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Joo Won 주원 [Drama- The Midnight Studio/ 야한(夜限) 사진관]


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One of the major recommended precautions against COVID-19 is to keep yourself healthy, and exercise is certainly a part of that:



Here's hoping that it'll soon be safe enough in Korea to exercise outdoors, though - I feel like going for a run outside is probably still safer than going to the gym. ;) 

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On 3/11/2020 at 5:26 PM, kittyna said:

So, here's some heartwarming (albeit slightly morbid) news that's been circulating on Instagram lately:




I'm sure the "heartwarming" part is something you guys will get. But why "slightly morbid"? Because the fact that JW and other celebrities are donating money to relief efforts also means that this COVID-19 outbreak is still going strong in Korea. :mask: And, well, because whenever I see stories like this about celebrities, my fangirl/see-the-faith-in-humanity side goes all soft and melty, but at the same time, my more cynical side likes to interrupt with, "And they get a lot of publicity for this - so is it actually altruistic?"


Of course, JW being JW...I do believe his heart is in the right place, no matter how his actions can be interpreted or how he (most likely inadvertently) might end up benefiting as a result. :heart:


That said, maybe just a little bit of dark gallows humour is in order? I mean, I understand if it's too much too soon for any of you - and I want to take a quick moment to give a shout-out and best wishes to @valinor500, who, to the best of my knowledge, is based in Italy, so...FIGHTING! - but here's the thing. Remember how I posted not too long ago about feeling really weird about writing my Seolleim in Salzburg series set in 2017 knowing that this outbreak would happen a few years later in 2020? Well, it turns out that, for me at least, the best therapy is to actually follow through on those questions to their natural conclusion: for those of JW's characters who could, possibly, be living through this COVID-19 outbreak after the events of their respective dramas, what would it be like?


Now, I don't want to do a full-blown fic - that really would be "too much too soon", especially for something that's still developing and can change at any moment in time. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized that I could do one of those quick character rating/ranking lists, put some of the darker imaginary ghosts to rest (in other words: if I don't have a lighter semi-"official" version set down, my imagination goes nuts and that seldom ends well), and then move on to writing/imagining happier things in the future :) 


Obviously, there are some characters that I simply cannot include in this for  the obvious reason that they would, unfortunately, have most likely already passed on by 2020. So no Gyun Woo or Lee Kang To this time, sorry. :( And I drew blanks on Gu Ma Jun and Han Gil Ro, so they're not here either. But that being said, here's what I have for the remaining four characters I did think this through for.


Note: I'm putting this in "Hidden Content" in case you don't want to look - but rest assured that none of these will feature the actual characters or their loved ones getting sick. I'm not that cruel. Rather, this is more about their general lifestyle/way of thinking/etc. in a situation like this outbreak. Would anything change, or would it be life as usual? That sort of thing.


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1. Hwang Tae Hui


Personally, I don't think he would be all that fazed by what's going on. As a police officer - and, hence, as a public employee - I think that life would simply go on for him: criminal cases don't stop for anything, and so there's always going to be work that needs to be done. As a husband and - potentially - a father (actually, make that most likely: because he'd be close to 40 years old(!) by 2020, if you do the math), I do think he would be concerned about his family as a general whole: Baek Ja Eun, his kids (if he has any), his parents, brothers, their families, etc. And I think that, if she's still around, Tae Hui would be particularly concerned about his grandmother's well-being. 


But that being said, I also think Tae Hui is one of the most likely out of the four characters I'm featuring today to just stay level-headed throughout. Beyond being careful with his own health, and possibly staying over at the precinct if he does get worried about bringing any germs home, I really don't foresee any real disruption to his regular life or routine, to be honest. That might sound strange given that we know from the drama that Tae Hui suffered from poor health as a child, including being hospitalized for pneumonia once, but that's because (unlike some others further down this list), I think he's fully confident in his strength and stamina now as an adult. Like, have you seen this guy run??? Enough said. :glasses:


2. Park Si On


This may surprise you, but I also think that he'd be okay. More or less. Yes, being a doctor would put him directly on the front lines, and there's always a ton of risk there (same with Kim Tae Hyun, who I'll get to in a bit). However, it's precisely because he's a doctor that I think Park Si On will get through this outbreak...well, not entirely unscathed, but at least without freaking out to the extent that some people might imagine.


See, while it's true that Park Si On doesn't do well in any sort of high-stress environment - and a disease outbreak in Korea would definitely count as one - a medical emergency, more so than anything else, is the sort of emergency that he could get through just by switching to autopilot. With his vast medical knowledge, which most likely includes at least some virology or immunology, he'd have the clearest sense out of these four characters just what exactly is going on: new developments in the research, how coronaviruses in general work/spread/mutate/etc., what methods for countering them work better than others...basically, he's on it, 100%. Park Si On's the one who'd have all the proper protective techniques (e.g. washing hands, when/how to use masks, etc.) down to a set routine - and not only that, I think he'd be the one who'd be able to put it into kid-friendly language so that his patients could follow suit. 


As for whether this outbreak scares him...most likely, yes. Park Si On, we know, cannot bear to see anyone sick or suffering - that's what made him choose to become a doctor in the first place. So the thought of so many people getting sick would scare him; let's not kid ourselves on that. But I think this is where his kind and good-hearted nature would still win out, helping him to fully commit to caring for his patients despite his fears.


3. Kim Tae Hyun


And now, the "other doctor" :P Similar to Park Si On, I do think Kim Tae Hyun would keep a level head, for the most part. He's also the sort of doctor who would prioritize his patients over his own safety, as well as having the knowledge on how best to prevent transmission.


However, unlike Park Si On, I can see Tae Hyun freaking out. Just a little. And here's why: for Tae Hyun, the stakes are so much higher. Whereas Si On works in pediatrics (and, thus far, COVID-19 seems to predominantly affect adults), Tae Hyun is now a general practitioner, who works with patients of all ages and from all walks of life. Anything can happen, literally - nor would he be the type of doctor to shy away from that (Yong Pal, anybody?). BUT! He has not one, but two, immuno-compromised people in his family: Kim So Hyun and Han Yeo Jin. Both of them are organ transplant recipients, meaning that they have to take immunosuppressants to survive (or else, their bodies will reject the transplants - and this is a risk that persists for life); but that also means that they absolutely cannot get sick, with pretty much anything. A cold or flu might not be too bad, but something like COVID-19...both So Hyun and Yeo Jin fit the profile for the sort of patient who could develop complications, become hospitalized, die(!), etc. 


So for Tae Hyun, this is no joke, nor should it be. He knows he has to be completely careful: a small slip that wouldn't carry consequences for Hwang Tae Hui or Park Si On, for instance, could be disastrous here. But he's a doctor, and he's still got his patients, and - like Si On - he can't bear to just leave them behind...so what could he do? My guess is that he would isolate himself: maybe stay in the apartment above the First Floor Clinic while sending So Hyun back to the big mansion with Yeo Jin, or - if he's in Seoul, staying by himself in the guesthouse while everyone else is in the main house...you get the idea. He would also, I imagine, demand that Yeo Jin do as much of her work from home as possible, rather than risk herself by going to the office every day.


