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[OFFICIAL] Leeteuk (Suju) & Sora Couple We Got Married


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Guest yana7576

Annyeonghaseyo...I've been lurking n stalking this thread for a very long time, n I'm coming out here just to express my thoughts about skinship that crayon1 had mentioned during WGM... Well...for a girl, if she really likes a guy, she's definitely acts differently from other guys which are just friends for her, it's not becoz she's avoid skinship..it's just that she is very shy or nervous around him n afraid that the guy will think negatively about her (sorry fot my english though) No offence but just want to share my thoughts n opinion... Btw I love reading all the posts here, the FDs are very friendly n openminded :) Sorry for the long post

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Guest najwa85

crayon01 said:

@Cicci_92_1 Since we are both an ELF we definitely has trhe concern to Leeteuk. I don't have anything against Sora if Leeteuk likes her I will be happy to cheer for them but I just hope her honesty on the interview will be more less in a way that she don't need to flaunt that she drinks with his colleague and that she hoped she had a drink with Leeteuk after the show since we all know that Leeteuk don't like drinking and for a woman who thinks like that I hope she has kept it with her. I don't want some ELF to get this information straight from her or else in the future it will be against her.

I hope she stays pure and wholesome till Leeteuk gets discharge. There is no need for her admitting that she has some drinking buddies. It does not reflect good image on her part. I would rather accept SJ Kyuhyun to admit that he loves drinking wine than Sora informing us that she enjoys drinking.

I loved her in MERIDA even it is only her voice but having that wonderful voice and spoiling it by drinking alcohol is not nice, I may say. Think of the image she has and the future in which she wanted

Jinwoon who is proud to be a drinker is a friend of Sora. I believe they are friends but you will never know what will happen to people when they get drunk. I guess I'm lucky that Eunhyuk and Leeteuk does not like drinking alcohol even they are real men.


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Guest Cicci_92_1

Of course I'm voting for the World Music Awards xD I do it everyday lot of times! @crayon01, of course I'm concerned about Teuk. He's the leader and if we still have SuJu after all this time is also thank to him :) But I'm sure Sora is a pure and honest person. She's close friend with 2AM Jinwoon, but this doesn't mean they must drink together, and most of all, this doesn't mean they do it on their own. Probably they hang out with other people, too, so, no need to worry. In addition, we have to remember that they Sora is an actress and with Teuk out of the scenery right now, she has to take a low profile. She can't say a lot about Teuk, neither talking about him as her ideal man, because she could be accused of using Teuk's image to gain popularity. Unfortunately, the showbusiness is a hard world to live in. I hope you'll give Sora another chance, because she's really an amazing girl :)

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@crayon01Hi, :) Welcome to the thread!
I feel that I understand why are you thinking like that about Kang Sora, since 
you only watched WGM and only recently.
My believe is that if you were with the FDs from the very beginning of this 
couple in WGM, since december 2011 till now, monitoring all 
this couple's movements, interviews, press conferences, before and after
 WGM's strike ...etc.., 
you would definitely see how those two has really changed through their 
year of marriage...

You can't talk about the Sora you've seen in the first few episodes in 

WGM based on the Sora you see today.
She BECAME so different. She has changed A LOT, 
and most importantly because of Leetuek and WGM
She also has been mentioning that in her interviews until now sometimes. 
She even talked a lot about how she has changed because of that
and we, FDs, witnessed the progress of that change, and even felt the change
if you follow the (timeline) of this couple, not only in WGM but also their 
works, interview ....etc...
you'll be amused by the changes and their attitude, thoughts, feelings ... etc ..
even for Leeteuk himself. 
With all respect, I can indicate at each idea you gave about Sora and explain 
why we, Fighting Dimples as we call ourselves, might disagree with you in some
Since we lived the whole trip and monitored the very small detailed of 
their progress. 
That, however, would take a really long post since we'll have to 
talk about a progress of ONE WHOLE YEAR 
Again dear friend :) welcome to the thread. Thanks for sharing your thoughts :)

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kyaaaaaaaaaaaa... another Kang Sora interview published

姜素拉:“Super Junior利特入伍后变得更男人了,早这样多好”





Like us on: 

