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[Drama 2011] Me Too, Flower! 나도, 꽃!


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Thanks for the explanation. I was just wondering why they kept calling Kikwang as Pink Chicken. So that's the reason why.  :D

yeah~at the end of today's epi,bongsun asked him wether ppl hav said he looked like someone else and he replied "EH? no" HAHA~ bongsun sees the "similarity" XD Pink is just so GK ♥ 

So what is Bong Sun think when she saw Jae Hee in luxury cloth?

jaehee said they are just employer-employee and starts making excuses like "who knows i could be a designer if i get to know her?i could draw you know" and so on~ she thought that hwa young bought it for him coz they are in a relationship~ but jaehee denied it and so she said that whateva reason u just gave me,i dont buy it~it really looks like you are acting,so u better spill your reason now~ and jaehee start opening his mouth,probably contemplating and then says "why do i hav to explain to you?who are you?we are strangers right?" its almost a revenge to bongsun coz she refused to accept his apologies and says that now they dont know each other earlier~

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Guest naddification

So what is Bong Sun think when she saw Jae Hee in luxury cloth?

She asks JH about it but from the looks of it, JH just gives some excuses and indirect answers. Can't wait for the English subs so that we can fully understand what they are talking about! :D

yeah~at the end of today's epi,bongsun asked him wether ppl hav said he looked like someone else and he replied "EH? no" HAHA~ bongsun sees the "similarity" XD Pink is just so GK ♥ 

jaehee said they are just employer-employee and starts making excuses like "who knows i could be a designer if i get to know her?i could draw you know" and so on~ she thought that hwa young bought it for him coz they are in a relationship~ but jaehee denied it and so she said that whateva reason u just gave me,i dont buy it~it really looks like you are acting,so u better spill your reason now~ and jaehee start opening his mouth,probably contemplating and then says "why do i hav to explain to you?who are you?we are strangers right?" its almost a revenge to bongsun coz she refused to accept his apologies and says that now they dont know each other earlier~

Ahhhhhhh I'm so envious that you can understand Korean! Thanks for the translation!! :D

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Guest naddification

Watching the preview of ep 5 again. So funny!

When Ma Roo takes off his police uniform, Jae Hee says to him, "You have the face of a baby (baby-faced) but your body is that of a Terminator." HAHA!

But after that, Ma Roo says "But you promised that (........)" and Jae Hee just replies, "I can't keep that promise." Could anyone give some enlightenment on what that promise is? Is it anything to do with Bong Sun?

Thank you!!

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Watching the preview of ep 5 again. So funny!

When Ma Roo takes off his police uniform, Jae Hee says to him, "You have the face of a baby (baby-faced) but your body is that of a Terminator." HAHA!

But after that, Ma Roo says "But you promised that (........)" and Jae Hee just replies, "I can't keep that promise." Could anyone give some enlightenment on what that promise is? Is it anything to do with Bong Sun?

Thank you!!

maru : promise that you wont bother anymore (my guess is to bother his relationship and bongsun anymore since the first scene before he take off his clothes w00t.gif he said "ah now theres no hyung or anything anymore" implying he will no longer respect the guy as his elder~ XD ) cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~ T_T this reminds me of high kick,difference is,this time YSY likes the same girl~before saeho got mad at the guy too,dont call her names and more~ but now,just dont go near her~ XD HAHA~ 

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wow ..thanks thanks for all those spoilers ^^ hahah a kiss scene.? thats so fast...we are only on eps 4 hahah but i love it ^^.....

not to mention the rating this drama is getting better i think ^^ i love the dialogues, unpredictable scenes....haha. Bong Sun n Kim Dal lol...

btw in the beginning of eps 3 bong sun gave jae hee a black plastic bag when they're talkin n drinking ..anyone can tell me whats inside the plastic bag? cuz suddenly bong sun gave him that ...so random .... (i wish i can understand their conversation) kind like tshirt or somethin......

argh i love jae hee stare to bong sun! sexy! he's not Tak Gu anymore :w00t:

now downloading eps 4

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wow ..thanks thanks for all those spoilers ^^ hahah a kiss scene.? thats so fast...we are only on eps 4 hahah but i love it ^^.....

not to mention the rating this drama is getting better i think ^^ i love the dialogues, unpredictable scenes....haha. Bong Sun n Kim Dal lol...

btw in the beginning of eps 3 bong sun gave jae hee a black plastic bag when they're talkin n drinking ..anyone can tell me whats inside the plastic bag? cuz suddenly bong sun gave him that ...so random .... (i wish i can understand their conversation) kind like tshirt or somethin......

argh i love jae hee stare to bong sun! sexy! he's not Tak Gu anymore :w00t:

now downloading eps 4

Wow I missed a lot here last night! It's good that some people there can understand Korean! It was very funny that Jae Hee said that Ma Ro has a body of a terminator hahhaahah.... Anyway, it is Jae Hee's undergarment inside the plastic bag... When he panicked and left when Ma Ro pointed a gun on him...