4. Cha Yoo Jin + Seol Nae Il (because, try as I might, I simply can't separate these two)


Again, this might surprise you, but if anyone's going to be seriously affected, I think it will be these two. There are a couple of reasons for that. First of all, unlike all the other characters I've written about so far, these two are in Austria: while the situation there is significantly more mild than it is in Korea in regards to number of cases, fatalities, etc., that means that Yoo Jin and Nae Il will have to deal with the implications of COVID-19 being seen, at least in the earlier stages, as an "Asian" disease. That means that, like it or not, they will have to take the possibility of racism into account in a way that the others won't.


Given their personalities, I can see this playing out in a number of different ways: 1) speaking almost entirely in German while out in public (Yoo Jin especially) to try to make it clear that they've been living in Austria for years rather than being travellers from Korea; and 2) always having each other's backs in the rare likelihood of verbal or physical assault. For instance, I imagine that if anyone were to say or try to do anything to Nae Il, Yoo Jin will shield her while simultaneously cussing out her attackers with just about every local Austrian German swearword he knows - as for Nae Il's defence of Yoo Jin...she'd actually get physical.


But also, unlike the other three characters I've discussed so far, Yoo Jin and Nae Il would have some significant financial/career-related losses to deal with. Again, this is still a developing situation, so things can change at any given time, but even now, by March 2020, tons of classical performances have been postponed or cancelled worldwide, and as of today, I know that a number of Austrian cultural and performing arts institutions and venues (including the Musikverein in Vienna and the Stiftung Mozarteum - i.e. the performance venue I'd mentioned in my last fic - in Salzburg) are closing temporarily under the guidance of the Austrian government. All of which is, of course, for the greater good - and Yoo Jin and Nae Il are aware of that, to be sure - but that also means that if they'd had any performances scheduled for this time...those are out of the question. And considering that things like ticket sales make up a substantial portion of a musician's income...you can see where this is going.


But hey, we're in the 21st century - so I do think they'll make it work as best they can. Yoo Jin, I think, would be perfectly fine just staying at home: practicing, studying scores, livestreaming any performances he can (as a pianist rather than a conductor), etc. Nae Il, though, would most likely end up more stir-crazy, so here's hoping Yoo Jin's got ideas on how to keep her occupied if they should ever have to stay home for weeks at a time.


As for getting sick, I think Yoo Jin would be at less risk than Nae Il...but he'd also be more worried than her. Less risk because he's already very careful about his own health, personal cleanliness, and hygiene - disease prevention measures aren't that far a cry from what he already does at the best of times. But also, more worried because 1) he'd definitely be worried about Nae Il more than she would be about him (he tends to worry about her while she simply trusts him to have everything under control :P), and 2) as someone who's experienced several near-drowning incidents and developed PTSD as a result, any illness or injury that could potentially affect the lungs would be, quite frankly, absolutely terrifying. So maybe Yoo Jin needs Nae Il as much as she needs him: this time, to keep him calm and level-headed.


And that's what I've got so far. Again, this is purely my own interpretation and conjecture - maybe you think the outcome would be different.


Thanks for putting up with me and this post, and I promise you that the next thing I share here will be more optimistic and more my usual style. Stay strong, and stay healthy. Fighting! :thumbsup:

While the stars are getting publicity, they are also encouraging others to come forward to help. You can spot the "look at me" ones vs the ones just wanting to help.

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Well, this week has been...let's just say, absolutely insane. What with the WHO finally calling COVID-19 a pandemic and countries all over the world finally being able to use that to push for more stringent quarantine/self-isolation/social distancing/whatever-else-you-want-to-call-it policies...it's been nuts seeing even how my own speculative post a few days ago re: JW's drama characters can go so quickly out of date :sweat_smile:


That said, I still stand by the whole "they'd all be okay" stance - things might be dicier for those drama universes where the characters are doctors, but things seem to be starting to turn around in China and Korea now (finally!), with recoveries outpacing new cases. Which, understandably, leaves the rest of the world wondering when the heck that's going to happen in their own countries.


To all the JW fans/readers on this forum who are based in Europe, Iran, and the US...FIGHTING! From my perspective here in Canada (which I'm still amazed has been relatively mildly hit so far, given its status as a major immigration hub, meaning that there's constant air traffic from all over the world - and yet it's one of the few countries that's using social distancing measures more as a preventative rather than a reactive coping method :thumbsup:), it's been a bit nuts seeing the numbers jumping up so rapidly in those places, but I hope that all the preemptive steps that state and local governments all over the world have been taking (e.g. cancelling classes at schools/universities, closing major tourist attractions, etc.) will help. Let's just make it through to the end of March/beginning of April - i.e. 2-3 weeks from now, which is how long the incubation period can last - and hope that we'll see improvement by then.



A quick word re: Austria specifically, since - for fic-writing/imagining purposes - I do take it into consideration still. Long story short: Yoo Jin and Nae Il are definitely stuck at home by this point in the game :P Actually, come to think about it...they would have been a long time ago: the ever-cautious and uber-introverted Yoo Jin would have started social distancing well before any of this week's chaos (and most likely convinced Nae Il to join him - although how exactly is still beyond me). But for me, seeing all the stories about people making music from their homes in Italy or musicians all over the world posting their playing on social media...there's something really heartwarming about imagining them doing the same in Salzburg. :) 


But what does this have to do with JW, or this forum? In short: being the introverted homebody that I am in real life, I'm taking advantage of all of these closures and enforced breaks from school/work/etc. to see if that could kickstart my creative juices. When you're busy with real life, hobbies take a back seat: but now, I hope that I'll have enough time now with my writing to keep a relatively steady stream of content to tide us over these 2-3 weeks.


So, what does that mean? At least one more character rating list (the idea's already forming in my head, so stay tuned) and several more previews - if not the finished product as well - from the next Seolleim in Salzburg series.


And, of course, updates of cool JW-related stuff I find on Instagram - like this post that compares JW's recent workout video with an interview he did in Japan while promoting "Level 7 Civil Servant"



Mind you, I think there are supposed to be some genetic factors involved in whether or not you could develop abs...like, I suspect that not every guy who's physically fit will actually have noticeable ridges because that's determined by in-born muscular structure. Like, I notice that JW's limbs and shoulders bulk up way before his torso does. But still, glad to see JW growing more and more confident in his own body (fitness and appearance combined) :) 

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When life gets tough, sometimes it's great to take a step back and remind ourselves to enjoy all the little things:



Looks like spring's arrived in Korea :love:


And here's some cute fanart:



And a cute behind-the-scenes moment from Nae Il's Cantabile filming



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On 2/20/2020 at 9:30 AM, exile18 said:

Hi all! I can't wait for Joo Won's new drama. But there doesn't seem to be much news on the filming and any idea when the drama will air? 

