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★彡yg ♪♬♪ The Official Big Bang [빅뱅] Thread ver. 2

Guest the7REAL.

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Guest somy30

Waaaaaaah !!! this song so GREAT !! Love GD's voice in it <33333

but ...does someone know the Girl in the MV ?

her dress in 2:21 so nice i want it :P

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Guest emmapemma321

omgggg the new video is effing FLYYYYYYY <3 everyone looks soo hawt, esp. TOP in glasses sitting down look all GQ BAMF and daesung singing in the rain was oh so manly

taeyang <3333 looked soo fine too, happy bday YB


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Guest ooxstacee

I'm falling behind by the second, LOL. T__T!

At least they released the MV yesterday and I already watched it or I would've really had a heartattack today.



I could spaz over the MV all over again.

I think it's safe to say Tell Me Goodbye is my favorite music video of theirs. :)

The song, their vocals, their outfits, their acting, EVERYTHING! Amazing.

Now I can only imagine what they'll do for their KOREAN comeback.

I really can't wait! I hope it's similar to this. Or even back to their hip-hop days.

PLEASE!! You'll make me really really happy if you choose those songs, Mister YG.

So many things! I love all the caps and gifs you guys made!

Hm, earlier .. some were saying that the girl may be Miss Korea. Kim JuRi, YuRi, whatever her name is. LOL!

When I went back to look, it DOES look like her. <3 Awesome. I remember how there were articles saying that GD & her are friends?

Which celebrity born in 1990 has the biggest potential to go far?

Seungri deserves to be MUCH MUCH higher than that.

His confidence and pride would take him really far, lmao.

Look at how he got into Big Bang.

He's failed time after time, but he still tried his hardest, as if he's never failed before.

And he's so successful now.

T.O.P On Emergency Rush After Eye Injury Filming 「71 - Into The Fire

I'm so so so glad TOP is okay now.

His eyes are too smoking hot to go blind, lol.

Ah, that's scary. Injuries, wah. Dangerous filming!

The part that made me laugh the most was when TOP said "when he took off his clothes," cause I can't even imagine it. XD If it were other members, I could probably imagine it, but hahah TOP. <3

[star diary] Part 1- Taeyang ”I’ve appeased loneliness listening to the radio”

Wow, I love this interview. You learn so much.

I never knew he went through such hard times. Separated from his parents when he was that young?! Omg.

I'm glad he's determined and is way successful now. Happy family, together again.

And DEPRESSION TOO?! Wah, wtf. T___T! There it goes, hitting another one of our boys. We only know about it afterwards. But at least, with GD, you can tell. YB keeps emotions in really well.

Okay, there goes my long post again. LOL!

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@XTLOVER15 thanks for the Subbed video link!

i finally understood TOP's part!


this article made me respect YB more specially on the hardships

he experience before.

1990 born artists

Thanks Thuy, there are a LOT!! Seungri's on the last spot?

oh well when BB makes a COMEBACK his place might go higher.

We'll see, I think Seungri does have a big potential for TV dramas so

im looking forward to it.

TOP's accident:

gosh that made my heart drop specially reading the

word EMERGENCY..im happy though that he's

ok now. TOP's eyes are his biggest asset..physically

i mean. I cant imagine something wrong that might happen

to Top..


To our beloved BAE!!! stay happy and get a girlfriend dude! haha

you voice melts our heart and know that you are love not only

by LOYAL VIPS but also those people who can truly say you

got what it takes to succeed in this business. No one can

hide a pure talented man..you a God's gift to us...

i just want to comment about this vid

Have you noticed YB's enthusiasm while YUNA's recording? and the Look DAESUNG gave

TOP? as if saying "LOOK AT YOUNGBAE, i havent seen him act like this before. Specially around a girl"

hahaha...omg i just had fun looking at the vid. Specially Jiyong as a producer. the guy's freakin awesome

as always!



as for taeyang...still i just can't make out a story of it..what the heck is he's doing in the desert.

