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★彡yg ♪♬♪ The Official Big Bang [빅뱅] Thread ver. 2

Guest the7REAL.

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Guest evilgary

lol did anyone saw the picture of seungri elbowing back gdragon. i guess the situation went out of control and they have to now explain what it really happened that day

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Guest ilovearronyan

W-inds' tweets about Big Bang

And another tweet from a producer from Tiny Voice, which was RT-ed by Ryu and Keita of W-inds. I'm not really familiar with him but he posted the backstage pic of Big Bang @ MTV Live posted here: http://www.bigbangupdates.com/2010/05/big-...0530-photo.html

ryosukeimai: Big Bang is great! (Compared to them,) Japanese productions have similar spirits of creativity. Yet the weakness of Japanese music is that, for the sake of sales results, Big Bang-style music would hardly be promoted as mainstream music in Japan. I believe it is finally the time to correct Japanese Entertainment Culture that reflected the legacy of Showa Period (1926–1989).

[May 30]: http://twitter.com/ryosukeimai/status/15033399151

Credits: ryu_winds@twitter

Translations: jane @ www.bigbangupdates.com

Please credit when re-posting^^

loll ive always realised, that in Japan BB’s song genres (esp. in their first japanese. album) are more into the pop electronica style. Even their Hands Up song is still a very “light” song (if u know what I mean), unlike their korean songs.

But ofc Koe Wo Kikasete covers a different genre which is bubblegum pop.

and Tell Me Goodbye is also different.

Gara Gara Go is different too.

but I feel that if BB was to compose/write their own japanese songs (if they had the language skill to), their songs (style) would be a little different?

more hip hop than just pop.

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Guest shinhdeplol



^ SO CUTE!!!!! <333

C: (GD) 카스트로폴로스 @ BBVIPZ

- - -

Chinatsu Wakatsuki and Mika Hinata are hardcore Big Bang fans!

Japanese gravure idol, television personality, and actress Chinatsu Wakatsuki attended the MTV VMAJ

while sexy bikini idol Mika Hinata attended both the VMAJ and MTV LIVE. Both are there to watch

Big Bang.

From Chinatsu Wakatsuki's blog :













Yesterday was MTV.

Looking at the artist's live performance

Was really the best venue!!

Of course


It became a favorite!!


Design my own clothes

Happy to walk the red carpet.

From Mika Hinata's blog :













Translations :

I came to see MTV ☆

Now I'm coming to MTV LIVE

To tell the truth yesterday I also came

In order to see. . .


Still my favorite

Was very happy yesterday that you have been awarded

Today was extremely happy that you sing many songs

By the way, friend Eri-chan who is a super BIGBANG fan also came for two days to see as well

Next promise is to go to live in Korea

Enjoys to the end

source : Chinatsu Wakatsuki's blog & Mika Hinata's blog

Taken from bigbanghaven.blogspot.com

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LOL GD making that pose again with the peace sign going up his nose :lol: omg I'm on a Big Bang high the past few days!! now all I need is for them to come to AMERICA!!! <3 MTV live is going to be shown so late? damn thats a long way....hope I can find some fancams before then. Sooo happy GD uploaded his ME2DAY lol Seungri is never going to forget that moment!! <3 G-Ri love.

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GD's me2day update is too funny. Seung Ri gets revenge XD G-Ri is love ♥ and then Vanness with Big Bang, that's definitely a group of hotties, but then it reminds me of vanness's live chat and he mentioned he was going to be there with Big Bang. lol GD and that pose of the peace sign, he's so cute. ;D

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Guest universe

OMO i got all spazzy and giggly just by reading those fan accounts of the IRIS events!!! my number 1 OTP is coming back stronger than ever hahaha. i miss all the G-Ri actions soooo much!!! i was initially worried than GD would not show his affection towards Seungri anymore, because Seungri has "grown up", and also coz of the netizens' wank. seems like i was wrong coz there are even more G-Ri stuff going on!!! how happy can i get hahahaha.

and they boys seem to be enjoying themselves tremendously all the time recently. it makes me sooooo happy too!! everyone just seems so relaxed. wow their popularity in Japan seems to improve by leaps and bounds. i think the ELT concerts helped a great deal. i'm so looking forward to their first week Oricon sales figures for TMG. can i possibly hope for a number ONE??!!

