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Joo Won 주원 [Drama- The Midnight Studio/ 야한(夜限) 사진관]


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2 hours ago, callmegiggles said:


Where'd that quote text go? Lol. I usually have problems with posting on my phone, so I just post on my computer.

There was some stuff I missed while watching the v-cast but I was actually surprised there was live subbing for most of it!
I too will have to re-watch it when there is more subs. Don't worry, I was also spazzing while watching.
I'm really bad with putting my thoughts into words sometimes, lol.
I think the angle he was filming from made him look slimmer, but you make a good point about the suit.
He's so cute! I can't get over it and whenever I hear him sing, I have just... gone to heaven at that point.
I pretend he's serenading to me... hahahahahaha. He'd be pretty good at serenading his potential soulmate when that happens. Haha.

Swoons. Whoever ends up with him will be the luckiest woman alive!

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12 hours ago, ctfrsgp said:


Me too... TaeJa couple made me cried buckets back then every weekend. Not even sweet Shi-Onnie made me shedded tears by the gallons. 


Yeah, I too shed lots of tears while watching TaeJa couple's scenes. Tae Hee couldn't survive without Ja Eun but it seems TaeHyun could still cope reasonably well without Yeo Jin.  If YP has the luxury of time to strengthen the OTP's relationship, I might have fallen harder and I'm sure criticisms for first kiss in the church would be fewer.
@gilaswan  This is my first time watching OB but I saw some cut scenes of the couple in youtube while waiting for new YP episodes to be aired. I also read about OB in Softy's blog and soompi so I know its storyline even before watching.
So I finally completed all episodes late last night since I am in OB mood recently. As I skipped TS and TP's romances and fast forward several scenes without JW, I estimate out of 58 episodes, I only spent only around 20 hours in total? Haha.. I hope less fans get put off by the no. of episodes and more people will watch the drama to see how amazing JW is in it. :)
Initially, I regretted a little after I started OB because it's so addictive that I couldn't stop. Now, I regretted I didn't watch OB earlier because it is really a well written and well made drama with lots of heart and soul. Uncontrollably, I cared deeply for the characters which is rare for someone who has watched too many dramas to be emotionally attached to the repetitive drama characters. 
I clearly remember the first scene of Tae Hee in the car with his side kick. Right from the start, this character gained a spot in my heart. One moment he was hot tempered while talking to his side kick and refused to change his socks. The next moment he totally became another person, acting cute while on video call with GM and his mom. Checking his face and obediently changing his dirty socks according to GM's request. The most endearing part was when he told his side kick that he did that to make GM happy, so that everyone in the family will be happy and more importantly, his mother will be happy. How sweet and sensible is that!! How can I not fall for Tae Hee right from the start?
Tae Hee doesn't reveal his feelings easily because he is too used to pretending. So I could almost feel my heart ripped apart in those scenes where he broke down. Sorry JW!  I love your smiles and dimples but I don't know why those scenes you cried in the dramas are always my favourite ones
- TH answered GM spitefully when she found out he knew his mother was back and questioned if they met.
- Father asking TH to break up with JE. The look on TH's face the moment his father threatened to tell JE the truth if TH doesn't break up with her killed me. He loves her so much that he rather breaks up with her than to risk her knowing the truth.
- After witnessing JE's self destructive state in the bar, TH begged GM to forgive and accept JE when he was drunk. 
I think there are many other scenes with TH crying or trying not to cry but I couldn't see most of them clearly on my small mobile screen. My vision was blurred after long hours of watching, lack of sleep and lots of crying. Gawd.. rewatching on a big screen is a must when I am free.
When Tae Hee told him Jae Eun "You made me into a pathetic guy", I almost screamed to him "You made me into a pathetic fan too!"  I couldn't eat and sleep properly while worrying for TH after JE discovered her farm contract was stolen by TH's mom and after he broke up with her. 
After OB, I'm only left with L7CS. If I'm not wrong, he is a love sick puppy in that drama so even though the plot seems dumb I don't mind spending 16 hours (or less given my experience with fast forwarding boring scenes) to see a love sick JW..Haha. . Anyone can share your experience with L7CS? Is it really that bad..? Come to think of it, we are considered very lucky fans as he had quite an impressive no. of dramas we can watch online since his debut. Moreover, every drama character is unique and his dramas genres vary, so I will never feel bored watching him. 
My biggest regret is not being able to watch his musical Ghost on my screen...:mellow:
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I just realized UEE and her co star are also contending for best couple award in SBS. If they attend, I wonder if JW will be jealous even with Tae Beauty besides him? Haha.. I think I'm too lame and still struck by their chemistry in OB now to care about this..
Speaking of chemistry, I want to commend JW for his ability to bring out the best in his female co star. I notice this not just in Gaksital,  it happened in Yongpal and now OB as well (in order of the dramas I watched). Gaksital was the second time I saw Jin Se Yeon in a drama, after her lead role in a daily drama My daughter the flower. She has many haters for her poor acting in Five fingers, Inspiring Generation and Doctor Stranger but I think most of the haters didn't watch her act in Gaksital.  Not that she was very good there but considering she was still a newbie in 2012, I think she was more watchable than her other dramas where she was rather bland. I remembered I was moved to tears by Mok-dan a few times in Gaksital. Similarly I find Kim Tae Hee's acting average in Stairways to Heaven, IRIS and My Princess. But she really improved in YP.. And I never liked UEE probably due to her idol image and poor acting in You're Beautiful and Jeon Woo-chi. But I was pleasantly surprised she delivered those emotional scenes in OB pretty well. To conclude, I believe all 3 actresses could perform better in their respective dramas with JW because his caring and friendly personality made them feel at ease. Once an actress feels comfortable with her costar, she can get into character more easily. I'm sure JW guided UEE and JSY and influenced their acting styles directly too. So good job JW! 
Which makes me wonder what if JW has the opportunity to act with skillful actresses? Call me bias but it appears to me that JW had more to give than receive when it comes to developing chemistry with previous female costars. Although Moon Chae Won is not bad, she doesn't come across to me as a strong actress in Good Doctor. If JW acts with a skillful actress, can he impress me further? Can he create another phenomenal character or will he be overshadowed by the female lead? Names I can think of are my favourite actresses Moon Guen Young and Ha Ji Won who are really good and award winning actresses. I pray to drama god that he can be on the same screen with either one some day, especially Moon Guen Young as they are same age. How cute will both of them be in lovely dovey scenes and how intense can they get if they are casted in the same melo drama? 
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Christmas eve!

