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★彡yg ♪♬♪ The Official Big Bang [빅뱅] Thread ver. 2

Guest the7REAL.

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Guest Banana Peel

HMM, I guess it is Seungri's abs? ahahah, or maybe Daesung's but I think his body is more wider. But the first time I saw the picture, I was kinda guessing TOP ahahahaha. I mean, it's kinda random for them to update a picture with abs, and I think we've all seen seungri, daesung and taeyang's abs, sooo who else is left? TOP! lol :D (of course GD too, but I think his body is a bit too slim to have such abs). oh how I wish it's TOP's abs ahahahahha.

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Guest missARROGANT

About the Abs,

Why nobody guess s7ven lol..

When I saw the photo, the first person comes across my mind is s7ven.

The trainer only mentioned " Who's this person working so hard?" , never said he is a BB member.

S7even might be working out for his comeback…hehe

I am sure that one is not Dae or Tae, they are more buff.

I doubt it is Top's also. I think is Sengri,

....but somehow I have the feeling that that person could be Jiyong :lol:



About the poll thing, I think it makes sense that they are not no.1.

They don't have new song last year and this half of the year,

they are barely in any shows, news and only have a few cf..T_T

BB should come back already ;)

Keeping them outside from kpop scene could possibly be YG another marketing strategy?


credit: dcinside

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Aww. That poll hurts. Hahaha.

This is definitely why BIGBANG has to come back now. :|

If this is another of YG's plans though...i relaly don't get him xD

But whatever it is, i cant wait for them to come back alr.

And about their anniversary...

I'm excited to submit for BBVIP's project xD HAHAHA.

And that picture is definitely Seungri's abs.

The trainer also uploaded pics of him working out alone right?

But i also hope it's TOP or GD =(

it's about time they grow some! XDDD

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Guest teenace

About the Abs,

Why nobody guess s7ven lol..

When I saw the photo, the first person comes across my mind is s7ven.

The trainer only mentioned " Who's this person working so hard?" , never said he is a BB member.

S7even might be working out for his comeback…hehe

I am sure that one is not Dae or Tae, they are more buff.

I doubt it is Top's also. I think is Sengri,

....but somehow I have the feeling that that person could be Jiyong :lol:

Unless Se7en magically removed his tattoo its not him.


Jiyong is too skinny and Dae has bigger arms. Deff not Taes since his torso isn't that long and Tabis is too long lol.

Could only be the one and only strong baby :lol:

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Guest ooxstacee

I just had to respond about the picture that the trainer posted.

I think it's Seungri's, like most of you girls/guys have said.

If you look closely at the picture, there are scars on his arm.

And there was that really HQ Cyon picture [it looks lifesize] of Ri and you can see that he has scars there.

O__O I think. Iono. Er, wrong arm, mwahahha. T__T

I'll attempt to look for the pictures and point it out. Hahahaha.

Here's the picture though: http://bigbangkorean.files.wordpress.com/2010/02/c_2956.jpg

Match up the hair on the arm!

But Dae's body is thick, TOP's torso seems longer than that, YB's seem shorter than that, and GD. That doesn't look like Ji's body.


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Guest FuNKiE

the abs?? LOL~ the threads all talking about the abs.. hahaha. saw the abs pic in bbvip twitter. after a look, it's definitely Seungri's :rolleyes:

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this is so funny, because just yesterday i was watching the old video of top's showing off his "pretend" abs, lol

as much as i wish it was top's i think its seungri's too, the pose is similar to strong baby.

At first i thought it was jiyong, but he looks too thin for that.

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Guest Lucky

About the body thing. My guess goes to GD. Although my

mind tells me its Seungri, only cuz it looks similar to his. but I would

like to think its GD.haha.the only two with similar body frame is GD and Seungri, although GD is

thin, when he had meat, his body length also seem close to the mysterious abs person.

edit: wah, I topped the page. woohoo, maybe it can be GD no?LOL

i have a pic to share, old, but hey abs!hey who knows, GD's body can transform you know. "hard work" key word.^^

I'm sure its not taeyang or daesung.thats for sure. and besides, why would they post up abs of a member that already have

them right? it must be a member that didnt have it, and now does.lol. just my observation.


credit: popseoul

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Guest shinhdeplol

whos abs did they actually revealed

the trainer didnt tell. i guess it's Seungri's

and please do not post one-liners






C: ㅈㄴㄱㄷ @ DCinside

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Guest intelligirl

^ omg those gifs are HUGE. They made my internet lag. The seunghyuns look funny. I'm not really sure what TOP is trying to do lol. Why is he wearing such a heavy coat during rehearsals? :lol: I love bts clips XD I was hoping panda's interview had been translated by now, but I guess not. Hope it's not forgotten :D

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well now lots of people are wondering if the guy in this pic is Dae. I think it's Dae, because of the buff arm and the side profile looks abit like him as well.

original pic




credit: me2day.net/hanpower

Knock Knock Magazine
















source: Knock Knock Magazine availale at all bookstores in Thailand

taken from: bigbangupdates.com

better scans? can't find TY ones from his dcsites though



credit: icengie @ victorious/bigbangpop, dcsites and 오렌지 @ bbvipz

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OMO, "Double Seunghyun" moment~ kekeke, Tabi is such a dork~

what on earth his trying to do~ hahaha~ and Maknae looks so small

with Tabi, probably he doesnt use insole, thats why Tabi looks huge~

and Maknae looks cute wearing a hoodie like that~ hahahaha.. :P

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Big Bang Products for SBS Event