It'll air sometime in last week of August or first week of September. As you can see all the slots on SBS Friday and Saturday are booked till end of July, and Alice is also on Friday and Saturday slots. So, I think it'll probably air in last week of August or first week of September

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8 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

It'll air sometime in last week of August or first week of September. As you can see all the slots on SBS Friday and Saturday are booked till end of July, and Alice is also on Friday and Saturday slots. So, I think it'll probably air in last week of August or first week of September


Thanks for that! It's crazy...so much has happened recently that I completely forgot about Alice for a while. :sweat_smile:


Anyway, this time, here's another fun update. You know all those clips JW and his friends post of themselves at the gym? Looks like they've been turned into an ad of some sort :glasses:



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Here I am with the first of the more content-heavy posts that I'd promised to prepare during these couple of weeks when it seems like just about everyone is under some sort of self-isolation/social distancing measure: whether it's a full quarantine or lockdown, or you're staying home simply because just about everything closed recently to prevent any further spread of COVID-19 (this is the case in my home city - Toronto, Canada - right now). I'd said then that I would try to churn out more content so that you guys will have stuff to look at and/or read, but this time, I'm doing one better: there are even some things you can do, if you so choose ;) 


So, what is this thing, you ask? It's my next character rating list. And this time, it centres around a theme that I think all of us can relate to, no matter where we are or what the situation is in our home communities is:


FOOD. :cookie::yum:


See, one thing I noticed looking back is that just about every single K-drama uses food as some sort of plot or character device, and the eight dramas JW's been in so far are no exception. Rather than a rating list, though - since how on earth would I rank something like this anyway? - what I want to do is walk us through JW's dramas in chronological order, taking a closer look at the role food plays in each of their lives.


So where does the "some things you can do" come in? Well, prior to the world deciding to go nuts in the space of little more than a week, I was already planning this as a general list. However, I now realize that quite a number of us probably have way more time on our hands at home than we're normally used to, and those hours will start feeling really long after a while. So why not use some of it watching food/cooking videos as well as reading about JW's dramas? Or, if you're so inclined, why not try cooking something new yourself?


In other words, here's how this list will work: 1) a spiel just answering my original question about characters and food; 2) a list of what I think (based on the dramas and some conjecture of my own) what each character's favourite food(s) are; and 3) a recipe video for you guys featuring a food item that I associate with that character and/or his drama universe.


Whew...that's a lot, just for introductions. So, without further ado, let's get to it! (Note: I'm posting in "Hidden Content" to make site loading easier)



1. Gu Ma Jun


If you haven't figured it out from context already, this entry is - yes - going to be about bread. :P Now, it's been a while since I watched King of Baking, Kim Tak Gu in full, but from what I remember, Ma Jun's relationship with bread and the whole baking trade is...complicated. As a child, he hates it - or, at least, he hates being dragged out of bed first thing every weekend morning to accompany his father to the factory (and, when it's put like that, you really can't blame him). But it's also because of that childhood history that Ma Jun grows to associate bread with love and acceptance. To be more specific, once he discovers that he's not, in fact, the Chairman's son, he throws himself wholly into learning breadmaking as a means to prove himself in front of the man he wants to claim as his father, and also to make himself look more appealing and worthy as a son compared to Kim Tak Gu. Poor Ma Jun - he doesn't realize that there's actually plenty enough love to go around.


And that extends into his adulthood, too, when we see him apprenticing at Master Palbong's bakery. Ma Jun is good at what he does, but while his technique and creativity are solid, he's unwilling to put himself into the things he makes in the same way that the other bakers do. There's something about Ma Jun that's always guarded, always on alert...almost like he's built up a wall around himself. Personally, I think the clearest indications of that in the drama are also in moments when food come into play - not bread this time, but the big communal meals that everyone in the bakery shares together. Ma Jun is sometimes shown slipping out of the room or refusing to join in, and as a viewer, I have to wonder if it's because of his extremely low self esteem due to his illegitimate birth.


Favourite foods: Breads of various kinds (eventually), Japanese food (he did study abroad in Japan, and uses his knowledge of foreign cultures to claim superiority over Tak Gu)


Recipe: Sweet Potato Bread



In choosing this, I was inspired by the recipe that Ma Jun develops for the first round of the baking competition: the most filling bread. He comes up with a bread with sweet potato puree mixed into the dough, which is then smothered with caramelized nuts and more sweet potato on top (honestly, I rewatched the clip for this, and it looks like a Korean-ified sticky bun). Since that's a recipe of his own creation, and not something that exists as-is in the real world, this is a more generic Japanese (nod to his studies again) version.


2. Hwang Tae Hui


From what we see in the drama, Tae Hui's tastes are surprisingly old-school: he seems to share food preferences with his grandmother, and it's mentioned explicitly several times in Ojakgyo Brothers that he has way less of a sweet tooth than is typical for his generation. So we see that he enjoys meeting up with his father or Baek Ja Eun in a more traditional tea house than in a coffee shop (although he does get into the coffee shop action, too, what with Ja Eun's love for caramel macchiatos), and that his favourite dessert offering there is patjuk (red bean porridge) - or, at least, it should be a favourite, since I seem to remember him proposing while treating Ja Eun to it (forgive me if I'm wrong, though - it's been a while).


But even though I do get the sense that he prefers this really homey style of cooking - and he really would associate these dishes with his mother and grandmother - Tae Hui seldom gets the chance to indulge. Instead, as a police detective, he is constantly on the go, and so more often than not, we see Tae Hui eating quick convenience foods: instant ramyeon in the car or at the precinct, or a protein shake at home before running out the door. So he always appreciates it when people bring him food from home when he can't go back himself - including Ja Eun's not-so-great attempts at cooking.


Favourite foods: Shrimp soup (this is explicitly mentioned as something he loves, along with his grandmother), red bean paste desserts (the porridge, but also buns), sour things in general (remember all those glasses of that super-sour persimmon drink he kicked back at the sauna? Like, I know he was just trying to impress Ja Eun in front of Kim Jae Ha, but you really need to be able to handle it first.)


Recipe: Instant ramyeon



So, this time, I decided to opt for the "cop on the go" side more than his "at home" side. Why? Because chances are, this is something any of us can pull off under the circumstances we now find ourselves in. I was also strongly reminded of the really sweet scene when Tae Hui and Ja Eun cook ramyeon together on their road trip, including when they adorably bicker over just how exactly it should be made. Well, here are three different methods: take your pick.


3. Lee Kang To


Personally, Lee Kang To is a fun one to imagine for this exercise, because I actually think he's a bit of a chameleon when it comes to his tastes and preferences: what he likes - or says he likes - will vary depending on who he's talking to, with his answer shifting between more Japanese- and Korean-influenced dishes. This is really because of the context that he's in; as a Korean in a time and place where Koreans are second-class citizens, Kang To has a deep desire to be accepted by the Japanese.


