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Joo Won 주원 [Drama- The Midnight Studio/ 야한(夜限) 사진관]


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Now pics!!!


Because he has great features. 


Never seen this one before. Its so playful. I like it.


Joo won's sexy stare. I want him to appear on my tv again. I want to see this stare again.



The comments is awesome. People is leaving comments about what kind of roles they want joo won to pick. You can click it for more.



Do you remember this scene? Its so funny. Looking at joowon trying to fool his hyung by acting like pulling a heavy bag.



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3 hours ago, moonstrike said:

I don't following other celebrities but i know that he is doing his best and really hardworking in there. News and all his troops comments is some proove of that. And I'm waiting for more good news from him.


It's weird, though, isn't it - I don't actively follow other celebrities' updates (although I do make a mental note when I see anyone's name in the headlines), but JW's one of the few for whom I actually find myself wondering about or wanting to hear stuff about.


Which probably means we've all been there before:



3 hours ago, moonstrike said:

This is natural without filter at all. Joo won is indeed a very cute beany bunny. He has cute cheeks everytime he smile, eye smile, those deep dimples, and also rabbit teeth.


Speaking of JW and bunnies, check these out!





About the top photo in this next one: I think they should have used a picture from 1N2D instead - you know, one of those where he uses a hyung as a pillow :tongue: 














By the way, I remember there was once an Instagram post from one of JW's fans (I don't remember who exactly, though) where there were a bunch of different celebrities' smiles and people were asked to pick out JW's from the bunch. Again, I lost track of where I saw it so I can't post it here, but a number of people succeeded because, "JW's smile is like a rabbit" or something like that. :tongue: 


3 hours ago, moonstrike said:

The comments is so true. Our cute shy guy is becoming a tough manly man now.


3 hours ago, moonstrike said:
  • pooipek That time he's still bit shy and gentle @zu.won_moon.jun.won never expect he'll become assistant trainer. Can see from his real army picture, now he's so man and cool. You did well. ❤you, proud of you and fighting
  • yunie_ok I know he will do his best in the army. But I also never expect that he will become the best recruit, first rank! Be an assistant instructure, front line soldier, and I also heard that he also the squad leader (the troops leader, 분대장) in his camp. He already has many achievement just in some months in the army.
  • yunie_ok This is some proove that he is indeed doing his really best in the camp. So proud of him.


Same. It's weird, because I'm so used to thinking of JW as the Assistant Instructor now that it feels strange to remember that just a few months ago, when he'd started, that it would never have crossed my mind. lol - I think we were all so used to his innocent maknae image that his results in the army really caught us off guard :D 


But I'm glad he did surprise us, though - because I'm one of those who's definitely looking forward to the older, wiser and more mature JW that I think we'll see by the end :) 


2 hours ago, moonstrike said:

The comments is awesome. People is leaving comments about what kind of roles they want joo won to pick. You can click it for more.


Those comments are really interesting, even if combining them all together just ends up with a result of, "Anything goes, so long as JW's doing it!" :tongue: 


The "investigative reporter" one is one I hadn't heard before (most of the others I have come across as suggestions on this forum), but that's a really interesting idea. Maybe some spy-type action like in "Gaksital" or "Yong Pal", but now he's taking on some, like, big corruption in a chaebol company or the government - more brain than brawn, but just enough cool action to balance it all out, perhaps? :wub:


I've already shared a lot with those bunny meme pictures, so I'll save the rest for later, along with a little announcement (not fic-related, but me-as-a-JW-fan related :wink:)

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So what was the announcement I was talking about earlier today?


Nothing much, actually, just...I've finally started watching Yong Pal!


I'm not going to, say, give my thoughts on each episode (since I'm watching in Cantonese dub with my mom, I'll be doing one episode a day), because I'll likely be talking either to people who have already seen it and know what's up, or haven't and don't want spoilers. :tongue: 


So, here are some thoughts after watching the first episode that I think I can share...


I think I cracked up at places that weren't necessarily meant to be funny, but where, because it's JW, it wound up looking funny anyway. The biggest thing would be just my imagining his cringe reaction to some of the cheesier lines from the first episode (like the way Kim Tae Hyun uses scripture to get donations from a patient's relatives - given that JW is a Christian in real life, I think he would have cringed so hard afterwards :tongue:).


(By the way, I am getting the sense that Kim Tae Hyun isn't actually as much of a money-grubber as he's acting. There's this sarcastic edge to all the sucking up he does, almost like he's doing it because he has to for his sister's sake, but he's actually hating the people and system that have made it possible. Like...there's this thought of, "Oh, no...not another one of those!" anytime someone does end up giving him money or he's sucking up to the new residents who have chaebol connections. Don't correct me on that if I'm wrong - I'll find out sooner or later anyway. Just my first impression of the character so far.)


I loved seeing JW play the older brother for once - can you believe I haven't actually watched him do that yet? I know "Yong Pal" is not the first or only time he does that; it's just that I've only ever watched him as the maknae or as an only child. So seeing him being such a caring oppa was just so adorable - even if the actual story is sad, JW as Kim Tae Hyun was so sweet in those scenes :wub:


And after all of that, here are some more pics! Not necessarily "Yong Pal"-related, though - I'm just going for the usual miscellany.



"Good Doctor" Chibis





This collage of behind-the-scenes shots from "Nae Il's Cantabile" includes a few I haven't seen before



JW's chubby, squishable cheeks - bonus in that this one's a video



Boyscout JW from 1N2D



Cute mask pic



Remember that time I shared a really cute picture of JW with a kid at Incheon Airport? Well, apparently, it was just one shot out at least two :wink: 




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Looks like today's a quiet one again, so here are my pics for now!



Cute JW fanart - You should be able to make out a number of his drama characters here.




JW from his appearance on "Witch Hunt" while promoting "Fashion King"



A couple of character-based collages I've found - there are more where these came from, but I'll start here for now.


1. Hwang Tae Hee from "Ojakgyo Brothers"



2. Gu Ma Jun from "King of Baking, Kim Tak Gu"



3. Cha Yoo Jin from "Nae Il's Cantabile"



4. Kim Tae Hyun from "Yong Pal"



5. Qu Wei Ran from "Sweet Sixteen"



I love it when JW smiles like this - it's not the bunny smile, but it's so sweet



But, of course, the bunny smile is also adorable






Finally...I wasn't originally planning on doing this, since the actual story will be on the shorter side anyway, but here's a quick snippet from the "Good Doctor" White Day fic I'm working on!


So, you can call this Preview #1 if you want - but I'm not planning on doing any more previews, since the actual due date (March 14) is just a few days away anyway.



A sudden pressure. A hand pushing down on my shoulder.


“Long day, Si On-ah?”


I recognize Han Seonsaengnim’s voice. I open my eyes and sit back up.


I shake my head. “Animida.”


“Then what’s wrong?”


I wonder if I should tell Han Seonsaengnim what I am thinking. I know that he is nice and kind like Cha Seonsaengnim is. Han Seonsaengnim has also helped me before. He knows a lot about love. I have seen him with Na In Young before. Han Seonsaengnim had not known much then, but I know he does now. I know because they are dating now.


Han Seonsaengnim was the one who told me once that love could be painful, but that painful love could also be good. He had said that painful love was like disinfectant – it stings, but also kills all the pathogens that could cause infection.


But although I know Han Seonsaengnim can help, I cannot find the words. I am a lot better at saying what I think than I used to be, but I am still a big dummy.


So I do not say anything at all. I just point at the calendar and the black “14” circled in red.


Han Seonsaengnim looks at what I am pointing at. “Ah – I see,” he says. “Let me guess: you’ve never done something for White Day before.”


Hong Seonsaengnim comes up behind him. “Have you?”


Han Seonsaengnim grins and his face turns red. He does not say anything. I do not know if that means “yes” or “no”.


“Well,” Hong Seonsaengnim says, “the onus is on you two, then. You’re the only two guys in our team who are dating right now.”


That is not true.


“Animida,” I say, shaking my head. “There is also the Professor.”


“You try asking him for ideas, then, Park Si On – but don’t say I didn’t warn you if he bites your head off for it.”


Acting on instinct, I duck down in my seat. I put my hands up on top of my head to shield it. I know I do not need to be scared. I might be a dummy, but I am not that big of one. I would not ask Professor Kim about love anyway. But doing this still makes me feel safer.


Han Seonsaengnim looks at me and then starts laughing. Why? Is there something funny?


“Ya, Hong Gil Nam – look what you’ve done!” Han Seonsaengnim pats me on the back. “Gwenchana, Si On-ah,” he says. “It’s just an expression. He was just saying that the Professor would scold us if we asked him about anything that’s not work-related. And besides, it’s physically impossible to literally bite someone’s head off anyway – I thought you would know that by now.”


Slowly, I lower my hands and sit back up.


True. The whole idea does sound very silly now that I think about it. I also file away Han Seonsaengnim’s words in my mind: “to bite someone’s head off” equals “to scold someone”.


Got it. Understood. I will not confuse that again.


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Just popping by with some pics for today.



Cute behind-the-scenes photo from "Yong Pal"




And a couple more from "Good Doctor"




One more from "My Sassy Girl" - I can tell that's JW in blue, but who is that next to him?



