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Joo Won 주원 [Drama- The Midnight Studio/ 야한(夜限) 사진관]


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Yes I read it but thanks for putting it on the page for others to see it woau I can't believe 11 years since his debut the best would have been better if I had met him a couple of years ago but from now on I will follow him for a long time those who don't know joo won turns 11 in dramas and originally debuted 15 years as he debuted in the group altar boyz

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On 5/14/2021 at 8:14 AM, Calli said:

Sadly, I've also observed the very same thing... even if it should be about the acting it really is mostly about how popular a drama/movie was... not always but too often. 


Well, it's not called an entertainment industry for no reason ;) 


Honestly, having only watched a handful of the dramas that got Baeksang nominations (It's Okay to Not Be Okay and My Unfamiliar Family - the latter of which I enjoyed more than the former), I can't really comment on the Best Actor nominees or winner in any concrete sort of way. Especially not in comparison with JW's performance in Alice.


On 5/14/2021 at 8:14 AM, Calli said:

And since his goal is to act for a long, long time and in his choices of roles he seems to always have been motivated by considerations of how interesting the script is & how challenging his characters are to portray (and less by how popular the project will turn out to be) I think he's on a very good path fulfilling his goal. 


And that seems to be the running theme with his drama choices for us. The whole "Prince of Ratings" thing, in my opinion, was always a bonus for him rather than a goal: it's just that audiences trusted JW as an actor, so many people would watch whatever he's in in anticipation of a strong performance. :) However, now that I think we can reasonably say that there are a ton of really strong actors in JW's peer group, it's far more level of a playing field, with many carving out niches as being particularly strong in certain genres or for playing certain types of characters.


On 5/14/2021 at 8:14 AM, Calli said:

And I think the thing about dramas is that it gives actors the chance to really really explore the character they're playing, settle into them and even discover things about themselves and their acting they weren't aware before over the course of 16/20 episodes; in ways that movies might not allow them to do since most movies last 2 hours tops and filming is also considerably shorter. 


That's true. The amount of time allotted to the story in a drama (as opposed to a film) allows writers, directors and actors to really go in depth with their plots and characters. In all fairness, that doesn't always happen (some dramas still end up shallow and one-dimensional as heck), but it's an opportunity that can turn out really awesome if the people involved put the time and effort into that exploration and analysis.


JW, at least, does. Now that you've watched Level 7 Civil Servant and Nae Il's Cantabile, you've seen what he can do with roles that really were originally written more as stock characters or caricatures than real people. :coolshades:


10 hours ago, Andrea Balcazar said:

those who don't know joo won turns 11 in dramas and originally debuted 15 years as he debuted in the group altar boyz


There's no one group called "Altar Boyz" - that's the name of the musical he was in ;) However, I understand what you mean, and yes, it is awesome that he's got four years of prior stage acting under his belt in addition to the eleven on screen :approves:

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2 hours ago, kittyna said:

Honestly, having only watched a handful of the dramas that got Baeksang nominations (It's Okay to Not Be Okay and My Unfamiliar Family - the latter of which I enjoyed more than the former), I can't really comment on the Best Actor nominees or winner in any concrete sort of way. Especially not in comparison with JW's performance in Alice.


Oh, same here. I only watched some of those dramas myself (I thought Lee Joon Gi in Flower of Evil was amazing) and I was meaning to watch Beyond Evil but I haven't come around to it yet (my Joo Won "studies" currently take precedence^^) but I know that it wasn't a big rating's hit. It averaged 4,7% nationwide which is very good for a cable drama but not extraordinary. But Idk... maybe it's the fan in me talking but I really think Joo Won most definitely deserved a nomination based on his acting in Alice. And maybe that's the fan in me talking again but amongst all his peers that I've seen in dramas (and there are quite a few) I still think he stands apart with what he brings to the table. At least to me~ There are some actors amongst his peers that I really like but I don't think I could say there are a "ton" of really strong actors amongst them... at least there haven't been that many that managed to really move me with their performance and make me their fan. There are some that always have me excited when I hear they'll be in a new project but I can't say it compares in any way to the way I've been affected by Joo Won and his acting - he's just so versatile and so committed - body (& voice), heart and soul - and just uniquely gifted to convey such a vast array of emotion and become someone so very different from the person he is in every-day life. I'm just really really really impressed by him, in a way unlike I've ever been before by an actor (duh^^) - hence my being here :lol:


2 hours ago, kittyna said:

The whole "Prince of Ratings" thing, in my opinion, was always a bonus for him rather than a goal: it's just that audiences trusted JW as an actor, so many people would watch whatever he's in in anticipation of a strong performance.


