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[Drama 2011] City Hunter 시티헌터

Guest adikkeluangman

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Guest farhah1986

Actually I don't really like to see birth secret anymore...but still the writer make it.I hope the writer make a good story or reason behind this birth secret because I don't like to see KH as a bad woman and make affair behind his husband.It just feeling weird with all these birth secret because all three of them..MY,JP and the President was a good friend.I wonder how things suddenly turn out like this.

So thats why JP said in the first episode he will take the most cruelest revenge in this world.Its between father and son.But YS already said to JP that he will never kill anyone.All of this make me wonder whether JP ever love YS as a son or not.But there is a few time that showing he indeed care for YS and his bestfriend MY already think YS as his own son.Poor YS,how will he take all of this?JP raise him to take revenge on his real father?I just realize that YS has so many father...JP who raise him since he's a baby,MY who married his mother so it make him legally his father and the President as his biological father.

Although seeing how this story unfold...everyone can feel that it gonna be a sad ending.But for me I don't want  a sad ending....

How will YS takes on his real father?But the president is indeed guilty regarding the 1983 incident.People say that blood is thicker than water...between a biological father that commit crime that lead to his mother's husband death and the father that he know since he's a baby who raise him to take revenge on his real father.Which one he will choose?Although YS feeling angry with JP before with his lies and deed he still call him father and I wonder what will happen if the truth revealed.YS dilemma is much worse that YJ dilemma with his father.Don't you think so?

This thing with birth secret make me wonder whether I want to continue watch this drama or not because I don't have the gut to know what will YS feel with all this.But hey ...I'm totally addicted with this drama and I'm anxious to see YS growth as a real city hunter.

It will be great if in the ned YS still become a city hunter and YJ still continuously chasing after him but never succeed.Its sometime funny because YJ knows already that YS is city hunter but don't have eligible proof to incriminate him.

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Guest JayDK

I guess my biggest issue right now, aside from resenting YS's treatment of Na Na, is that YS is choosing to throw his life away on this revenge plot. He doesn't have to sacrifice everything and prepare the people he loves for his inevitable death, because it's NOT inevitable! He's choosing to pursue this future by dancing to crazy dad's tune -- JP wants to make him into a weapon without feelings, and now YS is going along with it. What about his mother? What about Ahjussi? YS can't stand the idea of watching the woman he loves be hurt or killed -- do his mother and Ahjussi deserve watching him be hurt or killed?

That's my biggest problem with YS right now. He's willing to hurt his loved ones by staying on this quest for revenge, and he's not even trying to find a way out. I don't think revenge, or even finding justice for the dead men, is worth what YS is choosing to do to Na Na, his mother and Ahjussi. The living outweigh the dead, IMO -- including YS himself. And YS is doomed, unless he himself can let go of JP's philosophy of sacrificing the present for the past, and live for the future, beyond this quest for revenge that's dominated his life.

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sorry everyone, when i posted my comments i have watched until epi 15 and didn't know some of you were talking about the actual president being a possibility of YS real dad. It's only today that i watched epi 16 ,during the lunch appointment YS had with DH & the president and 3 of them took out the black bean from their rice, i realised you guys were referring to this scene.

If this is really true, then it is really a surprise and i have to salute to the scriptwriter. I think he/she has really made us think that it's JP......

If YS dad is the president, i wonder why he didn't marry YS's mum then.... he himself came from a poor family, could he have married DH's mum for money instead?

Yon, welcome back!!!!!!!!!!!!! i haven't seen you for a while, how have you been dear???? :D

Hi miniejungle, i have been coming to this thread, just that i can't watch live nowsadays. i work till quite late and it can be stressing to get home in time to watch live and trying to understand the drama without sub.. hahaha..... so nowsaday, i will wait for the next day for c-sub. but i totally love this drama and feels that this drama is the DRAMA OF THE YEAR (among all the 3 tv stations). I totally feel that Min Ho deserved to be nominated and win the Best Actor award at this year end SBS Drama Award ceremony. Even for baeksang award next year, i think he deserved a nomination as well.