See, in Gaksital, food is a marker of identity - and, by extension, of politics. Japanese and Korean food cultures are significantly different; it's even explicitly mentioned in the drama when the new Japanese chief of police complains about being posted in Korea because the locals "smell like garlic" (a reference to the generally stronger flavours and seasonings used in Korean food compared to Japanese - and it's actually true that garlic is seldom used in Japanese cooking). So given that, although it's not actually shown much in the drama, I can imagine that Kang To associates Japanese food with the Japanese people's higher social status, and would adapt his tastes accordingly in social or work-based settings.


But at home - on those rare occasions when he is at home - it's simple home-style Korean food all the way. Because of Kang To's choices, he's constantly ostracized by the people in his neighbourhood, and in public at least, his mother follows suit. However, behind closed doors, we see that she and Kang San still care deeply for him, going out of their way to splurge on Kang To's favourite foods when he's at home and making sure that he's well and truly full before sending him on his way. It's that association between food and familial love (hm...I see a pattern here - do you?) that brings Kang To to tears when he partakes in a simple meal of potatoes with his fellow resistance members near the end of the drama: it reminds him of the family that's no longer there to love him when he needs it.


Favourite foods: Fish (it's one of the few foods we know for sure he likes, since it's explicitly mentioned - plus, it's one food item that spans both cultures, albeit with different ways of eating it)


Recipe: Grilled Mackerel (Korean style)



I can't remember for the life of me what exact type of fish Kang San goes out to buy because Kang To likes it, but this does seem to come close as a simple home-cooked recipe that most of us should be able to whip up in a pinch. I can also vouch, from personal experience, that mackerel made this way (grilled with just salt and pepper for seasoning) tastes awesome - my family uses a different recipe, but the gist is the same as here.


4. Han Gil Ro


While food seems to be a primary way for some of JW's characters to receive love and affection, Han Gil Ro seems to approach food and meals as either a time for equal sharing and socialization, or a time to offer something of himself to others. Food doesn't figure as strongly in Level 7 Civil Servant as it does in most of JW's dramas, but as a general whole, we see Gil Ro preparing and eating food in some sort of social setting. For example, he's completely down for late night parties with his fellow NIS trainees, or even just a dinner-turned-noraebang-session with Kim Seo Won's family (it's funny how her parents went from literally beating him to welcoming him as one of their own in those moments).


Han Gil Ro is also one of the characters we actually see cooking, and from what I remember...his prep work skills are great, but his actual cooking, not so much :P But joking about his crappy cooking skills is one of the many things that end up bringing him and Seo Won closer together, so there's a plus. And I also want to give a quick shout-out to the scene where they're eating sushi and he tries to go for a kiss...only to have a piece shoved into his mouth instead. :D 


Favourite foods: No clear favourites, but has a general liking for easy, quick, or convenience items (he mentions cooking for his comrades while doing his enlistment, where the priority is for speed/efficiency rather than taste)


Recipe:  Fried Rice




This is another one of those quick and simple items where you could literally just throw in anything you have in the fridge - like, the recipe asks for certain ingredients, but you can easily leave things out or add other things in to suit what's available, your personal tastes, etc. Also, if I recall correctly, fried rice is one of the few "looks great but tastes meh" items that Han Gil Ro tries to make in the drama - although I'm sure this version should actually taste good as well :) 


5. Park Si On


Given that a number of people on the autism spectrum develop very strong food preferences or aversions, it's worth noting that Park Si On is quite an adventurous eater when he wants to be. He does have his clear preferences (i.e. the foods that he never gets tired of), but he also seems to be willing to try anything new that comes his way - and, generally speaking, he tends to like the result. Plus, he's got a cute tendency to give a bit of a running commentary on what he's eating or what foods he wants to try. :) 


(Just including this video because it's comic gold)



That being said, Si On is one of the masters of convenience foods out of all of JW's characters. Remember what I'd said about foods he never gets tired of? I'm talking about things like kimbap, bakery/convenience store sandwiches, ramyeon, banana milk...you get the idea :P Basically, when left on his own, Si On has really simple childlike tastes, and he definitely likes the familiarity and consistency of convenience store foods. However, since he's also a doctor, you do have to wonder what this implies for his health - he's clearly knowledgeable on the nutritional content of different foods, so he really should know that packaged and processed foods really aren't that great in the long run :unsure:


Given that, it's worth noting that Si On loves the opportunity to have more substantial meals, usually in a restaurant or social setting (since his cooking skills are pretty much non-existent). He strongly associates sharing food with love and friendship, so the people he likes are those he's willing to eat with and, on the flip side, he sees sharing food with others as a way to break the ice and get closer to them. 


Favourite foods: Triangular kimbap (seriously, this is a thing), sweets in general (we see him with cotton candy, a cupcake, drinking banana milk...you get the idea), meat in general


Recipe: Potato dumpling soup



Okay, you guys seriously had to see this one coming ;) It's so poignantly sweet to see Si On going completely starry-eyed when he sees this because it reminds him so much of one of the few positive aspects of his childhood. For Si On, then, this is the most tangible reminder he has as an adult of his mother's love for him as a child (at least until they're officially reunited), making it the ultimate Good Doctor comfort food. :) 


6. Cha Yoo Jin


In regards to this list, Cha Yoo Jin is a bit of an outlier. First of all, while a number of JW's characters can cook, Yoo Jin's the best one at it, hands down. He holds a strong preference for making food for himself, shying away from large dinner parties in restaurants with his friends unless he's literally dragged there by Nae Il, Yoo Il Rak, or both. :P He's also got the most diverse palate out of all of JW's characters, courtesy of his rather unique background: a childhood spent in Europe (predominantly Austria) and an adolescence in Korea.


What this means is that compared with any of JW's other characters, and also with his own peers, Yoo Jin's tastes skew more Western. While he's certainly open to more old-school Korean foods, he also makes Western- or European-inspired foods a lot when he's on his own - which his friends (for whom things like steak or pasta are more special occasion foods) take full advantage of, showing up on his doorstep on random occasions to mooch for meals. Or, in Nae Il's case, just letting herself in and waiting patiently in the kitchen for Yoo Jin to come home and make something for her :P 


On a level similar to what I've just described for Lee Kang To above, Cha Yoo Jin's food choices are actually a reflection of his identity and not just simple likes or dislikes. Since, for most of the drama, he sees Europe as being inaccessible on account of his PTSD, food is one of the few things he can hold on to from what he perceives to be a happier past spent where he felt most at home. So that's what we see in terms of what he makes for himself, his clear preference for wine over other alcoholic beverages, etc. We also see food - or at least food prep - as a reflection of his more practical nature: in the scenes where people just randomly show up, it's worth noting that although Yoo Jin hadn't planned on having guests, his table is still filled with several servings of a wide range of dishes. Part of this, I know, is the drama's way of showing his mad cooking skills, but I also think it hints to a tendency on Yoo Jin's part to make enough for leftovers and subsequent meals: a measure that saves both time and money in the long run.


