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[Drama 2011] A Thousand Days' Promise 천일의 약속


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Soo Ae's dress looks too simple, no beads, no crystals.... yet the ruffles on top makes it looks very nice.


It does indeed look simple. But its actually rather sophisticated, to the point of being rather naughty as well as nice.

The design highlights a recurrent feature of Kdrama wedding episodes which has important cultural undertones: the invariable bashfulness of the "pure" bride at having her bare neck and shoulders on unimpeded view, sometimes evinced by reluctance to step out of the dressing cubicle after a fitting (and the quite deliberate way that Korean wedding dresses make a feature out of that unaccustomed exposure).

The striking thing about this dress is that lace flounce stretching, apparently loosely, though it's actually firmly sewn into place, across the top border of the bodice and looped round the upper arms. It serves to simultaneously mask and emphasize the upper edge of the bodice itself, which is hazily, but unmistakeably, visible through it. The effect is ostensibly to raise the neckline to a bashfulness-protecting level, but in fact it's designed to draw attention to how low (by Korean standards) the real neckline beneath actually is. And this apparent modesty-protector is also an erotic tease, because the loops round the upper arms are quite deliberately reminiscent of shoulder straps that have been feverishly pulled down to facilitate amorous access to What Lies Beneath.

And that recalls that lace-up blouse SY was wearing in the opening episode and what it, or rather the way it's alluded to in the dialogue, reveals about specifically Korean coyness (which is not the same thing as modesty, by a long chalk, let alone "purity").

As JH undoes those laces, he has mixed reactions. He approves of the gift-wrapping, but doesn't like the idea that other men could glimpse the contents too. Somewhat reproachfully, he says, according to WITHS2 "You can see everything" (DramaFever, less comprehensibly, has "It shows") I'd have been inclined myself to translate the line concerned as "You're showing all you've got" (there is, of course, no "you" in the Korean sentence, which literally is more like "Everything can be seen". I don't like having "you can see" here in the way WITHS2 does, because the remark isn't about what the "you" he's addressing, SY, can see, but what everyone besides her can glimpse. Later the same day when SY is back in Seoul, her catty cousin at the bakery store rebukes her about the same blouse, this time from a big-sisterly-married-woman perspective. "Looks like people can see", WITHS2 has her saying (their turn to be rather incomprehensible), while DramaFever has "I can almost see them". But my version of that line would be "It's rather revealing", with SY wilfully shocking her by responding "Who cares?"

But however we translate the words, the demands of visual propriety on free-to-air Korean TV mean that, to Western eyes, they don't, and can't possibly, match what's on screen. That blouse was plainly intended by its designer to be worn over an uplift bra and not much else. Most certainly not over the obligatory Korean camisole SY is wearing. Minus that camisole, the dialogue would indeed fit the visuals. But with that sight-screen in place, there really isn't much to see, even when the laces are undone, so it's hard to grasp what the mildly-shocked fuss is about.

But look now at the shot where SY, wearing that blouse on her way to meet JH, asks the street vendor for directions after she loses her way.


She'll later defend herself against JH's remarks that "other men" can also see what she supposedly has on show by commenting that the one man who did have a chance to see, namely that vendor, "didn't seem very interested". What she doesn't point out is how massively careful she was not to give the vendor any "interesting" sights in the first place. Look at the way she hunkers lower in the driver's seat and keeps her arm across her chest and the lower part of the window opening while speaking to him to make sure nothing is visible from the chin down. She isn't of course aware -- just yet -- that those forgotten curlers exert a powerful anti-seductive effect in any case, so that somewhat uncomfortable arm position was probably unnecessary anyway, even had the the garment been as provocative as the script claims.

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But however we translate the words, the demands of visual propriety on free-to-air Korean TV mean that, to Western eyes, they don't, and can't possibly, match what's on screen. That blouse was plainly intended by its designer to be worn over an uplift bra and not much else. Most certainly not over the obligatory Korean camisole SY is wearing. Minus that camisole, the dialogue would indeed fit the visuals. But with that sight-screen in place, there really isn't much to see, even when the laces are undone, so it's hard to grasp what the mildly-shocked fuss is about.


