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Joo Won 주원 [Drama- The Midnight Studio/ 야한(夜限) 사진관]


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watching Baker King currently. i really hate his character, but i understand why he did all those bad things that he does. but it doesnt mean that he should do it! he just needs to change himself, but he refuses to be told the truth.


spoiler alert!!!


Majun has everything he ever wanted, but the love of people around him. he feels that no one ever loves him. his mother? i doubt that his mother's feelings towards him is deep love. she loves him, yes. but she's treating him as a doll to do her wishes. she wanted Majun to rule the company, never once asked him what he wanted to do since he was little. imagine having to grow up without a father's love, hated by everyone else including family members, forced to do things he doesnt want to (baking) every single day, and living up to the reputation he doesnt want. he has the skills, he has the brain. but he doesnt have the 'heart' for it. we see that because he was forced to do things he disliked, he rebels all the time to instructions.

Majun has never faced difficulties in his life. unlike Takgu who fights/works hard for the truth or for money since he was little, Majun has never had to raise a fist for anything. so it's not surprising that he becomes a coward. without a back-up, he's scared of being in trouble, of being in physical pain. apart from rebelling and being rude, he has never had to fight/argue for something he really wanted, so he didnt know how. like when he sees Takgu being beaten, he wanted to save Takgu, but he only manages to go as far as pick up a wooden stick. his desire to save Takgu is not great in him that he feels he has to do everything he can to save him. some may argue that he was injured. but even with perfect health condition, i dont think Majun will use his own strength to save Takgu.

Majun's desire is to be loved for who he really is. he does things because he just wants recognition by his father. he tries hard, but in the wrong way sometimes. he's a smart, brilliant man. but once faced a challenge (Takgu), he uses dirty methods to get his way. i dont blame Majun coz he was brought up this way. he's too young and arrogant to fight like a man. he fought like a coward instead. i kind of blame the chairman for this. everything that Majun did is to get his approval. i know that the chairman knows whose son Majun is, but it is not Majun's fault that things turn out this way. the chairman should have shown Majun some affection since he was little, and stand up to his wife and mother by allowing Majun to do what he wanted. instead, he gave the cold treatment to a little boy as cold as how he treated his wife.

The ending for Majun is as perfect as i could have imagined. he has never wanted to be in the company in the first place, so he chooses decisions that mirror Takgu's. he finally has someone whom he loves and loves him back. and for once in his life, he's free to do whatever he wishes, but he's also utilizing the only thing he ever known, which is to bake. he will give Takgu a run for his money once he returns and starts baking with a happy heart. he still has more skills, after all~


some may argue that Takgu deserves the girl. but to me, he doesnt deserve Yu Gyeong. until now, i dont understand her motive to work in the chairman's company when she knows Majun's mother hated her. had she applied for work elsewhere, no one would have bothered her and treated her like trash. she's free to love Takgu and meet up with him secretly without even Majun knowing. but she HAD to work at that company, and seeks revenge when she's wrongfully treated. what did she expect? i just wanted to tell her "why are you so stupid to go and work there in the first place? you seek your own trouble". sure, she wanted to get back at her for buying her small place to stay and for being rude while she was a student. had she learned to just forget it, she could have been happy with Takgu. instead for revenge, she allows herself to be treated harshly and gave her life to be forced to love someone whom she doesnt.

but... oh well~ she does get what she wants in the end. she was accepted by Majun's mother, and she was truly loved by Majun. these two are perfect for each other in the way that both craves love, so they will give their all to protect each other in the end, once they realized their wrong ways. i love it that Majun was the one who brought her back when she's juuuuust on the border of turning into a really bad person. she was one of the reasons Majun is willing to change. her words "i thought you would have really loved me" made him realize that she was actually willing to accept his love after all.


so as a conclusion... i hate Majun. but i love him. :x :x

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Guest saraneh
I saw him following some of his ex co-stars.. like claudia kim, bae min jung.. but none of his female lead.. why? I wonder if he tries to avoid fans backlash?

( sorry for cutting your post off  )....​yeah .I think so ..Maybe : :

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watching Baker King currently. i really hate his character, but i understand why he did all those bad things that he does. but it doesnt mean that he should do it! he just needs to change himself, but he refuses to be told the truth.


spoiler alert!!!


