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Joo Won 주원 [Drama- The Midnight Studio/ 야한(夜限) 사진관]


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5 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

Lol! And there is that, it's like they both think that other guy is bad guy and should stay away from TY :joy:


In Min Hyuk's defence, I don't think he thinks Park Jin Gyeom's a bad person per se, but simply that by being with him, Tae Yi ends up entangled in the whole fight surrounding time travel. We do see him gradually becoming more receptive to Jin Gyeom's way of thinking in this episode, but in a way that's definitely older and wiser, sort of like, "I used to think the same way you do now, kid, but real life's not like that." Which is, ironically, a rather paternal attitude - especially combined with Jin Gyeom's unknowingly son-like response of, "Yeah, right; I'm not you." :P 


Park Jin Gyeom on the other hand...yep, he definitely sees Yoo Min Hyuk as the bad guy. One out of many bad guys, to be exact ;) And given how shady and/or cryptic people like Min Hyuk or Seok Oh Won have been around him, I can't say I blame him for having trust issues.


5 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

But, I am also afraid that they might end up like Sherlock Holmes and Molly. These couples have similar dynamics like the lead always asks help from the the female lead for solving cases .


If I recall correctly (and if you'll forgive me the tangent), Sherlock did have feelings for Molly - they were just platonic, and there's nothing wrong with that.


For obvious reasons, I'd prefer that Jin Gyeom reciprocates Do Yeon's feelings rather than Tae Yi's (even though I find TY's feelings for him understandable from her perspective, it'd be really sketchy if he returned them - or, in other words, I thought the story would be Oedipal, but not in that way), but I'm also perfectly fine with there being no love line at all. We'll have to see.


5 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

Or maybe Oh Won wants to control time travel at his will and doesn't want Alice like structure to control it. On surface he is acting naive and clueless and also a person who hates time travel, but the amount of power he will amass by controlling time travel might have corrupted his mind. So, I guess he is using both JG and TY(2020).


Oh...like he's the "big bad" or something? That sounds plausible, too....


5 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

But the villain in the preview is saying that in order to save the future he has to kill TY, so, the bad guys are actually trying to kill her in order to keep the time travel possible.


I know that, which is why my own theory right now is based around irony. Since I've already brought up Oedipus a few times already, maybe I can also say I'm thinking about the oracle of Delphi when it comes to the trickiness of interpreting prophecies. 

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6 hours ago, kittyna said:

For obvious reasons, I'd prefer that Jin Gyeom reciprocates Do Yeon's feelings rather than Tae Yi's

I prefer that too, but right now he is only able to show natural affinity towards TY, but for DY I think he needs to train himself in order to reciprocate her feelings towards him

6 hours ago, kittyna said:

Since I've already brought up Oedipus a few times already, maybe I can also say I'm thinking about the oracle of Delphi when it comes to the trickiness of interpreting prophecies. 

Yeah, prophecies are tricky and one can never interpret or predict it perfectly, it applies same in Alice situation


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1 hour ago, kireeti2 said:

I prefer that too, but right now he is only able to show natural affinity towards TY, but for DY I think he needs to train himself in order to reciprocate her feelings towards him


Yeah - I personally think that Jin Gyeom's feelings towards Tae Yi are an extension of what he feels for his mother, almost like he's trying to make up for his inability to protect or save his mother in the past. That's probably why he's able to react to Tae Yi emotionally in something close to real time - whereas his responses to Do Yeon, Go Hyung Seok, etc. are slightly delayed. At least when it comes to positive emotions (happiness, love, a desire to comfort others, etc.) - he seems to show the more negative emotions (especially fear and anger) quite easily.


So, Instagram's been a bit of a pain lately in that tag searches (which is usually how I get my JW-related updates) don't work. But in the meantime, I did find this article about Alice so far. I'm definitely glad to see that it's been doing well with viewers across multiple demographics (gender, age, etc.). :) 

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12 minutes ago, kittyna said:

especially fear and anger

Fear? I don't think he has shown any sign of fear in his expression. But I agree on "anger" he does loose his temper when something happens to people who he thinks are important to him, like fight in the elevator scene, he clearly displayed anger when he heard that he killed Do-Yeon and also when he first saw Seok O- Won, he completely lost it and pushed him against the wall and even at the church he displayed his rage, so I guess the only thing which is not delayed is his anger, he likes to show it instantly :joy:

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25 minutes ago, kireeti2 said:

Fear? I don't think he has shown any sign of fear in his expression.


