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[OFFICIAL] Leeteuk (Suju) & Sora Couple We Got Married


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Guest lallinachan

thanks lallina. i already have the 720p version of the raw. my team is working on the translation.

btw we have done ep15. i apologise for the late release. most of them are celebrating chinese new year thus it took them awhile to do the translation. we did alot of qc and try to have a proper grammar, spelling for the conversations.

before u guys watch it, the quality of the vid aint that good cos it was degraded on-site but if anyone wants our final version, i can upload it to our 4shared account.


for those who have watched our subbed videos, please give us feedback if any. we will improve as time goes by..

yeah..me too. i hope they get 2 couples from there, sungmin/hyorin & sunhwa/hweesoon.

sungmin really impressed me with his gentleness and thoughtfulness.

YAY!! you have a 720 p? that's great, I love HD!!

I'd like the final version of episode 15... if you have time to upload it on 4shared. I'll give you feedback as soon as I watch it for sure!! And again thankyou for your hard work!

Have you thought to upload it on youtube? there is already a section dedicated to Dimple couole somewhere. Just a thought^^

Thankyou again to you and the translators!!

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After watching yesterday EP, I think it is quite entertaining. 

Honestly Eunhyuk really spice up the whole show. Without him , it will be a boring show. Please give him some credit for his effort. 

He is a bad guy for making Sena cry. which make me come to like Sena for being a loyal and forgiving gal. 

Hopefully, the next couple will be Eunhyuk and Sena or  Sungmin and Shin Soyool(they are sooo compatible) 

I hope the next WGM couple is not Donghae and Son Eun Seo. I personally like Donghae. he is so good-looking and shy. 

but Eunseo is disappointing. She should be more loyal to her choice than giving people false hope. 

This 2 weeks of WGM on DC is really short. But it should be the end. look forward to next week, FULLY on DC. 

Anyway all these are just my opinions. 

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Guest 33ru_mieru

*quoted image*

*quoted image*

Sora's stare when Teuk is MCing.

*quoted image*

I hope that helps in giving out positivity while waiting. :)

Thanks, this made me LOL...especially the one Leeteuk taught Sora how to bowl...

I can understand why you circle Dimple Couple...but why Sungmin too?? I don't know why but that picture is really funny for me LOL..with the 2 circles especially... LOL.. Thanks~

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Guest teuksoralover

Thanks, this made me LOL...especially the one Leeteuk taught Sora how to bowl...

I can understand why you circle Dimple Couple...but why Sungmin too?? I don't know why but that picture is really funny for me LOL..with the 2 circles especially... LOL.. Thanks~

Haha. I'm happy to hear that atleast pics made you happy. :) I circled Sungmin because I was asking, why the hell is doing there while the date is going on. :)

@ SoulAce2 - you are welcome. :) I agree! I think TEUK looked sexy when he almost knocked out all the pins. :)

I wanna thank ENRELL & the team who subbed last week's ep. I just finished watching it and I have to say.. IT IS QUALITY SUBS! :) I find it funnier when I watched it with your subs (but still appreciate KSHOW's efforts).. There are some situations that I understood more when I watched the ep with your subs like when they gave votes to Sungmin & Donghae.. it was only based on performances but not as a date as a whole. Also when Hyuk gave the cake box with the phone inside, he only gave it to her cuz of first impression & etc. Keep up the good work! Fighting Dimples are thankful!


 My recommendation: (even if there is soooo much FJs in this ep.)

Guys, re-watch the ep with the FDs subs. It is worth it for me. You'll understand it better. Thank you again.

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YAY!! you have a 720 p? that's great, I love HD!!

I'd like the final version of episode 15... if you have time to upload  it on 4shared. I'll give you feedback as soon as I watch it for sure!!  And again thankyou for your hard work!

Have you thought to upload it on youtube? there is already a section dedicated to Dimple couole somewhere. Just a thought^^

Thankyou again to you and the translators!!

Its already at the 4shared

I wanna thank ENRELL & the team who subbed last week's ep. I just finished watching it and I have to say.. IT IS QUALITY SUBS! :) I find it funnier when I watched it with your subs (but still appreciate KSHOW's efforts).. There are some situations that I understood more when I watched the ep with your subs like when the gave votes to Sungmin & Donghae.. it was only based on performances but not as a date as a whole. :) Keep up the good work! Fighting Dimples are thankful! :)

Thanks teuksoralover. we try our best to have it as accurate as possible to what they saying while being logical :)

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Guest lallinachan

@teuksoralover: thankyou for your pics!! it's good to see some teukso, since they did not have the major spotlight^^

I could barely sit through this week's entire episode for TWO REASONS:

REASON # 1) The Poor Editing 

  • i wasn't expecting a lot of TeukSo moments, but I had thought it would at least be replaced with worthy, meaningful, and entertaining scenes of FJ and their dates. The inclusions of those flashbacks of each couple that were shown before each FJ calls the girl of their choice was SOO FRUSTRATING X 100! I usually hate flashbacks 'cause I think it's just a waste of air time...the PDs could have made better use of it...such as that TeukSo hug scene that everyone was anticipating. HECK, I would've been fine if it were just more scenes of FJ. Could you imagine the amount of edit material that we could have seen if not for those mundane flashbacks. The whole time I was watching those flashbacks...I had my fist up in the air, saying "Seriously PD?! Is it really necessary?! Seriously?!!!!"....

