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[Drama 2011] Women In Our House / My Bittersweet Life 우리집 여자들


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Guest Bijan630

daunte29, I wish you were writing the ending to this drama!  I would have so much MORE to look forward to as opposed to watch I'm watching on KBSW and the RAW on-line.  Please keep posting for as long as you can.

It has often been said that, "Good is rewarded for Evil, and Evil is rewarded for Good!".  The villainous characters of K-dramas, both male and female, justify these words.  When did this become the JM show?  EN, as much as I love an honest person, please give me one with a backbone and teeth to bite back twice as hard when being attacked.  EN seems to have an infinite amount of faces which enables her to turn the other cheek at all times.....always ready to be slapped.

I miss the days when the bad guys ALWAYS got caught and paid the consequences for their actions either by going to jail or by dying.  Hmmm....maybe I need to watch an old western....guys in white hats/good guys.......guys in black hats/bad guys.....bullets fly.....black hats get shot, fall off the horses.....die....THE END.

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KBSW 77 & 78.....the Hwa Yeon-Jumi-EN triangle started as a tussle between JM & EN for pretty hair boy SI but now that that has faded into the background temporarily, that same triangle has shifted to a battle of wills (of which EN has yet to show & Jumi has more than enough for the 3 of them) between EN & JM for Hwa Yeon's motherly affections.

In the midst of this, last night the uncle Kyu Young told Hwa Yeon.....Hong Gin has been leaking blood again.

Because k-drama characters are NOT in the habit of giving straight answers, for the past 3 days, we're seeing a very confused-looking Hwa Yeon bouncing here & there, & talking to Jin Sook & her younger daughter about EN's mother-hunting activities,

In fact the past 3 episodes has been giving more airtime to Hwa Yeon s l o w l y coming to terms with her past, and coming face-to-face with the two grannies, especially Kim Mal Nam

Frame after frame shows a vexed and confused Hwa Yeon and only Jumi was brave enough to tell her own disbelieving sister, MUM IS BEHAVING VERY DIFFERENT NOW. It seems only the villainess in k-dramas has the sharpest perceptive powers second only to the scriptwriter's.

So that started me thinking....why don't we have Hwa Yeon do another Houdini - this time running away from the Hong family by catching the next flight out of Seoul to unknown destination....that could easily add another 10-15 episodes (heavens forbid) of searching for a missing mother by her ex-abandoned daughter, displaced stepdaughter, distraught husband Mr Hong and a son whose nose keeps leaking blood. Yun Mi will stay behind to man the store and cosy up to Jin Young with Sera also fighting for JY's affections, thereby forming love triangle No. 2.

And the part-time freeloading uncle will wear the apron and do the housework. You see how k-dramas have infinite possibilities to both prolong and annoy us?

But the funniest scene-stealer belonged to the would-be boy-stealer Sera....2 eps back when Choi Joon Young visited their home dressed in a suit, (this after taking a family portrait with his mum Jin Suk & ex_CEO Cha), our Sera with a pretty oversized bow on her head welcomed him together with her family and was literally like a female pomeranian in heat and gushing with enough female pheremones to attract all the neighborhood's male dogs.

Her fat mum could no longer stand her daughter's itchy behavior and after pinching Sera's arm hard, she said, DON'T YOU HAVE ANY STANDARDS?

Yeah....right...this coming from someone who married chimpanzee face.

Then last night the mum after questioning a s t a m m e r i n g Sera, found out to her horror that Sera not only has the hots for Jin Young (whom of course she considers a male species from the lowest gene pool), Sera is in fact head-over-heels in lurve.

And when she told Sera NOT to go to that store any more, Sera gave her classic indignant scowl of refusal and cutely dashed off before her mum could physically rearrange her face.

Sera! Fai-ting!

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Guest titiiskandar

daunte, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways...I open this thread right after my dawn prayer hoping you've posted another witty, frustrated, sarcastic, sadistic recap....I haunt other drama threads in case you've graced  their pages with the same amusing, passionate writing (no such luck yet).... I persuade my little one to watch MBL rerun with your comments handy so she can have a good laugh too....... Keep the recaps coming dear...:wub:

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Guest mflwrs66

Hello fellow Kdrama addicts.

