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★彡yg ♪♬♪ The Official Big Bang [빅뱅] Thread ver. 2

Guest the7REAL.

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Guest itszmaeee

I think this only applies to hardcore supporters though. Fans keep track of their favorite artists closely but the general public could care less. As the saying goes - out of sight, out of mind. With so many new groups coming out, it's hard to stay popular especially if other groups are really making an effort to get themselves to the top. I think YG bit off more than he could chew with too much plans for this year. It's almost March and everything that has to do with YG artists keeps getting delayed. So disorganized! YG has some really weird promotional tactics like limiting his artists' performances on music shows like what he did with 2ne1's Fire promo, only letting them appear once a week. Obviously, I Don't Care did so much better because it was promoted more. Sometimes I feel like YG is sabotaging his own company lolz.

IMHO, the fans that had followed Big Bang ever since they debuted would know YG's tactics and promotional strategies. Yes at the same time he's smart but I feel like YG is lacking some sense. He's smart enough to limit the boys' korean and japanese activities, but at the same time people wonder what the boys are up to. Meaning when are they coming back as a group + the solo activities. Many are already doubting the fact that this year may not be YG FAM year because he's been delaying things. Ex: Youngbae's solo album. After performing both Where U At and Wedding Dress in Korea, poooof, he's gone to Japan and no one knows when he'll be back. I just honestly don't like the fact that YG releases something be it 2NE1 or Big Bang or SE7EN, then takes it back the next. I thought the boys was having their comeback this summer, but SE7EN is set to comeback this summer whereas other 2NE1 fans wonder when the girls will be back. I doubt YG will let his artists promote for only 2 months. The thing that I question the most is that "will YG be able to have all his artists promoting at the same time or will he stop one of them and promotes the other ones first?" I just think YG sucks when it comes to having his artists competing one another.

As for Big Bang. I commented about this before, but BIG BANG MAKES THE TREND NOT FOLLOW IT! Anything Big Bang is already a hit.. Not to sound too ignorant of course. Time will tell.

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Guest Da_song

Daesung@ETL. :P







I agree with all of you. but I thought YG will making better thing to our Bigbang. for sure.

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Guest the7REAL.

*waves crown lightstick* Hey V.I.P~

It's been a long time since I've posted here. D:

Anyways, just checking up on the thread and saw this post....

I think that YG has to start promoting Big Bang again, rather than just using guerrilla tactics [dropping songs out of the blue.] As much as I hate to say this, but if Big Bang is to make a major comeback, then they're going to have to conform to the repetitive catchy song norm.
^I don't agree with this at all. =/ And this is exactly the kind of pressure that Big Bang don't need right now. So they should just conform, just like that, to maintain their popularity? Hm, that's no fun at all. DX I don't know about everyone but I'd rather have a Big Bang that put out quality songs and do so-so on charts than sacrificing creativity and artistic integrity and do what everyone else is doing. But even so, that's not what I think Big Bang is about. I'm sure they take into consideration what the trends actually are but I've noticed that YG in general tend to stay on top of the trends. Music is a fickle creature, and is ever-changing as well as with the tastes of listeners. Following trends isn't necessarily bad but I think it's better for artists to be aware of the trends but at the same time - put their own flavor/style/spin on it. For example, Big Bang use autotune in Lollipop 2 but only enough to enhance a certain part of a song and not being so overbearing as some might use it. And with their comeback, when it comes to trends, I too, believe..

Big Bang starts trends, they don't follow them.
Luckily for Big Bang, they've kind of figured out how to make good music but at the same time, if needed/wanted know how to make it appealing to a wide audience. What's popular now with Kpop, they've already done in the past. And part of the big appeal of Big Bang is that they have their own distinct style, and their variety of music is what makes their fanbase so huge. So not everyone will like one song at the same time, but maybe like another one way more later on. And when it comes to worrying about sales, if the music won't do the job itself, when it comes to promo activities, it really is the quality of performances that Big Bang are known for - that help raise those up as well. And of course, there's always the belief that artists in Korea actually make more ka-ching from advertisements and concerts...and if that is true, then Big Bang already make bank all the time through BR, Lotte, Cyon, NII, BSX, even Hite, etc. Their faces are everywhere, so if 'out of sight, out of mind' is the phrase, then they have definitely been in people's faces. lol. Personally, I prefer 'absence makes the heart grow stronger' phrase more if we flip it around. XD

I agree with what onnetwothreefour said because I think Big Bang's been successful at keeping their name out in the public/media and still being very relevant, despite not being here "full time". Just because their song is not keeping a #1 spot, doesn't mean it's a cause for worry. It's not like the song is super amazing or anything...I mean, I like it, but Big Bang don't have to be #1 all the time. It depends on the song. Like flyfly said, it just really is a treat for the song to be released in the first place.

