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[Drama 2012] The Moon that Embraces the Sun 해를 품은 달

Guest yeohweping

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I thought the flashbacks at the beginning were extremely redundant to the point where I could actually go ahead and get some snacks for 5 minutes than come back.

I think the flashback is actually for benefit of those that jump in the ship in the middle of the drama, it may seem redundant to us but to them it helped a lot to understand the drama. I believe every week there would be new follower. I guess it meant for ajumma, ajushi in korea. Like my sister who came in the middle of the drama.. She loved those flashback...and she would go...Owh, Ah I see I see

I've also never read the novel, so I guess I'm also one of those "raw-viewers". After what happened to Seol and Yang Myung, I was rather mad than sad.

Yang Myung's death was pointless and illogical. If they wanted him to die, they should have added more clues for us viewers instead of bluntly inserting it at the end. Yes, it's to fulfill the prophecy, but that's not enough of a logical reason. There were many other ways Yang Myung's death/life could have went on. Like you mentioned, it would have better if Yang Myung died trying to protect Hwon. Cheesy, but better than this crappy ending.

I remember debating with someone about his death. This person said that the King/Hwon couldn't save Yang Myung in time, but clearly he had the upperhand of holding a bow in his hand and arrows not far out of reach. He could have just easily used it... or did he just accept Yang Myung to suicide? Clearly makes no sense, if the King didn't want his brother to die. There were other soldiers standing around like you've shown also.

Side note: How did the Shaman mother die? I felt like that was useless. The writers seem to just make characters die, so we can see more of the OTP and they'll have less work to do with the other characters. Too many useless deaths!

It's a matter of personal opinion at the end of the day ^^;. Sadly, I didn't see the connection AT ALL from the older characters.

Actually in most historical dramas, I tend to find the children parts boring or too long. Like, sageuk dramas are usually long, so the children actor are in it for like 10 episodes or so. I never would have thought the children part would have been better before watching this drama.

about YM death, I think it happen in a split second (the scene was exegerated), Not just Hwon, Un was actually close to YM and he could easily pull him out of the way but why not? So I guess it happen so fast that no one can do anything to save him (though I think PD is stupid for making it look like it happen in minutes instead of a few seconds). I guess PD wanted us to understand that YM chose to sacrifice for the sake of Joseon and accept it, so that we won't feel too bad. I am one of the few that like YM died, I hate to see he becomes an outcast (there will be no room for him in the monarch system).BTW I think PD/writer consider successful if we could not guess who gonna die at the end of the story. If we can guess what happen next I guess they "failed". ^_^.

As for the chilhood part, I love it too, normally I would fast forward the child part but this time I treasure every minute. When the story change to adult, I said to myself I'm gonna miss this young prince but the adult Hwon makes me forget about everything else.... Heheh. i love the cold, brooding King and sometime childish King.... Love to the MAX.

as for chemistry, I find this matter is quite subjective. I felt the chemistry. Every time the King look at his Queen to be, I feel the spark. When he pull YW down and ask, "who are you?" My heart skipped a beat and when she replied "I'm his majesty woman" my heart squeeeeelllllll. When the King was impatient during the ceremony and snatch away the teapot, my heart scream in delight... Hahahahahahhahahaha... I love every minute when they were together if possible I want to see more of the OTP. MORE.

I guess that the reason this drama known as "national drama"?

They must have done something right to achieve rating of more than 40% and the best thing it increased every week.

Hope you don't mind me replying since I am a new bie in this thread.

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Guest toho81

Cries Jung Il Woo is in my city New York doing a photo shoot. I wish I knew where he was because I would really want to tell him how much he touched me in this show, that his "death" made me cry so hard, and maybe get him to sign my TMTETS OST.

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I guess I have to admit that the middle of the drama was a litlle draggy. I didn't know it was on purpose.


I was hoping that he would have more lines. I can count his script. Poor Woon. it was less than 20 lines..isk isk isk. I guess he can't show much talent with just less than 20 lines. the good thing was, he appeared on screen as much as Hwon... Hehe.... Sorta like 2nd lead with less line/script ^_^.

The character I pity the most is Yeom, It's like the writer did not know what to do with him after ep 5 and he just fill in the void since his character was important to the whole story.

And whenever Chonnnnnnnnaaaaa, invite Woon to take bath together gether..... i wish I have some psychic power and Plingggg I were him jumping into the bath. WO HOH ... Nice dream huh? ^_^

I guess he can't hogg all the spot light. JIW deserve some spot light too :) ...

Hwon did fight in episode 17 (YM injured) but they didn't show that much. No impact nothing special. but everytime YM held a sword OMG - he hog the screen. Episode 20 when he threw the sword case (is there any special word for the case?), whooosh!! WO HOH .. Hottt!!!!

I have to admit that YM has better chemistry with the sword compare to Hwon, he has no chemistry with the sword at all.....

Anyway when he raised the arrow to shoot the prime minister, I can feel my heart racing, ultimate satisfaction... i thought yeeeehhaaaaaa he gonna take revenge, Prime minister is his... And when he shot PM thigh my joy doubled... Yeahhhhhhh he made the prime minister kneel and I thought he gonna kill him softly....slowwwwly Until... Kyaaaaaaaa!!!!! YM swing his sword ... Isk isk isk... there goes my dream.... Heh.... YM again became the true hero.... (I guess the PD made up all that to compensate YM losing YW to Hwon) ... And once again my Chonnnnnna just stood and watch silently... :sigh:

I know there were no impact in his sword fight scenes at all. The reason maybe KSH being a lefty, got to use his right hand which is highly difficult. In one of his previous dramas, where there was a scene of him playing a violin in the right hand, it was obvious how he could not play the instrument and in another drama FATHERS HOUSE when he tried to eat food in the right hand, he was not able to eat properly in the scene. Atleast when he used his right hand in this drama for sword fight and gayaguem palying he did pull it off in those scenes and was not obvious/awkward.

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I know there were no impact in his sword fight scenes at all. The reason maybe KSH being a lefty, got to use his right hand which is highly difficult. In one of his previous dramas, where there was a scene of him playing a violin in the right hand, it was obvious how he could not play the instrument and in another drama FATHERS HOUSE when he tried to eat food in the right hand, he was not able to eat properly in the scene. Atleast when he used his right hand in this drama for sword fight and gayaguem palying he did pull it off in those scenes and was not obvious/awkward.

