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Guest mrsbunnyrabbit

It really depends if you still feel some sort of attraction to each other.

My boyfriend and I went through the same thing. The first time I went out with my bf was about 5 years ago. We broke up then became best friends for about 3 and a half years. We're always there for each other and talk about problems or just catch ups. Then when I finally decided to give this new guy a chance, he confessed to me and explained that he didnt really have the guts to tell me that he loves me. But he knew that it was now or never so he risked it... And now we're together again, it's been over a year now and it's quite good because we could learn from mistakes in our previous relationship together.

Edit: Btw do you still like him that way?? If not, I think you should make it clear that it's strictly friends only and draw a line

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Guest max1430266021

Of course, depends on how/why your relationship ended, who left who et cetera.

He might still have some feelings for you and maybe (since I have no info) he knows you don't want to be with him anymore as a couple, so he tries to be your friend in order to stay close to you for two reasons

1. he thinks that even friends is better than nothing and he really thinks that but he will end up being more in love than before.

2. he knows well his feelings and think that sooner or later he'll confess and everything will go for the best.

The question is: what are your feelings? Do you wanna be only friends? If yes, you have to let him know. If no :) well, play your part :ph34r:

Good luck!

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Guest Malice_Kaiser

Of course it's possible, it just depends. I have a friend who broke up with his girlfriend recently. It was mutual and now they're good friends. Not a big deal.

But I think it could only work if you really have no feelings left for him.

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Guest WeiCHUNniE

from personal experience, i say no. Its really hard to become friends with your exes because of your past. Those feelings will creep up on you guys in due time. The most you guys can probably have is an acquaintanceship in my opinion. but it all depends on if you guys want to get back together or not. I say, talk to him about it and about where you want to go with what you have right now. sparks makes a fire so.. becareful

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Guest shururu

My ex is my best guy friend. We had our feelings come back after a while, but we didn't date.

We broke up for a reason, and that was because we knew we just weren't the right people for each other.

I think we're still as close as we were before, just not on the relationship level. I think exes can be best friends, just depends on the people, and the reasons for breaking up.

For us, we just have this implied "Don't try to get back together" rule.

If you can establish this kind of thing, try to. If he can still be best friends with you after that, great. :3

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Guest <3 Kim

I think it's possible if both of you don't have feelings for eachother anymore. I'm not best friends with my ex but I'm good friends with him now. When we broke up it was more so because I felt that we didn't love eachother and we were only still together because we were together for so long and just got used to it. I still talk to my ex and hang out with him when I can

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Guest Narooo

It won't work, even if you think it could. Old feelings would just creep back up. Someone even stated earlier in the thread, they do "couplely things." If things like this go on, how would you ever move on to another relationship without getting tied up into you're ex. You see soo many cliche quotes about this subject. Those quotes, cliche as they are have much meaning. The best thing to do is to "let go."  :c

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Guest Imboredthatsnotfun

LOL... It always does seem like it could work out... And then you wake up in his bed one morning.

In my opinion, it's a no-go unless you are open to the prospect of rekindling your relationship.

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Guest HavenInMuse

an Ex becoming ur best friend sounds like it would become "friends with benefits"

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Guest kirstie

if theres still sparks then feelings are already getting in the way, being friends wont work. and if the only difference is him calling you bestie now instead of babe, then although this may seem rather rude of me, why did you even make this topic? clearly you two are still together, just with no official title.

but i will say i am rather good friends with an ex. however, there are no sparks between us (no feelings from my side anyways/ and after about a year), all there is is history between us (which we never bring up) and a sibling-type of bond. although im sure it was considerably easier because we broke up due to changed feelings and i didnt see him that way anymore. weve accepted that fact and moved on with our lives, onto other people and whatnot, and it works out fine. i think the only way for you and him to work out is if there are no feelings and like a poster above me said, that you establish a general rule in which you dont try to get back to together. well in anycase, good luck (:

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