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[OFFICIAL] Leeteuk (Suju) & Sora Couple We Got Married


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Do you remember PJS final testimony in their last episode?

PJS : I really loved the time and wished more to love to hug and care and see her with a bigger heart.

I guess PJS wish was granted he was able to see her in his musical ( if that was the only incident since this was tweeted by a fan before Sora admitted she watched the musical knowing Sora how honest she is and she can't even deny it cause a fan saw her in PJS musical) If PJS and Sora communicates these days and even before which she admitted don't you think that PJS open his heart bigger now that WGM ended for whatever communication they do these days will not be related about WGM since it ended. Do you even wonder why he calls her? not only to say how are you but definitely he wanted to show Sora that eventhough he is in the army he thinks of her that much. Since he was always with SJ the only woman he had spent together was Sora and for PJS to continue the communication with her only means that he is in love with her not as a friend but more than that. If she is just a friend how come he never ask Sora to talk to any of his superior instead he called a girl group which he never mention the name since he don't want to be associated to her for any controversy not like before he entered the army while promoting the musical he mention some girl group but did anyone notice that when he went out of the army on Sora's birthday he never mention any girl group after that.

Did you ever wonder why Sora posted a selca of her and Lee Ji Hoon in twitter when that day Leeteuk was seen in Kona Beans? She diverted the attention of the netizen to her and leeteuk instead  she associate herself with LJH, and netizen comment was they look good together but the funny thing the netizen did not notice the sudden appearance of leeteuk in seoul coz she tweeted a selca in the morning and leeteuk was seen in the afternoon with a nice hairstyle that fans thought he might be doing a video for SS5 but for me I think he really look good that day since it was her birthday and maybe he had plan an event only for them. Why I think of that is because when they had their 1st date in WGm he felt insecured when they went to the restaurant and told her that he should be wearing a tuxedo that night, that is how conscious he is on his looks when it is a special day. I wonder also why Sora never talked about how she spend her birthday even on twitter not even a picture with her friends if ever she celebrate with them. She even had a free schedule that day since she put her fanmeeting at 7pm a day before her birthday. Knowing how Sora loved her fans she could have spent it with the fans on the 18th but instead it was done on 17th. Was 18 reserve for Leeteuk and her family, did he visit Sora's parents on her birthday since he looks handsome. Most fans described that his hair was well styled and he is wearing nice clothes. If some people says that it may be coincidence I don't think so because the latest sighting of Leeteuk in SM company and last Kona Visit he was wearing a cap. Why does he used cap on these days and on the 18th his hair was totally styled up. Seen the difference.

After Sora's birthday you can sense some changes to both of them. Even in her movie promotion we had seen her wearing the bracelet at one time and by the looks of it she seems testing the media or netizen if there was a reaction sadly NO. She confidently talks about leeteuk more openly and even leeteuk told the media that he misses her and I guess he still did miss her that much to extent that Sangchu asked him to give her a video message which he declined. We know that whenever people asked leeteuk for video message he always give in just like what he did for hyuna and sistar in separate interview but when Sangchu asked him for video message he declined and smiled and we can sense that Sangchu knows something. Did you ever wonder also PJS likes Rain that much I have a feeling he has given him some advice in dating a female actress since we all know that he is currently in relationship with KTH.

I think April was the month that dispatch informed that they will be exposing a new couple on the month of MAy but instead it did not happen. Now that Sora unfollowed PJS in twitter and you can noticed that she always wear a thin bracelet these days dont' you think that it was a way to stop any expose about them.

Reason : Maybe dispatch has taken some pictures on her birthday and possibly she was with him. Maybe someone also taken pictures of her going inside the waiting room of PJS musical which maybe somehow a little bit intimate gesture happen like holding the hand or being so close together chatting. Whatever it is I think Sora is doing her part now a days in protecting the relationship wearing a thin bracelet to confuse media since she wore leeteuk bracelet for some time now.

After this dispatch issue Sora was mum about PJS same with him. Both are quiet in everything and you can feel it right.

Sorry for the long post these are my thoughts while I was lurking here and I was not able to share it soon.




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my dongsaeng @gdara123 is back with his awesome posts - depending this thread.  Don't worry about the troll that tried to knock you  down - IT is gone and hopefully won't be back.