This screenshot from 1N2D turned out really nice



Cutie Park Si On :D 



These next shots just turned out really cool







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On 3/10/2018 at 9:21 AM, kittyna said:

So what was the announcement I was talking about earlier today?


Nothing much, actually, just...I've finally started watching Yong Pal!


I'm not going to, say, give my thoughts on each episode (since I'm watching in Cantonese dub with my mom, I'll be doing one episode a day), because I'll likely be talking either to people who have already seen it and know what's up, or haven't and don't want spoilers. :tongue: 

Great! Now you start with yong pal. You'll be fall in love with him again after you watch it until the end. Its fantastic. He is such a cool but adorable man in such a scary hospital environment. He has a hard life to pay his sister medicines. And he also must survive in the hospital that has a lot of crocodiles. 


By the way, I was having a party so i can't visit this forum in the previous day. Too tired. But I will be back again to having a conversation here and also share good photos of our joo won. I also still waiting for the fanfic! Cause I know that fic will be cute and contains lovely momments of shi on and cha yoon seo. 

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Now pics!


Counting days for fanfic... with shi on adorableness.


All people that already met him said he is so handsome. Including this person that uploaded his photos from latest festival. It makes me really want to see him in real life so much.


The comments in these post is so funny. Click to see it.

Click to see comments 

Click to see comments 

Click to see comments 


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2 hours ago, moonstrike said:

Great! Now you start with yong pal. You'll be fall in love with him again after you watch it until the end. Its fantastic. He is such a cool but adorable man in such a scary hospital environment. He has a hard life to pay his sister medicines. And he also must survive in the hospital that has a lot of crocodiles. 


It's been an interesting watch so far - I just finished Episode 3. The "makeover" scene in that bit cracked me up :tongue: I remembering wondering what was happening with this behind-the-scenes pic, but I know now :wink: 



My favourite part about that makeover, though, was all the glares JW as Kim Tae Hyun shot the stylists and Cynthia the entire time. I don't know why - something about his confusion, impatience and "What the hell am I doing here? I don't need this!" frustration was really refreshing to watch.


And I liked it when he ditched the glasses, too - I do think JW looks cute with glasses, but that pair...mm, not so much. They completely overwhelmed him, and I like an unimpeded look at his eyes. Which, I suppose, was the point the entire time :tongue: 


Silliness and makeovers aside, though - that hotel room scene was BRUTAL. Like, I think I definitely stepped into Tae Hyun's shoes there for a while, because I could feel just how angry he was about the whole situation - yes, saving gangsters and covering up a rape and/or domestic violence are both illegal, but there is a pretty sharp moral difference here, and I'm glad Tae Hyun acknowledged that. So I thought it was really awesome (reckless, yes, but also courageous) that he did the operation to save the girl anyway, even knowing that the celebrity would probably sue his pants off for it afterwards. Of course, that didn't work - the celeb had a really good cover story - but that was a really strong character moment as far as I'm concerned.


It ties into what I'd suspected from Episode 1 and saw confirmed in Episode 2 - that Tae Hyun's frustrated with a medical system where those people with money and connections get preferential treatment. The scene showing what happened to his mom because of that was heartbreaking, but it's telling that the feeling I had coming away from that wasn't sadness, but anger. Anger on his mom's behalf, anger at the doctors who would have turned her away if they didn't know she was Tae Hyun's mom, anger at the other doctors who left Tae Hyun - a first-year resident with no OR experience yet - literally stranded there because a VIP came in (seriously - his professor was getting washed up to save his mom and then does a runner? Like, what the hell?!). Of course, JW's acting helps a lot here, but I think I would have felt Tae Hyun's frustration regardless just from the situation.


The scene in Episode 2 when Tae Hyun calls his sister also got to me. I'd mentioned before that I'm loving seeing JW play an oppa for once, and I repeat that here. That phone call was so sweet, but also so sad - I can see how he's trying to make this promotion sound like a good thing so that his sister wouldn't worry about him, but I can also see how much he thinks it's not so great after all.


Add to that all the times in Episode 3 when Tae Hyun has to deal with people gossiping about him being a money-grubber - even though by now we know that's not true - and he can't actually say anything to stop them because that's the persona he'd built up over time to protect himself. Again, I felt really bad for him there.


After all that rambling on miscellaneous moments I've watched so far, my point is: there is...going to be a LOT of social commentary in "Yong Pal", isn't there?


(Sorry if this is old news to some people - it's my first time watching a JW drama where I actually have a fan community to share my thoughts with along the way. So, yes, I am still really giddy and excited about that opportunity. So please bear with me - thanks!)


And I suppose I can add some pics as well - give us something new(ish) to talk about.



Okay, before getting into this first pic, I want to set up some background. Have you heard of the "Never Pause a Disney Movie" meme? It's when Disney fans pick out funny or weird-looking frames from animated Disney movies - they're usually funny because they were drawn as transitions between different actions or expressions, so that they make sense in context (i.e. in that scene on film), but not isolated on their own.


Here's a quick example: 





Well, I've just realized that sometimes JW's expressions get so animated that I think the same thing might apply to his dramas. :tongue: If you pause his scenes in random places, sometimes you end up with some really funny shots.


Like this moment from "Nae Il's Cantabile"



I don't know if fans of other celebrities do this sort of thing, or if they just post the more flattering photoshoot-worthy shots, but I have noticed that JW's fans do. I guess it's part of the insanity that permeates this fandom :tongue: 


But anyway, moving on!


You know me: I like to balance out the cute/funny shots of JW with cooler, more charismatic ones. So here's another shot from "Nae Il's Cantabile" for that



Really like this shot from "Yong Pal" - By the way, can I just say that I've been LOVING Tae Hyun's backpack the whole time? It's awesome :D 



Recording studio pic



Loving his eye-smile here



And, of course, that contagious laugh




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Because its too long for waiting soompi to stop lagging, i will just use the hidden spoiler option too make replies.



It's weird, though, isn't it - I don't actively follow other celebrities' updates (although I do make a mental note when I see anyone's name in the headlines), but JW's one of the few for whom I actually find myself wondering about or wanting to hear stuff about.

It will be different after he comeback. I bet there will be a lot of news. I often seen fans saying that they are boring because they don't see any joo won's update for some days but we are here waiting for his update for 21 months or at least one update for one month. So I know that Joo won must be had an update at least one update in two days. Waaahh... I'm waiting for that time again. Just wait for one year more!




Same. It's weird, because I'm so used to thinking of JW as the Assistant Instructor now that it feels strange to remember that just a few months ago, when he'd started, that it would never have crossed my mind. lol - I think we were all so used to his innocent maknae image that his results in the army really caught us off guard  


He always imagine and portray him as a cute and adorable guy that has a mature and wise thought. I know that he is also a hard working man but i didn't expect that this man is become a manly assistant instructure with his own sincerity and with his own strength. I'm so proud and amazed by him. My adorable and cute guy can make it. He also get more achievements just after some months he there. 



Those comments are really interesting, even if combining them all together just ends up with a result of, "Anything goes, so long as JW's doing it!"  


Haha... same with me. As long as joo won play the character, I will watch it. No matter what it is. I'm sure he will get an awesome story after he comeback from military.


I can imagine joo won as an atlet or reporter. He can portray that role very well. He act with his whole body. From head to toe. He is so good portraying a serious and deep intense character. 



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On 3/12/2018 at 5:47 AM, kittyna said:

It's been an interesting watch so far - I just finished Episode 3. The "makeover" scene in that bit cracked me up :tongue: I remembering wondering what was happening with this behind-the-scenes pic, but I know now :wink: 


I was laughing when i saw that picture. Its like he was being amazed by all shoes in front of him. I love the makeover scene. Its like they are mix and match joo won's style. He looks awesome with all style he wear. 


On 3/12/2018 at 5:47 AM, kittyna said:

Sorry if this is old news to some people - it's my first time watching a JW drama where I actually have a fan community to share my thoughts with along the way. So, yes, I am still really giddy and excited about that opportunity. So please bear with me - thanks!)

Its okay! I also love to discuss and have conversations about drama that I like. 


On 3/12/2018 at 5:47 AM, kittyna said:

Well, I've just realized that sometimes JW's expressions get so animated that I think the same thing might apply to his dramas. :tongue: If you pause his scenes in random places, sometimes you end up with some really funny shots.


Like this moment from "Nae Il's Cantabile"

Its funny but he still looks great in that picture. ❤❤❤ with burning expression..


Now pics!!!


Joo Won has a pure child heart but he's also quite mature. This can tell from many of his interviews. He is love.


Joo won likes kind and caring people, just like himself. That makes me like him so much... the inner him. Should we be more like him too?!


This is so good.

We love him!