Looks like we're defining "fear" differently. It's true that in the classic "fight, flight, or freeze" response, Jin Gyeom almost always chooses "fight", and he's generally unconcerned about any danger or risk to himself. However, I think there's reasonable argument that his outbursts of anger are mixed in with fear for the safety of those he cares about - especially his mom/Yoon Tae Yi. There's definitely a more desperate - almost panicked - edge to his aggression towards Yoo Min Hyuk in Episode 6 (especially the "Let her go!" scene in the lab) when compared to that towards Yang Hong Seob in Episode 2.


As for what Park Jin Gyeom looks like when he's afraid more generally, the signs would definitely be more subtle. However, I end up thinking about his reactions to his classmate's suicide - again, there's something about those moments (the twitches and what looks like the beginnings of a collapse before the camera cuts away; the way he sounds unfazed to Go Hyung Seok, but then the camera pans down to show that his foot is shaking) that, if they're not fear per se, are definitely signs of nervousness or anxiety. 


So if by "fear" we mean whether he's concerned about risky situations for himself, then no, Jin Gyeom doesn't show that much. But if we expand that definition to include the panicked worry/fear that tends to manifest itself as anger, then Jin Gyeom's been showing that a lot in Alice. ;) 


By the way, it might not just be Jin Gyeom, either: I can also point to Hwang Tae Hui and Cha Yoo Jin as examples of this behaviour among JW's characters. But in addition to that, I remember hearing somewhere that guys are generally socialized into assuming that most negative emotions (sadness, fear, worry, etc.) aren't "masculine", so those feelings all end up manifesting as anger: i.e. the one negative emotion that is allowed under patriarchal norms. Jin Gyeom just takes it a step further due to his alexithymia (where, in addition to an impaired ability to feel emotions in general, there's also the possibility of crossed wires and confusing one emotion for another).

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1 hour ago, kittyna said:

I can also point to Hwang Tae Hui and Cha Yoo Jin as examples of this behaviour among JW's characters

I agree with Tae-Hui, because there are similarities between him and JG, but Cha Yoo Jin doesn't really fit in the same list as HT and JG, like, he showed that he was genuinely afraid of letting down his father, like a real fear thing, not because of anxiety or break-down.

1 hour ago, kittyna said:

I remember hearing somewhere that guys are generally socialized into assuming that most negative emotions (sadness, fear, worry, etc.) aren't "masculine"

In a way, yes, it does has do with masculine, but that's not entirely true for not showing emotions like sadness, fear,worry or pain. It's like a traditional thing where men are supposed to look tough in every situation in order gain notion of superiority or respect among peers, as you can observe most of the guys who talk less or  stoic in nature are admired by guys in a group.

2 hours ago, kittyna said:

so those feelings all end up manifesting as anger: i.e. the one negative emotion that is allowed under patriarchal norms

Lol! That's like a standard response to every situation :joy:

2 hours ago, kittyna said:

Jin Gyeom just takes it a step further due to his alexithymia (where, in addition to an impaired ability to feel emotions in general, there's also the possibility of crossed wires and confusing one emotion for another).

Not only person with Alexithymia, even person with PTSD also experience alexithymia symptoms

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@kireeti2 - Thanks for the behind-the-scenes video! I think I want to see this sort of footage for a scene between Kwak Si Yang and JW next, because I had no idea Si Yang was so funny until now :D 


By the way, I thought it was funny - and a bit weird - how they dealt with all the bugs in the park scene. Like, first, they tried spraying bug repellent and then, when that didn't work, it looks like they used a blowtorch? It's like, "Well, that escalated quickly." :wut:



As for @mystylee33, you have the video, and I have the pics:











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16 minutes ago, kittyna said:

when that didn't work, it looks like they used a blowtorch? It's like, "Well, that escalated quickly."

