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[UPDATED - WINNERS ANNOUNCED!] Show your love for Big Bang!


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Guest Nesquickboo

Ayy... where do I start? I haven't done anything special so I'm hoping words will be enough c:

It's been over a year since I've been a fan of Big Bang. It all started when one of the youtubers that I'm subscribed to used a snippet of a Big Bang song so I looked them up. The first song I listened to was Haru Haru and I instantly fell in love with it. Everything from the actual song to the music video. The music video was beyond amazing in my eyes; one of the best music videos I had every seen. Extremely touching and it made me tear up/cry. The lyrics were amazing as well. Tch, and GD says he's not a genius- seriously that boy is a musical genius. 4+ years of Big Bang and he's practically written every song for them and he still writes more. *.* Yes Kwon Jiyong, you are a musical genius. At least to me you are ^_^

Let's break it down -insert Taeyang's song 'Break Down' :sweatingbullets: - to why I like each member.

Leader Kwon Jiyong:

Like I said, he's a musical genius. I love how he's so humble about it too. He's the best leader that they could ever have as well. Together with the others he's brought so much victory. He's such an inspiration. I was quite hurt when GD recieved so much hate and criticism from his 1st solo album, I couldn't even imagine how upset he must have felt because I knew he put his heart and soul into every song in that album. But I was amazed when he came back stronger. All I can say is Kwon Jiyong, don't you dare change. If you do, change for the better :D

Choi Seunghyun/T.O.P:

His rapping is addictive. Always making you want to listen to more c: I love that he onstage and off stage he acts different. On stage he has this seriousness about him and then off stage he's this dorky and goofy person that I love. Honestly before I listened to Big Bang I never took raps seriously but after Big Bang I've come to appreciate them and I learnt that it's art just in another form ^^

Dong Youngbae/Taeyang:

Voice. Dancing. 'Nuff said xD Such an amazing dancer and always has me memerised when he dances/sings. After his single, 'Wedding Dress', I was determined to learn to play the piece on piano. I still cannot master it and even when I play the parts I know well it still doesn't sound as good :sweatingbullets: I honestly don't believe his experience with women. Everyone that I know who like Big Bang love Taeyang. Even my aunty who isn't such a big kpop fan but loves Taeyang.

Kang Daesung:

Amazing voice and the cutest smile. The medley that him and Seungri performed at Big Bang's concert blew me away. I always knew Daesung was an amazing singer but it seemed like I had under-estimated him. Daesung's smile can never fail to make me smile too. It can light up the whole room ^-^

Lee Seunghyun/Seungri:

Don't even try to get rid of your dark circles. Without them, you're not the cute little panda that I fell in love with ^^ This person is one of my favourites. I always that Daesung & Ri were underrated. It's really nice to see that he's getting a lot of attention these days due to his solo album. I was pleasantly surprised when Seungri came out with his first solo single 'Strong Baby'. He showed a more mature side and not to mention sexy as well. I have to admit, I felt a little jealous of the girl in the music video xD But I can live yeah? Of course I can :D And then his solo album VVIP came out. I was anticipating this and it didn't fail to impress me. What impressed me more was when I heard Seungri wrote most of the songs. I felt so proud of my baby panda [lol you know what he's older than me by 4 1/2 years xD. Always going to be my baby panda :D] Another thing that I love about Seungri is that he has this charm about him. The other members do as well but Seungri has a extremely funny side. I wish he would showcase it more often.

I've taken my time to write this, I did sit by my laptop wondering how I would write this and a hour or so later I'm finished. I wanted to say everything from the heart and I still feel like I haven't said enough. I honestly wish I could do so much more for you guys but I'm afraid I can't do anything but give you my love. I do wish to go to Korea one day to see you perform on stage. That is one of my wishes. I hope you take care, stay healthy and be happy. I love you all and I want to thank you as a group and individually.

I wish you all the best~

Vanessa, UK ^-^

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Guest kuroshi

:) i <3 bigbang. Big Bang is the reason i started listening to k-pop ;)


i will edit this if i can finnish my drawing in time (:

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Guest xxbobachan

I'll be back to edit! So excited! `(:



Just some random basics about me;

Name: Melanie, Age: 18, Location: USA, Ethnicity: Taiwan.


PS. The new album rocks!

And I'm from the U.S., but I hope Big Bang (or YG) has a concert in Taiwan while I'm there this summer!