  • yunie_okHe is an assistant instructure, squad leader, first rank in military basic training, front line soldier, and that is in white skull camp where that camp is one of the oldest camp in south korea, known because the training and all activities in that camp is difficult. The camp is colder than any camp in winter and hotter than any camp in summer. Its very extreme weather. So its so impressive that he get a lot of achievements there because it must be difficult. I'm proud of him. ❤❤❤
  • yunie_okIt shows that he really do his best in everything. I never expect that our cute and adorable guy is becoming a manly and strong guy now. He is wonderful and impressive.
  • 24snowhite@yunie_ok wow. Cool and very impressive. Proud of him too for his achievements inside the Military. He's very hardworking and is profesaional too that's why all his hard work is paying off. Really can't wait for him to be discharged and be active again. Yes, I agree, with all the trainings he's into in the camp will make him mature and become masculine. Hehe. Thanks for taking the time to comment amd share some information about @zu.won_moon.jun.won. Appreciate it much. Fighting Joo Wonie! Hehe. ❤❤❤❤❤

why are you this handsome?






Edited by LyraYoo
please compress under spoiler tag multiple photos , thank you ^^
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4 hours ago, moonstrike said:

It will be different after he comeback. I bet there will be a lot of news. I often seen fans saying that they are boring because they don't see any joo won's update for some days but we are here waiting for his update for 21 months or at least one update for one month. So I know that Joo won must be had an update at least one update in two days. Waaahh... I'm waiting for that time again. Just wait for one year more!


Really? He used to update stuff on SNS that often? I actually had no idea - guess I really am late to the party, then :tongue: 


I do know that JW used to post his schedule online - or, if not him, then his agency did. Point is: fans knew what he was up to all the time, and the schedule was oftentimes crazily jam-packed with stuff. So the whole week might be just for filming a drama, or photoshoots or stuff like that.


4 hours ago, moonstrike said:

He always imagine and portray him as a cute and adorable guy that has a mature and wise thought. I know that he is also a hard working man but i didn't expect that this man is become a manly assistant instructure with his own sincerity and with his own strength. I'm so proud and amazed by him. My adorable and cute guy can make it. He also get more achievements just after some months he there. 


4 hours ago, moonstrike said:

Joo Won has a pure child heart but he's also quite mature. This can tell from many of his interviews. He is love.


One thing I'm starting to learn is that there are so many ways we can define "maturity". I think that, from some perspectives, JW's not mature and quite possibly never will be. For instance, we know he's a very emotionally sensitive person, and so, for someone who thinks that being stoic (or at least not as openly affectionate) is the standard for maturity, then JW isn't. But for me, I think he is. Because I see him as someone who doesn't have the same sort of impulsiveness that a lot of young people do: he likes to think ahead  and consider the long-term consequences of his choices. And I also like that he's clear on his own sense of right/wrong and doesn't let other people influence that (e.g. all the times he's said that going out drinking or partying might make him look more grown-up, but he still won't do it anyway).


Plus, even if he wasn't mature enough going into the military, I think his experience as an assistant instructor will make him grow up fast regardless. That's not a position that comes by easily, and it's also one where there's a lot of pressure to be a good leader and a good example. So I'm definitely confident that we'll see a wiser and more mature JW at the end of it all.


4 hours ago, moonstrike said:

I was laughing when i saw that picture. Its like he was being amazed by all shoes in front of him. I love the makeover scene. Its like they are mix and match joo won's style. He looks awesome with all style he wear. 


I think the one outfit from that makeover scene that I didn't like was the one they actually settled on :tongue: I don't know why, but seeing him with the white shirt, suspenders and bow tie just made me burst out laughing - it was probably JW's own "Just kill me now" expression at seeing himself, too :D 


So, looking back at his outfits in that scene, my favourite was the second one (the one with the red camo shirt that's on the far right in this pic). And by the way - the black shirt with white piping reminded me of something that Cha Yoo Jin would wear, so I guess they were onto something there :wink: 



Okay, I may possibly come by later again after watching today's episode of "Yong Pal" (Episode 4), because I remember there was a scene in that one that I'd heard some interesting things about, so I may want to add my own two cents.


But for now, here are some pics for today!



This looks really cool



Behind the scenes photo from "Gaksital"



I really like how this shot turned out, too



JW the Outdoorsman



Note the caption :wink:



He looks really dashing here



JW's Casual Style




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5 hours ago, kittyna said:

Really? He used to update stuff on SNS that often? I actually had no idea - guess I really am late to the party, then :tongue: 


I do know that JW used to post his schedule online - or, if not him, then his agency did. Point is: fans knew what he was up to all the time, and the schedule was oftentimes crazily jam-packed with stuff. So the whole week might be just for filming a drama, or photoshoots or stuff like that.

Not like that. I mean his fans always found something new about him. Like a new photo that his fans took without he knowing in filming set, reaction that people wrote in their SNS when they meet joo won in person, new random videos about him, his schedule, and many more. Sometimes joo won updates his SNS but not so often. His schedule is so hectic when he is active. So his fans must be always found new information and photos of him. But now he is in the army, so we can't always have something new from him. We just can travel back in time and watching his past project. 


5 hours ago, kittyna said:

One thing I'm starting to learn is that there are so many ways we can define "maturity". I think that, from some perspectives, JW's not mature and quite possibly never will be. For instance, we know he's a very emotionally sensitive person, and so, for someone who thinks that being stoic (or at least not as openly affectionate) is the standard for maturity, then JW isn't. But for me, I think he is. Because I see him as someone who doesn't have the same sort of impulsiveness that a lot of young people do: he likes to think ahead  and consider the long-term consequences of his choices. And I also like that he's clear on his own sense of right/wrong and doesn't let other people influence that (e.g. all the times he's said that going out drinking or partying might make him look more grown-up, but he still won't do it anyway).

Yeah, This depends on the person's perspective. if a person's maturity is a person who is always act like an adult (didn't show affection oppenly and stable) then joo won may not yet. But for someone who thinks that a maturity is person that think forward or think like an adult, joo won might be a mature person. 


I think joo won is a mature person. Because, like you said, he is person that think ahead and clear with his own sense. He also a wise person. I can tell when I read all his interview. He always think deeply about the question and answer it with sincerity. Many people already acknowledge it. You also can see it in Win-win, healing camp, and every talkshow he did.


Beside his appearance that looks 10000 times better in person, people that already met him always said his personality is also really great. "He is so kind" "He is so gentle" I often read this in every post that people wrote in their SNS. 


5 hours ago, kittyna said:

Plus, even if he wasn't mature enough going into the military, I think his experience as an assistant instructor will make him grow up fast regardless. That's not a position that comes by easily, and it's also one where there's a lot of pressure to be a good leader and a good example. So I'm definitely confident that we'll see a wiser and more mature JW at the end of it all.

I think he is quite fit and strong in undergoing all military activities undertaken there. And also quite mature :wink:.


5 hours ago, kittyna said:

I think the one outfit from that makeover scene that I didn't like was the one they actually settled on :tongue: I don't know why, but seeing him with the white shirt, suspenders and bow tie just made me burst out laughing - it was probably JW's own "Just kill me now" expression at seeing himself, too :D 

I was like "why they choose the one that looks like a bell boy outfit?" But i think maybe because they want to slip a funny things in the drama. But still, Joo won looks handsome in that outfit. He nailed it.  


5 hours ago, kittyna said:

So, looking back at his outfits in that scene, my favourite was the second one (the one with the red camo shirt that's on the far right in this pic). And by the way - the black shirt with white piping reminded me of something that Cha Yoo Jin would wear, so I guess they were onto something there :wink:

The read camo shirt and the one with red coat is like a casual outfit. 


Personally, I like the one with cha yoo jin style. Its casual but still look formal for work. 


5 hours ago, kittyna said:

Note the caption :wink:

Often hear that. I love when people said that he is kind, friendly, or when people said his personality is so good. 




Love these pictures. I saw a video where he, at least 1-2 times, was finger combing his hair. I found the gesture sexy... his hair looks so soft.


So cutee... I want that as my stickers. 


Joo won's signature in 2011. Its same yet different.


I might faint if he do that to me


I always think of you like that. No matter what kind of drama you play, i will watch it because you play it.



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1 hour ago, moonstrike said:

Not like that. I mean his fans always found something new about him. Like a new photo that his fans took without he knowing in filming set, reaction that people wrote in their SNS when they meet joo won in person, new random videos about him, his schedule, and many more. Sometimes joo won updates his SNS but not so often. His schedule is so hectic when he is active. So his fans must be always found new information and photos of him. But now he is in the army, so we can't always have something new from him. We just can travel back in time and watching his past project. 


Oh, okay. That makes more sense. Because I was under the impression that JW didn't post stuff online all that often :tongue: 


I have noticed how creative fans have started to get, though - using all kinds of photo editing and collages and stuff to make new things out of the same limited bunch of photos, interviews, videos, etc. :) 


1 hour ago, moonstrike said:

Yeah, This depends on the person's perspective. if a person's maturity is a person who is always act like an adult (didn't show affection oppenly and stable) then joo won may not yet. But for someone who thinks that a maturity is person that think forward or think like an adult, joo won might be a mature person. 


I think joo won is a mature person. Because, like you said, he is person that think ahead and clear with his own sense. He also a wise person. I can tell when I read all his interview. He always think deeply about the question and answer it with sincerity. Many people already acknowledge it. You also can see it in Win-win, healing camp, and every talkshow he did.