So true, actually there was nothing to see from that top. I don't know if anyone feel funny when watching the making out scene in the opening of the drama. I thought if they want to show how sexy they look, why would she wears too many layers of camisoles and wore a short underneath the dress? Honestly does it make sense? I don't mean they have to be naked or something, that would not be appropriated, but with too much clothes like that is unrealistic.

Also in that scene somewhere Seoyeon just standing there momentarily doesn't know what to do next and Jihyung took over, that was funny too! I feel like the scene doesn't flow smoothly. Well, must say, Rae Won is a better kisser there, without him she will be lost.. ha!

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So true, actually there was nothing to see from that top.

Ironically, though, things were different a day or so later in the office, though they weren't meant to be.

There was a shot in ep 02 which I was rather surprised to see didn't evoke complaints either on the SBS message boards or the Broadcasting Standards Commission complaints site (which I recommend as an entertaining place for those with sufficient Korean to browse occasionally, to see all the things viewers, and various representative bodies, do formally complain about, and the solemn ajudications passed on them by the worthy Commissioners)

You recall how...


1. SY comes into the office in the morning, and fills the coffee machine with water, but no coffee.

2. After her mistake has been discovered, she decamps in mortification to the washroom,


3. After composing herself a little, she starts to head back to her desk, but then realizes she's left the faucet running, so she hastens back, bends over the basin to stop the flow and



I didn't photoshop that, honestly, you can check against the raws.

But by lunchtime, she's re-adjusted her layers and seemliness is restored (for which she looks very pleased with herself)


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Let's remind us of Episode 2, supposed HyangGi and JiHyung wedding... Let's compare his reactions tomorrow shall we?

And please have a moment for HyangGi!



Yeah Baduy, you are spot on there... I thought that dress was showing way way more than the top that was supposed to show.. funny!

Thanks 71e! So now JiHyung has time for honeymoon heh? Yup, tomorrow the wedding and honeymoon... too much!

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I like all the honeymoon's photos except one with the heart shape posture. I don't think it's JiHyung's, that's kid's stuff. Isn't he a mature serious man? I don't buy it. Soo Ae with that dress looks like royalty almost almost over shadow Rae Won. I thought JiHyung is broke? Where's the money for the wedding and honeymoon?!

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BTS RANDOM 28/11/11

11월의 '천일의 약속' 촬영 현장!(3)

스타라찌 / 2011-11-28 10:26:02


이 곳은 어디 일까요!

사이좋은 수애-김래원 커플의 사진을 필두로

자, 천일의 약속 촬영현장 사진 출발합니다~!


천일의 약속 촬영을 하면서 16킬로나 빠졌다고 하는 김래원.

정말 라인이 마른게 눈에 보입니다.


바람에 스친 다리!!!

1화 때는 듬직했는데, 너무 슬림해진 것 아닌가요 ㅠ_ㅠ


그에 반해 수애의 미모는 극이 절정으로 치닫고 있는 이때,

역시 절정입니다.


화사한 피부 톤, 단정하고 청순한 머리 스타일.

저런 모자가 어울리긴 쉽지 않은데 말이죠.


사이드 미러에 비친 까꿍 수애.


정장 핏이 너무나도 깔끔하게 떨어지는 김래원은

아마 천일의 약속 남주인공으로 나오면서, 정장 브랜드의 CF 왕좌도

꿰 차지 않을까요!?


단정한 헤어 스타일이 올 블랙 수트와 잘 어울립니다.


살짝 초췌해 보이지만, 역시 그녀의 미모는 최곱니다 ^^乃


대본을 읽으며 걸어오는 모습도 멋있네요.

바람이 많이 부나 봅니다.


