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★彡yg ♪♬♪ The Official Big Bang [빅뱅] Thread ver. 2

Guest the7REAL.

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GDs pout = love :wub: and seriously I'm starting to like his hair (at first I was like :huh: but now :D ) oh and

My two cent on miared: I do respect your opinion and discussion is a good thing to see others point of view but my only prob is that you coulda put it in a nicer way :) No big deal ...were over it.

Seriously TOP should never cry again ....its breaking my heart!

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Guest Bongs

I am not afraid to point negative things out. I can guarantee you that I am this way in real life as well- in every field. But I can also guarantee you that this rarely ever steams from dislike of any sort. It´s just..............when I like something....I feel this...great desire to comment on it to death. I want to comment on every little detail- everything there is, be that positive or negative.

I am not ........how to say this........I don´t want people to think like me, to share my opinion.....it´s just.....well...as much as I am clear of my standpoint, I always assume other people to be that way as well. Meaning, I never feel threatened or angered by comments that don´t suit mine, no matter how negative or against my standpoints, because I assume that, since we all came together by a mutual liking and interest here- no one would take it that seriously.

I enjoy reading your constructive criticisms, actually. I read them with an open mind.

Don't be discourage of wanting to write here any longer. Please DO CONTINUE to post here, it's healthy to have a discussion than baseless discussions. Some of us are sensitive when it comes BB, while the rest of us are chill about a discussion.

I guess, it's like how you said that communicating with texts can be interpreted in so many ways than the way you WANTED it to be interpret. It's like how I sometimes reply to people with one word text w/o any smiles and people would always ask me "IS SOMETHING WRONG?" or "DID I DO SOMETHING?" :lol: and I'm like "no I was busy to reply back with a full sentence" :lol: oh technology

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Guest blablablash04

OHMYGODNESS...I think I just died from all these pics..His face..OMG...it's making me blush..that perfect sculptred face..that sculptured body..it's JIYONG...T.T I'll buy these pics for sure!!!*o* and make a frame for them in my room..ㅎㅎ

I WILL DO THE SAME TOO!!!! TOTALLY INSANE!!! *died from pics 843752785469824 times*

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Guest yarg707

Aw man @miared hopefully you do stick around more its nice to see differing views from time to time. Although i dont agree with you 100% of the time you make some really interesting topics. Ooop anyways the new photos are pretty i like its more varied as opppsed to the multicolored jeans.

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Guest Abie

Wow. those suits look elegant & the boys

only made them look hotter >DD I really wish I was in Japan.

LOL at the many faces Ji can make. His pout is sooo cute!

And the BANGS comics too! They really look like BB! Gasp!

The artist is so good<3 Wish they'd have a translated one though :(

And just found out...

BIGBANG fanclub here at soompi is the biggest? o:

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Guest shinhdeplol

^wow that is awesome. last time i checked 2pm was still leading :/

lol the number of international fans is increasing while the number of Korean fans keeps dropping gradually...i hope those flying-bird fans will come back soon after our boys' comeback later this year

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[NEWS] T.O.P, “Marriage is for over 40”


T.O.P, whose transformation into an actor was a success, says “I’ll get married when I’m over 40.”

T.O.P recently relayed an episode that happened with actors Cha Seung Won, Kim Seung Woo, and Kwon Sang Woo, with whom he got to act with in the movie ‘Into the Fire,’ in a recent interview with Newsen.

Being the only single man amongst the four of them, T.O.P said that he “learned a lot about stability from his seniors” and said, “All my seniors are married. While filming, we’d always eat together and sometimes have a drink or two, and those times became really comfortable. Filming this movie and meeting up with my seniors, the people around me commented the most on how I changed in my sense of stability. I thought about where I’d been influenced in this and it turned out it was from my three seniors. They all have stable families and the way they’d always call home was admirable. On the other hand I’m still young and growing so I’m still confused and my head is always busy, but I felt like I was watching complete and grown men and I think I started becoming like them subconsciously.”

Kim Seung Woo also stated in an interview with Newsen, “T.O.P once said that he wanted to get married. I told him to quit fooling around,” and laughed.

Regarding this, Kwon Sang Woo said, “To me he said that he was going to get married over 40,” giving us a hint about T.O.P’s marriage plans. Kwon Sang Woo says, “When us married men meet up, we usually talk about our kids and home,” and, “Even though T.O.P’s the oldest member of Big Bang, you could definitely tell he was young. He was the cute kid of our team.”

The movie ‘Into the Fire,’ in which the four men, Cha Seung Won, Kim Seung Woo, Kwon Sang Woo, and Choi Seung Hyun appeared together, is a film set during the Korean War of 1950. In particular, the student division portrayed by Kwon Sang Woo and Choi Seung Hyun reminds us of the painful sacrifices that have been forgotten in the passing of history.