当她被问到"Super Junior利特入伍后,俩人再联系过吗?"时,姜素拉说道:"拍完《我结》后,他就入伍了,没有跟他道别的机会,很遗憾","入伍后,偶尔用手机联系。不久前看了他出演的《The Promise》,变得更男人了,早这样多好。"

cre >> http://chinese.kpopstarz.com/articles/14580/20130309/superjunior-lite-jiangsula.htm

note : - like my other post i put this to save a history here ^^- i dun translate bcz i dunno- 4give to spazzing this again n again LOL
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Guest thenewbie28

Hellooo My Lovely FDs~ Long time no see :D
congrats to all of us who feel butterfly in our stomach from Sora's recently interview kkk
first, i want to say thanks for all my fellow FDs who always share many news from our sora and jungsoo :D 
second, just share my thought towards @crayon01 's opinion, i am agree with @Cicci_92_1 i think sora not purpose to say that she have drink with her friends and she want to drink with teuk too as she like drinking so much, because sometime the phrase "we have drink together" is the same mean with "hang out", i love watching korean drama so much and the line "lets have a drink" often come out and just stand out as they want become more closer with. in the sora's statement i think she just want to say that she want to hang out and become more closer with teuk before he going to enlisted. 
third,  i found the interview are so beautiful, why? not just because our sora have talk about her hubby but also because there is a sentence that saying "We (teuk&sora) sometimes call each other.. " , remember when they meet at the first time, teuk called they as "We (teuk&sora)..." and sora feel it awkward, but now she is the one who call it :D
last, i wanna say that i miss you all so much as much as i miss our jung sora all of time. to all my new FDs welcome to the dimple world~  I warn you not to addicted with Teukso (like me) because one time you interest you become more addicted with, and it would be difficult to destroyed kkk . sorry for long posted. fighting !!! 

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Guest lolowaw

@luvallkorea @kirane  And others who we do not know their names and who are making a significant effort to translate Teuksora meetings, interviews and programsYou are soldiers  working silently and be lovely  for the pleasure of the rest of the members and teuksora fans.the word Thank you, is very, very few in your right you deserve more than this(Kisses, hugs, greeting) from all members of this thread and  Teuksora Fans
image Leeteuk

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"Sora: My aim? Not forgetting my dream is my aim, really. My dream is to be an actress with character, determined, an out of an ordinary/different from the rest."

Not forgetting your dream, is really important. 
Sometimes, when dreamers step closer to their dreams, . 
They become at the risk of forgetting their dreams because of 
being too proud of them selves since they might feel achieving already 
or receive a lot of complements. 
My feeling tells me that Sora is having that fear now 
since she has been feeling a significant progress in her career.
A very wise girl. :) :)
I don't think you are the best actress even though I believe that you are an excellent one.
but I cheer for you the most because you are a fascinating person, 
and you are afraid that 
the life of glamour and the overflowing love of people around 
you would make you lose your good heart
Don't worry! you won't. :x

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우린 떨어져 있지만, 그래도 같은 하늘 아래 있어요 

Although we are apart, we are under the same sky

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sorry for spamming my fanart... tumblr_mjeainPMPm1s6mt2jo1_1280.jpg
bcz today is Dimple Day tumblr_mj1gdbzBob1rtr91to1_500.jpg
bcz today is MUBANKJKTtumblr_lt1uo9NVit1qc7gh8o1_500.png

so i wanna share my happiness ^^
Happy Dimple Day all FDs

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Guest addsleepywood

Drinking with friends does not mean only drinking alcohol with friends. It also means going out with friends and hang out. Let's go for a drink also can mean drink coffee, tea, hot choc and hang out. It doesnt has to be alcohol. Just my 2 cents!

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Guest addsleepywood

I noticed that my 2nd paragraph is missing from my 1st post. Thus, i rewrite it here. Im so happy to read that Sora and Leeteuk are still in contact with each other after WGM ended. It gives hints that there are in 'friendship'. To FDs, thank you for giving us infos of our JungSora couple. To Sora and Leeteuk, i wish both of you luck in whatever relationship you both have at the moment.

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I've been lurking, but I've been voting for Sora and SuJu.

@crayon01, First, I will like to welcome you to this thread. Please continue to post your concerns and thoughts because FD will try to answer your concerns.

Thank you for your honesty. Even though I don't agree with you, I still respect your thoughts because it is your opinion. As for Sora, unlike you, I liked Sora before I like LT, therefore I focus more on Sora's activity than SuJu or LT. :) I don't think Sora has ever been fake in WGM. She has remained consistent throughout the whole time she was in WGM and outside of it. In fact, this interview shows how consistent she is. Let me first address your concerns.

