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★彡yg ♪♬♪ The Official Big Bang [빅뱅] Thread ver. 2

Guest the7REAL.

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Guest tellmeasecret

i don't want to hate on t-ara fans, because i completely understand why they want to use that since it resembles a tiara. but, VIPS have had the lightsticks forever and it IS their trademark. since most other fanclubs use colored balloons, everybody identifies lightsticks, bandanas, etc. with bigbang. and crowns are also unique to VIPS, and has been ever since the start.  it wouldn't be so bad, but they also chose to use the color yellow. i'd be more okay with it if it were a different color. i'm one hundred percent with VIPS on this one. t-ara fans need to rethink using this. too many similarities. just not a good idea at all.

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Guest Unnursvana

About the glow-stick thingy... Doesn't everybody know that yellow crown glow-stick is for Big Bang, I would think most people would know that... at least the people who designed it for T-ara should have been more careful and maybe looked it up. I don't mind that they have a crown just don't have it yellow... and maybe just change the design a little bit so it won't look the same. I am a T-ara and a Big Bang fan so this would be rather awkward for me if they don't change it I think.

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UM WTF......HOW LAME OF THEM. How unoriginal!! AND ITS YELLOW AND HAS THREE POINTS JUST LIKE BIG BANG!! :blink: :blink: :blink: DAMN I HATE COPYS. I guess they just saw the awesomness VIPz created and just had to get in on the action right? ...lame.

I don't particularly like T-ara to begin with soooo this really pissed me off. Like someone said before. I usually don't approve of it but I wish KVips would take action


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Guest shinhdeplol

@ mrskjy :lol:

So sorry I didnt notice the spoiler in your last post <_< Hahah I will call you mrskjy from now on ^^ I felt so bad for calling you ARROGANT all the time :lol:

Where does Taeyang rank his looks in Big Bang?

Big Bang’s Taeyang took over the dance floor as the special guest for a guerrilla date on KBS 2TV’s “Entertainment Tonight”. Greeted by a thunderous roar from his fans, Taeyang treated them to charismatic performances.

When he was asked where he stands in terms of looks among the Big Bang members, he answered 3rd place. Taeyang continued to raise the curiosity bar for the viewers because he didn’t reveal the other members’ rankings. He was also asked where he stands in terms of variety skills among the Big Bang members, to which he confessed he stands in last place. In response to how feels about his female back dancer for “I Need A Girl”, Taeyang explained, “Since I’ve known her since I was really young, she’s not my type.”

On the 25th and 26th, Taeyang will hold his official solo concerts at KyungHee University’s Hall Of Peace.

C: allkpop


C: ygbigbang.jp // Boosa @ popcornfor2

See Jiyong punishing TOP????? LOL GTOP are too cute :wub: TOP's scared face is hilarious :lol:

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Guest shinhdeplol

Those photos of TOP look so much better than the ones on Nate <_<



Photo by TOPLAN http://choiseunghyun.cn/

Shared by mabinee @ CHOITOPTHAILAND

C: pompojung @ YT

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Guest LitoLammy

haha.. Kim BoRam [Tae's manager] uploaded this on his twitter...


cr: Kim BoRam's twitter && 21Bangs

if only he was wearing his n not yongies.. but i guess it still counts as seeing him in the hat.. 2 down 3 to go... =)

about the crown glow-stick...

i'm with the vips on this one..

its TOOOO similar..


~3 points


i think i might be ok.. if they had not use the same color and plus there are sooooooo many other designs for a tiara.. >.< cant they just chose a different one??

lets hope they change it...



YAY!! t-ara is gonna change the design.. ^_^


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Guest shinhdeplol

^ LOL he looks like a farmer :lol:



C: 한자락

^ Jiyong fits right in those pictures :lol:

I think not only the boys but kVIPs also like the idea of them wearing non ^^ Yay for VNese VIPs ^^

Taeyang, “The member in Big Bang I’m distant from…”


Taeyang of Big Bang addressed the member he is distant from, from his team.

Taeyang replied to a reporter’s questions during the “OX” segment. This episode of KBS 2TV ‘Entertainment – Guerilla Date‘ aired on the 11th.

When asked if he was distant to any members he hesitated for a moment and attracted attention when he answered, “triangle“.

He continued, “Rather than that, ‘A member I don’t know well’, there is one.” “Even though we’re pretty close I don’t know him well. Daesungie…“

Meanwhile, that same day Taeyang revealed his special someone, “Someone that can listen and communicate well, like a soul mate” he explained.

[He answered triangle since it's an OX game, a triangle means it's half true, half false^^]

Source: 마이데일리

Translated: Jae In @ ibigbang.wordpress.com

This PTS-ed picture is PERFECT :lol: "Wake up~" :lol:


C: DCGD // MR卷毛 @ baidu

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Guest Michala01

All these photoshopped Jiyong pics are killing me laugh.giflaugh.gif and he was bowing and waving to the fans at the airport how cute wub.gif

Thanks for all the updates guys! 

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Daesung so cute :wub: I'm so happy they love the fan gifts! I can't believe Taeyang is most distant from Daesung. I could have sworn several times he has said Dae is the one he can truly trust to keep his secrets and that he is a great listener. Also during his Real talk he and Dae seemed really close :wacko: But then again they all say Daesung is secretive about his feelings so its possible.