That was a surprise to me as well, like, at first I thought he was using a flamethrower :joy:, later I came to know that it was bug spray combined with fire, perhaps it was a flammable spray, but it was a cool behind the scene though


23 minutes ago, kittyna said:

behind-the-scenes vide

By the way, did Kim Hee Seon called the guy in prison "Yeobo"?, Maybe I have misheard it, because it happens to me a lot, like few words in Korea sound similar to me, like in episode 6, during the confrontation between JG and MH, I thought I hear him calling MH "Abuji", but it turns out it was a different word:sweat_smile:


26 minutes ago, kittyna said:

As for @mystylee33, you have the video, and I have the pics:

At first I though Joo won was wearing flip-flops, turns out he was wearing Sneakers

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4 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

By the way, did Kim Hee Seon called the guy in prison "Yeobo"?, Maybe I have misheard it, because it happens to me a lot, like few words in Korea sound similar to me, like in episode 6, during the confrontation between JG and MH, I thought I hear him calling MH "Abuji", but it turns out it was a different word


I had to watch that snippet again, but yes, she does call him that as a joke. :) My guess is that they pretended between takes to be a couple where the husband is in jail and the wife is visiting him - I ran the captions through Google Translate and got, "The kids are big [now], yeobo." :lol:


I wonder which confrontation (since there were several) from Episode 6 you thought you heard "Abeoji," though.


5 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

but it was a cool behind the scene though


Another cool moment was seeing how they gave Lee Se Hoon (the murderer from 1992) his missing leg. It's shown in one shot from behind that he's got a prosthetic fake leg (without the foot) jutting out of his costume at the knee, while he has to hide his actual leg under the chair with a green sock covering it.


5 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

At first I though Joo won was wearing flip-flops, turns out he was wearing Sneakers


lol - And I noticed that his mask has these little straps (like those that come with some eyeglasses) dangling off of them. But...why? It's not like he's ever gonna hang that mask around his neck! :lol:

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14 hours ago, kittyna said:

I wonder which confrontation (since there were several) from Episode 6 you thought you heard "Abeoji," though.

The confrontation in the park, after beating the JG's partner to pulp, JG asks if if to stop and MH says that we will leave quietly, after that I thought JG called him "Abeoji", perhaps I misheard it :sweat_smile:


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4 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

Looks like we are up for another flashback scene and sort of looks important for the plot


Well, dang - if these two met up back in 1992, that actually changes everything I'd thought about Park Sun Young's story.



I was under the impression that she was on the run or hiding from something - presumably "Alice" - due to what she saw in the Book of Prophecy and what it implied about her and her pregnancy. But if someone from "Alice" already found her so soon....


3 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

The confrontation in the park, after beating the JG's partner to pulp, JG asks if if to stop and MH says that we will leave quietly, after that I thought JG called him "Abeoji", perhaps I misheard it


I watched it again and heard something like "eobji". Going from the subtitles, it's probably a version of "eobssi" (i.e. "without"), but I'm not all that familiar with the intricacies of Korean grammar :P 


As for the video, it's funny seeing JW doing all these intense action scenes, and then logging onto Instagram and seeing him looking so dorky in his own pics :lol:




All of these characters seem to be hiding something - but what?

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28 minutes ago, kittyna said:

for the video, it's funny seeing JW doing all these intense action scenes, and then logging onto Instagram and seeing him looking so dorky in his own pics 

That's what I like about him , he acts cool only where it is necessary like in action scenes and also, he is not afraid to show is dorky side, like he is not bothered that it might ruin his cool guy image :blush:

28 minutes ago, kittyna said:

was under the impression that she was on the run or hiding from something - presumably "Alice" - due to what she saw in the Book of Prophecy and what it implied about her and her pregnancy. But if someone from "Alice" already found her so soon....

