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[Drama 2012] The Moon that Embraces the Sun 해를 품은 달

Guest yeohweping

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Guest tikamicizia

suddenly bokyung looks so ordinary.. omfg han ga in is gorgeousssss, yess my dream comes truee, and it's pink. so lovelyyy.. sorry if i'm shallow, ga in is my first girl crushhh

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I dont think so. Becoz previously in various instances we saw omma was reminded of yw when she see a girl of her age. First, immediately after the death of yw, bringing a poor girl thinking she is yw andserving food. Also after 8 years, when wol bumped into her mom before the stationery shop, she was reminded of yw.

She would have wanted to visit badly the grave of yw, after her encounter with wol.

my guess is : The person who is now almost doubted abt the death of yw, is hwon. So he will be the only person to order for digging the grave of yw.

Actually it is just a guess since as per the novel translation, it was actually Yeom who carried the burden of exhuming YW’s body in her grave but since we are not expecting that much change from the novel and drama so I just make an assumption that maybe it will be the mother who will initiate it.

Anyway, let’s just wait how the drama will deal with it and I’ll just enjoy MoonSun to the fullest as the story unfolds. :wub::wub:

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MBC’s The Moon Embracing The Sun Ends at Episode 20 Without Extension


With the rising popularity, the sayings about the extension of MBC TV Wednesday and Thursday drama The Moon that Embraces the Sun has been proposed continuously, but the drama will end at 20 episodes according to original plan.

An official of TV station told TVReport through phone on February 21st, 2012, “The Moon that Embraces the Sun is not extended, will end at episode 20 on March 8th, 2012 according to project intent in the beginning.”

Prior to that, the rating for first episode of The Moon that Embraces the Sun hit 18.0%, and the rating has even surged to 38.4% on episode 13 broadcast on February 15th, 2012, becoming the most popular drama in 2012. Currently, all the actors including the child actors have gained popularity with the viewers, the commercial slots that aired before and after the drama have also been sold out, and that’s the benefits of been popular drama. In this regard, MBC expressed that there were special discussions about the proposal to extend the drama by 4 episodes, but ultimately decided to end as originally planned.

The official said: “As far as I know there are 6 episodes remaining from the last episode, if there is an increase of 4 episodes, the story will be somewhat dragged on. MBC also accepted the decision to complete the drama in accordance with the plan.”

In addition, in the episode 14, the scene of Wol (Han Ga In) regains her memory was broadcast, so the story will enter a new phase.

via TVReport

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Another senseless musings sweatingbullets.gif 

Date :: 21/02/2012 (Tuesday)

Time :: 6.00 pm

Traffic Condition :: Cars moving at 0.5km/h

Subject :: The Art of Getting By - Lesson 3 [Know Your Enemy's Weakest Point] 

Hubby :: You're quiet today. 

Me :: Hmm?

Hubby :: Usually during this time you are all hyped about MoonSun. Today you don't even ask me to turn on the MoonSun songs. What happened?

Me :: Owh. Nothing.

Hubby :: Ok now you're scaring me. Something's wrong?

Me :: No. I'm taking break. MoonSun break. I will not talk about MoonSun nor I will stalk Soompi or Asian-drama or iMBC until Wed night.

Hubby :: Erk? Last time it was boycott, today you're on break. And this break is due to..??

Me :: Nothing. I just feel like it. You know, to prepare for the unexpected. It keeps me calm. I need to stay calm. Through taking break. I learn that the less you think or talk about it, the higher your tolerance level will be.

Hubby :: Oh dear.

Me :: Why are you oh dearing me?

Hubby :: It's weird. And from my experience, you being weird will only lead to disaster. Let's make a deal. No matter what happen. Whatever will happen, you will not jump off from the balcony. Or scratch my car.

Me :: Ya! No need to be so melodramatic. I'm not that mad.

Hubby :: Still weird. Come on. Talk about something. Even it's about the sexy-hair-legged-KSH. My brain would rather endure that pain than you being MoonSun mute.

Me :: Honey, which part of I-am-on-break-no-MoonSun-talk-until-Wed do you not understand? Do you wanna break up with me? Eeee! I'm on break! Go talk to the next-car driver or something.

Hubby :: We're stuck in a traffic jam and you 're on MoonSun-break. Dem I need entertainment. Haish. 

After 1.5 minutes of silence.

Hubby :: Hey. Listen to this. Preview for tomorrow's ep is out. You wanna hear about it? I'll read Ok?

Me :: Don't even try. Just drive.

Hubby :: We're at the same spot for the past 15 mins. Don't worry about my driving. We're good. Ok, listen. Seems like the girl is picking up her memory and asks her servant about the 8-years story. Seol is it? The tomboy girl. She's the girl's servant right ? Whatever. I think the tomboy girl will spill the beans. And although the girl now knows about her past, she somehow determine not to act stupidly. Wow! that's cool. I told you girl got good brain.

