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[OFFICIAL] Leeteuk (Suju) & Sora Couple We Got Married


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Hi FD's ^^
First. Sorry for my bad english, but this debate is interesting and i want sharing my opinion.

3) What do you think about teukie's reaction watching the other actress on the screen, and then seeing Sora?

First, there were many rumors that he will marry with kang sora. And to start the video of possible wives, impossible wives kkk, that's the reason why he smiled, it was fun.  But when it showed the sunny scene,  he thought maybe his wife will not  sora.  I think he thought for a moment  the  rumor was false  (about kang sora), because i remember nichkhun and  eunjung wgm rumor.  When nickhun started in WGM,  first appeared  sunhwa then eunjung and the final victoria. So, for this reason i think teuk first asked sora if she was his wife and when she said "yes", his smile was OMG.  He was very very very happy kkkk.
And i think the scene was edit, because when the video ends immediately the light appears on the stars and enter sora. ( face teuk's images between i think was before the video started) 
So, my thought is that he really though she is very beautiful (before) and he didn't believe that she was his wife maybe for her age and she was the most popular rookie in this moment for sunny movie (ok she was a rookie but the most popular rookie kkkk).
Sora just filmed in this month Huh Gak MV (Hello) and she looks really beautiful and if he searched she online, we know ^^ she is photogenic, her photos are amazing, evident she is "pretty" kkk.

Ahh, and also i think teuk resembles sora in his last photos kkkk (geek).

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Just for Fun.. Sora's new fave color these days gray and green..The Military Color Something Green and Gray for Jung Sora

Looking at the latest selca of Leeteuk wearing a gray with stripe green jacket and Sora's latest twitter picture that she is wearing green blouse.


I wished them both success on their future endeavor and happiness all throughout their lifetime. Stay healthy and be strong always in their everyday life.

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Guest mywebfoot

New fic, new series, thank you for reading! I am nervous so let me know to kill or keep the series!

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Guest noona1430269773

i wanna participate in answering the questions regarding teukso 1st ep too, count me in FDs :)
1. In my pov, PJS had already prepared everything before he decided to join WGM,since we know that he's master in planning things. At least he prepared mentally on the obvious impacts that are predictable,such fans positive or negative reactions of his marriage announcement. I doubt it if he didn't foresee elfs reactions. 
i sum up, fans reaction was quite disappointing at first,but i think as the time goes by, many of them could accept the reality that their leader is just a common human being,longing for happiness as he already reached the right time to get married and to be loved by a right woman (no one else in my mind she's Sora :) ) - the proof - many elfs following sora in twitters and they even support teukso.
PJS, in the other hand, MAYBE he put an expectation that elfs will accept his decision (which i think a bit unrealistic,since his fans are  numerous) it's just a Maybe, but i rather think that he's prepared for the good and the worst.
2. I watched Narsha in invincible youth in kbs, she's a humorous type, a fun noona and unnies for her hoobaes. She's may be a good friend of teukie, since both are seniors in entertainment industry.
3. The other actresses shown at the beginning are like a hint to Sora appearance. I read somehere,Sora resembles kim tae hae, maybe thats why one of the actresses appeared was kim tae hae, the rest were mostly korean top actresses like, shi min ah,lee min jung (lee byung hun GF) , song hye kyo. When Sora appeared, i think it was true PJS went blank, he failed to think straight, a pretty stranger in front of him,stunned him, personally i prefer him to feel that sora as a common woman who is fated to be his wife rather than seeing her as an actress or celebrity . Yes maybe true he was fancied with the other actresses shown before Sora appearance,but later on we can see how his feelings developed beautifully towards her.
It's ok if PJS and Sora were quite slow to overcome their awkwardness in WGM, since their virtual marriage in WGM was like an arranged marriage,( arranged by MBC WGM team) their relationship   likely to lead to lasting affection. According to research, those in arranged marriages – or who have had their partner chosen for them by a parent or matchmaker – tend to feel more in love as time grows,
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1363176/Why-arranged-marriage-likely-develop-lasting-love.html#ixzz2DJGihsaH 
I'm sorry if my answers are not really accurate. 


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@kika8 - how about that!!  I was going to post the same thing about the pictures of PJS and KSR - their eyes are the ones that have big resemblance.  They do resemble each other!