It does makes sense, without someone helping from Alice she would have had hard time hiding from them and I guess her best friend sort of double crossed her. I think she does have her hand in the death of PSY and the way she defended Alice in all the cases shows the she will do anything to protect Alice

28 minutes ago, kittyna said:


Oh, it's eobji, thanks for clearing it up, it was sort bothering me, that, how could I have misherd a word which has very different meaning :sweat_smile:

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4 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

It does makes sense, without someone helping from Alice she would have had hard time hiding from them and I guess her best friend sort of double crossed her. I think she does have her hand in the death of PSY and the way she defended Alice in all the cases shows the she will do anything to protect Alice


I don't know the extent to which - if any - Oh Shi Young was involved in Park Sun Young's death, but I do think she knows that the story she fed to Yoo Min Hyuk (i.e. that the baby hadn't survived - presumably because of the radiation - and Sun Young/Tae Yi chose to remarry and start a new life in the past) isn't true. But why she'd lie to Min Hyuk in the first place or whether she knows the actual truth of what happened in 2010 is still hard to say. She does seem to have had her mind blown seeing Tae Yi (2020) through the drone's camera in Episode 6, but we don't yet know the exact reason behind her surprise.


4 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

That's what I like about him , he acts cool only where it is necessary like in action scenes and also, he is not afraid to show is dorky side, like he is not bothered that it might ruin his cool guy image


There is an actual science behind it - something about giving off the impression that one's more authentic - but whether it's a curated image or genuinely JW's personality, I'm willing to take it :) 

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So, with Alice taking up almost all of our fan attention these past few weeks, along with general busy-ness in real life, work on Seolleim in Salzburg has been...slow. :P However, I haven't forgotten about it - and here I am with Preview/Teaser #2:



Looking on in bemused silence, I watch as Lee Yoon Hoo, seated beside me at the table set up in the Konzerthaus’s lobby, jots down a brief encouraging message in English on the thin plastic CD case in front of him. After signing his name with a flourish – adding a tiny “God Bless You” underneath in what I’ve come to recognize as a trademark of his – he caps his marker before grinning up at the woman standing across from him.


“Tell your son,” he says, lowering his voice as much as he could to still be audible over the general hubbub of the crowded lobby, “that it’s perfectly normal to be disappointed. But who knows? Things can still turn out for the best. As long as his love for music is still there….”


I don’t get the chance to hear any more as, just then, I find myself approached in turn by some of the people from our audience tonight: a young couple who, after perusing the collection of recordings on the table that we’d had shipped over from Haneum, settle on one of RaRo’s premiere performance back in February. Nae Il takes over chatting with them as I deftly reach into the box stowed at our feet for a new copy; the two of them, as it turns out, are passionate about piano music, with hopes that their own children – should they ever have any – would show interest in learning how to play. Smiling and nodding politely, then, I sign the cover before passing the CD for Nae Il to do the same, after which point she presents it to the couple with both hands, exchanging it for the €10 we’ve agreed on as the standard charge for all our recordings.


We finish our exchange at around the same time as Yoon Hoo, whose own conversation was extended still further by a selfie with his own disc: a copy of the same Rising Star concert when he’d made his surprise encore on the cello. As, finally, the woman turns to leave, melting back into the crowd, I lean back just enough to whisper conspiratorially in his ear: “Is she a fan of yours? I believe I saw her hovering about last night, too – and the one before.”


Yoon Hoo smirks mischievously. “Her son is. He’s just finished high school and plans to go to university for cello performance in the fall.”


“I see. But then, what’s this I heard about ‘disappointment’?”


He gives me a pointed look for eavesdropping, but chooses not to comment on it. “He did manage to get into his own state university’s program…but he was aiming for Juilliard.”


“Don’t they all.”


He suppresses a laugh at my dry remark before turning to the next person who’s approached him from the crowd. However, in truth, I meant it in earnest. Audience attention after our concerts was pretty evenly split among the three of us back in Salzburg; but here in Vienna, it’s clear that Lee Yoon Hoo’s the one whose fame precedes him, not me. Several factors most likely contribute to this, but there’s no denying that his past public performance experience and time spent studying at Juilliard certainly help.


So, too, has the story of his injury, now that it has finally been made public. That, I suppose, is why the mother he was speaking to had approached him in the first place: Yoon Hoo’s own perseverance after such a massive setback serving as a potential source of inspiration for her son.


As for Nae Il, after playing two concertos on consecutive nights, she’s already begun to grow her own following, with quite a number of people from the audience coming up to speak with her directly. Seeing her chattering excitedly, eyes sparkling, with all the people complimenting her on her playing makes pride swell up in my chest, even if there’s little I could contribute beyond fetching CDs and markers for her.


