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[tr] r h y t h m o f l o v e ~ ♫

Guest unguidedinnocence

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Guest unguidedinnocence

closed: pick up - xReiko-Love



Hey guys, you can call me Tiffany ~ This is my first TR thread so I can't wait

for you all to request! Taking poster, ccs, and icons. I'm on break right now and

want to pick up photoshop again heehee ^^ I'd like to meet you all too :]


[1] Credit and USE, I put effort into everything!

[2] Please provide at least 3 pictures of each character: for posters/cc please have pics matching the mood provided

[3] Oh and HQ pics (and full body preferred)

[4] Comment when you pick up please

[5] I reserve the right to reject

[6] Enjoy ~


posters: - x - x - x - x -

ccs: - x - x - x - x -

icons: - x -




[b]poster or cc:[/b]








[b]Text (optional):[/b]




[1] lee-chan

[2] meenalee

[3] glamorousCHIC

[4] jellie_kookie

[5] fictioninfact

[6] xRiChan

Batch 2 is CLOSED ~

[1] donghae.

[2] Yui.

[3] jisol

[4] raini

[5] finesse.

[6] xReiko-Love

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Hi! Stef here. Can I please request a poster? (And is it okay to use it in another website? will credit for sure)


poster or cc: CC

Title: The Truth Behind Yuto's Nickname

Sub-title: -none-

Author: lee-chan

Mood: happy

Colors: light please

Pictures: >>request fulfilled! thanks

Extra: thank you so much!

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Guest meenalee


poster or cc: Poster

Title: Black Lies


Author: meenalee

Mood: dark, mysterious, lonely

Colors: black or white, or black and purple. Your choice :)

Pictures: Girl 1 Girl 2 Girl 3 (in order of preference)

Extra: Please use only one of the girl 1, girl 2, or girl 3 picture :). I kind of only want one picture on the poster.

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Guest glamorousCHIC

icon (kwon yuri: snsd ^^) 

Text (optional): E L I T E  

Pictures: [1] [2] [3] [4

Extra: -->

Mood: dark, fierce, sexy, and glamorous ^_~

colors: any colors that would fit the mood ..

*is it okay if I use it to another website? pls? ^_^. you'll have the proper credits, of course. ^^

thank you so much and I wish you well ..^__^

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Guest unguidedinnocence


lee-chan: Hi stef, nice to meet you ^^ and yes feel free to use it on another website as long as you credit :] sorry it took awhile, i had trouble figuring out a concept for this one lol i hope it still fits your story though (is it happy enough? ^^;; ) tell me if there is any changes you want~ and thanks for requesting!


meenalee: I'll get straight to work on your poster asap~ i love the pictures you provide! idk which one i want to use XD

glamorousCHIC: i can't wait to make your icons (it's been soooo long *____*)!! i love the pics of yul :3 and yeah feel free to use on other sites with credit ^^

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Guest fictioninfact


poster or cc: Poster somewhat like your third example (1024x683 - or bigger please? )

Title: N/A

Sub-title: the promises we made of forever | i'll never forget thoes moments until the end | i remember  

Author: FictionInFact (make this small?) 

Mood: Dark 

Colors: the ones that you feel you can work with

Pictures: One Two Three a few more

Extra: i wanted to use the poster as a banner for my livejournal is that okay?

sorry if i seem picky i'm really not. you could ignore half the stuff i say & i'll still be happy with w/e i get.

i'm Victory by the way c:

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Guest unguidedinnocence


hey guys! requests are CLOSED until i finish the what i have so far ^^; my midterm is coming up on wednesday so i won't be starting again till after i'm done! please wait patiently!

jellie_kookie: no worries about the confusion ^^; i'll get to your poster asap. thanks for requesting!

lynnypooh123: thanks for the kind words lynn, makes me blush ahaha. it's nice to meet you too :] i think recognize your username lol but i pop in and out of soompi so often so i'm not sure XD

lee-chan: i'm glad you liked the poster i made for you ^^ please do enjoy and good luck with your story~

raini: OMG raini!!!! i remember you ~ i secretly stalk your trs x3 been too shy to say hi ahahha

myNameIs-rAin: awww, thanks for the compliment and for stopping by my thread kekeke :3

fictioninfact: hi, nice to meet you Victory :] oh gosh, that's a big size :o but i'll try my best on your request, hope you wont mind if it's smaller than what you wanted ^^; and yes feel free to use it anywhere with proper credits ~

xRiChan: thanks for requesting, i'll try to get it done when i can ^^

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Guest fictioninfact

Thanks for taking my request Tiffany c: don't worry much about the size i won't mind at all. i can edit the layout to fit. lol i know it's pretty big request. they released a few more pictures of him in HD Here and Here well him drinking a water bottle's not really that attractive but yeah lol. i don't know if thoes help at all but i can't hurt right? thanks again :)  

fictioninfact: hi, nice to meet you Victory :] oh gosh, that's a big size :o but i'll try my best on your request, hope you wont mind if it's smaller than what you wanted ^^; and yes feel free to use it anywhere with proper credits ~

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Guest unguidedinnocence


yay for midterm being over~ ^o^ but unfortunately i probably failed -___- it's ok though~ got some photoshopping in. still working on the rest of the requests so dont worry! :3

meenalee: here's your poster! i made 2 versions cuz i couldnt decide XP i wanted to keep it simple so hopefully the flowers aren't too much :x is it lonely/dark enough ahaha? use which ever you like! enjoy~





glamorousCHIC: yay for icons! i had fun making them :3 i'm horrible at fonts and font placements in icons though so i hope you dont mind that there's only text in 2 of them (they're the same picture too lol) i hope you like them, sorry there's only a few ^^;



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Hey Tiffany! I'm Yuura. It's nice to meet you :D Woww your examples are amazing especially the black and white poster. I'm a sucker for black and white things lol Your latest icons look great. I'm looking forward to seeing more~

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Guest glamorousCHIC

Gahh... Don't apologize... those are...0.0 jaw dropping!!!

Oh my gawd! the icons fit the mood that I wanted...

omo..omo... i need to gush! these ARE REALLY gorgeous!

i really like how you blended them!!!



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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest unguidedinnocence


sorry for those who are waiting >___< (i'm not abandoning my requests!) just been very busy so i've been slow :o school is starting soon too *sigh* but i'll get onto everything~

jellie_kookie: for a long wait, i'm sorry how it turned out :/ i had trouble working with your girl so i hope you dont mind i used my own stock ^^; this took me a while to come up with something ahaha i tried my best to include what you wanted :] enjoy~


yuurawr: hi yuura, it's nice to meet you too! :3 thanks for stopping by.~ i'm happy to hear your compliments, i'm actually really fond of your artwork but never gotten around to comment hehehe :x and i'm the same with black and white things XD plus i think its sometimes easier to work with

glamorousCHIC: i'm glad you like them :] ahaha you're welcome to come and request for more when i open again ^___^

meenalee: lol i was sorry for the long reply! XD but i'm glad you like the poster :D

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