@mywebfoot - did they purposely block that portion? we can see helmets numbered 89, 83, 82, - but helmet 85 is nowhere.  Isn't it too obviouos, just like what PJS said in his letter, that he is training with males 10 years younger than him?  No wonder he is the leader.

Going back to WGM episode 1 - one thing quite noticeable, when LT started getting opinions from other celebrities who his future wife would be, the name Min Hyorin came out a lot - even the FJs thought about Min Hyorin immediately when the movie Sunny was shown on the screen.  Nobody really mentioned Kang Sora's name - except after she was introduced on the screen as LT's wife 'pretty'.  And Min Hyorin???  What happened to her? 


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Guest mywebfoot

viyra said:

@mywebfoot - did they purposely block that portion? we can see helmets numbered 89, 83, 82, - but helmet 85 is nowhere.  Isn't it too obviouos, just like what PJS said in his letter, that he is training with males 10 years younger than him?  No wonder he is the leader.

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@mywebfoot - did they purposely block that portion? we can see helmets numbered 89, 83, 82, - but helmet 85 is nowhere.  Isn't it too obviouos, just like what PJS said in his letter, that he is training with males 10 years younger than him?  No wonder he is the leader.

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Just for Fun.. Sora's new fave color these days gray and green..The Military Color Something Green and Gray for Jung Sora

Looking at the latest selca of Leeteuk wearing a gray with stripe green jacket and Sora's latest twitter picture that she is wearing green blouse.


I wished them both success on their future endeavor and happiness all throughout their lifetime. Stay healthy and be strong always in their everyday life.

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mywebfoot said: New fic, new series, thank you for reading! I am nervous so let me know to kill or keep the series!

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I just watched the WGM 4 Lee Joon and Oh Yeon Seo, honestly among the 3 they are the only couple I watch since Lee Joon is an Idol like Leeteuk and Oh Yeon Seo is an actress same like Sora. At first I thought this couple will be awesome since Oh Yeon Seo admitted that his ideal man is Lee Joon there will be sparks easily among the 2 but until now I don't see any spark among them especially Lee Joon . OYS definitely likes him but the episode today I watched they are still not on that stage of liking each other. When OYS asked LJ if there is anything that change in her it took him awhile to figure it out. This means that he was not that much attentive to her but still I will try to watch them since their profession is almost close to JungSora.

I'm just thankful how our couple are so attentive to each other from the start.

For Leeteuk

1. He knows when Sora's tears is about feeling tired on her filming. He knows how to console her.

2. He appreciates her eyebrows , hairstyle, color of her hair and even her beauty infront  of other people.

3. He even knows when she uses different accent on her language just like while she is doing a busan accent he immediately noticed it.

For Sora

1. She figures out his muscular body and even his skin color when he went for tanning.

2. She remembers his actions/ gestures he has done for her and shared it with Donghae during his date.

3. She always appreciates him in a way that she always makes a thumbs up sign that he is the best.

No couple in WGM were able to show the support, appreciation nor see the changes from their patner except JungSora and for that they are really different from others to think that they were not able to spend more time and shared more memories together still they were able to understand each other and feel each one another just by looking at each other for a few seconds only and for that it is not an acting but a reality of ones true feelings.

A sincere feelings can only see the changes of one another and it is not only the eye who can noticed the changes but also the heart.

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@shymaldita28 Your post just made me cry. :'( Yes they were different from other WGM couples. Their stare, small talks, skinship, letters, the way they compliment and take care of each other and the kiss. All of that was too sincere. Only mature individuals can understand JungSora/TeukSo. I miss them so badly :'(

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itsmeharhar said: @shymaldita28 Your post just made me cry. :'( Yes they were different from other WGM couples. Their stare, small talks, skinship, letters, the way they compliment and take care of each other and the kiss. All of that was too sincere. Only mature individuals can understand JungSora/TeukSo. I miss them so badly :'(

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shymaldita28 said:

I just watched the WGM 4 Lee Joon and Oh Yeon Seo, honestly among the 3 they are the only couple I watch since Lee Joon is an Idol like Leeteuk and Oh Yeon Seo is an actress same like Sora. At first I thought this couple will be awesome since Oh Yeon Seo admitted that his ideal man is Lee Joon there will be sparks easily among the 2 but until now I don't see any spark among them especially Lee Joon . OYS definitely likes him but the episode today I watched they are still not on that stage of liking each other. When OYS asked LJ if there is anything that change in her it took him awhile to figure it out. This means that he was not that much attentive to her but still I will try to watch them since their profession is almost close to JungSora.

