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[UPDATED - WINNERS ANNOUNCED!] Show your love for Big Bang!


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Guest jellie_kookie

This is so exciting, I love soompi.~~

I used to hate you guys. My friend would read fanfics and gush over a group called BIGBANG that consisted of five guys: Kwon Jiyong, Choi Seunghyun, Dong Youngbae, Lee Seounghyun/Seungri and Kang Dae Sung. I was a solid Cassiopeia from 2007, not letting any other Korean group, male or female, take my attention away from TVXQ. i went on soompi and looked at photos of BIGBANG, read articles about BIGBANG and went on Wikipedia to look for BIGBANG for the sake of curiosity.

Honestly, I wasn't that impressed. Hip-hop and rapping was never my thing, hence my fandom with TVXQ and their ballads along with their 'prettiness'. And then, as I went through YouTube to look for the latest TVXQ songs in late 2009, I kept seeing the song "Haru-Haru" at the side. I was wondering what BIGBANG actually sounded like and clicked on it.

What I heard was something unexpected. Piano notes that played melodiously and harmonized voices. The rapping started and it wasn't the spit-rapping I've always thought rap was. The music video made me cry (I'm a sucker for romance) and from that moment, I knew that BIGBANG was unstoppable, powerful and talented. You aren't just a bunch of good-looking guys -- they are REAL and TRUE artists. Since then, I was a VIP. I listened to more and more songs and liked BIGBANG.

I then discovered that TOP was once a chubby kid and he lost the excess weight through hard work to get into YG. As a chubby kid myself, I had a soft spot in my heart for Tempo.

BIGBANG changed me as a person. I learnt to strive hard for something if I really want it. If you deserve something, you'll get it someday--somehow.

BIGBANG has a real relationship, it isn't just put on for the eyes of viewers.


I live halfway across the world where people don't eat pork and K-Pop isn't as widespread like in East Asia or US. I live in Dubai, UAE which is somewhere in the Middle East, just around the Gulf although I'm a Filipina and lived in the Philippines for 10 years. The people who know you here are few compared to Japan or California, but there are still a few friends of mine that discovered BIGBANG through YouTube. I've got a friend that's a local (he's Emirati--which means he's an Arab) and he listens to BIGBANG. G-DRAGON, TOP, SOL, VI and D-LITE have reached all the way to the Middle East where they say there are barriers. This proves just how talented BIGBANG is, crossing cultures and language barriers.

I don't mind if I don't win the personalized CDs or video shoutout (I'd love to, don't get me wrong) but what I REALLY want to see is BIGBANG perfrom live onstage performing Lies, Haru-Haru and My Heaven. A GD performance of Butterfly would be nice, too. (I have an obsession with butterflies). I want to see your charisma and stage presence that everyone talks about.

For the sake of other Filipino VIPs, please please PLEASE come to the Philippines. I probably won't be there unless you go in July-August 2012 *hint*, but at least other VIPs would be happy. :)

Stay strong and stay at the top~

Jellie. ^_^

PS. I have an I LOVE BIGBANG sign on the cover of my school folder and people always ask me who they are. You're overtaking DUBAI, guys! My friends love your music!!! :D ~goodness, I wrote an essay >_<

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Guest b3rN1c3

To: BB :P

I dunno how to express that how much i love BIGBANG.

I juz know that i love BIGBANG more than my everything.:lol:

simple is the best:)

BigBang Hwaiting!

your guys always on my mind =)

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Guest momo-san

Soomp, thanks for setting this all up.

Mostly, this obasan wants to thank YG for starting to drop the albums worldwide on iTunes. It has made it much much easier for those of us who aren't in Asia to get the music. Now if only iTunes here in the US could organize itself a little better to find things, we'll be all set. cool.gif

I look forward to the day when we might be able to see you all in concert over here in the US, but until then, thanks for the music!

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Guest StereoKpop315

:PWhat does BIG BANG mean to me!!!!!!:


In the



Asian swag


Gonna fail

 this is coming from the heart.Listening to you and watching u on the computer helps me understand more and more about you every moment!!!