@sagaseed how I want to talk more about OB, Joo Won, his co-stars and more....but after wrestling with the Turkey(sorry, I dumped that huge Big Bird on you :P), I now have to get the lamb and beef ready in 7 hours' time. 

Maybe, I will sneak in to write later. 

And aaaaaw Joo Won in the latest v-app broadcast, you dork! 

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2 hours ago, sagaseed said:


After OB, I'm only left with L7CS. If I'm not wrong, he is a love sick puppy in that drama so even though the plot seems dumb I don't mind spending 16 hours (or less given my experience with fast forwarding boring scenes) to see a love sick JW..Haha. . Anyone can share your experience with L7CS? Is it really that bad..? Come to think of it, we are considered very lucky fans as he had quite an impressive no. of dramas we can watch online since his debut. Moreover, every drama character is unique and his dramas genres vary, so I will never feel bored watching him. 


It is that bad.  Um...yeah.  There's not really any plot to speak of.  It was like the writer just stopped showing up to work at some point, and the actors and director just had to make stuff up on the spot.  It really felt like that.  But the first few episodes are probably worth checking out if you're desperate enough.  It didn't start out completely horrible, at least. :)  I'm sure it's not the worst drama in existence, but I couldn't make it much past the halfway point.

Sorry :D  Here's a cute and vaguely Christmas-y Gil Ro to make up for the Level 7 bah humbug.



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2 hours ago, sagaseed said:

Tae Hee doesn't reveal his feelings easily because he is too used to pretending. So I could almost feel my heart ripped apart in those scenes where he broke down. Sorry JW!  I love your smiles and dimples but I don't know why those scenes you cried in the dramas are always my favourite ones

- TH answered GM spitefully when she found out he knew his mother was back and questioned if they met.

- Father asking TH to break up with JE. The look on TH's face the moment his father threatened to tell JE the truth if TH doesn't break up with her killed me. He loves her so much that he rather breaks up with her than to risk her knowing the truth.

- After witnessing JE's self destructive state in the bar, TH begged GM to forgive and accept JE when he was drunk. 


I think there are many other scenes with TH crying or trying not to cry but I couldn't see most of them clearly on my small mobile screen. My vision was blurred after long hours of watching, lack of sleep and lots of crying. Gawd.. rewatching on a big screen is a must when I am free.