Favourite foods: Western foods in general, coffee (seriously, he's got an addiction about as big as JW's own), wine, tuna (or at least I think so, given his massive stock of it in the cupboard :P)


Recipe: Tafelspitz




This is for all of you guys who live in places and communities where Asian or Korean ingredients are less available than Western/European ones ;) The video talks about tafelspitz being German, but it's more popularly associated with Austria, and that's where I'm drawing my inspiration from. It's one of those "made with love" comfort foods that you could spend a long time preparing - great if you've got a good chunk of the day to fill and no idea how to do so - but more importantly for our purposes, it's been explicitly featured in the Austria episode of "Battle Trip" as a good gateway into European foods for Koreans. :) 


7. Kim Tae Hyun


Here's another character who oftentimes has to juggle a desire for a proper sit-down home-cooked meal and a super-busy schedule that tends to forbid that. We see throughout Yong Pal that food is a key part of Tae Hyun's nostalgia for his past; although most of his childhood and early adulthood were dark times for himself and his family, being able to come home to dinner made by his mom would wash all of that away. As he puts it to Han Yeo Jin, the people who get nostalgic for foods like doenjang-jjigae are the ones who must miss their families the most.


It's also worth noting that because of his chronically ill and immunocompromised sister, Tae Hyun is the most clearly aware when it comes to nutrition, and when it's his turn to cook at home, he acts accordingly: making two different versions of the same thing so that both he and So Hyun have food that's best for their respective bodies and needs. In the future, after the events of the drama, I can imagine he'd put the same amount of care into Yeo Jin's diet as well - even if he himself would rather do things like skip breakfast (we see in the drama he'd much rather just drink a juice or shake as opposed to the full meal that's the norm in the Han household) or just scarf down bowls of instant ramyeon between patients.


Favourite foods: Soups and stews in general (especially doenjang-jjigae), vegetables, samgyeopsal (which he mentions to be his preferred party food)


Recipe: Doenjang-jjigae



Again - no way in hell did you not see this one coming ;) It's just so iconic in the drama I really couldn't have gone for anything else. I should point out, once again, that doenjang-jjigae is one of those Korean dishes where everyone's got their own personal spin on the recipe, nothing is better than one's own mother's version (:P), and you can put in just about you want so long as you have the doenjang itself. Doenjang-jjigae is one of my personal favourite orders whenever I go out for Korean food, and I've seen variations with or without various ingredients (e.g. without shrimp, with other proteins, etc.). So while I can't do much for those who don't have access to doenjang, at least everything else is flexible ;) 


8. Gyun Woo


And now for a complete change of gears: we're going back in time! Perhaps it's because of his family's yangban status and his frequent visits to the palace even as a child, but Gyun Woo starts My Sassy Girl with the suitably refined aristocratic tastes. Considering that he's more well-traveled than his peers, having spent three years on his own in China, it's likely he was a bit more adventurous than most from the get-go. If nothing else, he's taken a strong enough liking to Chinese food - which, it might surprise you to know, is hard for many Koreans to get used to - that he's got a whole series of restaurants and food stands that he could recommend to Hye Myung later on.


In all fairness, though, Hye Myung deserves the credit for pushing Gyun Woo's horizons far beyond anything he could have done on his own. Unlike her own peers, she doesn't shy away from the foods that were associated with the lower classes: the chicken feet, the fermented skate...you get the idea. In fact, she even makes a point of both accustoming herself to those foods and goading Gyun Woo into doing the same, her reasoning being that, as the Princess of Joseon, she should never look down on the commoners and what they eat. So it's funny to see Gyun Woo rejecting these foods at first, but then learning to love them and even taking the initiative to order them whenever he's thinking of Hye Myung.


The more high-class stuff is still there, too - take a look at all the scenes that take place in tea houses, for example. But it's great to see Gyun Woo's tastes evolving over the course of the drama.


Favourite foods: Chinese food (especially dumplings - because, yes, that was a thing in the drama as well), traditional sweets (e.g. dried fruits), whatever Hye Myung likes (eventually)


Recipe: Baesuk (Korean steamed pears)



While the chicken feet and fermented skate are more strongly associated with Gyun Woo's character...considering the circumstances we're in, let's not torture our families/roommates/neighbours/etc. that way :P So, instead, I went with the aristocratic tea house route for this recipe; and since I did want to include a dessert at least once in this post, I settled for this one. Compared to some of the other traditional Korean desserts out there, this one's known for being a very warm and soothing comfort food: the sort of thing you might make if you're feeling down or have a cold coming on. Given both Hye Myung and - eventually - Gyun Woo's interest in traditional medicine, I thought this would be suitable. (Disclaimer: I do NOT advocate this as either prevention or cure for COVID-19, though! Staying clean and social distancing are still our best bets there!)


Yep, I told you this one was a long one - honestly, it took me about as long to post as one of my fics would, spread out over two days :P But that being said, I hope you all enjoyed reading this - and maybe you've discovered something you want to try as well :) 


Stay strong, and stay healthy! Fighting!

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It's still a bit raw and will likely be tweaked somewhat in the final version, but here's Preview 2 of the upcoming installment to my Seolleim in Salzburg series.



But if Nae Il was going to say anything more, she doesn’t get the chance to as a new chat window pops open on the computer screen:


“Is everything ready over there?”


Eyes still dancing in mirth, Yoon Hoo raises himself half-out of his seat and dips his head in greeting as Professor Stresemann now comes into view, having chosen to set up his station in his office at Haneum. I copy his gesture from my side of the conversation here in Salzburg, but Nae Il resorts to a cheery wave instead. “Annyeonghaseyo, Milch! Long time no see!”


Biting back the urge to laugh, I give her a subtle nudge with my elbow. “Ya, Seollebal – it’s only been two weeks.”


“Ara,” she quips back, completely unfazed. “But that’s still a long time to me.”


Staring at her, I shake my head in bemusement. “It would for you, wouldn’t it, Seollebal….”


The Professor returns our greeting, then gestures for us to jump straight to business. “Two weeks. Two weeks is what I gave you to decide your pieces for this summer’s tour. And now” – he spreads his hands wide open in invitation – “those two weeks are up.” From inside of his jacket, he produces his phone and stylus, similar to the ones that Yoon Hoo uses. “What do you have?”


Yoon Hoo and I exchange glances; I wave for him to go first.


“Well, just to get it out of the way, for my personal concerto,” he begins, “I plan to play Haydn’s first – the C-major.” After the Professor jots that down, nodding in acknowledgement, he moves on to his own conducting programme. “I’ll be starting with the New World by Dvorak, which should be long enough to form its own half.”


“Geu rae,” the Professor murmurs. “That is true enough.”


“Not to mention, so American,” I add.


Yoon Hoo grins. “That’s why I chose it – might as well make it clear that I started at Juilliard. And as for the rest….” He pauses for a moment’s thought, then continues. “Glinka’s Valse-Fantasie, The Swan of Tuonela by Smetana, and” – he now gives Nae Il a fond smile – “Saint-Saens’s Piano Concerto No. 2.”


