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★彡yg ♪♬♪ The Official Big Bang [빅뱅] Thread ver. 2

Guest the7REAL.

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As much as i hate KBS right now i cant deny that BB on

their show would help in promote the album. If only KBS

would stop being a baby about this whole thing and do

some serious business. XDDD

Congrats to the boys for winning MCD and i see a lot

of butthurt comments LOL. They cant help being awesome


YG trolling on YGLIFE..dammit i miss that moment

but im glad YG is standing up for the boys. They dont

deserve what KBS is showing them right.


c:i dont know who posted this cause i just saw it on twitter but epic

macro from someone awesome @ tumblr.

@Macrina: WHAT DONT GO HOME MV..shot by a VIP during BIGSHOW

GD's too damn cute for words XDDD


Can you guys head off to http://www.eatyourkimchi.com/requests and request for BIGBANG's TONIGHT MV? so that they can review it

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Guest shinhdeplol

Some info about BIGBANG's appearance on Music Core

[뉴스엔 전원 기자]

컴백무대와 관련해 논란에 휩싸인 빅뱅이 MBC ‘쇼! 음악중심'에 다음 주(12일) 출연한다.

‘음악중심’ 제영제PD는 3월 4일 뉴스엔과 통화에서 “YG측에서 이번주가 아닌 다음주에 출연하겠다고 연락이 왔다. 기획사 측에서 다음주 컴백무대를 갖길 원해 제작진 측에서도 응했다”고 밝혔다. 이에 따라 빅뱅의 '음악중심' 출연은 12일로 결정됐다. '음악중심' 측에 따르면 12일 컴백무대는 '음악중심'의 주도적 결정이 아닌 YG 측의 요청에 따라 결정된 사안. 하지만 아직 무대에 대한 구체적인 사안은 아직 결정된 바 없다.

이어 제PD는 “아직 무대에 대한 자세한 사항은 결정되지 않았다. 시간이 남아 있으니 논의해봐야 한다”며 “곡 수나 시간분배 등의 문제는 정해진 바 없다”고 말했다.

한편 빅뱅은 최근 1시간 특별 파격편성된 SBS ‘The 빅뱅쇼’로 컴백한데 이어 ‘뮤직뱅크’ 출연 여부를 두고 논란에 휩싸였다.

전원 wonwon@newsen.com

기사제보 및 보도자료 newsen@newsen.com

copyrightⓒ 뉴스엔. 무단전재 & 재배포 금지

I think they are going to perform there?

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Guest Jei1430280629

“Music Bank” PDs talk about YGE's demands for Big Bang's comeback stage

The conflict between YG Entertainment and “Music Bank” seems to be  getting deeper as Big Bang’s comeback draws nearer. “Music Bank”  representatives have revealed today that YG Entertainment had made an  explicit request for a 10 minute comeback stage.

An interview with Music Bank’s PD Kim Sang Ho and PD Kwon Jae Young on March 4th revealed, “YG  Entertainment specifically asked for a 10 minute comeback stage for Big  Bang. There has never been an artist who was allotted 10 minutes for a  stage in Music Bank’s history.”

They continued, “TVXQ,  BoA, and 2NE1 were all given seven minutes. By asking for 10 minutes,  they’re saying that they want to perform three to four songs, but that  is out of the question. We have to consider terms of fairness for the  other artists. We understand that it is a request that a company is  allowed to make. However, the fact that they are publicly making it seem  like this is an issue of broadcast company tyranny, when they are the  ones who refused to perform if they were not given what they wanted, is  something we absolutely cannot understand.”

“If  they had instead reasoned that they were not able to express what they  wanted with a limited number of tracks, and made a subsequent request to  lengthen it, we would have been understanding and cooperative. But we,  too, have a program to balance. It’s hypocritical for them to refuse to  appear on the program if we don’t acquiesce, while at the same time,  making this entire issue out like our company was a tyrant to the  public.”

Allegedly, “Music Bank” reasoned to YG  Entertainment that it would be difficult to give them 10 full minutes,  as it would give the impression that they were giving special treatment  to YGE artists; not to mention the fact that it would be outright unfair  for other artists.

The two PDs continued, “We  will request another appearance from Big Bang if they are nominated for  the ‘K-Chart’ next week. Whether they appear or not is their decision,  this is not something we can make a problem out of. It’s extremely  difficult for us to understand their sense of entitlement.”

PD Kwon concluded, “In  the case of SNSD’s ‘Hoot‘ promotions, we only decided on the number of  tracks after they agreed to appear on the program. At the time, because  of an imbalance with the comebacks of other artists, they settled on a  one-track comeback. We have to take fairness into account, and an  average comeback stage consists of two tracks. The fact that YG  Entertainment is asking us why we’re taking fairness into account is odd  reasoning on their end.”