Beside his appearance that looks 10000 times better in person, people that already met him always said his personality is also really great. "He is so kind" "He is so gentle" I often read this in every post that people wrote in their SNS. 


For me, maturity is in knowing what is right and what is wrong, choosing to do what is right, and having the confidence to stick with that or defend that choice. And I think JW's doing fine with that - he has all along throughout his career.


I also think that JW tries hard to be a selfless person, and that, to me, is also a sign of maturity: when someone can think beyond his/her own wants and needs to prioritize those of other people first. I can see that in how JW behaves while on a drama or film set, or the way he talks about even those who are unknown or anonymous like film staff.


1 hour ago, moonstrike said:

The read camo shirt and the one with red coat is like a casual outfit. 


Personally, I like the one with cha yoo jin style. Its casual but still look formal for work. 


Now that I think about it, Cha Yoo Jin had a really similar-looking shirt - but it was white with black decoration.



1 hour ago, moonstrike said:

So cutee... I want that as my stickers. 


Lol - those ARE really funny! Thanks for sharing :D 


1 hour ago, moonstrike said:

I might faint if he do that to me


That moment from "Happy Together" always cracks me up. It was fun seeing how the girls got so into it - but I also noticed that JW put on a really convincing act even though he was just supposed to be explaining how he filmed the kiss scene with Eugene. Like, I honestly think he turned into Ma Jun for a moment there the first time he did it. When he turned around to face the hosts, you can see it in how his eyes sharpened and got really intense there, and there was actually a noticeable amount of force when he pulled his partner towards himself. It's more toned down the second time around with Kim Na Young, but that first demonstration was pretty intense for just a demo :wink: 


1 hour ago, moonstrike said:

I always think of you like that. No matter what kind of drama you play, i will watch it because you play it.


Same here. JW's an actor I trust to deliver, no matter what sort of character he's playing. Even if I don't find his act convincing (usually because I end up getting distracted by his real-life self - like how I described laughing at points in "Yong Pal" that really aren't meant to be funny), I still know that he's working really hard to play the part. And I want to watch his stuff just so that hard work pays off in the end.


And since I'm here anyway, I can do some more pics, and then a quick fic-related announcement.



JW the (literal) Flower Boy



Another shot from the makeover scene from "Yong Pal" - From this Instagram page: https://www.instagram.com/p/BZDge4DHeyB/?tagged=yongpal




JW meeting with fans on some sort of cruise...? I don't know much about this event, so if someone could fill me in, that would be great.



Cutie Park Si On (again!)




Anyone else remember this moment from "Nae Il's Cantabile"?



It's so cute how he's just staring at the marker here.



Love his sweater here :) 




So, about the fic - I'm working on it, and hope that I could finish it to post on March 14 in my own time zone. I have had a lot of stuff going on lately, so haven't had all that many opportunities to write - plus, I've had some writer's block lately (because writing Park Si On's voice is still a challenge).


However, one piece of good/fun news I can bring you all about that fic is that I'm doing something a little bit different this time around with the Easter Egg. Just a recap: I like to sneak in some detail about JW or another cast member into the story where those details can flesh out the drama characters more. Well, this time, I'm trying out a crossover Easter Egg: referencing one of JW's roles in a fanfic about another. In other words: although this upcoming fic is for "Good Doctor", I will include some mention of another one of JW's projects somewhere in the story.


So stay tuned for that!

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13 hours ago, kittyna said:

I have noticed how creative fans have started to get, though - using all kinds of photo editing and collages and stuff to make new things out of the same limited bunch of photos, interviews, videos, etc. :) 

Creativity and also a skill of paparazzi. :lol:... I found many photos of him in filming set. I also always found many new information about him in joo won's fan post. Owh... I want to feel that time. I was loving him in 2016 until now where joo won is in his break or rest time. So I still can't see a really often update from him. I still got update but not so often like in the past. Seeing new photos everytime I refresh the page and also seeing his good news in naver.


13 hours ago, kittyna said:

For me, maturity is in knowing what is right and what is wrong, choosing to do what is right, and having the confidence to stick with that or defend that choice. And I think JW's doing fine with that - he has all along throughout his career.

Yeah... because of that we think joo won is a mature person. There are many, MANY, adult but they still doesn't have a mature thought in their head. They just adult physically but not mentally. Joo won is more mature than those kind of person. Like you said, joo won is an adult and he think like an adult. Have a stable stance and stick with his thought of what is right and what is wrong.


13 hours ago, kittyna said:

I also think that JW tries hard to be a selfless person, and that, to me, is also a sign of maturity: when someone can think beyond his/her own wants and needs to prioritize those of other people first. I can see that in how JW behaves while on a drama or film set, or the way he talks about even those who are unknown or anonymous like film staff.

Joo won is trying not to lose his good and innocent attitude. it is also one of the thoughts of an mature person. trying not to be a bad and still have his sincerity inside his heart. Many staff that already work with said it. They said joo won is so kind and take good care of them. 


(Actually there is one more pics that shows staff opinion about him in filming site but i just can find one)




13 hours ago, kittyna said:

Now that I think about it, Cha Yoo Jin had a really similar-looking shirt - but it was white with black decoration.

I love when he wear a shirt or a suit. So maybe because of that I'm really excited every last day of the year because I can see Joo won with suit. Looking suave and cool. 



13 hours ago, kittyna said:

That moment from "Happy Together" always cracks me up. It was fun seeing how the girls got so into it -

Its so funny when the other girl is stand up after joo won did the scene with other girl. She wanted to feel that too. Being forced and grabbed by joo won. And also that stares.


13 hours ago, kittyna said:

but I also noticed that JW put on a really convincing act even though he was just supposed to be explaining how he filmed the kiss scene with Eugene. Like, I honestly think he turned into Ma Jun for a moment there the first time he did it. When he turned around to face the hosts, you can see it in how his eyes sharpened and got really intense there, and there was actually a noticeable amount of force when he pulled his partner towards himself. It's more toned down the second time around with Kim Na Young, but that first demonstration was pretty intense for just a demo :wink:

He always put a lot of efforts in every scene he act even though its just a demo or rehearsal. His stare and his body language is changing when he did that scene. Even the girls is feeling weak because of that. The first girl is having a weak leg after the scene. Hahaha...


13 hours ago, kittyna said:

Same here. JW's an actor I trust to deliver, no matter what sort of character he's playing. Even if I don't find his act convincing (usually because I end up getting distracted by his real-life self - like how I described laughing at points in "Yong Pal" that really aren't meant to be funny), I still know that he's working really hard to play the part. And I want to watch his stuff just so that hard work pays off in the end.

Joo won is one of the most anticipated actor after his comeback from military. And one of actor that audience can trust. Remember that I said in earlier post that there is a poll or vote about actor that you wait for his comeback or more like most anticipated actor after his comeback from military. And Joo won is winner in that poll. It makes me proud and relieved. It means that people is waiting for him waiting for his project to make them amazed again. 


13 hours ago, kittyna said:

However, one piece of good/fun news I can bring you all about that fic is that I'm doing something a little bit different this time around with the Easter Egg. Just a recap: I like to sneak in some detail about JW or another cast member into the story where those details can flesh out the drama characters more. Well, this time, I'm trying out a crossover Easter Egg: referencing one of JW's roles in a fanfic about another. In other words: although this upcoming fic is for "Good Doctor", I will include some mention of another one of JW's projects somewhere in the story.

Its going to be great! I can't imagine what will the fics like. Makes me curious to read it. 


Now pics!!!


To make the forum not lag again. I will put it in the spoiler option.


Count down for park shion cuteness.


Yoo Jin our handsome conductor.


I love his hair style


Two cutie in one picture is so adorable.


Why are you have to be so handsome? If his guy is the delivery man, I will order online everyday so he can come to my house often.


I need this drama quickly.




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31 minutes ago, moonstrike said:

(Actually there is one more pics that shows staff opinion about him in filming site but i just can find one)


Just getting this one out of the way first, since I have the other half :wink: 



I like that JW was doing his best to communicate with the Chinese actors and staff - I actually didn't know that in these joint Chinese-Korean productions, the Chinese and Korean cast and crew members tended to stick together. I guess it should have been obvious, because there is a language barrier, but I like that JW was trying hard to bridge that gap.


I also remember that JW mentioned that some of the Chinese actors on "Sweet Sixteen" did the same for him - they made sure to include him in their conversations, and since they knew a little Korean and he knew a little Chinese, they made it work. So I guess JW's behaviour on the set of "Love Express" is his way of paying that forward.


By the way, the bit about the "chocolate and fried chicken" made me laugh. lol - Everyone knows JW's a chocoholic (even if they didn't before, the chocopie story from the army should have clued them in), and, well, of course, there's the fried chicken. The PD's right that that's not healthy, though :tongue: 


From the half that you posted, @moonstrike, I think the thing that surprised me was that JW actively encouraged fans to take candid photos and post them online. Not all celebrities are like that, and even if the celebrity is fine with it, often their managers are not - it's too easy for unflattering or potentially compromising photos to get leaked out that way (e.g. celebrities being caught smoking or drinking). The fact that JW allows it, though, tells me that 1) he's careful enough with his choices that he knows there's nothing fans or paparazzi could catch him doing that he wouldn't mind being made known, and 2) he trusts his fans enough to respect his space and not release anything too private or personal. Which...may be hopelessly naive, but that's JW for you. :wink: 


31 minutes ago, moonstrike said:

Its so funny when the other girl is stand up after joo won did the scene with other girl. She wanted to feel that too. Being forced and grabbed by joo won. And also that stares.