REASON # 2: The Suspense Leading to Sena's Emotional Breakdown
  • We all knew it was going to happen, and I knew it must have been related to Eunhyuk.  Even so, I kept hiding behind my pillow...peeking every so often when Eunhyuk says or does something, just waiting for those explosions of tears falling from Sena's eyes. And when it did happen, It almost killed me...I swear I thought I had felt her pain. I  thought it was pretty transparent of how Sena was feeling when Eunhyuk first danced with EunSeo, but he probably wasn't aware of it. If he had  thought twice before doing the things he did and said, then I'm pretty sure all of this mess  would have been avoided. So despite his insensitivity, i don't think he's a bad guy. And how do I say this, but men (NOT all of them) can be a little clueless sometimes when it comes to the ladies, and in this scenario, Eunhyuk displays just that...Cluelessness.

About EunSeo...I'm feeling pretty neutral about her. Neither like nor dislike her. I do think she's pretty, and I did like it when she made the first move to talk to DongHae when they were in the car. It made her seem slightly assertive (in a good way) despite her demure look. Since Donghae is so quiet and shy, perhaps he needs a girl like that...

Lastly, I LOVED the 3rd girl who was paired with Sungmin.  She seems so carefree and outgoing. She's definitely someone I'd be friends with.

I totally agree with you. The editor made such a poor job!! I rewatched the episode, and AGAIN int the preview we could see Sora that is concerned abaut sena crying, but in the episode they did not show her reaction, so that we can totally misunderstood her caring for a friend, since we see her calm and collected doing some MCing after that. What are they doing??? have they bacame crazy or something cutting all this things? It's teukso that makes the ship keep going, not FJ!!

And I agree with your point 2 too^^

However, perhaps we also should bear in mind that these FJ guys maybe a little immature when it comes to ladies and relationships due to limited contact and opportunity to spend time with the ladies. They have spend their whole  teen and early manhood years working and performing, not caring about their own feelings rather concentrating everything they have to their fans. When faces with their own feelings and their own wants, maybe hormones finally took over and friendship or not, he wants what he wants.

I'm sure you guys have heard this saying..." pissing contest" ?...well for those not too familiar with the saying it basically means when guys are together, they tend to brag, show off, try to get the upper hand of the next guy or just plain being better than the next poor fellow. Being friends or not, when it comes to girls, instinct takes over.

Perhaps it all started with good fun, blind dates with beautiful girls. Along the way, the competitiveness in each of them came forth. In the end, tears, sadness and being thought of as a fool is the outcome.

I did not think abaut those aspects, but yes! you are right! I've noticed that guys tends to do stupid things like these when there is a girl^^ Thanks for sharing your thoughts!! Now I think I can see the situation in a more complete way


@kiminaeka: I agree with you too!! *wink*

@GRAPEJUICE: Yeah, I noticed teukie is laughing lightly when sena cryied... I would think bad of him too, but thanks to Akane_trans lessons abaut his character, I now know that he tend to laugh to hide his embarassment. Teukie has this reaction that when he is feeling insicure he tend to joke or laugh, to make it seems lighter. Knowing that he too is a sensitive guy, I don't think he was immune to that. I could not see Sora reaction tought... I blame the editors of the episode.... but they showed her at the preview, so I know she was concerned for sena. I like her even more now, and that would not have been possible if I did not see the preview!!

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i know we all hate negativity on this thread but i can't help but comment on this whole eunhyuk-sena issue. please allow to to rant.  it's been bothering me soooo much that i felt the need to get it off my chest already. please bear with me.



they honestly think Eunhyuk  would PURPOSEFULLY allow himself to be in a position where  he would look like a bad guy in front of the  world? that's too much even for entertainment purposes. yes, he is an attention seeker (all of them are, that's why they're in the entertainment industry), but is there a need for him to GO THAT FAR? I DON'T THINK HE IS PATHETIC TO DO THAT. HE IS ALREADY SUPER JUNIOR'S EUNHYUK. NO NEED TO RESORT TO  EXTREME MEASURES FOR HIM TO GET NOTICED BECAUSE WHATEVER HE IS GOING TO DO WILL GET NOTICED ANYWAY.  WITH WHAT HIS "SO-CALLED FANS" ARE SAYING, THEY'RE MAKING HIM LOOK LIKE HE IS DESPERATELY WANTING ATTENTION AND WILL STOP AT NOTHING TO GET IT.


