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Joo Won 주원 [Drama- The Midnight Studio/ 야한(夜限) 사진관]


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22 minutes ago, kittyna said:

Tae Sik's being picked on by someone (because I honestly think he's the sort who'd end up a magnet for bullies

Hey! He is my one of my favourite character, don't make him a school clown. But, I think you do have a point, since his behaviour is like that , he might end up getting bullied


24 minutes ago, kittyna said:

but I saw references to mass layoffs, the working poor becoming even poorer, etc. in the things I read, so I just went with it.

Working class has always been poor , they were unaffected by the new found economic prosperity nor lost anything due to crash of the economy. It was mostly small enterprise , who have lost everything by leveraging too from they assets and invested lot on export intensive goods. Middle class mostly bore the brunt of the Asian crisis, and yeah working class had also taken a hit, but they conditions didn't improve much befor the crisis also, therefor they might have felt like it was just another day in life.


29 minutes ago, kittyna said:

Again: give me some time to think/brainstorm, but I'll get back to you on these.

Lol, take your time. I hope, I had went easy on you this time :sweats:. Not too much work, right ?

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5 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

Hey! He is my one of my favourite character, don't make him a school clown. But, I think you do have a point, since his behaviour is like that , he might end up getting bullied


Don't worry - I think Tae Sik's a sweetheart. I'm just saying that kids are vicious and he has so many things that they'd probably end up making fun of.


Also...looks like Alice might have some serious competitionSecret Forest 2 is also premiering at the same time, and both have these cool/aloof male protagonists. Mind you, Secret Forest 2 is a cable show, so that might swing things in SBS's favour - however, given the massive success of cable dramas recently, I think it'll still be close ratings-wise.

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1 hour ago, kittyna said:

Also...looks like Alice might have some serious competitionSecret Forest 2 is also premiering at the same time, and both have these cool/aloof male protagonists. Mind you, Secret Forest 2 is a cable show, so that might swing things in SBS's favour - however, given the massive success of cable dramas recently, I think it'll still be close ratings-wise.

Yeah- I did saw the season 1 of "Stranger" drama and it was good. But it did has elements of dragging too much, like in season 1 they didn't required last 3 episodes, they could have wrapped it up with 12 episodes. And there is not much story to go around for season 2, since only story left is background of male lead and his mental health issue.

It can achieve high ratings if they make it as a mini-series, but if they try to bank on season 1 success and end up dragging the plot will ruin the series. And Korean drama sequels traditional doesn't fair well. So Alice might not face serious competition, but if it fails to attract audience, it will be because of its own poor performance not because of "Stranger 2" :sweat_smile:

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Just now completed watching Joo won's V Live video. My impressions were as follows

  • Joo won has not changed much, like his choosing of outfit is still simple and sort of stands out from so called celebrity standards(like he wore wrinkled shirt, I don't know if there's some sort of fashion going around to wear shirt with wrinkles, but I am okay as long as he is comfortable with the outfit):blush:
  • Joo won still follows not giving ready-made answers to fans' questions. We can observe in video that he pondered a lot before responding to few select questions
  • I really don't understand Korea, but I think he has become good a cracking jokes, like now he is sort of comfortable to blurting out without thinking much, early he seemed to be too reserved, guess Army life did had some affect in his change in behavior
  • Overall, the interview was short and sweet, I got to laugh whenever joo won laughed even without understanding the context,  his smile is sure contagious. :cutekitty:
  • And also the fans were from Europe(mostly from Spain, Norway and France), North America, South East Asia(majority were from this regions), Turkey, South America(mostly from Peru, Brazil, Argentina) and East Asia
  • And coming to the Drama, there was nothing much to add , he did talk about his character, but I guess he didn't reveal much. And just revealed that it will be airing  on SBS , on 28th August, 2020.
  • And the recorded video is available on joo won's V Live page
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6 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

He might introduce few cast members from "Alice Drama". Or maybe, Kim Hee seo  is going join Joo won:love:

Thank goodness, he is not doing it on Tik-Tok, since it is banned in country, I really wouldn't want to miss his live show:sweat_smile:


And because of time zone differences, I've probably already missed it :lol: But that's okay - because I get to handle the aftermath: screenshot pics!