It was funny how Kim Na Young got so excited that the hosts later pointed out she was bouncing before JW even got close enough to touch her.


That reminds me, though, of the time in the 2010 Chuseok Special when even Eugene said she was curious about being kissed like that in real life. That was, again, one of those moments that came out sounding really weird to me - like, I was wondering, "Why would a girl want to be kissed like that? Isn't that sexual assault?" Yeah, I still don't really get it, to be honest. :tongue: If I were - hypothetically - ever picked to demo a kiss with JW, I'd ask for the cute and fluffy kind, not this.


35 minutes ago, moonstrike said:

Why are you have to be so handsome? If his guy is the delivery man, I will order online everyday so he can come to my house often.


He is really handsome in that pic, but not in the "OMG, Oppa's so sexy!" way. It's the cute boy-next-door type of handsomeness, and I love that :wub:


And now for my own pics for today!



Cute behind the scenes photos from "Good Doctor" - Looks like just about everyone fell asleep on set at some point! :tongue: 


By the way, I think it's so cute that JW is immediately recognizable by how he sleeps :wink: That's, like, full-on fetal position right there.



These shots from "Yong Pal" look gorgeous!




Same with this one from "Nae Il's Cantabile".


By the way, Cha Yoo Jin's apartment is probably one of my favourite K-drama homes EVER! I loved his simple, minimalist contemporary style :) 



JW holding a plushie with a cute pouty face - it doesn't get much better than this!



Do you prefer all-black, or all-white?





Adding to the character collages, here's one of Lee Kang To




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Just finished watching Episode 5 of "Yong Pal", and from the preview of the next episode that was included at the end...I'm in for quite a wild ride, aren't I? It looks pretty chaotic in there :tongue: 


But anyway, I'm here right now because I'd said there was a scene from Episode 4 that, prior to watching the show for myself, I'd heard a good deal about - and at the time, I'd said I'd come back with my own impression of that bit.


Maybe some of you have figured it out already - I'm talking about the nuclear reactor scene.


See, a long time ago, I had skimmed over the Dramabeans recaps of "Yong Pal" (don't worry - I don't recall all the details, and even if I know what happens, knowing in my head and seeing it play out on screen are two different things).


Anyway, I recall that when I read the recap and the comments underneath, I saw references to how Kim Tae Hyun said some pretty controversial things. Essentially, depending on how viewers interpreted his comment to the girl that she shouldn't have gone into the hotel room with the celebrity in the first place, he was either sympathizing with her or victim-blaming. There are really valid arguments for both main sides, and the conversation in the comments was really interesting to read.


Generally speaking, where I'm from, saying anything that can be read as victim-blaming (e.g. "She shouldn't have gone there", "She shouldn't have worn that", "She shouldn't have gotten drunk", etc.) is strictly taboo. It doesn't mean that people don't talk like that about assault victims - many do - but it's getting increasingly frowned upon. And, on some level, I agree with that - whatever a person does, sexual assault was the choice of the perpetrator, not the victim (i.e. no matter what circumstances the girl in the show was in, if the celebrity had abstained from violence, then everything would have been fine).


However, after watching the scene for myself (albeit in Cantonese dub) and looking at it in the broader context of the other events leading up to it, both in Episode 4 and previous episodes of "Yong Pal", I think that there's a lot more going on here than simply whether Tae Hyun's words could be taken as victim-blaming.


Here's the thing - do I think Tae Hyun is victim-blaming? To an extent, yes. However, I don't hold that against him, because one of the things that really hit me strongly in that scene was the position from which he was speaking. My interpretation of the scene is that Tae Hyun was not accusing the girl of anything - he was not saying, like, "You shouldn't have..." from a position of authority, whether we mean as a doctor or as a man. 


I think Tae Hyun was trying to speak to her as a fellow victim.


By this point in the show, I have seen how Tae Hyun has found himself forced into doing a lot of shady things against his will - yet the scary thing about all of these incidents is that in every single one of them, something, some hidden factor, has made it so that it will always appear like he chose to do them of his own free will. And I think that that's something Tae Hyun would concede himself if he were asked: he "chose" to go up onto the 12th floor, he "chose" to go drinking with the Chairman's wife, he chose (and this one really was voluntary!) to ask for access to Yeo Jin's room.


(There's even a reasonable argument by this point that Tae Hyun might be a fellow sexual assault survivor - he only has the Chairman's wife's word that nothing happened to him after he passed out drunk in the hotel, after all. But that doesn't change the fact that, again, if asked, he would admit that he chose to go drinking himself.)


However, all of this stuff about choice - or the lack thereof - doesn't change the way that people who have been through such situations of feeling helpless and trapped will feel about their experiences. Tae Hyun was smart to pick that up about this girl: trying to tell her that what happened wasn't her fault wouldn't do anything at that point, because she was already blaming herself (as evidenced by how she hallucinates everyone laughing and scorning her). Whether it was wise for Tae Hyun to point it out under such a tense situation is another matter - since he could have just as easily provoked her to violence rather than convinced her to change her mind - but for now, the point is that I think Tae Hyun was telling the girl what she was already thinking, and also repeating what his own conscience has been telling him (i.e. "I shouldn't have done X, Y, or Z...").


What Tae Hyun is trying to tell the girl, though, is that what matters isn't so much what happened to her but where she goes on from here. Yes, the assault was traumatic, and yes, the guy who attacked her should get just punishment for it. But that doesn't change the fact that she can choose to be a better person now - not by forgiving and forgetting (because some wrongs just never should be forgiven), but by choosing not to enact violence on others by threatening the hospital and its patients. I know that Tae Hyun uses the argument that her attacker had already fled the building, but even if he were still in there, I think Tae Hyun would have tried to remind her that that's not the other doctors' and patients' faults. And I noticed that when he reminded her of this, when she asserted that she was different from her attacker, that that was when everything clicked in the girl's head and she understood what Tae Hyun was trying to say.


I think that Tae Hyun was also telling himself all of those things, though. He'd been getting increasingly angry about the goings-on of the 12th floor by this point, and he's also kicking himself for being nosy and stepping past a point of no return (since he knows too much about Yeo Jin's situation just by seeing her, Chief Lee is right in saying that the only real escape now is death). So I see Tae Hyun's choices from here on out - and I'm starting to see signs of it in Episode 5 with the ways he's trying to help Yeo Jin - to be his way of moving forward from the things that have happened to him. He can't change the fact that he's on the 12th floor; there's no way to back out or to undo that. But what he can do is to try to be the doctor that he should be while he's trapped up there - and I'm looking forward to seeing how that pans out.

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So, right on time, the "Good Doctor"-themed White Day fic is now ready!


By the way, I'm trying something a little bit different with the formatting. I've been asked by the mods for this forum to put the fic post - not just the fic itself - into the Spoiler tag (my guess is to save space), so I'm going to try doing that.



Title: Things I Cannot Say

Drama: "Good Doctor"

Characters: Park Si On, Cha Yoon Seo

Premise: Park Si On knows that he's supposed to give Cha Yoon Seo a present on White Day, but he's not sure what he should give her. A suggestion from his friends gives him some inspiration, but the question is: can he bring himself to say what he has been afraid to say all this time?


Note: This fic is set somewhere within the events of Episode 20 of the drama, between when Park Si On is formally inducted as a doctor in the hospital and the Epilogue that takes place a year later.


Note on Language: Although the characters speak Korean, and I can reasonably expect some knowledge of common words and phrases from you guys (given we are in a Hallyu fandom forum), I do want to say a few things about how the language works in this story in particular.


In short: Park Si On's super-formal way of speaking means that I am using forms of common words and phrases that may be unfamiliar for some people. Most of us know the general distinction between jeondaemal (formal/polite language) and banmal (informal/casual language) in Korean. We tend to associate jeondaemal with the "-yo" suffix, and the banmal with the absence of a suffix; so, for instance, "gwenchanayo" (jeondaemal) vs. "gwenchana" (banmal); "aniyo" (jeondaemal) vs. "ani" (banmal), etc.


But the reality in Korean is a bit more complicated than that: there is at least one level that is even more formal than that, and that is the one that Park Si On uses for the most part. Instead of the "-yo" suffix, it'S "-imnida" - which, yes, turns all of these words into quite the mouthful.


