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[OFFICIAL] Leeteuk (Suju) & Sora Couple We Got Married


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shymaldita28 said:

Leeteuk + Sora = Fated Lovers

1.Leeteuk is very famous in Malaysia, and he can speak a bit of Malaysian language

   July 06 @ reveramess,I really want to visit Malaysia someday... i heard it's beautiful country from everybody who've been there!!  

Sora wants to visit malaysia so that she can be able to know if her ( boyfriend?? ) is famous or she wants to see what Leeteuk had seen before. She might be able to start learning a few malaysian words from oppa..               

2 Leeteuk doesn't like making girls pay on a date.

He did not want Sora to buy him a new drink while they were in the airport and he was upset when she wanted to pay the blanket because of the clock which she was not able to hang but in the end it was LT who paid for it.

3. Teuki likes to play the piano and compose songs

He composed 2 songs for Sora ( WGM special and their first date ) He played SHE for Sora in his concert. I remember episode 9 he was still practicing the song and he is trying to figure out the right tone for it...His lovely bride also knows how to play piano and got inspired to study it again after hearing him playing the piano on their first date.She told him the story on episode 6

4. On stage, he talks a lot and is energetic, while in real life he is much more quiet.

He told Sora that in private he is a quiet person same like Sora in real life...If this is the case how can Sora be able to know him more if he is quiet there should be awkwardness between them in which we can see from them but I guess the ice has been broken after the tango.Shy and Quiet couple is not there anymore..

5. Siwon said that teukie has 2 personality, sometimes manly, but sometimes very dorky. that’s why when the other members were stressed, they’ll go to Teukie to get some laugh

Kang Sora said :even though he's older he has heart of a child. Sometimes he's sympathetic like a child and sometimes he's shows his manly side

Siwon and Sora has the same description about Leeteuk..Siwon was with him for 6 years and Sora was with him for a year but the observation she has is the same with Siwon..again another hint on the status of the relationship. How can she describe leeteuk the way a person close to him can have the same description about leeteuk character.

6. Everytime Wookie got home after his works, he never get back to his room, rather he went to Teukie’s room to talk.

When Ryeweok ask Sungmin in SUKIRA the status of LT and Sora relationship, the answer of Sungmin is that only "them will know". If we based on this fact therefore Ryeweok is some of the people who knows somethings about Sora and Leeteuk although he is not part of FJ if he is always with Leeteuk definitely his question to Sungmin in SUKIRA has basis and if you see LT selfcam ryeweok said to Sora " I love you" and Sora smiles so happily by saying his name ryeweok shi..No wonder during the MAMA awards Ryeweok was looking intently to Sora which I saw in one of the fancam behind the stage. Ryeweok also is the person who said of course Sora will like to send you off. Does he know something about the two. If you watch weekly idol Eunhyuk said that Ryeweok is a frank person and honest in a way that he can tell eunyuk mom that your son is not handsome...If Ryeweok wants to divulge something in Sukira about the two by asking Sungmin definitely he will not get the right answer to him since he likes Sora as their sister in law and he has to protect their privacy..If Ryeweok asked that question there is a curiosity in his mind that he just wanted to confirm with Sungmin..So better LT be careful whenever Ryeweok is on your room don't make aegyo to Sora on the phone so that he will not think of something between the two of you when he visit you again.

7. “i always want to cry when i saw sapphire blue sea. i love you ELFs!”

Kang Sora said in one of her interview for BAEKSANG AWARDS that she chooses the gown which is sapphire blue for his groom teuk since WGM is on strike she still want to show that she remembers him. How thoughtful she is to remember him and that time also she made a video letter for him.

8. Leeteuk want to have a cool name stage like KangTa, Lee Soo Man recommended “KangSu” (means Time to Rain on K-Pop), but he didn’t like it. At last he choose Leeteuk, means special

" Kang Su " supposed to be his name but he changed it to leeteuk instead and he had married a beautiful woman named " Kang Sora " didn't he think about it when he knew that his wife will be Sora..If that happens we will not have TEUKSORA instead KANGSORA  or SORA KANG as what she said before while doing a role play with LT as a korean american student who loves deukbokii.

9. Leeteuk was born when it was raining and hence loves the rain.

 1st date he tried to play kiss the rain for Sora..and in one of Sora's tweet @reveramess Interviews for “Merida and the Magical Forest” start from today! (Though it is said to be) Autumn rain in Samcheongdong (a place name)…It is now raining a bit harsh ..was this a hint Sora since LT likes the rain and now it was raining you feel like you want to tweet about it

10. Leeteuk is really dorky, everytime he met a girl, he would ask, “do you like me?” even to a little girl that he met!

I remember when Sora get jealous about the idol ladies she told him while smiling I guess you ask them also if you like super junior??this is one of her jealousy and if you noticed after she said that she drink to remove the dryness on her throat and her jealousy.