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oh i see hahah thanks database , btw i found this scene in eps 4 also funny, when jae hee picked up the phone n talked english front of bong sun .... "helloooo.......eh hmm..... o whats up! really? ....kidaryeo" hhaha start using english but end up with korean again ......

and Mr Kim Bday hahah LoL whats wrong with this girl hahha bong sun u're so unique, but sweet of her, she gave Mr Kim an expensive wallet ....

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oh i see hahah thanks database , btw i found this scene in eps 4 also funny, when jae hee picked up the phone n talked english front of bong sun .... "helloooo.......eh hmm..... o whats up! really? ....kidaryeo" hhaha start using english but end up with korean again ......

and Mr Kim Bday hahah LoL whats wrong with this girl hahha bong sun u're so unique, but sweet of her, she gave Mr Kim an expensive wallet ....

Yeah probably she feels guilty for so many headache she had given to him? hahhhaha, Yeah, Jae Hee must be probably talking to someone in the club and trying to impress Bong Sun but cannpt do it anymore hahhaha

Ratings of Episode 4: 6.4% AGB

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Guest shondrea2

Following up from the previous episode, Hwa Young asks if Bong Sun has some time to talk but Bong Sun says she has to go back to work. Before leaving, she tells Hwa Young, “You are very cool. Jjang.”, while giving her a thumbs up. HY appears stunned. Who wouldn't be? That was so random of BS! Haha.

Later that night, BS is sitting at the bus stop waiting for the bus to arrive when JH comes up to her on his bike. He points to her and says “You. Get on.” Not surprisingly, BS refuses. JH apologises to her about before. He asks her about what she said to Hwa Young earlier on when they met. BS tells him honestly that she just mentioned to HY about how cool and great she is. They talk some more and she then tells him to go away as he is taking up the space at the bus stop. JH receives a call and picks it up in front of BS. Seems like he has plans for the night. He is being a bit smug towards BS to annoy her.

JH heads for the club and there he meets Kim Dal by chance, who happens to be replacing a friend as one of the hostesses for the night. She isn’t friendly towards him as she thinks he is merely a nobody. However, she does realise that he is wearing an expensive watch and asks if it’s original. Both of them talk, or bicker, rather and KD soon leaves JH to go dance. Later on, she finds out from her friends that JH is actually a mysterious somebody, with people not knowing his name, his job etc. From afar, they see JH getting up to leave the club. KD goes out too and sees him being driven off in a car. She is pretty much convinced by now that JH might be a somebody, a chaebol perhaps. This ignites her interest in him and she even asks the valet attendant at the club for his number. Now, now… Where have we seen this before? Haha.

While KD is out at the club, BS has already packed up the mess in her room and thrown the things outside. She has been trying to call KD on the phone but she is too busy partying in the club. Upon reaching home, BS tells her to get out of the house. She even gives her the 30000 Won for the damaged coat. KD is unhappy and calls her a "dwaeji" (pig), possibly because at that time she’s sitting with one leg up, eating kimchi. Hahaha.

JH is now back at home and he sees Hwa Young, who still seems quite mad at him about the previous incident (him going MIA etc). The little boy Ah In calls out for his “samcheon” and JH gets into his bed with him. They spend some time talking in bed. All this is happening while Hwa Young sits in her room, watching them on a monitor. WOW freaky much. Whatever happened to privacy??

The next day, Hwa Young and the team have a meeting to talk about their products. Little do they know that JH is sitting in a room which is hidden from their view. He’s there to listen to the meeting and at one point of time, SMSes Hwa Young about something to do with their product. After their meeting, HY stops in front of the room in which JH is hidden in, and calls him on his phone. They talk through the phone. I'm not sure if it's only me but I'm getting slightly creeped out by HY's stance and behaviour towards JH. She looks like she's slightly possessive over him. Eeep.

In the police station, BS and the officers are celebrating Kim Pan Sul's birthday. After the candle is blown out, BS pushes the cake into his face, laughing loudly. She sees this as a harmless joke but the other officers are stunned. Turns out that the wallet which BS bought last ep is meant for the birthday boy. So sweet of her! The wallet wasn't cheap. I think BS is making an effort to become closer to her colleagues.

Meanwhile, KD is filled with regret about not being nicer to JH earlier on. Thus, she starts stalking JH. She sees him playing tennis together with HY and Park Tae Hwa. She even eavesdrops on their conversation and finally finds out that JH’s name is “Seo Jae Hee”. She’s one step closer to her money-making machine!

BS goes to the market to get groceries and ends up buying a bunchful of crabs from an old lady. While making her way back, she spots JH and HY getting out of a car. BS is puzzled and her curiosity is piqued. She hesitates and turns around, but realises that she HAS to pass them to get to her house. She puts her hood over her head and walks towards their direction. Unfortunately, a bicycle zooms past and causes her to drop everything. The crabs all come flying out and drops to the ground. JH sees BS's face! Ok awkward.... The three of them end up picking up crabs on the road, with HY screaming away in fright. LOL what a sight, really!

JH walks BS home. BS stops midway and asks some questions. She asks why he is dressed in luxurious clothes and about his relationship with HY. It is highly unfortunate that I could not make out everything they said but I think at one point of time, JH loses his cool and tells BS what concern it is of hers to know about his life and his relationship with HY.