By the way, that one shot in the set where he looks like he's trying to wink...I usually see the resemblance without fulling "getting" it, but I do get some actual Kang Dong Won vibes there. ;) 


And someone did a collage as well, because why not?


[EDIT] And...I didn't realize we were on a new page, so I missed @kireeti2's comments until now. Oh, well - thanks for your take on the video! 


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Okay - here's my Round Two for the Musical-Drama Character Challenge


Again, same caveats as before:

  1. Don't take this too seriously - there's no way I could find perfect matches (because well-written characters will always be distinct), so for each one, I'm focusing on some specific aspect of the character's personality or story.
  2. My definition of "musicals" is pretty broad: classic Broadway stage shows, film musicals (including most - but not all - of the Disney canon), etc. Basically: any film or show that's not opera but is still presented predominantly through the use of songs is fair game.

(Posted in "Hidden Contents" because of embedded videos)



1. Gu Ma Jun (From King of Baking, Kim Tak Gu)


Song: "Stranger Than You Dreamt It" from The Phantom of the Opera



Go big or go home, right? ;) The Phantom is one of my favourite antihero/sympathetic villain (depending on who you ask) characters out there, and there are no shortage of songs from the show that can reflect Gu Ma Jun's struggle between wanting to be loved and fearing that he'd be rejected once the truth about his background is found out. So we see the same short temper, the same willingness to use unscrupulous means (in another number from this musical, the Phantom justifies his actions by saying, "The world showed no compassion to me!"), and yet that same hope (as shown in this piece) that someone could look underneath his volatile exterior and truly love him unconditionally.


2. Hwang Tae Sik (From Ojakgyo Brothers)


Song: "Wait for It" from Hamilton



We know that Tae Sik is a generally passive and cautious person: he's not the type to put himself out there like Tae Beom or Tae Pil, nor is he as fiercely independent as Tae Hui. However, what if he was the hero of his own story? How would he explain himself? I think this song does a good job showing that: Burr compares himself to the more extroverted and outspoken Hamilton, but he decides to continue on the same cautious path that has helped him live a comfortable (if not particularly noteworthy) life. At least for now :P 


3. Oh Mok Dan (From Gaksital - at least, I presume this is who you mean, since you used the actress's name)


Song: "In My Dreams" from Anastasia




I knew pretty quickly that Anya (the female lead in this musical) was the character whose songs I wanted to use: she's a spunky and courageous girl who's relied on her wits to survive in a harsh world, and she's also experienced extremely traumatic events in her childhood. I see elements of that in Oh Mok Dan's character, even though she doesn't have the same trauma-induced amnesia that Anya does, she is also someone who forges ahead by remembering a person from her past who cares for her and drawing inspiration from a shared promise they'd made to survive.


By the way, it was a serious toss-up between the song featured here and this one (which better brings out the sense of warmth and love from Anya's patchy childhood memories). So take it as a bonus :)


4. Kim Seo Won (From Level 7 Civil Servant)


Song: "Me and the Sky" from Come From Away (Note: this musical is set in the immediate aftermath of 9/11, so the song does mention it. So if that's triggering, please ground yourself first)



Oh. My. God. Kim Seo Won was honestly the hardest character for me to do this for, in both rounds. She's a down-to-earth and hardworking girl, but she's also someone who's tough and doesn't take crap from anyone (especially Han Gil Ro). Yet, on top of that, she's also a caring bleeding heart who, for the sake of her mission, has to consistently lie to and hurt her boyfriend. That's...a lot to encompass all at once. I knew what I already had didn't work, so I started searching around: most of the songs I found could cover one aspect of her character, but would also not-quite-fit elsewhere.


