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★彡yg ♪♬♪ The Official Big Bang [빅뱅] Thread ver. 2

Guest the7REAL.

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Guest shinhdeplol

TOP's cute fan service ^^


C: verdad // 대성꿀성대 @ bestiz

Its nice seeing the boys with the crown lightstick ^^

Artists' purported appearance fee in Korea.

Dunno how authentic the list is (no original source cited), but it is causing a lot of debate among the various Baidu Kpop communities.

I personally am more surprised with missA's, Secret's (& Narsha's) purported market values.


Source: Baidu SS501 Bar + Baidu 2PM Bar + Baidu Wondergirls Bar

Translated from the Chinese.

Taken from qoxie @ soompi

Dont understand much about this but just seeing the boys on top makes me happy ^^

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Guest juang_bb

^^^ OMG!! finally somebody made a GIF of that one from the DVD! i was actually trying to learn how to do a good gif so that if i find some time, i'll try to make a GIF of that one. it was so cute when he did that... such fanservice from Tabi. i actually saw a lot of fanservice from him in the DVD. now im just waiting for DCTOP to make a gif of his "butt" move. that was EPIC!!!

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Guest sakime-yong

Hi guys just want to ask Do you know who compose the song STAY? coz I really love that BIG BANG japanese song.

THanks for who would answer :D

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Guest prettygirl_pc

Did everyone check out the teaser for "Haru"--> the drama that's featuring Big Bang on the soompi website?

Here is the link: http://www.soompi.com/news/teaser_to_web_drama_haru_featuring_uknow_yunho_big_bang_kim_bum_revealed

i so can't wait for this to happen!! so excited to see the boys in the drama!! personally i always wanted to see how Jiyong would look in a drama!! ahhh!!!

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Guest je'taime!

O_o . TOP is really cute their in his fan service hahaha. He looks like a fan cheering for his idol :P.

Taeyang's and Daesung's. Well, not really surprised but i wish they can get along well. Haha, and Taeyang's expression looks cute lol. I like it.

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Guest toozdae08

You guys move so fast - I had to backtrack like 7 pages and I posted here less than 24hrs.

Anyway - glad that T-ara changed their lightsticks cause it was pretty much a copy of BB. Sorry but that doesn't fly with me. was getting butthurt until I heard they changed it.

On YB and Dae being awkward. YB has said this a few times now. That he and Dae are really close in that he tells him everything, esp since they share an apartment in Japan, and he even calls Dae his soulmate. However he has said that Dae doesn't share much about himself and that he wished he would open up more. I've noticed it too, that he seems to be the one that shares his feelings the least. The boys do say that he's quiet and serious off camera. When I first watched the Big Show 2010 IN2D parody I even wrote in my long comment to each of the boys how I wished Dae would open himself up more to his bandmates cause I could tell he closes himself off a little. I'm happy to see that YB looks like he's knows this and is trying to get Dae to open up more.

Also, loving that GD and Dae wore the fan hats, hope the rest of the boys follow soon.

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Guest Michala01


Thanks for keeping the thread alive, you're awesome! 

I'm getting more and more impatient by the day for their comeback. I come here to rant about it because I know you guys understand. tears.gif

I guess I'll just keep rewatching the Big Show 2010 dvd for now, ahh but I miss them so. I feel like we're going to get the lull before the storm now. Probably wont be too many updates about the boys for the time being which makes me even more sad. 

Anyhow, I love this thread for feeding my Big Bang addiction wub.gif

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Artists' purported appearance fee in Korea.

BIGBANG earns at least 60 million Won for performances and appearances [NEWS]

On a recent ranking released by Star Marketing, they have revealed Korean idols’ performance fees for the month of August 2010. And among the many debuting groups in the industry, Rain, Bigbang, TVXQ, Wonder Girls and Boa are on the top list on being paid over 60million won on performance or appearance fee.

This is a survey done by a marketing group, so take everything with a grain of salt.

Based on August 2010

Singers being paid over 60million won

* Lee Hyori

* Rain

* Wonder Girls

* Big Bang

* Dong Bang Shin Gi

* BoA

* Park JinYoung

* SS501

Taken from SS501ODE

Credits : tsm Star Marketing Center + Naver

+ SS601.com + (English Translation) xiaochu @ Quainte501.com


Taken from: Big Bang Updates

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Guest missARROGANT

[FanAccount] My Experience at「Eversense BIGBANG Fan Party」in Thailand

This is my FIRST TIME meeting BIGBANG; What happened in this journey was all beyond my expectations; thought it was just gonna be, seeing them performing on stage live, NO! it was a trueVIP adventure!

