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[OFFICIAL] Leeteuk (Suju) & Sora Couple We Got Married


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Guest LuCyJuNg

kika8 said:

“I’m not a pretender, I’am a frank type of person. And when I date, no matter what I will treat my boyfriend with the very best I can. Rather than feminine charm (aegyo), I guess I use more of a friend-like feeling/vibe to approach my boyfriend. The favorite things (hobby)that my boyfriend interested in, I’ll do them together with him. Later when I’m married for real, I think I’ll do the wifely duty very well,” she laughed.

**Translated by hiedi/@nhb19

cr: kang sora wordpress

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meridian suciramadhani

said: i'm a k-drama die-hard fans.. and watching your ff scenes just like waiting for my favorite drama next episode.. it's mixing my mind wondering what's gonna happen next..

:-? :-?

i'm not confident with my english since english is not my first language.. i'm weak when it comes to writing some thought in english.. hihihiiiii.. please kindly correct me if i'm wrong..

yeaaaaayyyyy i got my member license!!i'm sure to make perjuhmma as one of the biggest pervert fans club in the world.. i'm proud being perjuhmma.. because perjuhmma definitely will make your day more brighter.. more nosebleed, and drool for sure..

=P~ =P~ =P~

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Guest echalovable

@kika8 thanks for always share the news
Leeteuk Oppa did express himself a lot. After filming ended, I received “It was hard right?” this kind of text message from him. Since he already opened up his heart like that, I wanted to give more to him. At the beginning, if Leeteuk Oppa did the talking for about 85%, I did the remaining 10% by laughing & 5% by talking but later onit changed a lot.
LuCyJuNg said: kika8 said:

“I’m not a pretender, I’am a frank type of person. And when I date, no matter what I will treat my boyfriend with the very best I can. Rather than feminine charm (aegyo), I guess I use more of a friend-like feeling/vibe to approach my boyfriend. The favorite things (hobby)that my boyfriend interested in, I’ll do them together with him. Later when I’m married for real, I think I’ll do the wifely duty very well,” she laughed.

**Translated by hiedi/@nhb19

cr: kang sora wordpress.

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shymaldita28 said:




Watch Leeteuk V sign at 1:29-1:30 First time I saw him doing V sign on the song Sorry Sorry..to whom do you think he is saying sorry while doing it??OMO delusional again

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Hello again FD's~~
Teuk with wine kekeke
a56umdqcmaawkwf.jpgCredit: @smtownglobalReupload and Posted by: reneee (www.sup3rjunior.wordpress.com)

With this sign also remember our Dimple couple C=
cr: super junior tumblr

And that~~~~
[sCAN] Super Junior for VOGUE November 

cr: Askfro in SJ-market

cr: super junior tumblr (wonderskyu)

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Woah! Surely teukso knows how to spin our heads and turn our world upside down.

@teuksoVcrazed as much as I wanted to book @playerkbd but teukso just shared kisses and I don't know what shall be the next skin ship scene. I have something in mind but u have to wait for it because I don't know how to write it.

@kika8 @shymaldita28 I don't know how you do it but your finds are always a treasure.

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@luvallkorea, I hope you don't mind me posting your translation on Sora's interview.Thank you for this.

If I am alone, it will not be the same. As I am blood type A, I am an introvert therefore I do not express myself easily at first. As I do not take initiative (to greet people), many people think I am arrogant. I am not friendly by nature, but now I have changed my character a little."

It is the same when I was filming WGM with SJ Leeteuk. At first it was difficult to get close to each other, but he helped me and slowly I changed.

"Teuk oppa worked alot, but after filming he sent me messages, "are you tired?". He treated me well/with an open heart (not sure how to translate this), so I wanted to do something for him. In the beginning, Oppa spoke 85% of the time, I spoke about 5%, the remainder 10% of the time I am laughing, but in the later episodes it changed alot."

Sora became No.1 bride when she filmed WGM. She showed her charm (glamour) which received many male fans/support/fascination.

"I do not act (know how to pretend), I am a honest (frank) person, so when I date I put my boyfriend as number one. I love to praise him and make him smile (laugh). I do not use woman's aegyeo but rather have the feeling as an close/initimate friend. I like to be with my boyfriend doing things that he likes. Next time I marry, I feel that I will be a good wife (humorous saying of 'better half')" Sora laughed.

@TSL08 translation  "Sora: It's Teuk Oppa that opened my heart. "


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@luvallkorea, I hope you don't mind me posting your translation on Sora's interview.Thank you for this.