I have my own interpretation of the song but it's kinda near

to your post and Kristine's. Sorry to cut your post right there

but i left what you wrote about Bae because i was LOLing my richard simmons out..haha

One thing i can say though, GD always gets to be broken hearted. Poor boy!


This was especially tangable and distracting during TOPs solo---which I actually liked the best out of the whole song. But there is no denying it, he needs to work on that, and work on it soon.

I never had a problem with TOP's english or engrish rapping before. He does a good job however

i have to agree with you on this that on this song that his part (which by the way i love..because of the flow) seemed unclear.

As for you saying GD owned it..yes he did. The boy acted so well for this

MV and too bad though since this is a slow song he only had a short part.

As for BB's songs in general i actually liked their slow songs

but for this one. TELL ME GOODBYE stood out for me because it's NOT autotuned.

It's been a while since the last time i heard BB do non autotuned songs. It showcase

their beautiful voices.

With these (Tell Me Goodbye MV, Shouting CF and MV, Lollipop) releases, it amazes

me that BIGBANG never fails to thrill their audiences. You dont have to be a VIP

to be floored by this magnificent group.

tsk tsk tsk..THEY ARE REALLY TAKING OVER KPOP pretty soon!!!

ok to end this post..

TOP's lovely eyes..take care of it SeungHyun!






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Happy Birthday Dong Young Bae ♥

I don't know how many times I have already said that today. haha ;D

Anyways, I'm kind of late, but oh wells. Anyways, I love the MV & song of "Tell Me Goodbye". Definitely one of my favorite MVs from them. I enjoyed that melancholy atmosphere throughout the MV. Not really liking TOP's hair XD but I'm loving GD's hair in the MV. ;D

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Guest hayakatsu

wow, after reading all the speculations on the story.... i think everyone's story makes sense!! which is it really?? but here's what i think. try to keep up, cuz i think the story actually jumps between timelines and is quite confusing.


--main story timeline--

the girl and youngbae are a couple. and tabi is like an evil mafia boss who has his hearts on YB's girl so tabi kidnaps the girl and in the end, YB dies, (blood on shirt. and i think him being in the desert symbolises that he's feeling lost, alone and stranded without his love after dying...maybe) YB fails to protect her and loses her. then, after his death, his friends, jiyong and dae (both of them in the rain) try to get revenge by trying to kill tabi and get the girl back. tabi found out abt this and hired seungri the corrupt police to investigate who is going to come and kill him. as seungri investigates the case further, he also seems to have fallen in love with the girl and is now in a dilemma of whether to continue working for tabi or join YB's friends. tabi, being the evil mafia boss who never trusts anyone, is secretly keeping watch on seungri just in case seungri decides to turn on him. (that's why during seungri's scenes, tabi's watching from the background) finally, seungri decides he won't be involved with tabi and tells jiyong and dae abt tabi's plan. so he gets ready to be killed for ratting out tabi's plans. (loading the pistol)

--timeskip to the end of the story--

instead of punishing seungri for turning his back, tabi wastes no time and decides to escape. tabi succeeds to escape with the girl after jiyong and dae failed to rescue the girl. he's running away in the car, but in the end, he also killed the girl thinking, "if i can't have her and she won't love me, then no one shall have her and i have to let her go." that's why he's upset cuz he truly loves her. (they didn't exactly show tabi killing her, but i think this is what happens in the end cuz during the shooting scene, they show the gunshot breaking the glass covering the girl's head)

--timeskip back to the beginning of the story, after YB's death but before the girl got kidnapped--

jiyong is also secretly in love with his bestfriend's girlfriend but can never tell him. (IRIS plotline here) but after YB's death, jiyong confesses to the girl and they also became a couple. but after that, he couldn't bear with himself and feels guilty for taking his bestfriend's girl so he breaks up and becomes a drunk. but then, the girl got kidnapped by tabi and he had to rescue her and get revenge.