Majun has everything he ever wanted, but the love of people around him. he feels that no one ever loves him. his mother? i doubt that his mother's feelings towards him is deep love. she loves him, yes. but she's treating him as a doll to do her wishes. she wanted Majun to rule the company, never once asked him what he wanted to do since he was little. imagine having to grow up without a father's love, hated by everyone else including family members, forced to do things he doesnt want to (baking) every single day, and living up to the reputation he doesnt want. he has the skills, he has the brain. but he doesnt have the 'heart' for it. we see that because he was forced to do things he disliked, he rebels all the time to instructions.

Majun has never faced difficulties in his life. unlike Takgu who fights/works hard for the truth or for money since he was little, Majun has never had to raise a fist for anything. so it's not surprising that he becomes a coward. without a back-up, he's scared of being in trouble, of being in physical pain. apart from rebelling and being rude, he has never had to fight/argue for something he really wanted, so he didnt know how. like when he sees Takgu being beaten, he wanted to save Takgu, but he only manages to go as far as pick up a wooden stick. his desire to save Takgu is not great in him that he feels he has to do everything he can to save him. some may argue that he was injured. but even with perfect health condition, i dont think Majun will use his own strength to save Takgu.

Majun's desire is to be loved for who he really is. he does things because he just wants recognition by his father. he tries hard, but in the wrong way sometimes. he's a smart, brilliant man. but once faced a challenge (Takgu), he uses dirty methods to get his way. i dont blame Majun coz he was brought up this way. he's too young and arrogant to fight like a man. he fought like a coward instead. i kind of blame the chairman for this. everything that Majun did is to get his approval. i know that the chairman knows whose son Majun is, but it is not Majun's fault that things turn out this way. the chairman should have shown Majun some affection since he was little, and stand up to his wife and mother by allowing Majun to do what he wanted. instead, he gave the cold treatment to a little boy as cold as how he treated his wife.

The ending for Majun is as perfect as i could have imagined. he has never wanted to be in the company in the first place, so he chooses decisions that mirror Takgu's. he finally has someone whom he loves and loves him back. and for once in his life, he's free to do whatever he wishes, but he's also utilizing the only thing he ever known, which is to bake. he will give Takgu a run for his money once he returns and starts baking with a happy heart. he still has more skills, after all~


some may argue that Takgu deserves the girl. but to me, he doesnt deserve Yu Gyeong. until now, i dont understand her motive to work in the chairman's company when she knows Majun's mother hated her. had she applied for work elsewhere, no one would have bothered her and treated her like trash. she's free to love Takgu and meet up with him secretly without even Majun knowing. but she HAD to work at that company, and seeks revenge when she's wrongfully treated. what did she expect? i just wanted to tell her "why are you so stupid to go and work there in the first place? you seek your own trouble". sure, she wanted to get back at her for buying her small place to stay and for being rude while she was a student. had she learned to just forget it, she could have been happy with Takgu. instead for revenge, she allows herself to be treated harshly and gave her life to be forced to love someone whom she doesnt.

but... oh well~ she does get what she wants in the end. she was accepted by Majun's mother, and she was truly loved by Majun. these two are perfect for each other in the way that both craves love, so they will give their all to protect each other in the end, once they realized their wrong ways. i love it that Majun was the one who brought her back when she's juuuuust on the border of turning into a really bad person. she was one of the reasons Majun is willing to change. her words "i thought you would have really loved me" made him realize that she was actually willing to accept his love after all.


so as a conclusion... i hate Majun. but i love him. :x :x

​I am waiting for soompi to be "back" before I write much...this new format still feels weird to me. A few days more? 

Aigooo......Baker King, Kim Tak Goo......this has all the ingredients of a classic makjang. I can't tell you how much my blood pressure rose while watching this series and despite it, I was sucked into marathoning the 28 episodes in a week. I totally agree with the critics that this show has many flaws but I also see why it got 50% in ratings. I always tell people I think melodramas are crap but once I start, I swallow all the crap and ask for more :D

I am not in a right frame of mind to say anything logical about this drama nor analyze it. Just remembering the level of fondness I had for each character:

Gu Il Joong - the father of protagonist Kim Tak Goo and the non-father of Gu Ma Jun

This man immediately got into my bad books. He looked at his new born daughter with as much enthusiasm as one would a fly. Because you know, a SON is needed to ensure the Gu bloodline continues! 