I'm just thankful how our couple are so attentive to each other from the start.

For Leeteuk

1. He knows when Sora's tears is about feeling tired on her filming. He knows how to console her.

2. He appreciates her eyebrows , hairstyle, color of her hair and even her beauty infront  of other people.

3. He even knows when she uses different accent on her language just like while she is doing a busan accent he immediately noticed it.

For Sora

1. She figures out his muscular body and even his skin color when he went for tanning.

2. She remembers his actions/ gestures he has done for her and shared it with Donghae during his date.

3. She always appreciates him in a way that she always makes a thumbs up sign that he is the best.

No couple in WGM were able to show the support, appreciation nor see the changes from their patner except JungSora and for that they are really different from others to think that they were not able to spend more time and shared more memories together still they were able to understand each other and feel each one another just by looking at each other for a few seconds only and for that it is not an acting but a reality of ones true feelings.

A sincere feelings can only see the changes of one another and it is not only the eye who can noticed the changes but also the heart.

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Hello Fellow FDs,

It really has been a long while. I'm sorry for not visiting here often, ever since joining twitter. I understand that the (soon to be) coming 20 months (Yay, almost a month has gone by! kkkk) will be long for many of you and can see some are saying the thread is slowing down...But we mustn't give up and like @lallinachan has said, we all should relive and rewatch TeukSo/JungSo episodes and share different fanarts and anything related to uri Dimple Couple. I personally just love all the fanarts shared here and would like to thank you all for sharing. Please kindly forgive me for I have recently took on a lot of JungSora related projects and it seems like it is more than what I can handle right now. =) =) =) Hence, I cannot share the other comics yet as I need to clear the tasks I have on hand first. :) My my...very busy. I hope I can keep up.

Now, having said that, since we ought to share something since the thread is becoming like a snail ( =)) ), let's try our best. Even though I can't post the latter part of my EP1 Comic yet, I do have another FMV to share. I think it's been a while for me to actually do a serious FMV. =)) =)) =)) All the recent ones I did were just mainly slideshows of their recent episodes, like the Wedding photoshoot, which I love sooooooooo much. I really miss our DIMPLE COUPLE - JungSora /TeukSora so much. So without further ado, below is my FMV. I hope you all will enjoy watching it. Remember FDs, stay positive and have faith!!! FIGHTING!!!



Thank you for watching and Good Night / Morning / Afternoon to everyone. Gotta sleep now. Fighting!

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Hello FD's!
My apologies  for not posting the past couple of days. I have been traveling a lot due to the holidays, and quite busy with the move . Anyway....my body may be doing something else but my mind has never left this thread...kkk. Appreciate all of you who has been keeping this thread alive. Love all the updates on both Teuk and Sora. I am sure they are missing each other a lot....Teuk looks miserable while doing the heart sign he probably thought of Sora ....and Sora is probably trying to cheer herself up by doing what someone does to keep your mind away from something....watch movies, plays,concerts....such acts helps make time move faster ....I sincerely hope they can see each other soon....it has been 28 days since his enlistment and I am sure at this point their feelings of longing for each other is almost unbearable. I also hope they can both bear this separation and be the source of strength for each other.
@lallinachan, special thanks for the questions.
1: I thought Teukie was trying to gauge what the reactions of his fans will be. Actually I was quite surprised with their (fans) reactions about the marriage since some of them are not your typical high school/ teenager  types. They all probably initially thought it was a real marriage...because some of them have that lost look on their faces... And this is how I admired Teukie  at first ( I watched WGM at first not because I liked either  Sora or Lee Teuk individually...but I love their chemistry and that giddy feeling they make me feel, of course now my feelings for both of them has changed)...  he wanted the fans  to know directly from him so as not to surprise them on broadcast and this goes to show how considerate he was of their feelings. As for the fans...I think it was more this feeling of doom thinking this is a real one...and even after realizing it was for a show...they were very vocal about their opposition to it. I think it worried Teukie a bit....but I am sure he enjoyed the feeling it gave him...kkk
Question 2: I have seen Narsha in SH and I thought she is a funny girl with a sad past.(her story  touched me). I think she was trying to be playful with Lee Teuk and since I am familiar with their interaction in SH i found her actions  comical and hilarious and very platonic.
Question 3: I knew Teukie knew that the first few actresses shown were shown for variety purposes...I thought he was initially disappointed when Sora's pic came out...he probably thought she was going to be Min Hyorin, since he mentioned her name while having the conversation with Sora. My inkling is he knew her wife will be from the movie Sunny, he probably wished it was Min Hyorin since she fits his ideal type more than Sora, although if you go back to their conversation...you will realize that they have researched about each other a litte bit( Teukie knows her birthday and Sora knows his real name)....so Teukie knew Sora is a probability  , but I thought she was not his first choice. And this is what I like about Teukie in WGM. Teukie knows how to do variety well as Lee Teuk...he is in his best element when doing it....he can talk non stop and know exactly what will play well on TV and with the audience....that was why he caught my attention at SH and remembered him well with Shindong, although I did not really follow him up and his activites...I like his showmanship and enjoy his variety skills....in WGM, especially in the first few episodes....I saw a different side of him....the same thing the PD saw in him that was why he got the part....the truthful,shy, introvert side of the real person named PJS. That is why I knew that despite this being a variety reality show....I knew Teukie shed the personality and characteristics of Lee Teuk most of the time and showed the inner qualities of his inner persona, the real PJS...that is how I knew it was not scripted and that is how I looked forward to watching it and how I subsequently came to love it and then fell in love with both of them later. I thought this is how their feelings develop for each other as well.
I expect this thread to slow down a bit but I hope everyone will continue their efforts to post when others are too busy to do so ...that is how this thread will continue to flourish  and  survive. 