Me :: Not listening.

Hubby :: And King's brother is looking out for her. And Woon doesn't stop him. King is investigating the night of girlfriend's death. 

Me :: Not listening still stand.

Hubby :: Wait! Did they just said King kisses her? For real?

Me :: What? Chinca? OMG!! Yes yes! Finally! Did they post pictures? Where did you read it ? Soompi? Where's my phone? I need to login. Waaaa!! Chinca can't wait!!

Hubby :: Gotcha! Bwahahahaha! Just mention kissing and you are all cracked! You really are a pervert. Hahahaha. Shoot.This is insanely funny. Hahahahaha.

Me :: Ya babo! [This is the part where I hit him hard]

Hubby :: Ok ok! Ouch. That hurts. I'm sorry I made up about the kissing part. You think the crew is that stupid to release such spoiler? You have to see it to have it.

Me :: Aaa.. Babo! Eh, but you said she asks Seol about her past? That's big. It's high-time Seol to play her part. I hope they don't drag the investigation too long. And I certainly don't want to see the evil F4 dominating airtime. Please please I need more Hwon-Yeon Woo screen time. They had so little in the last week's eps. And and can Yang Myung move on already? I don't want to see him wasting time chasing her. OMG! There are pictures of YW wearing queen attire! That freaking fast?! Soo pretty!! Alah! It's just Hwon's imagination. Aaaa. Cheat! You think Hwon will find out about the truth tomorrow? Please reunite!! Can't stand the separation anymore.

Hubby :: I dunno. Let's just wait and see.

Me :: Kyaaa!! Can't wait! This is all your fault! My break only lasts for 24 hours. Eh btw, OMG did you see the pic of KSH sexy leg?? I found one while browsing yesterday. Kyaaa!! Swoon!! See!? Sexiness overload!!

Hubby :: Oohhhhhhh crap!!!!

P/s :: Yes. He suffered from KSH overloading syndrome. KSH talk lasted for 45 mins! You ask for it babe! Eat that!

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Just like to share an interesting interview with the Vampire Prosecutor way back 2010. hehhehe!


한가인(Han Ga-In, ハン・ガイン)'s previous life, a PRINCESS??

Yun Jung Hoon's guesting (han ga in's husband) in Intimate Note Show last 2010:

SS501: I heard that u and ur wife went for a Europe trip.


Yun Jung Hoon: Yes,I was just finished the national services then.

MC gal: Where do u like most?

Yun Jung Hoon: Actually i just wanted to rest for a while cos that time, it was like just free from strict and disciplined environment. Just wanted to celebrate and choose a peaceful spot by the beach to rest. But my wife said “We can go to the beach when we have kids later.'” Then we just went to europe. She often said Europe is her place. She must have live there in previous life.


Yun Jung Hoon: Yes, SHE SAID SHE WAS A PRINCESS. I think to some extend 'yes she looks like one. So we just go, eat and have fun. While for dinner, my wife loves Korean food.


Yun Jung Hoon: During the trip to Rome, It's tiring. So i asked her, " Now that u are back to your previous life hometown why do u feel tired? She thought for some time then she answered, "No that's because last time I was riding in the carriage for travelling to and fro"


Yun Jung Hoon: Right, Carriage. Later we went to Paris. She again told me, she find the place familiar. It's like looking back at her previous life.

cr to the translator soompi forum jejungwon thread

. . . oh well, she's not just a princess now. . but a QUEEN :wub::wub: ^^

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Ooops this is to Azuwaza!

Hahahaha ! you are so funny! my husband politely listens as I drone on and on about the king! the shaman! the mom! Yeom! woon! the memory loss! - so you are lucky that he can (1) understand you and (2) appreciate you and (3) stand by and not sulk as his wife ignores him big time to watch the drama!

I love the pictures of Hwon and Wol in their full regalia....and Wol is looking so bashful and shy and downright gorgeous ...and they say she cant act...tsk tsk...

Even though the pics were supposedly from a fantasy, its still a good thing because at least Hwon can see her as his Queen in his fantasy! No wonder BK is looking so sour!

You know , Im going to have a boycott too...so that I can enjoy this all the more!

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This is the husband. 

@SSK1 Hi there. Are you insanely crazy or moderately crazy? If you are the latter, tell your husband to be thankful. Coz my wife is beyond save. Way beyond. Thank God this is not 50 eps drama. 

And girls, can we please lower down the KSH craziness? A man can take so much. Please mind your significant other. I'm experiencing low self esteem right now. I bet they are too. Heck, I am supposed to be the ONE. Now it's all about KSH. Haish~

Edit :: Ya!! Stop messing around with my account!! Aren't you supposed to be at the petrol station? Ya!!!!!!!!! 

Edit - Welcome to the borderless world. Where internet at your fingertip. You can access Soompi even while filling your car tank. Hahahahahaha. Crappy fun. I just love smartphone. 