So just for the sake of clarity, here are the terms that Park Si On uses, followed by their equivalents in jeondaemal and banmal


Animida - Aniyo (jeondaemal), Ani (banmal)

Joesonghamnida - This is the most formal way of offering an apology. From there, in descending levels of formality, to the best of my knowledge, we have "mianhamnida", then "joesonghayo", followed by "mianhaeyo", "mianhae", and "mian" (So, yes, an entirely different word - and probably one we're all more familiar with)


Transferring that same degree of formality into English, though, was a bit harder. While English does have a distinction between formal and informal language, it's definitely nowhere near as clear-cut as it is in Korean! So, for the purposes of these stories, I'm doing it by resorting to a trick other authors have used to make characters sound more "polite" or "proper": not using any contractions at all (e.g. saying "I do not want that" instead of "I don't want that"). It probably ends up sounding even more stilted than Park Si On's formal speech would in Korean, but it's the best that I can do.


Finally, one last note. Yes, I know that "doctor" in Korean is actually "uisa" - but when one is speaking to a doctor, it's supposed to be "uisa seonsaengnim" (literally "teacher of medicine"), and when shortened, as would often happen in everyday speech, it becomes "seonsaengnim" or even "seonsaeng" as opposed to "uisa".


However, I did notice that Na In Hae (her name is often put as "In Hye" in subtitles, but it's "Hae" in the hangeul and the hanja from the Cantonese dubbed version I watched, so...force of habit) calls the doctors "Saeng" in the show - which I imagine is like how someone could casually call a doctor "Doc" in English. So that's a quirk of hers that I kept :wink: 


So, all that being said...on with the fic!


Once again, please do not repost this on any other website without my permission! If you want to share it, just share the URL - thanks!



Things I Cannot Say


Black numbers, on a white page, circled by red ink.


It is the first time I have ever marked March 14 on my calendar. In the past, it has always just been a normal day. An ordinary day. A nothing-special day.


But that was before I met Cha Seonsaengnim. That was before we became friends. That was before I felt my pulse and respiratory rate go up every single time she said something nice to me or hugged me.


That was before I came back to my desk after making my rounds and saw a small box of chocolates with my name on it.


That had been three weeks ago. February 14. Valentine’s Day.


Now there is just one more week until White Day.


And while I might still be a dummy in some ways, I have been trying to learn a lot.


So I know that I am supposed to give Cha Seonsaengnim a present. But I do not know what.


I fold my arms on top of my desk and put my head down on top of them. I close my eyes as tight as I can so that I can think.


I know that Cha Seonsaengnim likes a lot of things. I know she liked the rose I gave her once. I know she liked the kiss I gave her once.


But neither of those things last. Flowers wilt, and kisses only last for that moment.


I want to give Cha Seonsaengnim something better than that. I want to give her something that can last a very, very long time. Something special….


A sudden pressure. A hand pushing down on my shoulder.


“Long day, Si On-ah?”


I recognize Han Seonsaengnim’s voice. I open my eyes and sit back up.


I shake my head. “Animida.”


“Then what’s wrong?”


I wonder if I should tell Han Seonsaengnim what I am thinking. I know that he is nice and kind like Cha Seonsaengnim is. Han Seonsaengnim has also helped me before. He knows a lot about love. I have seen him with Na In Young before. Han Seonsaengnim had not known much then, but I know he does now. I know because they are dating now.


Han Seonsaengnim was the one who told me once that love could be painful, but that painful love could also be good. He had said that painful love was like disinfectant – it stings, but also kills all the pathogens that could cause infection.


But although I know Han Seonsaengnim can help, I cannot find the words. I am a lot better at saying what I think than I used to be, but I am still a big dummy.


So I do not say anything at all. I just point at the calendar and the black “14” circled in red.


Han Seonsaengnim looks at what I am pointing at. “Ah – I see,” he says. “Let me guess: you’ve never done something for White Day before.”


Hong Seonsaengnim comes up behind him. “Have you?”


Han Seonsaengnim grins and his face turns red. He does not say anything. I do not know if that means “yes” or “no”.


“Well,” Hong Seonsaengnim says, “the onus is on you two, then. You’re the only two guys in our team who are dating right now.”


That is not true.


“Animida,” I say, shaking my head. “There is also the Professor.”


“You try asking him for ideas, then, Park Si On – but don’t say I didn’t warn you if he bites your head off for it.”


Acting on instinct, I duck down in my seat. I put my hands up on top of my head to shield it. I know I do not need to be scared. I might be a dummy, but I am not that big of one. I would not ask Professor Kim about love anyway. But doing this still makes me feel safer.


Han Seonsaengnim looks at me and then starts laughing.


Why? Is there something funny?


“Ya, Hong Gil Nam – look what you’ve done!” Han Seonsaengnim pats me on the back. “Gwenchana, Si On-ah,” he says. “It’s just an expression. He was just saying that the Professor would scold us if we asked him about anything that’s not work-related. And besides, it’s physically impossible to literally bite someone’s head off anyway – I thought you would know that by now.”


Slowly, I lower my hands and sit back up.


True. The whole idea does sound very silly now that I think about it. I also file away Han Seonsaengnim’s words in my mind: “to bite someone’s head off” equals “to scold someone”.


Got it. Understood. I will not confuse that again.


But all this talk about biting reminds me of something.


“I had read somewhere once that the human bite is actually strong enough to bite off someone’s finger. I read that it takes just the same amount of force as it does to bite through a carrot. It is just that our brains do not let us do it to ourselves, because of our survival instinct.”


I hear Woo Seonsaengnim cough and make a weird noise in his throat. “Ya, Park Si On – could you not? I’ve just had lunch!”


I bob my head at him in apology. “Joesonghamnida.”


“Besides,” Han Seonsaengnim says. He puts a hand on my shoulder. “I’d heard that that was just a factoid: things that people say that aren’t necessarily true. Don’t believe everything you read on the Internet.”


I look at him and nod. “Ne. Kamsahamnida.”


“But let’s not go too far off on a tangent,” Hong Seonsaengnim says. He points at Han Seonsaengnim. “Sunbae, at least, I trust will have some idea what to give Na In Young-ssi for White Day. Park Si On, though….” He turns to look at me. “We’ve got a problem.”


I nod. “Ne. Cha Seonsaengnim…Cha Seonsaengnim…”


“What about her?”


“Cha Seonsaengnim already has everything,” I say. “I cannot think – I do not know – what should I give her?”


Hong Seonsaengnim looks up at the ceiling. I follow him to look up as well. Maybe doing that will help us think.


“Well…most guys like giving their girlfriends things like flowers or candies if it’s something small. Jewellery, if the relationship’s more serious….”


“Pardon me for saying so, since you three are my sunbaes and all – but you guys are being a bunch of idiots.”


All three of us – Han Seonsaengnim, Hong Seonsaengnim and I – turn our heads and look at Kim Sun Joo. She is sitting on the couch, and now points at herself with one finger.


“Here you are stressing yourselves out trying to guess what it is a girl wants for White Day when there is literally a girl sitting right in front of you. Don’t you think it would be a good idea to – I don’t know – ask?”


“So what does Kim Sun Joo want, then?” I ask her.


“Aniyo, sunbae – it doesn’t work like that!” she says, waving her hand to show me “no”. “What matters isn’t what I want; it’s what Cha Yoon Seo Seonsaengim wants.”


But that is the problem. What does Cha Seonsaengnim want?


It looks like Kim Sun Joo can see what I am thinking, although I do not know how she does. “But speaking more generally, what a girl – any girl – wants from a guy is something that is from his heart. If he loves her, he should find something that shows that.” She turns her head to look at Han Seonsaengnim and Hong Seonsaengnim. “And if you ask me, things like flowers or chocolates are lame, anyways. It doesn’t have to be anything big; what matters more is that he means it.”


“So…if I – if I like Cha Seonsaengnim, I should choose something that says that.”


She nods and smiles at me. “Geu rae, sunbae.”


I want to ask her more. Now that Kim Sun Joo has brought it up, it makes sense to me to ask for advice from a girl. After all, Cha Seonsaengnim is also a girl.


But I do not get the chance now. Because just then Cha Seonsaengnim comes in, clapping her hands so that we all look at her.


“All right, guys – break time’s over!” She stops and looks at each of us. “We have to start making the rounds again – does anyone want to volunteer, or should I nominate one of you?”


“Not me!” Woo Seonsaengnim says. “I started my lunch break late, so my time’s not up yet.”


Cha Seonsaengnim takes a step towards him. She raises one fist in the air. “Say that again, Woo Il Kyu, and I’ll take that as your offer to go first.”


I stand up and raise my hand. “I will go, Seonsaengnim!”


Cha Seonsaengnim looks at me and smiles. “Komawo, Park Seonsaeng – at least someone around here has some initiative.” She turns to look at Woo Seonsaengnim. “Unlike some people.”




I save Na In Hae’s room for last when I make this set of rounds. I always do this when I need to ask her something.


In Hae knows that, too. She knows that when I am late coming to her room that that means I have saved it for last. She knows that that means I want to talk to her.


So when I go inside, In Hae is already getting up. Right away, I hurry to help her. But In Hae waves my hand away. She wants to do it herself.


I give her a thumbs-up when she succeeds.


It has been almost half a year since In Hae had her transplant surgery. She does not need to stay in the hospital all the time anymore, but she still comes for a few days every month for check-ups. In Hae still needs regular biopsies to make sure her new small intestine is not rejected by her immune system, and blood tests to make sure that the immunosuppressant medication is working and she has not developed any secondary infection. After the scare from right after her surgery, we cannot be too careful.


