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[tr] r h y t h m o f l o v e ~ ♫

Guest unguidedinnocence

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Guest unguidedinnocence


i caught my dearest bear~ its in the midst of punishing itself, please dont mind it ^^


jisol: ah thank you for requesting and for the compliment! makes me happy to hear people like it :D i totally loved your pictures so i hope i did them justice in this poster. i made it reminiscent to that example ahaha i hope its to your liking :] tell me if you'd want anything fixed


raini: ahaha i thought the same thing when i saw the bear XD anyways ~ i don't know if i formally introduced myself yet, but i case i didnt, i'm tiffany X3 i was looking through my inspiration folder and i found some of your old ccs. they are so cute!! your works nowadays are gorgeous!! i'm mad jelly .__. lol i managed to crank out 8 icons for you. hope u like them ~



finesse.: i'm going to work on yours asap. thanks for requesting :]

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ohhh my god! it's absolutely PERFECT! I loved that you incorporated so many of the pictures I picked out!

I was so worried they were unworkable, but ahh! I love how it turned out especially with the burning pictures

in the center, actually really fitting symbolism for what I plan to write about, thanks so much for this and

for completing my request so quickly as well! <3 I will be posting this up soon~


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they're so beautiful *_____*

THANK YOU SO MUCH! haha i feel happy someone knows me too! I've become somewhat of a ghost in this part of soompi nowadays :ph34r: Nice to meet you Tiffany!

The poster is smoking too! The blending is amazing!!

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Guest xReiko-Love

hi there. are you still taking requests? hehe. ^U^ I'd like to request a poster please.


poster or cc: poster

Title: Mission; Boyfriend

Sub-title: to help the girl I love get the guy she loves.

Author: sungjongs

Mood: happy, fluff, romantic comedy

Colors: bright colors, light purple, yellow, light blue, light pink.

Pictures: Lee Sungyeol ; Mr. Choding / Moon Danbi ; Ms. Strawberry / Kim Myungsoo ; Mr. Mysterious

Extra: just have fun with it. hehe ^U^ the one with them in the uniforms, Sungyeol and Myungsoo are beside each other.

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Hey Tiffany, I'm Jessica, nice to meet you!

I can see your icons example are ryo's neh? (by the way they are really pretty) Or am I wrong? hehe Are you a NEWS fan too? Well, I guess you can't call me that right now because it's been ages since I've listened to their musics...don't even know what's going on. But they are so gorgeous and awesome. My favourite used to be Yamap (well, his cuteness still makes me in love, hehe) and Tegoshi.

Congratulations for the amazing work. And the ones you made for rainie are sweet! <3

As for now, I'm going to request for icons. ^__^


Text (optional):

Pictures: GO109b_035.jpg






Extra: THANKS!!!

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Guest unguidedinnocence


finesse.: hi there, sorry i took so long. i've been doing stuff with my family because of the holidays >o< i finished most of your poster earlier in the week but didnt get to finish till today. but here you go ~ i hope its captures your mood enough, i really like the pictures you gave me to work with ^^ i'm sorry i covered gd's face in red but i thought it gave it a nice effect XD tell me if you need me to fix anything!


jisol: i thought the pics you gave were really nice, it actually took me a bit to decide on which to use. the main pic of the guy was the one that spoke to me the most. i love his expression, btw who is the model? and omg that's great that the burning pics will work with your story :3 i will look forward to reading your story heehee

raini: lol i was more of a ghost on soompi back then :ph34r: i would just stalk artists like you and others and reply to requests every so often XD this thread is less active nowadays :/ and thanks! hope u enjoy those icons ~

donghae.: of course you can request again! i dont mind as long as you dont mind me working a little slower due to the holidays ^o^;;

xReiko-Love: yes i'm still taking! i'll get to this asap :3 thanks for requesting

Rylai: hi jessica, nice to meet you too ^^ and yes the example is of ryo but i just know of them so i'm not really a fan ahaha but i do like them. oh i totally like yampi!!! he's adorable X3 i'll get to your icons when i can :] btw who are the guys in the your request? i recognize them but i dont remember where they're from ahaha XD

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Guest finesse.