Skinship is different from people to people. If it is a close friend of mine, I wouldn't mind hugging him or her. The same goes for some colleagues and some newly acquainted friends, in which the hug is a gesture of friendship or so (with no other meaning). Hug, is kind of a universal gesture of greeting in some countries, and I think that some skinship is like the same...whereas you are more likely to touch your friends, but is shy to touch someone that you don't know or someone you like. Sora is able to interact fine with her colleagues and friends...as how normal, typical friends would act with each other. It doesn't mean that she is pretending when she was WGM with LT, because her relationship with LT is different, in which they were "married" or potential "partners." Just like LT hugs, Dasom and Hyori when SuJu won an award for Music Bank (???) for Sexy, Free, and Single: he was comfortable when he gave Sistar a friendly hug. Does it means that LT was acting in WGM when he blushed and became shy when Sora hugged him? No, it doesn't. It just means that both of them view their relationship with each other as a relationship beyond friendship.

Also, Sora's clothing is not all determine by her. Her clothes, although it was see through, is quite conservative, in comparison to a lot of other clothing that are low cut. It blocks out a lot of visibility due to the flowery design. It doesn't mean that she isn't conservative and that she was lying when she said she wasn't comfortable in wearing these kinds of clothes.

Finally, the part with the drinking. I think there is a type of obscure translation from Korean to Chinese and then to English. In Chinese, to go out for a drink can mean to go out to drink anything or to hang out. The drink can be tea, soda, coffee, of alcohol. It depends on the group of people that you hang out with. So when Sora said that she goes out to drink with her friends, it can be interpreted in many ways. (Sorry...I just reread back the article and it said she was drinking friends with her DH2 friends) Also, it is not a surprise to everyone that Sora can hold her alcohol more than LT. Although she isn't like Se Ah (Cherry...Julian Kang's partner), who loves to drink, Sora is able to drink a little bit. Does it means that it is her preferable drink and that she likes it? Nope it doesn't. Drinking, as most people know, is almost a sociable activity. Even LT goes out to drink with his friends even though he doesn't like to drink. Does it mean that they have to order alcoholic drink? Nope it doesn't. So when a person say that they go out to drink with their friend, it is almost like saying that they hang out together. Also, if you look at some of the pictures that were taken of Sora or self selca in which she took with her friends (in NY or in Korea), the choice of drink that she generally have on the table is non-alcoholic.

But I do agree with you...I hope she would refrain from mentioning LT because when she said that she and LT sometimes call each other, I was worried it would affect people's perception of LT because he isn't suppose to have access to phone as often given that he is in the army. But..Sora has never shy away from their questions...and she honestly answer questions that the interviewers have thrown at her. That has been her nature, and it is this nature that I like about her.

And...thank you @tienvo2 and @huey for updating everyone with news about Sora and LT.

Sora, like always, have remained consistent. Like she said in WGM, she felt that a kiss should be between two people and was shy to kiss him when they were filming. Therefore, it wasn't surprising that she thought this kiss shouldn't be uploaded on the internet because she didn't want to kiss him in front of the camera. That was why, during the kiss, she raised her hand upward and then lowered it, causing her to be in an awkward position (and it answers my question of why she raised her hand first and then lowered it when I first saw the episode). And unlike other couples who had went through WGM, Sora always answer positively whenever they question her about LT. She also compliments him and expresses how grateful and regretful she is.

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Guest lolowaw

@crayon01 @yana7576 Nice to meet you in your home @crayon01 look from minute 11.10 and you will know that sora was not show off in the interview

If you notice that Sora can hide this fact (that she has 2 friends drinking), but did not you ask Yourself why Sora announced this thing and with details (We became drinking friends naturally/unconsciously. We are like brothers and sisters, no feelings of love).Do sora need to be exact to this limit (as if she tell someone the smallest details) she is frankly, not to show off ,Sora mature person,I'm with you on that alcohol cause disaster results like drama (i do i do)  but sora sane and not make trouble she is bigger than her real ageWho knows maybe her brothers in law (SMn & DH) They are actors
Thank you for your love to Super Junior leader you are loyal  person (because you want to keep sora's Image pure and clean) as we knew her.@viyra Dear Sweet Heart (unni) Please answer me, I'm really worried about you, where are you?Please Do one knows viyra Facebook?I hope that you write the address in a message.