I see... He is a lefy?..OMG, he is my soul mate....I love lefy... Lefy guys are romantic..wahahahah. Anyway his "awkwardness" with the sword does not make any differrence, He is an excellent actor - Rare (cause he can pull of comedic act easily).

Some random thoughts on how to enjoy a drama (padhari below comment not referring to you or anyone ^_^ just some random tots)

To enjoy a drama I guess I should not compare it with other drama (that I love so much). Comparison will just spoil everything because I would just focus on the negative side instead of the positive side. I tend to find fault and compare with a drama that I like. I was so crazy of Full house back in year 2004. So I compare every romcom drama to FH and of course everything was not as good as FH ^_^... Hehhehe... Bias bias bias... Anyway I stop doing that a long time ago and just focus on the drama that I watch at that time and not compare it with anything. To me every drama has it's up and down, flaws and also speciality or unique.

I love TMTETS because it is simple and I don't have to think a lot. Unlike some historical drama, if you start in the middle you would be lost since too many twist and turn in the previous episodes. So you have to start from the first eps to fully understand. I guess this was one of the reason you see the rating for TMTETS increased weekly. So this mean you can just jump in the middle and you would still get the gist.

Some like a complicated historical drama... Some like easy and simple and focus more on romance. I like TMTETS because of the chemistry between YW and LH. I love the fact that this drama focus more on the OTP instead of politic (I hate politic). Also I love how the PD make the King appeared soooooooo intelligent and full of wit. KSH is one fine actor to be able to potray all that (he is 23 years old and he is consider still new in this field and yet he can pull it of perfectly). The plot is simple and you can just jump in the ship anytime and you would still enjoy it. it's far from perfect but it has it's own speciality which different from other historical drama.

I love all the lines when the King addressed his ministers. every conversation is interesting and full of wit. that what make TMTETS special. The King mocking his minister.... I so so so love every scenes. I love the script. I love when the King is sarcastic... This is the "extra" thing in TMTETS that does not exist in other historical drama... This is the difference.

During the child part - I love the innocent feeling between the prince and his princess to be. When he grew up, I love the way he handles thing esp with the Minister.

Heheh... I don't know what I am mumbling about hehehehe... Anyway enjoy TMTETS with open mind and don't compare it with anything.

But I am still not happy that my King doesn't fight ^_^ - I yem stubborn

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While we are talking about what we love about this drama....

I love that the adult Hwon resembles the Young Hwon SO MUCH! The way he is so playful- the way he talks, the way he acts so grumpy-- he he they ARE the same person to me!

And someone give Bo Kyung a medal please...she is soo good. I am totally freaked out .

And HGI was creepy too with her standoff with the Queen....

And its perfectly in sync with their relationship that YW was able to keep calm and read and accept her fate (knowing she is the rightful queen and not as the shaman wol this time) ...and its typical of each of their character that the King is chomping at the bits to start - er- chomping at the bits ! heehhehehe. And I love that YW knows how much Hwon wants her and teases him with her "you have my heart why r you anxious" thing..she may be calm but she aint shy! once she got her memory you can see the balance of power has shifted! Oh well, I guess I'd be a bit cocky too if I know my sweetheart was pining for me for eight long years...!

And its nice that YW does love YM..except in a different way ...YM was the one who brought much happiness when she was down...but it would always be Hwon .

Love this drama, still talking about it.

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Guest toho81

Yea, i just read it. It supposed to extended.. I dont know what makes MBC deciding not to extend it.....i am not 100% agree they extend until 4 eps,2 is enough...

Uhm...btw, is it true the dvd cuts contains the deleted scenes? I never buy the dvd of PD-nim cuts, and is the running time is longer too? Well if it's true, i might consider it to buy as well...

hey peipei if u look here at the product the description it seems this does include cut scenes from the show


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While we are talking about what we love about this drama....

I love that the adult Hwon resembles the Young Hwon SO MUCH! The way he is so playful- the way he talks, the way he acts so grumpy-- he he they ARE the same person to me!

:) They are the same person to me too. As if young Hwon grew up to be the King. The same exact attitude, facial expressions and even the voice. I tot I am going to miss the young Prince, but I was wrong, I didn't miss him because the older Hwon was the same as the young Hwon.

For the time being I can't shift to another drama. TMTETS in my mind 24/7 - I wrote today's comment as early as 4.30 am (in the morning when everyone was still sleeping). Yeah I am that crazy. I type out while I was lying down.. kekekekeke..

I like when both Prince (Young/Old) said "Wo Hoh"... hehehe I call it "Scolding affectionately" hehehe..

I want to see them both in another drama soooonn...

Han Ga In is the perfect Queen - prim and proper. That's how a queen suppose to be. Cool, demure.

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See how Hwon Soo Huyn & Yeon Woo Joo Jung together ... and leave Yang Min Ho big sadness! :) Can you post this pic here for all friend to see, i cannot post image here. Dont know why!


i was going to .. but baloi beats me to it ... *hehehe*

SSK1, Bambiina .... love your posts !!!

Some like a complicated historical drama... Some like easy and simple and focus more on romance. I like TMTETS because of the chemistry between YW and LH. I love the fact that this drama focus more on the OTP instead of politic (I hate politic). Also I love how the PD make the King appeared soooooooo intelligent and full of wit

Anyway enjoy TMTETS with open mind and don't compare it with anything.

Bambiina ... thumbs up for this one, especially !!! :wub:

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Guest toho81

i was going to .. but baloi beats me to it ... *hehehe*

SSK1, Bambiina .... love your posts !!!

Bambiina ... thumbs up for this one, especially !!! :wub:

Real thumbs up. That's right, just enjoy TMTETS and the fabulous aspects of it. I am especially having a hard time letting go of the show now that I am in the same city as Yang Myung. Can't believe he's in NYC. I so want to bump into him and ask him to sign my TMTETS OST!! Of course tell him how great he was in the show, but I am just dreaming. NYC is very big

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Guest old soul

Forgive the long post...

This is a long overdue reaction to the drama that captivated us for the past three months. I've read the spoilers and the recaps, but I chose to write this only after I've watched with the English subs just in case something gets lost in the translation and my interpretation.

Having read the excerpts from the English translations of the novel, I really was not at all surprised on how many people died within the last two episodes. I was also not surprised on how closely they tried to follow the ending of the novel.

Let me start off with the Queen Dowager. To lead a long life in disillusionment (she always claimed to have done all her evil deeds in the service of the former King and Hwon) only to be killed by one of her own was very fitting for the old hag. Her whole existence was motivated by greed, and it was the same greed that did her in. She was the root of all the evil that existed so it was very satisfying that at the point of certain death, she flashes to her memories of both the former King and Hwon and their denouncement of all her wrongdoings. What goes around comes around.