can't stop spazzing over GD's me2day photo, and those at the MTV Live event. dorky Top on the floor!!! hahaha.:lol:

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Guest evilgary

yea i'm glad that they are actually fooling around and the particular scene of gdragon elbowing seungri is not a serious matter. sometimes guys' action are a little rough so girls may thought it otherwise

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Guest andloveyelledno

Loved the me2day update and what a hilarious and effective way to answer all these ridiculous rumors. G-ri is pure love underneath the hate ;)

Whaaa, 7 songs?! That's pretty damn amazing, did anyone else get that many? I heard they were the last ones to go on too making them the main event. But where are the fancams? JVIPs please helps us out here! :D

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Guest miared

I want some honest answers here-----------------no bashing, bad words or taking this too far-----just be very honest.

How much do you enjoy BIG BANGs japanese oriented music? Compared to their korean style, which one would you like to shear them continue in?

As someone here posted, the japanese songs tend to be "light" compared to the rest.

Aaaaand---------another cruel question------have they started to sellout?

I will answer both myself first.

The whole year and a past, the only songs that had an impact on me (in which all of BIG BANG had a part in) where "FILA" and...........and......nothing else.......no kidding- I just can´t come with any other songs melody right now.

Have they sold out------to me, a very clear YES-------------BUT----------wait before you kill!

I never said that that was such a bad thing. Money is stronger than staying true to your roots. I know I would have chosen the bling-bling as well. But fact is- they have sold out----BIG time. Following every trend there is right now. GD, TOP----whatever happened to the chase of becoming "real" rappers?

The only one that has stayed true to himself is Taeyang. And his songs and clothes are living proof of that.


Soooooooooooo-----let´s get ready to rumblllleeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No, seriously-------I really want to know how you people feel about this. Please be honest, if you want to answer. And please don´t twist this some way it´s not intented to be.

Pease, love and soul B)

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Guest ilovearronyan

I want some honest answers here-----------------no bashing, bad words or taking this too far-----just be very honest.

How much do you enjoy BIG BANGs japanese oriented music? Compared to their korean style, which one would you like to shear them continue in?

As someone here posted, the japanese songs tend to be "light" compared to the rest.

Aaaaand---------another cruel question------have they started to sellout?

BB's japanese oriented music? tbh, I like any song that's performed by BB, because of the combination of their voices and stage presences.

But I prefer their korean style.. just because... it's their style.

Because we all know BB themselves would have composed and written them

(usually GD/TOP/GTOP)

Idk, that has always been the number one thing that attracted me to BB.

I do hope they start learning japanese and start writing songs there too.

sellout? mmmhh ,,, not imo either, kekekekeke.

It's true that BB's style has gradually changed since their debut,

first it was like, pure hip hop like Lalala,... then it became ... (tbh i dun kno many named genres) songs like Lies, Haru Haru,...(if u kno wat i mean again)... and on 2008 their Remember Album was totally.. electronic?

but actually, I don't see this as a "sell-out" because they don't follow trends that other kpop idols follow.

If only BB stayed consistently with their pure hip hop genre, I personally would be bored of them and start liking other artists to show me new genres, ofc, along with BB. (and I would be sick of GTOP dominating every song leaving Dae and Ri minor ;____; -big g-ri bias-)

You see, rn I can only fandom BB. I can never seem to "like" other popular groups like 2PM, Super Junior in such a way that I follow them (lol tbh i dun like them anymoar, but just saying,,...). everytime a new group comes in it's hard for me to get attracted to them, because at the back of my mind, I would go "pff... BB's done this better...".. or "pfff... we've got BB's taeyang's dancing skill..." etc.

BB is frequently modifying themselves, so that each album would be fresh.

Idk to me,(especially) their stage presences haven't lost their style and that's whats matter as musicians/performers.

It's how things are presented which affects their quality in the end.

There are times when I find it weird when Big Bang is called a hip hop group,

(depending on which song I've just listened to recently)

I think Big Bang is just Big Bang, with every member showing off different colours.