잘못 보면 계단에 올라가 있는 줄 알겠어요..!

굽이 너무 높은 건 아닌가요?ㅠ_ㅠ 걱정이 됩니다.


(^-^) ('ㅇ')




옷을 이중 삼중으로 껴입어도 몸이 가냘퍼서 둔해보이지 않네요.


옷 매무새 만지는 수애..


왜 병원 앞에 서 있는 걸까요! (Couple Clothes :wub:)


그녀를 발견한 김래원이 뒤에서 뛰어옵니다.


사진 기술이 특별히 뛰어난 건 아니겠죠.

그저 수애의 미모가 그런 것이라 봅니다.


뒤 이어 지은 표정은 밝지 않네요.

또 무슨 일인가 있었나 봅니다


배경이 된 병원은 어디인지 모르겠지만, 자동차를 타고 찍은 씬은

대부분 제주도에서 촬영이 됐습니다 *^^*;;

사진이 섞여서 저도 가물가물하네용!;;


김래원의 눈이 살짝 젖어있네요.


이렇게 사이가 좋은데!!



저 날은 춥지 않았을까요?

소매까지 걷어부쳤네요!

감기 걸리지 마세요!!


화기애애한 분위기가 어쩐지 시...신혼여행 같은 느낌도 납니다.


코 잠자는 수애.


이번에 드레수애라는 이름이 아깝지 않게 멋진 드레스를 선보인 수애.

확실히 그녀의 패션은 드라마에서도 기대가 됩니다.

출판사 팀장으로서 과하게 화려하지도, 또 너무 수수하지도 않은 패션.

직장 여성들이 가장 따라하기 무난하고, 코디하기 멋진 패션이 아닐까 싶네요!

CR : Starazzi

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I like all the honeymoon's photos except one with the heart shape posture. I don't think it's JiHyung's, that's kid's stuff. Isn't he a mature serious man? I don't buy it. Soo Ae with that dress looks like royalty almost almost over shadow Rae Won. I thought JiHyung is broke? Where's the money for the wedding and honeymoon?!

hehe jeju island is kim so hyun favorite place, thought so :phew:

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OMG I think this drama may prove too much for me. It's just too good. My admiration centers are getting severely overheated. I may have to go on a diet of watching humdrum dailies to cool them down to safer levels.

You think the writing, acting, directing, photography are already close to perfect, but then along comes ep 13 and everything gets ratcheted up a notch still further.

Even little details of plotting. Like the way, near the beginning, when Auntie, having said goodbye (twice already) to SY outside the new apartment, remembers something and calls SY back (with another of those unintentionally stabbing remarks about getting absent minded in her old age) to ask is she really sure she doesn't want her mother to know about the wedding. No, SY confirms, she doesn't, and Auntie says she's relieved to hear that, but she felt she had to ask. (All the same, a little later, unpacking JHs shirts in their bedroom, SY remembers that exchange and it clearly pains her that she had no choice but to make to make that response). Then, roughly in the middle, Auntie is sitting up getting drunk, also recalling SY's refusal to involve her mother and her approval of it, and lamenting that her departed brother can't be here for his daughter's wedding. And, to complete this arch, in the next-to- last sequence, SY, also sleepless, feels she has to talk to JH's mother and make her apologies for breaking her promise not to marry JH. SY doesn't ask for forgiveness, and JH's mother doesn't offer it, but she receives SY's apology without bitterness or rancour, and we inevitably think of how she told SY she would have loved to have her as her daughter if only things had been different. And we then fully understand why SY had to make that call..

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what happen with them, preview for tomorrow episode i see they yell to each other, oh my.... :(

Personally, I never translate these teaser fragments, partly because they've often been tricksily edited so that when you get the full context you realize they didn't mean what you thought at first. Which is why I don't pay much attention to them even in their original Korean.

