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★彡yg ♪♬♪ The Official Big Bang [빅뱅] Thread ver. 2

Guest the7REAL.

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Guest shinhdeplol

New update from Enjoy Today????


C: 리듬♪

This looks like Idol Athletics Chuseok special :w00t: Love the concept ^^

I realized just now that they mispelt Jiyong's name <_<


C: jemmmiexx @ tumblr

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Guest shinhdeplol

C: bbupdates @ YT

MCD's poll for best suits ^^

Big Bang shooting for Lotte F/W 2010 Collection











Source: Lotte KR via DCTOP

Shared by Vic @ bigbangupdates

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Guest Michala01

Does this mean new photoshoot? Hell yeah I am excited! w00t.gif They look fabulousssssss

I don't know how my heart will bear their comeback when I get so crazy excited over the smallest things lol. 

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Guest juang_bb

whoa!!! so many HOT NEW PICS coming our way! thank god for their endorsements! it's helping us go through their long hiatus. are they taking pics with a jumping rope?!? i fear for Tabi... you know anything that has to do with athletics or sports doesn't go well with him. :lol: I just watched the BTS for 19 when they were shooting in the bowling alley and i still can't get over how Tabi's bowling attempt was such a FAIL. :lol:

i want larger and HQ pics. BB in suits is always :wub:

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Guest JiAhUiis

Hey Guys!~~

As you all know Big Bang is coming to Singapore. I just want to ask if TOP is coming or not. Because he has an event in Hawaii on the 22nd. So I'm wondering how is he going to make it for the concert on the 23rd of October.

Does anyone know if TOP is coming?

Don't tell me he is coming on the day itself from hawaii... It's gonna be tiring for him!

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^ wait. hold up.

TOP is coming to hawaii?

where did you get this information? I dont remember hearing anything about this, so I'm just wondering where you got that TOP was coming to hawaii, and for what?

maybe I'm just out of the Big Bang loop? :sweatingbullets:

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Guest g-dragon1988

OMG YOU BOY MAKE ME @u#$(|&@(_#$&_&@!#$()&@!(#$&(@#(ry@(#y%@#($

I'M DESPERATE!!!! I AM DYING~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ㅇㅈㄴ






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Guest juang_bb

Hey Guys!~~

As you all know Big Bang is coming to Singapore. I just want to ask if TOP is coming or not. Because he has an event in Hawaii on the 22nd. So I'm wondering how is he going to make it for the concert on the 23rd of October.

Does anyone know if TOP is coming?

Don't tell me he is coming on the day itself from hawaii... It's gonna be tiring for him!

I think I saw that event you're talking about, the Hawaii International Film Festival or something like that, but I don't think it was confirmed that TOP is indeed going to Hawaii for it. I remember because I also thought of the same thing when I read it, about how is he supposed to get to Singapore from Hawaii in a day for a concert.

If Big Bang is confirmed to attend the Korean Pop Night, then I think YG won't let Tabi miss out on that commitment, especially since it's like a mini concert.

^^^ ah!!! the selca pic is soooo cute!!! I love it. and look at GD... GDYB :wub: the snow pic is super cute too! :D

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^ thanks for clearing that up. Yeah I think YG would send Tabi to be with the rest of the boys. He doesn't need to be at the Hawaii film festival in the same way he needs to be with Big Bang in Singapore. But darn, if he was gonna be in hawaii, I so would have book my flight. whats 5 hours when its tabi? ^_^

and I want. that. selca. The boys look downright adorable/hot and all these new pictures just makes me want YG to release a date already! It doesn't have to be a long explanation, doesnt have to include pictures, nothing. Seriously, if I opened up YG LIFE and all there was on the screen was a date (preferably in November) I would be happy. Make it happen YG.

edit: well crap. this is second BB thread I've topped today (can you tell I miss the boys?) sorry for having nothing to share.

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Guest juang_bb

okay so with 3 of YB's songs getting slapped with a 19+ rating, let's make a tally for our boys...

songs with 19+ ratings:

TAEYANG: 3 songs - Move, After You Fall Asleep, Take It Slow

GD: 2 songs - She's Gone, Korean Dream (as far as i know, they missed out on Breathe, which was the more obvious one)

SEUNGRI: 1 song - Strong baby

correct me if I am wrong or if i missed anything. Tabi's ban for Turn It UP was only for mbc due to indirect advertising so it's not counted.

so, i just thought... it ain't a Big Bang solo if it's not 19+ :P i know this is not something to be proud of really, but why do i feel like i love them even more because of these ratings?!? am i weird? or just plain VIP? lol :lol:

and with DS and TOP's solo albums coming up... well, im not sure about DS, but i won't be surprised if TOP's album would contain such references too. he's grown man and he doesn't seem like somebody who's going to hold back on his thoughts especially when it comes to his own music. Turn It Up already made a bit of a reference on how he can turn even an older woman on. ;) with DaeDae though... well, i cant imagine him singing such songs but if Seungri's Strong Baby got a stupid 19+, who knows right?!?

also, GD wrote 4 out of the 6 songs, YB wrote 1, and SR conceptualized the sexy theme for Strong Baby... i just hope that they keep on writing songs that they want and not think about whether it's going to be slapped with a rating eventually. im not saying they should intentionally keep writing sexually suggestive songs or drug/alcohol related stuff, what i mean is that, these songs are really great songs that weren't intended to be a bad influence, it's relaying a certain message and theme... they can't keep sining love songs or songs about being heart broken all the time. i just thought that because of these ban, im a bit afraid that there might be some great song ideas or stuff they've done that we'll never get to hear because they'll have to think about whether it will be banned eventually or not. especially since i know, they're more careful when it comes to BB's album and image as a group.

i just want them to keep on being daring (with sense and reason, of course), and not be boxed by these regulations.

and i ended up having a long post. :P i posted it here since it really just started with a random thought. i think it's best that i do this babbling here than in the official thread. :)

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Guest toozdae08


I don't think the boys will care. YB probably knew that TIS would get banned and he fought to have the song on the album, and no one is surprised by Move.

I can't imagine GD or TOP caring either. But these are their solos and I think YG lets them do whatever they want with those.

However, I don't think they can do the same with a BB song/album. YG himself said that BB is an idol group first and foremost so I think he'll be a lot more strict on what is on a BB album. I'm hoping I'm wrong but I think it maybe another case of what happened to TOP's version of Hallelujah, it wasn't chosen for being non-commercial enough. And GD has said a lot of songs he has written have been push aside because it wasn't commercial enough too. I'm hoping that as the boys get older, YG will let them evolve more.

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Guest Michala01


You're not the only one girl. I don't give a rats richard simmons that they get banned and I'm proud that the boys sing about more mature topics. They're grown men now, they can't keep singing about childish things forever. They already water down their songs so they can be released without too much controversy.

Not being from Korea myself, the whole thing is stupid to me anyway. None of those songs would warrant any kind of attention from authorities in my country, they're pretty vanilla laugh.gif But Korea is a different story. 


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Guest ky.vip

ok i know im asking this pretty late...shouldve asked before i did it..

i ordered a bousouzoku (TOP's spikey mask) yesterday on DVD Heaven for $35...

shipping is 12...

is it worth it?

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