I agree very much. I don't think it was a goal for him either. Baker King was his very first drama and I remember reading that he said that at the time he didn't really know what 50% ratings meant, until he went outside and was recognized by so many people^^ And during OB he was still a rookie and I think for Gaksital it was more the storyline and the quality of the whole project that initially pulled people in - more so than any trust he might have built as an actor up to that point. (I remember some reporters/bloggers expressing worry as to whether Joo Won could pull of this title role). 

From what I read it was during Gaksital that many people developed that trust in Joo Won (which is so remarkable considering it was only his third drama and he was so young at the time) and many even went back and watched his previous dramas (if they hadn't already). Imo part of the reason the initial ratings for 7th GCS were so good was people's trust in Joo Won's acting and his choice of projects up to that point...

I feel the whole "ratings' prince" thing even caused him a bit of pressure by the time 7th Grade started airing. He kept being asked about his "impeccable" record, both when the drama started airing and when the ratings had dropped, and from what he said I kinda think he might have been a little relieved to break said impeccable record and walk the path of a "normal actor". I'll quote what he said about ratings to reporters he met in Morning Calm Village on March 9, 2013, after 7th GCS had ended:


 "I feel sorry about the ratings but I don′t feel as sorry as I thought I would feel. When the ratings for my previous pieces were high and 7th Grade Civil Servant also got high ratings, I thought I was very fortunate. Staff would joke about how my pieces all have high ratings. I thought I would feel heavy if the ratings fell, but I didn't feel much when it actually did fall. I just thought ′so it fell′, and that was it. I didn't lose heart in any way either. I think I was able to set aside thoughts about the ratings because the actors were happy on set." & "Now I feel like I'm walking the steps of a normal actor." (“이제야 정상적인 배우의 행보를 걷는 것 같다”) (sources: https://web.archive.org/web/20130510164857/http://enewsworld.interest.me/enews/contents.asp?idx=34172#



2 hours ago, kittyna said:

The amount of time allotted to the story in a drama (as opposed to a film) allows writers, directors and actors to really go in depth with their plots and characters. In all fairness, that doesn't always happen (some dramas still end up shallow and one-dimensional as heck), but it's an opportunity that can turn out really awesome if the people involved put the time and effort into that exploration and analysis.


Agree 100%. Here is me hoping that Joo Won's next drama will be of the deep, thoroughly-thought-out and multi-dimensional kind... his acting always shines, no matter how deep or meaningful the writing, just like you said:

2 hours ago, kittyna said:

JW, at least, does. Now that you've watched Level 7 Civil Servant and Nae Il's Cantabile, you've seen what he can do with roles that really were originally written more as stock characters or caricatures than real people. 


But I think an actor can really soar when great writing & directing provide him with the frame he/she needs to realize his/her full potential. It's like the most gifted sculptor being given porous marble or a bad chisel & mallet to work with. He/She'll still create something remarkable, especially compared to less gifted sculptors, but it still won't be the same result he/she would have had with good material & tools in their hands. I don't know if the comparison holds 100% but what I'm saying is that a great drama is always the result of good writing and good directing and good acting~ 

I have no doubt whatsoever about the last part when it comes to Joo Won's projects, so I'm just hoping the first two ingredients will be good as well - for Carter and his next drama. Which hopefully will be announced some time soon :Please:

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2 hours ago, kittyna said:

There's no one group called "Altar Boyz" - that's the name of the musical he was in ;) However, I understand what you mean, and yes, it is awesome that he's got four years of prior stage acting under his belt in addition to the eleven on screen 

There's no one group called "Altar Boyz" - that's the name of the musical he was in ;) However, I understand what you mean, and yes, it is awesome that he's got four years of prior stage acting under his belt in addition to the eleven on screen 


really in the writer that i have seen the most potential to do very good dramas is the goblin writer mr sunshine and descendant of the sun i really hope she offers a role to joo won since she has always done very good and successful dramas or the of good doctor with the writer that I work also made vicenzo which is a good drama also has good ideas
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Oh, @Andrea Balcazarare you a fan of writer Kim Eun-sook? 

