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배우 이종석 팬클럽, 용인시에 영화티켓 후원
용인시무한돌봄센터, 저소득층·사회복지종사자에 전달
송석승icon_mail.gif 기사입력 2013/11/11 [23:02]

배우 이종석의 팬클럽 ‘이종석 갤러리’는 용인시 저소득층 및 사회복지종사자를 위해 영화티켓 554매 후원했다고 11일 밝혔다. 
이번 영화티켓 후원은 2013년 10월 30일 이종석 출연영화 ‘노브레싱’개봉과 함께 용인시가 고향인 배우 이종석의 요청에 따라 용인시무한돌봄센터로 전달하게 된 것이다. 
이번에 후원한 영화티켓(554매)은 이종석의 팬들이 이종석을 응원하기 위해 팬미팅에서 모금된 성금으로 동백CGV 대관을 통해 11월 9일부터 10일까지 2일간 4회 상영되었다. 
이종석의 팬클럽은 지난 4월 팬미팅에 쌀화환으로 쌀20kg 27포(135만원), 8월 쌀10kg 112포(280만원)을 용인시무한돌봄센터에 각각 기부, 저소득 가정에 전달한바 있다. 
‘이종석 갤러리’회원들은 “어려운 곳에서 묵묵히 수행하는 용인시의 사회복지 종사자들과 영화상영의 기회가 상대적으로 부족한 저소득층에게 잠시라도 힐링의 계기가 되었으면 하는 바람”이라고 전했다. 
이종석은 드라마 ‘시크릿가든’, 시트콤 ‘하이킥! 짧은다리의역습’,“너의목소리가 들려‘, 영화‘코리아’등에 출연한 바 있다. 

Remember, google translator is ur best friend :D 
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Actually some of the videos of the NB greeting event don't look all that bad.  I think few camera angles don't really work for him.  Full front shot of his face makes his face look rounder thus losing the angles of his face.  Especially because he is letting himself enjoy his free time a little bit.  But, even slight profile works well. 

I have also noticed that when camera shoots his face from an angle that is lower than his face, it is not a good angle...Like that balcony shot in IHYV where the camera shot him from below once he tells her "Don't avoid me...Don't hate me..etc."

**What is wrong with me?*

I still feel he suddenly realized the time, called the stylist and just wore a jacket on whatever he had on and wore a beanie and left.  May be the jacket was left there by mistake by someone who is slightly bigger than him. 

May be Woo Bin ;-)  Could not help myself :-))

It does not matter kid.  You are a cute guy and if you don't want to dress up - don't.  We will still root for ya!!


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dramafan100 said:

Actually some of the videos of the NB greeting event don't look all that bad.  I think few camera angles don't really work for him.  Full front shot of his face makes his face look rounder thus losing the angles of his face.  Especially because he is letting himself enjoy his free time a little bit.  But, even slight profile works well. 

I have also noticed that when camera shoots his face from an angle that is lower than his face, it is not a good angle...Like that balcony shot in IHYV where the camera shot him from below once he tells her "Don't avoid me...Don't hate me..etc."

**What is wrong with me?*

I still feel he suddenly realized the time, called the stylist and just wore a jacket on whatever he had on and wore a beanie and left.  May be the jacket was left there by mistake by someone who is slightly bigger than him. 

May be Woo Bin ;-)  Could not help myself :-))

It does not matter kid.  You are a cute guy and if you don't want to dress up - don't.  We will still root for ya!!


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