A concert in Atlanta in the near future would be awesome (greatly appreciated) too x;


Hwaiting! (((:

With love,


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   There is so much to be said when it comes to Bigbang. Whenever somebody gets me on that topic, I can ramble on forever. Being a Causasian Australian, I never really listened to Asian music, but about a year ago I started reading manga, which lead to Jpop. I asked my friend for some Jpop artists around December last year, and she recommended that I listen to Bigbang, even though the music is mostly Kpop.

   From there, I quickly fell in love with Bigbang's music. When you guys are put together, you create such a sound I haven't heard before. I was constantly watching music videos after that, and I also discovered the Bigbang Documentary. That probably feels like ages ago for you guys. To me, though, it was amazing. Only after seeing that series can someone really appreciate Bigbang for what you are. How hard every member worked and the obstacles you had to overcome, a lot of it wasn't even in the series. Each one of you is inspirational. G-Dragon and Taeyang, who started training at such a young age, Seungri who worked determinedly on his vocals so he would be accepted, TOP who exercised for six months to fit the 'idol' image, Daesung who upset his father to follow his ambition, and came through prejudgement with his charm and beautiful smile. And all member had to press on despite haters and negativity. How could I not admire you so much?

   I'm desperate for Bigbang albums and merchandise, but I live in a very small rural town where nobody has heard of Kpop, let alone Bigbang. There is not a snigle Kpop album sold anywhere near me. The closest place to get one is hours away, in Melbourne, and even there it's just a very small shop. I could order merchandise/albums online, but I don't have a credit card. My parents do, but they don't understand my love for Bigbang, so they won't buy it for me. Despite this, I'm determined to get my hands on anything I can, even if I have to wait years and years until I visit Korea or Japan and I will always love and support Bigbang from down here in Australia, even if the ones around me don't accept it, because you guys are just beyond amazing. I only wish I had discovered you when you debuted, so that I could have suported you when you needed it the most. BIGBANG FIGHTING!


Mahalia Randall-Demllo

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Guest Nick1430276339

축하 해요 on your new album

Tonight is such a beautiful night

All because of you, so I thank you & you

Sitting in that chair drinking at the cafe I wonder what would it be like

For me to have somebody to love just as perfect as you all are. 

Before I would question my life and say What is right? about it?

I hold my hands up and confess im no great person but because of your music

I keep changing for the good every day.


Without BIGBANG there is no style

Without BIGBANG there is no music to heal me 

Without BIGBANG i think i wouldn't be a strong person

but thank god there is BIGBANG even from miles away to help me each day

Old songs or new songs it's all there to make me smile


Such a beautiful night~

You all work hard in such a tight time 

So in return i shall work hard to win this competition hahaha

I always nag my friends to listen to some of your songs.

and they love them! even though they don't know what you are singing about haha.

I also get my dad to listen to you and his favourite song is "Lies".

Whenever I play that song he get's up from his chair and starts dancing like he's stuck in the 60's

That's something he needs to work on....his dancing style.

But Im sure watching your videos he will pick it up.


I wanted to do something different and special for you

bringing back the memories of V.I.P 

You all have really grown since then.

Watch my video of BIGBANG is V.I.P to me


How do I show my love?? Easy 

by telling everyone how great you all are and playing your music all the time.

My friends at college always notice I draw on the board BIGBANG with you all as characters.

They think im mad....yes that's right I am BIGBANG mad and V.I.P


You know how a lot of your fans buy so many CD's and merchandise? 

and say "I love BIGBANG so much that I buy their CD's"

But for me.....I don't have a single thing BIGBANG related. But that doesn't mean I don't love you!

That's right I am poor and can't believe I am telling you all this. Remember money doesn't buy love!

I help out with my mother and father at their second job which is selling toys.

I get up at 5am on the Sunday to wash up and then leave the house at 6 for a hour drive in the car.

I then help unpacking, selling and finally packing up at 1pm.

For my 18th birthday I have asked my parents to not get me anything

So that when I start working I can save up to go to Korea wishing I could meet you all.

But of course that would only happen in dreams.

When I go to bed I listen to BIGBANG.

You would be surprised how being inspired from others helps with writing lyrics.

From the melody I get the feelings and write down everything that comes to mind.


If I won this competition I think I would cry for the whole day.

Crying because of happiness. 

I hope my staying up late to do this has paid off.

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Guest Yamachi


Sorry that my Korean hand-writing is bad, I'm Vietnamese, not Korean ^^ (trying to learn though!)

Big Bang is VIP

A story/poem/rap about how you opened my soul to Kpop.

