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Joo Won 주원 [Drama- The Midnight Studio/ 야한(夜限) 사진관]


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Guest kaeruchan

ah..it's so quiet over here! *waves to anyone lurking around*

just wanna share this cute video of JW :D first time posting here!

he's the definition of hot, handsome, cute, squishy, adorable, and talented man in one package ;)

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*waves* to all. I am new to this thread. Think I posted once here, been a lot more at Bridal Mask thread which I started because of my bias Joowon. I have seen Lyra promoting this thread to those spazzing on Joowon over there. 
Under the name SS, I post a number of Joowon related articles on Softy's blog over the past months since OB started. Mainly, they are articles translated from Korean to Chinese by baidu fans on Joowon Baidu fan page. I then translate it them into english. I also see my articles pop out in Joowonenglishwordpress or Joo Won International Club and IN2Dwordpress. Glad to do my part to spread the love for Joowon. 
Apologies if this has been posted. Moderator can take this out if duplicate. One of the recent interviews I translated. 

Joowon who transforms into a strong man, the hero in Bridal Mask

Interviewer is impressed with this young man. She starts off by saying June is the month that is the most full in life. And just like the month of June, Joo won, whose figure she likens to the figure six(for June, so whimsical!) as I suppose he is always slightly bowed in greeting, is extremely well-mannered, a little shy and full of youthful vitality.

JW: To date it is the strongest character I ever played Born into the Japanese occupation period, he had to be strong and hardened himself in order to provide and protect his family.After his brother became an imbecile, he decided to switch his loyalty to the Japanese, becoming the policeman. But after he knew the truth behind the Bridal Mask, he chooses to walk the lonely path of a nameless hero.

As Kang To changes, it also became more challenging and difficult to act the character. Just like Kang To who had to bury a deep-seated fire within him, with every scene and take, the blood surges. And at the end, the heart feels sad. As this is a very popular manhwa, the stakes are high and the burden great.

JW: People around me are saying what a great manhwa this is. They told me I must act the role of Kang To well. Although I am worried that I may not meet their expectations, it is fortunate that after every filming, I am at peace/satisfied and also comforted.

I received a lot of care from the director. In reality, filming a drama is always a very hurried and rushed affair. But amidst the chaos, he is unhurried. In fact, he very patiently allows the actor to slowly immersed himself into the role and scene. Even under tiring circumstances, he never shouted once. He is very gentle yet a man who can lead.

Another reason why the role is so challenging is the many action scenes. As KT is the Korean heo, these are necessary. These actions are also different from contemporary dramas a they require more physical movements/actions.

As the moves were based on karate, it was difficult to master. Being the well rounded athlete that Joowon is, it still didnt come easy. There were many movements that carry a risk of injury. In the beginning I kept telling myself that I must not get injured. But now that I have already injured myself and filming these scenes, I find that I can be more careful and so more focused. Thanks to his background in musical theatre dance, it helped him in remembering the action choreography.

Getting Along with co-stars

JSY is a mood maker(? something like that). She is always cheerful and cute. Even with the bloodied makeup, she still walks around the set innocently and happily. When she dons on the moustache in her disguise as a man, she was just like a playful KID(ok, bold is my own idea). Thanks to her, it help to alleviate the burden and added the fun during the filming. Joowon got along especially well with SHJ. Even at their first meeting, they shared similar views and feelings. At the script reading, it was SHJ who first talked to JW. ‘He helped me tremendously in understanding and analysing the role. During the filming, he was also very relaxed, I was very happy. Now that he has left, it has become empty.(mmmm….why am i feeling a tad happy??)

I am the type of person who loves to be hang out with hyungs. There were only two of us, brothers in our family. Although I was the youngest, I had a great relationship with my elder brother who is 5 years older. Since young, we played together and did everything together. It was so good that people around us were very envious. Ojakgyo Brothers is a family drama which touched on relationship among brothers. To be able to act with hyungs, i felt very happy. And now, it so happened that I am experiencing the same thing on 1N2D. With my hyungs, i feel very at ease.

One of the reasons why JW agreed to take on the challenge of participating in a variety show is that UTW is also on it. With his voice an octave higher, he naturally turns on his aegyo whenever he is in front of his hyungs.