Never stop doing what makes you happy. Keep Fighting Big Bang

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Hi, my name is Pollyana and I'm from Brazil.

If you, Big Bang members, are really here, I just wanna say thank you for such beautiful music.

It's amazing how music can reach and touch our hearts. And through yours I met really amazing people.

I could talk about each one of you, but I can't pretend I actually know you. However we can be connected through the art. The same way I can be close to Balzac through his books, or Tchaikovsky through his wonderful music, I can hear your voices through your songs.

And exactly like my favourite writers and musicians changed my life sharing their thoughts and feelings about the world, you've changed mine, since your music also affects me.

You're idols stars and this build an invisible barrier between you and 'normal' people. But in the end, unclothed from our social suits, we're the same. So even if we're all human beings here, you are special, not because you're famous, rich, cool, attractive or whatever, but because you can touch so many hearts with your talent and music. Thank you.


A special message to BOSS. ^^

♔I love make graphics inspired by Big Bang. People can see my graphics here.

♔I have a Brazilian site about the group. You can see here.

♔And our site has a forum as well, here.


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First of all, I want to thank Soompi for organizing this contest with YGE. Thank you also to YGE and Mr. YG for keeping us international fans in mind, and setting up this special event at Soompi. We're so grateful for the chance to be able to convey our thoughts to the boys! <3


From: A Fan

"Music is oxygen. If you don't have oxygen you can't breathe"

I've known about the group Big Bang since their debut, and started loving them since the summer of '07. There are so many thoughts going through my head, so many reasons why I love this group. I have to say, Big Bang is almost like my oxygen, and without them I would always think that there was something missing in my life. It may seem silly to say that, but they have truly inspired me and motivated me to become someone that chases their dreams no matter how hard it may seem.

I love them because they are so different and so unique. They are always growing, and it shows with each new album they create. They don't try to limit themselves to a specific genre, and they are always challenging themselves. They like to try new things, and experiment with different sounds, and that is what makes them so unique. Each new album is a new experiment, and I love that they don't care what other people think, they strive to make music that they themselves will enjoy. When they're on stage, you can tell they enjoy every single second of it, and because of that, the fans enjoy every performance. I love that they don't see making music as work, and as something they truly love. What I love most is their love and passion for music, and it is their passion that allows them to create such wonderful songs for us to listen to.

The hard work that each member puts in to each performance, each concert makes them one of the best groups in Korea. I love that no matter how tired they are, they still smile and give the audience everything they've got. (Seriously though, please rest more! We don't want you guys to get sick! That would break our hearts!</3). I love how every member possess such stage presence that I can't help but just stop everything and enjoy every second of their performance. Each and every member shines both on and off stage because they are true stars. Almost every song is a masterpiece in itself, and each member is able to perfectly convey the emotion behind the song. It is true that music knows no boundaries because although I don't understand the lyrics, I can feel everything they were trying to show us. Big Bang has so much variety in their music, from songs that make me dance, to songs that can make my heart flutter. They are possibly one of the most promising and brilliant musicians in Korea today.

I'm proud to say that I'm a fan of Big Bang, because I know that they truly care about what we, as the fans, think of each performance, and each album. They keep our opinions in mind, and try to surpass our expectations. I also want to say that I'm so proud of all you boys for taking time out of your busy schedules to visit Jung Eun at the hospital. Although she couldn't make it to see your concert, you made a girl's dream come true, and also showed the rest of us how truly compassionate and sweet you all are.