A little girl in another bed sits up and looks at us as we are leaving. “Where are you going, Eonnie?”


In Hae looks over her shoulder at the girl. “Out for a walk.” She turns to look at me. “Isn’t that right, Park-saeng?”


I give both of them a nod. “Ne.”


I want to explain why. I want to say that exercise helps patients with their recovery by improving their flexibility and muscular and cardiovascular strength. But I do not say anything this time. I know that In Hae understands all those big words, but this little girl will not. She is still too young.


The little girl pouts. “I wanna go, too!”


I open my mouth to tell her no, but In Hae is faster than me. She shakes her head. “Not this time. But I will go out with you next time, arasseo?”


The girl smiles. I can see that she is missing her two front teeth. “Promise, Eonnie?”


In Hae nods and gives her a thumbs-up. “Promise.”


I follow In Hae to our usual bench. It is not in the hallway but in the side room where the coffee machine is. Usually, only other doctors come here. Children are nosy, but I know that none of the other patients would come here. It is the best place for me to talk with In Hae without being interrupted by the other children.


“All right,” In Hae says as soon as we sit down. “What is it?”


I am not scared to say anything in front of In Hae. I know that she is not just my patient. In Hae is also my friend. She does not think I am a dummy, even when I do not always know the right words to say.


“In Hae-yah, do you know that White Day is next week?”


In Hae nods. “Of course I do!” She leans forward like she is curious. “Wae? Is this…?” She smiles at me. It is a small, mischievous smile, one that shows just her top teeth. “Is this about Cha-saeng?”


I nod. “Ne. I know I am supposed to give Cha Seonsaengnim a present. But I do not know what.”


In Hae places one hand over her heart. “So you have come to me, your Love Guru, for help.”


I stare at In Hae. I blink several times to try to help myself think. But I do not understand her. I do not know this word.




“All right, then. Love Expert – how about that?”


I nod. “Expert”, I understand. “Ne, In Hae-yah. You have very, very good ideas. For example, Cha Seonsaengnim really liked the rose I gave her, and that was your idea.”


It is true. I still remember how Cha Seonsaengnim had smiled and told me the rose was pretty. The only reason why that confession had not worked was because I had been too shy. I had not been able to say anything more. If I had been brave enough, In Hae’s idea would have worked.


But I am not shy or afraid around Cha Seonsaengnim anymore. I know that I like her and that she likes me.


“But why are you asking me now?” In Hae asks. “After all, you and Cha-saeng are already dating – you should know her better than me!”


I try to explain. “I want to give Cha Seonsaengnim something special. Something she does not already have. Something that….” I think back to what Kim Sun Joo had said earlier. “Something that tells her what is in my heart.”


In Hae nods. “So what is in your heart? Is there anything you want to say to her that you haven’t said yet?”


Hm. I had not thought about that before. I try to think on that now.


Cha Seonsaengnim knows I like her. She knows that from the way I listen to her. She knows that from the way I stay by her side no matter what. She knows that from the way I try to protect her. She knows that from the way I try to get along with her friends, even though meeting so many strangers at once makes me nervous.


Wait. That reminds me.


I reach into my pocket and take out my phone. In Hae scoots closer when I unlock the screen.


“Have you thought of something?” she asks.


I nod. “Ne.” I open the music player on my phone. “There is a song that Cha Seonsaengnim listens to a lot. She did not do it before. She did not know it before. But Cha Seonsaengnim heard it when she went with her parents to see a show a month ago, when they came from her hometown to visit her. Cha Seonsaengnim found a recording and sent it to me. She knows I like listening to beautiful music. She thought I would like this song, too.”


“And what does that have to do with anything? You want to sing it for her?”


I shake my head. “Animida. I cannot sing well. I would just ruin the song if I tried.


“In Hae-yah, I just want you to listen to it.” I find the song I am looking for and press “Play”.


The song is called “Three Little Words”. Usually, when I listen to it, I focus on the music and the voices. The singers are really good. They sound like the princes and princesses in the Disney cartoons I watched with Hyung and the other children in the orphanage when I was little.


But this time, I listen to the words.


Cha Seonsaengnim tells me that it is a song with a story. It is a story about a young couple: a boy named Sam and a girl named Molly. Molly wants Sam to tell her that he loves her, but Sam is shy. Sam cannot say it, no matter how hard he tries. Sam tells Molly about all the different ways he shows her his love, but Molly still wants him to just say “Saranghae” to her.


When the song is finished, I see In Hae looking at me. I cannot tell what In Hae is thinking. She is making a strange face at me, like she is both frustrated and confused.


Finally, In Hae speaks. “Park-saeng, no offence, but if it took you this long to figure out why Cha-saeng showed you this song, then you really are a dummy.”


I know. I know what Cha Seonsaengnim wants now. I also know I am a dummy for being so slow. But…but…but I do not know how to say it. I am like Sam. I do not know how to say it. Even if I try, I just get scared and embarrassed. Then my words come out funny and I cannot say what I mean.


I do not say this to In Hae. But In Hae is very, very smart. When she reaches out one hand and pats me on the knee, I know that she understands. I do not know how she knows what I am thinking. I just know that she does.


“How about this, Park-saeng: if you feel shy or embarrassed – and you’re not alone, a lot of guys do – do you think you can work up the courage to just say it once?” She lifts up one finger. “Just once.”


I am not sure. But I know that Cha Seonsaengnim is waiting. Cha Seonsaengnim is patient. She will not like me less because I cannot say it. But now that I know that this is what Cha Seonsaengnim wants, I want to try. Even if I fail, I want to try. It is only right.


I look at In Hae and nod. “Ne. I will try.”


In Hae smiles. “Good!” She gives me a thumbs-up. “If you’re willing to try, then I have an idea. Now, this is what you need to do….”




I find what I am looking for in a toy store: a very cute brown teddy bear that the sales clerk tells me will play back any words I record into it.


The bear does not have any clothes, but I want to change that. I ask Eomma to help me. Eomma came back to Seoul from Taebaek after Appa died. I live together with her now, in a little house that is just our own. I know how to sew a little bit, but I need Eomma to help me make a pattern. Together, we make a tiny set of scrubs and a white coat for the teddy bear. Eomma stitches my name onto the coat, and I add a stethoscope that I found in a medical play set from the toy store.


The teddy bear is finished now. Eomma and I have finished it just in time. Tonight is the night before White Day. I will have to give the bear to Cha Seonsaengnim tomorrow.


But there is one last thing I need to do.


I take the bear with me into my room. I tell Eomma not to come in or call me outside until I am done.


I sit down on my bed. The bear is sitting in my lap.


I press the button to record my message. I open my mouth to speak, but nothing comes out.


Time runs out. The bear stays silent.


I hug the bear close and bury my face in the top of its head. Why? Why can I not say it? What am I scared of?


I look up and over at the photo of Hyung that I keep on the table beside my bed.


Hyung, what should I do?


The picture smiles back at me. Hyung always does.


Don’t think too much on it, Si On-ah. Just say it.


Hyung sounds like In Hae. They both tell me that I just need to succeed once.


I try again. This time, I can say a little.


“Seonsaengnim, sa– sarang–”


Time runs out again. But I am getting closer.


I take a deep breath. I push the button one more time. Before I get scared again, I close my eyes and just blurt it out:


“Seonsaengnim, saranghamnida.”




I could have brought the bear with me to work, but I decide to give it to Cha Seonsaengnim afterwards instead.


I do not want Professor Kim, Han Seonsaengnim or the others to hear the recording by mistake. That will just make me embarrassed.


Cha Seonsaengnim and I will go to a restaurant for dinner later. Neither of us know how to cook, so we do not like eating each other’s food.


I go to her apartment to pick her up. Cha Seonsaengnim still lives in the same place, even though I am no longer downstairs.


When Cha Seonsaengnim opens the door, I start by giving her a rose. The bear is in a gift bag. I am hiding it behind my back.


Cha Seonsaengnim’s eyes get really wide when she sees the rose. She takes it and gives me a big smile. “Wa…this is so pretty!”


I give her a thumbs-up. “Seonsaengnim is really, really pretty, too.”


Cha Seonsaengnim reaches out and smacks me on the arm. But she is laughing, so I know she is not upset with me. “Ya, Park Si On – are you starting on the cheesy pick-up lines already?” she asks.


But it is true. Cha Seonsaengnim really is very, very pretty tonight. She has let her hair down, she is wearing a simple dress with a sweater on top.


I find myself staring at her lips. She has put on a little bit of makeup, and her lips are now as red as the rose.


Cha Seonsaengnim steps back into the apartment. She beckons for me to follow her inside. “I need to put this in a vase first, or it will wilt. Then we can go out.” She says that as I kick off my shoes and step inside.


I can see Cha Seonsaengnim going into the kitchen. She fills a tall glass with water. She takes the rose out of the plastic cover and puts it inside. Then, Cha Seonsaengnim goes to put the vase on her desk, beside a tall stack of books.


When she turns back around to face me, I pull out the bag from behind my back. Careful to use both hands, I hold it out to her.


“Seonsaengnim, this is for you, too.”


