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The Official Dooley/YongShin Couple Thread (Jung Yong Hwa & Park Shin Hye)


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Annyeong Dooliers  :x
Thank u guys for translating & posting all the Knetz-comments. It's very interesting to read them. Hope, there's more ;)) After all these years they still believing in yongshin! and not because they think yong & shin looking good together or something like that. Knetz aren't into this shipping thing... That's why I said they BELIEVE IN and not they SUPPORT yongshin. There's a difference. I don't understand why some are saying Knetz are delulu too. I think they just hate the fact that Knetz believe in our couple and not in theirs.  Ok, I can understand that it can be annoying for non-shippers when they kept mentioning shinhye whenever there's an article about yong/cnblue and vice versa. For me Knetz aren't delulu, so there must be other reasons why they're so insist in our otp. Knetz (or most of them) aren't shipper, they believe coz they have evidences. They definitely know more about yongshin. U know same language, same lifestyle, same country. They are neighbors and we miles away! Of course they're very protective and don't spread everything around... like us.
Just wanna say that the fact that Knetz believe in yongshin is one of the reasons why I'm very confident about my ship. U know there's no smoke without fire.
So keep calm and love yongshin!
I'm so busy these days, couldn't catch up everything but it seems u having lots of fun :D I have Samsung, so I'm dating who?? =)) 
It's sooo fun to be Doolier!!!

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;):D :x =)) :)>-

hello2,samsung user here...anybody here?i have to stay up to complete my assignment...have to submit next week.just boring.....................................so,samsung hereeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee..its more fun to use samsung!hahhahaha :)] ;)) :)] :)] :)]

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Guest sheshel

Annyeong Dooliers! Any HTC One users here? I used to be a Samsung user but had to switch because my son broke it :(

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yongshins2 said: Annyeong Dooliers  :x
Thank u guys for translating & posting all the Knetz-comments. It's very interesting to read them. Hope, there's more ;)) After all these years they still believing in yongshin! and not because they think yong & shin looking good together or something like that. Knetz aren't into this shipping thing... That's why I said they BELIEVE IN and not they SUPPORT yongshin. There's a difference. I don't understand why some are saying Knetz are delulu too. I think they just hate the fact that Knetz believe in our couple and not in theirs.  Ok, I can understand that it can be annoying for non-shippers when they kept mentioning shinhye whenever there's an article about yong/cnblue and vice versa. For me Knetz aren't delulu, so there must be other reasons why they're so insist in our otp. Knetz (or most of them) aren't shipper, they believe coz they have evidences. They definitely know more about yongshin. U know same language, same lifestyle, same country. They are neighbors and we miles away! Of course they're very protective and don't spread everything around... like us.
Just wanna say that the fact that Knetz believe in yongshin is one of the reasons why I'm very confident about my ship. U know there's no smoke without fire.
So keep calm and love yongshin!
I'm so busy these days, couldn't catch up everything but it seems u having lots of fun :D I have Samsung, so I'm dating who?? =)) 
It's sooo fun to be Doolier!!!

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shemotional said: akazukin02 said:

Good morning!!! Reposting again hahahaha!! 

 *disclaimer* no im not claiming this to be a couple stuff... There's an inside joke amongst us abt it so dont come here lecturing us what is real or not because we are so used to our OTP's similar stuff that we just take them like grain of salt..

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Yah! Wht happened here? Why are all talking abt phone brand? seems tht u are looking for u'r couple with a brand. So i'll be the only one singles here bcs mine is nokia n none has the same brands like me here :( Should i give yonghwa same brands as me so i'll become his couple kkk:)) :))Good Morning Dooliers...:-hHave a nice day:)

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Just For Fun...What is true love? (These are some opinions of people abt true love)1) True love is when you put your partner's interests above your own. It is when you will do anything to see them happy, even things that may go against what you believe. It is called sacrifice and true love is nothing without it. (How abt Mr. Dooley when to give up on the heirs for Ms. Dooley?)2)True love starts with companionship,then followed by friendship,which was bonded by respect,then develops into crush or mutual understanding..finally evolves into lovers/admirers that was bulit by love and affection..made in concern..tied by loyalty and honesty..and hardened by trust..>",<(u will knew that when you are inlove)takecare. (Our Dooley couple friendship can't be doubted)3)True love is the conviction to forgive the one whom you love...unconditionally. (Mr. Dooley always forgive Ms. Dooley no matter what everytime Ms. Dooley hit him thousands times even he also apologized n he says tht he is the one who makes ms. Dooley hit him. If i'm not wrong he said tht in the end of HS fanmeeting in japan)credit to the : https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20060724224732AAG1eZd

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Khuntoria, adam couple...next is yong***? kkk

See how fake wgm is? I can't believe they still think "they are real". Anyways, whenever this ship sinks I hope its *** who drowns it cuz I don't want yonghwa to get bashed from them for betraying their girl.

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Guest maya2206

Morning all...... >:D< >:D<

I am samsung user, so I'm dating with this "guy" [becareful to write this word, do not misspell] [-X [-X


YEAAAHH....!!!!!! I'M DATING JUNG YONG HWA =)) =)) =))

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Guest shemotional

@maya2206 ????? for your information i use samsung too...so i am dating that guy!!

well,i used iphone before,so i must have dated the kingkong guy too...nooooo

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Guest ShilohB


Welcome dear...thanks for joining. .hopefully u ll continue support our couple... read the rules first n continue spazzing with us.. :-*

@maya2206‌ I m using samsung..I will say I hv couple hp with YH :)) @shemotional‌ OMO!! U leaved king kong for YH?? Kkkk

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