Haha...can't pull myself away, threw in some buttermilk biscuits and while that gets going....let me delve into OB. 

Same with me, as much as I like Joo Won's smiles and dimples, those scenes where he cried stay for a long long time in my mind and definitely on my favorite scene list. In OB, Joo Won had many of those 'quiet' crying scenes, some which went on uncontrollably to heart wrenching sobs. 

Ditto about that scene with Grandma. It was the first time I noticed in detail how Joo Won cries. I said this ad nauseam, Joo Won cries with his entire face. In this scene, watch how his chin crumpled and shivered. 

Father asking TH to break up with JE. Yeah, it was such an awesome nuanced performance from Joo Won. No histronics. In fact, his face was downcast half the time, his eyes lowered only looking up when Dad threatened. Oooffffftttt!

Joo Won's acting in TH's breakdown was so so phenomenal. He was like a child, trying to plead with Grandma. I love that bit where he swore to GM that he tried but he just couldn't. I want to give him an award for that scene alone. 

You gotta to watch them HD, at least on a PC or something. Joo Won's acting must be relished in details because there's so much to savor. 

I watched others, even going to clips where fans put up as phenomenal crying scene of their bias. Yeah, call me fanatic. I really wanted to make an objective comparison. While some do cry real tears, it's quite akin to working themselves up(internally) for the lack of a better word. I watched this other actor several times just to make sure I am right in my conclusion - that Joo Won is still better. Joo Won's always seem so natural in comparison. Like @ecs707a, many can cry convincingly but how many can convincingly almost cry?

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1 hour ago, ecs707a said:

It is that bad.  Um...yeah.  There's not really any plot to speak of.  It was like the writer just stopped showing up to work at some point, and the actors and director just had to make stuff up on the spot.  It really felt like that.  But the first few episodes are probably worth checking out if you're desperate enough.  It didn't start out completely horrible, at least. :)  I'm sure it's not the worst drama in existence, but I couldn't make it much past the halfway point.

Sorry :D  Here's a cute and vaguely Christmas-y Gil Ro to make up for the Level 7 bah humbug.

@sagaseed L7what? L7Cwha-? Never heard of that before... *feigns ignorance* Who was in that drama? Our cutie? Really? Like seriously? Dunno....

(Yes it's that bad)

It's not that our fav guy is bad in it. He's never bad in anything. It was just everything else was a trainwreck and I really don't want him associated with that junk plot. Like c'mon, this is the man that brought Gaksital to life why waste that talent?

Edit: Ooh and his crying scenes... I always love his scenes when he cries over dying/dead bodies LOL his mom, bro and Yeojin's. And I like him crying while he's eating... Potato scene, dwenjangjjigae scene. And anything is desperation. And I also like his almost-cries. So much variety. It's not like *bawl* every time. So I was watching Vapp live yesterday and he notes how fans included many of his crying scenes in the photo book. He then asks if we like to see him cry so much? I nodded furiously and whisper-squealed yes as if he could see and hear me. Pfft. I wish it was Facetime not Vapp. A girl can dream..

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Wow......Rudolph has the grooves! 


cr JW DC

Got this from JW DC but seems like no one knows the source(at least that's what I got from google translate). Joo Won is in China now, since last night. From the IG posts above, he was with his colleagues at some Sim's event, maybe this is for the shoot? 

His remarks about Rudolph during the v app broadcast was so cute, as cute as he is



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Merry Christmas everyone!


23 minutes ago, mrdimples said:

Wow......Rudolph has the grooves! 


cr JW DC

Got this from JW DC but seems like no one knows the source(at least that's what I got from google translate). Joo Won is in China now, since last night. From the IG posts above, he was with his colleagues at some Sim's event, maybe this is for the shoot? 


This was from Musical Ghost.

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Joo Won posted a couple of pictures on Weibo lately.


Weibo Message: 중국 항저우에서 크리스마스 이브~~ ^^ 가족과 떯어져있는 지금 나를 가족처럼 아껴주는 jiajia 누나 그리고 감독님 얼굴 반만 내민 인덕이 땡큐~ 일본 보사노바 가수 Lisa Ono 콘서트~^^ 메리크리스마스~~^^ 다들 너무 고마워요~~


Weibo Message: merrychristmas~~


Weibo Hashtag: #MerryChristMas

Credit: 演员周元 via. Weibo

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