I dont know who made the title of this drama, but have a few titles of my own,

The Sein/EN/Jumi Show .

Dysfuncutional Families.

How I hate my Mom.

Anything except My bittersweet life/ Women of our house.

I have watch this drama for all 108 episodes, To be honest I have no sympathy left

for no one, not even the writers. Every ep has been from the unbelieveable,to the hilarious.

But if I can sit through 173 eps of Its a good day for the wind to blow,

I can stomach 52 more episodes of this Drama.

Jumi has yet to get over Sein she acts like hes the only man left in Seoul.

Shes using anyone and everyone to get to him, No matter who she drags down

along the way. GROW UP B***h ! Have some pride hes not the only

man Korea.

EN Please hurry up and grow a set before this drama ends,

I understand you love your man, But all that bowing to

your enemy makes me want to come Seoul and B***h slap you.

Sein has grown on me from the very begining. He really has matured along the way from that

arrogant,selfish,self centerd guy. His parents could take a few lesson from him.

I think Sein was adopted there is just no way he can have parents that ugly lol.

I like JY too I mean whats not to like, That smile , those dimples *sighs*.

Anywhos getting back to the drama at hand.

Ep 108

Jumi is still a B***h as usually shes gives her mom a ultimatium

Her or EN. My guess is she took EN side , Jumi went ballistic.

EN and JY were talking about Sein . EN was teasing him about YM.

Sein's Parent are hell bend on still getting Sein with Jumi (DONT HOLD YOUR BREATH!).

As per usual Jumi is up to her tricks again , Jumi and EN were bickering about Sein.

Sein's dad called Mrs. Troll to complain about Sein and EN and Jumi.

Mrs. Troll in turn went to complain to Jinsuk. Gpa gave her mouth full.

Gpa and SJ visited some of the workers, He was welcomed with open arms.

YM and JY and Juni hung out together. JY was about let the cat out the bag

about him and YM to her dad but he stopped himself.

YM's Dad got a phone call from the shaddy looking fella. looks to me he some sort of

scam artist.

As usual Sein's Dad has shot himself in the foot again(Whats new lol).

HY called Sein to talk about EN and Jumi. Sein does not tell EN.

Preview ep 109

EN looks worried and in tears.

Jumi walks in on HY and Sein.

Sein tells his parents he going to marry EN his Mom faints.

Sein tries to reason with his parents , But they dont want to hear it.

Sein gets slapped by his Dad.

Sein's Mom Filled with hate and anger went To EN's house and trashes her room.

Jumi's Dad suspects something is up with the shaddy looking guy.

EN gives her Mom a gift.

*Yawns* Im done

See you tommorrow .

Same channel

Same stressful drama.

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daunte, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways...I open this thread right after my dawn prayer hoping you've posted another witty, frustrated, sarcastic, sadistic recap....I haunt other drama threads in case you've graced  their pages with the same amusing, passionate writing (no such luck yet).... I persuade my little one to watch MBL rerun with your comments handy so she can have a good laugh too....... Keep the recaps coming dear...:wub:

Dear titiiskandar...thank you for your warm words & compliments.

I can assure you that I will follow this drama to its conclusion on KBSW because I admire the acting of both Yoon Ah Jung & Kang Sora, and I have been following their careers from some time back.

Oh, no need to check other drama threads for the time being because I currently watch ONLY this Korean drama whilst much of my remaining viewing time is spent on Japanese dramas currently airing.

The reason for this is I'm actually a professional scriptwriter for Japanese dramas & movies (my day job for the past 25-plus years) but I live and work in Seoul because of my wife who is Korean.

However, when my script or screenplay gets picked up for production by one of the Japanese TV networks or a movie company, then I end up commuting between Tokyo & Seoul but even when that has happened in the past, I still get to follow the daily episodes of my fave Korean drama due to the wonders of high-speed broadband internet.