Take care of yourself, don't spend too much time in the bathtub - look what happened to you.  Did you go on a bubble bath? 

:)) =))
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Thank you to my loving Ate @viyra for all the love and support. I guess cleanliness is not only next to godliness but also to accidents hehehehe. Lately I'm always looking at the hands of anyone I watched maybe because I realized the value that much of a hand in one's life. I saw this video and I noyiced that starting from 3:10-3:16 the palm of the hand of Leeteuk simply rub the arms of Sora. I think he was too much inclined to her that he can't control the skinship and starting from 5:52 you can see that Sora has felt the lips of Leeteuk and he really made a deep smack on her forehead. Here you can see that she is comfortable getting that smack on her forehead since she can't see the people around her and unconsciously a real smile automatically shows into her face. She only felt shy when she open her eyes already and saw again the people around them. I guess if it was only them or less people around the skinship will be more. If Sora has no feelings for Leeteuk she could have just made a poker face or no reaction since her eyes are closed but obviously our 1st lady also likes leeteuk in reality. Especially when her eyes are closed to avoid the people stare but when they look into each other even for a second you can see that they ignore the people around them except the dog that enter.

Here is the video




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Guest aelene

it's a bit quiet here today, what? no more attack this time? i half expect that id will come here againbut i prefer a peaceful home,
love you DC, love you all FDs

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Guest meridiansuci

Tweet from SMTownEngSub (@SMTownEngSub) - SMTownEngSub (@SMTownEngSub) tweeted at 3:35 PM on Sun, Jun 09, 2013:

Leeteuk and Kangta's attendance at SNSD's Concert in Seoul are still unconfirmed without any reliable fanaccounts/photos.

Read it @crayon01!! Go away u bug!!

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I'll be also glad if he really went to GG concert, As expected, Always loyal, supportive and a loving oppa :) Of course he shouldn't be ignorant to his childhood friends.. I'm also surprised that someone was actually in pain, Not that i'm happy, God forbid, it's just a good sign that she might not be senseless after all..

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Guest kulot

Leeteuk New DP
SS4 Day 2** seems this day was very special to him!!

@crayon01 you're here again huh?? are u not tired!! what's the problem if ever Leeteuk will be attending SNSD concert?? if ever it will be confirm then what gonna problem about that?? U make me laugh!! maybe this time PJS is thinking something about his past concert in SEOUL the reason why he choose his DP on that event..u maybe don't know what makes this special..this was the day he proposed to the only girl whom he showed to his fans as his wife..no matter what you say to us that will never change the fact that Sora will be part of his life not just an ordinary girl but his wife..you're taeyeon remain to be his past if ever they had a past whom that would remain questionable until now..She just part of his SM family no more no less..even yoona herself confirmed that during their farewell party Leeteuk will never joined them but instead he just stay with his room playing his phone..would u not wondering how did he do that if you think he has a girl friend in his company?? LOL don't think it too much..it makes u tired..would u not wondering how he cared sora when he gave his acceptance speech when they got popularity award?? if he has other girlfriend would he dare to speak that way knowing that there will be someone who might get hurt while listening to him?? would he said to his interview that he missed kang sora so much if he had other girl friend?? is he that cruel for u to think that way?? u don't know Leeteuk enough if you think that he can able to hurt someone whom he love..think it again girl?? used your psychology to analyzed everything Leeteuk did before and at present...

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To @crayon01 - I know you'd come here again and well, you know slap this gossip right in our faces. Well for starters, I don't give a damn if he went there. 2 reasons: 1. ITS A FACT THAT THEY BELONG IN JUST ONE COMPANY and 2. MOST OF THE SUJU BOYS ARE THERE. Plus, no pics or whatsoever has been released regarding this testimonial. And if there was, so what? If he went there, it was to show support to his co-workers. Goodness.

I wish you'd be more objective about this. And I digress, I wish that you stop coming here and creating unnecessary opinions we don't need and which we find useless. There's about tons of other shipper forums that you might want to disturb. Can you please, for the love of cheesecakes and french fries (which I am currently eating), can you please leave?