Because his dreams of an heir went unfulfilled, he looked more and more like a stale sourdough bun as days wore on. 

Then he committed the gravest sin of all. Of course, it's always bad but there's 50 shades of despicable, remember? Cheating on your wife is NO-NO but cheating on your wife with your children's nanny a BIG NO-NO.......wait....not done yet....cheating on your wife while she is recovering from the birth of your child i.e. post partum with the Nanny HELL NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!  

Needless to say, from henceforth in the series, I accorded to him a respect lower than that of a worm. 

Seo In Guk - mother of Gu Ma Jun 

Because of Mr Gu, I had strange empathy for this woman. Is it even more astounding that in real life, there are women like Seo In Guk? I mean as far as living their entire lives revolving around men they love and love to hate? This hatred transformed their lives and the lives of their children. I am always amazed at how normal the 2 daughters of the Gu family turned out. Perhaps because they were never in contention to succeed and take over the business, they were not subject to all the manipulation. Coming back to Seo In Guk, she certainly gave her husband a comeuppance. She gave birth to Ma Jun whose scowl seems inborn and a perfect foil in case Papa Gu has any suspicions he was begotten from his loins.

Kim Tak Gu - the drama's namesake and therefore you know despite the mountain hill of dead yeast. expired flour and blown out ovens, he is the King of Baking. 

The character Tak Gu was easily pleasing with a bright smile and never say die attitude but the champagne bubble didn't last and he became as flat as those unleavened dough Tak Gu threw into the trash. That's the problem makjang writing always have. The goodies and baddies are always one dimensional. And Kim Tak Gu became that annoying one dimensional good guy. He's like that target in the shooting range, no matter how many bullets you shoot at him, he will be up for another round. I could totally make a horror movie out of Tak Gu and Ma Jun which goes like this: 

Ma Jun was a lonely boy, his sisters only wanted to play doll and forced Ma Jun to dress up Barbie. One day, a parcel turned up at Gu's home, it was for Ma Jun. He ripped off the wrapping and found a delightful life size doll inside. It must be a belated present from Daddy who had never given him birthday presents before other then his fond fatherly glare. This doll was no Barbie, it was a boy's doll. When Ma Jun pulled a string from the back, the doll spoke : "I am Kim Tak Gu!" Ma Jun loved the doll and it accompanied him wherever he went. But gradually, Ma Jun grew uncomfortable, Daddy was paying more attention to the doll than him. Isn't he, Gu Ma Jun, the REAL son? Ma Jun began to think of ways to rid off the doll but no matter how he tried, Kim Tak Gu always find itself back in Ma Jun's room. And Tak Gu doll always wore the grin on his face and said "I am Kim Tak Gu!" and now someone has programmed something new, it also says "I am your father's real son!" Ma Jun was tormented. 

Gu Ma Jun - the supposed antagonist. With a face and body like this, the makers of this drama were just evil to make us love the Baddie. 

You know, I never bought into this "girls love bad boys" kind of argument. But darn, Joo Won, why do you make me eat my words? I guess I wasn't the only one affected. I highly suspect the writer herself went off her original intent and clearly spent more time fleshing out the character of Gu Ma Jun then she did Kim Tak Gu. Of course, every time Ma Jun does something bad, you know she has to stick to the formula. It's like she was writing, "this demi god specimen of a man child cupped Yu Kyung's face gently in his big hands and kissed her softly..." then she remembered the terms of her writing contract with KBS and hurriedly added in the next scene " Ma Jun adds detergent to Tak Gu's breakfast cereal" Hence, neither did her character Yu Kyung made any sense. You know it's a travesty for a female lead to fall for the second male lead? It has happened before but few and far in between. But but never a second lead as dastardly as this Ma Jun. But who can blame them? 


p.s. I seriously don't know what possesses me to write this :(





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​I am waiting for soompi to be "back" before I write much...this new format still feels weird to me. A few days more? 

Aigooo......Baker King, Kim Tak Goo......this has all the ingredients of a classic makjang. I can't tell you how much my blood pressure rose while watching this series and despite it, I was sucked into marathoning the 28 episodes in a week. I totally agree with the critics that this show has many flaws but I also see why it got 50% in ratings. I always tell people I think melodramas are crap but once I start, I swallow all the crap and ask for more :D

I am not in a right frame of mind to say anything logical about this drama nor analyze it. Just remembering how the level of fondness I had for each character:

Kim Tak Gu - the drama's namesake and therefore you know despite the mountain hill of dead yeast. expired flour and blown out ovens, he is the King of Baking. 

