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What do you think about the auditions for non-Asians?

Guest Thalita

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Guest koreafanchicchic1

One thing that people are missing is the fact that American artist are full of SOLO ARTISTS! Our market doesn't have a pop FEMALE OR MALE group that hasn't broken up! (EX: Destiny's Childs, Backstreet Boys, NSYNC, Pussycat Dolls, etc.) We are very greedy people and eventually each group breaks up for personal or greedy or unfair treatment(one person usually tends to shine/stick out in the groups the most causing the other members to receive less attention). Thats why people turn to the k-pop market! For groups THAT DON'T BREAK UP and of course other  reasons.

(Far East Movement is excluded, Black Eyed Peas, out of this and so is Mindless Behavior(Black Group). And this is just my opinion!)

And the fact that Non-Asians (such as myself, I'm Black and proud) want to become a k-pop star is great! I think Asia needs to open up to different races in the industry to break the racist stereotypes they think of foreigners(especially African Americans =_=~ghetto, afro, big noses)!

Thats why I HOPE HOPE HOPE that one day JYP, YG, SM, OR ANY ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY FOR ALL I CARE accepts an African American artist. Although I do hope that A non-asian gets in period. I know the chances are VERY VERY VERY slim (lol)! I get that but that doesn't mean it can't happen period.

And in addition I have to say................. K-POP MUSIC HWAITING!!! <3 HAHAHA LOL

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Guest something-like

One thing that people are missing is the fact that American artist are full of SOLO ARTISTS! Our market doesn't have a pop FEMALE OR MALE group that hasn't broken up! (EX: Destiny's Childs, Backstreet Boys, NSYNC, Pussycat Dolls, etc.) We are very greedy people and eventually each group breaks up for personal or greedy or unfair treatment(one person usually tends to shine/stick out in the groups the most causing the other members to receive less attention). Thats why people turn to the k-pop market! For groups THAT DON'T BREAK UP and of course other  reasons.

(Far East Movement is excluded, Black Eyed Peas, out of this and so is Mindless Behavior(Black Group). And this is just my opinion!)

And the fact that Non-Asians (such as myself, I'm Black and proud) want to become a k-pop star is great! I think Asia needs to open up to different races in the industry to break the racist stereotypes they think of foreigners(especially African Americans =_=~ghetto, afro, big noses)!

Thats why I HOPE HOPE HOPE that one day JYP, YG, SM, OR ANY ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY FOR ALL I CARE accepts an African American artist. Although I do hope that A non-asian gets in period. I know the chances are VERY VERY VERY slim (lol)! I get that but that doesn't mean it can't happen period.

And in addition I have to say................. K-POP MUSIC HWAITING!!! <3 HAHAHA LOL

you're obviously just another fan

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Guest krystaliu

Lol this is just my opinion on auditioning for non-asians, but.

I know SM Entertainment is open to all asians... or so it says.

It lists Japanese, Chinese, Korean, etc. in its asian () thing.


Likely because those are the three groups that look most similar to Koreans (okay, and Vietnamese...), and they think will be appealing to the kpop fans. I can't even tell the difference if you take a Kpop idol and a Chinese idol together and just pay attention to their looks. After all, kpop fans are Koreans. I don't know about them, but as a Chinese person, I don't really want to see a non-Chinese person singing Chinese songs. Sure, for a short time I might be "O_O look, isn't that cool~ that person can sing in Chinese!" but after a while... it's like an intrusion on something that's purely Asian. Haha, I don't think I'm making sense. >.>

JYP and YG (I'm pretty sure) also say that any race is okay, and there will be no preferences, but really. Since it'll be shown to a Korean audience, people who look Korean are just more appealing - not to mention more marketable. Don't want to ruin anyone's dreams or anything, and I'm sure to some people, I'm not "any one to be saying this", but I do think that it'll take a long time for Asia to open up to America.

... heck, I live in America, and I've never been to China, but my family is... very Asian. Even without ever being to any of the Asian countries, I'm still rather protective over what kind of songs stay in Asia. I guess it's just the sort of closed-off feeling? Maybe it's even partially the "hey, Americans don't accept Asians (... kpop idols have tried to "debut" successfully, and there hasn't been a lot of success), so why should Asians accept Americans?" I have no idea if that's what Koreans think, or Japanese people think, but... well. That's just how I feel - I'd imagine for actual citizens of those two countries to be even more protective of their current kpop idols, or at least be shocked if a non-asian did get lots of success after auditioning. ._.;;

Hope I didn't offend anyone... TT_TT Just stating my opinion here.

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Guest RosieNerd

Honestly, since it's a KOREAN industry, I think they reserve auditions to people who live in Korean, or have citizenship (like a duel citizenship). It wouldn't make sense for a Korean industry to be dominated by Americans, Japanese, Europeans, etc in general, of any race.

I know they have global auditions mainly to find Asians in other countries, but if they take such pride in their culture, and just being Korean in general, I think global auditions are a bit silly.

I don't know if that made as much sense as it did in my head, but at least you get the gist of it, right?

And that's coming from an American white-in-every-way chick.

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Guest ShrimpCrackerrr

Honestly, since it's a KOREAN industry, I think they reserve auditions to people who live in Korean, or have citizenship (like a duel citizenship). It wouldn't make sense for a Korean industry to be dominated by Americans, Japanese, Europeans, etc in general, of any race.

I know they have global auditions mainly to find Asians in other countries, but if they take such pride in their culture, and just being Korean in general, I think global auditions are a bit silly.

I don't know if that made as much sense as it did in my head, but at least you get the gist of it, right?

