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Joo Won 주원 [Drama- The Midnight Studio/ 야한(夜限) 사진관]


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Guest mydeed

Thanks @Mei for the info.

Hhhhmmmmmmm.... this reminds me of his earlier this year sevengraderdrama (erk). I dunno, I'm happy for him but at the same time I'm not confident enough of this new project. We need more news and info on this.

Come on baby, I want to see you doing something baddddd... A warrior in sageuk piece or an underground member, a gangster. A bad one.

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mydeed said: Thanks @Mei for the info.

Hhhhmmmmmmm.... this reminds me of his earlier this year sevengraderdrama (erk). I dunno, I'm happy for him but at the same time I'm not confident enough of this new project. We need more news and info on this.

Come on baby, I want to see you doing something baddddd... A warrior in sageuk piece or an underground member, a gangster. A bad one.

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mydeed said: Thanks @Mei for the info.

Hhhhmmmmmmm.... this reminds me of his earlier this year sevengraderdrama (erk). I dunno, I'm happy for him but at the same time I'm not confident enough of this new project. We need more news and info on this.

Come on baby, I want to see you doing something baddddd... A warrior in sageuk piece or an underground member, a gangster. A bad one.

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mjwxo said: Hello :) I've been lurking in this thread since summer. I love Joo Won!! :") I'm just too shy to post anything, haha. Anyways, I finally decided to post because I want to share this 

I think this is the next project of Joo Won? I'm not sure. Dramabeans has already an article about the possible leading lady loooong ago, it was Park Ha Sun.

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Wow, what's this I'm hearing of a potential new project? I'm not for it (likewise for any new projects, boy needs to chill) but at this point anything goes. There's no official confirmation so we don't have to jump the gun. Remember that whole she-bang about Cutie in Moon Embraces The Sun? 
If he is indeed looking into Fashion King/Gangnam Style/whatever, then so be it. Cutie never chooses a bad project per se (even L7 had its good sides) and even if he does, I believe he is fully in control. Don't worry people! 
On a shallow note, hey, he's perfect as a fashion clotheshorse! *positive thoughts**positive thoughts**positive thoughts**positive thoughts**positive thoughts*

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Guest mydeed

Mei said:

There's some plot in the webtoon that they don't like @coolreborn and also it's too fast for him (Joo Won) if he already accepted this role so they hope Joo Won not take this role..bcoz if he accepted this, it means there is no rest for Joo Won..

@Mei... Is this the reaction the DC girls have? Wonder what they are saying.  :-/

fr Joo Won DC

Ouchhh way to go K-fans!

So this is the deal.. hello new movie while still in a musical, bubbye 1N2D. Aishhhh.

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Guest mindymoe

Maybe Cutie in that "Fashion King", be a stylish-bad-man-musa-like-highschool student. Oh no, my imagination is going everywhere................... 8-}

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I google translated this and looks like fan is talking the webton and Cutie taking the drama, not my fault if its not but google translate: LOL

link in DC >> http://gall.dcinside.com/board/view/?id=joowon&no=211978&page=3

굿닥보고 줜어된거고 디시도 처음이라 조용히 관음만하고 있었는뎅.. 너무 답답해서ㅠㅠ 

글 이렇게 쓰면 욕엄청먹던데........ㅠ.... 지금은 이런글도 필요할거 같아서 일단 씀!



배우 주원의 팬입니다.

현재 논의중이라는 영화 ㅍㅅㅇ은 웹툰 ㅍㅅㅇ이 원작이라고 들었습니다.

원작대로 가기에는 무리가 있어 각색도 한다고 들었습니다.

그러나 일단 ㅍㅅㅇ이라는 타이틀만으로도 각종 포털사이트의 반응이 절대적으로 부정적입니다.

청소년들의 범법행위에 대한 묘사와 부자연스러운 스토리 전개로 이미 대중들에게 인식이 좋지 않습니다.

생각컨데 ㅍㅅㅇ은 인지도는 있되, 인기있는 웹툰이 아닌 것 같습니다.

분명 영화 자체는 배우 주원의 연기력으로 충분히 커버할 수도 있다고 생각합니다.

하지만 브라운관이 아닌 관객이 찾아가야 하는 스크린 시장에서 대중의 부정적 인식으로 출발하는 것은 위험한 선택이지 않을까요?

굿닥터의 '박시온'으로서 힐링의 아이콘으로 큰 사랑을 받는 이 시점에서 좋은 이미지를 굳히지는 못할망정 왜,

굳이 힘든 길을 가는 것인가 하는 생각이 드는 건 어쩔 수 없네요. 

제빵왕 김탁구, 오작교 형제들, 각시탈 그리고 굿닥터까지 연이은 성공으로 탄탄한 연기력을 입증하고

1박2일 등으로 예능까지 섭렵하며 인지도를 높이고 있지만 아직 가야할 길이 멀고도 멉니다.

(단적인 예는 현재 투표가 진행중인 CJ 주최의 2013 스타일 아이콘 어워즈에서 순위권밖이라는 충격적인 사실입니다.)

이제부터가 진짜 시작인 배우 주원일진대 신중히 작품을 선택했으면 좋겠습니다.

google translate:

I am writing this paragraph is summarized.
Fuc-king fuc-king  >>> google translate fault, not mine!!!! 


