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The Official Dooley/YongShin Couple Thread (Jung Yong Hwa & Park Shin Hye)


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THANK YOU!!! And you are right. The lyrics "kinda" :phew: make you think of JYH and PSH. I wonder if it is really the case...

On another note...

I don't really know how to spazz correctly and I do not have a lot to share... But, I've been reading about PSH's behavior towards JYH and I just want to add my thought. On most BTS videos, every time they had an NG, PSH was seen playfully hitting JYH. Well, I don't know about other girls but I'm speaking for myself only, I kinda do the exact same thing when I'm attracted to a guy who's a "friend" of my mine. I tend to "hit" the poor guy whenever I get the chance. Now, if "something" ever came out of this playful hitting, well... one or two, most didn't... So my own behavior led me to think that.... well, you guys already figured it out so I don't need to say it! ^_^

I don't mean to be delusional or anything, neither I want to imply that there is something going on between our DooLey couple. All I'm saying is that the possibilities are countless...

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Guest Jessi15

wow.. just a few days and this thread has already over 100 posts, awesome !!! Love Dooley couple and so happy to be reading each and every one comments especially when it comes to dissect the bts kiss LOL: . I have just watched the Music competitions BTS and oh boy, it is amazing to see Dooley couple play so well at their own instruments. I truly admire PSH for her effort at learning and playing the gayageum in such a short time. One month and yet she achieved the first level. I guess it is in her blood because I read somewhere that she comes from a family with music background. Her brother is also a guitarist like YH so I guess they have much in common. I love her body movements when she plays it and I thought that the scene wasn't real. I know YH is a guitarist in real life but never expect PSH to be that damn good. No wonder YH is attracted to her, she has personalities and very talented in her own right.

Watching eng sub vid "110612 CN Blue Yonghwa – MBC Section TV’s “Heartstrings Photoshoot BTS", I am a bit confused with PSH & YH reactions. May be someone can explain to me? It's the part where they are doing a psychological analysis about someone with a Blood Type A and all 4 main leads happen to have the same blood type LOL: About 2:18 into the video, they were asked to pose in an intimate position back hugging and they seem uncomfortable? then I read something YH said about "they will think we are not close" then it looks like SH corrected " we are close" but again, in that segment I caught SH said something like " we are not close", I found it totally confusing, did I miss something? Sorry I only just recently into this Dooley couple so I have a lot of catching up to do. 

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Guest rosa12244

@liz danielle, let me clear this, CNBLUE 1st showcase (Jan 2010) was way before WGM and way far before Hongki's revelation about "mother's favor daughter-law" . I don't think it was because of that. I guess she just did not want to be recognize by media that night. ^_^

WGM started in February 2010.

Thanks to Hongki, if it's not him, we will never know that YH's mom loves Shinhye. Unlike JGS, Yonghwa never reveal that on public. wonder why.

@checkinout, I saw that video few months ago, LOVED IT!! thanks for posting here. yeah me too, love the supermarket scene. Both are so playful with each other. *me so envy LOL* I guess YH loves to touch Shinhye's baby skin? She has flawless healthy skin!

can i ask you when did you see that hongki said that? i really want to see that with my own ees XD

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Guest Latika

@Jessi15 they're close but when they do "romantic scenes" they really get nervous and shy

many actors admitted "it's imposible said you don't feel anything when you does love scenes"

when Yonghwa said "they will think we are not close",Yonghwa was as "it's easy, we can do it easily bcuz we're close" at the beginning and Shinhye was as "oh yes, of course " but when they had his back hugging ,they really felt  shy (  heartbeat!! (?) xDD)

that's why Shinhye said "we're not close", she was as "it's not easy,we had better if we said we are not close" xD

both statements was like a metaphor ;)

I love ShinHwa  when they keep to themselves in denial ,I mean "we're  friends" ,"we'll never fall in love each other" ,"he's not my type" ,"I saw her as a boy"

LMAO :lol: hahaha love them xDD



credit: hiclow@tumblr


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I've only had a chance to lurk here in the last day or so because I've been trying to finish the review for Heartstrings' final episodes. Anyway, it's finally completed, and it'd be greatly appreciated if a little lovin' is given the review because the sucker took a long time to write! LOL. Be warned, it is a bit long, but I hope it'll be worth the read. Here's Couch Kimchi's Heartstrings Finale Review: Ending With A Start

Don't mean to sell it hard, but here's an excerpt from the review:

By definition, heartstrings are “the deepest feelings” or “the strongest affections” one can feel (see Dictionary.com). Love shares those meanings. While the flawed writing clipped its potential, Heartstrings effectively and movingly illustrated love’s diverse forms, and love is a universal theme with which many viewers deeply connect.