Once again thank you.

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Why am I still watching this drama, you may ask?

Reading the colorful, action-pack, hilarious commentaries from our honorable contributors like Daunte, Mflwrs and others, really make my day and keep me upbeat!

Clips/pictures from the latest episodes we see a more relax & happier EN  :D    in contrast to the worried, obviously troubled, & anxious Jumi: :angry:


Isn't that wonderful... I think she is in love and her life is getting sweeter!

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KBSW ep 79....the Hongs episode.

The first scene was that face-2-face 'showdown' (literally) supposedly after 26 years of deeply repressed pain between Kim Mal Nam, her mum and Geum Hwa Yeon a.k.a Mrs Hong.

Mrs Hong was trying (unsuccessfully) to play the 'stalker' by camping (actually just hiding beside a wall but 'camping' gives it slightly more credibility) just outside the Eunnim's household but unfortunately her not-so-stealthy position was 'exposed' by her Samsung phone whose loud ringtone woke one entire block of the neighborhood AND unfortunately reached the sharp ears of Kim Mal Nam, who crept to that wall only to come face-2-face with...tada.....Eunnim's runaway mum.

Only this time, Hwa Yeon was caught red-faced & flat-footed by Mal Nam who only recently was diagnosed with multiple health problems from head to toe but obviously her ears are as sharp as a bat's and her eyes don't even require corrective lenses.

Upon recognising Hwa Yeon, Mal Nam stopped and her eyes went big, then Hwa Yeon's eyes too went bigger like a mouse about to be eaten by a cat, and then lastly the oldest lady halted and grew her eyes as big as she could to match Mal Nam's.

It was a 'showdown' because by the time the tearful reunion - make that unpleasant chest-beating encounter - ended with a crying Hwa Yeon yet again running away, leaving the two senior citizens crying & collapsing to the ground in a heap just outside their house gate. You cannot have a k-drama without a cryfest now & then, here & there.

LESSON 1: when stalking someone , NEVER forget to put cellphone on silent mode and for heavens' sake,do not hide BESIDE a wall when you can hide BEHIND it. Wear thick sunglasses & oversized hats for safe measure.

The 2nd Hong who dominated this episode was YunMi whose hitherto unknown questioning techniques were shown for the first time - however Mr Choi Joon Young deflected Yunmi's queries with a few questions of his own.

LESSON 2: Do make good use of this technique of answering a question with another question of your own because it's a device used by ALL korean dramas for two important purposes - firstly by not giving a direct answer, it buys time and secondly the 'secretive' answer is put on hold for another (and another few more) episodes.

for example, character A asks, You look distracted today. What's bothering you?

character B's response, (pick any 2 of the following) Why do you ask? Is it important for you to know? Will you happier if you knew? Why do you always like to ask difficult questions?

but be careful - somehow if you habitually answer a question with another question in front of your parents or spouse, your boss or your teacher, you'll probably get whacked.

Now because of Yun Mi's questions-turned-monologue, her father Mr Hong has finally put together the jigsaw puzzle that says MY WIFE IS EUNNIM's MUM.

It does seem to me that Mr Hong's early job crisis has made him react almost nonchalantly (or cool?) to almost everything - his eyes NEVER grow big like the other female species in this drama and when was the last time you actually saw Mr Hong look concerned or slightly worried about his son's nosebleeds? **cue** ICE ICE BABY

Mr Hong's primary function now is to always butt in and scold Jumi every time Jumi says unpleasant words to her mum and I guess also he's just waiting waiting for the day when CEO-to-be SI ties the knot - whether it's gonna be Jumi (highly unlikely, right?) or EN (the chosen one), guess who will be the bride's daddy who'll be leading the bride down the wedding aisle?

Then the 4th and most powerful Hong -Jumi- tried her best yet again to prevent the meeting between Hwa Yeon & EN.....since EN began her search, Jumi's the only ONE in the drama determined to STOP the reunion meeting between EN & Hwa Yeon from ever happening.....but we know her futility (and failure) was only a matter of how many episodes.