Words to each of the members:

Kwon Leader: I can't lie. You are most definitely my favourite member of Big Bang (not that I don't love the rest!). The amount of talent you possess just blows me away. The lyrics you write, the melodies you compose, they are always filled with so much emotion and are always of the highest quality. Your love for music, and your work ethic is an inspiration. I know that you've been through some tough times, and had some depressing moments, but I'm so proud of you for picking yourself up and coming back even stronger and for that I truly respect you. During promotions for your solo, there were some hateful things said by some people, but instead of letting it bring you down, you just took their words as a lesson. After all, what don't kill you can only make you stronger, right? You are always so strong, but remember that we will always love you even in your moments of weakness. I respect you and am proud of you for persevering even when it seemed like the whole world was against you. I love the way you keep on growing as an individual, as an artist, and you never back down from any challenge. You are always so unique, so different, so humble. Remember to never let the haters' comments get you down, because whenever I see you lose that beautiful smile, it really breaks my heart. No matter what, your fans will always outweigh the haters. I love that you're a perfectionist, because I know you will never release anything that you aren't proud of yourself. You possess such a gift, and I want to say that I'm grateful to be able to listen to the music you make. Keep on doing what you do because I know that someday soon you'll be #1 on the billboards. Love and Respect!

T.O.P: You have such an incredible amount of talent. I'm so glad YG found you, or K-pop would really have lost one of its gems. I can not wait for your solo album! If you keep on composing music like "Oh Mom" and "Turn It Up", I know that in no time, you'll be up there with Kanye and Eminem. You have amazing flow, and your lyrics are so powerful. They can be sensual and seductive, or sweet and moving. Knowing that you performed in the underground scene really intrigues me, and I can't wait to see what other music you will make. I hope you will keep growing as an artist, and keep trying new things. I also want to say, keep acting! Your performance in 71:Into the Fire was so powerful and moved me to tears. The progress you have made truly astounds me, and I can't wait to see what you have coming up next. I love that you are so mature for your age. Reading your interviews, I'm always surprised at the level of maturity you possess. You're only 23, but you speak with such wisdom and depth, I can't help but fall for you. I love your dual personality. One minute, you can make everyone laugh with a dorky comment, and then the next you can be so serious and concentrated in your work. I love your beautiful smile and personality, and I really respect the amount of work you put in to achieve your dreams.

Daesung: First of all, I just want to say that I'm incredibly excited for your solo album. You have such an amazing voice that is so versatile and whenever I hear you, you just melt my stress away. The amount of talent you have truly astounds me, and I can't wait to see what you have in store for us, because I know that we'll all be blown away. I respect you because I know that you always work so hard to give us perfect performances. You've never stopped running forward, even when there were setbacks and problems. Thank you for showing us different sides of you as an artist and as an individual. Your trot singles, and your cotton candy single showed your fearlessness and your versatility to adapting to different genres. And thank you also for never failing to make me laugh on Family Outing. Your personality is so bright and bubbly, and it always makes me smile even when I'm having a really bad day. Also, never let anyone tell you again that you're not good looking because we, the fans think you're the most adorable, sweetest, and most handsome guy out there. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and your beautiful and addictive smile is what makes you the most attractive. Seeing your smile can brighten anyone's day, and it certainly makes my day whenever I see it!

Taeyang: You are so sexy! I love it <3 I seriously don't know what you can't do. You act, rap, sing, dance, compose. The sky's the limit with you and your talent! I was really blown away with both "HOT" and "SOLAR". I know you put in an incredible amount of time and effort into every song, every performance, and it really shows. Off the stage you're so shy and reserved, but on stage you truly shine (just like the sun! haha). Every time you're on stage, it's like you have a completely different personality. I love how sexy and sensual you can be on stage, but when you're off the stage, your adorable and quiet personality comes out and catches my heart. Seriously, your "eye smile" makes me squeal every time. I can't wait to see your development as an artist, and certainly can't wait to see you get your first girlfriend! Keep being sexy and adorable at the same time!

Seungri: The amount of growth you have displayed from the time you debuted till now is really inspiring. You have so much potential, and your first mini album really shows your growth as an individual and as an artist. I'm so proud of you for showing everyone what you've got. I know that you have so much more to show us. After all, you're only 20 (my age! =D). Keep on growing, keep on maturing and amaze us all with how much talent you really have.