Hearing it all laid out like this, I can’t resist a short laugh. “Ya, Lee Yoon Hoo,” I chide him teasingly, “you just have to go all over the place, don’t you. The least you could have done was think of a theme!”


Yoon Hoo looks amused. “That’s because I’m trusting you to do that part; knowing you, you should have come up with something on your own that I end up dancing around.”


Nae Il bites her lip to hold back a laugh, and after a moment’s thought on my part, I answer with a nod. “Actually, come to think of it…I did. Since our tour is stopping primarily in Austria and Germany, I decided to focus my musical choices there for my conducting programme.” Nae Il peers expectantly at me as I continue. “The first half – the symphony – will be Beethoven’s Seventh, while the second half” – I turn to return her gaze with one of my own – “will begin with a throwback to the ball we attended in January with two overtures: Nicolai’s The Merry Wives of Windsor and Strauss’s Die Fledermaus. And then, after that…the concerto: Robert Schumann’s Piano Concerto in A-minor.”


“Orabang said he wanted me to play something I already knew,” Nae Il adds helpfully, “since we knew that whatever Sunbae suggested” – she nods at Yoon Hoo, who returns the gesture – “would be new.”


Professor Stresemann makes note of all of this, then looks pointedly at me. “And your own concerto?”




“Paderewski?” Yoon Hoo echoes. He seems to mull over it for a second, then lets out a soft whistle. “That’ll be epic.”


“That’s what I’m aiming for.”


The Professor jots down my addition on his phone, punctuating it with a pointed tap with his stylus. “Alright. Good job, both of you. Now, let me tell you what I will do with this.


“Your two concerts, I will let you figure out on your own – Lee Yoon Hoo, remember to work with Baby to figure out the concerto. But for the first night, where I am conducting…I will include an orchestral piece to serve as the introductions for both of your concertos. I already had several pieces in mind, depending on time, so” – he pauses to do what looks to be some quick calculations off to one side – “here we go.


“First, Lee Yoon Hoo: ‘Jupiter,’ from Holst’s The Planets.”


I raise a knowing eyebrow in Yoon Hoo’s direction, which he answers with a wink as he jots the information down on his phone. Both of us can see how this piece is a perfect fit: like the titular “bringer of jollity,” Yoon Hoo is great at lightening orchestra members’ moods through his smooth and easy manner; yet, just like in the piece itself, there is also a deep pathos hidden underneath that smile that only a few people – myself included – can see.


Nae Il, surprisingly, isn’t one of them. “And what about Orabang, Milch?” she asks, eagerly leaning in closer to our webcam in anticipation. “What do you have for him?”


Professor Stresemann gives her a bright smile before shifting it into something more enigmatic when he looks at me. “For you, Cha Yoo Jin…The Sorcerer’s Apprentice. Dukas.”


Immediately, Nae Il perks up. “Isn’t that the one from that Disney movie?”


I look quizzically at her. “What Disney movie?”


“The one with Mickey Mouse – you know….” Clearly at a loss on its actual title, she mimes a sharp conical shape with her hands instead. And whereas I continue to stare wide-eyed at her in bewilderment, Yoon Hoo’s eyes light up in recognition.


“Ah…you mean Fantasia?”


Nae Il snaps her fingers with a gasp. “Ne, Sunbae – that one!”


As I watch the others chatter excitedly about their memories of the film, I cast my mind back to my own childhood. Never mind what my friends say about my poor knowledge of popular culture. I didn’t grow up entirely under a rock, and Fantasia, now that I hear the title, does ring a bell as a film I watched frequently growing up. Mostly because it featured classical music throughout: Eomma once told me that by just by putting it on, she could easily keep me occupied for several hours while she ran errands or did housework.


But while the image Nae Il brought up sounded familiar, somehow the title of the piece – The Sorcerer’s Apprentice – escapes me.


Professor Stresemann, for some reason unbeknownst to me, seems to notice my dilemma. “I believe, Cha Yoo Jin,” he confides carefully to me in his native German, his words unnoticed by the others, “that if you watched the film while you lived here in Salzburg, then the title you’re looking for is the original one, by Goethe: Der Zauberlehrling.”


In an instant, it clicks. Even if the Disney reference were to elude me, I could recognize this one at least. The original story by Goethe, after all, is a popular one for children here in Austria, so I have heard it countless times: a young sorcerer’s apprentice, eager to start learning spells instead of being stuck doing menial chores, magics a broom into fetching water for him, only to end up flooding the house when he is unable to stop it.




“You have got to be kidding me!”


So what happened? Why is Yoo Jin freaking out? Going from the clues in this passage, you should probably know already - but I'll keep the resolution a surprise ;) 

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2 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

I really hope this drama will be as good as "Signal" drama. Because for me Signal drama is benchmark for time travel plots


Ooh...that'll be nice! :) Either that, or something like "Nine".

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27 minutes ago, kittyna said:


Ooh...that'll be nice! :) Either that, or something like "Nine".

It would be great if its fusion of both, I am guessing it'll be open to interpretation ending, like every other time travel drama. I really hope our joo wonie character gets to experience lot of despair and pain in the drama. Since it is one of the reason he was ablel to garner those high ratings in his previous dramas, except for 'My Sassy Girl and Naeil's Cantabile'. :D

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On 3/23/2020 at 10:28 AM, kireeti2 said:

I really hope our joo wonie character gets to experience lot of despair and pain in the drama. Since it is one of the reason he was ablel to garner those high ratings in his previous dramas, except for 'My Sassy Girl and Naeil's Cantabile'. :D


That sounds rather sadistic taken out of context, but I feel you :) I, too, think that JW performs best with meatier and more dramatic roles, although he does do a good job trying to flesh out his more comedic characters to allow for that (both My Sassy Girl and Nae Il's Cantabile have good examples of that).


Sorry for taking so long to post - been trying to write past some points in my upcoming fic in order to post a preview, but I'm not there yet, unfortunately. And JW himself has been relatively quiet online, save for some Instagram stories of flowers, so I haven't seen a ton of new stuff on Instagram either. 


Which means that I'm starting to go a little bit stir-crazy trying to think of something to post here to keep us all entertained. And today - if you will permit me the chance to take a slightly more lighthearted look at our current crisis - I have an idea. ;) 


First of all: or those who haven't figured it out yet...yes, I do have Instagram now. I just lurk/view stuff on it, though, without posting anything. So recently, I've noticed a few of the gazillion polls/surveys/fill-in-the-blanks activities that people have been sharing for their followers to fill out. I've been taking part in some tournament-style polls lately, including one that asks "Which Disney princess would do best in quarantine/self-isolation?" 


So I want to try something similar here, only with JW's drama characters: If any of them had to stay at home with ONLY their families/partners/whoever-they-live-with for company for an EXTENDED period of time because of "reasons" (whether due to COVID-19 or something else - because I will be including the historical/period characters this time to have an even 8), WHO do you think will do BEST in that environment?