2007 Baby.

The day I first saw you, it was warm outside

The sun was shining, not a cloud in the sky

Your melody buzzed like a fly in my ear

"네 숨울 막눈 dirty cash" was all I could hear

Then I listened, I've never heard a voice so deep

It wasn't too husky, it wasn't too sweet

But it was deeper than tenor, deeper than bass

Words so meaningful, they confuse one's mental database

After that, like a gun the trigger was pulled

Like a key, the bullet opened this locked up soul

and it let me discover this amazing place called Seoul

Look at me now, I can't ever get enough

It got me through life when the times were getting rough

Who would of thought that a little country could hold so much?

Culture and uniqueness is what Hanguk did clasp and clutch

But boybands and girlgroups are all the rad these days

Teeny Boppers, crazy lyrics, no one listens to what they really say

Companies giving false information, working their idols too hard

But isn't that the life of those who have trained for the part?

Arguments and disputes tear apart the closest friends

Even Kpop legends will put their group names to an end

This is what you left me with, 2 years without a "hi"

You came back one by one, but it's not the same without all 5

That's like a song with no melody, a summer without heat

But I understand that you wanted to find your own music, make your own beats

Growing older I'm expanding my interests in music genre,

Been listening to OneWay, 2NE1 and Brown Eyed Girls' Narsha

Don't get me wrong I'll never forget Big Bang, you see

'Cause in my heart, you guys will always be special VIPs.

How did you guys like it?

I tried to put my feelings into this, and I hope I conveyed them the right way ^^

You guys are the most unique group!

Thanks for reading! <3

-Your fan, Trishy (A.K.A Yamachi)

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Big Bang by definition is the creation of the universe. It is a big name to hold up too.. and to be honest, you guys have not reached that point yet, but you guys are for sure very close. My name is Jacquelyn, I am an 18yr old from Los Angeles, and am currently in a freshman in college. I feel so old talking about this now, lol the first time I listened to kpop was back in 2006. I still remember, I was a freshman in highschool. I had heard about your debut, and I watched that, but I wasn’t immediately crazed. Then in October, a Korean friend of mine was talking about YG Family concert in LA, and the Se7en, 1TYM and Big Bang, were all going be there. To me it was interesting, but it was the day of the concert and I didn’t even know if I could get a ticket. Then in the spring you guys came for the Korean music festival held, by Korea times, but I could go either, because of finals. If I knew then that those would be my only two chances to see you guys perform live thus far, I would have gone, if only I knew. From Dirty Cash on, I honestly say I fell in love with you guys, in all aspects. Whether it is your talent to sing/rap, dance, act, do variety shows, model, and all others. For people who are not even 30, you guys have already achieved so much, and as a VIP I can honestly say, I am so proud of you guys. Even if you guys are so many miles away, you guys definitely reach out all the way over here and to the rest of the world. All of your albums are so awesome, and great to listen to, that I never get sick of it. In addition, I am a college student aspiring to be a graphic designer, and every time I buy your albums or concert dvds, I am so intrigued by all the work that goes in to the album, from the songs to the art work, to the special packaging efforts you guys put into it. Your albums truly define the way you guys use paper and plastic. There are little things that set you apart from other groups, and make you guys special individuals.

G-DRAGON, you have an amazing talent to write music, and your devotion to music and the production is so intense and concentrated, and what to say about your fashion. It is out of this world, but you definitely set the trends

TOP, your raps are so fiery and hardcore, but awesome. Your acting has improved so much, and you play your part so well. It is amazing how composed you are on TV when in actually you are a goof ball.

TAEYANG, your voice is so smooth and wonderful. I love wedding dress, that song is definitely a song that I have heard all kinds of people listen to, even non-asians. Where am currently going to college is primarily Caucasian, but occasionally there are people still have heard of wedding dress, AMAZING.

DAESUNG, I can say, you did not stand out at first, as a part of Big Bang, but my sister was a big fan of yours, so we both paid attention to you. When I first heard of Family Outing, I was skeptical about how good it would be since most of the main casts were new, but once I started watching it, I fell in love with the family. To be honest, you being on that show introduced me to so many different parts of the Korean culture and way of life. It is sad that it is now over.

SEUNGRI, you are hilarious, from your odd form of arrogance, to the different things of variety you have been spreading to your other YG family, and your solo album this time was definitely better than expected.