At the same time, KD walks past them. Thank god she doesn't see them together! She reaches home and sneaks inside while calling out for “unni” to see if BS is at home. Apparently she’s not. She's still with JH. Suddenly, she hears some noises from the toilet. Thinking it's BS, she nears the toilet and stops at the door. She apologises to BS. However to her utter shock, a man steps out of the toilet. She freaks out and screams hysterically and runs out of the house. By now, BS is standing outside of the house. BS is feeling quite muddled about her feelings. She wonders why she's concerned about JH and she feels embarrassed to have confronted JH just now. Ok, I think her feelings for JH have been awakened.

Anyway, surprising addition to the cast. The man who came out from the toilet turns out to be BS’s father! So, her mother remarried after a divorce. It seems that BS doesn’t have a good relationship with her father either. She makes dinner for the both of them and they eat together. However, JH says something which upsets her father at one point of time, and he loses his temper and pushes all the dishes off the table. Gasp! What a hot-tempered being. He then leaves angrily in a huff. KD who is in her room and hears all this, freaks out. She is wondering why the house is such a scary place to be in. She calls her mother to inform that BS’s father is in the house. Her mother is surprised.

BS is left sitting at the table. She tries to hold back her tears. Ssuddenly her phone rings. It’s her mother. She ignores it and starts to pick up the broken dishes on the floor. The phone keeps ringing and BS eventually answers it. The mother asks if the father is gone and she tells her not to starve KD and give her food to eat. Frustrated as she already is, BS loses control and begins shouting. She goes to KD’s room and gives her a kick, and tells her to get lost.

BS goes back out to continue cleaning up the mess. Her eyes are teary. Suddenly, the lights go off and the room is lit with candles. Coming down the stairs....is the Pink Chicken! He sings her a song "You are beautiful..." and brings her outside. He serenades her some more and hands a rose to her. BS smiles. *snaps* Ok back to reality. She realises she's all alone. She then cries and says that she has no one. Oh gosh, I was really tearing up at this part. The emotions are so real. And we can see by now that Pink Chicken is her form of escapism from reality. Pink Chicken, though imaginary, is the only thing which keeps her going on. Poor BS... Her family is just a mess. I can see why and how she is so stressed and emotionally unstable.

The next day, BS is trying to handle a complaint from a resident about a car which is blocking the way. She tells Jo Ma Roo to use the mic in the police car (which is attached to a loudspeaker) to make a public announcement. He even sings into the mic. So cute!! Ok anyway, the owner of the car arrives. BS sees him and recognises him, and immediately turns to walk away. The man grabs hold of her arm and says "It's been a long time..." He says he wants to talk but BS says she has nothing to say. He then takes out his cell phone and keys in some numbers. BS’s phone rings. Ah… He’s trying to see if BS is still using the same number. Tsk tsk.

Ma Roo sees all this but he doesn’t know what to do. He turns around and suddenly, JH is already standing behind him. Woah, where did he come from? JH asks him what is going on and Ma Roo says he doesn’t know what he should do. He rushes off as he has a sudden stomachache.

JH shouts something out to the guy. He then approaches the two and puts his arm around BS. He then says something along the lines of “You are lover back then, but I am her lover now.” The pale-looking man just looks on incredulously. JH pulls BS away. BS isn’t happy and tells JH off for taking things into his hands. BS then gets into the police car and JH also follows suit, thick-skinnedly. BS tells him to get out of the car but he refuses. He asks her "Why didn't you change your phone number? Were you by any chance waiting (for him)?". BS retorts by asking why he wants to know all these when they consider themselves strangers. Things go quiet for a moment and JH suddenly pulls BS’s face close to his, and plants a forceful (but hot) kiss on her lips.


Eeek so wordy!

Does anyone know the real name of BS ex boyfriend he looks so familar. I know that I've seen him in another drama but can't remember HELP!!!!!!!

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Guest arathegreat

The screenshots of each episode really look good and funny.

Too bad I can't understand anything.

Please please, English subtitles drama Gods and Goddesses, help us in understanding this wonderful series.

I'm dying to know more of Bong Sun and Jae Hee. :)

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The screenshots of each episode really look good and funny.

Too bad I can't understand anything.

Please please, English subtitles drama Gods and Goddesses, help us in understanding this wonderful series.

I'm dying to know more of Bong Sun and Jae Hee. :)

Yeah it is quite very slow with the subs, it took almost one week to sub episode 1 but hopefully Episode 2 will come out soon,,,,

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Guest shondrea2

Yeah, he is Park Ki Wang? From the drama "The Musical"...

database: Thank you so much. I kept seeing him in my mind with black hair and tha smile.

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Guest judyannlou

I've just watched episode 4(RAW) at dramacrazy.net. I find it so amusing and thrillingly romantic when JH kissed BS at end of the episode.I'm so happy that result of the rating went up. I wish and hope that it will increase on further episodes to come. Do hope that the corresponding English subtitle will be posted sooner. To the production team and cast especially YSY and LJA, 2 thumbs up and keep up the good work.

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