The movie ‘Into the Fire,’ which showcases realistic war scenes and the actors’ passion, is set to premiere on June 16.

Taken from:: BIGBANGupdates~

Source: Newsen

Translation: Seungie@tumblr


I'll be 35 at that time~!! I cant wait that long.. :P LOL, joking~ kkkkkk~ :lol:

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Guest Unnursvana

T_T @miared Please Don't Go.

I feel really bad right now about my post... this was just my opinion and I hope I didn't hurt your feelings, hope you have a comeback one day, maybe ^^. We really don't hat you, at least not me.

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@miared, despite what others had said, whenever I read your posts, I truly get the feeling that you like, admire & respect BB. Just that you have courage to raise the lights on the imperfections of BB that many fans would rather put aside, in a way that might sound hostile to others. & really, your posts are very insightful, and many of the time I agree with you. A fan of BB doesn't have to like everything about bigbang, as long as they appreciate and respect the music they contribute, that is good enough. But I think you went beyond a fan (in a good way) like a best friend, my best friend can list all my faults & at the end of the day I know because he/she respect me enough to tell me the truth. ... anyways, I do hope you come back. But if you decide to evade this thread, I understand. I hope you continue to appreciate BB's music though.

The video of TOP at the preview was really touching. Does anyone know why he cried? .. In one of the youtube comments it said that it was because he felt lacking (in skills i presume)

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Guest andloveyelledno

miared you've said your peace so I think we're just going to leave it at that. You're welcome to continue posting here of course and I certainly won't treat you any differently then I treat the rest of the VIPs here. I regret that you must have felt everyone was ganging up on you.

Sure, we come here for the updates and pretty pictures but I would hope many of us are also here to have actual in depth discussions as well. Not too long ago we were all peacefully discussing the evolution of BB's music. Where they have gone right and where they have gone wrong. Not all fans have been happy with everything BB has done and constructive criticism should be allowed here. A disappointed fan is still a fan. But as I said, we have to thread carefully in such discussions and watch our words so as not to offend others. I hope you remain here and continue bringing up interesting questions for us to dissect :)

Poor Tabi. This film must have definitely taken an emotional toll on him. But he can at least stand proud of the work he has done. Can't wait to see it.

lol the number of international fans is increasing while the number of Korean fans keeps dropping gradually

Yeah but that's something that's happening with all groups that have been out for a while. It's no biggie as they will regain many more once they make their comeback

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Guest child.of.zion

hi guys! i have been a silent lurker since version 1 of this thread. just want to thank everybody for contributing anything and everything about big bang! i visit this thread everyday for updates. big bang FTW!

@miared..i've been reading your posts for a long time now and you actually raise very good points. so kudos to that. it's just sometimes you make this thread about you when it should be about big bang. :D just sayin'...peace!

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Guest shinhdeplol

Taeyang, “No more suffering.. now it’s time to give gifts”

If something new is to be born, there needs to be suffering. The result of the suffering Taeyang went through last year is coming soon in the form of a full album.

“We’re almost putting the final touches on. We’re picking out only the best songs and I think it’ll end up being a little over 10 songs.”

Actually, it is because of his preparations for his album that he went through unspeakable suffering this past year. Working on his album and keeping up with other schedules simultaneously, he had a hard time both physically and emotionally. He went through a lot of labor in order to put out a satisfactory album.

“I think my album will be out soon. It’s the first full album under my name, so it feels a lot different from a mini album or a single album.”

He was able to work with his own unique color that he hasn’t been able to showcase before.

“I can’t really say what style of songs they are. You’ll probably know once you hear it, and it may sound really new. Rather than really trendy music, I chose songs that I could really put my own unique color into. At the roots it’s R&B.”

While he was working on his album, he became sensitive to the point where the other members were unable to approach him easily. But those times are over now.

“Since it’s the first official album under my name I got stressed out a lot and was irritable. It made me think about why I do music. I do music because it makes me happy and when I work on music I should be joyful, and I thought that it wasn’t right if that ended up becoming painful for me.”

Chased by busy schedules and gathering up his scattered mind to put his musical energy into his work. He has grown as much as he has suffered.

“Right now my heart is light. Actually I wanted to tell my fans not to give me presents on my birthday this year. I’m just apologetic for not having given them anything… But I think I’ll be able to give them a gift soon. I’m excited.”

Source: asiae.co.kr

Translation: seungie@tumblr

Taken from bigbangupdates.com

Most popular male performer? Yoobin “Big Bang’s Taeyang-shi”


Host: Within the Wonder Girls the most popular male performer is? Honestly.

Yoobin: Big Bang’s Taeyang-ssi.

Thanks to aleee @ ibigbang

Yayyyy <333

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Guest SoshiBangBang


Shaun is on his way to Korea. That can only mean one thing, YG's releasing something huge!

Could be Se7en but it could also be Taeyang :D

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