With Minister Yoon Dae Hyung I was very vocal about a slow painful death (Ari style). Like some of you I wanted him to hear Ari's last words to him as he breathes his last. But since it wasn't meant to be, I'm not sure that I was totally satisfied that it was Prince Yang Myung that did him in. I felt that with all the verbal warfare that he engaged with Hwon, it would have been most satisfying if he had died with Hwon drilling his sword into Yoon's heart. It would have been like payback for the last 8 years and for coveting the power of the King's position. He was only Hwon's uncle, I always wondered whatever made him believe he had any right to covet that power in the first place. Talk about audacity!

Some people felt pity for Bo Kyung's character. Bo Kyung was one character that never grew up. Till the day she ended her life she was still the same little girl who punished Seol, almost tortured her to death and framed her just because she enjoyed it. We have her father to blame for how she was at a very young age. I think more than anything Bo Kyung's father issues dictated the way she approached her life. The one thing I didn't like was her monologue at the very end where she says that she only wanted Hwon's love. I always felt it was the position that Hwon represented which she always coveted. She always wanted the acknowledgement from Hwon because deep inside she knew she wasn't the rightful queen. She only obtained the position by default. I doubt if Bo Kyung even knew what love was. I never felt that she did anything to show her so-called love for Hwon. She was never properly loved as a child and even as an adult by her own family. She always felt that her father's love was conditional on the position she held as the queen and her being able to accomplish what her father set her out to do which was to produce an heir. I think when she asks the previous Head Shaman to cast a deathly spell on Yeon Woo it solidified her culpability. Rather than being demoted in position, she chose to end her life as a queen. She chose to die rather than lose her title. And she chose to die because she knew her father had forsaken her. And more than Hwon's love, it was her father's love that she yearned the most.

One of the most discussed and hated characters was that of Princess Min Hwa. She was spoiled to the max. To this we credit to her parents especially her father who doted on her but never gave her tough love. Yeom was her obsession. He was like a toy that she absolutely had to have. Yeom's feelings never mattered to her, what mattered was that she possessed him. Is this even love? To wish death on another human being? She hurts Yeom by killing off his loved ones (including his father). but is never truly sorry for having hurt him. Did she ever feel guilt? No, she was only always living in fear on being found out. Okay, so she pays for her crimes. I hope and pray that in being a mother she will finally learn what it is to really love another. She's tortured Yeom long enough, and he really deserves better.

The most helpless of characters has got to be Yeom. He was such a tortured soul. I mean to find out that he was the motivation in the death of his own sister, that his life for the past 8 years was a farce created by a person who supposedly loves him and his family, and that his life would be forever indebted to the one person who truly cared for him. Give the guy a break! For somebody extremely smart he was terribly dumb when it came to women and to love. Towards the end the confrontation between him and Princess Min Hwa reveals that he already has feelings for her. I'm pretty sure that this was out of duty more than anything. Yeom's perceived perfection was in fact his biggest flaw.

As for Seol and Woon it would have been nice if indeed the writer hinted at a romance between them. I felt so much sadness for Seol as she died in the arms of Yeom. There were already instances in the past when Woon would catch Seol secretly observing Yeom and at that point the writer could have started their romance. They both had the protective instincts and are insanely loyal people. Woon was the single character who was always aware of Seol's presence. What better way to have him start feeling an attraction to her, not to mention she was as bad-richard simmons as he was in sword fighting. The conflict would have been either to love or to serve. Plus there could have been tension in the friendship between Yeom and Woon. This could have been another pair we could have rooted for. Essentially there was no other love angle to root for except for our OTP. The reason I felt so much sadness about Seol's death was because she did live a very sad existence of non-existence. I just wanted her character to matter more. I have nothing against Janshil the character, but she did end up having better lines than Seol and thus, had more of an impact to the story than Seol ever did.

The one character that died that I wished didn't die was Nok Young. She did deserve death because in spite of her saving Yeon Woo and taking care of her for the last 8 years, Yeon Woo would not have needed saving if Nok Young didn't abide by the Queen Dowager's wishes of putting a deathly spell on her. But then we wouldn't have a story. So I guess Nok Young was a necessary death. Her sole purpose was to preserve the one moon and one sun. At least she died in a more heroic way than Yang Myung did. She left this world bringing with her all the evil spirits to ensure a peaceful future for our King and Queen.

I always wished that Prince Yang Myung to be a hero so I'm not surprised that he dies at all. Like many of you I wished his death were a little different. I mean they gave him a very dramatic death, but in so doing they also showed him to be a lesser character than he was built up to be. Why would you choose to end your life without a fight? Did your life not matter at all? I wish that they could have had him stop Yoon from killing Hwon and in the process Yoon deals him the fatal blow. At this point Hwon drills that sword to Yoon's heart to pay back for all his evil deeds and most specially for hurting his brother. I mean to step in and take the sword meant for Hwon---this is my hero. Deep inside I've always felt that it was Yang Myung's love for Hwon that kept him in the right place. He truly did love his brother in as much as Hwon loved him back. I cried so much for Yang Myung because his death could have been so much more.

Our Crown Princess Yeon Woo was one consistent character. As a young girl she was very intelligent, opinionated and very brave especially when she sees another person being wronged or taken advantage of. She will openly fight for someone who cannot fight for themselves, but she will never fight for her own self. I think this is where her breeding, her nobility and her upbringing come into play. She will fight for the sick, the poor and the oppressed, but not for herself. When she realizes her true identity and what has transpired for the past 8 years, there was a lot of expectation of her to kick richard simmons. Because Yeon Woo is mature beyond her years, she is smart enough to choose her battles. It was enough for me to hear those hurtful words she hurled at Min Hwa during their confrontation. This is what makes her a great Queen. She will not go ballistic. What she said to Min Hwa was more hurtful than any amount of slapping could have done. I think this was the best advice any person ever gave to Min Hwa---live and accept your punishment. I'm not sure if Min Hwa will ever be allowed back into the palace, but this ensured at least a future for her nephew to have a mother and for her brother to have a wife. For as long as Yeon Woo was by Hwon's side, she will always guide him in the right direction like she did as a young girl. She is his conscience, and she is his motivation to become a better king and a better person.