I have been watching the 2nd time for the earlier episodes and is watching the 3rd time on our cable tv station which is showing epi 5 next monday... :D Singapore fans are lucky to be able to watch this drama 2 months after SBS channel was launched on our cable tv....

i think everyone likes the spoon fighting scene in the earlier episode, i like that too and epi 16, the mineral water bottle fight....haha :lol::lol:

and i hope that the rating will go beyond 25%.. it deserved mroe than just 19++

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@sheherizade3: There's nothing wrong with expressing one's opinion but you have to understand that you are somehow attacking the show with comparisons from BOF which clearly is your biggest bias and then you give us an argument of 'ORIGINALITY'. Apparently most of of the people here are not newbies in watching Korean dramas thus scenes that you mentioned can never be claimed ORIGINAL from BOF. In fact the storyline in BOF is an adaptation of Hana Yori Dango which already had Taiwanese and Japanese versions from that alone how can you say it is ORIGINAL? XD.  Another thing, if your point of comparison is only BOF then i suggest you watch a lot of Korean dramas maybe you can start from year 2000 because you would see the ingredients are pretty much the same as compared to the current dramas. There's this trend in love stories that they usually follow and at times it may seem different but the premise is the same as before, for instance Chaebol falling for simple girl but Chaebol's parents do not approve of the woman their son chose. This is an example of an ancient plot and i doubt this kind of storyline will be obsolete since the general public loves it.

The chemistry between YS and NANA is just a portion that defines CITY HUNTER, personally I believe they have an epic story for they struggle to keep their love amidst the danger of losing one another.  The angst that they have is justifiable and believable because its a matter of life and death but then again that's my personal take.

Reading from your posts correct me if I'm wrong but I think you are against the OTP and how their love line is being developed. Aside from that since your reference is only BOF then you strongly feel that the writer is somehow copying some scenes from the said drama. Well, that is indeed your opinion and your are free to express it, but may I ask

can you let us enjoy the epicness of this story?can you let us savor the remaining episodes of our wonderful OTP that has so much chemistry it burns our screen?

Tell me, did a fan of CITY HUNTER go to BOF's thread and said "man, your otp sucks and ours is better. The scenes that you have? bah that's nothing compared to us" did someone do that? Sorry to sound so condescending but I felt your posts here are just like that.

and that's me expressing my opinion...

leslie_lie, the last time I checked, this forum was open to different points of views.  Every viewer including myself watching City Hunter would have their own take on the show and form their own impressions. 

And you’re right.  I am entitled to my own opinion.

As to your mentioning and I quote “can you let us enjoy the epicness of this story?can you let us savor the remaining episodes of our wonderful OTP that has so much chemistry it burns our screen?”  By all means do so but like you, I have as much right to form my own opinion about this drama as the next viewer. 

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Hi Hunters

Will just start with saying this is not what I want, but I think the clues points this way.

As I stated a lot of page ago it seams like it is what I then suspected that The P is YS father.

And what I wrote about wether JP knew about it or not, well I am sad to say I think he do.

Looking at the scen when JP is talking with his helper we now know that they have everything they need to expose both the President and target 4 and yet JP doesn't want to finish it. He says to Helper when helper asks for the reason not to reveal it now, JP say with a smirk on his face that he needs YS to do it.

There is absolutly no need for YS to do it as we already know that JP is fully capable of exposing, getting rid of and kill the targets and all around them without exception. He has also all along been competing with YS to both put YS down and to make him do things HIS way just to get to the target first. There is only one possibility for that and that is to get the son to destroy his own father and then reveal it. I think JP is the devil himself is he does that.

We do know JP has feelings for KH both trough the saved picture and also that he gives her the music when she is in the hospital so WHY also destroy the one you love by using her son. Cant he just look at the part, this is the son of the woman I have loved all my life and also the wife of my very best friend and brother(MY) and spare her son.

The only thing now that can stop this is that Nana reveals to KH about YS as the cityhunter and about JP and she(KH) tells YS the truth about his father.

I understand why YS thinks Nana is safer away from him but I dont think that is the main reason why he tries to cut Nana away. Its her way to get stuck in the past. He knows, if he lets her stay by his side and he gets killed (he alsmost died of the gas) Nana will be stuck for life just like she cant even change the tablecloth that her mother made. I got that feeling when YS asked her to get rid of the table and tablecloth.

Oh My God YS is suffering bad when Nana ignores him he have one heck of an harder time then Nana has and I really wonder if he can cut her out. I don't think so and I really hope he folds like a deck of cards for her.

