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★彡yg ♪♬♪ The Official Big Bang [빅뱅] Thread ver. 2

Guest the7REAL.

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Guest teshagoesblind

that wasn't written by anybody? it was like those horoscope birthday things? ohmygod! that's so scarily PRECISE AND ACCURATE! they're really how they are mentioned! especially the Seungri onee! yeah, it does seem like all of them could be from a cat family. like, they have a fierce, stylish yet humble side and YB has that innocent yet determined side! wowwww.

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Guest nguyenx_x

aww the animal thing was cute lol. ther all cats and YB is the little fuzzy koala. haha

the GDYB gifs are so adorable. jiyong is such a laughing boyyman! and I like his current hairstyle. I think it makes him look older and VERY stylo indeed! and the old picture of GDYB? YB's hair is toooooo cute! I think he should maybe change it up a bit. like how GD is always changing his hairstyles but Taeyang looks good with his short mohawk.

^^agree. i think taeyangs mohawk suits his personality, i dont think you would wanna see YB trying the kinds of hair GD does. the mohawk is perfect for him because its simple but still makes a statement you know? I liked TOPS hair the best in haru haru..but what he has now works for me too. & daesung's current is also good. then for seungri..i pretty much like whatever he has..just not too short!! I have to say i love GD's hairstyle right now. imeann..thers alot of different hair he had taht i liked but this one really hot on him & manly..the color, style & everything. i especially like how its kind of spikey in the back


like this

I wish BB were more famous where I'm from. or kpop as a whole were more famous! there aren't any ginormous kpop Big Bang posters anywhere. or nowhere I can buy any kpop Big Bang merchandiseee ):

and the only channel I have is KBS World! so, I hope maybe Big Bang'll make any appearance in Star Golden Bell! the show is hilarious! or on Let's Go Dream Team or Happy Together! 'cause those're the only ones I manage to watch and I get excited when I see something I like on Korean TV. since most of the time I use youtube

i feel you..here in the US is completly void of anything kpop..u hav to go to canada..and sometimes u can find stuff @ the asian stores here thoughh(: & yes. i love to see bigbang on some show..though im afraid YG wont be doing it :( hopefully they go on more veriety (sp? lol) programs more for us to see of them right? haha & seungri is so funny on strong heart. spillin all bigbangs secrets^^

~wahh sorrie for the long rable guys ;p

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Guest toozdae08

Since I have nothing better to do with my life I decided to look up the boy’s Zodiac signs and it’s pretty accurate to what we know of their personailities.


G.D. Leo - 8.18.88

The Leo type is the most dominant, spontaneously creative and extrovert of all the zodiacal characters. In grandeur of manner, splendor of bearing and magnanimity of personality, they are the monarch's among humans as the lion is king of beasts. They are ambitious, courageous, dominant, strong willed, positive, independent, self-confident there is no such a word as doubt in their vocabularies, and they are self-controlled. Born leaders, either in support of, or in revolt against, the status quo.

Likes: Speculative ventures, Lavish Living, Pageantry and Grandeur, Children

Dislikes: Doing things safely, Ordinary,Day to day living, Small minded people, Penny pinching, Mean spiritedness

Taeyang – Taurus 5.18.88 and

Daesung – Taurus 4.26.89

The characteristics of taurus are solidity, practicality, extreme determination and strength of will - no one will ever drive them, but they will willingly and loyally follow a leader they trust. They are stable, balanced, conservative good, law-abiding citizens and lovers of peace, possessing all the best qualities of the bourgeoisie. As they have a sense of material values and physical possessions, respect for property and a horror of falling into debt, they will do everything in their power to maintain the security of the status quo and be somewhat hostile to change.They are faithful and generous friends with a great capacity for affection, but rarely make friends with anyone outside their social rank, to which they are ordinarily excessively faithful. In the main, they are gentle, even tempered, good natured, modest and slow to anger, disliking quarreling and avoiding ill-feeling. No other sign in the zodiac is closer to earth then Taurus.