So this is going to happen in classic tournament style: 8 characters, so 4 sets of 2. And I'm asking as many of you to take part and cast your votes as possible. You don't need to give reasons if you'd rather not - just which character (a or b) you think will do best in self-isolation out of each pair. I will also be voting, but I will be casting my own vote last. In other words: only after I hear from some of you will I add my own vote and start the next round of 4. So, everyone who views/lurks/likes/etc. without commenting, this is your time to get involved! :) 


Survey below under "Hidden Content" - have fun, and stay healthy!



Who will do best in self-isolation? You decide!


Rules/Parameters for self-isolation (since everyone's context is different, this needs a standard):

1. The character can either live alone, OR with family, a partner, or roommate(s) - use your own drama knowledge and imagination.

2.  The character is only allowed to go outside for essential purposes (e.g. getting supplies, going to work if you deem his profession to be an "essential service", etc.). If he does go out, he does so ALONE.

3. Any other communication/socialization with people outside of the character's residence (e.g. with friends, colleagues, etc.) can only be done remotely (e.g. via telephone, online, letter-writing, etc.)

4. There is limitless access to in-home recreation and entertainment (e.g. books, TV, streaming movies or music, crafts/hobbies, musical instruments, etc.), but assume ALL public recreational facilities (e.g. malls, restaurants, entertainment venues, sports facilities, etc.) are CLOSED.


Got all that? Now, cast your votes! (Note: pairs have been made randomly using a number generator to try to keep things fair. Some choices might still be tough, though, but that's half the fun! ;))


Round One


1. Who do you think will do best in self-isolation?

a - Lee Kang To

b - Kim Tae Hyun


2. Who do you think will do best in self-isolation?

a - Gyun Woo

b - Hwang Tae Hui


3. Who do you think will do best in self-isolation?

a - Park Si On

b - Gu Ma Jun


4. Who do you think will do best in self-isolation?

a - Han Gil Ro

b - Cha Yoo Jin


So, remember: please cast your votes (you can do it just with numbers and letters - also, if you prefer to keep your response secret, you can do it via direct message rather than a reply), and let's see where this goes. Have fun and I'll touch base with you all again with a story preview once it's ready!

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10 hours ago, kittyna said:


That sounds rather sadistic taken out of context, but I feel you :) I, too, think that JW performs best with meatier and more dramatic roles, although he does do a good job trying to flesh out his more comedic characters to allow for that (both My Sassy Girl and Nae Il's Cantabile have good examples of that).


Sorry for taking so long to post - been trying to write past some points in my upcoming fic in order to post a preview, but I'm not there yet, unfortunately. And JW himself has been relatively quiet online, save for some Instagram stories of flowers, so I haven't seen a ton of new stuff on Instagram either. 


Which means that I'm starting to go a little bit stir-crazy trying to think of something to post here to keep us all entertained. And today - if you will permit me the chance to take a slightly more lighthearted look at our current crisis - I have an idea. ;) 


First of all: or those who haven't figured it out yet...yes, I do have Instagram now. I just lurk/view stuff on it, though, without posting anything. So recently, I've noticed a few of the gazillion polls/surveys/fill-in-the-blanks activities that people have been sharing for their followers to fill out. I've been taking part in some tournament-style polls lately, including one that asks "Which Disney princess would do best in quarantine/self-isolation?" 


So I want to try something similar here, only with JW's drama characters: If any of them had to stay at home with ONLY their families/partners/whoever-they-live-with for company for an EXTENDED period of time because of "reasons" (whether due to COVID-19 or something else - because I will be including the historical/period characters this time to have an even 8), WHO do you think will do BEST in that environment?


So this is going to happen in classic tournament style: 8 characters, so 4 sets of 2. And I'm asking as many of you to take part and cast your votes as possible. You don't need to give reasons if you'd rather not - just which character (a or b) you think will do best in self-isolation out of each pair. I will also be voting, but I will be casting my own vote last. In other words: only after I hear from some of you will I add my own vote and start the next round of 4. So, everyone who views/lurks/likes/etc. without commenting, this is your time to get involved! :) 


Survey below under "Hidden Content" - have fun, and stay healthy!


  Hide contents

Who will do best in self-isolation? You decide!


Rules/Parameters for self-isolation (since everyone's context is different, this needs a standard):

1. The character can either live alone, OR with family, a partner, or roommate(s) - use your own drama knowledge and imagination.

2.  The character is only allowed to go outside for essential purposes (e.g. getting supplies, going to work if you deem his profession to be an "essential service", etc.). If he does go out, he does so ALONE.

3. Any other communication/socialization with people outside of the character's residence (e.g. with friends, colleagues, etc.) can only be done remotely (e.g. via telephone, online, letter-writing, etc.)

4. There is limitless access to in-home recreation and entertainment (e.g. books, TV, streaming movies or music, crafts/hobbies, musical instruments, etc.), but assume ALL public recreational facilities (e.g. malls, restaurants, entertainment venues, sports facilities, etc.) are CLOSED.


Got all that? Now, cast your votes! (Note: pairs have been made randomly using a number generator to try to keep things fair. Some choices might still be tough, though, but that's half the fun! ;))


Round One


1. Who do you think will do best in self-isolation?

a - Lee Kang To

b - Kim Tae Hyun


2. Who do you think will do best in self-isolation?

a - Gyun Woo

b - Hwang Tae Hui


3. Who do you think will do best in self-isolation?

a - Park Si On

b - Gu Ma Jun


4. Who do you think will do best in self-isolation?

a - Han Gil Ro

b - Cha Yoo Jin


So, remember: please cast your votes (you can do it just with numbers and letters - also, if you prefer to keep your response secret, you can do it via direct message rather than a reply), and let's see where this goes. Have fun and I'll touch base with you all again with a story preview once it's ready!

1. Who do you think will do best in self-isolation? Ans: a ( Because Kim Tae Hyun is doctor, so he would have hard time being isolated he would rather be out there helping other)

2. Who do you think will do best in self-isolation? Ans: a(Hwang Tae Hui is a police officer, so he is a part of essential service and would find it hard to be in isolation and do nothing to save others)

3. Who do you think will do best in self-isolation? Ans: b (same goes to park si on)

4. Who do you think will do best in self-isolation? Ans: b (Han Gil Ro is an extrovert so, he'll have hard time to stay in isolation and Cha yoo jin would use this time to study and improve his conducting)

(That sounds rather sadistic taken out of context, but I feel you :) I, too, think that JW performs best with meatier and more dramatic roles, although he does do a good job trying to flesh out his more comedic characters to allow for that (both My Sassy Girl and Nae Il's Cantabile have good examples of that). Btw, what I meant was, that any lead character would be easy to root for and more relatable when He/She is having tough time. Most of the people love to see a lead succeed despite facing many hardships, like it's part of catharsis. That why, we watch or generally people show lot of love to the lead who is facing hardship and despair, but yes even comedic angle should also be the part of the lead, joo won is also equally good at doing it, given that the writers have done a good job. Joo won's acting is like water it can take any shape or form, if it is used properly by directors and writers.