In k-drama structure, the villainess usually fails several times in all her devious plans but always gets up stronger than before - k-drama villainess do not usually get to enjoy 'big' successes AND her biggest failure will come when she runs out of episodes (or reasons) to be a big bad girl - usually when she dies from some disease or gets run over by a car driven by a drunk man with one eye.or goes overseas to pile on another MBA in some university on the American West Coast.

You see, k-drama villainess hardly encounters success in their endeavors and Jumi is no different - just do your checklist:

1. She wants Se In but he wants that doormat.

2. She wants chimpanzee face to give her the company shares but instead he gave her that long-legs consultant who always asks her sensitive questions about her (failed) lovelife. (is he suppose to personify the 'metrosexual male' tag? Or is he just a sleazebag?)

3. She wants her sister YunMi to stop being chummy with EN but the sister never listens to her

4. Everywhere she walks & turns at her workplace, EN is there; Everywhere she goes, EN is like a second shadow.

5. Most of all, she wants Hwa Yeon to stop meeting with EN but the scriptwriter is determined to make that happen.

And many Korean ajummah viewers hate Jumi so very much? It's enough to make Jumi go bonkers, don't you think so?

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KBSW ep 80...[spoilerS AHEAD so beware].... things just got from worse to slightly worse.

Things had quickly developed from bad to worse the moment Hwa Yeon told Jumi....(YOU ARE MY REAL DAUGHTER)....BUT I CANNOT IGNORE HER WHEN SHE'S RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME. YOU ARE BOTH MY DAUGHTERS.

Jumi then delivered the following emotive lines which made us reach into her psyche and desperation - WHY DO I HAVE TO LOSE THE TWO MOST IMPORTANT PEOPLE IN MY LIFE TO HER? WHY?!



Now for some folks who watched 'raw' ep 80 on Sep 2nd or 3rd without understanding what Jumi was REALLY saying in Korean, WORD FOR WORD, they might have thought Jumi was scolding or lambasting her mum but actually she was making clear to Hwa Yeon her exact feelings, her hurt, her fear and the repressed anger she had been harboring since knowing the true identity of EN.

To say it's just another case of sibling rivalry is over-simplifying the relationship dynamic between these 3 women. To all intents and purposes, EN WAS a total stranger to Jumi but since meeting her, EN has been nothing but a human tornado which morphed into a boyfriend-stealer and now is soon to become a mother-stealer as well. And the beauty of it is that EN didn't plan any of those things...it's a natural phenomenon, as natural as tornadoes and hurricanes.

For me, the lines written for Jumi & Hwa Yeon in that scene were very poignant and insightful...actress Yoon Ah Jung delivered them with just enough emotional tension & power but without going overboard while veteran actress Lee Hye Sook (Hwa Yeon) displays masterful acting of a mother trying to make her personal amends with her own fractured past but only now realises what Jumi has been suffering through silently.

I always look forward to the scenes between Jumi & her mum because without them, this drama loses 60-70% of its high emotional tension.

Remember I commented that Hwa Yeon started this whole mess 25 years ago and now 25 years later, she's about to mess up even more people's lives. 25 years ago when she abandoned EN and her family, baby Jumi had yet to enter her life, and neither Yun Mi or Hong Gin was born. Her decisions now will impact more people than before and she's caught in a complicated dilemma - she wants to have both daughters in her life but only one will ever accept her for who she really is.

We most certainly know almost all k-dramas are based on recycled story templates but I say 'kudos' to this newbie scriptwriter for creating this untypical situation that has helped place this drama on the No 1 & No 2 spot week after week. The writer does have that important knack for creating scenes and dialogue that makes one think and ponder - as a drama viewer, it's always easy to take sides or say who you like and who you despise but it's never that easy to understand why they do what they do, and you can only appreciate that dimension if you pay attention to the discourse. Because it's from the the words they speak, that reveal their thinking and motivations.

