, especially when Yoon Dae Hyung’s plans come to fruition. It has been a waste of his character to be continually the luckless brother, pining for an unrequited love. I feel like I can invest in the character more when the sacrifices he makes evolves beyond the ones established in episode 1.

Even though we are now almost at the halfway mark, it seems as if the story has just started. The first 5.5 episodes were spent to establish the history, and the groundwork have just been laid for the second half. The story should gain momentum and complexity once Hwon, and others, begins to have doubts about Yeon Woo’s death.

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iOnAir (assumes you are going to stream it live)


>registration needed (takes seconds), then click MBC ... they provide close captioning in English, Japanese and chinese

wubisheng (assumes you are going to stream it live)


viki (assumes you are going to watch it fully subbed ... at the rate they are going, they should be finished subbing within 24 hours after episode airs)


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Guest nancylee15

Thanks for all the spoilers. I still don't understand Princess Minhwa's role in this drama...until now she's still the same little spoiled girl and I'm curious to see how they will tie her character into the plot...since she did witness the spell that killed Wol, I wonder what she will eventually do with that secret because it seems like she just buried it after her marriage. Eventually her husband will find out so will Wol become a threat to her then?

Hoping for more scenes between our OTP tomorrow, today didn't have too many of them :(

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It might be a dumb question, but can anybody tell me what's the difference between AGB Nielsen Korea and TNS Media Korea ratings? Thanks :D

I'm curious about Hwon and Wol's kiss. I really am curious how their chemistry will play out. So far I only feel Hwon's desire (I mean physical) for Wol, not mutual. 

I think I have difficulty to let go of

Hyunzy (Soo Hyun + Suzy) couple, because those two cuties are just perfect for each other.


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Much as I love Hwon, I just want to say that I'm really glad there's more of Lady Shin after Yeon-woo's "death". I'm pretty fond of the actress, Yang Mi-kyung, after first watching her in Dae Jang Geum, and was pleased that she was part of the drama. I'd expected her role to diminish to nada after Yeon-woo's "death", so it was really nice seeing her in these later episodes. She has such a gentle, motherly demeanour that I could totally buy her as the loving mother to Yeom and Yeon-woo. The scene where Yeom found his mother crying in Yeon-woo's old quarters was so sad, I really hope Wol gets to reunite with her mother and brother in the end.

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Can anyone tell me who is Ari? I've been trying to go back but I couldnt find any information about her.

I read somewhere else that in the upcoming episode H asks the guardians to search for Wol. Does it mean that she is runaway or something?

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It might be a dumb question, but can anybody tell me what's the difference between AGB Nielsen Korea and TNS Media Korea ratings? Thanks :D

I'm curious about Hwon and Wol's kiss. I really am curious how their chemistry will play out. So far I only feel Hwon's desire (I mean physical) for Wol, not mutual. 

I think I have difficulty to let go of

Hyunzy (Soo Hyun + Suzy) couple, because those two cuties are just perfect for each other.


They're just competing organisations/institutions that take TV ratings... The two might have different methodologies on how they get their data, hence the differing numbers. :)

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han ga in is really good in expressing the emotions...love her reaction

its really great the rating is keep going up episode by episode.

next episode: wol is trying to understand herself..,will myung recognize her as yeon woo?

omo..can't wait to watch tonight episode :wub:

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I was upset when Hwon demanded Wol to be taken out of the palace, but I can understand that he doesn’t dare trust anyone, even himself.

I think he orders to have Wol taken out of the palace because he wants her to live. Is that what he says to Woon? If he is "nice" to her really obviously, they will find a way to kill her.

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