I think I'm one of the very very few people who didn't enjoy the few dramas I've watched that were penned by her *hides*

I've just never ever liked any of the romantic storylines in her dramas. Or any of her female leads.

The Heirs - I'm not even sure what to say about this drama except that at the time I liked Lee Min Ho and Kim Woo Bin and if it hadn't been for either one of them I would have stopped by episode 3 or 4 at the latest^^ *hides again* 

Descendants of the Sun - it was hyped so much when I started watching k-drama so I decided to watch and then wondered the whole time what the big deal was. The only thing I really enjoyed about the drama were the Greek landscapes and the second male lead. Plus the bromance. 

Which brings me to my last Kim Eun Sook drama I actually watched through: Goblin. The bromance I really loved, the love story on the other hand made me feel very very uncomfortable. 

I tried watching The King: Eternal Monarch but didn't make it past episode 5...

I know her dramas are mostly huge, huge hits and actors in them are either already very popular or get even more popular after, but storyline and character wise her writing doesn't reach my heart, or mind. At least based on the dramas of hers I've watched. 

Not that that matters. If Joo Won ever wanted to act in one of her dramas and was cast in it I'd definitely give her the benefit of the doubt, trust his choice and hope for the very best. And most definitely watch to the very end^^ 


I have a question maybe someone can help with since you've all been Joo Won fans so much longer than me. 

I was roaming Joo Won's DC Gallery and stumbled upon this really really lovely video of Joo Won singing Lee Juck's "It's Fortunate" (presumably a loooong time ago), but there was no context provided. Does anyone know when and where that was? 





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I feel a tiny bit stalkery posting this but since we're going through such a Joo-Won-news dry spell, here it goes^^


leaderswithus_hulk just posted today's itinerary on his IG story (seems poor man didn't even have time to eat, going from one session to the next) and Joo Won had a training session at 6pm KST today. He's definitely alive and well then~~



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1 hour ago, Calli said:

Tengo una pregunta con la que quizás alguien pueda ayudar, ya que todos ustedes han sido fanáticos de Joo Won por mucho más tiempo que yo. 

Estaba deambulando por la DC Gallery de Joo Won y me encontré con este video realmente encantador de Joo Won cantando "It's Fortunate" de Lee Juck (presumiblemente hace muuucho tiempo), pero no se proporcionó ningún contexto. ¿Alguien sabe cuándo y dónde fue eso? 

The video is when he sang in musicals and it seems that here he was in a fan meeting, he was reading things from joo won and they told me that before acting in dramas he ate with his fans after the musicals ended he was so close to his fans

1 hour ago, Calli said:

Eres fan de la escritora Kim Eun-sook? 

Creo que soy una de las pocas personas que no disfrutó de los pocos dramas que he visto que fueron escritos por ella * hides *

Nunca me ha gustado ninguna de las historias románticas de sus dramas. O cualquiera de sus protagonistas femeninas.

The Heirs : ni siquiera estoy seguro de qué decir sobre este drama, excepto que en ese momento me gustaban Lee Min Ho y Kim Woo Bin y si no hubiera sido por alguno de ellos, me habría detenido en el episodio 3 o 4. a más tardar ^^ * se esconde de nuevo * 

Descendants of the Sun : se promocionó tanto cuando comencé a ver k-drama, así que decidí verlo y luego me pregunté todo el tiempo cuál era el problema. Lo único que realmente disfruté del drama fueron los paisajes griegos y el segundo protagonista masculino. Además del bromance. 

Lo que me lleva a mi último drama de Kim Eun Sook que vi: Goblin . El bromance que realmente amé, la historia de amor, por otro lado, me hizo sentir muy, muy incómodo. 

Intenté ver The King: Eternal Monarch pero no pasé del episodio 5 ...

Sé que sus dramas son en su mayoría grandes, grandes éxitos y los actores en ellos ya son muy populares o se vuelven aún más populares después, pero la historia y el carácter sabio que su escritura no llega a mi corazón o mente. Al menos basado en los dramas de ella que he visto. 