So, you know what? Screw the overthinking: I'm circling all the way back to the first song that I found in my searches. Come From Away is a musical with an ensemble-style cast, so rather than very clear-cut leads, everyone gets their spiel in. And this song, about a female pilot who's climbed her way up the ranks against the misogyny in her profession, does remind me somewhat of Kim Seo Won's spunk. However, the thing that really clinched this for me is the ending: the way that the pilot (like Seo Won) has to wrestle with the fact that there is a far greater darkness in her industry than sexism.


5. Cha Yoon Seo (From Good Doctor)


Song: "God Help the Outcasts" from The Hunchback of Notre Dame



I know that Cha Yoon Seo's not religious, but I do see some things in common between her and Esmeralda. Both of them are strong-willed and opinionated young women who are not afraid of getting up in people's faces to fight for the weak, vulnerable, and marginalized. And while Yoon Seo herself doesn't believe in God, Park Si On does, as do many of her patients. So I think this song's blend between personal skepticism ("I don't know if you can hear me, or if you're even there"), independence ("I ask for nothing; I can get by") and an earnest wish that things could go well for those she loves and cars for is perfect.


By the way, if you want to know the flip side, as it were, and see how Park Si On might view Cha Yoon Seo, here you go.


6. Professor Ahn Gu Sung (From Nae Il's Cantabile)


Song: "Trip a Little Light Fantastic" from Mary Poppins Returns (the film sequel to Mary Poppins, but also a film musical in its own right)



I know you thought this would be a tough one for me, but actually, as soon as you mentioned Professor Ahn, I thought of this. I think the song matches his cheerful, optimistic nature, and how he focuses on bringing that out of his students. He's not about competition or climbing up the ladder; his vibe is about finding joy in what you do and looking for the good in everything and everyone. And it's catching: he even brings Cha Yoo Jin (I repeat: Cha. Yoo. Jin.) around to his side with that first duet assignment - just like we see the more prim and proper Mary Poppins loosening up here (albeit still with her own dry sense of humour).


7. Han Yeo Jin (From Yong Pal)


Song: "Monster" from Frozen



I actually have something else already linked with Yeo Jin in my head to begin with ("No Good Deed" from Wicked) but for the sake of this challenge, I'm choosing this song over it. Both songs are about strong women who find themselves turning darker after being pushed into a corner. So how does this one win? Because although both songs show the same emotional process, I think this does a slightly better job showing the inner heart and struggle that Yeo Jin deals with. She's up on that 13th floor and she has no choice but to continue to fight against all those around her who want to take her down - but she's deeply aware that she's losing herself and becoming a "monster" in the process. 


8. Princess Hye Myung (From My Sassy Girl)


Song: "Defying Gravity" from Wicked




I hadn't planned this one in advance, but once you mentioned Hye Myung, I immediately thought of this song. I think this really matches Hye Myung's headstrong nature, but it also shows the contrast between who she is as a person and what others think of her. You can hear the ensemble hounding Elphaba (the character singing here) and saying she's "wicked": just like Hye Myung, public opinion turns against her not so much because she is a bad person but because she's offended some powerful and very manipulative people who decide to brand her the villain (or, in Hye Myung's case, unworthy of being a princess) in order to protect themselves. But, well, Hye Myung's not going to let public censure stop her from forging her own path anyway.


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1 hour ago, kittyna said:

Park Si On does, as do many of her patients

I don't know about others, but Si-on never mentioned that he believes in God. Of course he said there was heaven or heaven door for loved ones. But I think it's more like remembering the loved ones in memories, like thinking the good moments one had with the person who passed away, as Doctor choi mentioned in the series that he locked himself in the memories with the time he spent with his Older brother. 

3 hours ago, kittyna said:

And because of time zone differences, I've probably already missed it :lol: But that's okay - because I get to handle the aftermath: screenshot pics!

You can watch the recorded video on his V Live page, it's already uploaded. https://www.vlive.tv/video/203872


2 hours ago, kittyna said:

Again, same caveats as before:

  1. Don't take this too seriously - there's no way I could find perfect matches (because well-written characters will always be distinct), so for each one, I'm focusing on some specific aspect of the character's personality or story.
  2. My definition of "musicals" is pretty broad: classic Broadway stage shows, film musicals (including most - but not all - of the Disney canon), etc. Basically: any film or show that's not opera but is still presented predominantly through the use of songs is fair game.