Last but not the least dedicated for all perjumma..

11. Leeteuk always wore tights if he has tight schedule, but if he was at home, he prefer boxer pants.

Remember the gift given by Sora to Leeteuk the underwear it is a boxer pants, specific to LT taste that he will be using at home.She gave him the one he prefer using at home ( park jung soo taste ) not on the shows ( leeteuk taste ).. Honestly when I saw that Sora given him an underwear it was really shocking for me since these 2 people are awkward from the beginning and since it is just their 2nd time meeting after the strike she given him a present that is somehow bolder to describe and when LT saw it also he just teases her but you will not see an awkward LT during those times. I ask myself is there ladies especially korean would dare to give an underwear as a present and she given him a pink underwear which is not his favorite color but still you can see a stripe design on it.

Underwear can be a great gift to give to a man. If you are close to that man, underwear can be a very good gift to get a little bit more personal to him. However, you should remember that such a gift is a very personal gift and you should only give them to people that you are close with. You should know what your man seeks before you buy him underwear that he would like to wear. You should have an idea of what he likes. This change will keep your relationship spontaneous and more interesting.

With an underwear as present and based on what LT wears at home there is some intimacy behind the camera which we don't know at all...Is there a relationship during the strike or after tango session. The skinship they had in tango is somehow more intimate that after that Sora has decided to give that kiss and underwear after that dancing and I remember LT told Sora after her parents left are you tired today just like when we danced before and she said it was totally a different feeling

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6200600





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shymaldita28 said: Super Junior KTR Segments 2009

1. Leeteuk finally shows his “original self”

Leeteuk: Actually, I am a person who is very shy in front of others. Really, if there are any speeches etc, I would be hiding here and there.
Eunhyuk: Is this true, it’s too unbelievable
Leeteuk: I’m a coward, and very introverted. In Junior High, in order to get me to sing a song, my teacher said she would buy me dukbokki. So I sang, but I didn’t get to finish singing because I was too nervous, my face was as red as an apple, and the muscles were convulsing. But since I wanted to become a star, I had to overcome it, so I forced myself to stand in front of large crowds, gradually becoming what I am like today.
Eunhyuk: I have always been the type of person that likes standing in front of many people, so I’m not afraid at all.

2. Kangin digs the members’ ears!

Leeteuk: Our member Kangin likes to help others dig their ears…..
Eunhyuk: Very much. There was one time, he got angry, and he told everyone “When you’re going for schedules, you’re not allowed to dig your ears, or else I would have nothing to do!!!”
Leeteuk: I’m quite thankful to him, but…..
Eunhyuk: Helping others dig their ears can help us become more ambiguous, but digging too often is not good.
Leetuek: Yeah, he loves digging (our ears) for us too much.

3. Eunteuk’s Childhood Memories (1)

Leeteuk: When I was young, I really hated moving. In a new place, you need to readapt again, face a new school, new classmates and teachers, I really hated it.
Eunhyuk: I like moving. I like clearing up my room, and I like rearranging the furniture. This kind of frame of mind is very good, I like adapting to a new environment.
Leeteuk: So you moved quite often?
Eunhyuk: Up to now, I’ve moved 4 times.
Leeteuk: And each time was alright?
Eunhyuk: One of the times brings not very good memories, but it still can be considered okay.
Leeteuk: I’ve been living in my current home for 14 years already, and it looks like I will be living there even longer. Thinking of moving, it is actually not that simple. When I was in primary school, we moved once, but we didn’t transfer schools, so the school was very far from our new house. Hence, my father brought my sister and me to the nearby Hakwon to study, I told the Hakwon to refund my school fees – just so I could go to the arcade. Later, my mother became concerned about my studies, and went to Hakwon to find me, the teacher told her I hadn’t been there in 3 months….. My mother didn’t say anything else, she came home and gave me a good scolding.
Eunhyuk: She did well, punishing you when you deserve it.

4. Eunteuk’s Childhood Memories (2)

Eunhyuk: When I was young, I would follow my father to the public bath. Each time I would help him rub his back, but no matter how much force I used, he would say I didn’t have enough strength, I was still far from it, and that I was still a kid that hadn’t grown up. Now that I am older, when I help him rub his back, he finally admits that I have already grown up.
Leeteuk: That’s right. Eunhyuk, how old were you when you stopped going to the public bath?
Eunhyuk: Erm….. My father didn’t really like to go there, so I often followed my mother. Roughly……. I stopped going when I was 8 years old. Elementary school students are not allowed to go in, but I went once when I was in grade 1 and 8 years old.
Leeteuk: The manager didn’t find out?
Eunhyuk: My mother told me, if anyone asked me how old I was, I should just say 7 years old. We practiced back and forth at home. But when someone really asked me, in a moment of nervousness, I replied “8…… Ah no, 7 years old.” From that time on, I never went there again.