Everything seems slow and such right now with promoting Big Bang, but they're not in the position right now to be promoting so extensively. But for me, judging from the past, I'm not even worried about when it comes time for their promoting for a real come back, because when Big Bang 'come back', they seriously 'COME BACK' lol and it gets pretty crazy and exciting and scary with how much they do between those periods. @_@"" They do so much and then kind of drop like flies towards the end of the year from exhaustion etc. Believe me, if anything, Big Bang are known for dropping surprises on all of us and when they want their presence to be felt, it's more than felt. And with all 5 of them having done solo activities in many different ways, and keeping the name of Big Bang out there in people's minds, that is a factor that adds to the dynamic of the group and will have people anticipating what they come out with. I have faith that Big Bang will deliver when it comes time, and..if somehow they don't, well no one said they're perfect. We're the ones that have such high expectations for them, and it'll always be a continuing struggle for them to please the public while also doing the music they want to do. All 5 of them as we know, are so different from each other, even musically, so it's always somewhat of a compromise, the music they make as a group. But I like that we've had a chance and will have more chances to see their individualistic music styles and then how they somehow make it work out as a group. They always amaze me. :)

And with YG's strategies, uhh I've learned to take it with a grain of salt and just enjoy whatever comes. YG himself when he writes his messages to fans and let us know what's up, he really just let's us know what he's 'thinking of' at the time but things can change fast with YG. So I just wait til' I actually see what he's talking about cos otherwise it does get frustrating to think something is coming at an exact time. lol. w/e I don't even care anymore as long as it comes eventually. xD And it's always worth the wait. ;D

Sorry this is so long, but it's been awhile since I've posted anywhere on here. haha.


Actually, when I came here, I wanted to mention about a layout change for the first post. IDK if you've noticed but it hasn't been changed since 2008. XD SORRY! I've been busy for a long time and haven't set aside time to do it. And I've been waiting for a really good set of Big Bang photos to change the layout. Right now I think the BSX photoshoots are just gorgeous that I want to make something out of it, but if anyone who is good at graphic design would also like to tackle that job of designing a new layout for the first post, please feel free to PM me. If there's many interested, then maybe people can design their version of a new layout and we all can vote on it or something. Actually, that's always been open to do, but no one has taken initiative to PM me yet about a layout change, so I thought I'd finally post about it to let you all know that it's totally okay to PM me and let me know what you want to see from the first post since it is a VIP & Big Bang thread. ^^ The only thing I try to do, is keep it updated when I can and neat / un-cluttered looking..and hopefully..just look nice.^^" It totally needs to be updated I know, like when we found out YB isn't even a AB blood type, and his life was this whole lie because he found out he is actually a B. lolol XDDD

So, basically: looking for creative graphic designers to help make a new layout for the first post. If no one takes interest, I will try to make one myself when I have time. If interested, PM me because I will not read through the thread to find related posts. Also, for VIP in general, if you want, let me know suggestions of what kind of pics you want to see be used. I'm fond of the BSX and some of the new Cyon pics but of course those would be 2 completely different styles for profiles, etc. If many people submit layouts, it will be good to have to rotate after the first choice~

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Guest johnnyquest89

Everything seems slow and such right now with promoting Big Bang, but they're not in the position right now to be promoting so extensively. But for me, judging from the past, I'm not even worried about when it comes time for their promoting for a real come back, because when Big Bang 'come back', they seriously 'COME BACK' lol and it gets pretty crazy and exciting and scary with how much they do between those periods. @_@"" They do so much and then kind of drop like flies towards the end of the year from exhaustion etc. Believe me, if anything, Big Bang are known for dropping surprises on all of us and when they want their presence to be felt, it's more than felt. And with all 5 of them having done solo activities in many different ways, and keeping the name of Big Bang out there in people's minds, that is a factor that adds to the dynamic of the group and will have people anticipating what they come out with. I have faith that Big Bang will deliver when it comes time, and..if somehow they don't, well no one said they're perfect.

Gotta agree with you on that. When Big Bang makes a comeback its a COMEBACK. Why else would music shows let them do Comeback Concert stages of 4-5 songs instead of the usual intro cut/1 maybe 2 songs.(when its a full group comeback). Then get so many club/event mini concerts to perform right on the spot. With those I can understand why YG would let them perform on 1-2 shows a week instead of all of them staying at the broadcast stations all day = less cash. Though it's national facetime, imo the better performances are the non fully set choreographed stuff from events where they can bust out whatever not worrying about getting the right camera angles n stuff. Which i think people draw more intrest to them. Who wants to go over and over to the same as always perf, when u can watch the "same" perf but "differently" every time u go. When they comeback they'll prolly take the charts by storm. YG's probably gonna have overlapping promotions but only when one starts falling a little in the charts most likely, still high hopes of it being the year of YG. now if the other popular japanese kpop group came back we'd have ourselves a nice inflow of music for the 2nd half of the year, (competition brings improvement and change) hopefully a collab too, would prolly shake the kpop scene up a bit.