So in the midst of this mental ping-pong between Jumi & Hwa Yeon, we then saw the eternal optimist EN upgrading the contact 'Mrs Hong' in her cellphone to "Mum", At this stage, seasoned viewers should already know where this scriptwriter is heading because when the Chinese restaurant scene came, Hwa Yeon dropped on EN's full stomach, the mother of all lies from a mother, I'M NOT YOUR MOTHER. YOU'RE MISTAKEN ABOUT ME.I'M NOT YOUR MOTHER.

And so ep 80 (of 160 total) ends with a temporary setback for EN but we'll never have to worry that she'll turn spiteful because since she's the "spitting image of her mother Hwa Yeon" (this was from the street informant at their former hometown), EN will just stumble along with her life and continue to wreak havoc on Jumi's life just like what Hwa Yeon has done before. Like mother, like daughter, eh?

PS I'm also having fun watching & listening to Sera's interaction with her fat mum because Sera's man-hunting vis-a-vis Joon Young makes me laugh - to say she's childish and immature is too obvious because she's always wearing a variety of big gigantic bows on her head (her JY antenna?) and there's her whiny voice which somehow brings back memories of the classic I LOVE LUCY back in the 1960s.

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Hello fellow Kdrama addicts.

I dont know who made the title of this drama, but have a few titles of my own,

The Sein/EN/Jumi Show .

Dysfuncutional Families.

How I hate my Mom.

Anything except My bittersweet life/ Women of our house.

I have watch this drama for all 108 episodes, To be honest I have no sympathy left

for no one, not even the writers. Every ep has been from the unbelieveable,to the hilarious.

But if I can sit through 173 eps of Its a good day for the wind to blow,

I can stomach 52 more episodes of this Drama.

Jumi has yet to get over Sein she acts like hes the only man left in Seoul.

Shes using anyone and everyone to get to him, No matter who she drags down

along the way. GROW UP B***h ! Have some pride hes not the only

man Korea.

EN Please hurry up and grow a set before this drama ends,

I understand you love your man, But all that bowing to

your enemy makes me want to come Seoul and B***h slap you.

Sein has grown on me from the very begining. He really has matured along the way from that

arrogant,selfish,self centerd guy. His parents could take a few lesson from him.

I think Sein was adopted there is just no way he can have parents that ugly lol.

I like JY too I mean whats not to like, That smile , those dimples *sighs*.

Anywhos getting back to the drama at hand.

Ep 108

Jumi is still a B***h as usually shes gives her mom a ultimatium

Her or EN. My guess is she took EN side , Jumi went ballistic.

EN and JY were talking about Sein . EN was teasing him about YM.

Sein's Parent are hell bend on still getting Sein with Jumi (DONT HOLD YOUR BREATH!).

As per usual Jumi is up to her tricks again , Jumi and EN were bickering about Sein.

Sein's dad called Mrs. Troll to complain about Sein and EN and Jumi.

Mrs. Troll in turn went to complain to Jinsuk. Gpa gave her mouth full.

Gpa and SJ visited some of the workers, He was welcomed with open arms.

YM and JY and Juni hung out together. JY was about let the cat out the bag

about him and YM to her dad but he stopped himself.

YM's Dad got a phone call from the shaddy looking fella. looks to me he some sort of

scam artist.

As usual Sein's Dad has shot himself in the foot again(Whats new lol).

HY called Sein to talk about EN and Jumi. Sein does not tell EN.

Preview ep 109

EN looks worried and in tears.

Jumi walks in on HY and Sein.

Sein tells his parents he going to marry EN his Mom faints.

Sein tries to reason with his parents , But they dont want to hear it.

Sein gets slapped by his Dad.

Sein's Mom Filled with hate and anger went To EN's house and trashes her room.

Jumi's Dad suspects something is up with the shaddy looking guy.

EN gives her Mom a gift.

*Yawns* Im done

See you tommorrow .

Same channel

Same stressful drama.