If I am alone, it will not be the same. As I am blood type A, I am an introvert therefore I do not express myself easily at first. As I do not take initiative (to greet people), many people think I am arrogant. I am not friendly by nature, but now I have changed my character a little."

It is the same when I was filming WGM with SJ Leeteuk. At first it was difficult to get close to each other, but he helped me and slowly I changed.

"Teuk oppa worked alot, but after filming he sent me messages, "are you tired?". He treated me well/with an open heart (not sure how to translate this), so I wanted to do something for him. In the beginning, Oppa spoke 85% of the time, I spoke about 5%, the remainder 10% of the time I am laughing, but in the later episodes it changed alot."

Sora became No.1 bride when she filmed WGM. She showed her charm (glamour) which received many male fans/support/fascination.

"I do not act (know how to pretend), I am a honest (frank) person, so when I date I put my boyfriend as number one. I love to praise him and make him smile (laugh). I do not use woman's aegyeo but rather have the feeling as an close/initimate friend. I like to be with my boyfriend doing things that he likes. Next time I marry, I feel that I will be a good wife (humorous saying of 'better half')" Sora laughed.

@TSL08 translation  "Sora: It's Teuk Oppa that opened my heart. "


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At last there is another interview of Sora that will make me post my insights. It has been a long time I'm doing this again, since I had been busy fixing the problems of my staff when it comes to their love life. Giving advices on love makes me tired emotionally and mentally.Before I forgot here it goes.

I guess this interview she had was the Merida Movie but still the inteviewer was different and if you checked Sora's article in all her interview during these times she was consistently mentioning leeteuk and it shows on her interview that she was proud of Leeteuk, the way he changed her personality and if this is the case then what Sora just said in her interview :so when I date I put my boyfriend as number one. I love to praise him and make him smile (laugh).

I guess I use more of a friend-like feeling/vibe to approach my boyfriend. The favorite things (hobby)that my boyfriend interested in, I'll do them together with him

on another interview she said that “Once I start being in a romance or having a hobby life, I will be immersed real deeply into it"

We know that Sora has been an honest person and consistent in answering questions that relates to her career and Leeteuk but somehow it changes a little bit when the topic about relationship enters the picture. She had said before in her interview that there was no difference on her college student life and  being a public figure since she never been on a meeting or blind date until now and also she told before that she was not comfortable on kissing scene since she still not seasoned on it. If this is the case there are 2 options on her answer

1. She is in a relationship righ now since she can easily figure out herself in a scenario that she was in a relationship. You cannot explain your concept of relationship nor your personality in a relationship if you have not been in a relationship, since she told in her interview that she was not able to date until now,how was she able to know herself in a relationship if she is not into it right now and also what you are in a relationship depends on the person you are with. Sometimes ladies tends to differ their approach with the relationship depending on the man they are with and the level of love they have in the relationship. Seeing Sora's answer she is still pure with her feelings and first time in having a relationship for that she was not yet aware of the pain that she might get in a relationship, that is the reason her answers are basically selfless. Her answers only show how deeply she will be in a relationship that she is willing to involved herself to her partners need. It looks like her world will be her man only and making herself enjoy the things his man likes is purely a first love thing.

2. The way she looks at herself in a relationship if ever she based it on WGM stint, it looks like she has completely fallen in love with Leeteuk. No wonder Leeteuk cried on the show after he realize that she was real on her feelings. The things that she has done for Leeteuk in WGM is the same with her answer on the magazine. After the strike Sora has changed and she tried her best to make LT smile,Praising Leeteuk every now and then which LT has noticed and written on his letter to Sora. She even started to play piano again after he played infront of her on their first date.

NO matter where I look on this 2 options, it only leads me to Sora being in a relationship and in love right now. We know that LT will not talk about her in interviews since his enlistment is coming and somehow if ever he does mentions her, there might be people who will hurt her emotionally after his interview.Silence is somehow a meaning of protection and protecting the person not to get hurt by bad comments is just a meaning of love.LT on the other hand always give random words, signs and hints indirectly pertaining to Sora. Just like his tweets @special1004: Ah my waist is painful..ㅠㅠI fell down 4 times like this ㅋㅋ It’s funny but painful..his simple ways makes it more obvious for FD's especially after Sora's after she tripped her foot on Busan and he also deleted after the incident @special1004 Busan...cool  ...and what about when he was in jakarta he tweeted @special1004 I love you..I want to see you ( he might missing someone and someone commented that why he tweeted it in chinese, it is supposed to be for INDO ELF but why chinese therefore it is for someone? last but no the least tweet of LT @special1004 D-11 Miss U ( can't help to be delusional but the seating arrangement in episode 1 of Sora was D-11 and LT is D-10 but he did not tweet the D-10 that day and for the rest of D-12 & D-9 there was no word after that...whatever they say action speaks louder than words and Sora's answers doesn't quite fit in.