I DON'T BLAME him for CHANGING his MIND and going after the GIRL he really liked. HOWEVER, REJECTION is REJECTION. done privately, it already hurts what more it be done PUBLICLY? and even the brothers said they would treat the whole blind date thing as REAL and not as filming. So HE should have CAREFULLY CONSIDERED Sena's feelings too. IT WAS THE  POOR GIRL'S FIRST TIME DOING A REALITY SHOW AND THIS HAPPENED. HOPEFULLY SHE WON'T BE TRAUMATIZED.

I agree though, that everything was also the product of poor editing. MBC could have taken out the part where Sena was crying but they didn't.  :(


i honestly hope MBC would also show the continuation of th EUNHYUK-SENA story. for two reasons:

1. For the hate to stop.  I'm pretty sure Eunhyuk sincerely said sorry to Sena a million times offcam but fans are fans and antis are antis. i think the only way the hate would stop is for people to actually see that he makes up for what he has done to her publicly. the reason i thought that way is because even though Leeteuk tried to do damage control on twitter, people weren't satisfied. maybe if people would actually see Eunhyuk make it up to Sena on national TV,  all this negativity will end. i don't know if i'm only the one who thinks that way.

2. They would be more  interesting to watch (compared to dongseo) as  they really have chemistry. :)



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Guest bulkgoguma

Actually, this is lesson for eunhyuk.. I hope after this incident, he will more careful in his action... every bad things will give us the precious lesson... just learn and don't take about others feeling lightly..

i think actually donghae and eunseo are the permanent couple in wgm but after this ep, the responses are were negative, that's why pd make a statement that donghae and eun seo only temporary couple... that is... i excited to wait next week ep... Fighting Dimples, Fighting!!!!!!

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Guest fightinglala

I think you are right. :) Heard that the eng sub from kshow is done.. they are just gonna upload it soon. Let us just be positive about teukso. How about these screencaps while waiting. lol. Sorry for spazzing!

I don't know but I just like it whenever I see that ring on his finger. :) I'm really delusional.

*quoted image*


*quoted image*

*quoted image*

*quoted image*

*quoted image*

Sora's stare when Teuk is MCing.

*quoted image*

I hope that helps in giving out positivity while waiting. :)

Ahhhh! Thanks for these caps!! I can't wait for the English subbed video! Until then, I'm sure we can spazz more!!!

Btw, I really love the skinship. Itachycardia teuk was having tachycardia while holding Sora! Hahaha! Arrrrrrr. I love these sweet little moments. We love to catch this tiny moments and live in elaboration with it. This keeps my FD spirit alive!

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Guest kiminaeka

okay, let's talk about Leeteuk news biggrin.gif

Leeteuk's tweet:

[TRANS] @special1004: Gag Concert's new corner Leeteukie!!!!^^ Younghee-ssi told me about this in advance, so please let it be daebak in future!!!! Fighting!!!^^ RT @special1004: 개콘 새코너 이특이!!!!^^영희씨가 미리 말씀해주셨는데 앞으로 대박나세요!!!!홧팅!!!^^ [Trans by @AllRiseXiahtic]

such a workaholic... tongue.gifgood for him, he will not bored anymore...

[TRANS] RT @special1004: I also have this kind of good old times..^^ Right now, since I'm MC-ing, my hair only have one style~ Should I try to grow my hair out?... (cr: sujunesia)


hey Mr. Simple, becoz u naughty naughty... laugh.gifdon't know why, but i love this pic... lol~ he look sexy (?)

[Mnet MIC preview]

LT: There will be unexpected and surprised event will held in 2012. Personally, I will do my best for Super Junior's activities before entering the army. (cr: 0203KYU0105EUN)

in WGM special Xmas he also said will do something bigger than his proposal in ss4... hmmm... cool.gif

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Guest Moielle

As Hyukjae got on the spotlight during the dating episode, I got curious about him and here are two interesting trivias:

- His elder sister is named Lee Sora. (Does Kang Sora know?...maybe, if she researched on each of the FJ and the rest of the SuJu family)

- This naughty brother-in-law is said to be a crybaby. (A crybaby making a girl cry.)

Here's the link where I read this, if anyone is curious to read: http://supersapphirepearls13.wordpress.com/facts-about-eunhyuk/

Hope he learned his lesson dearly and hopefully he and Lee Sena become friends.