P.S. like about taeyang,, it's his style to keep the rnb vibe

but G-dragon is totally the opposite, wher he keeps changing the way he looks so often that people are usually startled

but I can never see G-dragon as a sellout.

(this must be the billionth time ive edited this: I think variety is part of Big Bang's style )

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Guest Alla

[HQ] BigBang Rocks VMAJ 2010:

GaraGaraGo + HANDS UP..***let's work it,let's work now***<3


Rain Is Fallin


thanks bbupdates for the link and biseyg777 for uploading^^

MTV LIVE photos:

Daesung is hot<3..he looks cute wearing yellow shirt^^

hoho..adorkable G-Top<3

that's really a huge crowd..I guess at least more than 15,000 people

it seems they were having a lot of fun performing and meeting other artists

W-inds + Vanness(even though I'm not a fan of Meteor Garden,lol) + BigBang + others<3

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Guest curryrice

I actually like their japanese stuff! Their first album is my jam. I love Number 1! and their latest album is really solid, even if it's not like their korean stuff. All the songs are great to dance and to work out, even Stay. and I don't know about you guys, but, to me, Tell Me Goodbye could easily pass for one of their korean songs, if not for the language. I can totally see it sounding awesome in korean.

I don't think they sold out. I never saw them as a hip hop group either. They have songs with a little or a lot of hip hop influence, but they were never quite there. and I agree with ilovearronyan. They changed their image several times, but never lost the "big bang" feel. does that make sense? it never seemed like they were a different group, you know? everything they have done so far was very "big bang". the music changed a bit over the years, sure, but they also changed as individuals. they all grew up. I guess changing their style a bit is part of growing up, maturing, as a group.

They wrote a lot of their songs and also produced tracks, but they don't have much control over their japanese stuff, I think. Especially if you consider that their contract was very clear about the company having the final word, making decisions about their sound, etc. it's probably because of the language barrier. Things will get better after they get used to the japanese language and start writing their own lyrics.

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Guest stardaisy212

Fanaccount of MTV Live

a little info on their solos activities

The MC asked them about the solo activity

TaeYang: My solo album is expected this June in Korea after I get back from Japan.

T.O.P: My film 「Into The Fire」 ; will be on screen on 06/17. (He said the film title in English^^ That's K K KOOL!!)

DaeSung: Yes, the drama is about to filming very soon. (『What's up』 is planned to air this July^^)

G-Dragon via SeungRi: BIGBANG is busy making the Korea's album (SeungRi helped translated this^^) がんばりまぁ~す^^

SeungRi: I'm sure you know everyone's solo activities through this interview. Mine is the release of 「19」 ,though it has been on screen since the 29th.

Read more here:


O.O i was not aware that Tae's album is coming in June, maybe after Gummy is done with her promotions. haha TOP,Ri, Dae are all acting while GDYB are working on albums.

i think that if they are coming back in August is unlikely cuz u can see they are busy with their dramas/movies and working on their albums and in Japan but they dont have a lot of time working together on the album.

BB at the MVAJ


Taeyang, “I really want a girlfriend this year”


With a shy personality, Taeyang (23, Dong Young Bae) has truthfully never really dated anyone.

“I really want to meet a girlfriend this year. I feel like if I get older, I won’t be able to date.”

Taeyang has a couple he envies a lot, Sean and Jung Hye Young. He says when he sees Sean living happily he thinks, “I should live that way too.”

“I think it was 3 months ago. I went to Sean hyung’s house because he said he would make dinner for me. I was eating, and when i saw HyeYoung nuna with HaEum, HaRang, and HaYul, I felt so many things.”

What he saw was the result of a happy home. It was a home that makes you happy even by seeing it.

However, Taeyang is a man weak to dates. He loses his timing by debating, saying, “What if it doesnt work out?” and “Won’t it be a burden?” even if he likes someone.

“I had my first love when I was in school. But I thought I wouldn’t be a help to that person so we didn’t start well. If I think about it now, we could have done well…”

He hesitated again and again because he thought he would give harm to his first love, who was busy studying hard.

“She was studying to go to a high school specializing in foreign languages. She studied a lot, and I saw that she was trapped in making the decision of meeting me or not in that important time.”