As for our King Hwon I reserve the last. I am so grateful for the character of Hyung Sun who truly loved him the most. He was like a father, a mentor, a guide, a friend and a shadow to Hwon. He was just always there right beside him every step of the way. I love their relationship. Hwon's growth as a person is largely due to Hyung Sun. He is the only one who puts cocky Hwon in his place. What's so great is that because they care for one another Hwon allows Hyung Sun to be that type of person to him. It must have been hard for Hwon to be the King yet have no power. To be constantly lied to and manipulated by your own ministers and your own family, and to live in constant paranoia and always try to be one step ahead of the people who want your position must have been a sad lonely and miserable life for Hwon. People have said that so many people died so that Hwon and Yeon Woo could be together. It makes it sound like that it was Hwon and Yeon Woo's fault that these people died. I disagree. I think so many people got in the way of Hwon and Yeon Woo. This people always had a choice to go the other way, but they chose the path to their own demise. I'm glad that Hwon stepped up and fought his way out---out in the open. I mean Hwon could have easily died in that battle. He was willing to stake his own life in order to put everything back to its rightful place.

If there is one thing this drama is, it is that TMTETS is a fairy tale. It was a story of good versus evil where of course good prevailed over evil. It is a story of everlasting love, a love so strong that it defied even death. We may covet what somebody else has, even temporarily possess that thing, but in the end we will have to give it back because it was never ours to begin with. For all its flaws, the drama was so well loved. Why? Because it tugged us all right there in our hearts. We want to live in a world where good overcomes evil, where love transcends death, and for 3 months we laughed, we cried and we waited for our happy ending. I loved it for all its simplicity---no twists, no turns, no reversals. What makes it so good was that we really cared about these fictional characters. I could have a great critically acclaimed drama where everything was perfect from the writing, the directing and the acting, but I never got to the ending because I couldn't finish it because (really) I couldn't care. So for all the things this drama lacks, I will just take with me what it does have and that is heart. It took so long for me to write this because writing this would mean that I would have to let go of the drama. It's like having a child and upon realizing that that child has grown up we would have to let go.

Thank you to all those who shared so much material and insights for this drama. Whether we agreed or disagreed, we were all here. So thank you and I sincerely apologize for burdening you with a long post. Till the next drama.....

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i was going to .. but baloi beats me to it ... *hehehe*

SSK1, Bambiina .... love your posts !!!

Bambiina ... thumbs up for this one, especially !!! :wub:

Thank you for the thumb now I have three thumbs hehe...

I am just sharing my experience watching korean drama and how to enjoy drama to the max.. hihi.

Toho81 - YM in New York? :o .. Hang around the famous spot in New York and you might catch him.

Can anyone help me.. Grandmama Queen (old queen) - is she Hwon real grandmother? If she is her real grandma how could she allows the Prime Minister to harm her grandson and son?

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Guest toho81

Thank you for the thumb now I have three thumbs hehe...

I am just sharing my experience watching korean drama and how to enjoy drama to the max.. hihi.

Toho81 - YM in New York? :o .. Hang around the famous spot in New York and you might catch him.

Can anyone help me.. Grandmama Queen (old queen) - is she Hwon real grandmother? If she is her real grandma how could she allows the Prime Minister to harm her grandson and son?

Yes, YM is in New York and thats driving me crazy that I live in New York too. It's hard at the famous spots because there are many of them, many tourists right now, and some famous spots are big-like Times Square. I hope he tweets more pics of himself in NYC to give me a clue!

I was also doubting whether or not the old queen was his real grandmother. the show never said, but my feeling was Hwon's father was born from a concubine, and that old queen probably supported him to be king so that's why he owes her? That's just my theory. Oh Gosh, YM where are in New York?? Cries....I want an autograph for my TMTETS OST LOL

Forgive the long post...

This is a long overdue reaction to the drama that captivated us for the past three months. I've read the spoilers and the recaps, but I chose to write this only after I've watched with the English subs just in case something gets lost in the translation and my interpretation.

Having read the excerpts from the English translations of the novel, I really was not at all surprised on how many people died within the last two episodes. I was also not surprised on how closely they tried to follow the ending of the novel.

Let me start off with the Queen Dowager. To lead a long life in disillusionment (she always claimed to have done all her evil deeds in the service of the former King and Hwon) only to be killed by one of her own was very fitting for the old hag. Her whole existence was motivated by greed, and it was the same greed that did her in. She was the root of all the evil that existed so it was very satisfying that at the point of certain death, she flashes to her memories of both the former King and Hwon and their denouncement of all her wrongdoings. What goes around comes around.

With Minister Yoon Dae Hyung I was very vocal about a slow painful death (Ari style). Like some of you I wanted him to hear Ari's last words to him as he breathes his last. But since it wasn't meant to be, I'm not sure that I was totally satisfied that it was Prince Yang Myung that did him in. I felt that with all the verbal warfare that he engaged with Hwon, it would have been most satisfying if he had died with Hwon drilling his sword into Yoon's heart. It would have been like payback for the last 8 years and for coveting the power of the King's position. He was only Hwon's uncle, I always wondered whatever made him believe he had any right to covet that power in the first place. Talk about audacity!

Some people felt pity for Bo Kyung's character. Bo Kyung was one character that never grew up. Till the day she ended her life she was still the same little girl who punished Seol, almost tortured her to death and framed her just because she enjoyed it. We have her father to blame for how she was at a very young age. I think more than anything Bo Kyung's father issues dictated the way she approached her life. The one thing I didn't like was her monologue at the very end where she says that she only wanted Hwon's love. I always felt it was the position that Hwon represented which she always coveted. She always wanted the acknowledgement from Hwon because deep inside she knew she wasn't the rightful queen. She only obtained the position by default. I doubt if Bo Kyung even knew what love was. I never felt that she did anything to show her so-called love for Hwon. She was never properly loved as a child and even as an adult by her own family. She always felt that her father's love was conditional on the position she held as the queen and her being able to accomplish what her father set her out to do which was to produce an heir. I think when she asks the previous Head Shaman to cast a deathly spell on Yeon Woo it solidified her culpability. Rather than being demoted in position, she chose to end her life as a queen. She chose to die rather than lose her title. And she chose to die because she knew her father had forsaken her. And more than Hwon's love, it was her father's love that she yearned the most.