New years just passed, I feel so nervous just thinking that your guys are going to read this. But I just wanted to wish you guys a happy new year, and rest of the year/years to come. As a fan, I can’t explain in words how excited I have been for this album to be released it (by the way it is amazing). I hope that your promotions go well, and your concerts in Korea and Japan are a success. Don’t over work your selves, and have fun while you work, can’t wait to see you guys again with your promotions for tonight. Keep up the awesome work, Never give up, and know that us VIPS will always have your back. Oh yeah and make sure the next time you have a concert it stops by LA, and all the other places you have fans, cause it will make our day/month/year. Love you guys, can’t wait to see more of you again.Fighting!!!

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Guest ihnheex3

Hello Soompi, YG and BIGBANG


I can't believe that BIGBANG is actually going to read this!!

To be honest I only recently came across the soompi twitter by chance a couple weeks ago and just joined soompi after hearing about this contest. But I am SOOO glad that I am following you guys now! You guys at soompi have just gained another diehard fan :)


Please click here to see video

[거짓말 COVER]

Please click here to see video


I know you guys are busy so I just wanted to tell you one story about how much I love you.

I went to visit korea a long time ago and almost everyday while I was there, I would pass a Baskin Robbins with a poster of you guys in its window. The day before I was supposed to leave, I decided that I HAVE to have the poster and I gathered the courage to go in and ask.

I went in and bought an ice cream and as I was paying, I asked in my accent-ridden Korean if there was any way I could have the poster in the window.

The lady abruptly said “No”.

I was about to leave when she said “You have to buy a special icecream and you get a different poster”.

So of course I asked if I could get the special ice cream and the lady said “No, its past the time limit. Come tomorrow.” And so before we left to the airport the next day, I RAN to the Baskin Robbins, ordered a spcial icecream and got my poster! I almost missed my flight but it totally was worth it:)

To this day, I have the poster up on my wall even though my mom makes fun of me for being in college and still having it up.

Here is a picture of my poster:




You were my first Korean popstar crush <3

To be honest, the reason I started liking big bang at first was because of you.

You are so adorable and your smile is irresistible. You are truly talented and I admire how you are not afraid to take some risks.

Tae Yang 오빠:

When I first saw a solo performance of yours, I immediately thought that you are like a Korean usher : P

When your song wedding dress came out, I infected ALL my friends with that song (even my non Korean friends)

TOP 오빠:

When I heard about your weight loss, I felt such a connection to you because I had a problem with my weight when I was younger as well.

You are such a talented actor! I cried while watching you in the movie 포화 속으로.

Oh and…your eyes are mesmerizing and your voice is so sexy I could listen to it all day >_<


You are so handsome.

As the 막네 of big bang, you are my age and I feel like I watched you kind of grow up as I grew up :P

And you played the part of OSKA so well in "Secret Big Bang" HAHA


The only reason I watched 패밀리가 떴다 was to see you.

I think you are so funny and adorable!

I love your voice and think it is so cute when you sing 트로트!!


I just want to thank you again for your music. I am always listening to your music while I study (and thats a lot because I am trying to become a doctor). For some reason, all other music will make me distracted and not able to study. haha

Thank you so much for taking the time to read all this and I am so glad I got the opportunity to try to express how much you guys mean to me.

Big Bang 화이팅!

*PS: 지용오빠...marry me! :sweatingbullets:

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Guest rinhitokiri

One thing is for certain.....


I first started listening to DBSK, Super Junior and Big Bang when i got interested in Korean music and while my interest in DBSK and Super Junior waned, I have never forgotten Big Bang. I still listen to the first songs that I ever heard from them.

The very first song I heard from them was La La La and I was immediately interested.

I loved their musical style and the visuals definitely weren't hard on the eyes. I immediately looked for more music from them and found Always and Dirty Cash. Dirty Cash became one of my favorite songs because of its funky hip hop sound. Another song I quickly began to adore was A Fool's Only Tears. I still frequently listen to that song and just groove along to the music. I love the variety of styles that Big Bang has to offer. The trot stylings of Daesung, the R&B crooning of Taeyang, the hip hop anthems of G-Dragon and TOP and last but not least the catchy pop stylings of Seungri.

I can sing along to almost every Big Bang song even though I don't know Korean.

To me, Big Bang is one of the most influential groups in the industry. Everyone watches them and waits to see what they will come out with next.

As I grew to love Big Bang more and more I began to look for more opportunities to see them. When I found out there was a documentary, I immediately went to see it. I have to laugh when i say this but when the GD and TOP world premiere was going to be streaming online, I woke up at three in the morning just to watch it, even though I wouldn't understand a thing. I don't regret it at all....even though it was a school day (LOL).