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Guest uilala

hi I'm Uilala and i've been lurking around since  this couple started and been active on Facebook page and every week of their episode gave me so much joy! and i'm even watching it without any subtitle at all and watching again with englisg subtitle again :) that how much i adore this couple. but i can't take it anymore i have to get out of my hiding .. kekekeke 
first is sora attending the musical play of lee teuksecond is the change of the leader of suddenly not being the ladies manlastly is the recent interview of sora talking about lee teuk and wgm
Daeback!! i would marry this two!! :) please take care of me

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Guest lolowaw

@uilala Nice to meet you dear in this thread, it's something joyful that the person is coming out of his long silencesurely will take care of you because everyone here are very nicethen i will say hi@tweetiaa Asked for a mission to put sora in a high Level. dear (It's mission impossible , especially in this very slow speed) I guess that some members are interested in sora's interview and forgot to vote It seems that Sora has built a house in fifth place hhhhhhhhhhhhhh (is not it) and we have satisfied with this matter.Do you know I'm a bit surprised Yesterday Sora got 14000 votes and today did not get the 4000 thousand votes (one day our speed like Ferrari and another day the speed like electric car) I thought that this time it will be a landslide vote, but I was disappointed,Thank you very much for the members who always vote

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Guest kulot

Hello Pretty FD's!!! Happy Sunday to All ^_^:)>-
i just want to point out my views about Sora at WGM..since from the start i been WGM lovers..i watched a lot of couple before TeukSo joined this reality shows..so based of what i saw to the couples i always said that nothing compares JungSora..they are the best couple of all time for me..first, if you watched the other couple how they responded their interviews after WGM you can see the difference to them with our Sora..There was a wife whom i got disappointed the way she answered her interview about her virtual husband, which is totally opposite to Sora..since from the start she's so consistent of her answered when it comes to PJS..She always give him importance, She always appreciated him, She always admired all PJS did to her during their show, and She always give all her support to him until now..They prove to us FD that the relationship they built during the shows doesn't stop in there, it continues and grow even more as time pass by.about her skinship to other guys doesn't imply that she's not true to her feeling at WGM..for me, i can do skinship comfortably to my friends rather than to the person that i had feelings..Sora in WGM feel awkward about holding hands at first because its normal feeling, they are not that close, its not scripted so she really want it to do it naturally, because she don't consider it as acting..she feels it really like their real dating..if you watched other couples you can say that Sora will be the most submissive wife ever..and drinking together with her dream high friends, i don't think it can ruin her image as wholesome actress..Koreans likes to drink, just like our country when you hang out with friends as long as they don't get drunk and did something that can ruin their image.. PJS loves Sora not only because she is wholesome, just like what they said, they would accept the bad and good sides of them, and i don't find any bad sides of sora nor of PJS so far but if ever there is still is normal to us as individual because we all not prefect..we all have weaknesses and limitations..Sora always said what's in her mind during her interviews because She's prank and honest person..if she's being question about Leeteuk she will answered it safely and based according to what she feels..you can't avoid that..she don't need to pretend..all her answered can't harm PJS it only shows she really cared to him and implies that they are real..PJS can't to that because he had a lot to consider, especially his fans..he knows that Sora got lot of anti because of him..many people said she became popular because of leeteuk..don't you think its vice versa?? yes, i admit many people knows her after she's being paired with PJS but she already got award and recognition because of Sunny not because of PJS..and in return she also got a lot of anti..while Sora involvement of PJS career can also help Super Junior..many people became an ELF's, Angels because of TeukSo..like what other FD's shared after watching Teukso they started to Love SUJU..it both parties advantage..they both gain popularity because they showed their sincerity and love during their show..if  you love them let them do what they want to do and what  makes them happy.We still don't know what future brings in this lovely couple but i hope and pray that they will live happily ever after..sorry if i comment this way..i just want to depend sora..i respect others opinion about sora because we are free to express what we have in our minds..we individual have different opinions and we can't please everybody...but for me, i'm happy because sora never forget to give us hints, to give us the reason to celebrate and to smile..they make our day even better because of this good news..
sorry for long post^^ Good day FD's..Annyeong^^

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