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[Drama 2011] City Hunter 시티헌터

Guest adikkeluangman

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Okay... you guys... I'm kinda nervous that YS will die at the end of the show! Even though he told NaNa to wait for him because he can see the end is near.. something tells me that he will be taken away from her! I really hope that doesn't happen cuz she'll have noone to be by her side!!!

When the prosecutor took off YS's mask... YS totally let it happen! He's much quicker than the prosecutor and he just really didn't care anymore! I hope he did that for a good reason cuz I can't imagine YS being put in jail for doing good! The next two episodes are going to be epic and I feel like crying because the show is almost over!!!! ONLY *TWO* episodes left and I feel like my world is going to fall apart because I'm going to miss NaNa and Yoon Sung! LMH and PMY are so awesome and they are PHENOMENAL actors! I hope they win some awards for this show because it's been a while since I've been so crazy about a drama... like You're Beautiful was the last drama that I couldn't get enough of!

Anyway, lets hope for the best for YS and NaNa because I want NaNa to be happy again and I don't want YS to be lonely anymore! FIGHTING!!!

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Okay... you guys... I'm kinda nervous that YS will die at the end of the show!

Sorry for cutting your post, but I know how you feel. YS is forbidden to die. This is irrevocable. :D Or I'm going to SK right away to resuscitate him! :lol: More seriously, in the original series he lives on... I hope that the k-drama does justice to that, so that we can keep on loving him without the pain of mourning his death...

Now, if the PD would redeem him/herself and give us plenty of YS/NN interaction in the last two episodes... C'mon: if Jack Bauer in 24 found time to kiss and court his better half when a bomb is about to explode, surely YS can be creative, too, huh?

*** YS, on a roof top, about to jump to save the Republic of Korea, turns to NN who is gasping: "Kim NaNa, after I'm done kicking their behinds with a spoon, let's never ever leave each other again!"

NaNa runs to him and hang on to his neck... You imagine the rest.*** :P

Wednesday can't come fast enough.

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Guest shinhye_fan


The image of PMY in your post is not a BTS of city hunter but an old event for Hyundai Veloster she was the leader of team yellow i think and by the way LMH was the leader of team blue blush.gif

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Guest miniejungle

he touched her boobies!

:w00t: hahahah my dear Master Dramaok, I salute you and your eagle eyes!!! now we have more materials for our fanfic, and that rubbin' scene can happen, right? :P

*sigh* I must admit, I'm a little..no, a lot disappointed that we weren't shown YS giving CPR to NN ;) or NN having chills and YS deciding to give her some bodyheat ^_^ or even a kiss or a hug. A bed scene. Yes, I know that the show is revenge oriented and not romance but they balanced both of it just fine in the starting.

I seriously feel deflated now. What are the chances that we will get romance in the last two episodes? Almost none. There's so much to solve for our CH: The truth about his real dad. MY-KH, President-KH, JP and his revenge. Also that the 5th target is the President and only death will satisfy JP as punishment for the Pres. Why does JP ONLY want death for the Pres. Why exactly the Pres went on with the assassination of the 20 agents. KH's illness.

Triv, i share your fear.. that's why we have to come up with something fast n send it to the scriptwriters n demand them to add these hot scenes into the last 2 episodes... how do they expect us to just stop at that kiss-and-goodbye scene? let's see if i can use ur CPR idea or not, heheh... thanks for that! :)

Officially the MOST hilarious thing I ever read on CH gall. someone said that YS should tell YJ in ep 19 opening that he also put on a mask to go meet City Hunter. LOLOL.

LOL!!! YJ would be so angry he'd vomit blood if YS tosses him that line, it's great!!!! :phew:

and i need somebody to confirm/ clarify this:

1. so president doesn't know he made KH pregger??? coz i thought that little talk with YJ he had in this little food stand about not admitting mistake is referring to him not taking responsibility for making KH pregnant, as well as for not keeping his promise to MY and JP.

2. is the second lead actress in this drama DH/ SH??? coz i don't see SH at all in this episode but i see DH being her usual clingy self in almost every episode. is it because earlier many ppl sense that SH and YS have great chemistry? or is it because of go hara being an idol?

3. what happened to chun jae man's lackey? and how come in the airport nobody chased after YS when he drove that thing (dunno what it's called) i mean only airport officers are allowed to drive that thing right???

i can't wait for wednesday to come but at the same time i don't want to see the ending this fast.. i believe the story could use at least 4 more episodes... stretch it another week, PD and SBS! cheballlll~

hafunohane, let me try address your queries:

1. very likely the president doesn't know abt KH's pregnancy, and he talked abt the responsibility then was more of the coward act of him not being able to be with her and also implying abt his helplessness of not being able to stand up against the other 4 in eradicating the whole team then (of course KH didn't know abt this but he's clearly sorry for watching them kill MY literally)

2.i think Go Hara is more of the second lead here... she's more closely intertwined into the story now, that the president is her father, and YS is likely to be her half-brother. Sehee is great but i guess for now her purpose is over (unless there is another shootout and they need her service again, haha)

3.Chun's lackey is still at YS's place, that's why Chun was so easily taken down during the airport chase. now i have a feeling that YS might be onto the secret book already, as he's gained access to Chun - surely he won't just deliver Chun before he finds out who target no.5 is, right? just hope that JP is not creating problems at this point (which is unlikely he'd just stay out of this).