You were the reason that I started watching Family Outing and I grew to love and adore your personality even more. Your voice is amazing and even though I don't usually like trot music, I love your song and it totally makes me happy when I'm feeling down. You are a gift to the world with a talent for shining light in the dark times and making people smile and laugh. Never give up and keep the faith!


I love your music. Your originality and talent truly make you shine. I hope you never stop singing and writing the music that everyone adores. Heartbreaker is one of the first songs I actually tried to learn the dance to...not that I succeeded. Also, I have to say, I love your style. Your hair is fantastic! I'm always looking forward to seeing what you will do next. Your humor and sheer personality never fails to bring a smile to my face. Never let anyone get you down. Your music brings joy to thousands of teenagers across the world..


Your voice is heavenly and simply a work of art. It caught my attention early on and has held it this entire time. When I got your mini-album Hot, it was played constantly on a loop for well over a month. I hope you never stop singing and gracing us all with your voice. I have one last thing to say.....I love your hair!


Even though you're the maknae, you never let it hold you back. Your confidence is inspiring and just makes people believe in you more. Your dance is incredible and I am always looking forward to what you will create next. Your style and actions just make me laugh with delight and you should never stop what you do.


Well, what can I say about TOP. I love your voice. I love to hear you rap and it's one of my favorite parts of a song. I was so happy when you had a solo on your new album. Oh Mom was my favorite song and I immediately played it on repeat. I also favorited the video of you singing No Diggity, you should definitely sing more often. I eagerly wait to see what you act in next. I cried during 71: Into the Fire, it was such a strong heartfelt movie. After watching the episode of Family Outing that you were a guest on I grew to like your quirkiness even more. I hope you never stop shining the way you do.

I don't know anyone personally who loves KPOP but my friends can attest to the fact that I love your music with how often I rave about you guys.

I grew to love Big Bang quickly because they were so unique in a world full of KPOP singers. I hope you never stop and I look forward to your future works.

And if your reading this Big Bang, I have something to say. I love your music and I hope you never stop.


I drew some artwork of you guys but I'm not sure if you will be able to see it because I've never done this before. I drew a picture of each one of you and some came out better than others. I didn't have much time. I somehow managed to catch the flu in the day after i found out about the contest. I recovered enough to draw a picture of each one of you but as I said before, some of them came out better than others. I drew them all within a span of 4 or 5 hours, forgive me for the mistakes.


My drawing of Taeyang


My drawing of Daesung


My drawing of G-Dragon


My drawing of Seungri


My drawing of T.O.P

(Surprisingly, the very first drawing i did, which was TOP, turned out the best)

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Guest Violet52


To our beloved Big Bang oppas,

It was your music that made me fall in love with Kpop. Without Big Bang, I would never have the experience of getting in touch with my Korean side and I would never have known the unique style of Asian music. I was not able to go to the concert Big Bang had performed in the US 3 years ago so I was hoping this might be my chance to tell you how much of an impact you made on my life. Whenever there Im depressed, Big Bang's songs always manage to bring a smile to my face! :D Please continue to produce the best kpop. I still would like to edit this until the end. Thank you!! YG Family, 사랑해요~ (^_~)v

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edited: Feb. 27


My name is Kimberly, Vietnamese, made in Canada since 1994 & I LOVE BIG BANG. Heheh. Congrats to Big Bang for finally releasing your 4th mini album after over 2 years! I ordered the album the day it came out for pre-sales~ ^^ I had all the songs on repeat since it was released. Why are they so good?ㅠ Big Bang is really the best.

I became a huge fan of yours after the 거짓말 (Lies) era. I remember going on a trip with school for a few days and one of my friends (A.T<3) kept on talking about Big Bang and made me listen to your songs. Once we came back from that trip, I searched Big Bang on Youtube and started watching your videos and listening to your music; I was addicted ever since. Thanks to soompi forums back then (when it was the number 1 international source for everything kpop~) my knowledge for Big Bang grew much much higher. I watched every single Big Bang video (interviews, radio/shows, behind the scenes, etc…) that I could find and got to know the members very well~