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Guest denise924

got to watch the english sub and made me understand better what happened ...

things would not have been that bad if Eunhyuk didnt ask Eunseo to answer the phone and say " Please don't call" ... its not a true man's action.

second, Eunseo was testing Donghae? poor guy .....

thirdly,  my heart felt all the pain when Lee Sena after all that happened,  thank Eunhyuk for answering the phone ....

anyway, i want to move on.... i hope next episode will bring back the smile to FDs!

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Guest PrinsesaLira

:tears: My 2 cents... Read at your own risk <_<

For one, this is a reality variety show. The people in it whether scripted or not wants to do their best to entertain us. Even if it's not Eunhyuk ssi and Leeteuk ssi they would like to deliver a good show. If we all know SuperJunior, you wouldn't doubt what happened in the show. Boys will always be boys and they all act stupid in front of girls they like. But being Eunhyuk as his adorkable self, my take is he is trying to get to Donghae and being as clueless as they are to girls, (like being in training for the longest time and not too much experience on proper dating etc.) this incident happened affecting Sena ssi. I would anticipate EunhyukSena couple more than ever now just to find out how Eunhyuk ssi would make up for what happened. This would be more interesting for me than Donghae ssi and Eunso ssi. Having watched the show with sub is more enlightening to what transpired.

We should be all open minded and stop judging people at a drop of a hat.

that is not our place . Let's all enjoy what time we have left with Leader ssi and Sora ssi. Hope we could all get back and unite for our DimpleCouple, Fighting Juniors, Fighting Dimples !!! Aja, aja... FIGHTING :wub::wub::wub::phew:

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got to watch the english sub and made me understand better what happened ...

things would not have been that bad if Eunhyuk didnt ask Eunseo to answer the phone and say " Please don't call" ... its not a true man's action.

second, Eunseo was testing Donghae? poor guy .....

thirdly,  my heart felt all the pain when Lee Sena after all that happened,  thank Eunhyuk for answering the phone ....

anyway, i want to move on.... i hope next episode will bring back the smile to FDs!

My two cents:

Did he really just ask this girl to say this to another girl? What the heck is wrong with him? tongue2.gif


She's laughing? What the...how is that funny? 



She's still laughing & smiling and then she DOES IT? 


And then she collapses in laughter? Wow, I get why some don't like this girl already. 


Exactly, agree 100% that was the worst part. It was disgusting and humiliating for that poor girl. He asks Eun seo to tell her not to call? (she laughs? and does what he tells her? I woulda said NO WAY - then she laughs some more and actually says it?) And then this is the part that I don't understand: the whole studio starts laughing?? EVERYONE IS LAUGHING??? (except for Sora) How was that even remotely funny to anyone? Gentlemen do not behave this way period. (not even on a variety show for laughs) 

And to say "boys will be boys"??? Sorry, Eun Hyuk is 26 years old. He's a full grown man, NONE of these guys are "boys" anymore. It was thoughtless, mean-spirited and hateful. And that's why people were upset. I have no clue who that girl was but I almost broke down in tears for her when the other girl answered the phone and told her not to call. mad.gif

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Thanks Kshownow!

After watching the eng sub I understand more about the whole ep...

We can't blame Eunhyuk and call him a jerk. His 1st choice was actually Sena but I guess he was just trying his luck and trying to be funny wanting to compete with Donghae that's why he called Eunseo... Anyway I think we will get to see these 4 couples again at their house warming party.

And Leeteuk have been kept repeating himself in this ep that this is not a show and everything happens here is true!

And I like the part where he said to Sena that she can try calling any of the 4 and see who will ans but don't try calling him coz he is Sora's... Lol.. So is he trying to say he belongs to Sora is real??!! :) (delusion mode again...hehe..)

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 My final comment about the whole issue: After watching the episode with subs i can say that my opinion about what Eunhyuk did, did not changed. If anything it made it worse. Nothing against the guy per say, just the thing he did.

I think most people laugh not because it was funny but because it was unbelievable! The look on Soyul and Yeonjo they were shocked. Soyul even said thank you to Sungmin for picking her first.


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Guest tainocchi

Hyuk did a 'mildang'. That pushing and pulling thing. I dont know. I thought it's because he actually likes her had to pull such a stunt.

ETA: It was kinda obvious he was being cold on purpose. When the boys had a talk...He looks excited when he talked about her. So I thought he's fond of her after all. Not saying what he did was right. I hate it when guys pull those kind of stunt. But I am just saying from his point of view, it's a way to see just how much she likes him or whatever it was he's trying to do.

Anyway, TeukSora should totally host a show together. Sora makes better hosting partner to Leeteuk than Boom, imho.

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