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The Official Dooley/YongShin Couple Thread (Jung Yong Hwa & Park Shin Hye)


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Hello, again!!!

I'm not even sure if this is the right place but... I want to spazz, so I'm doing it here!!! :phew:

Ah! How much I love PSH and JYH chemistry!! Now that HS is over, I keep wishing that they will do another project together. CF, photshoots, duets... ANYTHING! But what I really really really want to see is another drama with these two as leads. But, there's a big BUT, I want them in a drama that's more adult-like. We've seen them in YAB and in HS. Though these to dramas differ, they're a bit similiar in "feeling". So I woud love to see PSH and JYH, maybe in two years from now, in a more serious drama.

Anyway... Love our DooLey Couple!

Much love, fellas!

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Latika, thank you for making this thread hehe...I will contribute also...

From Baeksang Award Backstage 2011


cr. as tagged

back to their YAB days...when Shinhye asking him "do u remember the first time we met?"



yeah!I also had noticed that when she's w/ YH she really became girly,she's as a boy with HongKi XD

that's why I also love when YH is with her ,cuz I also had noticed he's manlier.YH generally acts as a child, he has his cool and manly side too but he generally only show us that side when he sings on stage his passion or in CFs but  when he's with Shinhye ,he's so naughty but manly too.

so agree with you, Yonghwa loves to joke and play around but still keep his manly attitude everytime he's in front of Shinhye .

if you guys follow interviews from YAB Magazine, Shinhye knows YH's personality from his hard working habit, his love for fashion and accessories, and his jokes and pranks perfectly. so admire her for that. ^^

Shinhye said Yonghwa was the one who cheer her on set when she got tired of filming.

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hi guys!

I'm really glad there's a thread of YongHwa and ShinHye! :D i've been secretly shipping them since You're Beautiful. I'm sorry if I have nothing else to say. That's why I've been lurking at Heartstrings thread. But I would like to share some awesome gifs from Tumblr.

The way YongHwa smiled at ShinHye made me think of You're Beautiful days.


Cute gifs







More gifs and photos can be found at myleisuretime@tumblr.com

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oh wowwww!! i'm having major Heartstrings withdrawal symptoms and i'm just so happy to find this thread,hahaha..

i love ANJell so much and really admire the friendship shinhye have with her co-ANJell members :) i'm more of gmn-htk shipper during YaB so i didn't notice shinhye and yonghwa's chemistry back then but i truly admire and enjoy their bts interactions..love.love the friendship they have.

one of my favorite shinhye-yonghwa moments is actually during one episode of wgm. :D when yonghwa called her in the middle of the night it seems,and shinhye was in taiwan back then filming hayate :lol: i find that so endearing,that she's the kind of friend yonghwa can call anytime he wants.and the way they speak on that phone call back then reflected the close friendship they had.shinhye really knows him well and it's so cute to watch yonghwa's reaction when shinhye began to describe him :wub::lol:

and i love their mook 21 interview for the first anniversary of YaB..they were interviewed together on that magazine..i'll edit this post when i can find the links :sweatingbullets:


i don't think they will publicized it if ever they have the chance to hang-out..yonghwa is way too popular and associated with wgm,the risk of antis is just too high..side story on that wgm phone call~after yonghwa called shinhye to check on their banmal song on yt,shinhye posted a message on their vid then part of the message said she kept her promise to check on their song so he should keep his promise to treat her to dinner when she goes back to korea.


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rada, MUWAH! Well, we at least have an idea that they do hang out and keep in touch, and I think after working on Heartstrings together, they're friendship has been strengthened more. They both seem to be the type who are open. Was it surprising that he phoned Shin Hye while he was on WGM? That surprises me in some ways. I'm sure they probably did hang out or have hung out and will continue to do so. ;)

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it was surprising and sweet isn't it,considering she's the one he can think of to call to check on their banmal song,hahaha

i was shipping shinhye to another anjell member that time and i didn't think much about it and refused to speculate much about it..but now,due to Heartstrings effect..i'm tempted to speculate there's more to it than meets the eye..kekeke~~~ ^_^

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Guest fabregas215

may i join this beautiful ship too?



from dc via weibo


can we say this is their theme song?