From waiting and waiting, running around the HUGE airport, being left behind, taking a cab to an unknown place, spa and massage??, climbing fences;walls,bushes, getting mud all over, high-speed chase, meeting them van-by-van, almost got into a roadkill, SEEING THEM, waited for a solid 10hours, SAW THEM again, running again, chasing vehicles, waited and waited. That pretty much summarized what happenned. Most importantly, this JOURNEY would not be made possible if weren't for W and her crew from getting the tickets, letting me tag along, having a taste of being a dedicated VIPs, being able to be closed and near BigBang. BIG thanks to W and her crew; welcoming me and letting me be a part of them.

8/9/10 [Airport----Spa & Massage----Hotel]

Got to the airport about 8pm, there was already A LOT of fan-girls waiting at the arrival gates. There were also CNblue fans as CNBlue too, got a fan-meeting in Bangkok and was boarding the same flight with BigBang which means double the amount of fans.

About 5 minutes to 10pm, of course things got even intense, fans were everywhere! Fans were running around, because they were 2 arrival gates. They were going back and forth running, oblivious about the other passengers and tourists; and that was when the security guards decided to shove the fans behind to the waiting area instead of letting them roamed around the arrival gates, only those with a passport are allowed to walk near the gates. W and her crew got shoved back too way behind. Then, W got a call saying that BB might be exiting through the lower ground exit; so all of us ran down, the arrival gates were at level 2. We went down, W got another call saying they are going through arrival gate B, but there was no way to go up anymore because the guards were guarding the elevators too and only allowing those with passport. So, the only one that could go up was me; showed my passport and went up, stood near the arrival gates while W and her crew were at downstairs.

About 10:20pm, suddenly I heard fans screaming from arrival Gate C which is near exit no.9, I was at Gate B near to exit no.3. Everyone was running towards Gate C and I swear the floors were shaking. I've never ran so hard and fast, when I finally got to Gate C; I only managed to see the back of the van driving off and then it hit me; "was that BigBang or CNblue??"

asked around the fans around me, they were unsure too. Then I saw a bunch of Thai VIPs (recognized them because of the BB-tshirt that they were wearing) running back to Gate B. So I followed them. I've waited until 11-ish, there was no way BigBang took so long to come out. Something just ain't right. MY LUCK-That was when my mobile phone decided to failed me, I couldn't call out or receive calls. BAD TIMING. I went downstairs to find W, she wasn't there, went to every floor to find her, no luck. Then I realized, OMG they left me here. ALL ALONE. Immediately I called W using the public phone, I was very furious that they left me there! How could they do that to me?? < --- BUT..there was a solid reason why do that. W answered my call and was very glad that I called, she said she tried calling me many times but it couldn't get through and apologized-the reason they got no choice but to leave me behind was because, W's source told her that "BigBang got picked up off the runway / VIP lounge and was heading to a place called "Relaxing Spa & Massage", go to the main highway exit and wait for their van with the "BATMAN" sticker > After hearing that, I went "owhhh..". A part of me understood it, while the other part was still a bit furious that they left me behind. I asked W where is this "Relaxing Spa & Massage", she wasn't sure too because they never came here before too and it was situated at a secluded area. They managed to reach there because they tail-gated BB's van. :(.. There was nothing I could do, so I told her it's ok- I'll head back to my hotel. Truth is, I wasn't ok. I was really about to cry, not only they left me alone but there goes my chance of meeting BigBang off-stage. I got myself into the taxi, and told the driver where was my hotel. Then, I started crying. The driver asked me what was wrong, I told him that I got abandoned and I really want to get to this "Relaxing Spa & Massage" really badly but I didn't know where is it.. The driver then said, "Relaxing? I know where is it". Then I said, its in a very secluded area and he said "yes yes. behind alley". HE KNOWS. OF COURSE HE KNOWS!! BANZAI!! XD Told him, get me there right now and fast.