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Guest Unni_Ashley

it's understandable Lollipop 2 does not have a very high ranking, because the boys have barely promoted it and it's just a CF song.

it does even not have an MV.

@yaoming11: i agree with you and some ones too

Big Bang makes the trends, not follow them

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Guest sweetflower

After reading all of your comments - I'd understand both sides of the arguments:

1. It's understandable that us fans are worried about our boys' popularity because Lollipop 2 was not an all-kill like we'd expected. We, fans, are like over-anxious parents - always wanting our boys to do well, always wanting them to get the best results, always expecting them to get #1s. But we have to realize that it's almost impossible, especially since BB's been gone from the kpop scene for more than 1 year (just look at DBSK as an example). Also, remember that there are many new boy groups (beast, mblaq, cnblue, etc.) that just came out recently and the fact that some percentage of BB's fans are in the pre-teen to teen categories (no bashing on them, but they tend to be VERY fickle - always going with what's new and popular at the moment - I wouldn't and I'm sure our boys wouldn't want them as fans either).

2. I'm sure many may disagreed with me and may even hate me, but I want to state my opinions - I do NOT like the fact that there are comments stating that the reason Lollipop 2 did not do as well or get as popular as Lollipop 1 was because 2ne1 was not in it. WTH?!? Some of you may disagreed - but there is no WAY that 2ne1 is more popular than BB. In fact, I feel that 2ne1's popularity is due in some parts to BB - most of BB's fans willingly embraced 2ne1 when they debuted, so to say that BB needs 2ne1 to get popular is ridiculous!

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Big Bang's Lollipop 2 Making of - Song Cut [video SUBBED]



Lollidella~~~..I love this word

I fell in love with GD's rapping the first time I listened to the full song because of this word and of course coz of his smooth rapping

@the7REAL:agreed 100%^^

VVV@Thuy:I'm with you..lol..sounds cheesy..lol

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Guest shinhdeplol

^^ Yeah I really hate it when ppl are like that. *Leslie Chau Alla you with me?*

[Fancam] Big Bang ELT concert - Lies Remix version


[Fancam] Big Bang ELT concert in Yokohama - Concert Opening


Btw, I find it really funny how Japanese media call 4minute BIGBANG's little sisters :lol: Perhaps because both groups are from Universal ^^









C: 菘菘蓝 @ dsholic

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Guest nisssr3

it's interesting to read posts regarding the lollipop charts thingy, this shows how we all concerned about bb. i don't really care so much about charts, maybe just a bit. maybe there's some flaws in yg's promotion, and yes i do agree. please have faith in the boys because gd is working so hard writing and producing bb's song right now, he even said that he would be disappointed if bb's album doesn't turn out as good. this shows how passionate the boys are towards music since they wrote songs themselves. just see those huge crowds in BIG SHOW concert even they weren't active in korea, so imagine if the boys make their comeback this summer, i am sure that it would make a huge impact.

edit: yeah, topping charts are bonus point for artists, i'll be happy if they're at the top but as of now i don't really mind about it since it's a cf song,

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Guest bigbangxsaranghae

You can't just base BB's popularity with just one song. Sure, it wasn't an all-kill in the charts but you have to consider other things like the songs they're competing against. Besides, it's not even a promotional song it's just for a CF. And other artists like 2PM, they also released CF songs and it also wasn't an all-kill in the charts but that doesn't take out the fact that they're really popular. If they're popularity is going down, then the BIG SHOW shouldn't have been successful. Just wait for their official comeback and I know we'll be in a big surprise. It's gonna be a big bang!

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Guest endlesssanctuary

personally, i like lollipop 2 better. i think it'll do well, because i have faith in my boys. and even though i think it'll do well, i don't think it'll be as popular as the first. to be completely honest, i didn't love the first one, but i have to admit, it was REALLY catchy.

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[Fancam] Big Bang ELT concert - Lies Remix version


[Fancam] Big Bang ELT concert in Yokohama - Concert Opening


It's really fun and enjoyable watching GD dancing and jumping up and down

omg... :o :o ..the intro is so dramatic

BB's concert intros always give me a heart attack><...you don't have to be there to feel the excitement

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I agree with most

of you that believe & stated(because

I have believe in this too;plus it

is shown and proven how influential they

can be)



from their music,their fashion

& their style when performing.