Likes: Stability, Being Attracted, Things Natural, Time to Ponder, Comfort and Pleasure

Dislikes: Disruption, Being pushed too hard, Synthetic or "man made" things, Being rushed, Being indoors

TOP – Scopio 11.04.87

Scorpios are the most intense, profound, powerful characters in the zodiac. Even when they appear self-controlled and calm there is a seething intensity of emotional energy under the placid exterior. But those of us who are particularly perceptive will be aware of the harnessed aggression, the immense forcefulness, magnetic intensity, and often strangely hypnotic personality under the tranquil, but watchful composure of Scorpio.

In conventional social gatherings they are pleasant to be with, thoughtful in conversation, dignified, and reserved, yet affable and courteous; they sometimes possess penetrating eyes which make their shyer companions feel naked and defenseless before them.They are fortunate in that their strong reasoning powers are tempered with imagination and intuition, and these gifts, together with critical perception and analytical capacity, can enable the Scorpions to penetrate to profundities beyond the average. They have a better chance of becoming geniuses than the natives of any other sign. Scorpio is the symbol of sex and Scorpios are passionate lovers, the most sensually energetic of all the signs.

Likes: Truth, Hidden Causes, Being involved, Work That is Meaningful, Being Persuasive

Dislikes: Being Given Only Surface data, Taken Advantage of, Demeaning Jobs, Shallow Relationships. Flattery and Flattering

Seungri – Sagittarius 11.04.87

Sagittarians have a positive outlook on life, are full of enterprise, energy, versatility, adventurousness and eagerness to extend experience beyond the physically familiar. They enjoy travelling and exploration, the more so because their minds are constantly open to new dimensions of thought. They are basically ambitious and optimistic, and continue to be so even when their hopes are dashed. Their strongly idealistic natures can also suffer many disappointments without being affected. They are honorable, honest, trustworthy, truthful, generous and sincere, with a passion for justice.

They have both profound and widely ranging minds, equipped with foresight and good judgement, and they can be witty conversationalists. They love to initiate new projects (they make excellent researchers) and have an urge to understand conceptions that are new to them. they think rapidly, are intuitive and often original, but are better at adapting than inventing and are at their best when working with colleagues of other types of character that compliment their own.

Likes:Traveling, getting to the heart of the matter. Freedom, Laws and meanings, the general 'feel' of things

Dislikes: Off the wall theories, being tied down domestically, Being constrained, cooling your heels, bothered with details

*just realized I didn't bold the parts for Seungri.

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Guest propera898

Trend : K-POP Idols Are All Heading To Japan This August

It seems like almost all of the top KPOP idols will be concentrating on Japan this August. But who will be left in Korea?

Big Bang, Girls Generation, Kara, 4Minute and JYJ are all set to begin promotions in Japan in August. For Girls Generation, Kara and 4Minute, it will be a debut but for Big Bang and JYJ, it will be a comeback. Already, there is immense interest in all of the groups.

“First we have 4Minute, they will be releasing their new single ‘IMMM’ on 28th July. The girls have headed over to Japan on 27th July. Already earlier in May, the girls released their debut Japanese single ‘Muzik’ and the single went up to the TOP 20 chart on Oricon.

Next will be KARA having their official Japanese debut on 11th August. The MV to their Japanese debut song ‘Mister’ was released on 28th July, and they have flown to Japan on the same day to Japan to prepare for their activities for the song. Currently the song is already moving up fast on Oricon charts.

Male idol group Big Bang will be releasing a new single ‘Beautiful Hangover’ on 25th August. After Dong Bang Shin Ki, Big Bang is said to be the next Korean newcomer singers to look out for debuting in Japan. They did an open concert on 26th July with the attendance of 8000 fans.

