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★彡yg ♪♬♪ The Official Big Bang [빅뱅] Thread ver. 2

Guest the7REAL.

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Guest stardaisy212

Can you spot GD?


Hint: Hes hiding behind something

Answer: Hes hiding behind a balloon thing XD

Credits to 해저물어 @ Bestiz

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It's been a long time since I posted and visited the thread. We;ve had lots of interesting discussions over the past month. I LOVE IT! Might I open a new one too?

I saw this posted in another group's thread, and I found it amusing so I hope we VIPs can talk about it too.

Which artists/singers/actress would you like to be paired up/be scandaled/be rumored/go out with each Big Bang member? I hope we can all be sport about it.

Is this question within the rule? Cause we'd probably talk about other celebrities here. But I didn't see the the first thread to have discussed this first suspended anyway. So I'll take my luck.

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Guest SoshiBangBang

to @miared:

I just wanted to ask you since I'm never ever a fan on your opinions.

What is not cheesy to you (music-wise) ? Can you give me an example (performance/song) ?

And what do you like about Big Bang?

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Guest universe

i was confused when i saw Lollipop 2 ranked #10 on the Gaon charts coz it can't possibly be that low. then i remembered that it was released on the 19th and the chart collects data only from the 14th to the 20th. so i guessed they be much higher next week :) but since it omits their first two day sales...doubt they can get a #1 then. and i realised Gaon is not very accurate since there's no specific date for all album release unlike Japan where all releases are on Wednesday, which makes it fairer for Oricon to tabulate.

Seungri - 20100227 SBS Kim Yuna Triple Love - Interview

i thought Seungri was one of Queen Yuna's Triple Love!! i was like, "You did it maknae!!" then i realised its only Seungri praising Yuna or something, right? haha

Which artists/singers/actress would you like to be paired up/be scandaled/be rumored/go out with each Big Bang member? I hope we can all be sport about it.

well i'm a selfish fangirl with a weak heart, so i rather they stay scandal-free haha. but if i really have to choose, i will want Seungri to be rumoured with Yuri. just look at their freshmen ceremony pictures. they were so cute sitting side-by-side each other. haha. as for the rest...i can't see any female idols who are good enough for them sorry :lol:

and i love the Choice is Yours videos!! i like how the camera follows them around in Japan. its interesting to see how they get about there. and the G-ri love!! its been missing for quite awhile :lol: and the last part at the end when the doors open and they walked out to that sea of crown lights....wow. it gave me shivers.

@mona7 they do have quite a few but most of it are taken down. you know how strict Japanese TV shows are on copyright haha. i believe there are some floating around but its usually under some weird names so to prevent their videos to get banned. and lastly, DBSK has been in Japan for a long time, while Big Bang has just started out. their status are nowhere near DBSK, yet. haha. i'm sure once they start to get even more famous, Japanese variety shows will pour in. :)

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Something has been bothering me, and I am hoping that some of you could answer my question.

Besides BigBang I am really fond of DBSK and I am able to find tons of videos (subbed & otherwise) of all Japanese programs shows they participated. But when I try to find Big Bang Japan videos, my choice is very limited. The only programs or show I find for Big Bang are older shows in Korea.

Does Big Bang not attend any Japanese variety shows or programs? I think it would give them wider exposure

(like DBSK). What do you guys think?

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Guest yarg707

@Miared XD kekeke I think BB is your guilty pleasure funny posts I think there are many times I would feel kinda irked or embarrassed but it's all in entertainment fun. But like same as Miared I wouldn't watch BB with some of my friends cause their a bit to on the mainstream side and everything has masculine to them haha so seeing dudes on screen would already constitute as being g*** to them lol. But yeah just cause your embarrassed doesn't mean you appreciate the group any less I believe its just a preference thing.