Last words to everyone:

I want to convey my eternal thanks to Big Bang for taking the time to read this. It makes me so happy knowing that you boys are reading my words. Thank you for making me enjoy life, for making me laugh till my stomach hurts, and for making me squeal every time I hear your songs, or see your smiles. Thank you for coming back to us with great music. Thank you for always giving us fans 200% in every single performance. Thank you for always trying to surpass yourselves, and our expectations. Thank you for showing us your smiles. Thank you for growing with us. Most of all, thank you for being yourselves. I will love and respect each one of you until whenever.

P.S. Just one more thing. In regards to the new album coming out, I'm really looking forward to less autotune (because it's obvious that none of you need it) and more parts for Daesung and Seungri. Just a thought! I really loved Cafe and What is Right on the new mini album! They both had such beautiful lyrics and melodies <3 I can't wait for the next album in September!

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Guest RainbowPowder

Hello 빅뱅!!

Okay, Let me spazz for a minute – OMGOSHOSHIS.

Alright, I'm cool.


My name is Hofit (호핏- got that right? :3~), I'm 21 years old from ISRAEL.

WOW. I never thought i'd love a band in the way I love you, guys.

Your songs always cheer me up when i'm down, and your faces always makes me smile

You guys made me start singing again – I even go to vocal lessons now.

I couldn't make this decision before, because I never had an idol to look upon at, and now I have you. I want to be good enough – so one day, i'll get to record a song with you! It might sound like a typical girl dream, BUT I believe that I can make it come true! ^o^

Moreover, I started studying korean! o//o; I'm not that good yet... but, I hope that until the summer (I'm going to visit Korea in August!) - i'll speak and read good enough to understand most of the things -^^-!

and ofcourse, I can't end it without some personal words to each one of you >W<

지-Dragon – can I call you 지 옹 오빠? ^o^

Anywho, Oppa! 사링해 ♥. You're my favorite BigBang member *shhh. Don't tell the others! Oops – you guys been reading that?! -blush-*

You made me love BigBang, because I got to know them through your MVs (: <3 So you should be proud.

Because of you I started to love Kpop!

Oh yes, Oppa! FIGHTING! <3 and... Don't forget to take care of yourself! ^^

TOP – WOAH. You have NO idea how popular you are within the Israelin girls who love kPOP.

You're like the favorite member for most of the female fans I know. o__o;

Anywho, I hope you'll take care, keep acting and rapping. You do both awesome *A*<3

대성 – DAESUNGIEEEEEE! You're my soul twin! *A* huuauaha. <3 -dies-

I love you so much! (i'm repeating myself, I know ;a; I hope that one day i'll get to meet you in reality, because I wonder if we are really alike o-o My friends say we do... but I can never know ;3

BTW! GOODLUCK with your solo!! I'll wait forward to it ^O^

태양 – FIRST, I KNOW THE PERFECT GIRL FOR YOU. Kk! ;] lol! and and and, did you know your birthday is like 3 days after mine?! >W< whaha. Anyway! Lots of goodluck, I hope to hear more good songs from you – I love how your voice sounds when you sing in english, so please – sing more in english. ^^-

승리 – BABY (: I love your solo album. You made me spazz a lot about it. It was great! ^^-



My Videos:

A few months ago, I made you (and for some other people) a “HAPPY NEW YEAR” message -


And another video I made, explaining why I love you so much -


+ I made you guys a video for Mnet's contest ^O^ … It's from the VIPs in Israel to you, with loads of love.  I hope you'll get to watch it >3<”

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Guest ixgotxlucky17


AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH  OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG I cant believe BIg BANG is finally back and they are better than ever before ive been missing you guys for so long and have been following all your solo albums just want to let you know we really appreciate it in the USA my Friends and i have been going crazy in NY waiting for your album to come out  can't wait for you guys to do a world tour lol the sooner the better   thanks soompi for this forum and the great reviews on bigbang's newest and best album yet 

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Guest merulean

Wow, I never really thought we had the chance to have our beloved BIGBANG members to read our posts!

Hello BIGBANG!! I'm a VIP from Malaysia ^^

My housemate introduced me to 'lollipop' from YouTube, and this was when we first knew BIGBANG and 2NE1!