The character Tak Gu was easily pleasing with a bright smile and never say die attitude but the champagne bubble didn't last and he became as flat as those unleavened dough Tak Gu threw into the trash. That's the problem makjang writing always have. The goodies and baddies are always one dimensional. And Kim Tak Gu became that annoying one dimensional good guy. He's like that target in the shooting range, no matter how many bullets you shoot at him, he will be up for another round.


​Yeah, thiiiiisss.  I know I said this somewhere before, but I was SO TIRED of everyone saying, "Tak Gu will be fine!" every time something bad happened to him (so it was said many, many times haha).  So, of course, he was.  Ugh.  Team Ma Jun all the way.  I also know I've said this before too, but despite the overall makjanginess (lol) of the drama, it's really Ma Jun who has the normal problems, once you get past the, um, makjanginess.  Apart from the birth secret and the pressure to inherit the company and all, his problems are pretty understandable.  Unlike Mr. Sunshine, who is just sad and misunderstood and kicked around by the world for all the craziest reasons and yet somehow for no reason at all.  And misses his mommy.  Oh, I cannot speak rationally about this drama either.  Hahaha.

 I could totally make a horror movie out of Tak Gu and Ma Jun which goes like this: 

Ma Jun was a lonely boy, his sisters only wanted to play doll and forced Ma Jun to dress up Barbie. One day, a parcel turned up at Gu's home, it was for Ma Jun. He ripped off the wrapping and found a delightful life size doll inside. It must be a belated present from Daddy who had never given him birthday presents before other then his fond fatherly glare. This doll was no Barbie, it was a boy's doll. When Ma Jun pulled a string from the back, the doll spoke : "I am Kim Tak Gu!" Ma Jun loved the doll and it accompanied him wherever he went. But gradually, Ma Jun grew uncomfortable, Daddy was paying more attention to the doll than him. Isn't he, Gu Ma Jun, the REAL son? Ma Jun began to think of ways to rid off the doll but no matter how he tried, Kim Tak Gu always find itself back in Ma Jun's room. And Tak Gu doll always wore the grin on his face and said "I am Kim Tak Gu!" and now someone has programmed something new, it also says "I am your father's real son!" Ma Jun was tormented. 

​I want to see your movie, @mrdimples.  And who else would Ma Jun have learned his glare from?  Not-Daddy, of course.  Ah, memories.  :)  I think it was the glaring that first made me love Ma Jun, incidentally.  I love his glaring.

Maybe I should actually rewatch it at some point.  I never did, other than a few of the more Ma Jun-centric episodes.  I'm sure I would still want to punch Tak Gu in the face most of the time though.  That would not be good.  I feel like there's a personality test embedded in that final Tak Gu-Ma Jun confrontation (the ridiculous kitchen one).  I will never understand you either, Tak Gu!  Hahaha.  Ma Jun didn't, and neither did Yu Kyung, so it made sense that they ended up together.  So good job on that at least, writer. 

​p.s. I seriously don't know what possesses me to write this :(

​Because that drama was insane and infuriating and fun all at once.  And insane.  Did I say insane?  And I feel like a crazy person every time I try to write about it too, so you're not alone.

Ma Jun, it's all your fault that I'm here.  All your fault!  (glare glare)

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hai guys~

so i've been stalking list of current dramas to find out the ratings, future dramas and casting news. the weekdays dramas now have quite good ratings, though all are still below 15%. Not what they used to be because a lot of people tend to watch online nowadays. the ratings look promising to me. better than last year when all dramas' ratings are below 10%.

when i read the synopsis of the current and future dramas, a lot of them seem intriguing to me. KBS, MBC, SBS, and even TVN JTBC, and OCN, the cable channels (for those of you who didnt know). the storylines seem fresh though with the usual kdrama cliches added like first love, love triangle, hero rescues damsel-in-distress, etc. i dont mind these cliches as long as the scenes which added up to it permits these cliches, and not done carelessly. anyway, with the great storylines, i see lots of great casting news too. popular and established actors/actresses confirmed their roles along with other second lead casts. this makes me more confident that the future dramas will possibly bring in higher ratings, back to glory days where certain dramas used to get more than 20%.