( bow, deep bow, homage.... and salute ) :D For your stoicism in keeping us updated with this interminably looong series. I do believe it will be 2012 before it ends. I think I should try to get a job with this kind of company, as many people have pointed out JM can do anything and she is still employed!!! :w00t: Let us know when there is some fighting ( fisticuffs) going on. I can't stand the thought of EN bowing and bowing and oohhh of course the sighs.... God is that supposed to convey some emotion? They are all sighing....

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Guest mflwrs66


( bow, deep bow, homage.... and salute ) :D For your stoicism in keeping us updated with this interminably looong series. I do believe it will be 2012 before it ends. I think I should try to get a job with this kind of company, as many people have pointed out JM can do anything and she is still employed!!! :w00t: Let us know when there is some fighting ( fisticuffs) going on. I can't stand the thought of EN bowing and bowing and oohhh of course the sighs.... God is that supposed to convey some emotion? They are all sighing....

Thank you very much Maribella I try my best. It makes my day go

alot faster and I feel some what better, For me its a escape from

the madness in the real world.

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Although I don't watch current episodes of MBL on KBS, here're some screencaps from the recent episode where EN takes a studio portrait with you-know-who & of course being a Friday, the PD decided it was time to lip-lock EN & you-know-who.

Based on past k-dramas, having a scene of the main characters taking a studio photo is usually a bad omen - a portend of some unfortunate event happening to one of them in the near future. I'm just guessing here so we'll have to wait and see.

On the other hand even as you admire Jay's (Se In) perfectly sculpted jawline in the second set of screencaps, look at how he had to angle his face sideways in order not to squash Miss Jung Eun-Chae's nose.


Compared to the kissing scene she had in the korean film PLAY (those of you familiar with the indie band MATE would have watched this movie), I think this one with Jay is slightly better.

But the guys from the indie band MATE were hotter. If you're curious about Jung Eun Chae's film project Play, click the links below"

Trailer for 'PLAY'

Warning: she actually sings!

MusicVideo for 'PLAY' performed by Mate

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Guest mflwrs66

EP 110

EN and Hy are having dinner together its HY's Birthday.

EN gives her a scarf, They take a Mother and Daughter portrait together.

Both are sad to see the other leave. (IT ONLY TOOK 110 EPS , JUNI ON HIS DEATH BED, JUMI AMD HY'S MELT DOWN!).

EN's Gma called Jinsuk to tell her about Sein's Mom coming over to

her house and trashing EN's room, Gpa entered the room and over the

conversation and started asking questions, Jinsuk denied that anything was going on.

Seems like Jumi and Mr Slim Shaddy are are cooking up something to blame on EN AND SEIN.

Jumi's Mom called or should I sat Stepmom? Whatever lol.

She doesnt want to answer, Mr Slim Shaddy tells her to answer it .

Jumi and HY meet at a cafe to talk, Again all she wants to do

is bad a mouth Sein and EN . I saidit before I will say again,


Sein and EN were at the office, EN showed him the charm her mother gave her for her phone.

She talked about her mom, I think he asked her if Jumi was giving her a hard time she said no.

Jumi's Dad gets a call from the shaddy guy asking to meet him.

Jinsuk met with Jumi's Dad to discuss the EN/SEIN/JUMI SITUATION,

And talk about HY . Whatever Jinsuk said to Jumi's Dad he was not pleased.

She left in shock. YM gave Jinsuk a gift , JY let the cat out of the bag that

he likes YM . Jinsuk was was upset , I WOULD BE TOO THOSE HONG

WOMEN ARE NOTHING TROUBLE! Expect YM of course she a real

sweetheart nothing like her B***h of a sister or should I say half Sister? It is what it is lol.

Sein walked EN home, Like a nervous , love sick teenager

I think he asked her to marry him? I could be wrong, If he

did that was lamest most unromantic proposal I have





he never kissed woman and was practicing on doll... Ugh.

HY and Jumi's Dad talked about JUMI/YM/JUNI/EN.

