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Lee Jong Suk 이종석 イ・ジョンソク ♥ Drama 2022: Big Mouth, 빅마우스 | Movie 2022: Decibel, 데시벨


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Guest nyahh



:w00t: wow!.... nyahh...  you are fast in making gif..... excellent  job. Hope to see more.:P

Thank youuuu. I'll try to make more. HAHA! He's just so captivating. Amazing right? :D Oh and dear, sorry I don't want to say this, but please try not to quote the pictures. Thank youuu. :D I'm glad to hear your thoughts in this thread, so I don't want to see you get banned just bc of the rules. :D

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Star 1 Magazine translation

Q: Recently we heard about a lot of star couples getting married, we are getting curious about this for no reason at all. Is there a place you dream to go for your honeymoon trip?

JS: What about you? Where do you want to go? For me, Cuba (Laugh). Actually I don’t know anything about Cuba, somehow the name is a country I wish to go. What is the place like?

(Translated from this picture of the interview from weibo)

Cr: amyhsk 


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Star 1 interview translation (Part of it anyway...)

Q: Your pictorial result are always 200% more satisfying than the expected, just like what you are called “pictorial master artist”.

JS: I will think a lot before the pictures are taken and while the pictures are being taken. I have lots of concerns too. It is not interesting to present same type of pictorial often. Compared to a pictorial which I am satisfied with, I work hard to do a pictorial that can give fans satisfaction. 

Q: Just like the pictorial concept for today, you haven’t experienced a moment when you feel like you want to leave on your own without a purpose?

JS: No. I’m still not familiar with what I suppose to do when I’m alone. I am always with staff for outdoor activities, it seems to me that it is not easy to go far away on my own. Ultimately even when I have overseas schedule, I usually just stay in the hotel when I am overseas. If there is time left, I sometimes go sightseeing, but I don’t feel I enjoy this sort of stuff greatly. I like shopping but now that I have bought (the stuff), I start to think, “There is no place I could go out while wearing it, why did I buy it?” Not long ago, I was tidying my wardrobe, I found there are lots of clothes with the price tag still not removed yet. I was startled.

(Translated from this picture of the interview from weibo together withleecheahwoon)

T/N: It is over 1 am, and leecheahwoon just sent me the complete interview she saw online… we are going to try to finish it tomorrow…

Trans By: amyhsk 

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I have reached the point of return. LOL I guess it started when I finally finally gave in and listened to him singing. I think this one has better coloring? HAHA. :D Hope you guys like these too. :D He's like a moving mannequin. Every frame is perfect! :o I'm still so amazed at how beautiful he is. :wub:






He's a remarkable model, photographers must love him dearly i mean look how he can convey so many feelings with his poses.

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I have reached the point of return. LOL I guess it started when I finally finally gave in and listened to him singing. I think this one has better coloring? HAHA. :D Hope you guys like these too. :D He's like a moving mannequin. Every frame is perfect! :o I'm still so amazed at how beautiful he is. :wub:


He's a remarkable model, photographers must love him dearly i mean look how he can convey so many feelings with his poses.

:) you are right :) 

Dear please don't quote pics, you just delete them before posting.. its against soompi rules :):) :) 

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Guest adikkeluangman

I'm too late to realized that Lee Jong Suk in this video. A good rest does wonder to his face. 

정엽(JUNG YUP) - My Valentine Teaser


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Jongsuk dad was a handsome men and charisma back than...now i know how he got that looks and also the charisma hahaha...like so many rumors i heard before about his nose job (which is untrue:crazy:) he is truly born with good genes ...you can see from the pic itself :wub:

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Cr to owner

i dont know japanese. Can someone please help. Thx. This is from japan fc

The little parts i could understand is about food hahha, wanting to learn how to do kimchi pancakes and eating pork in a restaurant (near a port? *not sure about this*) during his time in hawaii... this is my very rustic understanding of japanese and chinese though hahha

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@Star1 magazine (July 15) interview - Part 2


Translation note: Tumblr tag-team! Amy’s first part! I like the teasing tone of this interview a lot :D

Q10. You’re quite a funny person. I was particularly surprised at your cute way of speaking on SNS.

When I upload things onto SNS, I actually think a lot about it.  You could say I’m the type that tries really hard? I don’t update very often but when I do, I do it with the intention of sharing feelings that my fans would be able to identify with.

Q11. This is actually my private request, but I hope you can upload more. You do selfies quite a lot, don’t you? You’re actually one of the artists famous for his ‘boyfriend shots’ (T/N: photos that look like those of one’s boyfriends).

Occasionally, when I feel that my condition is good, I would upload a selfie. I’m not a smart person and I don’t really know how to fake things… I’m usually way too free and liberated at home, so there are many times when I can’t upload pictures like that.

Q12. I’m interested if your ideal type is the same as before. Your standards seem to be very high.

Is it? I don’t really know. I just feel that I am quite dumb so I’d like to be with a smart woman.

Q13. A woman with goddess looks and smarts also?

(laughs) Ehh, it’s not like that. Not like that at all. There’s just certain charm points that hit me in the right place, I think. The reason why I keep saying that Lee Na Young-sunbaenim is my ideal type is because I like the way she speaks.

Q14. How about personality type?

Compared to a personality type completely opposite of mine, I think I’d be more comfortable with one that is closer to mine. I love being at home, so if the girl is too outgoing then we would probably have conflicts.