And then I started to look for BIGBANG songs, BIGBANG MVs... then I came to realize that BIGBANG's songs are addictive, we would play and put it on repeat all day, until we can remember the music of every song.. that was the start. I never thought that I would fall so deep, because I'm never an entertainment kind of person. I seldom watch tvs, I only listen certain songs from the radio, I don't really watch variety news or read gossips and entertainment news.

My first ever idol in my life is Gackt from Japan, I love rock music. I am very obsessed during my teenage years.

I am 24 now and I thought I will never be so crazy like before.. but before I realize, I am obsessed with BIGBANG now!!

I started to watch you guys on variety shows.. parodies.. and it was all fun! Then I started to catch you guys on interviews and started to 'know" more from each of your talents and expressive voice. The genre of music is very new to me, it's like a mix of everything. The media is very powerful, I've felt that I've personally known you boys in a way (through the media.. that is) !

The two most recent albums, GD&TOP and Tonight... especially GD&TOP's album, those songs were really amazing! They're bold and expressive, and a very different feeling from the past BIGBANG, I seriously love this type of bursting confidence and being yourself concept a lot! Every song is a new and fresh enjoyment for the ears and the soul. In Tonight's album, I really love the song "Tonight" and "Cafe", "Tonight" is a very catchy and a very BIGBANG-ish type of song, and "Cafe" is something very new that captures attention but soothing and comfortable at the same time...

For an artist to be truly called an artist, to me, it's kinda like BIGBANG. BIGBANG are true artists. Good looking on the outside, and great art on the inside. I believe in the law of attraction, where BIGBANG keeps attracting all the good things because they're good artists. Good singers, good songwriters, good musicians, good dancers, good performers, good humor, and all these attracted great people to work with BIGBANG, eg. good MV directors, good stylists, I don't really know which way it works, from this way through or the opposite direction, but... our BIGBANG is truly inspiring. Besides all the other good things that you've brought us, for example, brought me into K-pop world, I learn more about Korean variety shows, Korean culture, and I am very tempted to learn Korean too. Besides all these, it's more like the expression in the music, that warms and touches my heart so much, and I would think that great artists overcome challenges and hardships to produce good art, good music. I am an art student, I am very inspired by BIGBANG's music and your optimistic and strong personality, that whenever I listen to your songs, I will feel guilty if I had give up on things, and not trying hard for something that I want so badly, I will feel that I should work hard too, just like BIGBANG working hard to improve themselves and perform and telling us their messages through their music.

Besides, I really really love Tonight mini album and GD&TOP album. I love the new sparks new styles and a kind of fusion in the new music. It's a creative art process, I love all your art expressions, be it voices, be it the music, the rhythm, the lyrics, and even the song composing and arranging, and the visual concepts for the image, wardrobe, MV... everything is bold and creative! I think this is the attitude that we should keep in our lives, never give up.. keep creating, keep working on the things that you love to, keep improvising, and most importantly, keep going.

Sorry if I didn't make myself clear to you, I might sound calm because I am using English, hehe, my mother tongue is Mandarin so I am not very expressive when I am using English. But my heart is always feeling very excited when it comes to BIGBANG and I'm always very grateful, and I will always pray that BIGBANG will be healthy and hope they will go further on their own destined paths.. and continue to create greater art, so we can indulge ourselves in great BIGBANG music!

I am very very happy to be able to write BIGBANG this letter, and if you're reading this, thank you very very much! The thought of BIGBANG reading this already makes me very happy ^^ Sorry for not leaving each of the members a personal message, but G-Dragon, TOP, Seungri, Daesung and Taeyang, I love each and everyone of you and how you performed yourselves and being so different from each other but also very attractive from all sides, thank you very much for your beautiful voices and beautiful dances!

Thank you God for inspiring me with BIGBANG's music, thank you YG, thank you Soompi, thank you very much, BIGBANG!

p/s: I am really glad to know about the news that BIGBANG and 2NE1 are coming to Malaysia this June!! *excited* I will try my best to go!!