Also, there is So Nyeo Shi Dae who will be debuting in Japan with a showcase to be held in late August. And following the showcase, they will be releasing a debut single in September. There has been great interests on the group’s debut in Japan.”

tsk tsk tsk ,, somehow i hate BIGBANG its always mentioned as the next generation who well do well after DBXQ . but i do understand cuz Dbxq has like already done all what bigbang has acomplish but BB is close to surpass them , they already did it in Korea and they als will do it in japan ,, but i have to say i admire cassies they are really united fans tsk tsk wish V.I.P could be a little more like that tsk tsk.

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Guest teshagoesblind

^^agree. i think taeyangs mohawk suits his personality, i dont think you would wanna see YB trying the kinds of hair GD does. the mohawk is perfect for him because its simple but still makes a statement you know? I liked TOPS hair the best in haru haru..but what he has now works for me too. & daesung's current is also good. then for seungri..i pretty much like whatever he has..just not too short!! I have to say i love GD's hairstyle right now. imeann..thers alot of different hair he had taht i liked but this one really hot on him & manly..the color, style & everything. i especially like how its kind of spikey in the back


like this

YEAH! I think his hairstyle now is perfect! I mean, it's reeeally stylish and really classy! I think he looks greeatt! :D

tsk tsk tsk ,, somehow i hate BIGBANG its always mentioned as the next generation who well do well after DBXQ . but i do understand cuz Dbxq has like already done all what bigbang has acomplish but BB is close to surpass them , they already did it in Korea and they als will do it in japan ,, but i have to say i admire cassies they are really united fans tsk tsk wish V.I.P could be a little more like that tsk tsk.

I totally agree. I mean, I'm a pretty late kpop fan, and I've heard things about DBSK and how GREAT they are. and I've heard a few songs, and I guess they're good. and I guess you can say it's a HUGE compliment to be compared to them and to be said as DBSK's 2nd in-line or something. but I mean, from what everyone says, it sounds like DBSK will always be on top. and I think Big Bang can surpass them! Big Bang're Big Bang! but yeah, I've also heard about the DBSK fans being really supportive, and more VIPs should be like that too!

starting with the VOTES! http://www.mtv.co.kr/poll/best_view.php?idx=726 we have dropped REALLY looow, guys! B2St are climbing up, and Wonder Girls too! aww ): I can't do it alonee!

*Sorry to cut your posts short!

EDIT: aww, I just watched the Strong Heart cut! and doesn't Seungri look REALLY tired ):

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Guest propera898


well nothing its impossible for fans as you all might know *.* and here you can get A



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Big Bang on ShinCho Magazine Japan (100804) [PHOTOS]




Source: ameblo.jp/pipichi72 (Thanks!!)

Shared by Vic Category: Magazines, Photos

Read more: http://www.bigbangupdates.com

wowww!! thanks for posting the pics :D

hmm isit just me or does seungri's arms look much more muscular now in THIS pic? ;p


miss the boys doing kr activities so much!!!


@propera898, is that their dorm in japanese or korea????! so much vandalism on the lamps(?) LOL

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Guest nguyenx_x

I totally agree. I mean, I'm a pretty late kpop fan, and I've heard things about DBSK and how GREAT they are. and I've heard a few songs, and I guess they're good. and I guess you can say it's a HUGE compliment to be compared to them and to be said as DBSK's 2nd in-line or something. but I mean, from what everyone says, it sounds like DBSK will always be on top. and I think Big Bang can surpass them! Big Bang're Big Bang! but yeah, I've also heard about the DBSK fans being really supportive, and more VIPs should be like that too!

well..dbsk & bigbangs styles are completly differnet. but yes dbsk is very talented.they are reallly talented singers(voice wise not just beats & stuff), can dance and have have expanded alot in japan. so theyr also known for being one of the big influences that made big contribution to the korean wave/hallyu ..BoA too. its really good though that bigbang is able to follow in there line and soon maybe surpass them. i love dbsk, but for me bigbang comes first^^ lol

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Guest andloveyelledno

LOL oh Seungri "I'm taller than you". I love when the Strong Baby song comes on every time he talks.