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@lazyme2day again a beautiful MV you have created that brings happiness in our hearts.

@Viyra your observation in the spoiler are right. Eventhough people met their ideal person it does not mean there will be spark on their meeting. Rapport between 2 opposite people meeting their ideal person it will mean that there will be feelings involved. Sometimes we ended up on the opposite person we wanted. It is the feelings involved that will make you as s couple. It will only be your standard to find your MR. Or Ms. Right but that does not mean automatic you will have feelings for that person, If that will be the case the people who are not gifted with good looks will remain single for the rest of their lives but that was not the case of reality. I remember when PJS was asked about her ideal girl he honestly said that it is not Sora but does not mean he don't get attracted to her which he obviously show. Knowing the person as the day continue will make you realize that loving the person for the rest of your life does not mean that you have to live up to your expected ideal person. And for that we are lucky that eventhough both has not mentioned before WGM that they are each other ideal person in the end we got the result that they have spark and rapport to one another.

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Guest gisellec

Good night from Spain

it is to have an ideal type of couple? people often idealize and dream of the person you want to be, they often want Prince Charming or just a normal person, many girls want the kind like his father and some guys women like their mothers, in the case of guys always have high expectations when it comes to outer beauty. (
We always forget that Shindong told leeteuk sora liked that, we again people forget this, because they are in the program.)

What strikes me is that what he calls attention to leeteuk is that the girl is short and thin, but it's the same as I wrote a few days ago, as he feels small and little body, is a way to not be intimidated by the other person. Sora really has a slender body, is high, and the concern is that sora leeteuk not see him as a man desirable. (this I think, for his constant comments by the height and body). In the first episode the first thing he commented was how tall she was and Sora shyly told her off her heels.

having an ideal type of couple, at the end of the day becomes silly when love comes, breaks all the ideas we have once and begin to see through the eyes of the person. Leeteuk repeatedly said that sora was the same man, not the idol. What about their former partners was not?.

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Guest Cicci_92_1

@lallinachan: good questions :) 1) about fans...I think he was smart. He told them in advance in order to avoid problems later. ELFs are supportive, but they can also strongly object to some decisions, so I think he wanted to make them feel part of his choice. 2) Narsha was amazing. And she's obviously a caring Noona, too. She was so funny, I really loved her :) 3) His reaction was pretty normal, I think. As far as I know, some news had alreay broken, so he might have expected her. Of course he was excited when he saw all those wonderful actresses and not so much when he saw the picture of Sora. She was a rookie and honestly, that photo wasn't that great. But everything's changed when she entered. I don't think it was love at first sight, but he was surely impressed by her. Donghae too couldn't help saying she was beautiful. Well definitely, that was an amazing moment. Awkward, but amazing :)

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