In the beginning, when JW was contemplating taking up the show, he was worried whether he could bring laughter to the viewers, he was also concerned that he might let slip and do something damaging to his part as an actor.

However, I thought I should not look at it from the perspective of an actor but from a standpoint of the ‘ordinary guy Joowon’ , I will be able to travel the entire country, visit all the corners, in the company of people I like, enjoying nature…is this something that I can possibly do at any time? That’s when I decided to join 1N2D.

Filming together, eating together, spending a night together, the initial awkwardness, embarrassment vanished. To a point where you do not even notice there is a camera in front of you. We formed a natural bond.

Although each filming left a deep impression, the Jeju one with the dolphins was something that I will not forget for a long time. It is because I discovered my country’s rare dolphins. although i didnt get to see them, I watched it on the phone and never fail to exclaim ‘woa woa’ whenever i see it. The wonders of nature. I hope i will be able to witness it first hand next time. (*p.s pardon my liberal takes in brackets.)

IN2D to Joowon, is like a time for relaxation and a break from work. He can comfortably play and have fun while filming. Although, there is no distinction between the members and he can just enjoy the filming, and this will still bring a smile to the viewers and touch them, he cannot help but wonders if he can do something more to put forth a more meaningful show.

Contrary to his concerns, on his perfect face(another interviewer bites the dust!), there seemed to be 1N2D intelligence written on it. He even exhibits a talent for variety show at times. The master of variety show, CTH praised him for adapting so well and says that JW makes him envious.

In the movie “Don’t Click” Joowon thinks he really saw a ghost on the set. Once he thought he had waved goodbye to his co-star Kang Byul and her manager as they drove off in a car. However when he got back to the dressing room, he saw Kang Byul still there. He later asked the manager who said only she left that night. ‘So who was that Kang Byul who waved goodbye to me? JW was so scared that his hair stood.

Joowon’s dreams of becoming an actor started in high school/middle school/secondary school year 3 (help! not familiar with korean system or maybe chinese interpretation. Anyway I think it’s like around 15 or something)

When he started secondary school, perhaps in part due to the onset of puberty, he became very introverted and cautious. He was also short which affected his confidence. Seeing him not mingling with his peers, his parents got worried.

They advised him to take up a course in broadcasting(maybe speech or something) class but it was full So he ended up in drama classes instead. He got along very well with his classmates, they acted and danced together. Naturally after that he progressed to take up Arts in college and in Sungkyunkwan university.

Compared to other courses, Arts course are more expensive. He felt very apologetic to his parents , he was determined to get a scholarship but he wasnt confident in his studying abilities. He decided to aim for another scholarship instead(sorry can’t get meaning here but if i directly translate, it is a scholarship given for best studying effort or something along this line). He then threw himself behind every role he could take, be it sound system, lighting, choreography etc. He really devoted his whole heart into it. At times, he wondered if it’s the thing he wants, but when he steps on stage, the emotions and joy he gets at that moment is unforgettable.

To be a humane actor (ok this word humane is a direct translation. I know how the original chinese word is used but it’s kind of difficult to translate into english. maybe if someone can translate from korean to english it would be better. In short, i think what he means to be some one who has an interest in his fellowmen, some one  with a heart)

In the middle of the interview, Joowon suddenly laughs, embarrassed. Turns out that the TV was showing an ad of Cantata Coffee that he and Uee did together. It was the first time he saw it on TV. (i suspect this TV was planted, how else is he facing a TV during an interview. Any one with me??). Joowon still gets very shy and awkward when he sees himself on TV. JW says whenever he is told to act cool and suave, he gets nervous. Although he is lively and vigorous in dramas, variety shows and movies, some things cannot be changed.

In truth, he left a deep impression during the 2010 KBS drama awards. When his co-star Yoon Shi Yoon went on stage to receive his award Joowon’s eyes were brimming with tears. Looking at him, one can tell that he is a man who greatly values relationship.

JW: Although it is quite embarrassing t say it out of my own mouth, I am really not the unfeeling type of person. At that time, YSY and I experienced a lot of hardships during the filming, we also grew closer to each other. When I saw he receive the award, my eyes got teary. Moreover I am the type who is used to expressing my feelings openly, whether I am sad or happy, I cannot hide it (Yes! we know, my cutie)

Deep in his heart, Joowon is someone who is very warm and affectionate. When he first debut, he had a dream. he wanted to be a humane actor. What he will hate to hear is “you have changed with success”. Although he also agreed that he had changed in some ways, he is determined not to forget his dream and to continue working hard.