Big Bang and DBSK are very different, from their music to their style. Honestly, I thought Big Bang would have a lot more difficult time getting fans in Japan just because they're so different from the Jpop idol groups. It could have gone either way but I guess people are starving for something new because they're doing really good.

DBSK entered Japan as a Japanese band (I suppose back then, the record companies felt it was the only way to make it there) and remained there for years trying to make it. Big Bang doesn't have the same long contract so they can't really do the same. They'll always have to be flying back and forth. This slows them down, definitely, but if they keep it up consistently then there's no reason why they shouldn't make it to the top alongside DBSK :)

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Guest propera898

BIGBANG in August issue of Shukan Josei

Korean group BIGBANG’s short interview was published in the August issue of Shukan Josei. They held a short Q & A session with the magazine.

The questions to each members were:

1. What do you eat before you go on the stage?

2. Where is one the spots where you gain your energy from? (We know on the stage from fans are #1)

3. Our readers of this magazine are probably all older then you. Do you consider going out with older ladies?

SOL’s (Taeyang) answer’s:

1. I can dance better if I don’t eat anything before I go on the stage. But in the morning and lunch, I will eat fruits or boiled eggs. After the concert, I usually eat whatever I want. I normally eat Yakiniku (Korean BBQ).

2. My hotel room in Japan

3. If I really love the person, I don’t really care for the age.

V.I.’s (Seungri) answer’s:

1. Oolong Tea. (I love it)

2. Inside the car, on the way to the concert. I like to think about how to perform on the stage.

3. I’m usually working with older people, so I don’t mind. But I would like to go out with younger girls as well.

D-LITE’s (Daesung) answer’s:

1. I don’t really eat anything before the concert, but I do eat bananas and boiled eggs.

2. Right now (During this interview of Shukan Josei). After that is my bed, I can gain so much energy from sleeping.

3. No problem! I don’t care about age!

G-DRAGON’s answer’s:

1. Red Bull

2. Right before the concert begins. I concentrate so much so I do get a lot of energy. After the concert begins, I just perform with all I have and I usually don’t remember what I did after. (LOL)

3. I’m okay with it… but maybe the girl won’t feel comfortable thinking that we have nothing in common to talk about.

TOP’s answer’s:

1. Bananas! I always try my best not to drink alcohol….. (I was just kidding ok?). I usually don’t eat dinner the day before the concert either. But I do drink 1 bottle of wine.. if I drink more then that, I will get wasted.

2. On stage

3. Age doesn’t matter.

HEY vote here http://kr.rival.kids.yahoo.com/rival/favor/index.html?ac=favor&tac=view&category=1&code=201008&rcd=6009&cd=320&&&_cntCd=320&BMD=read

every 10 secons you can do it ! ,,, just click the purple bottom ,, the reason for it i dont know LOL but i do know its something good related to BIGBANG and for them to win we have to support them :D

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Guest propera898

[NEWS] Fed up with the killing of Big Bang’s G-Dragon


As much as many people have acknowledged the ability of G-Dragon, leader of popular idol group Big Bang, he stands out that much farther from other singers. But the truth is that his exceptional talent is not being properly acknowledged. Though famous pop artists who have high credentials internationally cannot hide their admiration for G-Dragon’s talent, it is true that he is being severely underestimated within his own country.

If that’s the case, why exactly is G-Dragon’s ability being underestimated? The reason lies with negative controversies related to G-Dragon, which always seem to re-explode as soon as things seem to calm down. Starting last summer with the plagiarism allegations around his solo track ‘Heartbreaker,’ he has continually been caught up in controversies to this day. And so, G-Dragon’s image has become worse.