Maybe the bedpic is from a hotel, we already know he frequents hotels :)

When I saw the belltower I got the feeling that the ending scen will be there as she wished on the phone for them to meet there on the last day of the year and some time may have passed by, by then.

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Guest SarangAJ

Hi everyone!

I'm the only one to think that YS is not the President son? I mean that bean thing is too obvious and remember when his mother and the President met in the car at the beginnning that was not awkward at all.

I don't know i'm a bit lost can't wait to see ep 17!

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Hi everyone!

I'm the only one to think that YS is not the President son? I mean that bean thing is too obvious and remember when his mother and the President met in the car at the beginnning that was not awkward at all.

I don't know i'm a bit lost can't wait to see ep 17!

Nope. I think the same too..but I have always been wrong with the predictions for this show so :vicx:

It is possible for the President to be YS's uncle though..that would explain the similarities....

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Perhaps they are trying to throw us off? I'm starting to feel that they're making it way to obvious that the president is YS's dad. LMH said the ending would be a total unexpected surprise twist, right? Maybe they're trying to lead us all to believe that the president is the father right but in the end he isn't.. the beans thing could just be a major distraction Haha, I'm just being in denial because I don't like the idea of the president being YS's daddy.. but who knows.. gahh how are we suppose to wait till wednesday with all this mystery? x_x

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Hi everyone!

I'm the only one to think that YS is not the President son? I mean that bean thing is too obvious and remember when his mother and the President met in the car at the beginnning that was not awkward at all.

I don't know i'm a bit lost can't wait to see ep 17!

Why does it have to be awkward. If you don't go separate ways as enemies ther's no reason for it to be awkward. If you separate on mutual ground as I think they did because she was a hostess and had no family she would not suit a aspiring politician as I strongly belive he then was. BUT if you look at the scen again you can see the P reacts strongly when she mentions her son as he seams chocked about the fact that ther's a child 28 yrs ago.

I belive that if they just crossed paths 28 years ago and the president showed up at her doorstep the situation would be a LOT more awkward. They know each other and well at that I mite say. Thats my take from life experience.

Nope. I think the same too..but I have always been wrong with the predictions for this show so :vicx:

It is possible for the President to be YS's uncle though..that would explain the similarities....

EHHH???!!! Do you really think for one second that The P would have let his sister in law live that life without lifting a finger if the P would be his uncle. AND that he would be unknowing that his (if so) brothers child was kidnapped?? Dont think so.

Edit to say:

OK if they really want to twist the plot around really bad.

They show us all these clues making us AND JP to belive that the P is the father as he knows about KH and P in the past but JP may also had an affair with KH so maybe He is YS real dad and could be stopped by getting to know that from KH.

BUT first of all I dont want to make KH out to be a really loose woman and I dont think there would be reason for her to marry MY as JP was always around with MY if JP was YS dad.

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Guest webby

Though i'm 99% sure that YS will live at the end of the drama, I think YS dying would actually make a good twist to it.

supposing all the 3 that got him into this dilemma (JP, his mom, and the president) survives, and so does ajuhsshi and NN, and YS is the sole sacrifice of this revenge plot... hmn.. assuming he dies not from leukemia but from protecting either the president, or better by protecting JP even after he has realized the cruel truth that JP has plotted all these years (that is for him to personally kill his birth father), and YS leaves his last wish, which is a wish he has never been able to fulfill himself, that is for them to live peacefully and lead a normal life, then perhaps JP can finally put all things aside. but I believe the P will have to come clean with the stuff he's hiding from the public and the country. Then YS's mom can live with NN and ajuhsshi. and after x many years, life goes on as usual. Saehee and YJ have gotten back together. Ajuhsshi is worried for NN who's still single, and comes back with pictures of guys for her to go sogaeting with. Then one day DaHye is all excited becoz she has tracked down a new target, a YS lookalike. So he can prob end up with NN?

This thing i made up doesn't sound very plausible eh?

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Guest myphim

@webby OMG, I love your imagination. YS death will be the best punishment for JP, his mother and the President. However, it seems so unfair to poor YS.

Is it possible that there is a YS clone out there? I will track him down first before DH does.

I understand why YS thinks Nana is safer away from him but I dont think that is the main reason why he tries to cut Nana away. Its her way to get stuck in the past. He knows, if he lets her stay by his side and he gets killed (he alsmost died of the gas) Nana will be stuck for life just like she cant even change the tablecloth that her mother made. I got that feeling when YS asked her to get rid of the table and tablecloth.