I know you’ve already heard this about 1000000X, but I just have to say, you guys are SUPER talented. <3 I love your voices, love your style, love your personalities, love that you are all so different from each other. Big Bang really did change my life. heheh~ I self-taught myself how to read and write Korean (through the internet) so that I could understand better when watching videos and listening to songs. I listen to Big Bang all the time, no matter where I am~ At home, in the car; at school…etc. and I also love watching the Big Bang videos that I have on my iPod over and over and over again. Truthfully, whenever I am down or feeling unhappy, I just watch your videos, listen to you music and feel better. I love all your songs very much, whether they are the big hits or not. I don’t get tired of listening to them since you have so much variety in you music that there’s always something I feel like listening to. There’s something about the two songs “Oh Ma Baby” and “언제까지 (Until Whenever)” that makes me feel so nostalgic every time I listen to them. ㅠ

I’m a true fangirl when it comes to Big Bang. I love seeing Big-Bang-Brother-Bond. hahah<3 Smile and joke around more~ ^o^ I smile like crazy, squeal and always love to sing along every time I watch Big Bang’s performances. ;D I really love your charisma and power on stage. Big Bang is the best at performing live; you guys are just so amazing, no one can compare. Although sadly I can’t go to Korea right now since I’m still a student, I am determined to go to a Big Bang concert in the future to experience from the best! ^o^ But I also hope you’ll have a tour in North America, please~ You have sooooo many fans here that are dying to see you perform live. ^^

I watched Big Bang’s comeback special on SBS the day it was broadcasted. It was all so overwhelming since it’s been so long since you guys performed together as a 5-member group on a Korean music station. Your performances were amazing as always. I laughed so hard while watching the Secret Garden Parody, my jaw hurt afterwards. hahaha. It was by far the best parody you guys have done to date.



Sorry for ruining your perfect faces.. 

tobbgd.jpg ___gdgif33.gif__________gdgif14.gif__________gdgif10.gif__________gdgif17.gif 

GD, you’re a genius. Enough said. Please don’t deny it. ^^ I don’t even know how there can be someone like you in the world; you're perfect in every way. You’re young with so much talent, you're truly a gift and we are all so thankful that you can share your talent with the world. I love that you always try new things and are not afraid of doing so, no matter what people say. I love your rapping, singing, dancing, and style. I also love the many hairstyles you try; you are so gorgeous in all of them. Just when you think it can't get any better, IT DOES. <3 And even when your hair is a little crazy, it’s all good since you’re beautiful face makes up for it. heheh~ I love your personality, GD. I love that you can be cute, sexy, crazy, serious, shy, confident, and the list goes on. I can’t help but melt every time I see you smile. You’re just too cute. ^o^ You’re amazing at acting. I really hope you can act in movies or dramas in the future. That would be so great~ Your music is really the best. I love your songs so much; I wish I could hear every single one you compose since I know they are all so amazing. Too bad albums are so limited. ): It’s really heartbreaking seeing you overwork yourself...& your tired eyesㅠㅠ…really hope you could rest more ㅠYou’ve gone through so much, and it’s been really tough at times, but you know that we will always be by your side, right? Although not physically, but we are here for you, so keep doing what you do and stay strong! ^^

tobbds.jpg ___dsgf4.gif__________dsgf1.gif__________dsgf2.gif__________dsgf3.gif

Daesung, I love your voice. It’s amazing how effortless you look when you sing. You’re voice is so perfect, the ballads you sing are beautiful. I love your silly personality; you're so funny that you always brighten up the room. One thing that I will never forget is that one summer night, while I was watching the meteor shower, I was listening to my iPod and the song that was playing when I saw my first shooting star was “웃어본다 (Trying to smile)”. Special<3 A while back, I remember how shocking it was when you were in the car accident. I was really worried, but Thank God you are okay, here and fine now ㅠ I listened to your live performance of “Baby Don’t Cry”. It’s such a beautiful song, I really can’t wait for it to be released it!!~

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Seungri, your mini album was amazing. Got me listening to your album on repeat for a while ;D Who knew you had the talent in composing songs? ^o^ You’ve really grown since I first started loving Big Bang. (silly saying this since I’m younger…but it’s true. haha) It’s funny how every time you open your mouth, you always embarrass the other members. ;P It’s good that when Big Bang don’t know what to say, you are the one who steps up and makes a funny comment, although awkward, which fills the room with laughter. Your imitations are all so funny and definitely spot-on. You’re dark under circles are what makes you, YOU. You wouldn’t be the same without them, so luckily there was no way to remove them! ahah

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TOP, you’re a sick rapper. I remember how amazed I was at how unique, deep and husky your voice was when I first heard you rap. There is no one with such a unique voice like yours, it’s so intriguing. You are a gorgeously attractive man, with beautiful eyes. I love that you have a deep and serious personality, but can be really silly and cute. You’re acting is incredible. You play such an amazing bad-boy image. It was nice that you tried something different and took on the movie “Into the Fire”. In Big Bang’s Secret Garden Parody, there was that one small scene where you cried; it was done so beautifully~ I hope you will play the role of a soft guy in the future and also try other kinds of characters in acting. Also, your singing voice is great; I hope you can sing more!