No es que eso importe. Si Joo Won alguna vez quisiera actuar en uno de sus dramas y fuera elegido para él, definitivamente le daría el beneficio de la duda, confiaría en su elección y esperaría lo mejor. Y definitivamente mira hasta el final ^^

You should give him the opportunity to see mr sunshine since it is the same about bridal mask about the Japanese era that is why I gave myself the opportunity to see his other works and they never disappoint I think they are my kind of dramas but hey I could say that descendants of the sun do not I liked it a lot but I liked his other productions a lot

14 minutes ago, Calli said:

Me siento un poco acosador al publicar esto, pero como estamos pasando por un período tan seco de Joo-Won-news, aquí va ^^


Leaderswithus_hulk acaba de publicar el itinerario de hoy en su historia de IG (parece que el pobre ni siquiera tuvo tiempo para comer, yendo de una sesión a la siguiente) y Joo Won tuvo una sesión de entrenamiento hoy a las 6 pm KST. Definitivamente está vivo y bien entonces ~~


poor joo won's coach doesn't have time to rest and it seems that joo wpn lately kind of is very busy that he chooses the afternoon schedule normally he said that he trains during the morning one of the possibilities that I think is busy is that he is already recording Or is he training in action school because of how difficult the action scenes are I really hope that joo won stays well and does not suffer any incidents since he is going to do all the action scenes in the movie and I really hope that the movie be a success since surely he will give his full potential and on my part I will help him in the entire page of dramas promoting his film so that they see it

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17 hours ago, Andrea Balcazar said:

The video is when he sang in musicals and it seems that here he was in a fan meeting, he was reading things from joo won and they told me that before acting in dramas he ate with his fans after the musicals ended he was so close to his fans


I thought it must be during his pre-TV-debut musical days, too, but I thought maybe someone remembered something a little more specific. I don't know what you mean with "he was reading things from joo won" @Andrea Balcazarbut thank you so much for replying.


Yes, from what I've read and seen so far he seems to have been really close to his fans during his musical days. Must have been so lovely to have discovered him back then and be able to show him support~ I'm sure Joo Won appreciated his early fans a whole lot. I remember finding this really sweet video from his Altar Boyz days where his fans threw him a little party to congratulate him for his last performance. He looked so happy and moved in it :') 

(I can't find the original source anymore so I uploaded it on gdrive for anyone who wants to watch)


17 hours ago, Andrea Balcazar said:

poor joo won's coach doesn't have time to rest and it seems that joo wpn lately kind of is very busy


He must be very busy... at least that's what I'm guessing too^^ No way for us to know what he's up to these days... unless he updates us. Maybe he will one of these days? A vlive would be amazing but I'd be happy about any sort of update - I've adopted the "beggars can't be choosers" mentality when it comes to Joo Won updates :lol: *cries*


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6 hours ago, Calli said:

He must be very busy... at least that's what I'm guessing too^^ No way for us to know what he's up to these days... unless he updates us. Maybe he will one of these days? A vlive would be amazing but I'd be happy about any sort of update - I've adopted the "beggars can't be choosers" mentality when it comes to Joo Won updates :lol: *cries*


I mean, I mean that I'm reading things about joo won and then I found out what I told you that he was very close to his first fans

6 hours ago, Calli said:

I don't know what you mean with "he was reading things from joo won" @Andrea Balcazarbut thank you so much for replying.

the time has really come that I miss him a lot the same thing happened to me when I was waiting for his drama alice I hope joo won gets much more active as he was lately he is very inactive

7 hours ago, Calli said:

Ya no puedo encontrar la fuente original, así que la cargué en gdrive para cualquiera que quiera verla

thanks for the video that cute joo won with his chubby face at that time and he was the leader of the musical altar boyz right?


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1 hour ago, Andrea Balcazar said:

the time has really come that I miss him a lot the same thing happened to me when I was waiting for his drama alice I hope joo won gets much more active as he was lately he is very inactive


Same :'( I really miss him a lot, too. I totally understand that he can't be as active as he used to be in his 20s (both with projects and on social media) but I'm hoping so badly he would come back soon with a drama (if his filming schedule for Carter allows) and that he'd just say a quick "hello" sometimes via IG or tiktok or vlive or twitter (though he seems to have completely abandoned that one) or weibo - I'm really not picky^^. I keep saying that the thing that matters most is that he's healthy and happy - whether we hear from him often or very rarely. But I can't help but envy the fans who got to experience the more "active" Joo Won~


1 hour ago, Andrea Balcazar said:

thanks for the video that cute joo won with his chubby face at that time and he was the leader of the musical altar boyz right?