I'll have to backread to reply to some of your posts! Thanks for keeping this thread updated and spazzing. It's not easy to ween off the Heartstrings addiction.


Edit (This is long because I've had to backread!)

rada, I've read a few others who have converted to shipping the Dooley Couple, all thanks to Heartstrings! ;) By the way, thanks for your eloquent reply to Jessi. I really don't see what's wrong with shipping any pair, as long as we're being respectful of other ships and not forcing the pairing into an actual relationship. It's all part of the fun, and it's also natural. And the future is open, so, anything can still happen. They might not end up together or they may! Who knows? For now, we're just enjoying the relationship that they do have. At the very least, it is obvious these two care for each other, as much as one can care for a close friend. And having lots of close friends is always a good thing, so, more power to Shin Hye and Yonghwa for being a part of each other's life! 

And rada, awww, Hongki and Shin Hye are cute. I guess they really must jive like siblings to be that comfortable in public. Heeh, so, there must be a bit of attraction there between Yonghwa and Shin Hye.

checkinout, they were definitely flirting both during their YAB days and on the Heartstrings set. :D It's natural to flirt with friends, and most of the time, it's not done intentionally. It just comes out, especially with good friends.  And thanks for sharing all the MVs/BTS.

Latika, you deserve every praise for starting the thread. :) And regardless of any awkwardness with the intimate scenes, I'm glad they said they're close.

bitzes, is there any clip of that particular WGM episode, when Yonghwa phoned Shin Hye? I guess I can look it up. But that WGM episode was this past year, right? And LOL about your friend thinking they're dating. Because they really did flirt, so, it's not easy to make that mistake. Also, it's great that a lot of the CNBLUE fans have taken to Shin Hye, and it's hard not to. She's supportive, and basically, a good friend to have for life.

Irish_Law, you're always a treasure trove of pictures! Thanks! 

Sanity, it's a pleasure to have you onboard the Dooley ship! Love your post ;) And you're right about how other ships shouldn't feel threatened.

So, let's all be respectful of each other's ships and just have fun :)

whoelse, I believe Shin Hye and Yonghwa have promotional commitments overseas for Heartstrings. So, we could still see more pictures of them this year or in the next. Definitely, at the least, I would like to see them do a CF. At the most, it'd be nice to see them star in a movie or another drama, where they end up together again.

zenti, fail away! You can fail away with us. It's not like Shin Hye and Yonghwa aren't giving us a good reason to ship them. LOL. And Yonghwa said that about Shin Hye? That is really saying a lot about how much he respects her, and how much she clicks with the other members of CNBLUE.

LEANNELEE, thank you for the gifs. 

Inggrid_fairly, I'm down with the We Got Re-Married, Yonghwa and Shin Hye edition. Of course, that would mean I'd be adjusting my obligations around the show. 

vio_vl, that's pretty sad that she can't be too open about loving CNBLUE. Oh, the power of the antis. Anyway, as much as I'd like to know how, when, and where Yonghwa interacts with Shin Hye, I kind of like that he's sparse with what he shares. I think it shows respect for his friendship with Shin Hye. And I love that radio interview. Shin Hye's candid! It's cute that they worried about doing the intimate scenes. Well, they did a great job because they sizzled as the lovers Gyu Won and Shin.

PerkJazz, I actually found this from a JGS and Shin Hye fan. It seems like JGS tends to crush on his co-stars. It's actually cute, and hey, Shin Hye is awesome, so, anyone who crushes on her would be a compliment. In any case ...

Despite the rumours and despite the fact Jang Geun Suk declared that even his mum thinks Park Shin Hye is a good match, they're NOT going out. (So sad, I know.) But we know this by a) Neither of them thinks of the other as anything more than "friends". Jang Geun Suk has revealed numerous ideal types, and none of them are Park Shin Hye and c) In "Champagne" (if you don't know what it is, you choose between two girls and the one not chosen gets eliminated, a game to see your ideal), Guen Suk chose other girls instead of Shin Hye.Also, they both denied rumuors of them dating. They're just good friends.

pulpyorange, those plush bears are cute! I want one! I hope they're not as expensive as the SamSook pig.