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Taeyang, it's been 3 years with that hair now~ Change is good, but you wouldn't be the same without your signature haircut. ;P I wonder what kind of style you will do when you decide to change it~ I love your abs. <3 I love your voice and dance moves. Your solo songs are all so awesome (props to Teddy ;P). There’s something about you that just captures the attention of Asian/American fans. It’s your voice, style, hair and dance moves that everyone loves. I think every single guy fan that I know, likes you best~ haha. You are truly loved by both male and female. You are such a sweet, kind-hearted and attractive guy. You must be lying when you say you’ve never had a girlfriend before. heheh You’re smile is so charming, you must always smile~

To: YG Entertainment

THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU. Thank you for seeing how much talent and potential these 5 boys have in becoming artists; idols. Thank you for being the best at promoting your artists. Thank you for holding this contest and letting us show you, and Big Bang how much we love them. <3 Honestly, I really wish I were part of YGE. hahaha…but then again, who doesn’t? ;D

I <3 BB so much that from 2008, I started to make videos to upload on Youtube~ I really wish that Big Bang/GD will watch this video I made for GD’s song ‘악몽’. I made it on Christmas day~ ^^

악몽 MV 

I also love to make lyrics videos so that all international fans can sing along to~ For example:

These are the video links, but you don’t have to watch*

MY HEAVEN_________声をきかせて___________CAFE____


Last words…

Big Bang has gone so far since debut, and has really matured as a group and as individuals. Hard work and effort really does pay off in the end.

Big Bang, you guys are all so amazing when going solo, no doubt about it! You all receive an immense amount of success as soloists, however you shine most when you are all together as the one and only; BIG BANG.

These past two years have been really different in the kpop scene. Though there are so many other artists and idol groups debuting these past years, Big Bang will always be NUMBER 1! Big Bang always starts trends, and I’m glad whenever Big Bang makes their comebacks, they really show people how it’s done, and what music really is.

Have to add: I really really hope Big Bang releases the song heard in 2NE1/BBTV!!<3 I was hoping for that song to be released on the 4th mini album. The one where TOP sings “Just another boy…” c:

Really looking forward to more incredible music from you guys in the future!

Love you ALWAYS

kimberly / kimby ~

& thanks soompi~

As long as Big Bang sees this message and watches my ‘악몽’ video, I’d be MORE than happy~ ^^

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Guest Violet52


To our beloved Big Bang oppas,

It was your music that made me fall in love with Kpop. Without Big Bang, I would have never got in touch with my Korean side and I would have never known the unique style of Korean music. Whenever I'm depressed, Big Bang's songs always bring a smile to my face! :D Your songs had made such an impact on me that I even wanted to become part of the YG Family. Please continue to produce the best ;) YG Family, 사랑해요~!! (^_~)V

진실, US

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Guest lovelessbutloving_11

Good day Big Bang :) I am only a recent fan of BB. When I first heard of you, I'll admit it, I really didn't pay too much attention since your songs weren't in english. But then I really listened to your songs (courtesy of my kpop obsessed besti) to your beats, and then to the way your voices harmonized and melodized (is that a word? idk) and i fell in love with your music. Ever since then, I've listened to nearly all of your music. I looked up the english lyrics to understand the songs better. Once I did, I was able to better hear your passion for the work that you do. Your videos also helped with that. I love your creativity and your devotion to your fans. I love how none of you are afraid to be unique, to be happy and fun and to generally be yourselves. Your music inspires millions worldwide to work harder, to be more. You, BB, are taking over the world musically, inspiring others to greatness, showing that even the famous can be fun. You're perseverant in your work, bringing passionate music to all, changing the music industry for the better. One of the best things about you guys is that despite being ridiculously rich, you all stay down to earth. Your VIP's will forever support you in whatever you decide to do. I think I speak for everyone when I say that we are all happy to have you back, doing your thing and changing people's lives with your wonderful lyrics, imaginitive videos, beautiful melodized (i still have no clue if thats a word or not. ah well) voices, and your talent in general. I wish you buenos suertes-good luck- for this album and the albums to come in the future. Welcome back boys!:lol:

-With Fan Love-

VIP Amber from New York, USA :D

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Guest Violet52


To our beloved Big Bang oppas,

It was your music that made me fall in love with Kpop. Without Big Bang, I would have never got in touch with my Korean side and I would have never known the unique style of Korean music. Whenever I'm depressed, Big Bang's songs always bring a smile to my face! :D Your songs had made such an impact on me that I even wanted to become part of the YG Family. Please continue to produce the best ;) YG Family, 사랑해요~!! (^_~)V

진실, US

PS: RESERVED! still in the process of editing ^^

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Hi Big Bang!

I am not looking to win this contest because there are a lot of other fans out there that want the prize more than me. I am content to have you boys read my message.

You guys are great at making music and entertaining people from all age groups. That's one feat that not a lot of musicians can never accomplish. I

to be continued.

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Guest kween_lisa


My lovely obsession. They are like my drug. <3

Made these a long time ago.







And trust me, the love never stops here.


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BIGBANG gets to see this?! COOL!!!!

First time doing a contest, and of course it has to be BIGBANG!! YES :)

Soooooo, write about how much I like BIGBANG, huh?  Well, reading a few of the other entries, I feel like mine won't particularly dazzle as much, but that's mostly because I'm a guy. Haha, I know you must not have very many fanboys, but here's one for you, an Indian living in America with a funny last name!!! :D Heheheh. Well, let me first tell you how I started listening to you. My sister. Yeah, she introduced me to 2PM, but I eventually worked my way into you guys.  I distinctly remember the first song I heard by you guys: it was Lo llipop by you and 2NE1. That song was really good, and soon after that, I was hooked onto you guys like a fish on a string. BUT, I still haven't told you why I absolutely like BIGBANG more than any other group. Well, I will, starting with each group member (in no particular order):

DaeSung: You are a really great singer and have a powerful voice (personally, I like your edition of "How Did We Get" with Lee Hyori better than Jason Derulo's. Oh, and Cotton Candy!! That is a good song too!) Your voice always sticks out to me, and I can always tell it's you when you sing. Keep up the good work, and do some solo albums!!! P.S. The haircut looks cool!

SeungRi: Your latest solo album V.I was what really made you shine.  From being just another singer in BIGBANG, to someone I could finally look up to, you have grown a lot since I first heard you sing, and I congratulate you on that. I could never do something like that!!! :) Favorite songs: "(What Can I Do?)" and your part in "Number 1"

TOP: No matter what hairstyle you have, you ALWAYS seem to be able to pull it off. You are a really talented singer and rapper, and I normally don't like rapping that much, but when you and GD do it, it's simply stuck in my head.  Keep rapping, keep singing, and keep growing some hair! :w00t:

G-Dragon (GD): If I had to pick a favorite, you would probably come close to it (along with SeungRi, TaeYang, TOP and DaeSung!).  But let me narrow it down: if I had to pick a favorite solo artist, you would win! I simply love all of the songs you sing, and you and TOP's raps are to die for. Man, I wish I could sing like you!! Really, everything about you is so cool! Definitely don't change and continue to amaze me!!!

TaeYang: Perhaps one of the most emotionally-pleasing singer I know. From your sad hits of "Wedding Dress" and "I'll be There", to your greatest parts of songs like "Beautiful Hangover" and "Tonight", you really are one of the most intellectual singers I know.  Like I've told the others, now I'm telling you: don't change! (Oooh, and do more English tracks!!!)

So there you have it, personalized descriptions for each of your group's members!  Being as technologically deprived as I am (lol), I do not have access to a video camera, and I don't have any experience in PhotoShop... but if I ever do get my hands on some stuff before March 1st, I'll surely edit it in here. I love you guys (like bros, and really talented singers), and keep making more music for me!!! Hahaha, can't wait to hear more from you five!!!

I've started learning some Korean. So far I can tell  you some stuff about my house :) ........Well, hyungs....., that's all for now!

OH WAIT! I bet you want to know how to pronounce this weird last name of mine (Piedade)... well, if you wrote it in Korean, it would probably look something like this: 폐다드 (pye-dahd).  Apparently, here in America, it's VERY hard to pronounce that (X.X), so everyone normally just calls me "Pie Daddy".  I can see how they get it Pie-dad-e :P

Well, Pie Daddy signing out!!!

-Franklin Piedade

South Carolina, USA

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