Whenever Sora talks about Leeteuk he seems like his prince on her life and the way she pictures herself in a relationship is just like fairy tale. Just being honest. If the woman get hurt before or even have not yet tried a relatiosnhip the answer will be different but for a woman in love and in a relationship for the first time, Sora's answer was totally fitted for that ( This is what you call first love )

The way she wrote the letter for LT that she will be her friend and a fan, it only shows her interest with LT is deeper. The way he illustrates LT in the interview is totally different on the other men she has worked with,there is always a formal behavior when she talks about them but for LT she has this sense of natural behavior.



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Sora's interview remind me of Leeteuk childhood.

Kang Sora was raised as if she’s the eldest son in the family. Both of her parents are working, so she spent most of her childhood with her grandmother. Even though she was reluctant, she just couldn’t help but to eat or watch movie all by herself.

LEETEUK really loves her grandmother. He once cried in a tv show because of her.

These 2 really has a lot of common things in interview or even in their Life as a child. Fate mostly stays with them and Coincidence appears infront of them.

What about Myeondong??

LEETEUK was scouted by a talent agent in Myeongdong. He was asked to audition for the Starlight Casting System 2000, which soon signed him into SM Entertainment that same year

Leeteuk answer on 2011 sdongcenter..

5. Fan: When you have someone you love, where would you want to go for a date???Excluding we got married and hello baby

Teuk: Go to MyeongDong

Sora answer on Sept 2012 in a magazine interview

"There were a lots of things that I wanted to show. I wanted to take Leeteuk Oppa to see movies, I wanted to try to write a screenplay/script with him. But the thing that I wanted to do the most is strolling hand in hand along Myeongdong (street name), shopping and doing other routines that you usually do when you're dating.

BOTH ANSWER THE SAME " MYEONGDONG" BUT DIFFERENT TIME..IS THIS THEIR DREAM DATE again is it Fate?? Sora seems very detailed in knwoing things about Leeteuk she always make sure to be in places that seems memorable for Leeteuk.


One of the fans of Leeteuk asked him if you could go back in time, when would you go?

Leeteuk : Back in High School

and that was done by Sora for Leeteuk. No wonder both has chosen the good memories they had in WGM is Leeteuk 's school. Sora has done something for him that he wishes for and also Sora has done something that she wishes to do for her boyfriend based on her interview.

Sora has chosen Myeondong and School of Leeteuk which only shows how she wanted to be part of LT's life. Before I found the trivia of LT.... I was not aware that Sora's choice will be for LT still.

If she don't love LT I don't know what kind of feelings she have but I guess LT has already figured it out too late that he might have wished he knew her feelings before the strike for at least they can be able to spend more time together.

She says LT has open his heart for her during the filming before the strike but in LT final interview he had wished that he should have a bigger heart for her to understand her. If this is the case Sora was aware that LT loves her from the beginning but she felt that she loved him when they went on strike, that is the reason she had exereted more after meeting him again and LT bigger heart has wished that he could have shown more love to her before..


OMO too much of thoughts I share tonight


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Question : How many times will you say " I love you in a day "

Leeteuk : This should be kept in the heart...Only when I can't resist saying it.

If this is his answer then whenever he say i love you to Sora he does mean it and something that he was not able to hold on.He only said those magic words in Nami and on their last episode. Does it mean that there is seriousness or deep thoughts during those times? and for those times he has said it,he really means it for Sora only. As an idol it is hard for him to say those words in a show since his fans might get upset but still he was able to express it to her without thinking the effect of it in the end.

There might be feelings that lingers in him during their tango practice that is why he had said it in Nami. Wedding photoshoot and Meet the parents also has add more emotions to him for Sora since he was liked by her family. If ever he will go to the army he will be comfortable to be there and leave her for 2 years since her family approves and loves him and in the end of the show he has expressed again the word I love you to her. Just to give her security and looking at Sora facial expression she tried to hide her real feelings to it.

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In Sora's interview about her gown in Busan

I wanted to show you the another image that you didn’t usually get to see from me. Originally the dress was created as a wedding dress but I chose black colour to go with the design and wore it instead

Reminds of the gown she wore in wgm in which LT told her that she looks like a goddess..



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