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Guest shinhdeplol


C: 별로-_- + Aeuy_Chubby @ BBTH


2/11 Thu @横浜アリーナ




韓国のアーティスト・グループ、BIGBANGの“ELECTRIC LOVE TOUR 2010”には驚きと興奮で、アドレナリンが放出しまくりだった。“ガラガラGO!!”で登場した彼らに、会場中が黄色い歓声で包まれた!G- DRAGON、TOP、SOL、D-LITE、V.Iそれぞれが完璧なパフォーマンスを繰り広げる。彼らに韓国のアイドルと言う扱いやイメージを持ってい る人が多いと思うが、彼らは完全にアーティストであり、想像を絶するエンターテナーだ!歌も各自がパートを完璧にし、ウットリするほど上手い。表現力がハ ンパないのだ!日本語、英語をマスターし、ファンとの交流やジョークも忘れない。彼らには日本人にはないセクシー&チャーミングさがある。初めて観る彼ら のライヴだったが、最後には夢中になっている自分がいた。それほど彼らは魅力的だった!ビッベン、最高!! (LIMO)




Taken from teambigbang.blogspot.com

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Guest andloveyelledno

Hmmm, i have to agree with you guys about Seungri being embarrassing at times lol. Usually it's hilarious but sometimes I just have to face palm. I think at times he plays up/exaggerates his arrogant image and goes overboard with it.

Haha Universe, I saw that. To those wondering it's from the "X-Files" episode of Family Outing where they showed deleted scenes. I really hope Seungri was just joking because...did he honestly think JS was going to choose him over Dae?! :D He loves that boy!

And...sometimes TOP's dancing is embarrassing <_<:lol:

I know he's trying but when the four are doing one thing and he's off doing something else, i'm like arrrgh! But usually I find it funny.

Hmm in answer to your question tetays, there's no one really I envision with the guys. Although I do admit to enjoying seeing GD and CL.

I just hope all the boys find love soon. I don't get jealous so I want to see them with a girlfriend. They work too much and are missing out on so many wonderful experiences. Whoever they choose, will be fine with me. What a PC answer, huh? lol

TaeYang would fit with someone who's like him. Gentle, quiet, sweet, and passionately dedicated to something.

I can't wait to see the ELT! It's such a shame YG Japan is going all over youtube deleting the fancams -_-

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Guest intelligirl

Just for laughs, has there been a time when you felt embarrassed of Big Bang or a particular member?

I love Big Bang, so most of the time I'm mostly just proud of them, but I guess there are times when I do feel embarrassed for them. Particularly when it comes to Seungri haha. He's my Big Bang bias, but I admit that he says and acts in ways that make me facepalm sometimes.Nonetheless, he's just so honest and frivolous that I can't help, but laugh at his antics. I guess they just make me love him even more. :lol:

Daesung is the gag master. I don't feel embarrassed by him though because everything he does seems to come natural and not forced. I love when he sings trot- it always makes me laugh. :P

TOP is so foolish irl. You wouldn't know it just by seeing him rap or play a smooth assassin on IRIS. But he has such a cute side to him: he collects toys, his favorite food is ice cream, and he has killer impersonations. It makes him more adorable than anything else, but I guess it is embarrassing when you take into account that he is the oldest lol.

GD haha I just love that he is the member who gets embarrassed the most by the other members (especially by Seungri) and that when he laughs he covers his mouth, lol. It just makes everything even more comical. I'm not particularly embarrassed by him, but I do wish that he and TOP would pick up more Japanese, so they could be more active during interviews and such.

Taeyang- the boy is too sweet and nice to be embarrassing. He seems uncomfortable during variety shows, but this only makes him more endearing.

Which artists/singers/actress would you like to be paired up/be scandaled/be rumored/go out with each Big Bang member? I hope we can all be sport about it.

None that I can think of, but I hope they all get good girlfriends. GD used to have a crush on Aoi Yu and I think she is absolutely gorgeous. So maybe in the future he can date a pretty Japanese model. Taeyang deserves a very sweet, caring girlfriend. As for Seungri lol, I think he still needs to mature a bit before he can start dating. I remember he said wanted to propose to his gf by skydiving! XDD

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South Korea's Top Celebrity by Forbes Korea:BigBang is #5


김연아, 2년 연속 ‘한국 최고 셀리브리티’

| 기사입력 2010-03-01 01:06 | 최종수정 2010-03-01 01:59

[중앙일보 손용석] 밴쿠버 올림픽 금메달에 빛나는 피겨퀸 김연아가 포브스코리아에 의해 2년 연속 대한민국 최고의 셀리브리티(celebrity)로 선정됐다. 셀리브리티는 대중에 널리 알려진 사람을 뜻한다.

포브스코리아 3월호가 발표한 '한국의 파워 셀리브리티 40인'에 따르면 김연아는 방송과 신문 노출도, 광고 출연, 인터넷 검색 순위, 수입(지난해 약 800만 달러) 등을 종합적으로 평가한 결과, 1위에 올랐다. 이 조사는 그가 올림픽 금메달을 따기 전에 실시됐다.