a major concern to me is Joowon's 'consideration' for new drama. so far, there have not been any news that he's considering any drama. as i browsed, dramas that have been confirmed are scheduled to air in June or July. so even if he confirms a drama now, it will take us AT LEAST until September to see him in action. that is, IF he confirms now. sure, we have his two movies premiere, the award show end of this month as an MC, and the Japanese fanmeeting for Naeil's Cantabile. but viewers wont get to see him in action on tv. this worries me so much!!!!

there are lots of promising dramas with good actors. i'm sure Joowon must have been offered a couple of those dramas but he declined them. some current/potential dramas like Masked Prosecutor have roles that he has taken before. so i guess Joowon must have been waiting for the roles which he thinks can challenge himself differently than other characters. i trust Joowon, but as a fan, i'm really worried about WHEN he makes his choice. he's still not as popular as certain actors out there, who can survive years of silence. he's one of the most talented actors out there. i want him to garner a strong fanbase with local and overseas fans.

i trust Joowon. miss him so much~ please choose a drama soon!

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A short interview for Naeil Cantabile in Japan




At 2:15, they asked what roles he would like to do after this. He said because there are a lot of dramas and movies, so to the viewers, they might not think that there are many types of characters. He wants to do a character that can make people feel that its 'new'. If not, he wants to do a character that feels like they exist in real life. (in the last line he rearranged his preference again. Saying he looks for 'real characters' first and if not, then he'll look at 'new characters'.)

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hai guys~

so i've been stalking list of current dramas to find out the ratings, future dramas and casting news. the weekdays dramas now have quite good ratings, though all are still below 15%. Not what they used to be because a lot of people tend to watch online nowadays. the ratings look promising to me. better than last year when all dramas' ratings are below 10%.

when i read the synopsis of the current and future dramas, a lot of them seem intriguing to me. KBS, MBC, SBS, and even TVN JTBC, and OCN, the cable channels (for those of you who didnt know). the storylines seem fresh though with the usual kdrama cliches added like first love, love triangle, hero rescues damsel-in-distress, etc. i dont mind these cliches as long as the scenes which added up to it permits these cliches, and not done carelessly. anyway, with the great storylines, i see lots of great casting news too. popular and established actors/actresses confirmed their roles along with other second lead casts. this makes me more confident that the future dramas will possibly bring in higher ratings, back to glory days where certain dramas used to get more than 20%.

a major concern to me is Joowon's 'consideration' for new drama. so far, there have not been any news that he's considering any drama. as i browsed, dramas that have been confirmed are scheduled to air in June or July. so even if he confirms a drama now, it will take us AT LEAST until September to see him in action. that is, IF he confirms now. sure, we have his two movies premiere, the award show end of this month as an MC, and the Japanese fanmeeting for Naeil's Cantabile. but viewers wont get to see him in action on tv. this worries me so much!!!!

there are lots of promising dramas with good actors. i'm sure Joowon must have been offered a couple of those dramas but he declined them. some current/potential dramas like Masked Prosecutor have roles that he has taken before. so i guess Joowon must have been waiting for the roles which he thinks can challenge himself differently than other characters. i trust Joowon, but as a fan, i'm really worried about WHEN he makes his choice. he's still not as popular as certain actors out there, who can survive years of silence. he's one of the most talented actors out there. i want him to garner a strong fanbase with local and overseas fans.

i trust Joowon. miss him so much~ please choose a drama soon!

Popularity is ,of course, important but if Joo Won wants to be a good actor it is not a necessity. After all,it will not stay forever with actor but good reputation will be. You can ask any hardcore drama watchers if they find all of those famous actors' works are superb or if their acting are remarkably good. Many will be saying "Okay" or "not bad" only.(Yes.They do have SOME breaking performance but most of them are lacking) On the other hand,Joo Won had 3 outstanding dramas: Baker King,Bridal Mask and Good Doctor. He already has approval from the seniors.

If he wants to survive in industry ,he should continue with his great job and choose dramas that show his acting . I know Joo Won(or his company) wants to try fluffy dramas that will make him famous overnight,like other internationally famous actors.But we all know he never have luck with them... That list of disastrous dramas and movies(Nodame,fashion king ¬¬ totally destroy everything for me) I will prefer him to choose dramas/movies that have values and solid plot. Take the risks and forget about popularity,like he did for bridal mask and good doctor. 