But these days, the more we hear news of G-Dragon, we cannot erase the feeling that these controversies are not based on objective fact. Before, the belief that criticisms towards him were rightful was prevalent because he had done wrong, but we cannot understand the criticisms stemming from the recent return to court by YG Entertainment. Of course, we understand that this case began with G-Dragon, it’s just that we believe that aiming all accusations at G-Dragon, saying that he is the one that unraveled the thread, is not right.

What’s most important is that accusations such as these are being instigated by a number of netizens on a spree to ‘kill G-Dragon.’ At first, accusations aimed at G-Dragon began as an effort to call him out for the wrongs that he had done. But as time went on, the root of such criticism disappeared. Fans and netizens were no longer calling him out for his own faults, but were putting the blame on him for things anyone that had anything to do with him had done. And now, they have surpassed the level of criticism and launching personal attacks on him.

We can take YG Entertainment’s decision to return to court as an example. This decision was made solely by the company, and while G-Dragon had nothing to do with the decision all focus has been put on him. Seeing as how all press reporters, who should be the ones to give accurate reports for the netizens to see, have been writing their articles as if G-Dragon was the one to take on the courts and request a reassessment case, it’s no surprise that all the focus has been directed at him. But as such negative attention filled with controversy and accusation surrounds G-Dragon, it cannot be overlooked that he is simply taking all of it and being victimized.

As will be evident if you search for and look through any related media, subtly amongst all the controversy and criticism is a cry to ‘kill G-Dragon.’ This repulsive spree has been going on ever since last summer and hasn’t ended to this day. As can be seen through replies attached to related articles, the hottest topics when it comes to G-Dragon do not have anything to do with the present, but is a messy collection of things from the past, present, and future. They accuse him of things he had done in the past, accuse him again with controversies happening in the present, come up with things from the future with nonsensical reasoning to criticize him once more and do not give him even a moment’s breath to explain himself.

They are tediously holding on to controversies from the past and criticizing him. Of course, if G-Dragon or his company had not apologized for these matters, this would not be such a problem, but G-Dragon and his company have worked out the plagiarism accusations with the parties involved, and regarding the controversy about his provocative performance at his concert, he had already released an official apology and paid the appropriate fines. But still, a handful of netizens amongst Big Bang’s anti-fans consider all of G-Dragon’s actions as wrong and continue to point fingers. To put it simply, the killing of one celebrity is happening in front of our eyes.

For a celebrity, criticism is an important element that allows him or her to reach the next level. But criticism such as what is happening now does nothing more than stir up hatred amongst the people. There must be reason for such condemnation aside from a simple dislike for the person, but this handful of people is expressing their personal feelings and deliberately coming up with outrageous criticisms against G-Dragon. Furthermore they are using a hot icon like G-Dragon to encourage fights between netizens, and are enjoying doing so. If there are any netizens out there of sound mind, we wish that you would not take part in this absurd spree to ‘kill G-Dragon.’

Hesitated to post this for the reason that it might stir up issues or old controversies but the good and bad have to be accepted and this is cleaning up G-Dragon’s name if anything and helping fans understand why G-Dragon is treated as such an outcast at times.



we shouldnt bother by these , the only thing that we have to care about its that we know Gdragon and we care for him ,, so all these controversi its just to taint him and bigbang but that wont happen honestly non vips or haters are losing their time ,,,


NEWS] Big Bang’s “Triple crown” at MTV Awards to be broadcasted worldwide!

Group Big Bang, performances at the Japan MTV Awards will be released to the public.

Cable music channel MTV specialist stated on August 4th, “The MTV Video Music Awards Japan World Stage will broadcast the highlight performances of the award ceremony winners on August 6th at 8:00PM.” This will air across 154 countries worldwide, including Korea on the MTV channel.

In particular Big Bang’s triple crown consisting of, “Best new artist Music Video award“, “Best Pop Video award” and the “Best Collaboration Video award“, has attracted the attention of Korean fans.