Edit 2

Latika, Min Young really said that? Heeh, so, there's hope for Yonghwa and Shin Hye to become an official couple. For now, we can dream freely. 


Edit 3

tvbuff10, THANK YOU!

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Guest Latika

I'm speechless w00t.gif Lee MinHo &Park MinYoung are dating w00t.gif (City Hunter couple :wub: )

MinMin couple are friends for many years and they always said "we are as brother& sister"  :phew:  :incest:

Park Min Young in City Hunter press-com :“We became really good friends five years ago through work. Even though we weren’t able to be in touch a lot, we still knew each other very well.”

She continued, “That’s why I was a bit worried about acting romantic scenes with him. Because I know him too well, I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to properly act out heartfelt scenes.”

does this story sound familiar ? :phew:  ......Yonghwa-yah & Shinhye hurry up! :lol: xD

I know it 's very difficult cuz Yonghwa is a idol but nothing is impossible (Min-Min's love born in "City Hunter"  :wub:)



Heartstrings bear doll phone strap is available at DVDHeaven but without the accessory (guitar/gayageum)



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@ Latika  - does sound familiar :phew:  someone always mentioned "we are both blood type A, we know each other very well so it's impossible!"

There was an article (interview in Taiwan) about her ideal type and somehow that 'person" does sound like YH... I'll try to find that article.. :rolleyes:

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agreed with you about PSH's behavior towards JYH in YAB... that was in YAB when they were "buddies".. there was an article about YH mentioned that when SH put on Gominan clothes, she became a boy and YH felt the same. However when she put on "lady" dresses, SH is back and he realised that she's a girl.

However, in Heartstrings, you can't see those "buddies" behavior instead of "man/woman" flirts(?) because they are more mature now and realised the "difference"... somehow, got out from YAB charactors. Both of them knew they were no longer "buddies" like before...:rolleyes:

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Guest setayel

Is there any other link available? Im like DYING to see it and the vid has oredy been removed. tears.gif tears.gif

sorry. i've uploaded but somehow yt blocked it due to copyright. :X u can try search for first part of ys couple ep 39

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Guest tvbuff10

Thanks Latika for creating uri Dooley Couple thread.

I'm a recent convert myself to this ship after watching HS. :wub:

For those interested to watch the WGM YH-Shin Hye phone call, here's the link - starts at arnd 3:40...


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Guest setayel


you have missed out something in BTS last kiss scene, YH moving his hand/finger rubbing SH arm while hugging same movement during kissing.. look close... what does it mean? *quoted image*  I read some article about another couple regarding this motion.. but would like to see all your comment before i explain it... *quoted image*

YH is inexperience in acting so i think he adopts his own feeling instead...  *quoted image*

One thing was quite interesting, he opened his eyes while kissing... wonder why *quoted image*

lol. actually i wanted to say something about that but not sure how to describe the hand movement/caress thing. HAHA. 

he seemed like he knows how to do those romantic scenes but both of them are shy so he's kinda hold back. 

i tried google for an answer about him kissing with eyes open. so it's either he's turned on or he wanna see her reaction when he kissed her. lmao

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Guest whoelse_i

I'm happy whenever i visited this thread. Thanks to all of you for all the vids, clips, gif and pic. I wish I could contribute something to this thread but i don't have the talent. :D

I have one quote that I like that best describe Dooley Couple.

"I find it cute when couples act like best friends. Or when best friends act like couples.
- twitter

Pic that I found really sweet is when PSH leaning/lurking by YH back during YAB day by vio_vi.

Maybe the ANjell bandmates friendship/alliance are there to cover for them.:lol:

Hope that if shinhye went to CNBlue concert, she will take proof shot post it on twitter like she did with FTIsland. She could take Hongki with her if she wants to avoid rumors or another scandal.:P

Recent news about City Hunter Couple make me happy and Dooley couple were the first thing that cross my mind. Because they are both best friends and know each other well.:phew:

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I'm happy that we all get to spam in this thread. I am sick and tired ppl keep comparing Shin hye and unknowwho. Well i dun like idols and all, so i don't knw what's the fuss about the other show and antis keep saying bad things about shinhye n comparing Yonghwa to both girls. I guess in the end of the day, who Yonghwa likes is up to him.

thank you so much for creating this thread and i def will get the full support to this thread.