5. Crybaby Eunteuk

Eunhyuk: I feel that Leeteuk will definitely have a long life.
Leeteuk: Why?
Eunhyuk: Because you cry easily. One of the reasons why men don’t live as long as women is because men can’t really cry, they can’t really laugh, they don’t really express their feelings. But you cry very easily, won’t you occasionally regret after crying?
Leeteuk: I often regret. When I’m crying, I don’t care about anything else. After the incident when I watch (myself on) television, I feel that in the whole world, there is no one else uglier than me.
Eunhyuk: I can understand…… Your feelings……
Leeteuk: Come on, we are in the same boat. Actually, each time I get first place, I will cry, only because I feel that I myself am not worth having so many people love me. So because so many people love me, I cry from my thankfulness.
Eunhyuk: Hahaha~
Leeteuk: What are you laughing at? I’m so smart looking~
Eunhyuk: You’re the one that made me laugh.

6. Eunhyuk’s Sister Wants to Go to China?

Eunhyuk: My sister has been learning Chinese lately, she’s considering about going to China to study.
Leeteuk: In the middle of preparation?
Eunhyuk: No, (she’s) only thinking about it, she says she wants to go. If she leaves, I will miss her very much……
Leeteuk: Me and my sister’s age difference is only 1 year, when we fight we beat each other’s guts out, but when we make up we’re so close we’re inseparable.

7. The “Kids” Who Have No Food to Eat

Leeteuk: If we have no schedules during the weekend, the dormitory’s cleaning ajumma will go back after cleaning the house on Friday, and by Saturday, the food she left us would be all eaten up.
Eunhyuk: So on Sunday, or in the early morning we have nothing to eat, when we open the fridge and take a look, there are eggs, we can cook noodles, or we can fry eggs to eat……
Leeteuk: If we don’t even have instant noodles there’s nothing we can do, but remain there stunned and gloomy
Eunhyuk: In future, if we meet these kinds of situations, we have to be resourceful
Leetuek: yeah, going out to buy something to eat is also good. Sometimes if there are no towels to use, we would take from the washing basket some of the unwashed but cleaner ones to use……

8. Leeteuk, emptiness, loneliness

Leeteuk: In future when I get married, I hope my wife can call me Teuk Oppa~
Eunhyuk: Okay, I await it
Leeteuk: Recently, I really want to find someone who will let me be responsible for her
Eunhyuk: I know.
Leeteuk: Recently, I’m very lonely.
Eunhyuk: I know.
Leeteuk: I’m going mad soon!!
Eunhyuk: Okay, I know.
Leeteuk: I am dying soon!!
Eunhyuk: In life, you sometimes have this feeling.
Leetuk: I am very empty.
Eunhyuk: I know.
Leeteuk: Listen to me vent for awhile!!
Eunhyuk: Now everyone lets listen to some songs……
(After listening to many songs)
Leeteuk: Recently, we had many schedules that got cancelled, suddenly there is a lot of free time, (there’s) really nothing to do.
Eunhyuk: There are many things, I did many meaningful things.
Leeteuk: I seem to have (a) career sickness, everyday at 10 I have to do radio, in the day I have to record variety programs, on weekends there are music programs…… Since debut its always been like that, now all of a sudden it’s become empty, I cannot take it……
Eunhyuk: then you should rest.
Leeteuk: I can’t do it…… do you feel it?
Eunhyuk: I can feel it, you’re just not used to it.
Leeteuk: I really want to cry, I’m going mad soon……
Eunhyuk: Then let me give you a song to soothe your feelings…… I don’t know how to comfort you.

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said: [size=3]hahaha hello FD's.  After 4 hours travel time to province. I'm home, and guess what I did.  Hahaha, I ask for my brother's facebook account (2 accounts) so I can use it for voting....[/size]

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ice308 said: @Huey, admittedly, I don't really read fanfics.. but when I saw the one you posted, I got curious and opened the blog in another window.. I haven't read it yet but I will later.. thanks for posting it.. ;)
hmm.. seems i did something wrong because my spoiler wasn't hiding anything.. :)Anyway, @badettetalag, @josan, @lucyjung (wow you're in zamboanga but you'll come to manila? :-bd ), thanks for replying.. let's PM each other for the meet-up.. ;)
@lummy, i laughed when i saw your post about asking your parents to vote and that's how they knew you're crazy about Korean stuff. :)) it's so cute! :D

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Since Sora said she can't express herself well as confirmed by Father In Law, Sora always give PJS letters to express her feelings...  Now, how many letters did she write to him not including the post it notes?