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I know need to sleep but I'm having an eargasm ♥

got school tomorrow

I’m back – school is killing me!

First of all, I want to congratulate BIG BANG for their new mini-album. It was worth the wait. Sadly, I don’t have any videos or any art to show Big Bang my love for them but I am hoping that my words are enough to show them how much I adore and respect you guys. My words are true, no lies hidden beneath, no exaggeration and realistic as possible.  

Ah, ever since you guys debuted in 2006 I become immense in your music. At that time I was only 15, time passes by so fast now I am 19. As I was growing and getting older, I was always by your side, watching every happenings to you guys. I saw you guys grow, become more mature, more skilled, stronger during those years. Though there have been many hardships and trials that you guys encounter, I am glad that you were able to get past them. Especially, DAESUNG who is involved in an accident and JIYONG who had much heart ache because of his controversies.

Your music is indescribable, its definition lies within the listener. Every melody, every beat, everything about your music is amazing and even the lyrics is superb. There hasn’t been a song which makes me want to listen to it every day, makes me feel like dancing and singing and even makes me cry.  For me, your music is phenomenal, it crosses the barrier of language and age.  Different kinds of people listen to your song, young or old, different nationalities, your music make them one, which are the VIPs. The vast sea of yellow or gold that endlessly flows whenever you stand on stage.

From the early roots of your hip-hop music to your maturity as an artist who gives us different genre of music every time you release a song. It seems like you should not be only labeled as an artist but also a scientist, you like to experiment. It seems like music for you guys are like formulas and equations which lead to different kinds of answer, different kinds of music. Every time you release a song, it is different from the on-going trend. You guys break the continuity of the same kind of music from other idols and create an explosion like scene in the music industry.

Every time you make a comeback, most of the people are hyped up with what you are going to show. News about you guys are made left and right, the net is overflowing with news about Big Bang, VIP’s are spamming every Big Bang fan site, threads and anticipating what you are going to show next. From music to fashion, you guys are a trend maker but that is an understatement, you guys are a brand, BIG BANG. People may try to copy you guys from music to fashion but one thing is for sure no one creates a blast as powerful as you guys do.

 In terms of music, kpop has been the same old stuff, idol releasing songs that are of the same genre, nothing new, nothing to get hyped to, nothing worth anticipating, which I would say bores me. You gave us an opportunity to appreciate genre which we weren’t able to listen to before. You opened a new door for us in the world of music. From TAEYANG solo which was leaning more on r&b, SEUNGRI’s VVIP which was more of a pop genre, DAESUNG's powerful ballad that was showcased during Big Show2011, GD&TOP which take us back into the days when hip-hop are the trend, and also G-DRAGON’s solo which were a mixture of different genre, I don’t even know how to classify it.

SEUNGRI: The maknae have grown so much, from the kid to a strong baby.  You’re the most adorable member of Big Bang and girls love you like the love their dolls and teddies. From your Strong Baby promotions to your VVIP solo, you showed us a more mature and adult version of you, and you have done it with class and style unlike those other artist who tries to break out from their cute image and go on overly exposed. As much as we want you to keep your cute and youthful image, we can’t keep you from growing. You put so much effort into everything you do and you're an energizer, you're cuteness never fail to impress us. It’s fun to watch you grow as an artist and as a person. You may think that I am a lot older than you because of my words but I am actually a year younger than you and I never forget your birthday because it’s 2 days after mine so we’re December buddies lol XD

DAESUNG: The one who never fails to show us his smile. Always saying jokes but at the same time serious, you are both ends of the spectrum, crazy and serious, you are the mediator of the different personality of the members. Whenever you are on stage, you show your vulnerable self to us while singing and when you're on variety programs, you show us your unpredictable self. Your solo that was shown during the BIG SHOW 2011, made me teary, your voice gave me goose bumps. Your acting on your parody was superb made me laugh all over the place. Your voice is your greatest weapon.