One of the most discussed and hated characters was that of Princess Min Hwa. She was spoiled to the max. To this we credit to her parents especially her father who doted on her but never gave her tough love. Yeom was her obsession. He was like a toy that she absolutely had to have. Yeom's feelings never mattered to her, what mattered was that she possessed him. Is this even love? To wish death on another human being? She hurts Yeom by killing off his loved ones (including his father). but is never truly sorry for having hurt him. Did she ever feel guilt? No, she was only always living in fear on being found out. Okay, so she pays for her crimes. I hope and pray that in being a mother she will finally learn what it is to really love another. She's tortured Yeom long enough, and he really deserves better.

The most helpless of characters has got to be Yeom. He was such a tortured soul. I mean to find out that he was the motivation in the death of his own sister, that his life for the past 8 years was a farce created by a person who supposedly loves him and his family, and that his life would be forever indebted to the one person who truly cared for him. Give the guy a break! For somebody extremely smart he was terribly dumb when it came to women and to love. Towards the end the confrontation between him and Princess Min Hwa reveals that he already has feelings for her. I'm pretty sure that this was out of duty more than anything. Yeom's perceived perfection was in fact his biggest flaw.

As for Seol and Woon it would have been nice if indeed the writer hinted at a romance between them. I felt so much sadness for Seol as she died in the arms of Yeom. There were already instances in the past when Woon would catch Seol secretly observing Yeom and at that point the writer could have started their romance. They both had the protective instincts and are insanely loyal people. Woon was the single character who was always aware of Seol's presence. What better way to have him start feeling an attraction to her, not to mention she was as bad-richard simmons as he was in sword fighting. The conflict would have been either to love or to serve. Plus there could have been tension in the friendship between Yeom and Woon. This could have been another pair we could have rooted for. Essentially there was no other love angle to root for except for our OTP. The reason I felt so much sadness about Seol's death was because she did live a very sad existence of non-existence. I just wanted her character to matter more. I have nothing against Janshil the character, but she did end up having better lines than Seol and thus, had more of an impact to the story than Seol ever did.

The one character that died that I wished didn't die was Nok Young. She did deserve death because in spite of her saving Yeon Woo and taking care of her for the last 8 years, Yeon Woo would not have needed saving if Nok Young didn't abide by the Queen Dowager's wishes of putting a deathly spell on her. But then we wouldn't have a story. So I guess Nok Young was a necessary death. Her sole purpose was to preserve the one moon and one sun. At least she died in a more heroic way than Yang Myung did. She left this world bringing with her all the evil spirits to ensure a peaceful future for our King and Queen.

I always wished that Prince Yang Myung to be a hero so I'm not surprised that he dies at all. Like many of you I wished his death were a little different. I mean they gave him a very dramatic death, but in so doing they also showed him to be a lesser character than he was built up to be. Why would you choose to end your life without a fight? Did your life not matter at all? I wish that they could have had him stop Yoon from killing Hwon and in the process Yoon deals him the fatal blow. At this point Hwon drills that sword to Yoon's heart to pay back for all his evil deeds and most specially for hurting his brother. I mean to step in and take the sword meant for Hwon---this is my hero. Deep inside I've always felt that it was Yang Myung's love for Hwon that kept him in the right place. He truly did love his brother in as much as Hwon loved him back. I cried so much for Yang Myung because his death could have been so much more.

Our Crown Princess Yeon Woo was one consistent character. As a young girl she was very intelligent, opinionated and very brave especially when she sees another person being wronged or taken advantage of. She will openly fight for someone who cannot fight for themselves, but she will never fight for her own self. I think this is were her breeding, her nobility and her upbringing come into play. She will fight for the sick, the poor and the oppressed, but not for herself. When she realizes her true identity and what has transpired for the past 8 years, there was a lot of expectation of her to kick richard simmons. Because Yeon Woo is mature beyond her years, she is smart enough to choose her battles. It was enough for me to hear those hurtful words she hurled at Min Hwa during their confrontation. This is what makes her a great Queen. She will not go ballistic. What she said to Min Hwa was more hurtful than any amount of slapping could have done. I think this was the best advice any person ever gave to Min Hwa---live and accept your punishment. I'm not sure if Min Hwa will ever be allowed back into the palace, but this ensured at least a future for her nephew to have a mother and for her brother to have a wife. For as long as Yeon Woo was by Hwon's side, she will always guide him in the right direction like she did as a young girl. She is his conscience, and she is his motivation to become a better king and a better person,

As for our King Hwon I reserve the last. I am so grateful for the character of Hyung Sun who truly loved him the most. He was like a father, a mentor, a guide, a friend and a shadow to Hwon. He was just always there right beside him every step of the way. I love their relationship. Hwon's growth as a person is largely due to Hyung Sun. He is the only one who puts cocky Hwon in his place. What's so great is that because they care for one another Hwon allows Hyung Sun to be that type of person to him. It must have been hard for Hwon to be the King yet have no power. To be constantly lied to and manipulated by your own ministers and your own family, and to live in constant paranoia and always try to be one step ahead of the people who want your position must have been a sad lonely and miserable life for Hwon. People have said that so many people died so that Hwon and Yeon Woo could be together. It makes it sound like that it was Hwon and Yeon Woo's fault that these people died. I disagree. I think so many people got in the way of Hwon and Yeon Woo. This people always had a choice to go the other way, but they chose the path to their own demise. I'm glad that Hwon stepped up and fought his way out---out in the open. I mean Hwon could have easily died in that battle. He was willing to stake his own life in order to put everything back to its rightful place.

If there is one thing this drama is, it is that TMTETS is a fairy tale. It was a story of good versus evil where of course good prevailed over evil. It is a story of everlasting love, a love so strong that it defied even death. We may covet what somebody else has, even temporarily possess that thing, but in the end we will have to give it back because it was never ours to begin with. For all its flaws, the drama was so well loved. Why? Because it tugged us all right there in our hearts. We want to live in a world where good overcomes evil, where love transcends death, and for 3 months we laughed, we cried and we waited for our happy ending. I loved it for all its simplicity---no twists, no turns, no reversals. What makes it so good was that we really cared about these fictional characters. I could have a great critically acclaimed drama where everything was perfect from the writing, the directing and the acting, but I never got to the ending because I couldn't finish it because (really) I couldn't care. So for all the things this drama lacks, I will just take with me what it does have and that is heart. It took so long for me to write this because writing this would mean that I would have to let go of the drama. It's like having a child and upon realizing that that child has grown up we would have to let go.

Thank you to all those who shared so much material and insights for this drama. Whether we agreed or disagreed, we were all here. So thank you and I sincerely apologize for a burdening you with a long post. Till the next drama.....