Report gutdak jwoneo happened the first time he called Dish and quiet, but iteotneun Voyeurism dengue. And so frustrating ㅠ ㅠ

Ate huge desire to write this article .... ㅠ ........ Like this article now also going to need one or register!

Actor Joo is a fan of.

Currently discussing the movie ㅍ ㅅ ㅅ o o the Chelsea ㅍ heard that the original.

Back in the adaptation of the original also heard that there's a bunch.

However, the title alone one ㅍ o ㅅ reaction of various portal sites is absolutely negative.

Of youth crime and the description of the storyline as unnatural to the public recognizes this is not good.

I guess the awareness o ㅅ ㅍ itdoe, Chelsea does not seem to be popular.

Actor Joo clear film itself may cover enough of the acting, I think.

CRT, but the audience is not looking to go public's negative perception in the market to screen airline Would not it risky?

Dr. Good's "Night of Zion as" the big-loved icon of healing at this point is not a good image in good lucky Why Hiji,

I think that will bother going to the hard way of lifting do not know what to tell you.

Baking King Dreams, ohjakgyo brothers, gaksital and subsequent success to the good doctor, and demonstrate solid acting

Arts as one to two days and the awareness and uptake of ground to cover, but still is far meolgodo.

(Good example is the current ongoing poll organized by CJ out of rankings from the 2013 Style Icon Awards that are shocking.)

Now begins the real work of actor Joo carefully select iljindae I hope you have.


Anyone have a better translation?
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Hmmm I just started rd the webtoon and even though I dnt knw what they saying but stll can guess what s gg on

I find it vvv funny and the guy s rly dude and dorky

I Think it will biggest chAllenge for cutie as I can't imagine so dude And dorky rly de

It s rly out my Imaginery for him to act like that

As the character s ugly and do a lot of funny things

and I think his fans dnt like s bcos in this drama at first he ll be vvv ugly and thus will ruin his image and i thk tt s why jks reject

As Korea care more outlook

At least pso s still good looking and story line s Gd

But this web toon character s rly different from most of his drama being Gd looking guy

Maybe he want to see if he look dorky and ugly how he ll look like

I am now rly impress by his courage for taking up this character if he does

It rly show that he not care abt his image

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mydeed said:




Mei said:

There's some plot in the webtoon that they don't like


and also it's too fast for him (Joo Won) if he already accepted this role so they hope Joo Won not take this role..bcoz if he accepted this, it means there is no rest for Joo Won..


... Is this the reaction the DC girls have? Wonder what they are saying. 


fr Joo Won DC

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ellasam81 said: Hmmm I just started rd the webtoon and even though I dnt knw what they saying but stll can guess what s gg on

I find it vvv funny and the guy s rly dude and dorky
I Think it will biggest chAllenge for cutie as I can't imagine so dude And dorky rly de

It s rly out my Imaginery for him to act like that
As the character s ugly and do a lot of funny things
and I think his fans dnt like s bcos in this drama at first he ll be vvv ugly and thus will ruin his image and i thk tt s why jks reject

As Korea care more outlook

At least pso s still good looking and story line s Gd

But this web toon character s rly different from most of his drama being Gd looking guy

Maybe he want to see if he look dorky and ugly how he ll look like

I am now rly impress by his courage for taking up this character if he does

It rly show that he not care abt his image

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@coolreborn herez another translation by Microsoft

The good doc was going to try the jweon di reporting first were quietly Kannon and den. .. If you write too riveting in writing and having an awful large treat ㅠ ㅠ so ........ㅠ.... Now this is going to require or even once affectionately!  Learn State House of representatives called on the current discussion movie. TCU ㅅ ㅇ ㅇ ㅅ ㅇ ㅇ is a Web Toon is known as p I've heard that this was the original's adaptation of the original story as a bunch. also I've heard that. but once TCU ㅅ ㅇ ㅇ titled the reaction of various portal sites with absolutely negative. depicts for the criminal offence of youth and the unnatural story unfold as already the public perception is not good. I think to TCU, but the awareness, ㅅ ㅇ ㅇ popular Web Toon. clear film covers enough of the actor State itself could do with concealment. but must find an audience rather than a CRT screen on the market, as the public's negative perceptions of departure is a risky choice? good doctors ' Park, Zion ' as big as beloved icons of the healing at this point is not a good image for cake Thank goodness, why not, we will assume that's the way it will be. King of baking Kim Pong, five small bridges, brothers, until the good doctor at each ride and subsequent success as a solid two-day/one-night proving to concealment, such as increasing the awareness of the performing arts in New York to go to length but still distant and far away.(Case in point, for example, is currently a vote in progress sponsored by CJ – style icon Awards is the fact that a high ranking from the other shocking.)Now comes the real work for the beginning actor Joo-won-Jin you selected carefully.

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@coolreborn not eng version la I m reading Korea version la

I said I can't understand what they talking but can guess is gg on

But I see the main character I want to laugh as rly vvv dorky

I m hoping cutie ll tk up this

Role as it s rly funny Just see the webtoon

Can't imagine cutie Dude and dorky images


And it s hard to mk a handsome man become ugly

N I dnt think any other actors have the courAge to take up this role Ba

As who want to be ugly And weird and sm mr on tv screen showing others

I think he want to show ppl he also dnt really care about his look

But it s rly up to him if he tk up I ll be happy but if not I will be happy too as he got time rest

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