  1. At the school for him to follow her to the music room
  2. At the amusement park
  3. On his early birthday celebration at Nami Island
  4. On their last episode
Thoughtful Sora...
And I remember, PJS said I'm going to keep this since it was the first letter you gave me.  He didn't say he'll keep them all, but he's so sentimental, I think he keeps all the letters together with the wedding album and their other items they share together... 
And I'm wondering, Since Sora keep the pink post it notes... then where could the yellow post it  notes be?  
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pinnavinna said:

i would like to share my strategy trough PM... just tell me..then i'm gonna send you PM, in a blink of an eye  ...if i'm not fall asleep yet :D

or you can ask @malonowa @euneun @lummy they already know 

@pinnavinna@malonowa @euneun @lummy

unnies!! count me in! pm pls pls.its a saturday....joining tech maintenance team...cozimma gonna hijack some office computers & vacant cubicle!

heck... they say,,, hell hath no fury like a woman scorned a  Fighting Dimple challenged!!


Pm meee...

I want to......

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gotta go.get some sleep. have a happy week end FDs!

avatar_de0fa637cb6f_64.pngim kaia. 
my closest and most comfortable zone is inside my Kloset. thus the name. 
i live. life. to. the. fullest. 
* i will never be sorry for each decision 
i make. whatever its consequences maybe
i know through it, i would learn, the life's lesson that would lead me through lifetime."
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  • This pic isn’t mine!!. But I really love this paint…so very very nice :3

    This pic isn’t mine!!. But I really love this paint…so very very nice :3

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dee15 said:


Another new girl came out after Sora deep interview about visiting PJS in the army camp???? Cmon....What's this??? Seriously???

hmm for a while you made me panic there. link slowly pop up. me thinks its just random. them  or their management just trying to add their  little back story of a salon accidental meeting to ride in the frenzy of the Leeteuk army enlistment hype. nothing serious really. and im convincing myself that hehehe. and heck, i dont even know Tahiti, aside from the one place i want to go next summer if korea wont materialized hehehe and its in hawaii .french polynesia. 

I'm sure "someone" wanted to make media does not smell of the anniversari of Teukso so "someone that" makes a new story with PJS...

But we are Fighting Dimple right??

We believe our Teukso...


Go go go....

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Joongiiee said:

Hello everyone!:) May I know what episode did Leeteuk give this bag to Sora as a birthday present?:) Thanks in advance!!

Episode 21, Dear..

Keep Voting GIRLS! now much more harder to get 0,01 %


And don't forget to leave a comment there.. Show to others how much we love our Teukso..


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daisydack said:
ice308 said: @daisydack, welcome! Please join us in giving our love to DC.. :D No need to apologize for bad english.. ;)
@LucyJung, you're welcome again.. :D Since we can't see them together nowadays, I went to page 1 and saw a lot of goodies there so I recommend going over the links there again.. ;) 

*Still in Episode 5*
Sora was really nervous when they were in the Busan airport because of all the reporters, cameras pointed at them.. Fortunately, Leeteuk was there to guide and protect her.. :x And also saw LT's manager protecting Sora as well when there was a fan who touched the jacket.. :D
Sora was really beautiful in that white gown.. :x

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@daisydack  welcome to the family...  >:D< I am also Indonesian, nice to meet you here.... Btw, your finding about the purple wallet is DAEBAK...

I saw the walet in ep 30 and in unseen scene publish by MBC when PJS and Sora went to traditional market. PJS is the one who brought that wallet. Because of u, I also realized that Soras' wallet in ep 24 is the same wallet that PJS had.

I think that's not MBC property, the wallet are couple wallet, since both of them had exactly same color wallet....

So do we still need more prove that they are real???

1. PJS gave his favorite shirt to Sora (the one that Sora wore in last episode. I told that shirt one of PJS favorite bacause he wore that shirt so many times)2. PJS gave Sora a lot of expensive gift (Sora braclet is pure white gold, Sora bag for birthday present is so expensive)3. A couple ring that PJS gave (that couple ring also expensive couse there's a small diamond around it) 4. They have a couple shoes5. Now, the new finding, a couple wallet.... :x  :x :x


I just got home from work and immediately begin to watch episode 24 and 30 ... And I screamed with joy because you found a purple wallet ...

Keep on investigating guys... ^^

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EP 24
LT: Sungmin ah, I heard you meet Sorra ssiSM: How did you know?LT: I was not able to see her for two months and a half
Look who's counting...  You don't count the days you haven't seen a person unless that someone is special... and can't wait to be with them.Right?

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LuCyJuNg said:



LuCyJuNg said:<br />
LT pics?? oohhh i will look for some.. will definitely post here if i find gorgeous pics of LT.. aahhh really want to go to korea too..ohh i hope our next project wil be to visit KS and LT after 2years, personally!! FD"s, all FD will be there of course... it's like a reunion of all FD!definitely want to meet all FD!!
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