Big Bang AnB (Anytime, aNywhere, Big Bang) Mobile Phone Chains:








Start Date: May 20 (subject to change)

Product: Big Bang phone chains with photos

Size: 6.8mm x 4mm excluding chain

Photos: 24 pages

Price: 7,500 won, plus tax and shipping


During the AnB launch event, other products will also be available:

- Canon PowerShot SX10 IS with photos of Big Bang (and were directly used by them)

- 5 sets of INSTAX 7S

- Nintendo WII

- FINEPIX 2700 Camera

- B-school set with Big Bang's autograph

- Big Bang Organizer, Wall Calendar, etc.


you can visit the WEBSITE for other details.


Younha checks on Big Bang's status in Japan~


C:: bbupdates2010@YT

Source:: BBVIPZ

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^argh..Taeyang looks hot><

lol..all the talk about abs...I think it's Strong baby..b/c of the pose..

i don't want GD to have six packs><..because I loveeeee his flat abs<3..lol.. :P :P


I like DaeSung's pink/black scarf and the pink/white scarf in the lollipop pic with the lollipop girl

he looks sweet wearing those scarfs<3

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Guest miared

NEVER? why's that? :mellow: i don't know why, but the first member i thought of when i saw that picture was TOP. i hope the guy's packed on some weight these last couple months. XD

despite all my wishful thinking, i have to admit, the picture is most likely of seungri. TOP just likes to hide, taeyang's is more ripped, and daesung... well, he's got a pretty nice body too so it could be him... i love his arms. :D

Never in life------I am soooooo angryyyy :angry: -----------------------AARRRGHHH!!!

TOP could have build up some muscle, but never to that degree. You just have to take a look at the way his skin is hanging from his arms. It´s flabby. There is no definition there whatsoever. He used to be quite big as some might or might not know by now, and it still shows.

Of course he lost many pounds and started working out, but in my opinion, he is someone who will never be able to pull such muscles off. Never.

BUUUT-----he is fine the way he is. Hahahahaha--hehehehe----I don´t wanna come across as this aggressive!! I swear--- I´m not :excl: -----but this is fun---again.

I don't think TOP would have problem putting on muscles but what makes me sure it's not him is that he would never show his stomach. I think he still has a lot of body image issues from when he used to be overweight. That doesn't always just go away simply because you lose the weight.

Those polls vary so I don't take them too seriously. 2PM had the whole Jay situation and SNSD had a successful comeback. Not surprised they came out on top as they received massive attention this year.

He would never show his stomach because he has no muscle!!!!! That´s the whole point of it!!!! Pain---intense pain------heheheh.........no, no--I´m serious again.....

He could have put on some muscle but-----see above, for my opinion---------the hard thing for him would be to loose the fat, so that the muscles could show. Issues..........yeah, well, he sure has those, but a boy would loose them pretty fast if he would train and form his body like that.

And yeah, such polls are never to be taken too seriously. It always depends which fangroup spots them first, who spends the most time...ect.

Fact is---------BIG BANG still sells very, very well. They´ll bomb when they return, for sure. :ph34r:

Seeing that poll makes its so depressing...Big Bang seriously needs to comeback! I don't know what the heck is YG doing...all this long wait, he better gives a quality comeback! (not like their comebacks are not, but I want a good good comeback with suprises and everything! HAHAHA...)

I personally think those abs belong to Seungri, cuz I really doubt that Top would ever show his body to us...he has already mentioned it a few times in interviews...And it's definitely not Jiyong either cuz he mentioned it before that he doesn't have it at all...SR said his hyungs doesn't like it when he shows his abs cuz then GD and TOp's abs get search too...AHHAHA....

No worries little one!!!! BIG BANG will come and save the day very soon.........well........not sure about the soon.

In my (personal and very humble) opinion though---------------this long absence is quite a good thing actually. Now they will have the time to produce something worth buying. I just don´t want this to be rushed again-----no sir. Had enough of that.

But really now---------this will give people the chance to miss them, go search some other bands in that time, go on with studies (hehe) ect..............but when they return------------it will be with a BANG.

That´s for sure. :ph34r::ph34r:


OOOOOOOOOOOhhhhh--------aaaaand---------------this pic of TOP I posted up there a page ago---it´s fake. I changed it little, to see if anyone would notice......noone has.

Here´s the original version.




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Guest shinhdeplol

Lollipop Girl's me2day update



Original message:

즐거운 하루 보내고 있어요? 제가 그동안 여러분한테 사진을 99장이나 보냈더라구요 ㅋㅋ 오늘은 드디어 100번째 사진이네요 +_+ 100번째인 만큼 빅뱅이 함께 있는 컷으로 준비했어요!! 다함께 롤리팝을 외치며 손으로 L을 만들어봅시다~ 옙!

In English:

Are you having a good day? During that time I sent 99 photos to everyone ㅋㅋ Today is finally the 100th picture +_+ The 100th picture is of BIG BANG waiting for the ‘cut’!! To finish, they’re shouting ‘Lollipop’ and making an ‘L’ with their hand~ Yep!

Translated by AA-CHAN: http://aa-chan.net/blog/2010/04/29/me2day-...0429/#more-4532

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