--timeskip back to the main story timeline--

as it turns out, at the last minute jiyong bails out cuz he can't bear to see her again and dae has nothing to say abt this (this is the connecting jiyong and dae, rain scene) so jiyong runs away and hides at the telephone booth(?) and dae moves on to rescue her but he also fails.

---------THE END----------

i dunno if my story is the accurate one, but this is what my interpretation of the song is. also, judging by the lyrics translation, i think my story kinda makes sense? well, i dunno for sure, but by dae's lyrics, i don't think he's speaking for himself. i think dae is really close to jiyong so he's speaking on behalf of jiyong. and someone said something abt tabi being a priest? hm. it could be since it kinda looks like a confession room. but IMO it's just symbolising that tabi's watching/spying on seungri.

wow!! this is a really elaborate story. very well planned and developed. lots of hidden meanings too!! i really think the whole story must be a whole movie's length but they managed to cut it down to a 4 minute length song!!

i love it!<3 i think this is one of the most meaningful songs whithin kpop idols so far this year. (i know they sing in japanese so it's not really kpop. but the OST is for a korean drama and the singers are korean, so..yeah) it actually has depth and the MV has an actual storyline that is really good. not to mention the emotions they portray really reach out beyond the screen. i can feel YB's pain of dying and losing the one he loves, jiyong's pain of guilt, dae's pain of having to see his friends suffer, tabi's pain for unreturned love and his pain for killing the one he loves. also seungri's pain for loving someone he can never have.

this is only for an OST, i can only imagine what their comeback is gonna be like. OMGG!!! i cannot wait. srsly.

so many BB releases now! with the shouting project, BB's BSX hunter project, lollipop2 damn i can really feel the heat of their comeback just breathing down my neck! so close yet so far!!


[YB's interview & his YBAEDAY]

man, poor guy. no one should ever have to go through all that at such a young age. i'm glad he's now feeling the love from all around him. and....... happYBirthday!!!!!!! may god bless him always.

[TOP's injury]

OMO!!! i'm glad he's ok now. lol. it's good to see he can laugh it off. his eyes are his best features if it's gone, i just can't imagine it!!! please be careful, oppa!


wow, i think this is my longest post ever on soompi. haha^^ i didn't think i'd ever manage it. sorry. hehe^^;

okay i better finish off now cuz i have nothing more to say or spazz abt. lol.


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Guest fiyfly

As I am still trying to get over the MV, I had to watch it again, and then went browsing on YT. Turns out the PV is one the first page of most viewed videos today. Nice little surprise. :)

And totally feel for both Taeyang and TOP. I never would have guessed Taeyang would have gone through so much when he was so long - it makes sense why he tends to be quieter than the other boys. ::hugs:: For TOP, I'm just happy it wasn't any more serious because his eyes are too hot to be be damaged. :D

As always, thanks to eveyone who has been posting translations, videos, news, images and everything else under the sun. And Happy Birthday Taeyang! :lol:

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Dong Youngbae!!

I just can't believe he's turning 22/23! Big Bang boys grew up so much nowadays T.T haha.

btw, I can't stop playing Tell Me Goodbye. uh wet Jiyong just keep killing me XD XD and others are way too hot too! XD I thought that TOP's hair resembled the main bad guy in IRIS, Baek-san. That's why it's greyish. Haha just a thought XD XD

OMONA! I hope nothing bad happened to his eyes, bcuz THAT'S THE MAJOR KILLER XD Wow, I never thought Bae is having such hard time in his childhood, bcuz he used to have piano at his home, so yeah, I thought he's having a good life, but apparently not T.T keep strong Bae!

get well soon TOP & happy birthday Bae! LOVE YOUUUU! ^^

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Guest SoSade

How late I am >.>

The video was AWESOME. I love the oldie feel to it. Everybody looked uh-mazing! :D

I feel the emotion right off my screen. Just great BRAVO. 5 stars

Last but not least..