Do you hear me? I'm talking to you

Across the water across the deep blue ocean

Under the open sky, oh my, baby I'm trying

Boy I hear you in my dreams

I feel your whisper across the sea

I keep you with me in my heart

You make it easier when life gets hard

I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend

Lucky to have been where I have been

Lucky to be coming home again

Ooh ooh ooh

They don't know how long it takes

Waiting for a love like this

Every time we say goodbye

I wish we had one more kiss

I'll wait for you I promise you, I will

I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend

Lucky to have been where I have been

[ From :http://www.elyrics.net/read/j/jason-mraz-lyrics/lucky-lyrics.html ]

Lucky to be coming home again

Lucky we're in love in every way

Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed

Lucky to be coming home someday

And so I'm sailing through the sea

To an island where we'll meet

You'll hear the music fill the air

I'll put a flower in your hair

Though the breezes through trees

Move so pretty you're all I see

As the world keeps spinning 'round

You hold me right here, right now

I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend

Lucky to have been where I have been

Lucky to be coming home again

I'm lucky we're in love in every way

Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed

Lucky to be coming home someday

Ooh ooh ooh

Ooh ooh ooh, ooh

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yayyy,sorry,double post!!


fabregas215 i love that moment in the bts,..i guess they don't know the camera is still focus on them :lol: i think this two will be more rowdy and playful if there's no camera around,hahaha

another bts scene i love is when shinhye was holding the overhead mic and then it hit yonghwa's head.lmao i saw the staff laugh along with them..i'm so happy to see they really have a happy set

Jessi15 :) i think most of us here admire the friendship and closeness these two have since YaB days.let's just enjoy the friendship and closeness they have.they will have their own respective projects after Hearstrings and what we can do is to respect and support them..we're not here to put them in a cage and expect them not to work or be associated again with anyone else. i believe we're all mature fans here..let's just enjoy and pray that they'll continue to be friends..we don't know what the future holds so let's just enjoy what these two talented artists can offer and wish them success on their careers,they deserve that..and since Heartstrings perfectly showed us how natural and amazing their chemistry really is,we'll just hope they can work together again..coz that kind of chemistry is really hard to find,waaaaha ^_^

checkinout that's one of my fave vids now..i'm just glad there are so many happy moments they shared..and we're privileged as fans to be able to see those happy times..thank god for YaB bts,i'm able to appreciate it more now,hahaha..hoping Heartstrings will also release a lot of bts when the DVD is release

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Guest rosa12244

in the first post i read that his mon said that she was the perfect girl for him can i ask where did you find that information???????????

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Guest Jessi15

hi , this is my first post here so please welcome me. I really love PSH & YH sine YAB days and would have been their shipper if YH did not go on WGM. Since then I feel that it is not fair to bring PSH into this because it looks like we are trying to create a love triangle between PSH, YH & SH. I know that the show was not real but still having filmed for that long , I am sure YH & SH would have had some lovey dovey moments and developed some sort of bonding there. I feel that if we talk about YH and PSH, it is like PSH is a third party if you know what I mean. I have watched HS and seen the closeness between YH & PSH but I can only think and be content that they are just best friends although having watched their eyes expression, their touchings, bts kiss and on top the song lyrics as if they were meant for lovers which make it a lot harder . I would have loved to think and hope that there is some attractions there which caused the awkwardness or may be they are just too good at acting. Now after the filming, they are apart again and YH flies off to Japan to meet up with his SH singing a duet love song. I also heard that in WGM, YH got to take SH home to meet his mum and it turned out well, did it not? Since then may be his mom has changed her mind about who she wants for a daughter-in-law.

Anyway they are both still young and have a long rising career ahead of them to be in a serious relationship right now and to be tied down. At the moment it would be best just think that they are best friends and nothing else to avoid later disappointment. It is really hard though because I really miss LS/YH & KW/PSH. May be I thought and read too much into something which wasn't there and PSH did say that there is nothing going on between them and didn't she warn us not to read too much into her on-screen relationship with YH? I really like PSH, she is a cute, happy-going, multi-talented young actress with great personality who deserves someone who devotes and loves her wholeheartedly without being associated with someone else. I have much respect for PSH. She can act, sing and dance too and excels at them all. Someone out there will be very lucky to have her as a girlfriend. As much as I like to see YH & PSH as a couple, may be they were never meant to be more than just friends, I am sadden with the thought that one day we will see them with their respective partners. Just hope that YH is not the one to make the announcement first.

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Guest checkinout

Hello everyone *waves to all* Nice to see so many familiar faces here!