I think I just lost my breath when I saw a glimpse of the poster you made for me.

The colors were smartly blended and the photo placement is so awesome! 

I am very pleased that you like the pictures  I provided & about GD's face shaded in red, I don't mind at all.

It added to the emotional ramification of the story.

I love your creation so much! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!

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Hiii again! hehe

Oh really? I'm not following NEWS steps in the music anymore either...but I can't forget Yamap! ^^

The first picture is Ed Westwick from Gossip Girl.

The second picture is Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles from Supernatural, do you watch it? :)

The third picture is Jensen Ackles from Supernatural too. hehe

The fourth is Ed Westwick agian.

And the other pictures is Ian Somerhalder from The Vampire Diaries. :)

By the way I changed some of the pictures and the actors in it. xD

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Guest donghae.

Holy smoke!

I totally love your latest poster.

The blending, texture, fonts, basically everything is just amazing.

It really gives out a thrill feeling.

And thank you for accepting, of course I don't mind.

I'm not in a hurry to start a story, still on the process of plotting.

Brb to edit.


poster or cc: Poster.

Title: Forever mine.

Sub-title: No matter how much you resist or hate the idea, you'll always be mine.

Author: yanting

Mood: Romance, angst, action, dark-ish?

Colors: Dark colors, most likely black or grey.


Donghae: o1 o2 o3 o4 o5 o6 o7 o8 o9

Hyukjae: o1 o2 o3 o4

Extra: Could you make the sub-title font smaller and also different from the title?

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  • 4 weeks later...

My eyes are bleeding from the awesomeness that is that poster :wub:

I can get lost in it! A good way of course :P

It is just so WOW! Like really really WOW! haha I'm all spazzing and it's not even my poster~

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  • 2 months later...
Guest ricecake.

[b][i][font="Garamond"][size="6"][color="#808000"]poster/cc[/color][/size][/font][/i][/b] [b]poster or cc: Poster please.[/b] [b]Title: Way back into love[/b] [b]Sub-title"I don't want to get too attached and get hurt like I did before." "He let you down. Let me pick you up."[/b]

[b]Author:[/b]Koteeeng/Jhen ©

[b]Mood:[/b][b]Colors: Melodramatic, melancholic, soft; not too light, not too dark. [/b] [b]Pictures: Guy A Guy B Girl[/b] [b]Extra: If you can, please add some bokeh-ish effects. Thank youu. [/b]

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Guest unguidedinnocence

i feel so bad for abandoning my thread (once again ><'') i apologize to those whose requests i have not fulfilled *bows repetitively* if i reopen then please remind me and you guys will have priority ~ in the meantime i wont be taking requests :vicx: thank you all for stopping by ^^

xReiko-Love: i'm sorry i never posted this even though i finished this in january ^^;; i attempted a mission impossible theme if you can tell lol XD i dont believe i accomplished that though >o>;


until we meet again ~ (i'll be randomly lurking around soompi hohoho :ph34r: )

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Guest donghae.

Aww, no request anymore~ :'(

But anyway, holy cow.

How did you managed to do that poster?

It looks amazing with all those doodles and cute graphic.

You sure knows how to put in the mood on a poster.

Great job!

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Guest MR. LEE'S

tiffanyyyyyy you are so amazing. your artworks, so pretttyyyy i'll make sure to request from you if i ever have a new story. keke. and you can't reject my request! ^____^

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Guest xReiko-Love

i feel so bad for abandoning my thread (once again ><'') i apologize to those whose requests i have not fulfilled *bows repetitively* if i reopen then please remind me and you guys will have priority ~ in the meantime i wont be taking requests :vicx: thank you all for stopping by ^^

xReiko-Love: i'm sorry i never posted this even though i finished this in january ^^;; i attempted a mission impossible theme if you can tell lol XD i dont believe i accomplished that though >o>;

until we meet again ~ (i'll be randomly lurking around soompi hohoho :ph34r: )

omfg I forgot to reply to say I picked it up. I did. ^ v ^ thank youuu! It's very cute! * v *

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