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Guest ewmoocow


I haven't went on this thread in sooo long. *-* I doubt anyone remembers me, haha. Well, I've been lurking from time to time. But I came back just to wish Dong Young Bae a very happy birthday! It's been 22 years since he came into this world, but it's all a blur how he came into mine. :3 I hope he's spending his birthday safely. I originally posted this banner on my tumblr and just click on the banner to see the original post~

Oh, and BB's new music video was so goood! ;D I now know why Tabi dyed his hair. I cannot wait for their comeback! I hope that YG doesn't push it back. Oh and speaking of YG.. who's auditioning?! Good luck if you are! <33

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Guest blank_blank_cuti3

Thanks Thuy, there are a LOT!! Seungri's on the last spot?

oh well when BB makes a COMEBACK his place might go higher.

We'll see, I think Seungri does have a big potential for TV dramas so

im looking forward to it.

OMG...leslie, I was thinking the same!!!!LOL...

I really do think this MV showcase SR's acting alot!

He looks like a cop and eventhough he had little screen time, he was able to put alot of emotion into it.

I was actually hoping for him to do a drama toO! the one that Daesung is doing, I thought he was gonna do that when they said that YG is considering another member to replaces Top.

But now that Daesung is doing that, I hope SR gets a project too since other members are busy and magnae is just doing school...I was hoping that maybe he could be the second lead in the new Hong's sisters drama! That'll be so awesome!!!

One thing i can say though, GD always gets to be broken hearted. Poor boy!

This is SO SO TRUE! LOL...I think in every single one of Big Bang's MV with a story line, GD's heart always get broken...LOL...It's so the opposite of what Seungri said about GD "who is the heartbreaker!" LOL...


I also have the same question, but I don't think we'll know until the single actually releases...but doesn't their Japanese album/songs get produced by someone elses with the exception of My Heaven and previously that are originally in Korean??

someone said something abt tabi being a priest? hm. it could be since it kinda looks like a confession room. but IMO it's just symbolising that tabi's watching/spying on seungri.

I actually was thinking the same...that Top is spying on Seungri or using Seungri in a way, but then everybody have their own interpretation of the story, so it differs...LOL...I doubt YG will clarify what the story is about and it's probably leave up to the audience for interpretation...XD

Anyways, I'm so happy that we got a suprised! The MV is sooo additing...I don't know how many times I've watch that MV and can't get over the fact that the boys are so HOT! and they're all LEGAL now! HAHAHA...Like GD said before, they'll do more stuff that they can't do before now that SR's legal, so I'm hoping that's an advantage now! HAHAHAH

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Guest shinhdeplol

BTS photos of SAL skit



credit : cyworld

thanks to BBCN & 伪娤婞諨冇檌

taken from bigbanghaven.blogspot.com

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Guest Unni_Ashley

OMGGGGGGGGG i love the MV so much...all of the boys are so fre.king hotttttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I didn’t know YB had such a hard childhood.:( Living away from his parents must be very hard for him to cope with, especially when he was so young :(

Anyway HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YoungBae !!!!!!!!!

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Guest shinhdeplol

Fanmade clay figurine of G-Dragon



C: liang954078214 @ baidu bigbang

Taken from bigbanghaven.blogspot.com

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Guest Abie

I'm loving the VIPs' speculations abt the true story behind the mv.

While reading your theories, i cant help but fall in love with the song more xD

true, true...this song really is something. Amazing plotline, high-quality vocals

and of course, mind-blowing acting. BIGBANG is definitely a group i wont ever get tired


and so as not to make my post super empty...here's a compilation of

some resized Jiyong caps i made <3 i DLed an 111 MB vid and the HQ-ness left me breathless.

XD actually, I wanted to cap every frame of the osm MV. LOLS...




^ obviously, i loved all of Jiyong's parts in the mv XD


happy 1155th page, everyone (:

edit: LOLS. i finally finished my YB gift<3

Happy Birthday to the HOTTEST SUN alive (:


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