TAEYANG:  The guys whose eyes are always smiling, you never failed to show us your unyielding presence during your solo promotion and even with Big Bang. A great vocalist and dancer, you win the heart of the girls with your good guy image and your sweet smiles. You have been a strong foundation of what Big Bang is now and even what’s more to come. You put so much energy and effort on your every performance and for that I salute you. We hope to see some killer moves from you soon.

TOP: If I look at your looks, it may seem like the typical bad boy image but with that looks you make girls swoon over your feet but underneath it lies a sweet and genuine side. I was also surprised of how much a joker you are. You are also not afraid to put your heart on your sleeves. You showed us an emotional side of you when you wrote your solo on the GD&TOP album. We have seen you grow from a rapper to a composer. I hope you continue to show us good music along with Jiyong.

G-DRAGON: The guy I envy the most, though I am a girl I can’t help but to envy your talents, creativity and skills. I just simply adore you. The leader with unique personality, I find the most comical relief whenever I see you acting silly. People fall in love with your witty personality. Your stage presence is so overwhelming that most of the attention at inclined towards you. Whenever you are on stage, you  fly,  it's as if the stage is your sky. Whenever I see you on stage, it  feels  like freedom, seeing you run around the stage like a little kid. Music and fashion wise you are fearless, unafraid of what people are gonna say. I know that the road you’re walking in is not an easy one and that there are periods wherein you feel uneasy and tired of it, feel the need to change because of the people around you, don't let it affect you deeply. I’m sure you still have those moments just like everyone else.  You have persevered it all and took the risks and that makes you my inspiration. You never fail to impress, excite and surprise us with your fashion and new music that breaks the current trend. As a composer, you are a master of a craft. Your song expresses and reveals every emotion you hoped it would show. The complexities of your every composition that was done under the hand of perfection, a masterpiece and for that I give my highest regards for letting us enjoy such fine music. Don’t let haters make you feel uncomfortable because a thousand, no a million of us VIPs are at your back supporting and cheering you on.

Rather than winning, I just hope that you see and read this message and that itself would be the greatest Graduation gift that I am going to get knowing that your were able to read this. I am not only saying this for myself but for the rest of the VIPs that you have inspired and touch with your music. You guys hold a special place within our hearts, we may be your VIPs but deep inside all of us you will be forever an undying star, you're our VIP. Whenever you feel, sad, angry, and tired from all of it, remember we are always behind you no matter what haters say, you will have millions of people behind you, us your VIPs who will love and support you. Thank you for bringing us fine music and may you continue to touch our lives with your wonderful music.

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Guest ParkHyoRin

I introduice myself...

Hi everyone! I'm May!

I'm a french girl. 20 years old.

I live in the south of France for my studies. My major is japanese ^^

Big Bang accompany me everywhere :)

How much I know Big Bang ?

On vacation with a friend in April 2008, she made me listen to music; I find it good but nothing more. Being used to only listen to rock, I released a hip hop I did not mind.

My friend showed me a picture of the group (that:

http://img171.images...bigbang386.jpg/ ) and I confess that I say "They have a weird style! They think they are B-Boys right? "

To sum up, I really did not like but I still stuck with me many pictures of the band and some music.

Returning home, I started to listen to the songs and subconsciously I was looking for information on group members, other songs, more pictures. And since I'm your biggest fan!

Now, that same friend asked me with exasperation when I can not let go a little Big Bang because I talk too much. >.<


How I love Big Bang?

My life wasn’t easy before. Big Bang's songs gave me courage, hope, joy, a smile that appears when the resonating sound of your music. My life is not always rosy, but now I take it with a smile.

I know you all will do your best for us, your fans. It gives me the strength to give the best of myself. I try to push myself to get things done!

With time, they have evolved (collaboratively and independently) and wow that is happiness to listen to their music. 


I can pass my days by listening this group without getting bored.


        Each member has a style who defines himself. Together they create a real synergy effect.  


     Love, compassion, passion, joy, courage, hope : I feel all those feelings thanks to them.  



My definition to Big Bang?