But I think the pattern of what's going on in those snippets will emerge if you rewatch carefully SY and JH's set-to in the hotel parking lot around half way through ep 1. Over her wearing heels like those, I mean. At that time, of course, neither of them knew of her illness, but there's a psychological pattern there in which JH, out of concern for SY, gets furious with her for not looking after herself. She knows he means well, but she gets furious in return at being patronized as well as bawled at, and a row blows up. In one of those fragments after today's episode, she's yelling at him "I'm not a moron yet, you know". Ironically (and of course by quite deliberate intention of this brilliant scriptwriter) SY treats her younger brother in exactly the same way JH treats her, giving him an unnecessarily hard time because she cares for him so much and is terrified that without her constantly nagging and bullying him, he'll go to the bad. She's lightened up towards him now they've moved in to the new apartment, but there was a reminder today (again quite deliberate on the writer's part) where her brother jokingly warned SY not to drop back into "nagging-mommy-mode" with him.

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Personally, I never translate these teaser fragments, partly because they've often been tricksily edited so that when you get the full context you realize they didn't mean what you thought at first. Which is why I don't pay much attention to them even in their original Korean.

But I think the pattern of what's going on in those snippets will emerge if you rewatch carefully SY and JH's set-to in the hotel parking lot around half way through ep 1. Over her wearing heels like those, I mean. At that time, of course, neither of them knew of her illness, but there's a psychological pattern there in which JH, out of concern for SY, gets furious with her for not looking after herself.  She knows he means well, but she gets furious in return at being patronized as well as bawled at, and a row blows up. In one of those fragments after today's episode, she's yelling at him "I'm not a moron yet, you know". Ironically (and of course by quite deliberate intention of this brilliant scriptwriter) SY treats her younger brother in exactly the same way JH treats her, giving him an unnecessarily hard time because she cares for him so much and is terrified that without her constantly nagging and bullying him, he'll go to the bad.  She's lightened up towards him now they've moved in to the new apartment, but there was a reminder today (again quite deliberate on the writer's part) where her brother jokingly warned SY not to drop back into "nagging-mommy-mode" with him.

Thanks for all the little tidbits you post about each episode while I wait for subs! Wedding photos are beautiful. :wub:And thanks to everyone for posting pics, articles and BTS stuff.

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I can't even say that I've been a silent lurker on this thread because I haven't read anything except this page.  And, I'm a very late entry to watching this drama.  I've watched as many subbed episodes as exists now.

And, after just  watching the raw of ep. 13 and understanding about two phrases, it occurred to me that 'life' can be summed up in those two phrases, i.e. "I'm sorry." and "I love you".   I remember SY saying it to JH in one of the earlier episodes.  And, she wanted to say it while she still had all her faculties because later on, she wouldn't be able to say it because she'll have forgotten those words. And, in her apology to JH's mother, for marrying him, she uses the two phrases again.  :tears:  SY is such a magnificent and classy human being. 

The script and dialog writing is totally superb in this drama.  And, that's saying a lot considering that I'm basing my statement on the translations.  And, no matter how good the translation is, it tends to be lacking when compared to the original language, in nuances, emotions, etc.

This is an interesting drama in that even the most annoying characters, i.e. HG's wailing banshee of a mother, SY's hyena-laughing of an aunt, meager and mean-spirited cousin, do have redeeming qualities in them.  And, from their respective perspective, their actions and/or statements are understandable.  (Not necessarily nice, but understandable.)

As for SY's wardrobe, censors be damned.  She has worn more than one dress/outfit that was totally 'hot', which befits a character whose self-confidence is so assured that she can, knowing the end result, still have an affair with a man who was due to marry someone else.  (I seem to recall one particular red form-fitting dress for a very brief scene.)

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Did you guys like last night episode?

All I could see watching live was a black screen sometimes 2 or 3 frames came up and most of the time I'm looking at the message "Bufferring.....". and "Bufferring...." It was so frustrating... Well I think I will give up watching live altogether now.

Will be back reading all your post later when home :D

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