I so agree with you on Bo Kyung. If she truly loved Hwon, she would know not to hurt Yeon Woo again as that would break the king even more devastated than before. As for YM's death, I also wanted a different way for him. But I guess He chose to kill himself because he wouldn't need to constantly be stuck between loyalty to his brother and his love for Yeon Woo. He is probably sick of struggling between love and loyalty so by killing himself, he would never have to force himself to choose love or loyalty.

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Forgive the long post...

Some people felt pity for Bo Kyung's character. Bo Kyung was one character that never grew up. Till the day she ended her life she was still the same little girl who punished Seol, almost tortured her to death and framed her just because she enjoyed it. We have her father to blame for how she was at a very young age. .

She only obtained the position by default. I doubt if Bo Kyung even knew what love was.

Our Crown Princess Yeon Woo was one consistent character. As a young girl she was very intelligent, opinionated and very brave especially when she sees another person being wronged or taken advantage of. She will openly fight for someone who cannot fight for themselves, but she will never fight for her own self. I think this is were her breeding, her nobility and her upbringing come into play. She will fight for the sick, the poor and the oppressed, but not for herself. When she realizes her true identity and what has transpired for the past 8 years, there was a lot of expectation of her to kick richard simmons. Because Yeon Woo is mature beyond her years, she is smart enough to choose her battles. It was enough for me to hear those hurtful words she hurled at Min Hwa during their confrontation. This is what makes her a great Queen. She will not go ballistic. What she said to Min Hwa was more hurtful than any amount of slapping could have done. I think this was the best advice any person ever gave to Min Hwa---live and accept your punishment. I'm not sure if Min Hwa will ever be allowed back into the palace, but this ensured at least a future for her nephew to have a mother and for her brother to have a wife. For as long as Yeon Woo was by Hwon's side, she will always guide him in the right direction like she did as a young girl. She is his conscience, and she is his motivation to become a better king and a better person,

Thank you to all those who shared so much material and insights for this drama. Whether we agreed or disagreed, we were all here. So thank you and I sincerely apologize for a burdening you with a long post. Till the next drama.....

sorry to cut your post ^_^ .. but ... i'm sooo agree with you ... some people complaints about how grown up YW seems totally different from intelligent, opinionated and very brave young YW .., but i think it's not the character that is changed ... it is the circumstances .. from noble lady/Crown Princess to low shaman --> to criminal --> being hunt by assasins ... so grown up YW has to be smart enough to choose her battles .. and now after she can come out from that hidden room and become Queen ... it's her time to be fully shined ... being a smart , intelligent, brave Queen :wub:

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Guest Starlitelet

I think the flashback is actually for benefit of those that jump in the ship in the middle of the drama, it may seem redundant to us but to them it helped a lot to understand the drama. I believe every week there would be new follower. I guess it meant for ajumma, ajushi in korea. Like my sister who came in the middle of the drama.. She loved those flashback...and she would go...Owh, Ah I see I see

Hi Bambiina ^^!

You're right about the flashbacks bringing in new viewers every week, but they could have done so much more! Perhaps then, the ending wouldn't feel as rushed. A good drama doesn't need flashbacks, yet are still able to move the newcomers along.

about YM death, I think it happen in a split second (the scene was exegerated), Not just Hwon, Un was actually close to YM and he could easily pull him out of the way but why not? So I guess it happen so fast that no one can do anything to save him (though I think PD is stupid for making it look like it happen in minutes instead of a few seconds). I guess PD wanted us to understand that YM chose to sacrifice for the sake of Joseon and accept it, so that we won't feel too bad. I am one of the few that like YM died, I hate to see he becomes an outcast (there will be no room for him in the monarch system).BTW I think PD/writer consider successful if we could not guess who gonna die at the end of the story. If we can guess what happen next I guess they "failed". ^_^.

as for chemistry, I find this matter is quite subjective. I felt the chemistry. Every time the King look at his Queen to be, I feel the spark. When he pull YW down and ask, "who are you?" My heart skipped a beat and when she replied "I'm his majesty woman" my heart squeeeeelllllll. When the King was impatient during the ceremony and snatch away the teapot, my heart scream in delight... Hahahahahahhahahaha... I love every minute when they were together if possible I want to see more of the OTP. MORE.

I guess that the reason this drama known as "national drama"?

They must have done something right to achieve rating of more than 40% and the best thing it increased every week.

Hope you don't mind me replying since I am a new bie in this thread.

No, I don't think it happened in a second unless the guy who was shooting/editing it did a horrible job. I mean the King literally looked at Yang Myung and gave him a warning. Then Yang Myung turned back and saw the guy, then he looked back at the King and did his short internal monologue. Afterwards, the King had a worried face. And then Yang Myung turned towards the guard/soldier holding the spear/javelin if I'm not mistaken.

I didn't feel that Yang Myung did it for Joseon alone, but rather that he knows Wol/Yeon Woo won't be by his side either. He practically lives for Wol, which is kind of sad. They should have mentioned about the prophecy before-hand (maybe a bit more into detail) and not just at the beginning. Besides, it's not like Yang Myung to believe in prophecies. He was always a rebel/pariah when it came down to all the rules in the "palace" and the magic stuff. It seemed out of character for me and a little too convenient. 

Yes, you're absolutely right that the chemistry is subjective. Everyone will react differently. In my case, it just didn't work for me.

The drama is popular because its popularity originally sprouted by the citizens of Korea. I also believe that popularity can happen by total fluke/chance at times. It's the case for TMTETS.

Why is Twilight so popular? It's not a masterpiece. Everything has its time. And Moon that Embraces the Sun just slipped in at the correct time. When I ask people why they've enjoyed TMTETS so much, it doesn't seem like anyone can give me a reasonable explanation other than it's pathos driven. And pathos driven is also a subjective matter. There needs to be concrete/logical reasons as to why it is beyond good. For the popularity that TMTETS is getting, it doesn't deserve it. Of course, nothing is a work of pure masterpiece because every work has at least a flaw. Though, the flaws in TMTETS outweighs the good stuff (IMO). Maybe I just watched it at the wrong time *shrugs.

I am not specifically pointing at you, by the way ^^;. Just want to make it clear.

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No, I don't think it happened in a second unless the guy who was shooting/editing it did a horrible job. I mean the King literally looked at Yang Myung and gave him a warning. Then Yang Myung turned back and saw the guy, then he looked back at the King and did his short internal monologue. Afterwards, the King had a worried face. And then Yang Myung turned towards the guard/soldier holding the spear/javelin if I'm not mistaken.