Put two dogs as the leads then I wouldn't care.

But when you put LMH and PMY in a drama together with skinship.... you cannot blame us for wanting such thingsssss!! LOLLLL.

I also hope that the last 2 episodes won't be rushed! I also feel that there seems to be a lot to wrap up in the last two episodes!! It's been GREAT so far and it would suck for the ending to be ruined. Many dramas are like this: start off great, ending kind of ruins it all.

*touchwood* UNHAPPY endings literally ruins the whole drama too !!

So scriptwriters, YOU KNOW WHERE TO GO WITH THIS DRAMA RIGHT???????????/

I think they really need an extension or a sequel...but a sequel would mean lots of waiting!!! ><

Now I'm going to have to decide whether or not I should watch this week's eps since 1. no YS and NN to motivate me, and 2. don't want to kill myself when I catch up with such cliffhangers

haha, if they put 2 dogs together i won;t even watch this :D

but yes i hope the same hope you have and actually i dont mind at all to wait if i know Minho is coming back as City Hunter again in the future. this show is the best he's done, and it's just so good to end it here. there are too many baddies to catch out there, so CH team, please stay around for a few seasons, pretty please???

Okies,  i'll wait for that rated 18 fanfic. If PDnim wont give us the  thrusting,rubbin and lots of kissing then id just turn to that fanfic to  ease my frustration.lmao. IDK if Nana can come up with Nail marks  though..................and the richard simmons grabbing actions since her nails  arent that long enough lmao but we just have to wait HAHAHA

*HUUUUUUUUUUGS* Dramaok  thanks for the lulzy scene, i wouldnt have notice the boobie grabbing  part if not for you.lMAO. You have eagle eyes Master Dramaok i bow to  thee. Damn so frustrated w/ MinMin for the last two eps but yeah the  lack of romance was a bit justifiable because of the revelations *sigh*

DEAR Dramaok,Miniejungle and the rest of frustrated MinMin shippers.

This one's for US...lmao

ack  CITY  HUNTER i shall MISS YOU SO MUCH after next week. Aigoo

leslie, i'll try my best! this is gonna be my first ever


fanfic so pls forgive me if i dont live up to ur expectation, ya?

i love ur fanfic too, esp with the visual effects, hahahah.. i dont think i can find those images to put in mine though... :(

calling Dramaok!!! where is ur fanfic?????

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Guest crazypilovee

i'm also really disappointed at the lack of NS&YS interactions... i bet if they had even one skinship scene (even just a hug... please!) in ea. ep... they would've gotten over 20% ratings... because since alot of CH watchers are LMH fans, don't the writers know that we NEED romantic scenes? why let those pretty faces go to waste? huhhh!?!?!? the fish tank scene was the perfect opportunity too....

hmm i think if they had a good overarching conflict to set up for the 2nd season, it could be good.... like someone trying to get revenge on YS b/c of a big grudge so he/she purposely gets close to YS & secretly tries to ruin him & those around him. Or NN gets kidnapped, her memory's erased/gets brainwashed to be on the enemy's side, but after she meets YS she can't help but fall in love w/ him again and so they'll end up together again in the end. HAHA this is so cheesy/lame but still :3

according to the news, the production co. was aiming for above 30% in ratings, so the current 20% is lower than what they had anticipated, which is why i guess there wasn't mention of an extension.

does this mean they used a lot on production costs? if so then i guess since season 1 viewership wasn't as great, they didn't make as much money and therefore wouldn't go ahead w/ a season 2.... especially considering season 2 flops like IRIS/ATHENA... wahhh....

but i still think CH has so much potential for a season 2 :(

OR maybe they can just try to make a movie out of it... hahahaa since movies can be more mature they can have more intimate scenes... :wub:

edit: pervie Master dramaok, we need to have a complete butt collection!!!! i was :w00t: when they first zoomed into his butt when he was wearing the light blue pants in earlier episdoes (5 or 6) at his place, remember? :blink: couldn't take my eyes off the screen!!!! :ph34r: and boy, i do love a tight richard simmons like his!!! :P

i've noticed since PT (he also wore alot of skinny pants) that LMH has a nice, perky butt hehehee :3

YS being the presidents son, I think it's a red herring, his mother probably lost that baby and got pregnant by her husband. The president is the worst out of the five men, because he was the one who recurited them for the mission. then when the other four decided to wack them so the secret mission won't get out, he sighed and went along with it. Because they out voted him, They forget that the men that killed them know. The same with YS mom who believes that he did not know about the baby, the friends show's up and threatens her he know but not the father, please. That's the president's deameanor, he comes off as this kind sweet righteous guy. But isn't that what a president should look like. Men who seek power are neither kind or sweet or they would never be able to hold office.

u sound like u're into law? YJ does do kinda "illegal" things but it is a drama so i'd just let it go...

but i agree, a "nice" guy like Choi Eung Chan will never make it in politics, much less become the Prez. it's such an idealization of what a President should be like...

and i'm thinking... if CJM & Choi were such "close friends"... how can Choi be this nice while CJM is so evil?