Seeing her work hard, he stepped back to help her. After that, Taeyang also never dated after that due to hard practice and busy activities.

He has a personality where when he focuses on one thing, he falls into it, but he is also very cautious and serious, which turned out to be an obstacle in terms of dating.

“You can meet someone comfortably. But why doesn’t that work for me?”

Credits to http://sookyeong.wordpress.com/2010/05/31/...iend-this-year/

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Guest shinhdeplol

Vanness Wu mentioned Big Bang on his blog!

Vanness Wu a Taiwanese/American singer, actor and dancer, attended the MTV Live event in Japan and mentioned Big Bang on his blog!

“Thank God for a wonderful night! Everyone killed it~ Jay’ed hands down soulful voice, W-inds dancin up a storm, and Big Bang bringing that heat~! Thank you guys for a memorable night! God bless”

C: ibigbang.wordpress.com

OMG <3333

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Guest sw8et_vietgurl

i think the reason why their music changed throughout the years is because what set BB different to other idol groups is that they have 5 members who althought they sharing the same dream which is to become singers, however their style of music are very different, like YG said, Daesung loves Ballad, Seungri pop, Taeyang RnB, TOPGD hiphop so from debut until now they're still trying to find the real "BigBang", the music that suits all members, ain't just music that suit TOPGD or TaeYang but the music that are for all 5 members

GD: BB's own color and style has been found, not completely but almost

i think BB is one of the lucky group out there in kpop, they allow to change their music for each album so that it's can pleased all the members. take SNSD for example, i heard that Taeyeon(some members couldn't handle the cute concept for Gee but she can't do anything about it because cute is their concept

so until their found their own style, their music will continue to change


TaeYang: My solo album is expected this June in Korea after I get back from Japan

OMG really? hope this true

dyeing of happiness right now

oh that mean that Taeyang properly gonna have his comeback around mid-june

a bit of disadvantage for him there because of the world-cup but oh well all we need now is YG announcement

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Guest piano.1993

Today YB's interview was translated so quickly. I have just seen the post @ VIPZ and when I came here daisy got the whole interview translated already LOL

Taeyang, “I really want a girlfriend this year”

Poor baby. Seeing Sean happy with his home really makes YB want to have a gf, just like Jiyong wanting to get married after attending a wedding ceremony :lol:

I am sure VIPs will completely understand if they have gfs. That way they will be less lonely hahahaha

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Guest Alla

omgomg..Young Bae's comeback this June~~~!!!!

no wonder he looks so hyper..it's better be true><

news keep getting better and better..me like it so much<3


omo..all I can see is Yellow Crown Lightsticks!

brb with something

[COVERAGE] BIGBANG Rocking 「MTV LIVE 05.30.10」

I'm in the middle of BIGBANG 2nd overdosing since Electric Love Tourism www and I admit that there're many moments, while I'm watching their stage here, that I feel like they aren’t the Korean artists anymore, judging from Seungri, Taeyang and DaeSung's lively and playful interaction with the peeps today~!!

That's a funny take by w-inds Keita when he introduced himself as K-Dragon in w-inds' stage! I laughed so hard my face hurt!

T.O.P's hairdo today is the sweetest relief. He scared me off yesterday with his old man look when he's just 24!


Approx. 80% of the concert goers are VIPs on the overall. I saw VIPs working hard on their light sticks. Glowing our gold team color with a new fresh battery and many were flying the BIGBANG flags singing 「ガラガラGO!!」 at the top of the voice as the opener track. 꺅!!!!! 꺅!!!!! 꺅!!!!! Ji Yong oppa, your hair, your hair!!!

I'm sure that VIPs waved the light sticks for the first three acts;JAY'ED,w-inds and VANNESS.See, we’re the coolest fans on the planet earth and it MUST BE!

「Number 1」

Pori always tries to convince me that it's the best in Korea when you go clubbing LOL,but the dance is magic!T.O.P's broad smile and his rap on the piece is LEGEND! That’s the climax when G-Dragon flew his rap thang and SeungRi's eye contact with him is hilars!!