Yo Starlite,

^__^ v .... Yeah it appear exactly as what you wrote - yeah so that is why I guess the PD made a mistake there. For me that scene should happen in seconds and no one can do anything about it, Not Hwon, Woon or the soldiers (BTW - almost all baddie dead accept for him, Good Soldiers should be able to rush and kill him). Logically it should happen in seconds so that's the flaw - Stupid PD nim. I wish I could clarify this with him.

Why is Twilight so popular? It's not a masterpiece. Everything has its time. And Moon that Embraces the Sun just slipped in at the correct time. When I ask people why they've enjoyed TMTETS so much, it doesn't seem like anyone can give me a reasonable explanation other than it's pathos driven. And pathos driven is also a subjective matter. There needs to be concrete/logical reasons as to why it is beyond good. For the popularity that TMTETS is getting, it doesn't deserve it. Of course, nothing is a work of pure masterpiece because every work has at least a flaw. Though, the flaws in TMTETS outweighs the good stuff (IMO). Maybe I just watched it at the wrong time *shrugs.

Yeah I guess it is just not your cup of tea. But I think you ask the wrong person heheheh..... I bet if you ask me, Toho, Padhiri, SSK1, Old soul, Kelcy Azuzawa and others that are soooooooooooooo crazy of moon I am sure they can come up with 1001 reason. ^_^

I can give you 100 reasons - kekekekke - and it all will be because of Choonnaaaa intelligence and Wit... his Eunuch Hyun Seong?grin and not to mention JIW charisma. Han Ga In mole, the bath tub scene, the fake petals falling, the beautiful children and the best thing is MANYYYYYYYY MANYYYY OTP couple moment. The feel good feeling. You know most historical drama focus too much on politics, too many turn and twist, too many hidden staircase, dungeon, maze and sometime romance aspect was neglected but TMTETS is quite simple and focus on romance (Which is my cup of tea)

I think it is unfair to say TMTETS doesn't deserve the popularity. The actors work hard to meet deadlines. KSH acted great so did JIW and the others so I guess it's unfair to say TMTETS doesn't deserve the popularity, especially to us here that love the drama with all the flaws and the beauty. Don't you think so? ^_^.

And I guess your vision is a little blurry :lol: coz I believe you are in love with PSH from the Princess Man. kekekekek he is hot and I don't blame you.

I watched princess man from 1st ep to 22 eps (I think) but I didn't watch the rest of the episode so... I guess liking something or saying a drama good or not, is kinda subjective. What we like doesn't mean good and vice versa. But I bet TMTETS touched many hearts... mine, my sisterssssssssssss, fren and many more.

KSH became household name - I think he deserve every bit of fame that came together with TMTETS and others that involved in the drama. You can call it timing, luck or whatever - to me I guess it is hard work by everyone in the production team.

Sorry in advance if my comment is too bold..... I hope you could enjoy TMTETS as much as I enjoy it.

Edit : To include this

Sometime when you like something so much you can't explain it. No reason you just like it or it is because of too many reasons and you just can't explain it. That what happen to me.

There should not be a reason to like or to love something or someone - I think ;)

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Yo Starlite,

^__^ v .... Yeah it appear exactly as what you wrote - yeah so that is why I guess the PD made a mistake there. For me that scene should happen in seconds and no one can do anything about it, Not Hwon, Woon or the soldiers (BTW - almost all baddie dead accept for him, Good Soldiers should be able to rush and kill him). Logically it should happen in seconds so that's the flaw - Stupid PD nim. I wish I could clarify this with him.

Yeah I guess it is just not your cup of tea. But I think you ask the wrong person heheheh..... I bet if you ask me, Toho, Padhiri, SSK1, Old soul, Kelcy Azuzawa and others that are soooooooooooooo crazy of moon I am sure they can come up with 1001 reason. ^_^

I can give you 100 reasons - kekekekke - and it all will be because of Choonnaaaa intelligence and Wit... his Eunuch Hyun Seong?grin and not to mention JIW charisma. Han Ga In mole, the bath tub scene, the fake petals falling, the beautiful children and the best thing is MANYYYYYYYY MANYYYY OTP couple moment. The feel good feeling. You know most historical drama focus too much on politics, too many turn and twist, too many hidden staircase, dungeon, maze and sometime romance aspect was neglected but TMTETS is quite simple and focus on romance (Which is my cup of tea)

I think it is unfair to say TMTETS doesn't deserve the popularity. The actors work hard to meet deadlines. KSH acted great so did JIW and the others so I guess it's unfair to say TMTETS doesn't deserve the popularity, especially to us here that love the drama with all the flaws and the beauty. Don't you think so? ^_^.

And I guess your vision is a little blurry :lol: coz I believe you are in love with PSH from the Princess Man. kekekekek he is hot and I don't blame you.

I watched princess man from 1st ep to 22 eps (I think) but I didn't watch the rest of the episode so... I guess liking something or saying a drama good or not, is kinda subjective. What we like doesn't mean good and vice versa. But I bet TMTETS touched many hearts... mine, my sisterssssssssssss, fren and many more.

KSH became household name - I think he deserve every bit of fame that came together with TMTETS and others that involved in the drama. You can call it timing, luck or whatever - to me I guess it is hard work by everyone in the production team.

Sorry in advance if my comment is too bold..... I hope you could enjoy TMTETS as much as I enjoy it.

Edit : To include this

Sometime when you like something so much you can't explain it. No reason you just like it or it is because of too many reasons and you just can't explain it. That what happen to me.

There should not be a reason to like or to love something or someone - I think ;)

100% agree with you. liking something is so subjective. good for you maybe not for others. it's a subjective things and like you I just cant really fully put explaining on why i love this drama so much. introduce it to my sister, since we both didnt quite like sageuk drama, we have become fans... >_<

we discuss about this drama when we have time... i just love it. :wub: other than Secret Garden, i cant think of other drama that can win my heart as much as this drama and secret garden did.