Thanks for the heads-up, I did find that the character and the musical videos were sort out-of syn, especially: Oh Mak Dan and Tae Sik. Rest of the characters has perfect match :blush:

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8 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

Joo won has not changed much, like his choosing of outfit is still simple and sort of stands out from so called celebrity standards(like he wore wrinkled shirt, I don't know if there's some sort of fashion going around to wear shirt with wrinkles, but I am okay as long as he is comfortable with the outfit)


From the pictures, I feel like he was going for the casual "boy next door" sort of vibe - which suits him, I think :) 


56 minutes ago, kireeti2 said:

Thanks for the heads-up, I did find that the character and the musical videos were sort out-of syn, especially: Oh Mak Dan and Tae Sik. Rest of the characters has perfect match


lol - I'm not gonna lie, this second round was tough and I'm far happier with the second half (i.e. from Cha Yoon Seo downwards) than the first, with Han Yeo Jin and Hye Myung's choices being the ones I'm proudest of. But no need to apologize; the whole thing about this being a "challenge" is that, well, it's not meant to be easy. 


I did sense from both lists that you have a certain "type" that you like re: female characters in particular. And maybe it's just the shows that I have listened to or watched, but there weren't all that many good matches. Like, a lot of the tougher or stronger female characters that I've seen in musicals are also really ambitious (with dreams of wealth, power, or fame), a bit sexualized, or a bit dark - so the "independent and strong but still ultimately innocent" sort of girl (like Oh Mok Dan or Kim Seo Won) was really hard for me this time around. :P Not that those girls don't exist in musical theatre - just that the ones I happen to know (and that's not that many, in the grand scheme of things), they're harder to come by.


I can point out, though, that for both Oh Mok Dan, I did have a backup that I didn't use this time around but that could possibly work, depending on your interpretations of the character. So let's just throw it all out there and see what happens :) 


56 minutes ago, kireeti2 said:

I don't know about others, but Si-on never mentioned that he believes in God. Of course he said there was heaven or heaven door for loved ones. But I think it's more like remembering the loved ones in memories, like thinking the good moments one had with the person who passed away, as Doctor choi mentioned in the series that he locked himself in the memories with the time he spent with his Older brother. 


Park Si On never explicitly mentioned a religious belief, but I think what he says about heaven and how it works has strong Judeo-Christian influences, so that's the interpretation I went with while watching the drama.

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15 minutes ago, kittyna said:

I did sense from both lists that you have a certain "type" that you like re: female characters in particular

Now that you mention it, I did choose 5 female lead characters out 8 characters I needed  to choose. And all these 5 characters were different from each other, but they do have common features like strong will, tough and stubborn in nature.


24 minutes ago, kittyna said:

with Han Yeo Jin and Hye Myung's choices being the ones I'm proudest of

Yeah- I think these two have perfect match and even the song titles match their character. And I might add you did good job with Kim Seo Won also, it is perfect match.

25 minutes ago, kittyna said:

But no need to apologize; the whole thing about this being a "challenge" is that, well, it's not meant to be easy. 

Lol!:tounge_xd: I wasn't going apologize, I was going to say that you could have done a better job :evillaugh:

3 hours ago, kittyna said:

this musical is set in the immediate aftermath of 9/11, so the song does mention it. So if that's triggering, please ground yourself first

You know what, I could have missed it, if you hadn't had mentioned it specifically:drinksboba:. And  this was not something which could trigger me, I mean just mentioning the fact that 9/11 doesn't trigger me, the justification does. Like "They had their reasons, If American hadn't done what they had done in other countries this wouldn't had happened, 9/11 was a inside job, Conspiracy theories around incidence like this" stuff like that :drinksboba:

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6 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

And I might add you did good job with Kim Seo Won also, it is perfect match.