I might not be good of a person if you continue to bother us next time. B-)

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@gdara123 I love your post chingu and because that made me think why teuki give sora has gomi,because we can see in that video how warm sora embrace that buddy dog O:-)

@crayon01 hello to you..... :-h First Thank you for give an information with us so we know last news about teuki,second can I know from who you know this news? from taeyeon-ah?the last honestly we don't want to harsh to you but can you respect our thread and you can do it with not posting anything about taeteuk or leeteuk with other girl I believe you have a smart brain cause you are psycology student so....you will understand what I mean right????? \:D/

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GG concert story aside, Just wanna share my thoughts about the other unconfirmed rumour.. Is it true that PJS visited Nami island? They also said that taking photos wasn't allowed for him there ..hmmm, first, i believe this would be the second time for him visiting Nami, wait, it's june now right? Wasn't his trip with Sora on june also???? I was sharing my thought with @Nurawa_ji @sachixia on twitter @nurawa_ji was telling me that " Maybe he want to celebrate their 2 years being couples or 2 years frm 1st time they meet? Kkk.." Yup, why not? :D I was also thinking that: PJS's birthday is coming soon right? Last year he also celebrated it with Sora at Nami island. Doeas he want to celebrate it again there? Like he did with Sora? Looks like Nami island became a very special place to PJS :D of course it should be, The first kiss was there,, kyaaaaaa,, I wanna quote @nuwa_ji 's tweet again here: ".. I love june!! Kkk, their 1st met, 1st trip, 1st kiss, 1st clebrate bday together, and became couples..kkk" I can't wait to know what are your thoughts about this dear friends ,, :) Although it's unconfirmed yet, but we can still spazz,, buahaha

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Guest lolowaw

why Lt chose this picture and what does have this picture with Sora 


Sora was impressed by the look of Lt this was the first time sora fascinated by Lt styleshe she was impressed by Lt's hairstyles.  This photo was showed in Episode 10 In this episode, we all remember the wonderful event the (propose) It seems that Lt nostalgia these days, or perhaps he wants to say to sora you are my fianceetumblr_mk23omNFiA1s5eldgo1_500.jpg
This picture from the reporter conference
He even earlier in Twitter use this image

*Blast from the Past* 111126 Leeteuk twitter update

[TRANS] I’m Your Fan~^^ Sora-ssi ㅋㅋ

He even appeared in this hair style in Episode 11 Because Sora love this styleimage
And the first song filming for Lt after he knowing Sora was Sexy, free, single also he appeared in this hair style super-junior-sexy-free-single-mv-photos-
[CAPS] Super Junior Sexy, Free & Single MV Photos
Sora loved Lt in this shot Specifically
After all this, Is there anyone doubted!
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Guest mywebfoot

Here's something I genuinely don't understand. 
Is it really hard to believe that Teuk and Sora are dating? Just plain let's-see-how-it-goes dating.
Is it that implausible? Just putting aside their celebrity status for a moment, can't they just be two attractive people of marriageable age who worked together, had some good chemistry and decided to give it a go after the working relationship ended?
Then if that answer is yes, let's add past loves, even existing relationships and celebrity status. Is it not possible now? 

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Guest keyziatami

Im tired of the topic of 'that girl' -_- i really wanna share my thoughts. But sorry for my bad english  Actually, what  makes u believe that Lt ever dated 'that girl'? Is it bcos of the same necklace & ring? This is the evidence that they arent the same http://sujuism.blogspot.com/2010/09/info-clear-evidence-that-leeteuk-and.html And if u're browsing the internet, u'll find that actually 'that girl' had a rumor to be in a relationship with xiah junsu This is some evidence about 'that girl' and junsu http://forums.soompi.com/discussion/221470/彡-the-official-taesu-태수-thread Its clearly seen that Lt was just a distraction to cover that couple's relationship And what makes u worry about Lt and sr's relationship? The lamp that TSL gave to them is in Lt's bed (private) room. And the clock sora gave is there too If Lt is in a relationship with another girl other than sora, then why do he has to place those two things in his bedroom?  I mean, if lt and sr arent together, those two things mean nothing to Lt and theres no need to place those things on his bedroom And, how about when he tweeted the 'i love u. I want to see u'? That time, he just came back from a concert that 'the girl' was in it It shows that he missed someone that he havent seen such a long time, rite? In conclusion, it wasnt 'that girl' that he missed And how about the BIFF? It was clear again that at that time, sj's members that would attended were sw, ys, kh, and dh And at the last minute, Lt was informed to be attended at that event. See? He wanted to see sr that much! And when the incident of sr's malfunction dress all over the internet, he tweeted a gif that shown he tripped on the stage What was that for? To protect sr that 'its oke, i tripped too'. And to show the netizen so they'll make some news about him tripped and at the end it'll cover sr's news And how about sr attended lt's musical? Helloooo, if lt is in a relationship with another girl, why did he wanted sr to see his musical? And how about the same childhood avatar? U dont have to be that delusional to conclude that it wasnt just a coincidence!  And the his cyworld photo! Ahh there are too many things u couldnt resist that they're together End of my opinions. Once again sorry for my bad english^^