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This is the husband. 

@SSK1 Hi there. Are you insanely crazy or moderately crazy? If you are the latter, tell your husband to be thankful. Coz my wife is beyond save. Way beyond~~ Thank God this is not 50 eps drama. 

And girls, can we please lower down the KSH craziness? A man can take so much. Please mind your significant other. I'm experiencing low self esteem right now. I bet they are too. Heck, I am supposed to be the ONE. Now it's all about KSH. Haish~

Edit :: Ya!! Stop messing around with my account!! Aren't supposed to be at the petrol station? Ya!!!!!!!!!

Hahaha! Mr Azuwaza...am here refreshing the forum 24 times a minute while doing work and speakinng to clients.what does that make me? heheheh..And sorry, Im sure you are still the one...as is my husband ....but for as long as the moon the sun are still orbiting and not yet embracing , KSH as Hwon.....rules for the moment in my household! hehehehe!

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Guest flowerboyramyunshop_FB

This is the husband.

@SSK1 Hi there. Are you insanely crazy or moderately crazy? If you are the latter, tell your husband to be thankful. Coz my wife is beyond save. Way beyond. Thank God this is not 50 eps drama.

And girls, can we please lower down the KSH craziness? A man can take so much. Please mind your significant other. I'm experiencing low self esteem right now. I bet they are too. Heck, I am supposed to be the ONE. Now it's all about KSH. Haish~

Edit :: Ya!! Stop messing around with my account!! Aren't you supposed to be at the petrol station? Ya!!!!!!!!!

LOL to mr.husband ,

KSH photos aren't scarce this days....

so brace yourself :w00t:


Were you worried that I was embracing another woman?

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LOL to mr.husband ,

KSH photos aren't scarce this days....

so brace yourself :w00t:


Just want to say that that moment where he asked if she worried about him. has got to be my favourite moment of the entire drama. Ive replayed just that scene many times,! To me, that is the penultimate moment when they stopped being shaman and king, he stopped seing her as shaman, or YW or what, he just saw her as a woman , his woman! And she no longer sees him as the King , a detached, figure she feared, and such a difference between Wol now, and Wol the very first time she came in as a human amulet! She sees him as a man- her man rawrr. :)

And when she sat next to him, after being told to stay otherwise he cant sleep, its not as a human amulet anymore...its as his girl......

Squeeeeeeeallll and with that I shall say goodnight forumers!

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This is the husband. 

@SSK1 Hi there. Are you insanely crazy or moderately crazy? If you are the latter, tell your husband to be thankful. Coz my wife is beyond save. Way beyond. Thank God this is not 50 eps drama. 

And girls, can we please lower down the KSH craziness? A man can take so much. Please mind your significant other. I'm experiencing low self esteem right now. I bet they are too. Heck, I am supposed to be the ONE. Now it's all about KSH. Haish~

Edit :: Ya!! Stop messing around with my account!! Aren't you supposed to be at the petrol station? Ya!!!!!!!!! 

Edit - Welcome to the borderless world. Where internet at your fingertip. You can access Soompi even while filling your car tank. Hahahahahaha. Crappy fun. I just love smartphone. 

I don’t know if my husband should be thankful for not being able to see and endure my craziness over KSH and MoonSun.. hhahaha! :D

Reading your conversation with wifey makes me miss him more. tears.giftears.gif We use to do the same way back in Jumong. I was pregnant with our child thus we call her Jumang.. hehhehe!


WOW! Have you seen the behind the scene pics??? Finally they are going to give Seol a chance to wear hanbok too! hahha!

Here are the link for the official MoonSun FB page..


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Guest arathegreat

Omo, the video preview for tomorrow's episode is already up at MBC's site.


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again, if somebody could provide the translations, i'd be more than happy to embed closed captioning :) thanks in advance!!! 


WTH???!!!! I AM DEAD!!!! WOW! w00t.gifw00t.gif

The ending scene in the preview just killed me! So it is Hwon's turn to be jealous????!!! So it is really the supposed to be episode 11 eh...

BTW, I just noticed, they seems to be more comfortable with each other now, can't wait to see the jealous Hwon




I am back to take my rightful place....b.jpg

You are ALIVE???


FACE OFF BETWEEN THE SUNS! Who is worthy to be with her??

It's my turn to be with her... No matter what, I will protect her!f.jpg

huhuhu! tears.giftears.gif My dear Hwon.. Don't worry, you will have your turn, SHE IS INDEED FATED TO BE YOUR QUEEN.


In due time, you will be like this..d.jpg

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I am very very excited now watching the preview!! If I was in Korea, I will definitely add to the numbers in ratings.

So it is coming full circle soon. The last scene is swoon-worthy and true to the unconfirmed spoiler a few pages back.

Wednesday, bring it on!

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