Put 5 diamonds on the same jewel, it shinny!


Individual message?

G Dragon (권지용) : The leader. This man a pure genius! He made up in large part the band's songs.

He's nice and cute and loves clothes and fashion.

GDragon ssi invests 300% in everything he does.

I like this quality in him!


SeungRi (이승현) :  The maknae. He's younger than me!!!! (it makes me happy ahah)

He's very good at dancing!! His voice is beautiful too.

I fear he's too careless due to his age. =/


TaeYang (동영배씨) : He is well named! TaeYang ssi is the sun of the band


Talented dancer, singer with a wonderful voice, beautiful body...

He has excellent moral values.

He's my korean Usher =D


T.O.P (최승현씨) : Ah... TOPssi... ♥_♥

He is best to rap! His deep voice comforts me.

Excellent actor. I cried many times watching the movie「Into the Fire

In recent months, he smiles, laughs more. it fills my heart with warmth.

He can sing!!! I would like a song where he sings and  don't raps!


DaeSung (강대성씨) : Mouahah This man is awesome!  

DaeSung ssi have a good voice!

He makes me laugh. He makes people happy with his smile!

You are all gifts sent from heaven...


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/!\ >  MY VIDEO < /!\

This video is not really superb, she does not really represent what I feel!

It's just for accompanying these some words:

(But It is necessary to look at her! lol)

1)You are one of the few bands whose I can listen to the songs without ever being bored ! * ok ...yes, it will happen one day, let us be realistic! lol *

2)One of these groups which, by announcing their comeback, delay the return of the other groups *amazing*

3)When you, you wear pink pants, you are always presentable, but me,  I look like a marshmallow  moldy, why?

I will not mention the qualities of each of you, it would take me too much time!

I'm simply going to ask you and to hope :

never take  the big-headed, (essential and it's very importantly)

to remain these simple guys  who make us laugh with their parodies

which make us smile during the interviews

which make us dream during concerts,

which touches our hearts when we see that you're so close.....(I saw the parody of "Secret Garden", you're REALLY close!...T.O.P : serial kisser, You are a true provider of kisses! lol

You are a group filled of qualities and talent!

These few words quoted above are the main causes of why so many people you have chosen as their favorite band!

I think that  the VIP no longer wondering why you are their favorites .......because it's became so evident!

I finished by wishing you a magnificent comeback crowned of success!

And above all, take care of you!

Now I apologize if you do not quite understand my English and if there are mistakes! blush.gif

Thank you for having read this!

dqpp_627_u0.gifBig Bang!

Kelly, A French VIP!

BONUS : (Click on the photos to see full size!)

I do not know if I would have one day the chance to meet you but in any case, I had all the same my first face to face with the one of you lol!


And yes, even in my city there is a YG agency! LOL

In that case, how do you want that I do not think of you every day? It's IMPOSSIBLE!


YG Baby!

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Guest Minchan.Love.Asia

Hello everyone and BIG BANG if you read me! :) Bonjour !

I am french and my name is Mélanie, I have 16 years old ^^

I am so happy that BIG BANG have a new album !!!! I will buy it obligatory  !!!!!:w00t:

BIG BANG is the first korean group who I knew !!! I love them !!!!! Their musics are so good !!!!! ;):wub:

I don't know speak korean, but I am learning it !! I learn it because I want to know more BIG BANG !!!! I try to buy the most number of their albums !!

Ahhh !! I am so happy !!! I think I don't will win the contest but if BIG BANG can read me, I am happy 

 GD, TOP, SeungRi, Taeyang, Daesung, You're the best of the world !!! Many French love you like me !! Aja aja fighting !!!!!!!!! Do the best that you can !!! Take care !! :D"

I hope you will come in France for do a concert =P Please come in France !!!!!!!. ♥

Goodbye and thank's to YG & Soompi !!!!^_^

Au revoir et merci !!


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how can you possibly describe BIG BANG in mere words !!?? ^^

p.s. YG stop teasing fans in California by only having concerts in Korea!! xD

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