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★彡yg ♪♬♪ The Official Big Bang [빅뱅] Thread ver. 2

Guest the7REAL.

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Guest shinhdeplol

^lol Huy Dũng + Nhật Minh =]] i cringe a bit watching them, but yeah, at least they did it a lot better than my cousins. i made them dance to Gara Gara Go, and that was an epic fail =]]

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Any Filipino VIPs here who can confirm the news that BB will

be coming here on October to perform at Araneta? o:

My friend in tumblr said it was true coz her aunt

has connections at Araneta and she verified. o: But then...

there isnt any news about it yet right? ><

Although......I hope they do come!!!

It's been rumored since after lots of kpop groups

visited in the country o___o And if they do come here and

well, have 2ne1 as guests coz that's highly possible with Dara

and all...the tickets are prolly gonna cost like...a lot o:

Maybe, even higher than Supershow tickets. Aigoo~


Even in korean charts~ VIPs are working hard to support them (:

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Guest TOPsexyeyes

Hey I'm from the Philippines!

I've heard the rumor around 2 months ago when the news said BB will be having their comeback by June.

But since their comeback in Korea will be in August.. I don't think they will be kicking off a tour that soon right after a comeback right?.

So I guess the rumor is false. :mellow:

But I'd really hope they would come, along with 2ne1 (Ofcourse Dara HAHA) and I bet that's gonna be BIGGGGG!

Maybe nextyear? Cause personally, If they come now, It would seem like "another kpop boyband coming" since many kpop groups are coming one after the other.

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Guest LadyBee

I've laughed so hard when I saw the boy in yellow T-shirt with missing incisors :lol:

Although they had lip-sync, but it was better than me when I tried to do something like that :D

And I heard someone's voice in the back. Is she those boy's mother or grandmother ? if so, I'm very happy because she was not angry when she saw her sons singing to a foreign love song :) (my friend's mother always gets angry when she saw that =.=)

SR should not do this hairstyle anymore >.<

And I'm so happy now because my sister starts to like Big Bang even more than me :wub:

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Guest honey_co2315

hi!!! i'm new here!!! i was a converted v.i.p. just last january of this year... hahaha!!! i'm so late, i know....

I'm from the Philippines too... really? They're coming here??? not so soon,,,, i have to save up for that concert.... if you'll ask me i'd like to see them release a korean album before coming here.... but that would be so nice if they will come here... but please let me save some money for that... sure, it's gonna be expensive since they're a big name...

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Some screencaps coz i was happy seeing GD again xD Hahaha.





Wonder what he was saying though D:

Im planning to buy the photobook btw! OwO

Ahhhhh~ <3

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Guest DariisDk





I really want that! O.o

Pff.. Now, I can't stop thinking in TOP.. T.T I want their new single!!

Tell me Goodbye is awesome, and Hands Up is really good!

(Well, I don't really like the remix of Tell Me GB, but.. it's the same xDD I'm a VIP LOL)

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Guest twistedbluesoul

Any Filipino VIPs here who can confirm the news that BB will

be coming here on October to perform at Araneta? o:

My friend in tumblr said it was true coz her aunt

has connections at Araneta and she verified. o: But then...

there isnt any news about it yet right? ><

Although......I hope they do come!!!

It's been rumored since after lots of kpop groups

visited in the country o___o And if they do come here and

well, have 2ne1 as guests coz that's highly possible with Dara

and all...the tickets are prolly gonna cost like...a lot o:

Maybe, even higher than Supershow tickets. Aigoo~


Even in korean charts~ VIPs are working hard to support them (:

This has been an on-going rumor

I don't think YG is up for that idea just yet...

You know how YG works, he plans everything so carefully (to a point that it delays the release of albums...)

BUT I think its just a matter of time for BB to come here in the Philippines...

They would have to focus on their Korean promotions first and foremost

Especially coz they will be having a new album so they can release the MVs here and all...

As for me, I've been planning on what to do when that time comes...

I'm saving up...

I need to get the very cool BB glow stick

If I find out the hotel they'll be staying at, My friend and I promised that we'd book there in a heartbeat! (*sigh!)

VIP tickets ofcourse!

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Guest g-dragon1988

^ jiyongiebaby83: He said 이청용 선수를 응원하겠습니다.전 권지용이거든요^^본래 이름에 '용'이 들어가면 잘 할 수 있을거라 믿습니다. 화이팅!

It means..I cheer 이청용 player. I'm Kwon Jiyong. Since there is 'YONG' in his name, I believe he can do it well!!ㅋㅋ

I'm so sorry my englishㅠㅠ;;

He is so adorable!