MC 1

I know that BIGBANG always puts 100% effort to entertain their fans. Sometimes they entertain and spoil me too much, I suffer an erratic heartbeat (read carefully, not "erotic"!!LOL) when SeungRi said "WOW, it’s awesome!!" to the audiences and was blinking his eyes like Justin Bieber in his PVs.I was like,” it’s 큐트 SeungRi again. It’s not the musical day here, sweetie! Haahaa." He deserves one more GD's elbow hit right there to lower his Cute-O-Meter, really.

「Tell Me Goodbye」

TaeYang encouraged us to sing along when he shouted, "Everybody, sing!!" and when the whole hall went with BIGBANG.I sense that it's the most beautiful bittersweet record and the feeling I've got is far different from the IRIS event! DaeSung and TaeYang's voice is sick!G-Dragon's spinning hand is even sicker! LOL GD beats that mini cooper!!!

「How Gee」

I'd be lying if I don't tell you that it's oh so BIGBANG concert with tons of j-pop guests and mcs ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ minus they did this piece in Koreanよかった!!Raise the roof! Raise the roof! T.O.P and G-Dragon's rapping is in harmony and I miss the good old days a lot!DaeSung's smile was REALLY nice and TaeYang the Busy Energetic Bee was running across the stage from the left wing to the right!

MC 2

While TaeYang was talking,T.O.P said 「え!」(Ahh!) All of a sudden to the audiences. I dunno why he blunted that out, but that's funny and maybe he wanted to cheer us up or he's nervous and wanted to know what his friends were joking about! You’d better ask DaeSung!

omitted..***b/c it was posted by Daisy on last page***


I love the dance! I LOVE THE DANCE!!!WORD!!

It was pretty much of the flow of the energy between you and the artists. The interaction was much hyped up when all the lighting even helps pumping the intensity of the show.The "Hey" and "Ho" is good for morning call!Refreshing!!!


「声をきかせて」Let me hear your voice

They didn’t dance or they forgot to dance?!?!?But, to watch it live again is a bliss, it reminds me of the wonderful last autumn/winter when I was dogging BIGBANG to many TV shows.Hahaha..


I think I need a word with the back-up dancers! Now!

I kept my eyes on T.O.P.This piece is my most favorite of the evening and it's also the challenging one for T.O.P 'cos he has to rap it in Japanese.T.O.P once switched the order in "happiness, sadness, tears" line in the TV show and forgot his dance blocking spot and then ran into DaeSung or TaeYang.I take his Japanese attempt as a great endeavor and he has proved that he can do anything! Hands down! 24/7!!

The concert is perfect. I can't ask anything more from BIGBANG.2 last songs in the encore sum up the evening, really!

When it's time for BIGBANG to say goodbye, I almost cry, even if I know that the IRIS event at Saitama is the day after tomorrow! They’re going to end the Japan activities real soon then start the domestic schedule as planned and so on. Time’s running short! I’m not so sure that I'll be seeing them again at Summer Sonic 2010 or not! But, I’ll try my best possible way ^^V

Thanks MTV JAPAN,mai sassy girl & YGJ Family




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Guest yarg707

@Miared Hmmm those are very intriguing questions. About the Japanese songs I gotta say that some of their songs in the first album and the recent ones had some good ones, I liked With U and Number 1 quite a lot maybe what kinda kills it sometimes is when TOP and GD rap in english because sometimes their using way too much slangish words, probably made up from Perry, it sometimes doesn't make any sense lol. Now for the sell out thing I think imo the person who really sold out would have to be TOP from the very beginning. I mean seriously rappers in their own right are not concerned about dancing I mean lets get serious being a rapper is about the performance of the lyrics not being concerned if you can dance. I don't think as a group their much of a sell out their just following/creating trends much faster than other groups and with the type of music their making the big wigs of the company are the ones making the big decisions as well so of course their being careful for whats being pushed out because of their investments maybe. I really do wish in the future the songs that are released are songs that they want to release without having to be pressured of creating multi million profits just creating music that is uniquely them and not following trends. BB do get a lot of flack though from people because of the type of music they release but sometimes I just wished they weren't so popular and weren't working 24/7 maybe get some rest get inspired meet friends interact I dunno. Maybe the best is yet to come maybe this year maybe next year? Anyway as long as they stay away from Auto tune and don't follow trends too much they'll do good haha.

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