And that's coming from an American white-in-every-way chick.

global auditions are to find koreans not in korea... there are many koreans outside of korea like usa, canada, etc.. :sweatingbullets:

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Guest RosieNerd

global auditions are to find koreans not in korea... there are many koreans outside of korea like usa, canada, etc.. :sweatingbullets:

I know; that's the flaw with my idea sweatingbullets.gif But, other than that... my point still kinda stands.

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Guest ShrimpCrackerrr

I know; that's the flaw with my idea *quoted image* But, other than that... my point still kinda stands.

uh not really.. your point is that global auditions are "silly" because they are used to find mainly asians

the main point of global auditions are to find asians not already in korea.. because those asians can't go to korea. even though their nationality might not be asian, their ethnicity IS asian. so that is better than just having a complete foreigner. also global auditions are to promote themselves too.. don't you see all the posters of their artists all over the audition rooms, etc?

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Guest RosieNerd

uh not really.. your point is that global auditions are "silly" because they are used to find mainly asians

the main point of global auditions are to find asians not already in korea.. because those asians can't go to korea. even though their nationality might not be asian, their ethnicity IS asian. so that is better than just having a complete foreigner. also global auditions are to promote themselves too.. don't you see all the posters of their artists all over the audition rooms, etc?

I guess I kinda see that point, but you're just restating what I already said was the flaw in what I said. 

What I guess I was trying to say was that Ive seen people (not on this thread as much) who say "Why do people of other races try to be famous in Korea? They should just stay in America, they don't know the culture, language, etc", but I don't see the difference between a  white person like that, and a Chinese person like that other than their race. I probably should have stated it like that before.

What I said, and what I meant were very different things.

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Guest ShrimpCrackerrr

I guess I kinda see that point, but you're just restating what I already said was the flaw in what I said. 

What I guess I was trying to say was that Ive seen people (not on this thread as much) who say "Why do people of other races try to be famous in Korea? They should just stay in America, they don't know the culture, language, etc", but I don't see the difference between a  white person like that, and a Chinese person like that other than their race. I probably should have stated it like that before.

What I said, and what I meant were very different things.

idk either. i'm korean. i really don't understand why people listen to songs they can't understand, follow idols who can't even speak the same language, etc.. it would really annoy me to listen to a song and not understand the lyrics.. it would be like listening to gibberish.. no offense to the people who do listen to things they don't understand, but i really think it's stupid. i guess every person has their own preference?

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Guest appledapple

idk either. i'm korean. i really don't understand why people listen to songs they can't understand, follow idols who can't even speak the same language, etc.. it would really annoy me to listen to a song and not understand the lyrics.. it would be like listening to gibberish.. no offense to the people who do listen to things they don't understand, but i really think it's stupid. i guess every person has their own preference?

So are people who listen to opera stupid?

Not that I think non-Asians should all run out and try to get record deals in Korea-99% seem totally unrealistic about it (as I stated in a thread I made a couple days ago).   I don't think they *shouldn't* either-as long as they are realistic in their expectations of what they can achieve there and what sort of lifestyle they may lead there (though, again, 99 percent don't seem to be). 

Back to the original topic, I think the walk-in auditions are a waste of time for non-Asians especially if they're going to have to pay to travel there, hotel, etc.  Even if they're local there are better ways for them to get in contact with someone who'll give them a forum.

Global auditions seem to be mostly about promoting the labels holding them anyway.

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Guest MyNameIs_Luka

Hi, I'm part African American and Asian. I want to say, don't fake the way you are because of others. I mean if I ever go anywhere in school, the boys in class will all be like "Ching Chong" and I want to slap them. I mean, an all white girl is a trainee at CUBE right now. My skin tone is carmel, so I guess that doesn't apply to me. But you guys should give it a shot if it's your dream and you have really worked for it. I mean they don't just give celebs autotune and surgery and then your there. They have to work for years and years and then become the star. No matter what people say, I'm auditioning for JYP, SM, YG, and DSP.

^ Actually that is just a baseless rumor...CUbe Entertainment cleared the rumor earlier stating that they have no foreign trainees outside of Asian Descent.

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Guest ShrimpCrackerrr

So are people who listen to opera stupid?

Not that I think non-Asians should all run out and try to get record deals in Korea-99% seem totally unrealistic about it (as I stated in a thread I made a couple days ago).   I don't think they *shouldn't* either-as long as they are realistic in their expectations of what they can achieve there and what sort of lifestyle they may lead there (though, again, 99 percent don't seem to be). 

Back to the original topic, I think the walk-in auditions are a waste of time for non-Asians especially if they're going to have to pay to travel there, hotel, etc.  Even if they're local there are better ways for them to get in contact with someone who'll give them a forum.

Global auditions seem to be mostly about promoting the labels holding them anyway.

wait i don't get your first sentence. are you saying opera songs are gibberish? opera songs have lyrics too..

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Guest RosieNerd

idk either. i'm korean. i really don't understand why people listen to songs they can't understand, follow idols who can't even speak the same language, etc.. it would really annoy me to listen to a song and not understand the lyrics.. it would be like listening to gibberish.. no offense to the people who do listen to things they don't understand, but i really think it's stupid. i guess every person has their own preference?

You know, I don't even know why. But it's not just people who speak English who it, it happens all over the world (people listening to music in languages they don't know).

I personally don't think it's stupid. I think it's awesome that people listen to music, and follow culture from all around the world. I feel like it's better than just being in like a...bubble (lolwut?) that is your own country, and not seeing what else is out there.

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