Sera and Jinsuk and Mrs. Piggy were in the kitchen,

Jinsuk told her about Sein and EN , She not a happy

camper. As per usual she had nothing good say about

her future daughter in law. THATS RIGHT I SAID IT!

NOW WHAT LOL. The way Jinsuk was holding that

knife thought she was going to cut her lol.

There was a family meeting to discuss EN and Sein.

As per usual Sein's parents are totally against it .

I love Gpa he rules lol. He told them in any language

butt out . Meanwhile back at the company, Mr.

slim shaddy and Jumi are up to no good (whats new did you think things were going to change?). Well they eventually,

How long ? Well I cant tell you that , You are going to have grin and bear like the rest of us lol.

I however do like the recently more cofindent , happier, calmer EN .

I have liked Sein's take charge, Im not going to let anyone get under my skin attitude.

Jinsuk and GGma were discussing how the family meeting went.

Jumi's Dad met with the shaddy guy. He remembered where knew him from,

He grab him by the collar. Fist fight? Maybe we shall see Monday.

Btw did anyone notice how Sein and EN's colors were matching?. Her

blouse matched his shirt and blazer. Her blazer matched the color of his tie.


Well fellow Drama Addicts, Till we meet again on Monday *HIGH FIVES*

Have a blessed weekend everyone!.

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Super Junior's Lee Teuk made a cameo in MBL yesterday apparently. Did you spot him?

As some of you know, Lee Teuk & Kang So Ra (Hong Yun Mi) are paired in MBC We Got Married and some are beginning to call them the 'dimple couple'.

Anyway don't blink (or hit the pause button) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M6MJNnW4vME

For those of you who wish to see BTS (behind the scenes) in the poster shoot & intro sequence....former After School member of course is given more airtime here than in the daily episodes...


MORE KANG SO RA below - so for those not interested in her work, you have been forewarned.

I make no bones about Kang So Ra being one of my favorite young actresses ever since she swapped saliva with Yoo Seung Ho in their 2009 film. These days So Ra seems to be appearing everywhere in the media, not just in this drama & We Got Married.

She's introduced as suicidal in Huh Gak's. music video HELLO (eng subbed) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OlDdTtW6PyM&hd=1

Among the bevy of A-list actresses attending the 2011 Busan Film Festival, TopGear Korea chose Kang So Ra to ride in the Ferrari.

The 1st part of the clip below shows the Ferrari blazing at 295 km/hr, then So Ra appears beginning at 3:42. Unfortunately her sponsored dress behaved like an inflatable puppet doll inside the car.


Here, also at the Busan Film Fest, So Ra is sitting FRONT ROW beside actor Ryu Seung Beom & actress Jeong Yu Mi (another fave of mine) while waiting to receive her award for her film SUNNY.

I think after experiencing the high winds blowing up her skirt inside the Ferrari, So Ra shows lots of skin & cleavage for this occasion...although somehow I don't think Hwa Yeon or Jumi would quite approve...


This clip of the same event from another fancam shows why So Ra carries no airs as she politely waves with a big smile and even making faces at her fans, sitting high above the cinema. Her role in SUNNY has endeared her to many teenaged girls as well as girls in their early 20s.


And the 2009 music video for Halla Man that introduced the then-unknown Kang So Ra to Koreans, including myself....I remember this MV was played as a time-filler night after night on a cable channel here in Seoul.


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Guest dramaok

hello, this drama will end on november 4, 2011.

some info on the drama replacing it in the same timeslot:

title: 당신 뿐이야 [it's you only]

starts: November 7th, 2011

writer: Choi Min-Gi [birth of rich]

pd: Jin Hyeong-Wook [suspicious 3 brothers, good woman baek ilhong]




Seo Joon-Young [smile mom, tree with deep roots]

Han Hye-Rin [new gisaeng tales, general hospital2]

Park Jeong-Ah [smile donghae, prosecutor princess]

Seo Do-Young [thorn bird, yacha, spring waltz]

Ryu Seung-Soo [lie to me, general hospital2]

Baek Jin-Hee [highkick3]

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