ELT FANCAMS are awesome.

I feel that this concert for the Japanese

have more Korean feel kind of concert

as compared to their previous

Japanese concert.

The guys are always hyper

when performing, especially

Kwon Leadah who will just jump

around and get random

I never fails to fall in love with

their intros.

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Guest gilerkore

i personally feel that 2010 is bigbang's year.

and that once the mv for lollipop 2 comes out, it'll shot up straight to #1 on all charts.

i know they'll rock this year.

so please there's no need to be so down with their rankings.

like unni ashley said, they've barely promoted the song fully!

come on cheer up for our bigbang!

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Guest missARROGANT

Some of us may be annoyed or anxious about charts thing. As much as I dont want to concern, if I say I dont care at all I must be lying right? We all want BB to be #1 always.(sound a bit hmm :rolleyes: )

After seeing today charts, I am so positive that they will do well. Aww..thanks for posting.

The fact that Lollipop2 is a cf song and no mv slows down the ranking a lot.

YG is a very smart man. I am sure he has his own plan. Although some of you may say, the song might not top the chart even after mv has released, it might turn out to be other way. Now people will familarize with the song and by the time when the mv out, it will become fresh again. Who knows they will stay in the charts even longer (I wish :) )

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G-Dragon and Taeyang on ELLE Korea [TRANSLATIONS]

'Fast Beats' Rabbit G-Dragon VS 'Slow Flow' Turtle Taeyang

Friends from the same group and trained together since elementary school, G-Dragon and Taeyang have a lot in common. The two share a lot of things but like a coin, they also have opposite characteristics.

If G-Dragon wants something fast, Taeyang likes to flow. You can tell G-Dragon is born to be an entertainer with his moves. He knows how to capture the attention of those who watch him in front of the camera. He is also a style icon who changes the style of his hats, shoes and bags regularly. Taeyang, on the other hand, is the opposite. As an entertainer, he has a smiling face and an innocent expression. His trademark is a hat on top of his head worn in a certain angle.

Bottom line is these two are so different. In other words, because of their differences, you can't really call the two as 'rivals'. But in spite of this, there are still people who look at them that way (as rivals).

In the end, I wonder if they will play the game like the story of the turtle and the rabbit. (We don't really know the plans of their company.) Both at 23 years old, giving them labels like "idol/musician/entertainer" is tricky. For now, let's just wait for their showcase. Perhaps we'll see the real competition when they are outside YG. In 2020, I wonder which path G-Dragon and Taeyang's music will take.

CREDIT: http://www.elle.co.kr/elle/elleweb_templat...p;menuId=M00051 VIA DCBB

CREDIT: http://bigbangupdates.blogspot.com

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Those ELT fancams are awesome..!!

my heart skip a beat when I watch the intro..

well merely because I suddenly turn on the volume out so loud,

i almost tear off my ear drums..lol..:P

I love how hyper Kwon Leader are..

and is it me,but I thing I spot Pooh on the back of his blazer..




thanks for the translation..

i found the tittle is funny..

but its true tho..

both GDYB are two completely different person..

thats what make them so special.. ^^

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Guest kresten

I have faith that Big Bang would definitely have an all-kill once they REALLY PROMOTE their next album. Because as we all know, this current effort is barely being promoted, that's why it isn't doing as well as expected (but certainly doing well).

And for those who fear that 2ne1 or 2pm or maybe even SNSD would beat Big Bang in terms of owning 2010, I have the same fears before when these 3 groups were REALLY GAINING MOMENTUM, and when BB's fan cafe started decreasing (that was around mid 2009). I admit that up until now, I still fear that BB would lose it all.

But when I watched TOP and TY's interview that they couldn't and wouldn't hold back those people, and when I've read the members' many interviews where they stated that all they care about is producing quality music they believe in, my fears diminish bit by bit.

I realize that I really love this group, and whether they top charts or win awards or maybe not, I will still support them. That's what a real VIP does.

Up until now, this is my impression of YG.

1. doesn't want to tire out their talents so much

2. doesn't want overexposure of talents

3. doesn't want to make fun or embarrass their talents, even for a good laugh

4. cares about a respectful and serious image

5. gives freedom to their artists (at least at a degree more than the other companies)

6. has a family atmosphere

7. doesn't care about awards or charts

conclusion: YG Entertainment doesn't want their talents to be seen as Idols, but rather as Artists/Performers. However, Media, Critics, and Fans would always treat Big Bang and 2NE1 as idols because a.)of their looks, b.)of their songs and c.)of their fashion. But then, for YG, they don't care what others say as long as they see their talents as artists/performers who are serious of their craft. That's why I respect and love YG Family so much much more than the others.

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