Well, I'm glad you liked that one, because by doing it this way, I actually got around to something that I - as a Canadian - have been putting off for far too long :P See, Come From Away is a Canadian production and it's been super popular so far...and I've somehow never gotten around to actually listening to it. Well, I have now, so that's a plus :) 


6 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

And  this was not something which could trigger me, I mean just mentioning the fact that 9/11 doesn't trigger me, the justification does. Like "They had their reasons, If American hadn't done what they had done in other countries this wouldn't had happened, 9/11 was a inside job, Conspiracy theories around incidence like this" stuff like that


Well, by "triggering", I meant, like, the actual mental health/psychology definition of the term, not the "this offends me - cancel it!" way that it's used now by netizens. You know, considering that the song mentions planes being used in an act of terrorism...yeah, if anyone has anxiety or PTSD from 9/11 or something like that, better to be cautious, you know.


Quick throwback to JW meeting Kim Hee Sun back in 2015 - I've seen the first posed shot before, but not the second one (when JW's walking into to greet her).




I think, finally, I have it: a good musical theatre match for Oh Mok Dan.


"Watch What Happens" from Newsies


Okay, this girl's just a *tad* girlier than Mok Dan is, but that same brave, flying-by-the-seat-of-her-pants spunk and simultaneous excitement and determination to help fight for the underdog is there - not to mention that she's part of an act of resistance (a newspaper boys' strike) against the powers that be, and also happens to have a crush on the "face of the [movement]". Yeah - you seeing what I'm seeing? Yes? No?


Well, take it or leave it, now I'm finally satisfied with my response to her prompt in particular :coolshades:

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5 hours ago, kittyna said:


Quick throwback to JW meeting Kim Hee Sun back in 2015 - I've seen the first posed shot before, but not the second one (when JW's walking into to greet her).

Here's the full context of their meeting. Asian influence awards

5 hours ago, kittyna said:

I think, finally, I have it: a good musical theatre match for Oh Mok Dan.


"Watch What Happens" from Newsies


Okay, this girl's just a *tad* girlier than Mok Dan is, but that same brave, flying-by-the-seat-of-her-pants spunk and simultaneous excitement and determination to help fight for the underdog is there - not to mention that she's part of an act of resistance (a newspaper boys' strike) against the powers that be, and also happens to have a crush on the "face of the [movement]". Yeah - you seeing what I'm seeing? Yes? No?

Well, I don't know about that. But song is too catchy and I cannot stop playing it and get it out of my head, like it's playing in my head but the lyrics all are wrong. And also the girl in video from that side view looks exactly like Ji Se-yeon and like she looks exactly like the girl in the video when she smiles. I guess you did find the perfect match, since in the video it mostly about speaking to power and movement against status quo. :blush::approves:


5 hours ago, kittyna said:

Well, take it or leave it, now I'm finally satisfied with my response to her prompt in particular 

I will take it:yaaa:

Behind the scenes from Alice

5 hours ago, kittyna said:

Well, by "triggering", I meant, like, the actual mental health/psychology definition of the term, not the "this offends me - cancel it!" way that it's used now by netizens

Lol! Spending too much time in toxic pages made me to forget the actual meaning of "triggering" :sweats:

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Joo won slacking off instead of doing his workout at the Gym

It is good thing he is still in touch with Lee Si-Young even though she left the agency in May,2020, which means he is able to have friends despite of not being in same agency or going beyond drama activities relationship. These kind of relationships are vital for mental health of celebrities, since they often experience more loneliness than average person despite being famous. Oh, the Irony of the life 

I might add they both look like typical high school students  of 2020 playing with their phones in PT period instead of playing or doing drill :loolz:. It's good to see that joo won finally started to defy authority and be a rebel :loolz:

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9 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

Lol! Spending too much time in toxic pages made me to forget the actual meaning of "triggering"


I see - well, being a writer who wants to be able to safely delve into darker topics (including having mental health be a significant theme in Seolleim in Salzburg), I tend to forget about the new online usage of the term. So put the two of us together, and we'll actually have a complete definition :P 