I agree with you on this. I also feel YS is pushing Nana away because he's afraid she will end up like his mother living alone by herself. Nana is the type to stay single forever if anything happen to YS. She'll probably live treasuring the memories of all their times together. Look at how she lived for 10 years with just her parents memories to keep her going. I don't think YS wants that for her and that's why he says he does not want to leave behind any memories of him with her.

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Guest SarangAJ

Nope. I think the same too..but I have always been wrong with the predictions for this show so :vicx:

It is possible for the President to be YS's uncle though..that would explain the similarities....

Yeah me too we can't predict anything that's why i love this drama so much.

YS's uncle?...hum i don't think so

aawww this is driving me crazy really :wacko:

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Guest relly

Hi Everyone,

City Hunter Episode 16 English Soft-Sub Subtitle is out.


City Hunter 1-16 English Subtitle can be found Community Translated Subtitle (CTS) Project:-

URL: http://www.darksmurfsub.com/forum/index.php?%2Ftopic%2F1527-city-hunter-2011%2F

Please visit the link for more information about the Community Translated Subtitle (CTS) Project. CTS Project is about FANS helping FANS for FAST SUBTITLE RELEASE! Enjoy!

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Guest SarangAJ

Perhaps they are trying to throw us off? I'm starting to feel that they're making it way to obvious that the president is YS's dad. LMH said the ending would be a total unexpected surprise twist, right? Maybe they're trying to lead us all to believe that the president is the father right but in the end he isn't.. the beans thing could just be a major distraction Haha, I'm just being in denial because I don't like the idea of the president being YS's daddy.. but who knows.. gahh how are we suppose to wait till wednesday with all this mystery? x_x

Yeah that's exactly why i can't believe this, i'm really curious about this "unexpected twist" and i don't like too the fact that he's YS dad because :

-How many dads this guy will have? lol

-That would mean that all YS's life was a lie and all this torture by JP was useless

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Guest eriri

After watching ep 16 with subs, I'm ready to comment on it once more. : D

Gosh. YJ is getting better and better each episode. Am I the only one liking him more as time passes? It's frustrating, really, because by now I want him to succeed so badly. But his success would be YS's defeat, which I don't want to happen either. Geeehh...driving me crazy~ I hate it when I'm rooting for main and second lead, because I clearly know one has to lose, all while still wishing for both to win...

To be honest, I still don't know what to think about the president-being-YS's-real-father-possibility. Hints for that were all over the place in ep. 16 and while I'm no fan of birth secrets, it's also exciting, because it puts the revenge-plot on a whole new level. Suddenly JP's drive to make YS the avenger and his obsession seem to make much more sense to me (not that I was questioning him at any point anyway, I guess I'm JP biased after all). But with so many hints, this also smells a bit fishy. It could serve the purpose of misleading us, so I'm still in doubt. If we truly have to go with birth secrets, I'd prefer the president over JP, though. I just don't want JP to turn out as the real daddy, dunno. : /

YS/NN....beautifully bittersweet relationship. YS is sure about his 'happy end' never coming true, no doubt about that. At least he's not lying to her anymore, but telling her the truth about why he wants her to leave him. Not that it makes it any easier for her to forget him, but it's just so much better than pretending to dislike her, like he previously did. Their conversation at night made me shed tears as well, it was heartbreaking. LMH's acting was superb! All the time I felt this urge to jump into that scene and hug him. I believe I've said this a few times already, but anyway: I'm madly in love with this OTP! <3 With NN's promotion things will get even more complicated from now on. Even more so, if the birth-secret-hints turn out to be accurate.

EDIT: Regarding the ratings dropping...maybe that's because Romance Town aired it's final episode? Just a guess.

Regarding the Boys over Flowers discussion, I'd like to just say a few words. I've seen all three adaptions of the Manga (Meteor Garden, BOF and Hana Yori Dango) and I didn't like the korean version that much, mainly because I didn't like how Jandi was portrayed. Makino was one of my favorite characters initially and the one I disliked the most in BOF, which just ruined the show for me. The only reason for watching this till the end was Lee Minho's Junpyo. Watching him just felt like watching the 'real' (Manga) Doumyouji, even though Matsumoto Jun remains my favorite for that role, even now.