Q15. I heard that you don’t drink. Is it because you can’t drink or you don’t want to?

I think I’m the hidden type. If I drink for real, I can actually drink quite an amount, so I wouldn’t say I can’t drink. However, my face becomes completely red after drinking just one glass; I also can’t really appreciate the taste of alcohol, so after a while, I naturally don’t like to drink.

Q16. It’s no wonder you are called “Master of Photoshoots”, the end product always turns out so satisfyingly, even 200% better than expected.

I am the type to think quite a bit before and during my photoshoots; I would even worry about this and that. It’s no fun if every photoshoot turns out the same, right? So rather than creating photos that satisfy myself, I try my best to create photos that would satisfy the fans.

Q17. Have you ever wanted to attempt today’s photoshoot theme: leaving all of a sudden by yourself?

No. At this point, I’m quite unfamiliar with the concept of doing anything alone. Even when I’m doing outdoor activities, I’m always surrounded by staff members, so it’s difficult to be by myself. I would stay in the hotel room when I go overseas for schedules. If there is time left, I would go sightseeing, but that doesn’t particularly interest me. Actually, I do enjoy shopping; but after I buy something, I would start to think, “I’ve got no place to go while wearing this, why did I buy it at all?” Recently, I was rearranging my closet and found so many pieces of clothing with the price tag still on them. I was quite startled.

Q18. Recently, there’s so many stars getting married. As I am chatting with you, I’m curious: Do you have a dream location for your honeymoon trip?

How about you, reporter-nim? Where do you want to go? I want to go to Cuba (laughs). I actually don’t know a single thing about Cuba, but its name just makes me want to go there. What kind of place is it?

Trans By: hitoritabi 

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Lee Jong Suk gets ready for a trip as the cover model for '@star1'

June 19, 2015 @ 7:41 pm




Who can ever get enough of Lee Jong Suk's totally kissable lips?  Especially when he's puckering them up.


'@star1' magazine released more pictures of their gorgeous cover model, actor Lee Jong Suk, who is capturing the essence of summer impeccably with his use of light colors and fun patterns.  Whether he's chilling indoors in a lovely green sweater or lounging outdoors atop his suitcase as he gets ready for a trip, he has hearts thumping wildly.


SEE ALSO: Lee Jong Suk exudes youthful boyish charm on the cover of '@star1'


Check out more of him in '@star1's July issue!






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Star 1 magazine (July 15) interview (Part 1)


The reversed charm of “Otaku”

#Lee Jong Suk nowadays

Q1. What are you doing recently? We are curious about it.

Actually there is nothing special. Nothing besides always going overseas. I stay at home as usual, mainly spending my time to clean the house. After waking up in the morning, I eat, then after coming back from exercise, I watch TV again. I enjoy the trivialities of daily life.

Q2. China, Japan, Hong Kong etc. You ended your Asia tour in great success.

I’ve enjoyed meeting fans from various countries. On one hand, I feel it is amazing. There were many people coming from far away to show their support, I was deeply moved when I felt that. I enjoyed the time I have spent with them.

Q3. You have realised that you have became one of the big influences in Hallyu.

Rather than realising the situation, nowadays there are already many Korean actors who are very popular in Asia and I am just one of them who is following along and getting many people’s interest. For that, I just want to say thanks.

#”Actor” Lee Jong Suk

Q: Is there a role in the past that gave you the most satisfaction?

The role Joong-gil in the movie “Hot Young Blood”. I have put down everything to do the role comfortably, when I look back to that, I found it the most satisfying role. During that time of the shooting, I really had a lot of fun doing it. That’s why, when I get this question, up till now, the first one that comes to my mind is Joong-gil.

Q: Conversely, what about unsatisfying roles that make you think “if I could it again, I could do better”?

After all my works are finished and I looked back, I felt a certain bit of dissatisfaction about them. Recently I re-watched SBS’ “I Hear Your Voice”, and unsatisfying moments stood out. Every time (I see them) I think if I could do it again, I could do it better.

Q: What kind of works can we see you in later?

There is still nothing confirmed. Just concentrating in reading the scripts that have been sent to me, and being enthusiastic in preparing for another good role.

Q: I think you are well suited for stronger levels of action or noir like works. What about changing a bit like your muscles, or your skin tone?

I am always exercising. My skin does not get tanned. I also tried tanning with sun tan machine, it stayed the same. There are actors like that, and there are also other actors, up till now I will maintain this look, which is me. There should be one kid like this, right? (Laugh)

#”Person” Lee Jong Suk

Q; Now I want to hear about Lee Jong Suk, the person. You are still the otaku like before?

Like before. Actually I did not rest and kept on working after debut up till now. Recently, for the first time, I am having a long period of rest, no matter how much I am an otaku, the time I have at home becomes so much that I cannot manage. I like it but yeah like that. Today I need to go in a hurry, because I need to clean my house.

Q: Clean your house? It is really a lot of work, I found this sort of reversed tendency is charming.

Really? Reporter-nim, you like this sort of tendency, aren’t your taste a bit special? (Laugh) I often clean up my house, not long ago when I was cleaning up, a lot of dust was flying around, and I got a sty in my eye, afterwards I got double eyelids. Even now, sometimes I got double eyelid on one side, and it is really a big problem.

(T/N: The translation is done by leecheahwoon and me together.)

Trans By:  amyhsk  

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