Finally about 12am, I reached "Relaxing", fans were waiting around the premise, W was very surprised to see me there. I couldn't thank the driver enough! XD. W filled me up with what was going on, showed me BigBang was van parked inside. Main door was locked, we waited at the door sitting by the large window beside it looking inside.

Waited about 20 minutes or so, WHEN SUDDENLY GD CAME WALKING OUT FROM ONE OF THE ROOMS!! I WAS STAR-STRUCK. GOT "STRUCK" SO HARD THAT I GOT NUMB, AND HELL I DID NOT EXPECT TO SEE HIM. OMG HE IS FLAWLESS.HE IS PERFECT.OMG I FINALLY SAW HIM. HIM, KWON JI YONG. When I saw him walked pass, everything stopped in time. I can't believe it. HE WAS RIGHT IN FRONT OF MY EYES. It felt like eternity, bur it was rather a quick view of him because he came out and quickly walked to the hallway hidden from our view. Then W got a call, BigBang was leaving the premise. Everyone was running to the back gate, when we arrived the guards had already shut the gates but some lucky fans managed to get in before that.

THAT wasn't gonna STOP US, W and the crew went to side of the building and started to CLIMB OVER the fence and the hedges after it. Over the fence was the garden grounds and the ground was REAL muddy, our shoes were covered in mud. We were crouching and hiding behind the bushes, pure adrenaline rush. From our view, it was a straight on view, the van was facing our direction and it was parked in front of the back door. Not soon after, we SAW GD, TOP AND DAESUNG EMERGING FROM THE DOORS AND WALKED STRAIGHT INTO THE VAN. TOP.. IS BRUTALLY TOO HANDSOME TO BE REAL AND DAESUNG LOOKS HELLA FINE IN-PERSON. ALL OF THEM LOOK AS GOOD..NO.... EVEN BETTER THAN I HAD IMAGINED THEY WOULD BE.

Before I managed to collect my senses again, W grabbed hold of my arms and dragged me back over to the hedges. Again, we climbed over the hedges, and the fence, and ran to our van! We went all went in seconds! Our van driver started the engine and when he saw BigBang's van coming out, he stepped on the accelerator and we were RIGHT BEHIND OF BigBang's security van. There were two cops on the bike escorting BigBang's van [white] and behind BigBang's van was their security van [black], we were behind it and more fan-vans behind us.

IT WAS INTENSELY INSANE! That is what I can say, we were all speeding down small back-alleys, making dangerous turns and speeding down Bangkok city roads which is ALWAYS filled with tuk-tuk and motorcyles and lots of cars. I had never felt or put into such dangerous situation before!! The distance between our van and BigBang's security van was so near that if the front passenger rolled down the window and stretched out, she could actually touched the back of the van; go figure! This high-speed chase went on for about 15mins. When we got near to a junction, W told our van driver to over-take BigBang's van because she got a confirmation that they were staying in the Grand-Hyatt Erawan Hotel and that turn into the junction was heading to the hotel. We took over BigBang's van and we were speeding side by side.. van by van. When we got next to BigBang's van, we turned on the lights and we waved at them!! BigBang's van was heavily tinted and they didn't on the light, the only light source was the lights across the street and WE SAW SOMEONE WAVED BACK!! at us!! WE WERE ON CLOUD NINE!! XD Even though we do not know who was it, but WE got our face seen by BigBang! XD W asked our van driver to get back behind BigBang's security van. Until the hotel, our van was stopped by the hotel guards by the road entrance, so we got off from the van and dashed to BigBang's van that stopped in front of the hotel. When we came out, we didn't see the cars that were coming our way, IT WAS ALMOST ROADKILL!! But it didn't scare us a least bit, we just wanted to run up but THEN the hotel guards stopped us and wouldn't allowed us to go uphill. We were at the bottom of the slope, the hotel main entrance was at the top of the slope.

Then, we saw a Korean Dude that came out from the Hotel and head to BigBang's van and he opened the door but no one came out; we saw him talking into the van then he turned over and signalled the guards to let us up there!! WE RAN FOR OUR LIVES UPHILL! And managed to get to the front of the bunch! I got my camera ready. At first a lady, stepped out from the passenger seat.