Once again, Cha Seonsaengnim gives me a huge smile. There is a light sparkling in her eyes when she takes the bag from me.


“Komawo, Si On-ah – you shouldn’t have.”


“Of course I should have, Seonsaengnim. Whatever makes Seonsaengnim happy, I should do it.”


Cha Seonsaengnim laughs. She sets the bag down on the table. She opens it and pulls back the tissue paper to look inside.


“Ya…” Cha Seonsaengnim gasps. She lifts the bear out of the bag. “That’s so cute!” She holds it up and takes a closer look at its clothing. “Did you make this?”


I nod. “Ne. How did Seonsaengnim know?”


Cha Seonsaengnim laughs. “First of all, I’ve never seen a bear dressed like this before. Second, it’s got your name on it.” She opens up the bear’s lab coat and shows me the seam on the inside. “And third, your sewing stitches look like you tried to make sutures with a straight needle instead of a curved one. If that’s not a total giveaway that these clothes were made by a surgeon, I don’t know what is.”


Cha Seonsaengnim takes the bear to her bed. I wonder if I should tell her how to listen to the recording. I want Cha Seonsaengnim to hear it, but I do not know if I want her to do it while I am still here.


What if Cha Seonsaengnim does not like it?


“There,” Cha Seonsaengnim says as she puts the bear on top of her pillow. “Now he can keep me company when I’m sleeping.” She pats the bear on the stomach, like a mother patting her baby.


Suddenly, Cha Seonsaengnim stops. She keeps her hand on the bear’s stomach. “Wait – there’s something inside, isn’t there?” She pats the bear again. “Ya, Park Si On – did you record something here?”


Before I can answer, Cha Seonsaengnim picks up the bear again. This time, she squeezes it tight with her fingers.


The bear’s voice – my voice – comes out.


“Seonsaengnim, saranghamnida.”




I cannot see Cha Seonsaengnim’s face. She is turned away from me. But I can hear her voice. I can hear that she is surprised.


She squeezes the bear again. The recording plays again.


“Seonsaengnim, saranghamnida.”


Finally, Cha Seonsaengnim turns around to look at me. “Si On-ah….” She starts to get up. She is still holding the bear in one hand.


I cannot look at her. I turn my eyes away and I blink as I look down at the floor. My hands come together in front of me. I find myself clicking my fingernails together the way I do whenever I am nervous.


“Does – does Seonsangnim like it? I – I know that I have never told Seonsaengnim, ‘Saranghamnida’ before. I have tried before, but then my pulse goes up really, really fast and when I open my mouth, the words get stuck and nothing comes out. I thought that if I could just say it once – just one time – and the bear remembers it, then Seonsaengnim can hear it as many times as Seonsaengnim likes.”


By this time, Cha Seonsaengnim has come so close that she is standing right in front of me. She reaches her arms out behind me and puts her hands on my back. When she looks up at me, I understand what she is asking. I give her a nod and she steps closer to give me a hug.


“Of course I like it,” Cha Seonsaengnim says. “Because it’s from you, and I can see how much care you put into it.


“You know, Si On-ah, I didn’t need you to say anything special to me. I know that you love me even without those words.”


“Seon – Seonsaengnim does?”


Cha Seonsaengnim nods. “Ne. But I also know how hard it is for you to tell me how you feel, so what I appreciate here is your effort and your sincerity.”


I cannot see from her expression what Cha Seonsaengnim wants to do next. I do not expect her to suddenly lean forward and give me a kiss on one cheek.


“Komawo, Si On-ah,” Cha Seonsaengnim says once she is done. “I love you, too.”


Author's Note



I think most of this fic is pretty straightforward already, so this behind-the-scenes look will focus on the TWO Easter Eggs that actually were my main inspiration for this story.


1. The Crossover Easter Egg - "Three Little Words" from "GHOST: The Musical"


This is probably the thing that ended up tying the whole story together. I knew that I wanted to have Park Si On telling Cha Yoon Seo he loved her as part of the present, but I wasn't sure for a long time how to have him come up with the idea.


And then I remembered this song - or, more specifcally, its lyrics, which I found courtesy of Joo Won Cuties.



I haven't actually watched "Ghost" (either the musical or the film) in full, so I can't say I know a lot about Sam's character. But I did mark his sincerity in this song, but also his way of showing his love for Molly through actions rather than words. Which I thought was rather similar to Park Si On - we can see all the ways he cares for Cha Yoon Seo in the drama, but to actually get him to up and say that he likes or loves her...that's a challenge.


2. The Teddy Bear


The actual bear is fictional - I'm not thinking of any real bear that's out there on the market. However, I was heavily inspired by the "Park Si On" Rilakkuma that JW's fans gave him for his birthday while he was filming "Good Doctor". It's the one on the right in this pic.





Once again, if anyone wants to access my other fanfics as well as miscellaneous Hallyu-related writings, they can be found under the "About Me" tab on my profile page. Thanks for reading, and enjoy!

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Okay, since it looks quiet today, and I've already posted the fic earlier, I'll just add some more pictures and call it a day.



Cute photos from one of JW's "V Live" broadcasts while filming "Yong Pal" - This time, featuring Park Hye Su, who plays his little sister in the drama



I love how casual-cool this picture is



Recently, I came across a couple of photos showing JW sitting backwards in a chair




The cool, charismatic - and slightly grumpy - Cha Yoo Jin




...The even grumpier Gu Ma Jun...



...And the not-grumpy-at-all Moon Jun Won :wink: 










Okay, I was planning on just leaving it at those pics for today, but I just really quickly want to add a couple of things that have just come to my attention.


First of all, we have a new JW video!



Secondly, I was listening to the "Yong Pal" OST earlier today, and when I heard this song...I don't know why, but now I really want to hear JW cover it someday. I don't know what the lyrics are saying, to be honest, but I just love it musically :) 



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On 3/14/2018 at 1:22 AM, kittyna said:


I like that JW was doing his best to communicate with the Chinese actors and staff - I actually didn't know that in these joint Chinese-Korean productions, the Chinese and Korean cast and crew members tended to stick together. I guess it should have been obvious, because there is a language barrier, but I like that JW was trying hard to bridge that gap

I heard there is not many celebrity try to communicate with the staff. So I'm amazed and happy that Joo won still try to communicate with the staff even though they have different language. It doesn't stop him :lol:. The staff amazed that he still try to communicate with the chinese crews with his limited chinese vocabulary. Sometimes he comunicated with english. I'm proud and happy that people call him a kind and humble man.


On 3/14/2018 at 1:22 AM, kittyna said:

By the way, the bit about the "chocolate and fried chicken" made me laugh. lol - Everyone knows JW's a chocoholic (even if they didn't before, the chocopie story from the army should have clued them in), and, well, of course, there's the fried chicken. The PD's right that that's not healthy, though :tongue: 

Hahaha... we know that joo won is reaaallly like chicken especially the fried one. Remember there are photos of joo won fanart where all joo won chibi character is holding a fried chicken. Joo won wad asked what kind of food will you eat if that is the last time you can eat it. And like we expect his answer is chicken. His fans know it so when they give support by sending food truck, chicken will be one of the menu. 



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On 3/14/2018 at 1:22 AM, kittyna said:


From the half that you posted, @moonstrike, I think the thing that surprised me was that JW actively encouraged fans to take candid photos and post them online. Not all celebrities are like that, and even if the celebrity is fine with it, often their managers are not - it's too easy for unflattering or potentially compromising photos to get leaked out that way (e.g. celebrities being caught smoking or drinking). The fact that JW allows it, though, tells me that 1) he's careful enough with his choices that he knows there's nothing fans or paparazzi could catch him doing that he wouldn't mind being made known, and 2) he trusts his fans enough to respect his space and not release anything too private or personal. Which...may be hopelessly naive, but that's JW for you. :wink: 


I think joo won said that because he wants to promote the drama by saying that his fans can take pictures of him filming and so fans can share it on SNS. He often say it when he does stage greating in the movie theater. 


On 3/14/2018 at 1:22 AM, kittyna said:


It was funny how Kim Na Young got so excited that the hosts later pointed out she was bouncing before JW even got close enough to touch her.

I also will be so excited but also very nervous. Because its like a chance to feeling his grab and also his killer stare. But after that, my leg will become weak so suddenly like the first girl. That is exactly what i wll look like if joo won did that to me..


On 3/14/2018 at 1:22 AM, kittyna said:

He is really handsome in that pic, but not in the "OMG, Oppa's so sexy!" way. It's the cute boy-next-door type of handsomeness, and I love that :wub:

Yeah... i love his style here. He looks like a flower boy nehxt door. So pure and innocent kinda look. His haircut and smile is so cute and charming 


On 3/14/2018 at 9:57 PM, kittyna said:

So, right on time, the "Good Doctor"-themed White Day fic is now ready!

Thank you! Its so great. It makes me miss park shi on so much. The story also very cute. I can't get enough of it. Fyi, I rewatch Good doctor after i read your fanfic. Its nice imagining the after story about this couple. I'm waiting for another cute romantic love story from your fanfic.


(Because its too long to load the picture, this is lagging so long. I can't post picture now)

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