Now, since BOF was just another adaption of the manga, I wouldn't really claim the ideas in it as 'original'. Even more so, if you've read some Manga (and I bet some of you here did), you will realize that many things in HanaDan are just...typical (just to clarify: I still love the originaly HanaDan story, despite all its cliché-ness!). While I understand that there are many BOF fans out there, because it was and still is incredibly popular, that doesn't mean you guys should badmouth other show's OTPs as less original or whatever. Be happy with your OTP. If you think it's the best one/most original one/has the best chemistry whatsoever, that is just fine. But don't be impolite to other OTP's fans please. It's all about the tone. :3

Now, let's not fight over which show is the best. Everyone has their own opinion on that, let's just all enjoy our favorites! ^. ^

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I just got a "flash"! I know how it will end.

If you take the peaces of the puzzle one by one...

- 4th target: President alias probably YS father

- Kim Nana become President bodygard

- to finish his revenge, fake YS father wants certainly to kill the President.

Guess who will be in danger ? President & espascilly his bodygard.

Who doesn't want taht anything bad happen to Nana: YS.

Somebody will die, so :

1- President to left YS live his life in peace (with Kim Nana)

2- Kim Nana by protecting the President

3- YS to save President or Kim Nana or both of them ?

My feelings tell me that we will not have a happy ending this time (heyp, not the same kind of drama like Greatest Love you see...)

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Guest kdrama_lovers2011

The chemistry between YS and NANA is just a portion that defines CITY HUNTER, personally I believe they have an epic story for they struggle to keep their love amidst the danger of losing one another.  The angst that they have is justifiable and believable because its a matter of life and death but then again that's my personal take.

Reading from your posts correct me if I'm wrong but I think you are against the OTP and how their love line is being developed. Aside from that since your reference is only BOF then you strongly feel that the writer is somehow copying some scenes from the said drama. Well, that is indeed your opinion and your are free to express it, but may I ask

can you let us enjoy the epicness of this story?can you let us savor the remaining episodes of our wonderful OTP that has so much chemistry it burns our screen?

Tell me, did a fan of CITY HUNTER go to BOF's thread and said "man, your otp sucks and ours is better. The scenes that you have? bah that's nothing compared to us" did someone do that? Sorry to sound so condescending but I felt your posts here are just like that.

and that's me expressing my opinion...

I wanna strangle that person who posted on DAUM. LOL I was expecting a lot from it.damn but i do hope something more epic will be happening in the next episodes. *crossing my fingers*

If i can send a virtual applause i wouldve done that ^^ sorry to cut your post but thank you very much for posting such reply.

as I told my friend, maybe the pain is great at this point because the reconciliation will be epic! I will hold on that Scriptwriter and PD-nim!

*quoted image*

*quoted image*

sorry i cut it short.

OMG thanks so much you're one of the reasons why i finally post here.  I really love the chemistry of LMH and PMY and i love how you defend them.  It's a matter of respecting each otherspreferences.  Keep it up Leslie!  smile.gif

"If you can't stand the heatget out of the kitchen".  And please "MOVE ON" it's part of growing up! biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif

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4 more episodes... can you believe it??? i'm dying here without any spoilers for the next episode which is still 5 days away :(

YS's death in the end would make an epic ending, but we all know that he deserves his happy ending more than anybody else in the drama. he needs to do the whole revenge thingy in order for him to live a normal life, he said, so i think he deserves it. especially after being lied to for 28 years, having to risk his life everyday, not being able to enjoy a normal life and be with the woman he loves, facing injuries of all sorts, never having a real dad, and the possibility of his last target being his real dad, oh come on... i'd cry a river if he dies, especially if it's because of protecting someone like NN.. it'd be too.. tragic.  he saved so many lives in this show.. YJ, NN, ajusshi, his mom, even JP when he was stuck in the elevator... so please show, spare him a life as well. and if YS dies so many hearts will break... especially NN's and mine. please don't go there, show. :(

16 episodes and i still don't understand JP. he's so mysterious, and is portrayed by a brilliant actor. i mean, how cruel is he to lie to YS that he's not his real father until he was young, and then told him that his dad died in the incident when JP most likely knows about the president being YS's real dad.  but how sweet is he to give hat song to KH, and even sacrificed his leg to save YS? i don't understand how he could live for 28 years thinking only about his revenge...

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