You're welcome :relaxed: Yes! He played "Matthew" in Altar Boyz, who, based on what Joo Won has said in interviews about his role in the musical, is the leader of the group. 

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2 hours ago, Calli said:

You're welcome :relaxed: Yes! He played "Matthew" in Altar Boyz, who, based on what Joo Won has said in interviews about his role in the musical, is the leader of the group. 

He really has been very talented both in acting and singing since as you said he was the leader but the others were much older than him and I am really looking for videos of him in those times but I don't find much

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43 minutes ago, Andrea Balcazar said:

He really has been very talented both in acting and singing since as you said he was the leader but the others were much older than him and I am really looking for videos of him in those times but I don't find much


Yes! I could write a whole essay about his many, many talents (but I won't, don't worry^^). I think I remember that he talked about getting the lead role in Altar Boyz (after his very first time at an official audition) and how much pressure that put on him since as you said, Andrea, he was younger than his fellow actors and a complete rookie, yet he got the role as the leader (that's how outstandingly talented he is) during his Win Win appearance in November 2012. Let me go check. 

Yes! Found it~


"[The rag] is an object that was a big cause for me being able to debut.  I didn’t have any big ambitions. I was really having fun acting, but I didnt think – at a certain point I should have an audition and debut- I didnt have this kind of greed. So in college freshman year when I came in as the maknae, I came to school the earliest and was cleaning the theater alone. I was brooming and cleaning the floor with a rag. while doing that I was singing a song from a musical and some sunabe asked who are you. he was my school sunbae. so I introduced myself and the sunbae asked me to sing again. since he told me to, I sang in front of him again. then he told me he would recommend me for an audition.


To tell the truth I didnt want to go. how could I go on a stage for professionals now. but I had to go to the audition since the sunbae recommended me. so i prepared and sang.  I lost out on that audition. It was an informal audition. but the production company president told me to definitely go to the formal audition a month later. so cuz of that promise I made, I went to that audition and I passed that one and got into that musical. When I was 20.


The musical Altar boyz. I was the center out of 5 and the leader of the guys. I had to be in charge of the other 4 when I was the maknae. Cuz of my rag I was able to debut, but when I came out those hyungs were so much better than me. Inwardly I felt small, but none of the hyungs said anything to me. I started to stutter. I also started to go off-pitch while singing, which I had never done before -(I thought) “these things didnt happen so why are they happening” so hyungs caught on that my ki (energy) was dead (meaning he was dispirited)they didn’t think well of me at first and thought a strange kid came in -he was playing somewhere and made the audition. but every morning they saw me cleaning with the rag.

guy: did you do that on your own.

JW: yes.

guy: for how long.

JW: for 2 and a half months.

guy: did you think someone would see you?

JW: I dont think I didn’t have those thoughts (meaning he wanted them to see him cleaning and working hard) if they see that and think well of me then it’s good. but as the maknae I thought it was only natural for me to do that. since then the hyungs said we will treat you as the leader.  so you dont think of us as hyungs. you should lead us yourself. even in our real life.after hearing that I gained confidence. so I was able to perform well on stage."


@Andrea Balcazar, I'm always looking for videos from his musical days, too. And it is really hard but if I find anything I'll definitely share it. Maybe it'll be one you haven't seen yet :relaxed:

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@CalliI think that God himself wanted Joo Won to be a singer and actor since the sunbae saw him and recommended him for a musical, his destiny was always to be an actor and singer

14 minutes ago, Calli said:

I'm always looking for videos from his musical days, too. And it is really hard but if I find anything I'll definitely share it. Maybe it'll be one you haven't seen yet :relaxed:

a question where do you know how to find that

19 minutes ago, Calli said:

I'm always looking for videos from his musical days, too. And it is really hard but if I find anything I'll definitely share it. Maybe it'll be one you haven't seen yet :relaxed:

And from what I've seen, Joo Wok is still the closest friend of a member of the musical since once I took that friend to a fan meeting and they played a song together.

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10 hours ago, Andrea Balcazar said:

a question where do you know how to find that


Oh, well, either on YouTube or youku when I know what I'm looking for - but that's proven rather difficult. So mostly when I'm browsing old DC Gallery posts or old posts on this forum I sometimes stumble on some gems. 