Several minutes of this pattern later, I catch Yoon Hoo peering at me out of the corner of his eye. “Wae?”


“I know what you’re thinking right now, Cha Yoo Jin,” he confides softly to me. “Gwenchana – once we get to Berlin, the tables will probably turn once again.”


I blink at him in surprise. “What do you mean?”


“Two words: Sebastian Viera.” His smile broadens into a full grin. “I might have my fair share of admirers, but I doubt I have anyone quite so illustrious as that.”


We exchange knowing smiles and nods, which then prompts Nae Il, not even skipping a beat as she signs yet another CD, to ask us what we’re whispering on about. Once I fill her in, even she has to fight to suppress a giggle.


“Yoon Hoo-sunbae’s right, Orabang,” she says, punctuating her statement with a wink. “You’ll get your chance when the time comes.”


I give her a soft pat on the back in thanks, but don’t say anything as, once again, we each find ourselves occupied with meeting and greeting the audience members who approach our table. There are more of them compared to before, many presumably holding off until they have attended all three concerts before offering their congratulations. Several unfamiliar faces also flicker in and out of the crowd: people who have just come out from other performances in other auditorium. Some slow their steps to peer curiously at us; I acknowledge their curiosity whenever I can with a polite smile and nod, which most return before walking away without another word.


And then, in the midst of all these strangers, a face that’s all too familiar.




But, since Alice is still the big-ticket thing right now, here are some new stills. :) 

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Group photo of Team Alice (not everyone, but the ones we care the most) and Kim Hee Seon looks same age as Joo won and Lee Da In :wut:

And I might add, Joo won and Lee Da In look adorable, I wish Alice drama wins best couple award for this couple. :love:

5 hours ago, kittyna said:

And then, in the midst of all these strangers, a face that’s all too familiar.



I must admit, the ending made it look like horror drama, I sort of predicted it that his father is going to show up as you were stressing about the "unfamiliar faces of the crowd" , but it was still scary to read that his father showed up unexpectedly

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8 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

Group photo of Team Alice (not everyone, but the ones we care the most) and Kim Hee Seon looks same age as Joo won and Lee Da In


Aw...that's cute! 


8 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

I must admit, the ending made it look like horror drama, I sort of predicted it that his father is going to show up as you were stressing about the "unfamiliar faces of the crowd" , but it was still scary to read that his father showed up unexpectedly


lol - Well, then, you'll have to wait for the finished fic to see if this is a good thing or a bad thing ;) 


But this one of those constants from the original drama that I've kept in Seolleim in Salzburg: Cha Dong Woo pretty much operates on his own schedule, and the other characters (Yoo Jin included) are never quite sure what it looks like. You can't ask him to come (Yoo Jin's tried numerous times in the past and failed), but you also can't ask him not to come, either. :P So he's just always going to keep Yoo Jin on his toes for, like, forever.


2 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

Lol! Joo won's Crocs are like something a six year old will choose to wear them , it's cute though with all the mainstream cartoon characters


I had to look through some other Instagram posts to figure out which ones were his. With your mention of "mainstream cartoon characters", I thought you meant the black ones, and I was even thinking, "Oh, cool - he's a Marvel fan." But it turns out he's actually wearing the blue ones, and...LOL! 


M&Ms, Pengsoo, and Stitch - I wonder what we're supposed to make of that! :loolz:


2 hours ago, kireeti2 said:


If I recall correctly, he does have a second phone - a Samsung, though I don't know the model. But I wouldn't be surprised if most celebrities have multiple devices, multiple social media accounts, etc.: one for public/business use, and one for private "friends and family only" use.


As for how often he changes phones, I just remember JW talking about it once on Joo Won's Life Log, where he said that he liked having the new models, but found that it was so much work to transfer all the data and files from the old phone to the new one that he's since slowed down the rate at which he switches. Which is, again, understandable.


Like father, like son - One of the fun things about Alice is that Kwak Si Yang is the first actor playing JW's dad to actually be about the same age as him. So we have two guys in their early 30s who actually do similar things online all the time, and that's a first :) 


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