Youtube link:

[100610SBS] 이청용선수 응원하는 G-DRAGON[HD]


^ I cannot stop watching this!! It's a VIRUS!!!ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ엉엉~~~~~~~

v Oh yes!! Tomorrow it's performance with 김연아!!OMG!!ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ I will die!! *I need breath*

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Guest shinhdeplol

Scans of Dae from BIGSHOW making book

56 photos in total. I will post 30 in this post ^^ * I HATE image limit <_< *







Scanned by Lyn@SMILE HOLIC www.dsholic.com

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Guest littlevoice



thank you for the translation, now that I understand what he said... I can't help but find him adorably cute!

Now I can sleep happily and wait for their appearance tomorrow :)

Good Night

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Guest chaq_momiji




thank you g-dragon1988 for the translation and jiyongiebaby83 for the lovely screencaps... ^^

now I'm gonna watch it before dozing off... kekeke...

can't wait for tomorrow event with KimYuna... ;)

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Guest shinhdeplol

WTH happened to this post <_< urghhhhhhh it became a mess after the change <_< *editing*

I edited 40 images and it said that i posted more images than allowed WTH <_< Then I only posted 14 in and it still said so :o

So confusing <_<


Scanned by Lin @ SMILEHOLIC dsholic.com

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Guest omgshinshin

Japanese Market

"They are being half-hearted in their promotions in Japan."

"If they want to dominate Japan, then they aren't doing it correctly."

"It's rude that GD and TOP can't even learn the language properly."

"They should go on more variety shows and music shows."

"They should promote more."

While these complaints seem to be very reasonable, there is one thing that we are forgetting and if we consider this factor in our equation, it will make these statements seem petty.

This is Big Bang we are talking about.

I'm sure you guys have heard of them. They do not normally go on variety shows to promote because they believe that artists are people who believe in their music. They do not want world domination. They just want to share their music to people who wish to listen, who they can touch with their songs.

YG wouldn't be where he is today if he's got it all wrong. Maybe, he's doing something right.

Like giving the boys as much freedom as he can manage in terms of their music. Like not forcing them to do things that he knows will make his artists turn on him in the future. Like giving them time to hone their skills and not force them to study foreign languages - like - NOW so they can go on more variety shows and gain more fans.

YG's always been about music, so why will he want fans who are only there because of his artists' portrayed character to the public? I think he'd rather his artists have fans because of the music they make than fans who are only there for the laughs and variety entertainment. No matter how much or how little they sell.

I think that the fact that Big Bang has achieved this much success in Japan even with these typical YG tactics is very telling of the boy's capabilities as musicians.

This is how YG promotes in Korea, so I think the same goes for Japan. Just like how YG didn't make Big Bang blend in with the Japanese typical music and sound, he's not also going to blend in with the Japanese typical promotions.

But- we don't know about the future. We have no idea what's going on inside YG's head, so we are in no position to assume and criticize his decisions based on our assumptions.

I trust YG, just like how I trust Big Bang.

So, I'm just going to wait and see, and enjoy what they are offering me.

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Guest universe

I just feel hurt that some get embarrassed of TOP and GD when we should be proud of them. They managed to make every VIP proud when GD had the highest sales in Korea for 2009 and now TOP is like an instant megastar with his soon-to-be blockbuster movie. As mentioned with a previous post.. The 2 of them are the most popular in Japan, don't you think the distance and mystery to G-TOP is the reason why they are so popular among J-VIPs?

yea i agree totally. why can't some people see this?? its obvious Top and especially GD are the most popular members in Japan. even among the Jpop idols.i seriously doubt any of the JVIPs actually find it insulting that they can't speak Japanese as well. their charisma and stage presence are what attracts fans to them. GD and Top can just speak minimal Japanese and the JVIPs will still go crazy. that's how they roll. :lol:

for those who still feel that GD and Top are embarassing for being unable to speak Japanese, maybe you can ask yourself why did you even like them or any other Kpop idol in the first place, when you don't understand what they are speaking all the time. that's because music knows no boundaries. its a bonus to the fans if they learn the language of coz, but i won't go so far to say that its embarassing that they cannot speak it well. as long as the JVIPs are happy. and they are pretty darn happy from all the constant appearances by the boys in Japan these days.

well i think Universal are doing all they can to promote BB. i dunno why they never perform on music shows this time. maybe coz the music shows never invite them?? Japanese music shows are really different from Korea. there's lesser shows and not many guests. i would not be too surprised if BB never get invited coz there are just too many artists releasing stuff weekly. even though there's no music shows, there are still live events and the summer sonic festival. all are big scale events.

i'm just kinda bummed by the sales of TMG. i was really expecting alot more to be sold coz of their successful Japan tour. i wasn't expecting them to gain many new fans with the new single, but i thought the 60 000++ VIPs who attended will get a copy. at least they climed up two spots today. i was so happy to see them in the Top 3 just now :D

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