The actor he most aspires to be is Korean’s King of Movies, Ahn Sung Ki(hope i got the chinese names translated right). He met him for the first time in the earlier Baeksang Awards. JW: He turned out to be everything i imagined him to be. Looking at the way ASK sunbae greets the juniors and how he took care of everyone, it left me with a deep impression. That day was a very joyous one. I had won the newcomer award and ASK sunbae won the best actor award. (sorry HT’s part is strictly private). I felt very honored. That night, he sat beside me, I felt very nervous and exhilarated. Kim Yun Seok who also belongs to the same agency(gosh this agency is really something!) was also nominated for the same award. I didnt know who to root for. In the end ASK won, I was very happy.

end of interview

Interviewer’s thoughts: Chatting with Joowon, I  felt that this is youth who is growing so dynamically. His dream of becoming a humane actor is just a matter of time.

Anticipating the action packed, beautifully shot Bridal Mask. Joowon also asked for support for the drama. I thought even if he didn’t asked, i will definitely not miss it. (we know how you feel. Even the man killer Ueno Rie had to turn to take a 2nd look!)

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@lyra_brillantezhope you enjoy the read
I love Joowon in Baker King. It wasn't a good role for a rookie as he played the antagonist but to me, he stole the show from YSY. I can gush no end about Joowon. 
How not to, when you see things like this?64380cd7912397ddba11fd915982b2b7d0a2873e78310a55b319ebc41b0c130c8226cffc1e17162ab8389b504fc2d562b360b578e71190ef76c66c3e8435e5dde71190ef4c93f74ace1b9d16fdfa603e
credit baidu

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Recently, I just started to pay attention to joo won because he is bright and promising actor.. I have watched all his drama, and I luv how he acted his character.. And I have been searching any news about his, I thought that he also has good personality too,

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Guest serendipity8989

He totally won me over through Gaksital! And he has so much on screen chemistry w/ the actresses!

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is this my Joowon day or what? spend the morning at Bridal Mask forum having a blast. Then someone posted some thing really interesting on Softy's blog. 
I apologise if something similar has been posted here and also the video which I am putting up as well. I am new to this forum and haven't got time to read the pages to check. 
One of the earliest titbit I got about Joowon was that he acted in this musical Spring Awakening as the lead Melchior. Saw snippets of the promotional videos in YT but nothing more. Then this article perked me up, it's written by someone who likes theatre and was unexpectedly blown away by Joowon whom she has never heard of before. This is what Josephine wrote on her website: http://musicalvillage.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=visitor&action=print&thread=1816--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Spring Awakening - Korean cast 
Sep. 19/20 Doosan Artcenter Seoul

They say it's one cast so I didn't check the cast schedule when I bought the ticket and after a while I found out that the date I chose has an understudy as Melchior and I had to cancel <Onegin>the next day show which I really wanted to see for so long in order to see the main Melchior. so I saw 2 days in a row

Surprisingly I preferred the understudy(Joo Won) He was way much better than the main one(Kim Moo-yul or Muyeol,Mooyeol)!!!

I think this character is smart and more mature than usual teenagers and having strong will to pursuit of true or something but also have to be pure and genuine and good-boy image to him. 
Joo Won delivered everything I mentioned above and top of it all he looks like a teenage boy I think it's very important point to this show. and He is a good singer and the atmosphere with other cast and the chemical with Wendla was much better than Kim Moo yul. 
Kim Moo yul is popular with girls after the success of Thrill me he played in. He was so good in that show but I think he failed this time making his own Melchior character, simply he didn't look like a teenage boy and even bad-boy image to him and a little stuck up to boot! 

Morits (Cho Jung-seok) did a great job most of the times but over the top at a few scenes Overall I liked his Morits After the show Don't do sadness stuck in my head!

Wendla is a total newbie but she was not bad and looks naive and all 

Boys and girls are all great and very energetic and delivered the spirits(?) this show must has really well and Adult men did a great job!