Loved this couple since YAB days. I was totally onboard the TaeKyung-MiNam ship until I watched the BTS on my YAB DVD... They seemed to be hanging out together most of the time, and there was this comfortable yet flirty vibe going on... That BTS ruined the show for me - now I cannot watch YAB without feeling bad for Shin Woo hyung (whom I did not care for at all initially). And after Heartstrings, sigh, I should just pack away by DVD now....

Here's my absolute fav fan-made MV of their BTS:

MV Jung Yong Hwa & Park Shin Hye (Extended Version)

cr: luxi1000

The music and scene cuts she used were perfect!

I adore them both of them as individuals - they are both amongst the most talented in their field for their generation (Shin Hye in acting, and Yong Hwa in music). During one his earlier interviews right after YAB, Yong Hwa was asked which of the nicknames given by netizens he liked the most - he was named 'towel man' and 'milk man' for his warm character. He responded that he liked the nick name given by Shin Hye best: BolmaeJung which means the more you see him, the more attractive he is. And how perfect was that name (and what astute judgement that girl has!). And you can sense that Yong Hwa has a deep respect for Shin Hye and is always expressing his gratitude to her in interviews. I love that they not only support but build each other up, something increasingly precious in this dog-eat-dog world.

Special shout out to irish_law, a fellow YH-SH admirer (we did not dare call ourselves shippers) from post YAB days! Haven't seen you as often, looking forward to you sharing your TREASURE TROVE on our couple here! :)

EDIT: Jessi15 Welcome and thanks for posting your thoughts. Awww... don't feel bad about enjoying some spazzing about this couple here, that's the intent of this thread anyway... to satisfy OUR need for spazzing since they did such a great job setting up this ship on Heartstrings. We fully expect them to figure out their own love lives and will support whoever they select as their real life romantic partners.

But this is a great reminder to all of us on this thread: Let's spazz responsibly.

We do not want to be known as delusional fans (starting shipping wars, trolling youtube channels and discussion threads) because that only hurts the image of both Shin Hye and Yong Hwa in the long run.

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Guest jajafl

i am not sure if anyone else noticed. in episode 13, the part where Lee Shin and Gyu Won were on stage together at catharsis, they threw sweet glances at each other while Lee Shin was singing the ost. but if you watch the video carefully, you will see that she winked at him! :wub: you have to lookout for the "my heart keeps beating beating wildly" part when the camera panned from Yong Hwa's side and slowly revealing Shin Hye's face and BOOM the wink ;) then the crowd shouted and the camera angle showed their backs next but you can see the band mate (not sure if the guitarist or bassist) smiling perhaps because he saw Shin Hye's naughty act. :)

you have to search for a very very clear video to see this. unfortunately, the video was taken down in youtube and I could not find another clear video to prove that i am not imagining things...lol! i raped the replay button just to make sure that i am not fantasizing. i tried to search another super clear video but the quality of those i see are not as good as the one i saw in youtube. i swear Shin Hye really winked at him!

i hope someone can post a clear video of that part or create a gif and create it in slow mo. i swear it is uber cute, you will die! :)

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Guest amulet

Big grandma style kiss to Latika for starting this thread!:D

I'm overjoy to see familiar names in this thread!:D I can safely slow mo move myself to this thread home, knowing the comfort I am still speaking to Hearties as well as new fans:D Group hug :wub:

Sorry, if you're familiar with me - I'm not good with sharing goodies lol. Just spazzing. But I do hope in the near future I can share something with you all - whether it be a fanart or fanmade vid - I am sure we will all continue to spazz together:D Until the day the Dooley couple becomes Mr and Mrs Dooley - I will ship them hard!

Bye for now :D

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love this couple since the drama is over... they have to go separate for their career but they friendship are so strong that brings them together... when will they meet again??? Well who knows! Shinhye ah... love your dance... keep up with it.... you are a good performer... Yong Hwa shii you are on the concert again!! Work hard both of you... you're meant for each other  and will meet!!!:rolleyes:

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Guest Latika

@LEANNELEE your gifs are amazing,I visited your tumblr ^_^

@qrosa12244 Hongki said it in a interview ,check my last comment :D

@amulet you have nothing to thank

Im glad to see people love so much Dooley couple/ShinHwa (Yonghwa and Shinhye as artists too).Im also a big fan of them because they are talented.

plz!! everyone enjoy this thread  and share beautiful memories

awww :wub:

theyre so happy together



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