*edit* lmao those photo shopped pics of GD :lol:

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Guest intelligirl

HAPPY SEUNGRI DAY! I wish maknae would write us a message :( he hasn't done so in so long. Everybody is probably really busy preparing for a comeback. If it's in 10/10/10 like some VIPs are speculating it's coming up in less than a month!

Enjoy Today will air tonight; can't wait. I am sharing maknae's aegyo and adorkableness which I miss very much. :[





OT, but not really, are there any sub teams planning on subbing ET? I sure hope so!

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I think it was a rather careless move on Core Contents part to announce a yellow crown lightstick as T-ara's official support item. It would have been better to use a tiara design that isn't yellow. VIPs have been using the yellow crown lightstick for 2 years. It's well-known and associated with BB and VIP. That said, I'm disappointed that some VIPs have gone overboard bashing/attacking T-ara and their fans. But they got what they wanted: CCM announced that they are changing T-ara's lightstick and T-ara fans will apologize to VIP.

Sigh, fandom is such srs bzns in Korea. D:

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Guest vstephaniew

About the LIGHTSTICK issue, thank God t-ara's company changed it. Crown light stick signifies big bang fan club for me, tho it's not their official color, but having this light stick means that im a fan of big bang, having a copycat of it would really boil my blood coz i even bought this light stick online just to acknowledge myself as a VIP.

I dont think i could let it pass, but thanks really to KVIPs for doing something about it.

I think that they should have made the design like a tiara for girls the one the princesses use, right? not like what kings use DUHH!! they're a girl group~~~ then just make that light stick color bluish or something, or silver? not yellow!! haha!!~~

i really miss big bang, i've been replaying The Big Show 2010 concert like hundreds of times already LOL :)))

cant wait for their comeback, i wish that it would be epic, like as big as what they're doing for 2ne1 :)

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To T-aras company and fans :wub: THANK YOU. I love it when fanbases can have a rational talk and solve a dispute :wub:. Phew Now I see how hard it is too keep your trademarks! so many new groups and I understand alot of the colors are gone and its hard for them to pick something. I just wish them the best and hope they are creative and pick an even better glow stick!

LOL when Se7en called Taeyang!! oooooh :wub: soooo cute!

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Guest shinhdeplol

Jiyong's shirt at the airport




C: BBCN // 男R3n_我爱你 @ baidu

During his trip to Thailand on 100908, G-Dragon looked very casual, dressing in a long-sleeve shirt and a pair of jeans. However, that is no ordinary shirt. It is from Balmain's Spring-Summer 2010 collection. Balmain a fashion brand founded by Pierre Balmain, a French fashion designer known for sophistication and elegance. Fashionista G-Dragon can definitely carry that sophistication and elegance with ease.

thanks to 男R3n_我爱你 @ baidu

fashion source : www.balmain.com/

taken from bigbanghaven.blogspot.com

Dae's birthday cake ^^ I love the color ^^


C: www.kandaesung.com // erorgirl @ soompi

Jiyong the cutie ^^





C: DCGD // _颜言 @ baidu

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Meanwhile, that same day Taeyang revealed his special someone, “Someone that can listen and communicate well, like a soul mate” he explained.

I bet it would be Daesung, too. Taeyang really really trust Daesung, but he has told Daesung is very mysterious, not only one time.

Daesung is a complicated person.

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Guest juang_bb

I think it was a rather careless move on Core Contents part to announce a yellow crown lightstick as T-ara's official support item. It would have been better to use a tiara design that isn't yellow. VIPs have been using the yellow crown lightstick for 2 years. It's well-known and associated with BB and VIP. That said, I'm disappointed that some VIPs have gone overboard bashing/attacking T-ara and their fans. But they got what they wanted: CCM announced that they are changing T-ara's lightstick and T-ara fans will apologize to VIP.

Sigh, fandom is such srs bzns in Korea. D:

oh so they did announce that they'd be changing it already?!? that's good. it's nice that they've decided to change it before the drama gets bigger. the petition kVIPs started in Daum, in less than 24 hours, have garnered more 1500 signatures already, and i've seen even people from other fandoms support it (e.g BlackJack, ELF, Sones, Cassies, A+, B2uty, Wonderful, JayEffect, Boice, Shawol, Primadonna, Triple S). fandom is indeed such serious business in Korea, but i can also understand why kVIPs have been up and arms about this, i myself was upset too. i saw a lot of comments there about how the crown lightstick have been a symbol of the fandom's memories and pride for the past 4 years and their need to protect it. at least nobody here bashed T-ara and their fans, coz really, it's not their fault but their company's.

regarding Taeyang choosing Dae, i think he meant that he is close to Daesung but he feels kinda distant in a way because we heard the boys say many times that Daesung doesn't really open up much. I think he's the type of person who's just very quiet when it comes to his personal feelings, that maybe YB sometimes feel like he doesn't really know him. he said that he would always open up to Dae, but Dae rarely open up to him, or probably to anybody. I remember TOP said that even before, Dae would not speak his mind, even on small things such as what he wants to eat. i guess there's simply a lot more to him behind that SMILE. oh, and DAE is YB's 3 soulmates according to him, so i doubt he meant it literally. :)



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^^^^ i feel kinda sad when taeyang says he doesn't know daesung well. ): i think daesung is one who doesn't really share his feelings and keep everything to himself, and it isn't good for him ): i really hope he'll open up!!!! ))):

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