2 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

It is good thing he is still in touch with Lee Si-Young even though she left the agency in May,2020, which means he is able to have friends despite of not being in same agency or going beyond drama activities relationship. These kind of relationships are vital for mental health of celebrities, since they often experience more loneliness than average person despite being famous. Oh, the Irony of the life 

I might add they both look like typical high school students  of 2020 playing with their phones in PT period instead of playing or doing drill 


lol - What's even funnier is that Lee Si Young is doing the same :P 

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24 minutes ago, kittyna said:

lol - What's even funnier is that Lee Si Young is doing the same :P 

Yeah-  I think joo won copied her, like they were instructed  to do squats or some warm-up exercise and she thought to slack off sometime and joo won copied her, I think that's why she looked back and burst into laughter and was also surprised :joy: I might add they looked more like siblings than students, like joo won is the younger one under the bad influence of elder sibling(I am sure you can relate to it @kittyna :kitty:)

24 minutes ago, kittyna said:

I tend to forget about the new online usage of the term. So put the two of us together, and we'll actually have a complete definition :P 

It's mostly because of the meme culture, earlier I knew the meaning of "Trigger", but in the memes it showed as someone who gets angry towards opposite view or opinion and I was sort of  influenced by it and actually forgot meanings of few words, not just "Trigger"

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6 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

Yeah-  I think joo won copied her, like they were instructed  to do squats or some warm-up exercise and she thought to slack off sometime and joo won copied her, I think that's why she looked back and burst into laughter and was also surprised :joy: I might add they looked more like siblings than students, like joo won is the younger one under the bad influence of elder sibling(I am sure you can relate to it @kittyna


Well, I was generally the well-behaved sort of maknae growing up ;) But I still think it's cute seeing both JW and Lee Si Young like this; they do end up looking like a pair of little kids.


And although JW's not in these pics, here are some more behind the scenes shots from Alice.






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Okay, @kireeti2, if you want to take this as payback, you're welcome to. However, my intentions in actually doing this are pure: I just want to get a better look at your takes on the drama characters, as well as giving you a glimpse of what it's been like to do these two Musical-Drama Character Challenges so far.


(You know, since you ask if it's a lot of work - it's not, but it takes thought and a good deal of imagination, as you'll see.)


Now, I don't know how much you know about musical theatre, but I do get a sense that you have a really strong sense of what the characters in JW's dramas are like. Maybe even more than me - at least your memory of stories like Gaksital and Level 7 Civil Servant are a lot fresher than mine. ;) So instead of listing characters and asking you to find songs for them, I'm doing it the other way around: Which characters do these eight songs make you think of - and why?


Some hints/tips to get you started:

  1. Don't try to go for a 100% match - that's impossible with character songs. Instead, just think in general: whose personality or story do you think of when you listen to this?
  2. When I do this, the lyrics matter more than the character's appearance, voice, gender, etc. So if, say, you hear a female voice but the words remind you of a male character (or vice-versa), go for it. Why not? This is just for fun ;) 
  3. Characters can be main, supporting, whatever - as long as the link makes sense to you and you can describe who you're referring to, go for it.
  4. This is a blank slate - in cases where shows/musical characters repeat from my posts, don't feel like they have to be the same for your answers now.

(Again: using "Hidden Contents" because of embedded videos.)



1. "My Petersburg" from Anastasia


Show character: Dmitry



2. "I Want the Good Times Back" from The Little Mermaid (Lyrics here)


Show character: Ursula



3. "Til I Hear You Sing" from Love Never Dies


Show character: Erik/The Phantom



4. "Burn" from Hamilton


Show character: Eliza (Note on context: the "you" refers to her husband)



5. "Buenos Aires" from Evita (Lyrics here)


Show character: Eva (aka Evita)



6. "Hellfire" from The Hunchback of Notre Dame (Lyrics here)


Show character: Frollo



7. "If You Want to Die in Bed" from Miss Saigon (Note: there is some profanity here, so listen with caution)


Show character: The Engineer (Note on the context: he's a con artist)



8. "Dangerous to Dream" from Frozen


Show character: Elsa




No deadline for this - just link back to this post whenever you're ready :) 




Also, speaking of musicals...apparently, JW is doing Ghost again! Not sure if he's coming back as the same character as before, but it's still awesome and I'm still happy for him. We know how much he loves being on stage, so I was just thinking earlier today that he should make a comeback there as well. 