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Guest mianazra

:D annyeong...FD's family

It a being a long time im not spazz here..but it doesnt mean i lost hope for our belove jungsora..like the ' troll ' said..no need to mention IT name.bcoz i think evrybdy know who it is.hahaha :P:P . N im so happy.bcoz Our FAITH always strong.

miss u guys a lot @kaiskloset @zeez @lolowaw @tienvo2 @najwa85 @sachixia @tweetia @huey @playerkbd @noonanana @noona.. :D :x :x .n to all fd's in this home. welcome new fd's family.. :D KEEP FAITH GUYs.... ~Teuk~Sora Hwaiting~~ :x :x :x

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keyziatami said: Im tired of the topic of 'that girl' -_- i really wanna share my thoughts. But sorry for my bad english  Actually, what  makes u believe that Lt ever dated 'that girl'? Is it bcos of the same necklace & ring? This is the evidence that they arent the same http://sujuism.blogspot.com/2010/09/info-clear-evidence-that-leeteuk-and.html And if u're browsing the internet, u'll find that actually 'that girl' had a rumor to be in a relationship with xiah junsu This is some evidence about 'that girl' and junsu http://forums.soompi.com/discussion/221470/彡-the-official-taesu-태수-thread Its clearly seen that Lt was just a distraction to cover that couple's relationship And what makes u worry about Lt and sr's relationship? The lamp that TSL gave to them is in Lt's bed (private) room. And the clock sora gave is there too If Lt is in a relationship with another girl other than sora, then why do he has to place those two things in his bedroom?  I mean, if lt and sr arent together, those two things mean nothing to Lt and theres no need to place those things on his bedroom And, how about when he tweeted the 'i love u. I want to see u'? That time, he just came back from a concert that 'the girl' was in it It shows that he missed someone that he havent seen such a long time, rite? In conclusion, it wasnt 'that girl' that he missed And how about the BIFF? It was clear again that at that time, sj's members that would attended were sw, ys, kh, and dh And at the last minute, Lt was informed to be attended at that event. See? He wanted to see sr that much! And when the incident of sr's malfunction dress all over the internet, he tweeted a gif that shown he tripped on the stage What was that for? To protect sr that 'its oke, i tripped too'. And to show the netizen so they'll make some news about him tripped and at the end it'll cover sr's news And how about sr attended lt's musical? Helloooo, if lt is in a relationship with another girl, why did he wanted sr to see his musical? And how about the same childhood avatar? U dont have to be that delusional to conclude that it wasnt just a coincidence!  And the his cyworld photo! Ahh there are too many things u couldnt resist that they're together End of my opinions. Once again sorry for my bad english^^

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Guest tweetiaa

Hey dear little witch (I don't wanna mention her name again!) Even if it's true.... What's wrong with that? They are from the same company after all.... It's so normal for him coming there to support them.... What's wrong for a sunbae to come and support their hoobaes? Beside, there were many SM artists who came to watch their concert today. It's not a problem, and we all here don't mind with that at all! Case closed! >:/
@gdara123 @keyziatami Aww.... your posts remind me of those old days, when all FDs were so active and excited spazzing about those hints! Kyaaaaa...... my Teukso heart!!! Ahh.... how I miss those days... 8->

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