Source: Newsen via Nate | AKP

Taken from BBupdates

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Guest shinhdeplol

Translation :

What's up, Malaysia, we are BIGBANG!!

We've heard that there are so many fans support us in Malaysia.

Due to our new album promotion, we will not be able to meet you guys right away. However, we are waiting for the day to come to see you guys in Malaysia and will update you guys soon.

Thank you. See You.

For more information, please refer to HALOMUSIC Facebook : www.facebook.com/halomusic





欲知更多詳情,請查閱 www.facebook.com/halomusic

source : HaloMusicMalaysia @ YT, thanks to @MYViPs

taken from : bigbanghaven.blogspot.com

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yeah, i think the boys will be performing on Music Core on the 11th/12th. 

honestly, i'm so over this kbs vs yg thing. the only thing i care about are big bang & the vips who have been waiting for over 2 years for this day. kbs & yg can be as immature as they want, but the ones getting hurt are the boys & the fans dry.gif i don't even want to comment on this situation anymore, it has gotten so out of hand.. something could've been done before big bang's promotions, but i had a feeling this would happen ever since the beginning of GTOP promtions. YG can say what he has to say & the MuBank PD can say what he has to say, there'll always be two sides to the story. its so obvious the pd is just trying to make YG and Big Bang look bad right now, but you know what? after every controversy, the boys just bounce back stronger than ever!!! this is just going to bite kbs back in the buttsweatingbullets.gif i, honestly, just feel really bad for the kvips who would love to see more of the boys performances. big bang's also the innocent one here, it's ridiculous they're getting pulled into something they have no part in. kbs & yg need to go behind closed doors and fight it out or something, we need a solution vicx.gif this will probably be the last time i will address this whole kbs vs yg issue. it just sucks too much energy out of me when i should be spazzing over the boys' comeback instead. 

edit: loved their shoutout! i wonder how long it took them to do all these shoutout vids!!! i'm loving it though, it's really nice to see them spend time & do this. i wonder if there'll be more to come

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Guest juang_bb

now all of a sudden, the PDs of the rest of the music shows seem to feel the need to come out with a statement about their plans for BIGBANG's COMEBACK STAGE. lol. oh the power of BB. talk about HOT ISSUE.

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Guest sweetflower

Guess I'm the only one feeling this, but....

I do not like TONIGHT's choreography at all.  It's simply too complicated - too many background dancers, too many props (mic stands), too much movements back and forth, way too many dance steps, and none of the dance steps really stood out.  Never been a fan of Shaun's choreography, except for Where U At (and this was a collab effort), but this is probably his worst to date.  I guess one problem I have with Shaun's choreo is that in order for his dance steps/moves to be truly amazing, they require precise execution and timing (ex. Where U At, Wedding Dress), which only TY excels in, and this is why it worked during TY's solo.  But BB is a group not known for their dancing and the skills varied between the members, so complicated choreo like TONIGHT ended up looking messy on stage. 

This may be one of the reasons why the live performances of TONIGHT have been underwhelming - very surprising because BB is the only group that managed to make me love a song after seeing them perform live even if I hated it at first (ex. Hands Up, Cafe).  I'm a little heartless by saying this but somehow TONIGHT seems to be too difficult of a song for the boys to perform live to - the vocals were not strong (especially TY and he had the most parts), the complicated dance moves did not help, and GD playing/smashing the guitar was unnecessary and fake.  It's just so frustrating because I love TONIGHT so much - to me, BB's best song.                      

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Guest LadyBee

Hmmm I really fed up with all the stuff from KBS vicx.gif They'd better shut up and think carefully before saying bad stuff about YG. Even if they can't accept the situation when YG requested 3 songs for BB's comeback, they couldn't offer a 1 song comeback instead. How can one of the most famous and powerful K-pop group make a 1 song comeback ? Doesn't it mean Big Bang's position even as low as newbie groups ? That's so rude !!!! If Big Bang don't perform on MB, it does affects the digital sales but let's see, Big Bang made 7 billion wons in less than a week without an official promotion so what should we worry about ? Now I think YG should let this issue alone. KBS is just a baby and we don't need to argue with that kid tongue2.gif

Anw, something I've spotted in Big Bang TV. Who is lying behind that wall :rolleyes: The legs looks like SR's xD


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Guest kresten

But imo, Tonight stage is PURE GENIUS! Seriously, the best title track stage of Big Bang, no question. The choreo is very tasteful as it showcases Big Bang members' dance abilities. I've been watching each and every single member execute all the three Tonight stages we've seen so far (SBS, MNET, practice vid) and I gotta say I am proud of all of them because they are ON POINT and on their element while dancing. And I have to say kudos to Shaun because that stage, the whole concept and all, was GENIUS. Just saying.