Our Crown Princess Yeon Woo was one consistent character. As a young girl she was very intelligent, opinionated and very brave especially when she sees another person being wronged or taken advantage of. She will openly fight for someone who cannot fight for themselves, but she will never fight for her own self. I think this is were her breeding, her nobility and her upbringing come into play. She will fight for the sick, the poor and the oppressed, but not for herself. When she realizes her true identity and what has transpired for the past 8 years, there was a lot of expectation of her to kick richard simmons. Because Yeon Woo is mature beyond her years, she is smart enough to choose her battles. It was enough for me to hear those hurtful words she hurled at Min Hwa during their confrontation. This is what makes her a great Queen. She will not go ballistic. What she said to Min Hwa was more hurtful than any amount of slapping could have done. I think this was the best advice any person ever gave to Min Hwa---live and accept your punishment. I'm not sure if Min Hwa will ever be allowed back into the palace, but this ensured at least a future for her nephew to have a mother and for her brother to have a wife. For as long as Yeon Woo was by Hwon's side, she will always guide him in the right direction like she did as a young girl. She is his conscience, and she is his motivation to become a better king and a better person,

sorry for cutting your post. I like how you wrote about YeonWoo character. yep at the very last scene of YW and Princess MW, she definitely shows her strong, determination, smart personality and to sum up all your thoughts on YW, this is why they called the drama "THE MOON THAT EMBRACES THE SUN". Her presence to the Sun which make him stronger :D

If there is one thing this drama is, it is that TMTETS is a fairy tale. It was a story of good versus evil where of course good prevailed over evil. It is a story of everlasting love, a love so strong that it defied even death. We may covet what somebody else has, even temporarily possess that thing, but in the end we will have to give it back because it was never ours to begin with. For all its flaws, the drama was so well loved. Why? Because it tugged us all right there in our hearts. We want to live in a world where good overcomes evil, where love transcends death, and for 3 months we laughed, we cried and we waited for our happy ending. I loved it for all its simplicity---no twists, no turns, no reversals. What makes it so good was that we really cared about these fictional characters. I could have a great critically acclaimed drama where everything was perfect from the writing, the directing and the acting, but I never got to the ending because I couldn't finish it because (really) I couldn't care. So for all the things this drama lacks, I will just take with me what it does have and that is heart. It took so long for me to write this because writing this would mean that I would have to let go of the drama. It's like having a child and upon realizing that that child has grown up we would have to let go.

Thank you to all those who shared so much material and insights for this drama. Whether we agreed or disagreed, we were all here. So thank you and I sincerely apologize for a burdening you with a long post. Till the next drama.....

yep the simplicity and the general concept of the drama also what I think the reason why this drama is the National Drama. People just like to watch it because they didnt have to think to much and the romance from it also become the attraction of this drama ^_^

MBC Sketch video from the Farewell Party

and yes like others, I still cant get over this drama yet... :(

I'm missing it so much. still lurking here and bestiz :lol:

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Yo Starlite,

Yeah I guess it is just not your cup of tea. But I think you ask the wrong person heheheh..... I bet if you ask me, Toho, Padhiri, SSK1, Old soul, Kelcy Azuzawa and others that are soooooooooooooo crazy of moon I am sure they can come up with 1001 reason. ^_^

I can give you 100 reasons - kekekekke - and it all will be because of Choonnaaaa intelligence and Wit... his Eunuch Hyun Seong?grin and not to mention JIW charisma. Han Ga In mole, the bath tub scene, the fake petals falling, the beautiful children and the best thing is MANYYYYYYYY MANYYYY OTP couple moment. The feel good feeling. You know most historical drama focus too much on politics, too many turn and twist, too many hidden staircase, dungeon, maze and sometime romance aspect was neglected but TMTETS is quite simple and focus on romance (Which is my cup of tea)

I think it is unfair to say TMTETS doesn't deserve the popularity. The actors work hard to meet deadlines. KSH acted great so did JIW and the others so I guess it's unfair to say TMTETS doesn't deserve the popularity, especially to us here that love the drama with all the flaws and the beauty. Don't you think so? ^_^.

And I guess your vision is a little blurry :lol: coz I believe you are in love with PSH from the Princess Man. kekekekek he is hot and I don't blame you.

I watched princess man from 1st ep to 22 eps (I think) but I didn't watch the rest of the episode so... I guess liking something or saying a drama good or not, is kinda subjective. What we like doesn't mean good and vice versa. But I bet TMTETS touched many hearts... mine, my sisterssssssssssss, fren and many more.

KSH became household name - I think he deserve every bit of fame that came together with TMTETS and others that involved in the drama. You can call it timing, luck or whatever - to me I guess it is hard work by everyone in the production team.

Sorry in advance if my comment is too bold..... I hope you could enjoy TMTETS as much as I enjoy it.

Edit : To include this

Sometime when you like something so much you can't explain it. No reason you just like it or it is because of too many reasons and you just can't explain it. That what happen to me.

There should not be a reason to like or to love something or someone - I think ;)

very well said :D ...

and same with you ... i stopped watching Princess Man in the middle of the series ... -_- too stressful for my cup of tea *LOL* ... but i complaint nothing about it .. sometimes if you have nothing nice to say ... better not say anything at all, rite ?

*hihihi* 1001 reasons ???? :P i can make a list of every single moment from every single episode ... "things i like about TMTETS" ..

40% ++ National Ratings ... that is a proven "unbiased & very much deserved* popularity :)

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Guest old soul

Yes, YM is in New York and thats driving me crazy that I live in New York too. It's hard at the famous spots because there are many of them, many tourists right now, and some famous spots are big-like Times Square. I hope he tweets more pics of himself in NYC to give me a clue!

I was also doubting whether or not the old queen was his real grandmother. the show never said, but my feeling was Hwon's father was born from a concubine, and that old queen probably supported him to be king so that's why he owes her? That's just my theory. Oh Gosh, YM where are in New York?? Cries....I want an autograph for my TMTETS OST LOL

I so agree with you on Bo Kyung. If she truly loved Hwon, she would know not to hurt Yeon Woo again as that would break the king even more devastated than before. As for YM's death, I also wanted a different way for him. But I guess He chose to kill himself because he wouldn't need to constantly be stuck between loyalty to his brother and his love for Yeon Woo. He is probably sick of struggling between love and loyalty so by killing himself, he would never have to force himself to choose love or loyalty.

I kind of understood what the writer was implying by Yang Myung's choosing to die, but like you I also wanted his greatness not to be diminished. I don't know about how you feel about taking one's own life, but for me it always feels like a cop out. Dying is the easy way out. Living takes courage. But I do get what the writer wanted for Yang Myung, it's just that maybe with the limited time they had and the problems brought about the strike things really took a toll on the drama towards the end. I think the imaginary conversation of Woon with Yang Myung's spirit right after is exactly there to reassure us the viewers that things still ended well for Yang Myung. It served as a buffer for all who grieved for him.

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