Since Joo Won has done so many things over the last 15 years and I've only been a fan for the better part of this year, it's basically impossible for me to "catch up" but I'm trying to fill in some blanks by reading old soompi forum posts, old naver articles (it's really easy to search those but they just contain news or appearances and not old fan videos from Joo Won's musical days of course)

So there's really a whole lot I don't know and might never learn :'( I don't know for example who Joo Wok is @Andrea Balcazar. I'm trying to remember Joo Won's best friend's name from high school at the moment whom we have seen often (in vlives and his Life Log, etc) but I don't think they've ever done a musical together. So you must mean someone else. Can you enlighten me? 

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14 hours ago, Andrea Balcazar said:

And from what I've seen, Joo Wok is still the closest friend of a member of the musical since once I took that friend to a fan meeting and they played a song together.


4 hours ago, Calli said:

I don't know for example who Joo Wok is @Andrea Balcazar. I'm trying to remember Joo Won's best friend's name from high school at the moment whom we have seen often (in vlives and his Life Log, etc) but I don't think they've ever done a musical together. So you must mean someone else. Can you enlighten me? 


JW's high school friend is Lee Se Wook - if I recall correctly, he's done theatre, but not musicals. So I do think @Andrea Balcazar is referring to one of JW's castmates from a musical production, or just someone he knows from that musical theatre circuit (even if they hadn't worked together before).


15 hours ago, Calli said:

Yes! I could write a whole essay about his many, many talents (but I won't, don't worry^^). I think I remember that he talked about getting the lead role in Altar Boyz (after his very first time at an official audition) and how much pressure that put on him since as you said, Andrea, he was younger than his fellow actors and a complete rookie, yet he got the role as the leader (that's how outstandingly talented he is) during his Win Win appearance in November 2012.


He also mentioned it during the "Good Doctor" episode of Happy Together, where he said that after landing the lead role for his debut in Altar Boyz, he chose to focus more on supporting/ensemble roles until he wound up as an understudy for the lead in Spring Awakening - and then the lead himself.

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23 minutes ago, kittyna said:

He also mentioned it during the "Good Doctor" episode of Happy Together, where he said that after landing the lead role for his debut in Altar Boyz, he chose to focus more on supporting/ensemble roles until he wound up as an understudy for the lead in Spring Awakening - and then the lead himself.


Yeeeees!! Bless you for posting that @kittyna. I was desperately trying to remember yesterday where he had said that after Altar Boyz he consciously chose to play supporting roles instead of lead roles and I just couldn't.

I've been trying to process too much Joo Won information for the past weeks and lots of it apparently isn't properly stored^^

And thank you for also reminding me of Joo Won's best friend's name~ 

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3 hours ago, kittyna said:

W's high school friend is Lee Se Wook - if I recall correctly, he's done theatre, but not musicals. So I do think @Andrea Balcazar is referring to one of JW's castmates from a musical production, or just someone he knows from that musical theatre circuit (even if they hadn't worked together before).

his name i think was kim nam hoo osea he was a friend of joo won but from the altar boyz lee se wook instead he is a friend of joo won from high school

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Since we were talking about old videos from his musical days, here's one I found that was taken after one of his Spring Awakening performances. It's very short and I'm not sure what exactly is happening in it but I thought it was so cute and funny the way he disappeared so quickly holding that box^^



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4 minutes ago, Calli said:

Since we were talking about old videos from his musical days, here's one I found that was taken after one of his Spring Awakening perfromances. It's very short and I'm not sure what exactly is happening in it but I thought it was so cute and funny the way he disappeared so quickly holding that box

If I saw this video what I understood that he was leaving the function that he played that day of the spring awakening musical and it seems that the box was a gift that a fan gave him they said that joo won was very famous for those musical days and He was well known since he appeared in 5 musicals I think
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Since it's Thursday, here is a throwback to November 2008: another old video from Joo Won's musical days.

This was posted by a fervent musical and Joo Won fan in 2013 on her blog.

She attended Musical Talk Concert "Fever Night" - I encountered "Fever Night" quite a few times in my Joo Won research but never knew what it was exactly until I stumbled on this blog post. Joo Won and his Altar Boyz co-stars (Lee Changhee, Kim Namho, Lee Changyong) sang "The Calling" (from the musical) in this video. It must have been a really special night.

I'm so glad she decided to share that gem on her blog - and that the entry is still around so new fans can still enjoy it and admire 21-year-old Joo Wonie :wub:



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