This big awards ceremony took place last May 29th in Japan at the Yoyogi National stadium.

Meanwhile, Big Bang’s triple crown awards as well as popular Japanese dance group, EXILE, many won awards will be broadcasted on August 6th.

I really hope my MTV channel will show this~!!! ^.^


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Guest intelligirl


AHH yes Strong Baby looks STRONG! More airport pics:



EDIT, sorry one more :D


c: partnervi

And treats given to him when he was hospitalized:









c: onlyonevi


@yuna_gd: Seungri has gained weight, there is no doubt about it. But rather than fat I'd say it's muscle :) He looks HEALTHY and mighty fine in my opinion :wub:

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Guest andloveyelledno

It's so weird for me to find Seungri attractive lol. I'm used to seeing him as the maknae and now he's this GQ man. I like, I like.

Interesting article on GD. I had no idea some netizens were still on that. That's what Antis with no life do, they try to bring others down in order to feel better about themselves. It comes with the package, unfortunately. All artists have to deal with it. GD is someone who likes pushing boundaries and taking things to the next level so controversies are always going to following him and i'm sure he's aware of that. But as long as that doesn't threaten/stop him from being himself and doing what he wants to do, it'll be okay. His fans outweigh his Antis.

Some gifs






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Guest yuna_gd


That reason why Ri looks a bit  fat in airport. Ha ha


Credit: verdad@DCGD

 I love his hair

He looks so handsome

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Guest evilgary

seungri look really cool and manly with his sleeves rolled up from the airport pics

i still like the part where taeyang said seungri has grown up because of his dance moves

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Guest shinhdeplol

Big Bang Interview on Women Weekly Magazine

What do you eat before you go on the stage?

SOL: I can dance better if I don’t eat anything before I go on the stage. But in the morning and lunch, I will eat fruits or boiled eggs. After the concert, I usually eat whatever I want. I normally eat Yakiniku (Korean BBQ).

V.I.: Oolong Tea. (I love it)

D-Lite: I don’t really eat anything before the concert, but I do eat bananas and boiled eggs.

G-Dragon: Red Bull

T.O.P: Bananas! I always try my best not to drink alcohol….. (I was just kidding ok?). I usually don’t eat dinner the day before the concert either. But I do drink 1 bottle of wine.. if I drink more then that, I will get wasted.

Where is one the spots where you gain your energy from?

(We know on the stage from fans are #1)

SOL: My hotel room in Japan

V.I: Inside the car, on the way to the concert. I like to think about how to perform on the stage.

D-Lite: Right now (During this interview of Shukan Josei/Women Weekly). After that is my bed, I can gain so much energy from sleeping.

G-Dragon: Right before the concert begins. I concentrate so much so I do get a lot of energy. After the concert begins, I just perform with all I have and I usually don’t remember what I did after.

T.O.P: On stage

Our readers of this magazine are probably all older then you. Do you consider going out with older ladies?

SOL: If I really love the person, I don’t really care for the age.

V.I: I’m usually working with older people, so I don’t mind. But I would like to go out with younger girls as well.

D-Lite: No problem! I don’t care about age!

G-Dragon: I’m okay with it… but maybe the girl won’t feel comfortable thinking that we have nothing in common to talk about.

T.O.P: Age doesn’t matter.

Translations by ayachu @ tokyohive

Scans by aya and verdaded @ DCTOP

Shared by Vic @ bigbangupdates

- - -

Anyone knows when they were taken??? Seems a longgggggg time ago since he still has his earrings on in those photos


C: 아쭈★ @ DCinside

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Guest 218195


How many times can I vote for Big Bang.

You can vote as many times as you want. I kept voting day and night but their percentage still kept on decreasing. Where the hell are the other VIP's??!!I can't believe that we are going to lose to a girl group. fury.gif It will be such a disgrace to our fandom.lol crazy.gifsweatingbullets.gif Keep voting everyone!!!

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