Because of the 2 Melchior I really loved the show one day and almost soso the other day lol Good news is Joo Won is going to be the main from Oct.YAY for him and the future audience!!
Spring Awakening is so fresh new style of musical and the score was even more good when listening to it live on stage and When they sang Totally F***** as a curtain call song Something in me wanted to sing and dance with them so bad! if I had I would have got the Have-you-lost-it? look. looool
then I came across this video and cried "the hands!" 

Recently, there's been a lot of discussion on Joowon's kissing. In the BTS of Bridal Mask, interviewer asked when was Joowon's first kiss and he said it was during his theatre play. I am not sure if it's the Spring Awakening. Someone also commented that the play was quite raunchy. 
This morning, someone commented in relation to the JW's kiss that in Spring Awakening he played the lead Melchior who raped the lead girl Welda and likes to write letters on sexual intercourse to his good friend. I almost fell off my chair. Couldn't imagine Joowon playing such a role. But fear not, I read the wiki synopsis and it was a lot more clearer. In fact, I almost cried just reading it. Such a realistic story and I cannot believe it was written in 1891. 
Now I understand why that reviewer said that Joowon brought the character to life. He is able to convey both masculinity and boyishness at the same time. And I know why Joowon said that he cried like he lost everything(read the ending). He must have been awesome in that show. 
Finally the end my raving, here's another to readhttp://www.korean-drama-guide.com/Actor-Joo-Wons-Song-Picks.html
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Joo Won tweeted!!  --> " 옷이 다 젖음ㅎㅎ 오마이갓~~~^^ 유후~~~~" He says his clothes are wet. I think it's because they are filming in the summer heat now.
Joo Won also tweeted earlier "졸리고 덥고ㅎㅎ 졸덥~ 자구 싶다ㅎ~~" Poor boy is sleepy and wants to sleep. Gaksital fighting!

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@lyra_brillantez, I feel so bad for them! Hot and no sleep and probably not much food too =X 
It's kinda funny how Joo Won keeps playing police roles! I think he's done 3 so far? Ojakyo, Special Investigation Unit and also now in Gaksital. Does anyone want to do a collage of them all? 
I feel very schizo watching tv now because in Singapore, Ojakyo, 1n2d and Gaksital are all playing on tv (albeit at different times). It's so weird to see Tae Hee, Joo Won and Kangto/Gaksital all at the same time!

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@lyra_brillantez: I guess something about Joo Won just screams POLICE~ Hahaha. It would be so fun to see him take a comedic role. I remember enjoying the movie. That said I'm not sure if the story has enough plot to translate into a drama and more importantly, I want Joo Won to get sleep pronto. And wasn't there an article saying that Joo Won's screen time on 1n2d isn't as much as the other members because he wanted to present a different image to the viewers? I've been waiting since forever to have Joo Won come out more on 1n2d and be more active in hosting and giving us more cute, squealable moments lol!

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Oh, Joo Won thread!!! Yay! Been watching Bridal Mask and I'm in episode 15. Joo Won's real good.

Watched him first at Baker King and I was like, "He looks cuter than the main character." And that's that. But when I saw him again in 1N2D, I remembered him as the one in Baker King and I was really interested. I was sad that Lee Seung-gi left 1N2D but, was soooo happy Joo Won is there :) And here comes Bridal Mask (Gasksital) and I am totally a Joo Won fan now. I was really laughing when he says "Gaksital will never forgive you" at 1N2D, just showing how playful he is. His totally adorable. One more reason to watch 1N2D every Sunday. *grins* Pity he wasn't able to paraglide due to bad weather, but I was also glad he didn't cause I was worried that he might get hurt.

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@mrdimples : Hullo! Yep, been here. Oh, Joo Won made me want to learn how to read Hangeul. I think in few things that I do, I sometime have a catalyst to do it. Like when I want to read Utada Hikaru's songs, I self study and learned how to read hiragana and katakana, hahaha. Dang, I thought I'll never have a Korean push me to learn Korean stuffs and eat Korean food (kimchi!). And he made 1N2D a real treat to watch, I really like that show.

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Joowon is not only a good actor, he sings and is really a sexy dancer (Grease Musical). Everything about him is so endearing, the passion, dedication and how focus he can be is just DAEBAK!!!! What a fine young man he is, the way he talked to his mom and hyungs and the BTS show his good relationship with his co-stars and staffs - extending his help to production stafss. He truly deserved the 48th Baeksang award and i vote him for best actor too!!!

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