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How did you start learning how to cook?


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Guest B L o T T - ii

i learnt to cook because my parents often call me to the kitchen to help them out. It was progressive, so i can't remember a distinct age, but maybe 15/16 ish?

oh wait, i can't say i've already "learnt to cook" because my cooking sucks... but i guess i can survive on my food... (sorta)

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Guest sylphid97

My mom never allowed me in the kitchen for some reason. She always said I was in the way. <_< I think it cause she didn't want me to learn independence.

Anyways, I started learning in college. I used to attend dinners once a week with Christians. I'm not religious, but the food was yummy. :P I especially liked something called Corn Casserole, so I eventually asked for the recipe. I couldn't believe how easy it was. Buy the ingredients (about 5), mix it all together, and bake. :w00t: This was my first successful dish.

Ever since then, more so in the past 3 years, I've been watching a chef from foodwishes.com and cooking what he cooks. My collection of cookware is pretty much complete. All I need now are some steamers so I can try dim sum one day. :D

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Guest mollfie

My mum always got me to help her in the kitchen, then as a teenager I would cook a meal once a week (nothing fancy but it gave my mum a break) and then I left home and so I had to cook for myself. My mum finds it funny how I can cook far more complicated things than her without any problems, I can just get a recipie I've never done before and produce it. I find it fun. I think it's also partly because I'm vegan so I'm used to having to alter things and make it up a bit so that I can eat it n__n

I love cooking for people, if I love you then I'll try to feed you lol.

My boyfriend's mum never lets anyone help her in the kitchen. She does all the cooking, cleaning etc, no one else except her daughter is ocassionally allowed to help. I think it's kind of bad because her sons don't know how to cook or clean! My boyfriend does now because I show him how to do things, and because he has no job at the moment he has to take care of the house.

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Guest crescendoll

My mom always worked so I had to learn how to cook for my brother and myself. It was always simple stuff though. I had to really learn how to cook "real food" when I moved out on my own; otherwise, I would starve!

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Guest PeachKisses.

I helped my parents out when i was 8 years old.

So I learned how to make chinese desserts and such, because it was really easy.

After, I searched up recipes from cooking blogs or books.

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Guest endlesseternity

My mother started teaching me since...well since I could step up on the step stool and help her lol...so 8 or 9 years old? And then I took cooking classes in middle school and high school and now I like to challenge myself with new recipes and increase my cooking and baking skill haha.

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Guest plumerias

I've always experimented with food, even when I was young I'd mix random stuff together in the kitchen.

I started cooking when I was like..6 I think with the help of my mum.

I remember making lots of pizza and uh...stromboli? b:

And pretzels!

My dad kinda showed me how to cook basic things when I was about 13 (like meals: steak, chicken, chili, etc)

and I just expanded from there, and now I cook better than both my mom and dad. (:

As for baking, I've been pretty much self taught and experimenting. 

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Guest dodici

Got shipped off to college and needed to survive somehow. I just go on foodnetwork or find recipes on allrecipes.com and do what they do.

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Guest loreali1

I learned at a young age by watching my parents, then I gradually started to help out. Now I'm a professional cook! Haha, I lied..

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Guest chopper!

when there was literally nothing to eat one day and i saw some ingredients that looked familiar so i looked up a stew on youtube and had the right ingredients and made my first stew lols

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Guest awesooome

My mom and grandma. ^_^ It was more of a "forcing" me to cook. My younger brother started cooking before I did. I probably started learning to cook at around 10. At first, I'd just watch, but then my mom gradually started to leave the responsibility of cooking meals to me at times. I started baking things like cookies/bread rolls before actual meals. Haha, I'm not that great of a cook yet though. :P

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Guest CrossGame

My mom. But then it became a necessity 'cuz she was always at work and my brother (whose 5 years older than me) in the kitchen is like a neuclear explosion.

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Guest toGETherONE

My mom never allowed me in the kitchen for some reason. She always said I was in the way. <_< I think it cause she didn't want me to learn independence.

Same here. My mother is very impatient and hogs the kitchen, or that she foreshadows one time when I was 10 y.o. she cut my finger by accident while I helped her gather chopped salads into a bowl. It was a cut bad enough to scar me for life. :huh:

So, probably till 7th grade I took home ec and fell in love. I experimented on ramen, like 7 courses of ramen. ^_^ More focused on baking dessert learnt from class who my godfather enjoyed the most. Then serious cooking started 9th grade, when my mother neglected me a lot 'cos she started dating again and met my 2nd stepfather. There is truly a God, I believe so, that year's worth of friendship (cooking partners, sports partners, shopping partners, etc) was like being my guardian angels.

Now, in college, and finally my mother is coming around teaching me how to cook her fabulous dishes, mostly Vietnamese some Chinese and a few French. Thank goodness, finally. Learned Japanese, Mexican, and Italian cooking on my own. I want to learn Korean food however I need to master my mother's dishes first, there has been lots to learn. So hopefully, I will find a good man who knows how to cook great Korean food, to say the least, to share a life together. It's all about incorporation. :D

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