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Thanks for sharing, @kireeti2! :) 


By the way, just a quick tech-related tip: you can just select the text you want to quote instead of quoting an entire post. I'm not 100% sure how that works on a phone, but on a computer, just highlight the text you're quoting with your mouse, hover around until you see a button that says "Quote selection", and click that. When you quote that way, it's easier for everyone to see what part of someone else's post you're referring to.


For example:


8 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

1. Who do you think will do best in self-isolation? Ans: a ( Because Kim Tae Hyun is doctor, so he would have hard time being isolated he would rather be out there helping other)

2. Who do you think will do best in self-isolation? Ans: a(Hwang Tae Hui is a police officer, so he is a part of essential service and would find it hard to be in isolation and do nothing to save others)

3. Who do you think will do best in self-isolation? Ans: b (same goes to park si on)

4. Who do you think will do best in self-isolation? Ans: b (Han Gil Ro is an extrovert so, he'll have hard time to stay in isolation and Cha yoo jin would use this time to study and improve his conducting)


That's actually a take on this that I hadn't thought of. :) Which actually tells me something about how different people interpret "self-isolation" - like, I thought that going to work if you're a doctor but staying home all the time you're off shift still counted, but I guess not everybody does. But yes, you would hope that the doctors and police officers would be out there on the front lines - but let's hope they also have all the resources they need to stay safe.


8 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

Btw, what I meant was, that any lead character would be easy to root for and more relatable when He/She is having tough time. Most of the people love to see a lead succeed despite facing many hardships, like it's part of catharsis. That why, we watch or generally people show lot of love to the lead who is facing hardship and despair, but yes even comedic angle should also be the part of the lead, joo won is also equally good at doing it, given that the writers have done a good job. Joo won's acting is like water it can take any shape or form, if it is used properly by directors and writers.


Don't worry - I understood that. That's why I said comments like that sound "sadistic taken out of context" (i.e. if someone didn't know what we were talking about to begin with). But, yes, characters who go through hardships are a lot easier to relate to - especially, for me at least, those who choose to do the right thing even when it's easier to do wrong.

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4 hours ago, kittyna said:

By the way, just a quick tech-related tip: you can just select the text you want to quote instead of quoting an entire post. I'm not 100% sure how that works on a phone, but on a computer, just highlight the text you're quoting with your mouse, hover around until you see a button that says "Quote selection", and click that. When you quote that way, it's easier for everyone to see what part of someone else's post you're referring to.


Gotta it, thanks for the tip:). I am actually new to this whole community, including K-drama and this fan page. I was actually drawn to this because of joo won's "Good doctor", courtesy of the English version. I thought Korean version would be below par the English version, but boy! I could not have been more wrong, his acting and portrayal of people with autism was off the charts, like it was mind blowing. It's the first drama for which have cried in all the episodes, exception of final episode. So, that's why I hope Joo won would try more characters where he can show his new sides, but with more emotional aspects, he even made me cry in Ojakgyo brothers series. Btw, I loved your fan fictions, especially Good doctor's. :)

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4 hours ago, kittyna said:

That's actually a take on this that I hadn't thought of. :) Which actually tells me something about how different people interpret "self-isolation" - like, I thought that going to work if you're a doctor but staying home all the time you're off shift still counted, but I guess not everybody does. But yes, you would hope that the doctors and police officers would be out there on the front lines - but let's hope they also have all the resources they need to stay safe.

I mean doctors  and police officers are trained to help people at the risk of their life and put the needs of others over theirs, so, I assumed that if neither of characters were not infected the characters like doctor and police officer would rather be outside and save others, than stay in isolation and if they were infected then they would definitely  stay isolated, so that they'll not spread the virus to others:):D

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1 hour ago, kireeti2 said:

Gotta it, thanks for the tip:). I am actually new to this whole community, including K-drama and this fan page.


You're welcome! And speaking of tips, there is a rule here on Soompi (although I don't know if it's official or just something everyone does) that after posting once, you should wait at least one hour before posting again.


It's done to minimize spam, I think, but what matters for our purposes is that, in future, try to group multiple quotes/replies into one post so you don't get in trouble with the moderators. ;) 


1 hour ago, kireeti2 said:

I was actually drawn to this because of joo won's "Good doctor", courtesy of the English version. I thought Korean version would be below par the English version, but boy! I could not have been more wrong, his acting and portrayal of people with autism was off the charts, like it was mind blowing. It's the first drama for which have cried in all the episodes, exception of final episode.


"Good Doctor", "Nae Il's Cantabile" and "Yong Pal" all go back and forth for which of JW's dramas is my favourite. I know that that's a bit of an unpopular opinion for "Nae Il's Cantabile" especially, but I have my reasons (not least of which is the chance for me to expand on it using my fanfic series :P). But Park Si On wins out for as the character who has a personality closest to mine :) 


It's weird, though, since although the vast majority of comments I've seen online comparing the Korean and American versions of "Good Doctor" favoured the original, I did come across this site that really heavily criticized the Korean version, saying that its portrayal of autism went too far and wound up becoming disrespectful and insulting as a result. And, in all honesty...it is a fair argument. Park Si On is very different from how autistic savants are depicted in Western media (where we have shows like The Big Bang Theory and its spinoff Young Sheldon, or the BBC series Sherlock). But actually, if I may be allowed to say so, I actually like Park Si On more - I find portrayals that focus too strongly on the intellectual genius of savant syndrome can sometimes end up making the characters look really arrogant (even though I know 100% for sure that they're not and it's just from poor social skills). I much prefer Si On's innocence by comparison. :) 


1 hour ago, kireeti2 said:

Btw, I loved your fan fictions, especially Good doctor's.


Aw...thanks! :heart:


And now you're reminding me: I haven't written anything for "Good Doctor" in ages. Maybe it's because I've been focused so heavily on giving "Nae Il's Cantabile" the sequel treatment. *shrugs* But I actually love writing both Park Si On and Cha Yoon Seo's perspectives, so let's see if inspiration strikes in that direction again in the future.


1 hour ago, kireeti2 said:

I mean doctors  and police officers are trained to help people at the risk of their life and put the needs of others over theirs, so, I assumed that if neither of characters were not infected the characters like doctor and police officer would rather be outside and save others, than stay in isolation and if they were infected then they would definitely  stay isolated, so that they'll not spread the virus to others:):D


Agreed. Which, I'll admit, makes one of those pairs to choose from extra tough, since we've got a cop (Lee Kang To) and a doctor (Kim Tae Hyun) at the same time. :P Doctor probably trumps cop then, though.... :D 


I mentioned this in an earlier post, but I do think that Kim Tae Hyun, at least, would self-isolate whenever he's not working, since both his sister and Han Yeo Jin are high-risk patients (anyone who's had an organ transplant is). So I get the mental image of him moving back into the guest house next to Yeo Jin's mansion and making video calls with her whenever he gets the chance.

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