Regardless, I FELT ON TOP OF THE WORLD!! Not only I saw them TWICE IN A NIGHT, I've finally GOT A TASTE of being a true HARDCORE VIP! IT WAS EPICCCCC!!!! XD

On the ride back to the hotel, all of us were grinning and feeling all so content with the night. Especially myself, I was on a roller coaster emotion ride. I actually trespassed, being in a chase and running my guts out. I guess... its just all in a day's work of being a VIP. XD


W picked me up from the hotel at 10am, we reached the venue at about 10.30am and there were already fans waiting in line. We sat outside of the main entrance from 10.30am until 3pm, which then only they let us into the waiting area in front of the entrance of the hall. There were life-sized GD, TOP, Taeyang, Daesung and Seungri placed around that area, a few booths were set up too, the lucky-draw, BigBang Eversense merchandises, Eversense products and write your message for BigBang.

No cams were allowed into the hall.

About 6.30pm, they finally let us into the hall. They were playing BigBang Eversense BTS on the screen on and on till about 7.30pm, the event officially started. This faux-mohawk-top blonde MC came out and sashayed his way to the stage and started it off with drawing lots from a drum filled with the lucky draw slip that came with the purchase of the party ticket. 35 LUCKY VIPs got chosen and were invited on stage to play a game, it went down to 9 person and this 9 VIPs got a chance of a life time to hold, hug and "do anything" they want with BigBang. < ---- It got me scratching my head when my friend translated to me what that MC said that made the crowd go wild. After the game was done, it was time for BigBang to rock the night out!

[Pictures posted here previously from inside the Fan-Party]

Their opening stage was kind of cute and hilarious- they were standing behind large bottles of Eversense perfume that were placed behind the on-stage screen. From my place, I could see the people behind the screen pushing and separating the screen to make way for BigBang. They performed How Gee and Gara Gara Go!!. Their performance was packed with a wholesome punch! Truly as good as we see them perform either in their BigShow or any live performances. I was in awe seeing them performing live; a few steps away from me, I just stopped and stared, trying to absorb as much as I could.

After that 2 songs, BigBang got to the center stage and there was a short-interview. The MC couldn't resist hugging TOP, shook hands with Taeyang, Seungri and GD, and Daesung being a love~ hugged the MC! During the interview, if I'm not mistaken, the MC asked them about favorite types of girls and food.. I wasn't sure because I couldn't really hear what M translated to me because it was pretty loud. Owh!! There was even a G-Ri moment, Seungri helped to wipe the sweats off GD! AND the MC even took some BigBang bandannas from the fans from section BR and dabbed it against GD's forehead, and mind you.. GD was SWEATING BULLETS! When the Fans got back their bandannas, they were sniffing their bandannas that was laced with GD's scent with all their might!!! XD

The next programme was a dance cover competition by 3 dance group and BigBang was the judges. The first group did Gara Gara GO!!, followed by LaLaLa and the last group did Last Farewell. The last group definitely got the attention of BigBang, because of the move of the "TOP" dancer did, he totally exaggerated TOP finger movements in his rap part in Last Farewell, total ROFL!! Daesung and GD laughed so hard at it! It was very delightful to see them having that much fun!!

After the last team performed, they chose the winning team and of course the 3rd team won and they, the winner and the other teams, followed by the 9 VIPs came up back on the stage, received their gifts from their choice of BigBang member, many of them hugged and held them. TOP and GD looked the MOST uncomfortable. AND one of the winners is a fanBOY and he chose GD to get his gift from and he wanted to hug GD but...GD was shyly reluctant to do so.. LOL!! There was this woman in a green mini dress, she hugged Taeyang and was then whispering something to him, too close for comfort.

BigBang then sang Haru Haru and Last Farewell before leaving the stage. VIPz were shouting "Encore", BigBang came back and sang Hands Up.

At 9.30pm, the party was over. W and the crew + myself did a human chain and we ran out from the hall as fast as we can, got into the van and chased down BigBang's van again. They went back directly to the hotel. W got her source saying that they might go to a club, we all waited by the hotel grounds and BigBang's "BATMAN" van was parked by the side and engine still running. We waited till 11.20pm, then we saw the BigBang's van driver got a call and then he left the hotel. In the end, they didn't get to go out because there were too many fans waiting for them at all exits of the hotel.

My BigBang-expedition ended there. My flight back home was on the 10th.

Breakdown; seeing them, BigBang live honestly didn't swept me off my feet because, they are EXACTLY how I imagined they would be! -BIGBANG, what you see is what you get-

-GD ain't that girlish that I thought he would be, he was VERY MUCH very boyish! and oozing with overflowing star-presence all over.