포브스코리아가 창간 7주년을 맞아 실시한 이 조사는 지난해에 이어 두 번째다. 공정한 평가를 위해 미국 포브스가 매년 발표하는 '파워 셀리브리티 100인' 선정 때 사용하는 기준을 그대로썼다. 가수·배우·탤런트·CF모델·스포츠선수 등을 대상으로 사회적 영향력, 유명도, 수입, 전문성 등을 두루 감안해 순위를 매겼다.

2위는 9인조 걸그룹 소녀시대다. 소녀시대는 지난해 20만 장이 넘는 음반 판매를 기록했으며, 연말에는 각종 가요상을 휩쓸었다. 16편의 TV 광고를 비롯해 각종 음원·음반 판매로 수입은 김연아보다 훨씬 많았다.

지난해 2위였던 축구선수 박지성은 올해는 3위에 올랐다. 연봉 65억원의 그는 언론 노출도와 인터넷 검색 순위에서 높은 점수를 받았다. 4위는 헐리우드로 진출한 배우 이병헌이 차지했다. 지난해 TV드라마 '아이리스'로 높은 흥행성적을 올렸던 그는 헐리우드 영화 '지아이조' '나는 비와 함께 간다'에도 출연했다.

5위에 오른 5인조 아이돌 그룹 빅뱅은 유명도와 수입에서 좋은 점수를 받았다. 그 다음은 TV드라마 '선덕여왕'에 미실로 출연했던 탤런트 고현정이었다. 7위는 드라마·예능 분야에서 활약하고 있는 엔터테이너 이승기, 8위는 예능 분야에서 인기가 높은 이효리가 꼽혔다. 9위와 10위엔 MC 라이벌인 유재석과 강호동이 각각 차지했다.

올해 파워 셀리브리티 40인에 새로 이름을 올린 연예인 중에는 '짐승돌'로 10~20대에게 폭발적인 인기를 끌고 있는 댄스그룹 2PM과 시트콤에서 코믹 연기를 선보이며 CF계의 요정으로 떠오른 탤런트 황정음이 눈길을 끌었다. 영화와 드라마에서 차세대 기대주로 부상한 박예진·박보영·윤상현과 함께 지난해 '꽃남' 열풍을 몰고 왔던 3인조 이민호·김현중·김범도 이름을 올렸다.(자세한 내용은 포브스코리아 3월호 참조) 

손용석 포브스코리아 기자


**the highlighted part is about BB***

I hope someone will translate this soon^^

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Taeyang and Daesung mentioned in a Gag Show [videoS]

Taeyang - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yvYqsjKz3zM...feature=channel

Daesung - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I8qzOrb9rxQ...feature=channel

G-Dragon mentioned in 1 Night 2 Days [videoS]


CREDIT: TheLastVIPonline@YT

CREDIT: bigbangupdates.blogspot.com

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The YG FAM version

to the God of Study

is hilarious.Especially

when they put TABI's picture on

the 'English Teacher' :lol:

On the other hand, TABI does look

good too spotting that hairstyle

of 'Baek Hyun'.

South Korea's Top Celebrity by Forbes Korea:BigBang is #5

This is a great achievement

despite them being inactive in Korea

last year.

I too wonder what is the article about..

Hmmm who else is on that celebrity list? Only one I can read is 2PM lolololl.

the list includes artistes like:

1.Kim Yuna(the ice-skater)


3.Park jisung

4.Lee Byung Hun


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Guest andloveyelledno

ROFL @ Dae's pic. I don't watch God of Study but I've seen posters of the actors/characters and that looks just about right :D

Pretty impressive that they're in the top 5 even though they haven't released anything as a group in a while (Except for the Lollipop songs). But they do have a lot of endorsement deals and things like that.

Hmmm who else is on that celebrity list? Only one I can read is 2PM lolololl.

I believe Kim Yuna is number 1, SNSD is 2nd, followed by soccer player Park Ji-sung and actor Lee Byung-hun.

ETA: I think they are taking into account endorsement deals, earnings, media exposure, internet rankings, etc. This is like Forbes's most powerful celebrities list.

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Guest teenace

Wow,they are in the top five even without being active as a group.

But they did do a lot of ads and digitals, they were 2nd last year.

Great achievement BBs.

I hope Lollipop 2 MV comes out this week!

VVIt only includes money made in Korea and not Japan.

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