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Hi, I was wondering if anybody can post a link for the english subtitles of episode 18? Darksmurfsub website doesn't work on my computer for some reason. Please, and thank you! :)

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Guest MEGUmegu

Does anyone know the name of the scary guy.......Cheon Jae Man's "use to be 'right hand man'"???

Oh nvm I found it lol

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Guest noopie_1

waaaaa.....episode 18 sooooo good...the ending is really make me goosebumps! I really hope nothing happened for yun seong and nana. I hope to see the good ending between them.

I dunno why but I hope that the prosecutor Kim can help yun seong, I hope the two of them will work together! I mean, Prosecutor Kim should know that Yun Seong is innocent. He is not bad person. He is someone that full with so much love. >_< Hope that Yun Seong wont end up in the prison. Because I can't see why he should be catch by the police.

And also I can't wait to hear the truth about yun seong and his real father. I guess it should be the president. I wish that the president would know the truth soon. I cant wait to see when yun seong know who is his real father.

And last not least, anyone know how to get the bag that nana use in city hunter, esp in singapore? I went to bean pole website and all is in korean. Since I can't read korean, I have no idea how to get that bag >_<


I love the pink color too! looks like beige color ^^


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random question:

How old is kim nana in the drama?

and is lee yoon sung her first boyfriend?

She is 27 and Lee Yoon Sung is 28. Na Na was too busy doing part time jobs to pay for the hospital bill and her studies to keep a BF before YS. So yes, he is her first BF. ^_^

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Guest crazypilovee

^^me too.. i wanna look so cool like that too

speaking of age... i always wondered about how YS is 28 years old...

Didn't he get into MIT at the age of 17? so i'm assuming he started attending at age 18... and they said that he came back w/ a PhD in 7 years (which is mighty fast since it includes undergrad yrs.. he must be super smart!) so that would make him 25. even if he's using korean age he would only be 26 years old..

so it still doesn't add up to 28 years old... am i getting something wrong here? haha

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Guest peppermint_fairy

^^me too.. i wanna look so cool like that too

speaking of age... i always wondered about how YS is 28 years old...

Didn't he get into MIT at the age of 17? so i'm assuming he started attending at age 18... and they said that he came back w/ a PhD in 7 years (which is mighty fast since it includes undergrad yrs.. he must be super smart!) so that would make him 25. even if he's using korean age he would only be 26 years old..

so it still doesn't add up to 28 years old... am i getting something wrong here? haha

I think they made us confused because in the first episode, they showed Young Sung going back to Korea "7 years later" right after the scene where JP saved him from the mine and told him about the revenge. He was 17 at that time, when he also met Ajusshi, who had just escaped from Korea after the 16-year-old Nana's parents' accident. But at the beginning of episode 2 there are a few scenes of YS training really hard in Thailand and he's wearing the bullet necklace...so it looks like he spent a couple years working on his fighting skills right after his home was attacked and his Thai mom died. When JP gives him the paperwork for his enrollment in M.I.T. he's probably around 20-21, so in the present he's 28.

Waiting for next Wednesday is such a torture!! I really hope they'll be a little more generous with spoiler pics, at least for episode 19, or give us the written preview earlier than usual!

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Guest catkat61

Thank you to all those great streaming subbers/watchers! This drama is fantastic!!

I keep yelling at NaNa to put on a bullet proof vest, but she's not listening. How many times will be able to shield without getting hurt/dying?

Ah hunters, I have a bad feeling NaNa won't make it to hear the bells. I don't want to think about it...it's making me anxious.

Here's to thinking good thoughts about our YS/NN.

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Guest luv_harmony

Thank you to all those great streaming subbers/watchers! This drama is fantastic!!

I keep yelling at NaNa to put on a  bullet proof vest, but she's not listening. How many times will be able to shield without getting hurt/dying?

Ah hunters, I have a bad feeling NaNa won't make it to hear the bells. I don't want to think about it...it's making me anxious.

Here's to thinking good thoughts about our YS/NN.

Killing either YS or NN wouldn't make any sense. As much as we all fear a tragic ending, tragedy for sake of tragedy is certainly not welcomed. Throughout the past 18 episodes, YS & NN's life has anyways been nothing less then a tragedy so sensible thing to do will be to give this couple a happy ending. Had they been romancing & sharing a gala time together in every episode then one of em not making it to the end would make sense but that's definitely not the case. Both of em have been suffering right from the moment they came out clean about their love for each other so killing either of em or both of em will just leave a sour impression in the minds of the viewers. The whole drama will end up looking bad & pointless (at least to me) if either of NN or YS dies. They deserve to live together happily.

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