There are many actors who were/are never famous internationally but still respected and loved.Such as Ji Sung,Cha Seung Won,Kim myung min and etc. There are also many KWave stars who were famous in 2000s but have disappointing drama/movies records as they grow older. I want Joo Won to be fine Wine instead.

(I find most of Korean dramas nowadays boring and cliche.I used to watch a lot of Korean dramas but I will rather stone and look at wall than watch Kdramas now.Except for a few.)

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30 Childhood Photos of the Hottest Korean Celebrities Under 30
crystalcove May 5, 2015

It’s Children’s Day in South Korea (May 5) and to celebrate, we’ve compiled a list of 30 of the hottest, young K-drama stars under 30 in Korea right now and their childhood photos to track where all that talent and looks came from!


30. Joo Won (Born September 30, 1987)

source: http://www.soompi.com/2015/05/05/30-childhood-photos-of-the-hottest-korean-celebrities-under-30/



They could have done so much better with the grown-up version though, right?

Like pretty much any of these:

There are probably others too...anyone else got a favorite "look off to the side and maybe pout a little" face?  Haha.

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30 Childhood Photos of the Hottest Korean Celebrities Under 30
crystalcove May 5, 2015

It’s Children’s Day in South Korea (May 5) and to celebrate, we’ve compiled a list of 30 of the hottest, young K-drama stars under 30 in Korea right now and their childhood photos to track where all that talent and looks came from!


30. Joo Won (Born September 30, 1987)

source: http://www.soompi.com/2015/05/05/30-childhood-photos-of-the-hottest-korean-celebrities-under-30/

They could have done so much better with the grown-up version though, right?

Like pretty much any of these:

There are probably others too...anyone else got a favorite "look off to the side and maybe pout a little" face?  Haha.

​He is the "King of Pouting." I do wish he'd post some Instagram photos of him smiling though.

Or.. even him being silly, like shown down below (with his face I mean). :ph34r: I'm glad he has a Instagram though. I feel happy when he posts anything, it could be of his feet and we'd all be happy, hahahahaha.


Anyone know, what's up with the one picture of the rocks in his Instagram?

Can someone translate the hashtags?


I don't really know if I'm allowed to share this or not, but this was floating around on Weibo a while ago.

I'll take it down or edit this post, if I'm not allowed.


Credit: Source from Weibo.com

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Anyone know, what's up with the one picture of the rocks in his Instagram?

Can someone translate the hashtags?

​These rocks?
#incredible not a #composite



I don't really know if I'm allowed to share this or not, but this was floating around on Weibo a while ago.

I'll take it down or edit this post, if I'm not allowed.


Those photos are fine (as long as you don't edit them ^^; I guess the Weibo watermark is not supposed to be there...) It originated from DC for their most recent food support.

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Anyone know, what's up with the one picture of the rocks in his Instagram?

Can someone translate the hashtags?

​These rocks?
#incredible not a #composite

I don't really know if I'm allowed to share this or not, but this was floating around on Weibo a while ago.

I'll take it down or edit this post, if I'm not allowed.


Those photos are fine (as long as you don't edit them ^^; I guess the Weibo watermark is not supposed to be there...) It originated from DC for their most recent food support.

​Ooooh, he's got such a creative mind, lol. Another reason he rocks! Har har. 9_9

Thanks @rionae. :P

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@tokkimoon i guess joowon has been going on a 'korean' tour on his days off filming. He seems to be enjoying himself a lot. He IGed from namsan tower last week, busan recently and just this morning, he posted a picture in a subway. =)) in all my time in korea, i had never seen anyone wear sunglass and mask in broad daylight. I would definitely know it's a celebrity in disguise. :D it's great to see him so happy.

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Joowon's schedule for this month:

- finishing up That Guy filming

- Naeil's Cantabile fanmeeting in Japan (end of month)

- MC for drama award (end of month)

Ohhh??? It's That Guy is finishing this month? That was quick... well its not a drama after all ^^;

Hmm. We haven't seen anything other than his country bumpkin image. Maybe the fake sweat pic is the most that we can see for now? 

We need to see some blood too...... hehhh 

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