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Guest Ena_Dae


if that's how you feel, i respect that. :-)

but as for my opinion, the complicated dance was the one that made it unique.

and i prefer their tonight perf on mnet compared to sbs' becuz i think there's something wrong with TY's mic. most of the time, he can't be heard clearly during the song in sbs but in mnet, he sounds perfect.

the dance choreo, i think, made them stand out from the other boybands/idol groups. for me, synchronized dancing the whole time is boring. but big bang, they make use of the whole stage. and the guitar segment is brilliant i think. i know it looks fake but how can u expect gd to smash a guitar each time they're performing. lols.

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Guest juang_bb

^^ this is interesting. i actually find myself in the middle. i can see where sweetflower is coming from. i dont hate TONIGHT's choreo, i actually like it especially the fact that they're trying to do something different with all the mic stands, the props etc. but IMO, there's still a few flaws in the choreo that needs more polishing. i dont know if its just that camera angles and the directors of the music shows dont know yet how to capture the choreo fully, but it does seems messy and too crowded at times, like there's a lot going on. they only performed it twice on broadcast so i believe that they'd perfect it eventually. if anything, i actually appreciate the choreo more when i watched the practice video because it looked neat. maybe coz its just one camera shot and we see everything.

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Guest Qj_GDragon

really tired ...!!

YG papa asked for a 10-second long comeback stage ....NO WAY !! ..NEVER !!

he's not that type of person ..NO DOUBT !!


papa ...our boyz still over-gorgeous without KBS ..

do not discuss wif them anymore please !! ..it will make our boys HURT ..

..2 years to prepare

..selected from hundred into 6 ..it's just worth 3 minutes ?? -- are you serious KBS !!

look ! ..how crazy you are ..

KBS - they are the MOST-fairness broadcast in korea ..never jump out of 7 minute length.. !! - REALLY ?? ..WTF is this statement Mr.PD !!


remember, the audiences have eyes and brain ..they're able to count 'n notice


see !! nearly 9 minute for SOMEONE !! -- u think that we are all stupid right


Mnet ..SBS ..MBC ..thanks you guys so much for supporting our boys !!

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Big Bang’s comeback on “Music Core” changed to next week!


It was recently announced that due to a change of plans, Big Bang will be making their MBC “Music Core” comeback next week, as opposed to this week.

“Music Core” PD Jae Young Je told Newsen on March 4th, “We got a call from YG that they will be making their comeback next week, rather than this week. The agency wanted the group to have their comeback performance next week, so we approved.”

The PD continued, “As of right now, detailed decisions on their stage have not been made. We still have time remaining, so we will need to undergo more discussions. We haven’t yet decided on how many songs or minutes they will sing.”

Source: AKP via ibigbang

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personally I think it's the camera angles for TONIGHT choreo that makes it look messing. compare the live performance to the practice one and you can see that the choreo is actually really good when there's only one camera up front capturing all the dance moves and everything but when you have so many cameras from different angles it does make the choreo of TONIGHT look messy.

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Guest fiyfly

I agree with juang_bb - I think the choreography for Tonight is really interesting and I love the idea of using stands in such a creative way.  However, there does seem at times when the back-up dancers don't really need to come out and move or remove mic stands, and there times when I think the boys could angle the stands themselves.  That said, I think it is getting better with each performance because I think there are tweaks being made each time they perform.  And it an unique dance for a really great song - I do think the performance sold me more on Tonight (though the YT MV solidified my love for it). 

No comment on the KBS situation - things will iron themselves eventually, so I'm going to just enjoy each performance the boys have, regardless of what station it might be on.  :)  Speaking of which, I LOVED the BB TV on Mnet.  The interweaving of the stages with the behind the scenes cuts was awesome.  Seeing them like that just makes me realize more and more how much I missed them on Korean TV as a group.  Thanks for all the video and picture posts!  :D

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Guest Bongs

I don't know what YG and KBS are trying to prove by diving deep into this KBS-YG quarrel (and KBS replying back, adding more fuel). If YG's trying to expose Big Bang by this 'blaming game' then he's definitely successful cause right now, their quarrel is turning into "He said; she said" scenario. In my opinion, that can tarnish your rep, YG bro. Either you both keep it behind the curtains and work it out or you spit it like some ignorant fool trying to get attention.

I see how Big Bang's schedule is now; keep pushing back their 'official' music show broadcasts so in the end when BB does go into full promotion they can promote in less than 5 weeks and then go straight to Japan for their single/tour. Boy, they are cutting it waaaay too close for this. Let's hope they can promote longer than my non sense opinion. lol

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Guest Jei1430280629

I think YG just try to give fans an official repond(and i guess, it's the last responds too). I believe in YG so much that I can be sure everything he does only in order to protect BB and YG Family. I don't know the truth behind these things, I only know that YG will never let his artists be disadvantegous. So just trust him and wait ~^o^~


My fr sent me this link: http://sports.chosun.com/enter/ranking/main+.htm

Come and vote for our boys as much as you can b/c it's unlimited votes / day

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