-TOP is skinny!! Thank god for his broad-shoulders that made him looked relatively big. Nevertheless, that man is perfection. He looks even more handsome in real-life.

-Taeyang is a knight in shining armour. I swear he was literally glowing like the Sun behind those black outfit. Something bout him, makes you feel all warm and sunny, for real!

-Daesung - he amazed me. I wasn't a TeamDae, but once I saw him. I instantly fell for him. OMG, he looks soooooo much better off camera, I don't know what it is but camera makes Dae very unflattering. When you see Daesung, he got that certain attraction in him. One word; WOW!

-Seungri. This one is the hardest impact!! He blew my mind off. I've always been a less, very less TeamVI. THAT ALL CHANGES, the moment he step on the stage. His charisma is overpowering and he is very lovable. The things he do, really makes you wanna love him. I finally understands why GD likes him so much.

Daesung and Seungri interacted a lot with the fans. The 3 hyungs pretty much just doing their own things.

My only regret for this trip is that, I stood too in front near the main stage but BigBang was always hanging out in the center stage. NOTE: the front-seats are not the best IF there is a center stage.

Not complaining but thats the only low-down if you need to know.

Bottom line, this whole journey is full-on dopeness and awesomeness to max!!


This would even be better IF I got my F-BB crew with me! XD

by: ♠ Jy. @BigBangHaven

Wowww this is such a long read.

If you guys want to read with photos, go to BigBanghaven :sweatingbullets:

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Guest Michala01


I just read the whole account! She wrote it very well I felt so excited just reading it lol. I'm so jealous of her!  I'm happy to hear the guys impressed everyone in Thailand, not that I expected anything less from them. 

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hello2, anybody knows where to watch enjoy today latest ep?? like youtube link.. can't find it anywhere,, huhu. thanksss

this is just the cuts of Seung Ri only

* please check the uploader's channel for more parts

thx miseremeiYT07 @ YT for the upload

In this EP the mission is to collect a sum money by selling goods like ski equipment, CDs, laptop in the country.

Seungri's funniest phone convo on trying to sell the idol CD box:

Seungri: "What singer do you like the most?"

Granddaughter: "TVXQ"

Seungri: "And who's your second best?"

Granddaughter: "Jo Kwon" (2AM)

Seungri: (frowned) "Do you think that BIGBANG is cool?"

Granddaughter: "Yes"

Seungri: "Who's your most favorite BIGBANG member?"

Granddaughter: "Seungri!"

Granddaughter: "BIGBANG Seungri,what are you doing here?"

Seungri: "I'm here for the sale visit!!"

That brings a laughter!Even Seungri's disappointed with the answers,he tried to find the best possible way to get himself out of the situation!!LOL at Seungri The Survivor HAHA


taken from: teambigbang.blogspot.com

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Guest Anda_Yankumi

fellow VIPs, i need your HELP!!!!!!

i am thinking of auditioning for YG ENTERTAINMENT! i wanna send a demo of me singing to YG by mail!!

do any of you know the correct and full address of YG's new building?? i found an address but i'm not 100% sure if it's correct! if anyone knows it, can you please please please tell me???

i wanna try and audition...although i'm not getting my hopes up...but still i have nothing to lose if i try :D i'm not asian though :( but people tell me my eyes are kind of similar to asian eyes! i think my voice is good despite not ever having singing lessons! i can dance too!

i saw in an old article from 2008 that YG said that foreigners can audition too, they said age doesn't matter and neither does your ethnicity! i don't know if it's still available, but personally i don't really believe all of it! i'm from Romania(Europe), and i'm 21(but people always tell me i look 18)!

if anyone has information about auditions or advices on how to do my demo i would be most grateful and appreciative if you would tell me!!! <3

i hope it's not inappropriate to post this here! >_< if it is please tell me and i'll delete it!

THANK YOU!!! <3<3<3

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Guest Banana Peel


you should post your question on the Performers forum where YG audition thread is specifically located :)

ahhhh, I miss Big Bang. I need something new from them soon ;______;

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Guest intelligirl


>__< some random girl held his hand, lol whaaat?


driving a little truck? :lol:


the way he eats is cute!


c: dcvi

I'll edit if I find more GIFs/Screencaps ^_^

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