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Guest Latika

I added a poll to our thread :).So everyone already can vote or share their stories about since when you love ShinHwa /YongShin Couple.

Plz,you also can suggest new questions for our next poll ^_^



CNBLUE perfomed in famous japanese tv show


Yonghwa looks so handsome & cool  :w00t::lol:

@yumei86 don't worry ..you are welcome here ^^

I already have enough of sick fandoms :angry:

I hate when sick fans bash lovely girls as our ShinHye ,Sully,Hara and even Yonghwa too :crazy:

sadly, some people don't know limits,you can love a couple but bash Yonghwa?? or call him "playboy", "loser" or "stupid" only cuz he isn't in love with the girl you want  fury.gif

I still don't understand who said to these crazy stans that cuz he was a tv show,he sold his freedom and they can do anything with him.

I also read some couple stans were bashing Lee MinHo cuz he's dating with MinYoung. :wacko:

I love Yonghwa &Shinhye together but I have very clear,He has no obligation to fall in love with her. it's his choice. It's the same with Shinhye.

happily hearties&Shinhwa fans are mature people and we never try to force them to be together, everything is natural ;)

we know if Yonghwa or Shinhye fall in love with other people,we´ll never bash them

Yonghwa& Shinhye has a TRUE friendship,we already should feel  proud of that (at least) :)

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Guest 1.21Gigawatts

Hello! Do add me as a fan of them two too!

I'd seen those wonderful BTSs of them two in YAB. The way he looks at her ... well that's just real. The kind of look you'd see a guy looking at the girl that he has feelings for /attracted to in those dramas .. except the ones I saw of him were real.

Love them both in Heartstrings.

tvbuff10, Thank you for that dailymotion link of WGM!

I've posted the transcript of that clip below.

YJH: Then I’ll call.. How about Go Mi Nam.

SH: Ah, Park Shin Hye unni..? Really?

*he starts calling her, he's ...smiling ..*


*then, he’d received telephone message from the cell company that says PSH’s outside of Korea, extra fees will be applied before Shin Hye answered*

PSH: Hello..

JYH: Go Mi Nam ..

PSH: Yah!! What are you??

*he laughs. SH laughs too*

JYH: It’s been a while. Are you overseas?

PSH: I’m shooting a drama in Taiwan right now.

JYH: Oh really?

Hey, Go Mi Nam, Seo hyun is next to me right now..

PSH: Oh, hello!

SH: Hello, this is SNSD’s Seo Hyun.

PSH: Hello, this is Park Shin Hye..

PSH: Yah, did you happen to call me at this hour just to brag that you have a wife?

JYH: Of course I should brag about my wife.

But there’s another reason for me to call you.

PSH: What is it?

JYH: You know youtube right? Well, Me and Seo Hyun have just uploaded a video of us.

PSH: Hahahah!

YJH: Why are you laughing?! Yah!

PSH: To a lonely single woman you’re totally calling me just to brag. You know that though right?

SH: She’s right.

JYH: Sorry Shin Hye … I’ve been slightly busy… (sounding honestly apologetic)

PSH: Among the CN Blue members are there not others that are the same age as you are Seo Hyun?

SH :Yes, there is.

PSH: Can you not lower your speech with them?

SH: Well, since they are friends of the same age, I can use banmal.

PSH: Yong Hwa must be really jealous.

SH: Ahh.. she knows well.

PSH: She knows because they're friends. (She = Shin Hye, they're = Yong Hwa & her)

Yong Hwa gets jealous very easily.

SH: Are there other things I should know about Yong Hwa oppa?


PSH: First of … he’s very weak to (when getting) compliments.

When people don’t greet him brightly, his mood will be down the whole day!

*YH laughs hard*

SH: I can’t remember if I’d greeted him brightly last time.

PSH: If you just remember those things, Yong Hwa will do whatever you want SeoHyun shi.

SH: Ahh .. Thank you.

YJH: Shin Hye, Thank you .. at this late hour.

PSH: I’m going to search for the UCC and wait for it, without sleeping!

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