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9 hours ago, kittyna said:

Well, I was generally the well-behaved sort of maknae growing up ;) 

Well, that totally defeats the purpose of being youngest one in the family:P, since usually younger ones are always expected to do all sort of mischievous things:P. I think you are an exception :wink:

2 hours ago, kittyna said:

Okay, @kireeti2, if you want to take this as payback

Lol, maybe you could have used "Return the Favor" instead of "payback". First I read the post in my email inbox, because I usually get notification on it whenever there is a new post in forum. When saw the payback word, I was like "did I do anything wrong or said?" :spitswater:I must say, it did sound in an aggressive tone, like I made you work a lot by choosing too diverse drama characters to match them with musical characters:sweats: But I am glad I did, it sort of expanded my musical drama sense and sort of made like the them, earlier I use to  feel bored while listening to musical, now I kind of enjoy them:hypehype:

2 hours ago, kittyna said:

1. "My Petersburg" from Anastasia

"Man Sik" from Yong Pal suits for this song. Since he is also a sort conman and street smart person. Like I have checked the story of this musical and found that it was about the princess of last Russian dynasty who were  killed by Communist regime. But there was story where she escaped it and met two guys who were conman and tried to use her to make money. So, it was like the similar story with "Kim tae-Hyun and Man sik" at least that's what I think

2 hours ago, kittyna said:

2. "I Want the Good Times Back" from The Little Mermaid

"Seo-In-Suk" Ku Ma Jun's mother. Since she is also in similar situation like Ursula, like not totally but like sharing property and she is also wary of a girl.

2 hours ago, kittyna said:

3. "Til I Hear You Sing" from Love Never Dies

"Park Jin-Gyeon" from Alice. I know it's too early to decide about the character and we totally don't know about the story. But this is the character which strikes me when I listened to this song. Like it does feels like he was not able to get over his mom's death and sort of waiting for her unconsciously even though he knows that she is dead

2 hours ago, kittyna said:

4. "Burn" from Hamilton

Chae Hong-Joo  from "Bridal Mask". Since she was cheated in similar way by Lee Kang-To, first I thought it will be good match with the second song of your list, but I changed after listing to this song.

3 hours ago, kittyna said:

5. "Buenos Aires" from Evita

Lee Chae-Young from Yong Pal. Nothing much to add, the song sort of represents her character

3 hours ago, kittyna said:

6. "Hellfire" from The Hunchback of Notre Dame

Ku Ma Jun, from Baking King: Kim Ta Ku. At this point, I am not able to give an explanation, but I am just going with my gut feeling :crazily:

3 hours ago, kittyna said:

7. "If You Want to Die in Bed" from Miss Saigon

Han Gil Ro, I think the energy of the song is in-tune with his character and also it sort of felt like rebellious in nature

3 hours ago, kittyna said:

8. "Dangerous to Dream" from Frozen

Han Yeo-Jin.

And I am done :rip:

It almost felt like you took revenge on me for making you choose musical characters for diverse characters. But I must I admit, your work is no joke. I am not able to do this simple task without a meltdown and you were able to find the musical for drama characters with exact match. Jesus! Creative work is no joke, from now on I will try to appreciate your work and do less nitpicking ^_^

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6 hours ago, kittyna said:

Also, speaking of musicals...apparently, JW is doing Ghost again! Not sure if he's coming back as the same character as before, but it's still awesome and I'm still happy for him. We know how much he loves being on stage, so I was just thinking earlier today that he should make a comeback there as well. 

Yep- I heard it too and dates are also confirmed and also they are continuing with the same cast members

Here is the poster for "Ghost Musical"

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